Faculty of Science and Engineering
Perceptual information processing, Human interface and interaction, Cognitive science, Kansei informatics, Intelligent informatics
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Nanotechnology/Materials / Optical engineering and photon science, Natural Science / Semiconductors, optical properties of condensed matter and atomic physics
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Micro/nanomaterials chemistry, Biomolecular Chemistry, Polymer chemistry, Bioinorganic chemistry, Bio-related Chemistry
Faculty of Science and Engineering
スポーツ科学, 救急医学
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Informatics / Perceptual information processing
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Computational science
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Frontier Technology (Aerospace Engineering, Marine and Maritime Engineering) / Aerospace engineering, Informatics / Mechanics and mechatronics, Informatics / Human interface and interaction, Informatics / Intelligent robotics, Informatics / Robotics and intelligent system
Faculty of Science and Engineering
L2 (English) writing, English for Medical Purposes, First-year education, Life Science / Psychiatry
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Statistical science, Foundations of mathematics/Applied mathematics, Foundations of mathematics/Applied mathematics