Updated on 2024/09/20


Faculty of Economics Associate Professor
Contact information
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  • 博士(農学) ( 京都大学 )

  • MSc in Conservation Biology ( University of Kent )


  • 2019.3

    Kyoto University   doctor course   completed

  • 2009.9

    University of Kent   Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology   master course   completed

  • 2006.3

    Sophia University   graduated

Research History

  • 2024.4 - Now

    Chuo University   Associate Professor

  • 2021.4 - 2024.3

    Rikkyo University   College of Economics   Assistant Professor

  • 2016.10 - 2021.3

    The University of Tokyo

  • 2010.1 - 2016.9

    公益財団法人 地球環境戦略研究機関(IGES)   研究員

Professional Memberships

  • Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics

  • 日本経済学会

  • 環境経済・政策学会

Research Interests

  • 離散選択

  • 生態系サービス

  • 環境評価

  • 環境経済学

  • 空間解析


  • Do different visual presentation formats encourage different choice behaviors? Discrete choice experiment on urban park landscapes Reviewed

    Kabaya, K, Tajima, K, Ichinose, D, Asano, M

    Environmental Economics and Policy Studies   2024

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  • Examining spatially heterogeneous preferences for coastal ecosystem restoration with Bayesian spatial probit approaches Reviewed

    Kabaya, K

    Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences   15   99 - 112   2022

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  • Empirical analysis of associations between health expenditure and forest environments: A case of Japan Reviewed

    Kabaya, K

    Ecological Economics   181   106927   2021

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  • How are the integrated landscape approaches implemented in natural environment policy in Japan? Reviewed

    UETAKE Tomoko, YAMAZAKI Mari, KABAYA Kei, Evonne YIU, HASHIMOTO Shizuka

    Landscape Research Japan Online   14   73 - 84   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture  

    <p>In recent years, integrated landscape approaches are gaining attention as an effective policy concept to maintain biodiversity and human well-being in the secondary natural environment. This study ascertained the current status and issues related to recognizing and efforts to implement this concept for Japan's natural environment governance. The study first compared the relationship between this concept and the legal system through a literature review. Following which a questionnaire survey addressed to the Ministry of the Environment, Japan was conducted by the study to analyze the current status and issues related to implementing integrated landscape approaches. As a result, the study found that (1) while this concept has not been widely understood, there are many similar ongoing efforts; (2) there are legal system based efforts and also voluntary efforts as well; and (3) stakeholder participation, consensus building, securing of financial budget and human resources issues are challenges faced for effective implementation. Also, the result indicated additional supports are needed, including strengthening secretariat functions and sharing best practices to promote effective implementation.</p>

    DOI: 10.5632/jilaonline.14.73


  • Discrete and continuous preference heterogeneity in a Kuhn-Tucker model: Beach recreational demand Reviewed

    Kabaya, K, Kuriyama, K

    Land Economics   97 ( 3 )   541 - 561   2021

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:University of Wisconsin Press  

    DOI: 10.3368/wple.97.3.021120-0016r1


  • Which cultural ecosystem services is more important? A best-worst scaling approach Reviewed

    Kabaya K, Hashimoto, S, Takeuchi, K

    Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy   9 ( 3 )   304 - 318   2020

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

    Identifying relatively important ecosystem services beforehand is essential for efficient and effective assessment. Using a best-worst scaling (BWS) method, we investigated the relative importance of cultural ecosystem services (CES) in Japan, where the second phase of national ecosystem service assessment is under consideration. Classifying CES into seven distinct categories (i.e. spiritual and religious values, recreation and tourism, aesthetic values, education and inspiration, social cohesion and sense of place, cultural diversity, and existence and bequest values), we administered a questionnaire survey at the nation-wide scale and collected 28,854 valid BWS responses from 4122 individuals. As a result, BWS successfully elicited the Japanese preferences for CES with completely distinguishable orders, which the conventional rating approach was unable to achieve. Our analysis proposed that future CES assessments in Japan should put more emphasis on aesthetic values as well as existence and bequest values. As we could not find large differences in preferences for these two services across individuals, groups and regions in relative terms, such prioritization could gain broader understanding and supports from wider audiences.

    DOI: 10.1080/21606544.2019.1683470

    Web of Science


  • Opposite impacts of policy and payment consequentiality treatments on willingness-to-pay in a contingent valuation study Reviewed

    Kabaya, K

    Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy   10 ( 2 )   175 - 188   2020

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  • Co-design of national-scale future scenarios in Japan to predict and assess natural capital and ecosystem services Reviewed

    Saito, O, Kamiyama, C, Hashimoto, S, Matsui, T, Shoyama, K, Kabaya, K, Uetake, T, Taki, H, Ishikawa, Y, Matsushita, K, Yamane, F, Hori, J, Ariga, T, Takeuchi, K

    Sustainability Science   14 ( 1 )   5 - 21   2019

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11625-018-0587-9


    Other Link: http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s11625-018-0587-9.pdf

  • Development of land-use scenarios using vegetation inventories in Japan Reviewed

    Shoyama, K, Matsui, T, Hashimoto, S, Kabaya, K, Oono, A, Saito, O

    Sustainability Science   14 ( 1 )   39 - 52   2019

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11625-018-0617-7


    Other Link: http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s11625-018-0617-7.pdf

  • Quantitative analysis of national biodiversity strategy and action plans about incorporating integrated approaches in production landscapes Reviewed

    Uetake. T, Kabaya, K, Ichikawa, K, Moriwake, N, Hashimoto, S

    Journal of Environmental Planning and Management   62 ( 12 )   2055 - 2079   2019

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

    A global crisis for production landscapes has shed light on the importance of sustainable management of these landscapes in an integrated manner at local and national levels. However, there is a lack of quantitative research on the integration of relevant concepts into national-level policies and planning. Thus, we analyzed the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAPs) of 133 Convention on Biological Diversity parties using a text mining method to determine the current global situation regarding production landscape policies. The statistical results showed that (1) about half of parties mentioned integrated approaches in production landscapes (e.g., cultural landscapes, socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes), (2) there were some regional differences in the number of references, (3) the introduction of these concepts has been increasing worldwide, and (4) these concepts have been accorded higher priority in national policy and planning.

    DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2018.1530202

    Web of Science


  • Investigating future ecosystem services through participatory scenario building and spatial ecological-economic modelling Reviewed

    Kabaya, K, Hashimoto, S, Fukuyo, N, Uetake, T, Takeuchi, K

    Sustainability Science   14 ( 1 )   77 - 88   2019

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER JAPAN KK  

    Scenario analysis with integrated quantitative modelling has become a common approach to investigate possible future socio-ecological systems in sustainability research. Facing several barriers on the use of scenarios, however, a participatory scenario approach has gained wider attention in place-based environmental research communities. In this paper, we investigate future ecosystem services (i.e., food production, carbon sequestration, nutrient retention, and habitat provision) in the explorative manner in the Sado island, Japan, using a participatory scenario approach and spatial ecological-economic modelling techniques. The contributions of this paper to the existing literatures are twofold: the one is collaborative use of morphological analysis and participants' votes for more fair and transparent scenario building, and the other is a suite of spatial modelling techniques, inter alia, land-use projections using a spatial multinomial logit model, for more robust and accurate simulations. Taking such innovative approaches and constructing the ecosystem service index reflecting local perceptions, we built distinctive six scenarios and projected future ecosystem services. As consequences, we could (1) illuminate the trade-offs between land-based ecosystem services, (2) highlight the importance of adequate mosaic structures in providing bundle of ecosystem services, and (3) visualize the spatially heterogenous impacts of alternative scenarios that imply one scenario does not fit all areas. We also discussed the interpretation of a sink service from sustainability perspectives and lessons learned from the parallel approach of participatory scenario building and quantitative modelling exercises.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11625-018-0590-1

    Web of Science


  • Scenario analysis of land-use and ecosystem services of social-ecological landscapes: implications of alternative development pathways under declining population in the Noto Peninsula, Japan Reviewed

    Hashimoto, S, DasGupta, R, Kabaya, K, Matsui, T, Haga, C, Saito, O, Takeuchi, K

    Sustainability Science   14 ( 1 )   53 - 75   2019

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER JAPAN KK  

    Population-decline and subsequent underuse of social-ecological landscapes are increasingly being recognized as one of the crucial drivers behind the loss and deterioration of biodiversity and ecosystem services. In line with this, the study aimed to explore how alternative development pathways influence future land-use patterns, biodiversity and ecosystem services against a rapidly declining population in the Noto peninsula of Japan. By combining land-use simulation and evaluation of ecosystem services, the study formulated four exploratory scenarios for 2050, assuming a contrasting level of the society's reliance on domestic natural capital and different demographic patterns. At first, we analyzeds historical land-use changes between 1997 and 2007 and thereby simulated four plausible alternative scenarios using the Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network model. These scenarios were further used to quantify ecosystem services and landscape heterogeneity (as biodiversity indicator). The scenario analysis demonstrated that future land-use pattern could vary drastically depending on how the society utilize local natural capital even under the severe depopulation trend, whereas demographic patterns, in general, did not make discernible differences in land-use, biodiversity and ecosystem services. Nevertheless, a land-use change made considerable differences in the level of ecosystem services and landscape heterogeneity with varying degrees. Our analysis suggested that ecosystem services such as food production and nitrogen retention as well as landscape heterogeneity would decrease considerably by 2050 under the scenarios where the utilization of local natural capital decline and a significant amount of farmland are abandoned. Our findings highlight the vital role of land-use and agricultural policy in shaping the future availability of ecosystem services and biodiversity in this area.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11625-018-0626-6

    Web of Science


  • Underuse/overuse and diversity of provisioning services and their change: the case of the Japanese national ecosystem service assessment (JBO2) Reviewed

    Ohsawa, T, Okano, T, Nakao, F, Kabaya, K, Kofuku, S, Kikuchi, K, Nakashizuka, T

    Sustainability Science   14 ( 2 )   439 - 451   2019

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    Language:English   Publisher:Springer Japan  

    CiNii Books


  • InVESTを用いた日本全国における窒素除去サービスの定量評価 Reviewed


    環境経済・政策研究   7 ( 2 )   37 - 49   2014

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  • Project portfolio analysis on the global ecosystem restoration Reviewed

    19   79 - 88   2012

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    CiNii Books


▼display all


  • 持続的農業の経済学―サステナブルな窒素利用の実現

    ( Role: Contributor99-119)

    中央経済社  2024  ( ISBN:9784502496912

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  • 豊かさの価値評価

    ( Role: Contributor161-174)

    中央経済社  2017  ( ISBN:4502225517

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    Total pages:360   Language:Japanese  



  • SDGsと環境教育:地球資源制約の視座と持続可能な開発目標のための学び

    ( Role: Contributor171-186)

    学文社  2017  ( ISBN:4762027383

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    Total pages:320   Language:Japanese  



  • The Economics of Green Growth

    ( Role: Contributor94-110)

    Routledge  2015  ( ISBN:113806730X

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    Total pages:328  



  • The Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

    ( Role: Contributor3-18, 87-108, 123-147, 185-201, 228-237)

    2012  ( ISBN:0415705800

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    Total pages:256  


  • 生物多様性の経済学―経済評価と制度分析

    ( Role: Contributor2-21, 22-34, 113-133, 134-156)

    昭和堂  2011  ( ISBN:4812211468

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    Total pages:257   Language:Japanese  



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  • Unveiling nature’s gifts: Measuring and visualising ecosystem services

    Kabaya, K, Okayasu, S

    IGES Research Report   2014-02   2014

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  • 「緑の贈与」の効果分析

    蒲谷景, 松尾雄介, 小嶋公史, 倉持壮

    IGES Working Paper   2013-08   2014

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  • Key Issues on Green Economy at Rio+20

    Kabaya, K

    IGES Discussion Paper   EE-2011-01   2012

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  • Impact assessment of energy efficiency improvement in the residential sector in Japan

    Kabaya, K

    International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Young Summer Science Program Report   2012

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  • アジアにおける生態系保全ビジネス


    Business i. ENECO   54 - 55   2010

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  • 生態系サービスの経済価値評価 Invited


    国際協力機構(JICA)研修『イラン国南部沿岸域における環境保全・管理計画策定プロジェクト』  2019 

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    Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 空間的な生態系サービスの評価 Invited


    農林水産政策研究所セミナー『生態系サービス評価に関する国内外の動向と展望』  2016 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • リオ+20の展望~世界のグリーン経済と国連における交渉状況~ Invited


    京のアジェンダ21フォーラム特別シンポジウム『地球サミット「リオ+20」に向けて』  2012 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • リオ+20に向けた主要国・機関のポジションについて Invited


    環境パートナーシップ会議『NGO×政府意見交換会』  2012 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • Portfolio analysis for investment on ecosystem restoration

    Kabaya, K

    CBD-COP10: TEEB Sessions  2010 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Productivity analysis on ecosystem and biodiversity

    Kabaya, K

    CBD-COP10: TEEB Sessions  2010 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Climate change, biodiversity and economic development Invited

    Kabaya, K

    HAT-J Seminar; Youth Asia YAMA Session  2010 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


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Research Projects

  • 自然環境と医療支出額に関するミクロレベルでの実証分析

    Grant number:22K13397  2022.4 - 2024.3


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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


Allotted class

  • 2024   Introductory Seminar   Department

  • 2024   Environmental Economics   Department

  • 2024   Introduction to Economics   Department

Social Activities

  • G7富山環境大臣会合

    Role(s): Investigater, Report writing

    環境省  2015 - 2016

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    Type:Investigation, survey


  • 生物多様性及び生態系サービスの総合評価(JBO2)

    Role(s): Investigater, Report writing

    環境省  2014 - 2015

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    Type:Investigation, survey
