Updated on 2024/08/10


LI Kou
Faculty of Science and Engineering Research Associate
Contact information
The inquiry by e-mail is 《here
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  • Ph.D. in Engoneering ( Tokyo Institute of Technology )

  • 修士(工学) ( 東京工業大学 )


  • 2023.3

    Tokyo Institute of Technology   The School of Engineering   The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering   doctor course   completed

  • 2020.3

    Tokyo Institute of Technology   The School of Engineering   The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering   master course   completed

  • 2018.3

    Tokyo Institute of Technology   graduated

Research History

  • 2023.4 - Now

    Chuo University   Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Communication Engineering   Assistant Professor

Professional Memberships

  • 日本非破壊検査協会

  • 炭素材料学会

  • Thermoelectrics Society of Japan

  • The Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Graphene Research Society

  • The Japan Society of Applied Physics

Research Interests

  • Flexible & stretchable electronics

  • Carbon nanotubes

  • Photo-thermoelectric effect

  • Non-destructive inspection

  • Broadband photo-imaging

Research Areas

  • Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Electron device and electronic equipment

  • Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Electric and electronic materials

  • Nanotechnology/Materials / Applied physical properties

  • Natural Science / Semiconductors, optical properties of condensed matter and atomic physics


  • Ready-to-transfer two-dimensional materials using tunable adhesive force tapes Reviewed

    Maki Nakatani, Satoru Fukamachi, Pablo Solís-Fernández, Satoshi Honda, Kenji Kawahara, Yuta Tsuji, Yosuke Sumiya, Mai Kuroki, Kou Li, Qiunan Liu, Yung-Chang Lin, Aika Uchida, Shun Oyama, Hyun Goo Ji, Kenichi Okada, Kazu Suenaga, Yukio Kawano, Kazunari Yoshizawa, Atsushi Yasui, Hiroki Ago

    Nature Electronics   2024.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  


    Graphene and other two-dimensional (2D) materials can be used to create electronic and optoelectronic devices. However, their development has been limited by the lack of effective large-area transfer processes. Here we report a transfer method that uses functional tapes with adhesive forces controlled by ultraviolet light. The adhesion of the tape is optimized for the transfer of monolayer graphene, providing a yield of over 99%. Once detached from the growth substrate, the graphene/tape stack enables easy transfer of graphene to the desired target substrate. The method can be used to transfer other 2D materials, including bilayer graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides, hexagonal boron nitride and stacked heterostructures. The solvent-free nature of the final release step facilitates transfer to various target substrates including flexible polymers, paper and three-dimensional surfaces. The tape/2D material stacks can also be cut into desired sizes and shapes, allowing site-selective device fabrication with reduced loss of 2D materials.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41928-024-01121-3


    Other Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41928-024-01121-3

  • Ultraflexible Wireless Imager Integrated with Organic Circuits for Broadband Infrared Thermal Analysis Reviewed

    Rei Kawabata, Kou Li, Teppei Araki, Mihoko Akiyama, Kaho Sugimachi, Nozomi Matsuoka, Norika Takahashi, Daiki Sakai, Yuto Matsuzaki, Ryo Koshimizu, Minami Yamamoto, Leo Takai, Ryoga Odawara, Takaaki Abe, Shintaro Izumi, Naoko Kurihira, Takafumi Uemura, Yukio Kawano, Tsuyoshi Sekitani

    Advanced Materials   2309864   2024.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Wiley  


    Flexible imagers are currently under intensive development as versatile optical sensor arrays, designed to capture images of surfaces and internals, irrespective of their shape. A significant challenge in developing flexible imagers is extending their detection capabilities to encompass a broad spectrum of infrared light, particularly terahertz (THz) light at room temperature. This advancement is crucial for thermal and biochemical applications. In this study, a flexible infrared imager is designed using uncooled carbon nanotube (CNT) sensors and organic circuits. The CNT sensors, fabricated on ultrathin 2.4 µm substrates, demonstrate enhanced sensitivity across a wide infrared range, spanning from near‐infrared to THz wavelengths. Moreover, they retain their characteristics under bending and crumpling. The design incorporates light‐shielded organic transistors and circuits, functioning reliably under light irradiation, and amplifies THz detection signals by a factor of 10. The integration of both CNT sensors and shielded organic transistors into an 8 × 8 active‐sensor matrix within the imager enables sequential infrared imaging and nondestructive assessment for heat sources and in‐liquid chemicals through wireless communication systems. The proposed imager, offering unique functionality, shows promise for applications in biochemical analysis and soft robotics.

    DOI: 10.1002/adma.202309864


  • Simple Non-Destructive and 3D Multi-Layer Visual Hull Reconstruction with an Ultrabroadband Carbon Nanotubes Photo-Imager Reviewed

    Kou Li, Yuya Kinoshita, Daiki Shikichi, Miki Kubota, Norika Takahashi, Qi Zhang, Ryo Koshimizu, Reiji Tadenuma, Minami Yamamoto, Leo Takai, Zhenyu Zhou, Imari Sato, Yukio Kawano

    Advanced Optical Materials   2302847   2023.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Wiley  


    While millimeter‐wave (MMW)–infrared (IR) broad photo‐imaging exhibits significant potential as an inspection technique, photo‐thermoelectric (PTE) detector operations employing carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are highly suitable because of their efficient absorption characteristics in the above bands. Such an imaging device design and the associated material coordination allow the aggregation of multiple wavelength‐specific optical information for the constituent identification of target objects in a non‐destructive manner with high sensitivity. On the other side, computer vision techniques facilitate 3D structure reconstruction as approaches from inspection methodologies, in addition to the aforementioned imaging device design. Although non‐destructive inspections require collectively satisfying both constituent identification and structural reconstruction, investigations combining MMW–IR broad photo imaging and computer vision monitoring are still insufficient. This work demonstrates computer vision‐driven simple 3D composite multi‐layer reconstructions via non‐destructive broadband multiple‐wavelength monitoring with the CNT film PTE imager. Visual hull evaluation, which is one of the representative computer vision techniques, converts 2D transmissive PTE images with different viewpoints into 3D reconstruction models. The subsequential graphical superposition of these wavelength‐specific models results in non‐destructive entire reconstructions of 3D composite multi‐layer target objects. Therefore, the present computer vision‐driven PTE broadband 3D reconstruction bridges the gap between methodologies and device design strategies toward non‐destructive inspection applications.

    DOI: 10.1002/adom.202302847


  • All-Screen-Coatable Photo-Thermoelectric Imagers for Physical and Thermal Durability Enhancement Reviewed

    Kou Li, Yuto Matsuzaki, Sota Takahara, Daiki Sakai, Yuto Aoshima, Norika Takahashi, Minami Yamamoto, Yukio Kawano

    Advanced Materials Interfaces   10 ( 35 )   2300528   2023.9

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1002/admi.202300528


  • Broadband Photodetectors and Imagers in Stretchable Electronics Packaging Invited Reviewed

    Teppei Araki, Kou Li, Daichi Suzuki, Takaaki Abe, Rei Kawabata, Takafumi Uemura, Shintaro Izumi, Shuichi Tsuruta, Nao Terasaki, Yukio Kawano, Tsuyoshi Sekitani

    Advanced Materials   2304048   2023.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Wiley  


    The integration of flexible electronics with optics can help realize a powerful tool that facilitates the creation of a smart society wherein internal evaluations can be easily performed nondestructively from the surface of various objects that is used or encountered in daily lives. Here, organic‐material‐based stretchable optical sensors and imagers that possess both bending capability and rubber‐like elasticity are reviewed. The latest trends in nondestructive evaluation equipment that enable simple on‐site evaluations of health conditions and abnormalities are discussed without subjecting the targeted living bodies and various objects to mechanical stress. Real‐time performance under real‐life conditions is becoming increasingly important for creating smart societies interwoven with optical technologies. In particular, the terahertz (THz)‐wave region offers a substance‐ and state‐specific fingerprint spectrum that enables instantaneous analyses. However, to make THz sensors accessible, the following issues must be addressed: broadband and high‐sensitivity at room temperature, stretchability to follow the surface movements of targets, and digital transformation compatibility. The materials, electronics packaging, and remote imaging systems used to overcome these issues are discussed in detail. Ultimately, stretchable optical sensors and imagers with highly sensitive and broadband THz sensors can facilitate the multifaceted on‐site evaluation of solids, liquids, and gases.

    DOI: 10.1002/adma.202304048


  • Recent Progress in Development of Carbon-Nanotube-Based Photo-Thermoelectric Sensors and Their Applications in Ubiquitous Non-Destructive Inspections Invited Reviewed

    Kou Li, Yuya Kinoshita, Daiki Sakai, Yukio Kawano

    Micromachines   14 ( 1 )   61   2022.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MDPI AG  

    The photo-thermoelectric (PTE) effect in electronic materials effectively combines photo-absorption-induced local heating and associated thermoelectric conversion for uncooled and broadband photo-detection. In particular, this work comprehensively summarizes the operating mechanism of carbon nanotube (CNT)-film-based PTE sensors and ubiquitous non-destructive inspections realized by exploiting the material properties of CNT films. Formation of heterogeneous material junctions across the CNT-film-based PTE sensors, namely photo-detection interfaces, triggers the Seebeck effect with photo-absorption-induced local heating. Typical photo-detection interfaces include a channel–electrode boundary and a junction between P-type CNTs and N-type CNTs (PN junctions). While the original CNT film channel exhibits positive Seebeck coefficient values, the material selections of the counterpart freely govern the intensity and polarity of the PTE response signals. Based on these operating mechanisms, CNT film PTE sensors demonstrate a variety of physical and chemical non-destructive inspections. The device aggregates broad multi-spectral optical information regarding the targets and reconstructs their inner composite or layered structures. Arbitrary deformations of the device are attributed to the macroscopic flexibility of the CNT films to further monitor targets from omni-directional viewing angles without blind spots. Detection of blackbody radiation from targets using the device also visualizes their behaviors and associated changes.

    DOI: 10.3390/mi14010061


  • Stretchable broadband photo-sensor sheets for nonsampling, source-free, and label-free chemical monitoring by simple deformable wrapping Reviewed

    Kou Li, Teppei Araki, Ryogo Utaki, Yu Tokumoto, Meiling Sun, Satsuki Yasui, Naoko Kurihira, Yuko Kasai, Daichi Suzuki, Ruben Marteijn, Jaap M.J. den Toonder, Tsuyoshi Sekitani, Yukio Kawano

    Science Advances   8 ( 19 )   eabm4349   2022.5

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Chemical monitoring communicates diverse environmental information from industrial and biological processes. However, promising and sustainable systems and associated inspection devices that dynamically enable on-site quality monitoring of target chemicals confined inside transformable and opaque channels are yet to be investigated. This paper designs stretchable photo-sensor patch sheets for nonsampling, source-free, and label-free on-site dynamic chemical monitoring of liquids flowing inside soft tubes via simple deformable surface wrapping. The device integrates carbon nanotube–based broadband photo-absorbent thin films with multilayer-laminated stretchable electrodes and substrates. The patterned rigid-soft structure of the proposed device provides durability and optical stability against mechanical deformations with a stretchability range of 70 to 280%, enabling shape-conformable attachments to transformable objects. The effective use of omnidirectional and transparent blackbody radiation from free-form targets themselves allows compact measurement configuration and enhances the functionality and simplicity of this scheme, while the presenting technology monitors concentrations of arbitrary water-soluble chemicals.

    DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abm4349




  • 光熱起電力型フレキシブル広帯域撮像スキャナ Invited


    日本熱電学会誌   18 ( 2 )   92 - 93   2022.1

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Robot-assisted, source-camera-coupled multi-view broadband imagers for ubiquitous sensing platform Reviewed

    Kou Li, Ryoichi Yuasa, Ryogo Utaki, Meiling Sun, Yu Tokumoto, Daichi Suzuki, Yukio Kawano

    Nature Communications   12   3009   2021.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23089-w


  • A Terahertz Video Camera Patch Sheet with an Adjustable Design based on Self-Aligned, 2D, Suspended Sensor Array Patterning Reviewed

    Daichi Suzuki, Kou Li, Koji Ishibashi, Yukio Kawano

    Advanced Functional Materials   31 ( 14 )   2008931   2021.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Wiley  

    DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202008931


  • Series Photothermoelectric Coupling Between Two Composite Materials for a Freely Attachable Broadband Imaging Sheet Reviewed

    Kou Li, Daichi Suzuki, Yukio Kawano

    Advanced Photonics Research   2 ( 3 )   2000095   2021.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Wiley  

    DOI: 10.1002/adpr.202000095


  • Computer Vision-Driven Non-Destructive Multi-Layered 3D Reconstruction with Broadband Terahertz and Millimeter-Wave Imagers Reviewed

    Yuya Kinoshita, Kou Li, Zhenyu Zhou, Imari Sato, Yukio Kawano

    2022 IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference   327 - 329   2022.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.23919/APMC55665.2022.9999985


  • All-printable flexible photo-thermoelectric broadband terahertz and millimeter-waves imagers with carbon nanotubes Reviewed

    2022 IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference   955 - 957   2022.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.23919/APMC55665.2022.10000011


  • しなやかな環境親和性を持つ非破壊撮像プラットフォーム~世紀の発見から30年:カーボンナノチューブが織り成す匠の眼~


    第35回独創性を拓く 先端技術大賞 文部科学大臣賞受賞論文   2022.7

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  


  • Stretchable Printed Circuit Board for Wireless Light-Sensing System Reviewed

    Teppei Araki, Kou Li, Naoko Kurihira, Yuko Kasai, Daichi Suzuki, Satsuki Yasui, Yukio Kawano, Tsuyoshi Sekitani

    2022 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP)   77 - 78   2022.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Flexible hybrid electronics (FHE) has the potential to realize flexible and light large-area electronics by integrating the benefits of traditional semiconductor processing. In addition, printable electronics is expected to lead to resource and energy savings. In this study, we have developed stretchable printed circuit boards, with excellent ductility, on which light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and light sensors were mounted to fabricate sheet-type arrays. The technology developed herein for light-sensing systems based on light sources and detectors is expected to be used as a nondestructive method to inspect objects with arbitrary surfaces.

    DOI: 10.23919/icep55381.2022.9795470



  • Internal structure visualization by terahertz computed tomography with carbon nanotube photo-scanner toward multi-frequency image reconstruction Reviewed

    Tomoya Furukawa, Takeru Suyama, Kou Li, Imari Sato, Yukio Kawano

    2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference   341 - 343   2021.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/apmc52720.2021.9661938


  • Computer tomography defect diagnosis with carbon nanotube terahertz photo-scanner toward multi-view and multi-frequency image reconstruction Reviewed

    Tomoya Furukawa, Takeru Suyama, Kou Li, Imari Sato, Yukio Kawano

    2021 46th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves   1 - 2   2021.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/irmmw-thz50926.2021.9567061


  • Nondestructive terahertz shape restoration of 3D objects with photo-source-coupled ultrabroadband carbon nanotubes scanners Reviewed

    Shota Wada, Kou Li, Ryogo Utaki, Meiling Sun, Yukio Kawano

    2020 45th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves   1 - 2   2020.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/irmmw-thz46771.2020.9370677


  • A highly-sensitive and highly-integrated flexible broadband imager with 3D printed -shaped photo-thermoelectric pixel structures Reviewed

    Kou Li, Ryogo Utaki, Meiling Sun, Y Kawano

    2020 45th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves   1 - 2   2020.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/irmmw-thz46771.2020.9370813


  • Three-dimensional shape reconstruction in millimeter-terahertz wave regions with carbon nanotube film array scanners Reviewed

    Shota Wada, Kou Li, Meiling Sun, Ryogo Utaki, Yukio Kawano

    2020 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics   264 - 266   2020.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.23919/mwp48676.2020.9314493


  • Multi-wavelength-coupled in-line pharmaceutical monitoring inspections with photo-thermoelectric device design of broadband image sensor array sheets Reviewed

    Meiling Sun, Kou Li, Ryogo Utaki, Yukio Kawano

    2020 45th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves   1 - 2   2020.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/irmmw-thz46771.2020.9370999


  • A stretchable wideband photo-thermoelectric wrap scanner sheet for wearable and noninvasive liquid quality monitoring Reviewed

    Ryogo Utaki, Kou Li, Yukio Kawano

    2020 45th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves   1 - 2   2020.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/irmmw-thz46771.2020.9370541


  • Multi-view Terahertz Imagers with Flexible Carbon Nanotube Film Arrays Reviewed

    Kou Li, Ryoichi Yuasa, Ryogo Utaki, Meiling Sun, Yu Tokumoto, Daichi Suzuki, Yukio Kawano

    2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves   1 - 2   2019.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/irmmw-thz.2019.8874273


  • Carbon Nanotube Film Terahertz Detectors with Multiple PN Junctions Reviewed

    Ryogo Utaki, Kou Li, Meiling Sun, Yu Tokumoto, Yukio Kawano

    2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves   1 - 2   2019.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/irmmw-thz.2019.8874019


  • Stretchable Terahertz Imagers for Wearable Bio-monitoring Applications Reviewed

    Yu Tokumoto, Kou Li, Teppei Araki, Yuko Harada, Tsuyoshi Sekitani, Yukio Kawano

    2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves   1 - 2   2019.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/irmmw-thz.2019.8874350


  • Remote Selective Liquid Inspection with Carbon Nanotube Terahertz Imagers Reviewed

    Meiling Sun, Kou Li, Yu Tokumoto, Ryogo Utaki, Yukio Kawano

    2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves   1 - 2   2019.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/irmmw-thz.2019.8874135


  • Sensitivity Enhancement of Photothermoelectric Terahertz Detectors with Series Combination between Carbon Nanotubes and Metals Reviewed

    Kou Li, Daichi Suzuki, Yuki Ochiai, Yukio Kawano

    2018 43rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves   1 - 2   2018.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/irmmw-thz.2018.8510320


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  • カーボンナノチューブ膜を用いたフレキシブル非破壊検査シートの開発と応用(テラヘルツ波の 発生・検出・制御技術と最新応用 ~イメージング,超高速通信,非破壊検査,バイオ,セキュリティ~)

    敷地大樹, 松﨑勇斗, 河野行雄, 李恒( Role: Joint author第5章,第7節)

    技術情報協会  2024.7 

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  • カーボンナノチューブ型ミリ波・テラヘルツ波・赤外撮像素子と検査応用(異物の分析技術と試料の前処理・結果の解釈)

    松﨑勇斗, 敷地大樹, 河野行雄, 李恒( Role: Contributor1章,19節)

    技術情報協会  2024.5 

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  • 貼り付けるだけで水溶液濃度を計測できる光センサシートの開発(月刊配管技術)

    李恒, 河野行雄( Role: Contributor65巻 2号)

    日本工業出版  2023.2 

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  • インフラ内部の欠陥を全方位視野で可視化するユビキタスな電磁波撮像プラットフォームの開発と異常検知(機械学習・ディープラーニングによる“異常検知”技術と活用事例集)

    木下祐哉, 酒井大揮, 李恒, 河野行雄( Role: Contributor5章 2節)

    技術情報協会  2022.12 

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  • カーボンナノ材料のテラヘルツ検出・撮像デバイスへの応用(月刊MATERIAL STAGE)

    酒井大揮, 木下祐哉, 李恒, 河野行雄( Role: Contributor21巻 12号 特集2「テラヘルツ波」を吸収,透過,反射するマテリアルのニーズと開発例)

    技術情報協会  2022.11 

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  • Nanocarbon terahertz devices(New Technologies and Applications of Two-Dimensional Materials Expanding from Graphene)

    Kou Li, Toshio Sugaya, Yukio Kawano( Role: ContributorChapter 2, Section 5)

    NTS  2020.3 

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  • Photo-thermoelectric-type flexible terahertz scanner(Next Generation Thermoelectric Materials and Modules: the Dawn of Thermoelectric Conversion Technology)

    Kou Li, Yukio Kawano( Role: ContributorChapter 3, Section 6)

    CMC Publishing  2020.3 

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  • (Invited)A mechanically stretchable and optically broadband imager sheet Invited

    Kou Li, Teppei Araki, Tsuyoshi Sekitani, Yukio Kawano

    8th International Workshop on Nanocarbon Photonics and Electronics  2022.8 

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    Event date: 2022.8    

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • (Invited)Multifunctional and omnidirectional photo-thermal monitoring robots for ubiquitous safety-net platform Invited

    Kou Li, Yukio Kawano

    14th Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering  2019.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • (Keynote)Remote Selective Liquid Inspection with Carbon Nanotube Terahertz Imagers

    Meiling Sun, Kou Li, Yu Tokumoto, Ryogo Utaki, Yukio Kawano

    The 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves  2019.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)  


  • (Keynote)Carbon Nanotube Film Terahertz Detectors with Multiple PN Junctions

    Ryogo Utaki, Kou Li, Meiling Sun, Yu Tokumoto, Yukio Kawano

    The 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves  2019.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)  


  • (Keynote)Multi-view Terahertz Imagers with Flexible Carbon Nanotube Film Arrays

    Kou Li, Ryoichi Yuasa, Ryogo Utaki, Meiling Sun, Yu Tokumoto, Daichi Suzuki, Yukio Kawano

    The 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves  2019.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)  



  • 令和5年度 手島精一記念研究賞(博士論文賞)


    李 恒

  • 令和5年度 コニカミノルタ画像科学奨励賞(優秀賞)

    2024.1   公益財団法人 コニカミノルタ画像技術振興財団   ミリ波–赤外光帯のオンサイト非破壊検査の実現に向けたカーボンナノチューブ積層型撮像パッチシートの創出


  • 第20回 飯島奨励賞

    2023.10   フラーレン・ナノチューブ・グラフェン学会  


  • The 35th Advanced Technology Award(MEXT Award)

    2022.6   Sankei Shimbun  

    Kou Li

  • Young Scientist Poster Award(The 61st FNTG)

    2022.3   Chemically-enriched and integrated carbon nanotube photo-thermoelectric scanners for non-sampling, source and label-free chemical monitoring

    Kou Li, Yukio Kawano

  • Student Best Poster Award(The 11th ICFPE)

    2021.10   The International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics   All-printable and flexibly-designable broadband 360° photo-thermal imager

    Kou Li, Yukio Kawano

  • Poster Award(The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021)

    2021.10   The Japan Society of Applied Physics   Sensitivity tuning of semiconducting carbon nanotube photo-imagers

    Kou Li, Norika Takahashi, Yukio Kawano

  • Best Poster Award(The 18th Annual Meeting of the Thermoelectrics Society of Japan)

    2021.8   Thermoelectric Society of Japan   Flexible broadband camera with series photo-thermoelectric coupling

    Kou Li, Yukio Kawano

  • Student Award(The 17th Thin Film Materials & Devices Meeting)

    2020.11   Thin Film Materials & Devices Meeteing   A highly sensitive and flexible photo-thermoelectric image sensor with 3D printed series π structures between single-walled carbon nanotube thin-film channels and Bi2Te3 composites

    Kou Li, Yukio Kawano

  • Rakusuikai Prize 2020

    2020.3   Tokyo Institute of Technology  

  • Master’s Program Representative 2020

    2020.3   Tokyo Institute of Technology  

  • Outstanding Master Student Award 2020

    2020.3   Tokyo Institute of Technology  

  • Student Travel Award(The 35th NIR Forum)

    2019.11   Japan Council for Near Infrared Spectroscopy   A portable 360o around-view photo-thermal camera for ubiquitous near infrared imaging inspection robots

    Kou Li, Ryoichi Yuasa, Ryogo Utaki, Meiling Sun, Yu Tokumoto, Daichi Suzuki, Yukio Kawano

  • Student Presentation Award(Symposium on Frontier of Terahertz Science VI)

    2019.11   The Japan Society of Applied Physics  

    Kou Li, Ryoichi Yuasa, Ryogo Utaki, Meiling Sun, Yu Tokumoto, Yukio Kawano

  • Outstanding Presentation Award(11th MISW)

    2019.8   MISW Committee   Multifunctional around-view monitoring robots for ubiquitous social safety-net system

    Kou Li, Ryoichi Yuasa, Ryogo Utaki, Meiling Sun, Yu Tokumoto, Yukio Kawano

  • The Best Young Scientist Poster Presentation Award(NPO 2018)

    2018.8   University of Eastern Finland   Carbon Nanotube Film Flexible Terahertz Detectors on Polymer Films with Series Electrodes for Sensitivity Enhancement

    Kou Li, Daichi Suzuki, Yuki Ochiai, Yukio Kawano

  • Outstanding Presentation Award(Annual Meeting of EISESiV 2021)

    2022.2   Research Center for the Earth Inclusive Sensing Empathizing with Silent Voices  

  • Outstanding Presentation Award(Annual Meeting of EISESiV 2020)

    2021.2   Research Center for the Earth Inclusive Sensing Empathizing with Silent Voices  

  • Full Refund Waiver of Graduation Loan Scholarship

    2020.6   Japan Student Services Organization  

  • Outstanding Presentation Award(Annual Meeting of EISESiV 2018)

    2019.2   Research Center for the Earth Inclusive Sensing Empathizing with Silent Voices  

  • The Best Poster Presentation Award(The 1st SSS Workshop)

    2018.11   Super Smart Society Promotion Consortium  

  • Outstanding Midterm Graduation Thesis Presentation Award 2017

    2017.10   Tokyo Institute of Technology  

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Research Projects

  • 材質同定・構造復元型の即時検査に向けた高精度印刷によるミリ波–赤外カメラ膜の創製

    2024.4 - 2026.3

    独立行政法人 日本学術振興会  若手研究  中央大学

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 6G・7G通信の非破壊検査応用とナノカーボン撮像素子の超解像高集積な回折限界打破

    2024.4 - 2026.3

    公益財団法人 電気通信普及財団  2023年度 研究調査助成  中央大学

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 検査員視覚と調和する透明光熱電撮像ゴーグルの創製

    2023.10 - 2026.3

    国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構  戦略的創造研究推進事業  ACT-X リアル空間を強靭にするハードウェアの未来  中央大学

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 広帯域・多波長なミリ波–赤外光学計測の動的な二系統への拡張による豆類製品の即時非破壊検査

    2024.5 - 2025.4

    公益財団法人 タカノ農芸化学研究助成財団  2024年度 研究助成(若手部門)  中央大学

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 屋内給湯(ガス・温水供給)環境の複合的非破壊検査に向けたパッチ撮像システムの創出

    2024.4 - 2025.3

    一般財団法人 パロマ環境技術開発財団  2024年度 研究助成  中央大学

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 汚染環境のオンサイト検査センサの創出に向けたカーボン・樹脂型洗濯パッケージの開拓

    2024.4 - 2025.3

    公益財団法人 フジシール財団  2024年度 パッケージ若手研究助成  中央大学

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 光熱起電力効果型ストレッチャブルカメラシートによる液体配管廃熱のリサイクル撮像利用と選択性を持つオンサイト液質検査パッチシステムへの展開

    2024.4 - 2025.3

    公益財団法人 岩谷直治記念財団  第50回 岩谷科学技術研究助成  中央大学

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 金属探知・非金属材料同定型の全視野二次元カメラシートによる工業製品の非破壊精密検査

    2024.1 - 2025.3

    公益財団法人 精密測定技術振興財団  2023年度 調査・研究事業に対する助成  中央大学

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 広帯域・全方位深部撮像が可能な自己放射・自走式のカーボンナノチューブ膜型ミリ波–赤外光内視鏡の創出

    2024.1 - 2025.3

    公益財団法人 スズキ財団  2023年度 科学技術研究助成(若手)  中央大学

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 超高感度なハイブリッド構造・光熱起電力効果型イメージセンサの全印刷作製

    2023.12 - 2025.3

    一般財団法人 熱・電気エネルギー技術財団  第31回研究助成  中央大学

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 室温での超広帯域・高感度な長波長光センシングの実現に向けた一次元ナノ構造体による新しい熱型検出機構の解明

    2023.12 - 2025.3

    公益財団法人 松尾学術振興財団  第36回松尾学術研究助成  中央大学

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 医薬品製造過程での即時不良品検知に向けた広帯域多波長インライン撮像システムの創製

    2023.10 - 2025.3

    公益財団法人 住友電工グループ社会貢献基金  2023年度学術・研究助成  中央大学

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 光熱電検査素子の遠隔駆動に向けた体系的組成設計による応答・雑音トレードオフの打破

    2023.8 - 2025.3

    独立行政法人 日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  研究活動スタート支援  中央大学

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 質感を伴う検査に向けた光熱起電力効果によるサイバー・フィジカル一体な匠の眼の創製

    2024.1 - 2024.12

    一般財団法人 鷹野学術振興財団  2023年度研究助成  中央大学

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 光熱起電力効果型の非破壊検査及び計測技術の設計原理解明に向けたカーボンナノチューブの電気特性制御

    2023.10 - 2024.9

    公益財団法人 村田学術振興財団  第39回研究助成  中央大学

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • A highly sensitive and flexible photo-thermoelectric image sensor with 3D printed π structures between SWCNTs and Bi composites

    2020 -  

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • A highly-sensitive and highly-integrated flexible broadband imager with 3D printed π-shaped photo-thermoelectric pixel structures

    2020 -  

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • Multi-view Terahertz Imagers with Flexible Carbon Nanotube Film Arrays

    2019 -  

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • Ubiquitous around view photo-thermal monitoring system with flexible carbon nanotube

    2019 -  

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


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Social Activities

  • 招待研究展示

    Role(s): Demonstrator

    nanotech実行委員会  nanotech 2023  2023.2 -  

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    Type:Science festival


  • Invited research exhibition

    Role(s): Demonstrator

    nanotech executive committee  nanotech 2022  2022.1 -  

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    Type:Science festival


  • Lab Visit for Toin Gakuen High School

    Role(s): Organizing member, Demonstrator

    Tokyo Institute of Technology  2019.12 -  

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    Type:University open house


  • Research exhibition

    Role(s): Demonstrator

    Japan Science and Technology Agency  JST Fair 2018  2018.8 -  

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    Type:Science festival


  • Research exhibition

    Role(s): Demonstrator

    Japan Science and Technology Agency  Innovation Japan 2017  2017.9 -  

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    Type:Science festival


Media Coverage

  • 前人未到のテラヘルツ波 Internet

    学術変革領域研究(A)「2.5次元物質科学:社会変革に向けた物質科学のパラダイムシフト」  漫画教材  第3話  2023.5

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  • 理系の歩き方 TV or radio program

    産経新聞社  公式YouTubeチャンネルSankeiNews  2022.11

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  • 李恒さんが第35回独創性を拓く先端技術大賞の「文部科学大臣賞」を受賞 Internet

    東京工業大学  東工大ニュース  2022.10

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  • 「初心忘れず研鑽」 先端技術大賞受賞者ら喜び語る Newspaper, magazine

    産経新聞社  産経新聞  2022.7

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  • 研究紹介㊦ インフラ検査に革命 どんな形もカーボンナノチューブで 「文部科学大臣賞」受賞 Newspaper, magazine

    産経新聞  2022.7

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  • 先端技術大賞 東工大工学院の李さんら表彰 Newspaper, magazine

    産経新聞社  産経新聞  2022.7

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  • 文部科学大臣賞に東工大・李恒さん 「第35回独創性を拓く 先端技術大賞」受賞者発表 Newspaper, magazine

    産経新聞社  プレスリリース  2022.6

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  • 先端技術大賞受賞者決まる 文部科学大臣賞に東工大・李さん Newspaper, magazine

    産経新聞社  産経新聞  2022.6

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  • 柔らかく伸びる光センサシートを開発 Internet

    中央大学  研究支援室  +C特集  2022.5

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  • A flexible, in-pipe sensor sheet for the continuous monitoring of liquid quality Internet

    Chuo University・Tokyo Institute of Technology・Osaka University  Press release  2022.5

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  • New Nondestructive Broadband Imager Is the Next Step Towards Advanced Technology Internet

    Tokyo Institute of Technology・Chuo Unievrsity  Press release  2021.6

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  • A Flexible Approach to Terahertz Imaging Newspaper, magazine

    OPTICA  Optics and Photonics News  2021.2

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  • Novel Flexible Terahertz Camera Can Inspect Objects with Diverse Shapes Internet

    Tokyo Institute of Technology・RIKEN  Press release  2021.2

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  • シート状電磁波カメラ TV or radio program

    TV Tokyo  World Business Satellite  2021.1

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  • テラヘルツ波 TV or radio program

    TV Tokyo  News Morning Satellite  2018.10

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  • 指先につけるだけで非破壊検査が出来るデバイス TV or radio program

    TBS  Mirai no Kigen  2018.8

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  • 柔らかい光センシングによる簡便な液質計測手法の創出に関する研究 Promotional material

    Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology  FIRST NEWS No.12  2022.6

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  • 管内の液質 非破壊計測 Newspaper, magazine

    The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun  Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun  2022.5

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  • 中央大・東工大・阪大、新しい機能を示す光センサシートを開発 Newspaper, magazine

    Nikkei  Nihon Keizai Shimbun  2022.5

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  • ユビキタス電磁波センサネットワークに資するデバイス・システムに関する研究 Promotional material

    Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology  FIRST NEWS No.11  2021.12

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  • 物体を透過する電磁波,シート型カメラで壊さず検査 Newspaper, magazine

    Nikkei  Nihon Keizai Shimbun  2021.2

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  • 薄膜集積テラヘルツ帯撮像シート開発及び非破壊検査応用プロトタイプ設計の研究 Promotional material

    Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology  FIRST NEWS No.8  2020.6

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  • カーボンナノチューブフィルムによるフレキシブル非破壊撮像カメラに関する研究 Promotional material

    Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology  FIRST NEWS No.7  2019.12

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