Updated on 2023/08/29


Kenji Ishihara
Research and Development Initiative Institute Professor
Contact information
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  • 工学博士 ( 東京大学 )


  • 1961.7

    The University of Tokyo   doctor course   withdrawn before completion

Research History

  • 2001 - 2005

    Chuo University   Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • 2000 - 2001

    Tokyo University of Science   Faculty of Science and Technology

  •   - 2001

    Tokyo University of Science   Faculty of Science and Technology

  • 1995 - 2000

    Tokyo University of Science   Faculty of Science and Technology, Civil Engineering

  • 1995 - 1996

    University of the Ryukyus   Faculty of Engineering

  • 1988 - 1995

    Tokyo University of Science   Faculty of Science and Technology

  • 1977 - 1995


  •   - 1995


  • 1995 -  

    The University of Tokyo

  • 1992 - 1994

    Nagoya University   School of Engineering

  • 1991 - 1994

    Gunma University

  • 1987 - 1988

    Kyushu Institute of Technology   School of Engineering

  • 1977 - 1985


  • 1966 - 1977


  • 1963 - 1966


  • 1961 - 1963


  • 1955 - 1957


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Professional Memberships

  • 地盤工学会

  • 日本地震工学会

  • 土木学会

  • 国際地盤工学会


  • 土質力学(改訂第2版)


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  • Soil Behaviour in Earthquake Geotechnics


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  • Soil Behaviour in Earthquake Geotechnics


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  • 都市震災と防災システム・・・阪神淡路大地震から得た教訓


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  • "Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering", Proceedings of the First International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Tokyo


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  • "Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering", Proceedings of the First International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Tokyo


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  • "Performance of Ground and Soil Structures during Earthquakes", Proceedings of TC4 on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, 13th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, New Delhi


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  • 小規模建築物等のための液状化マップと対策工法


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  • "Performance of Ground and Soil Structures during Earthquakes", Proceedings of TC4 on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, 13th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, New Delhi


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  • "Manual for Zonation on Seismic Geotechnical Hazards", TC4, International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering


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  • "Manual for Zonation on Seismic Geotechnical Hazards", TC4, International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering


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  • 土-東京大学公開講座(51)


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  • "Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering", Proceedings of TC4 on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, 12th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Rio de Janeiro


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  • "Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering", Proceedings of TC4 on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, 12th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Rio de Janeiro


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  • 土質力学


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  • 都市の変貌と自然災害


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  • 土質工学ハンドブック


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  • 土質力学-土木工学大系8


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  • 土質動力学の基礎


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  • カコー・ケリゼルの土質力学(5人の訳者の1人)


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  • Evaluation of Residual Strength of Non-Saturated Soils by Means of Constant Volume Triaxial Tests


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  • Evaluation of Residual Strength of Non-Saturated Soils by Means of Constant Volume Triaxial Tests


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  • Correlation Between Penetration Resistance of Swedish Weight Sounding Tests and SPT Blow Counts in Sandy Soils

    塚本 良道, 石原 研而, 澤田 俊一

    Soils and Foundations   44 ( 3 )   13 - 24   2004

  • Case Studies of Pile Foundations Undergoing Lateral Spreading in Liquefied Deposits


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  • Geotechnical Damage in Recent Earthquakes in Japan and Soil Property Characterization Associated with Landslides


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  • Earthquake-Induced Landslides and Evaluation of Soil Strength


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  • Performance of Piles as Evaluated by Three-Layer Model


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  • Considerations of the Landslide in the 2003 Miyagiken-Oki Earthquake


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  • Case Studies of Pile Foundations Undergoing Lateral Spreading in Liquefied Deposits


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  • Evaluation of Settlements of Silty Sand Deposits Following Liquefaction During Earthquakes

    Proceedings   2   681 - 688   2004

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  • Interpretation from large-scale shake table tests on piles subjected to spreading of liquefied soils


    Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Soil Dynamics and Earthq. Engrg./3rd Int. Conf. Earthq. Geotech. Engrg., Berkeley, 2004   2   463 - 470   2004

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  • Residual Deformation Characteristics of Partially Saturated Sandy Soils Subjected to Seismic Excitation

    Proceedings   1   694 - 701   2004

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  • Earthquake-Induced Landslides and Evaluation of Soil Strength


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  • Evaluation of Settlements of Silty Sand Deposits Following Liquefaction During Earthquakes

    Proceedings   2   681 - 688   2004

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  • Considerations of the Landslide in the 2003 Miyagiken-oki Earthquake

    Proceedings   2004

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  • Case Studies of Pile Foundations Undergoing lateral Spreading in Liquefied Deposits

    Proceedings   2004

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  • Undrained Behaviour of Near-saturated Sand in Cyclic and Monotonic Loading

    Proceedings   27 - 39   2004

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  • Case Studies on Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance of Imperfectly Saturated Soil Deposits

    Proceedings   295 - 304   2004

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  • Case Studies of Pile Foundations Undergoing Lateral Spreading in Liquefied Deposits


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  • Geotechnical Features of the Damage in the Kobe Earthquake and Recent Earthquakes in Japan


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  • Cyclic Strength of Imperfectly Saturated Sands and Analysis of Liquefaction

    Proceedings   Ser.B.,Vol.8/8,   2004

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  • Performance of Piles as Evaluated by Three-Layer Model

    Geotechnical Special Publication   1   167 - 191   2004

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  • Undrained Behaviour of Near-Saturated Sand in Cyclic and Monotonic Loading


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    Journal of the Japanese Geotechnical Society   44 ( 5 )   135 - 148   2004

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    The procedure for the evaluation of settlement of silty sand deposits following liquefaction is examined by the data obtained using a large triaxial test apparatus. Multiple series of irregularly excited undrained loading tests were conducted on Toyoura sand as well as on other soils with different grain compositions containing silts. Saturated and isotropically consolidated soil specimens were axially loaded undrained, using some acceleration time histories obtained in 1995 Kobe earthquake as inputs for irregular excitation time histories. The specimens were drained after application of varying amplitudes of axial stress, and the resulting volume change was measured. Based on the results of such tests, the relation between factor of safety against liquefaction and maximum shear strain, and the relation between post-liquefaction volumetric strain and maximum shear strain are examined, and the relations between factor of safety and post-liquefaction volumetric strain for different soils with various contents of silts are deduced. Based on the relations obtained as above, the procedure for the evaluation of the post-liquefaction settlement of silty sand deposits is proposed.

    DOI: 10.3208/sandf.44.5_135

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10424171

  • Settlement of Silty Sand Deposits Following Liquefaction During Earthquakes


    Soils and Foundations   44 ( 5 )   135 - 148   2004

  • Simplified Method for Analysis of Piles Undergoing Lateral Spreading in Liquefied Soils

    石原 研而

    Soils and Foundations   44 ( 5 )   119 - 133   2004

  • Simplified Method for Analysis of Piles Undergoing Lateral Spreading in Liquefied Soils


    Soils and Foundations   44 ( 5 )   119 - 133   2004

  • Geotechnical Damage in Recent Earthquakes in Japan and Soil Property Characterization Associated with Landslides


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  • Undrained Behaviour of Near-Saturated Sand in Cyclic and Monotonic Loading


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  • Case Studies of Pile Foundations Undergoing Lateral Spreading in Liquefied Deposits


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  • Geotechnical Features of the Damage in the Kobe Earthquake and Recent Earthquakes in Japan


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  • Case Studies of Pile Foundations Undergoing Lateral Spreading in Liquefied Deposits


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  • Case Studies of Pile Foundations Undergoing Lateral Spreading in Liquefied Deposits


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  • Case Studies of Pile Foundations Undergoing lateral Spreading in Liquefied Deposits

    Proceedings   2004

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  • Undrained Behaviour of Near-saturated Sand in Cyclic and Monotonic Loading

    Proceedings   27 - 39   2004

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  • Case Studies on Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance of Imperfectly Saturated Soil Deposits

    Proceedings   295 - 304   2004

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  • Correlation Between Penetration Resistance of Swedish Weight Sounding Tests and SPT Blow Counts in Sandy Soils


    Soils and Foundations   44 ( 3 )   13 - 24   2004



    Journal of the Japanese Geotechnical Society   44 ( 3 )   39 - 55   2004

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    The response of pile groups against seismically induced lateral soil spreading is explored in centrifuge model tests. The influence of number of piles and pile spacing on the total lateral force on piles is especially examined. The silt saturated with water was used to produce geotechnical models in the laminar shear box. The model piles were installed in 1-layer and 2-layer soil models to produce various patterns of pile groups, with different number of piles and pile spacing. In one test series, the pile groups were installed in the direction perpendicular to lateral spreading, while in another test series, the pile groups were installed in the direction parallel to lateral spreading. The instrumented models were then seismically excited at elevated centrifuge gravity. The group effects of closely spaced piles on the total lateral force induced during lateral spreading are evaluated with respect to the number of piles and pile spacing, with a help of a simple theoretical consideration.

    DOI: 10.3208/sandf.44.3_39

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10424120

  • Response of Pile Groups against Seismically Induced Lateral Flow in Centrifuge Model Tests


    Soils and Foundations   44 ( 3 )   39 - 55   2004

  • Considerations of the Landslide in the 2003 Miyagiken-oki Earthquake

    Proceedings   2004

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  • Cyclic Strength of Imperfectly Saturated Sands and Analysis of Liquefaction

    Proceedings   Ser.B.,Vol.8/8,   2004

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  • Performance of Piles as Evaluated by Three-Layer Model

    Geotechnical Special Publication   1   167 - 191   2004

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  • Performance of Piles as Evaluated by Three-Layer Model


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  • Considerations of the Landslide in the 2003 Miyagiken-Oki Earthquake


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  • Earthquake-Induced Landslides and Evaluation of Soil Strength


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  • Earthquake-Induced Landslides and Evaluation of Soil Strength


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  • Residual Deformation Characteristics of Partially Saturated Sandy Soils Subjected to Seismic Excitation

    Proceedings   1   694 - 701   2004

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  • Interpretation from Large-Scale Shake Table Tests on Piles Subjected to Spreading of Liquefied Soils

    Proceedings   2   463 - 470   2004

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  • Seismic 3-D Effective Stress Analysis: Constitutive Modeling and Application

    Proceedings   913 - 920   2003

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  • Liquefaction-Induced Ground Deformation and Damage to Piles in the 1995 Kobe Earthquake

    Proceedings   2003

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  • Characteristics of Waterfront Landslides Induced by Earthquakes

    Proceedings   2003

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  • Liquefaction-induced Lateral Flow and Its Effects on Foundation Piles

    Proceedings   2003

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  • Method of Evaluating Liquefaction Potential and Following Settlements of Sand Deposits

    Proceedings   2003

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  • Characteristics of Waterfront Landslides Induced by Earthquakes


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  • Liquefaction -Induced Lateral Flow and Its Effects on Foundation Piles


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  • Liquefaction-induced Lateral Flow and Its Effects on Foundation Piles

    Proceedings   2003

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  • Performances of Foundation Piles Undergoing Lateral Spreading of Liquefied Sand Deposits


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  • Method of Evaluating Liquefaction Potential and Following Settlements of Sand Deposits


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  • Liquefaction -Induced Lateral Flow and Its Effects on Foundation Piles


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    SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS   43 ( 5 )   29 - 40   2003

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japanese Geotechnical Society  

    The 1999 Kocaeli earthquake of August 17, 1999 hit the western part of Turkey causing significant damage to buildings and sivil engineering structures. This paper reports geotechnical aspects of damage mainly along the south coast of the lzmit Bay. Ground subsidence and loss were observed in the widespread area in the waterfront areas in the south of the Izmit Bay. It is supposed to have ben caused by slope instability of the seabed and a fault dislocation. Significant ground subsidence was also observed along the southern coast of the Sapanca Lake. Site investigations of these areas were carried out by the reconnaissance teams from the Japanese Geotechnical Society. Ground survey and seabed depth measurement were carried out in order to clarify the cause of these damages. Three different factors were identified as possible causes for the damage. A fault which appeared on the ground surface caused direct damage to structures by the relative displacement between the two sides. A pull-apart dislocation by main and branch faults caused ground subsidence in a wide area. A submarine landslide caused land flows in a fill and an alluvial fan deposit flowed out. Soil liquefactions, though observed from place to place, did not seem to have caused significant geotechnical damage.

    DOI: 10.3208/sandf.43.5_29




    SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS   43 ( 5 )   29 - 40   2003

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japanese Geotechnical Society  

    The 1999 Kocaeli earthquake of August 17, 1999 hit the western part of Turkey causing significant damage to buildings and sivil engineering structures. This paper reports geotechnical aspects of damage mainly along the south coast of the lzmit Bay. Ground subsidence and loss were observed in the widespread area in the waterfront areas in the south of the Izmit Bay. It is supposed to have ben caused by slope instability of the seabed and a fault dislocation. Significant ground subsidence was also observed along the southern coast of the Sapanca Lake. Site investigations of these areas were carried out by the reconnaissance teams from the Japanese Geotechnical Society. Ground survey and seabed depth measurement were carried out in order to clarify the cause of these damages. Three different factors were identified as possible causes for the damage. A fault which appeared on the ground surface caused direct damage to structures by the relative displacement between the two sides. A pull-apart dislocation by main and branch faults caused ground subsidence in a wide area. A submarine landslide caused land flows in a fill and an alluvial fan deposit flowed out. Soil liquefactions, though observed from place to place, did not seem to have caused significant geotechnical damage.

    DOI: 10.3208/sandf.43.5_29


  • Liquefaction-Induced Ground Deformation and Damage to Piles in the 1995 Kobe Earthquake

    Proceedings   2003

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  • Characteristics of Waterfront Landslides Induced by Earthquakes

    Proceedings   2003

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  • Liquefaction -Induced Lateral Flow and Its Effects on Foundation Piles


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  • Characteristics of Waterfront Landslides Induced by Earthquakes


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  • Liquefaction -Induced Lateral Flow and Its Effects on Foundation Piles


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  • Method of Evaluating Liquefaction Potential and Following Settlements of Sand Deposits

    Proceedings   2003

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  • Seismic 3-D Effective Stress Analysis: Constitutive Modeling and Application

    Proceedings   913 - 920   2003

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  • Performances of Foundation Piles Undergoing Lateral Spreading of Liquefied Sand Deposits


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  • Method of Evaluating Liquefaction Potential and Following Settlements of Sand Deposits


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  • 貯蔵用タンクの地震時安定性と基礎地盤変状の関係


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  • Failure of Slopes and Soil Property Characterization


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  • Mitigative Measures Against Ground Damage during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   2002

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  • Behavior of Piles in Group Undergoing Lateral Flow in Centrifuge Tests

    Proceedings   2002

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  • Effects of Spacing on Performance of Pile Group Undergoing Lateral Spreading

    Proceedings   2002

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    TSUKAMOTO Yoshimichi, ISHIHARA Kenji, KON Hirohito, MASUO Takayuki

    SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS   42 ( 4 )   29 - 41   2002

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japanese Geotechnical Society  

    The use of a compressible layer such as expanded polystyrene blocks behind a rigid retaining wall and geogrid layers embedded in a dense granular backfill is examined as a reinforcement technique for retaining wall structures. The mobile model retaining walls adjacent to reinforced model specimens are subjected to different surcharge pressures, and are caused to move laterally to measure the lateral earth pressure during the wall movement. The coefficients of earth pressure at rest and active earth pressure are carefully inferred from test results. Three series of tests are conducted; one test series with expanded polystyrene blocks installed behind the wall, another with geogrid layers embedded within model specimens, and the last series with expanded polystyrene blocks installed behind the wall and geogrid layers fixed between two adjacent expanded polystyrene blocks and embedded within model specimens. The reductions in the earth pressure at rest and the active earth pressure due to various patterns of reinforcement are interpreted in relation to the concept of controlled yielding of compressible expanded polystyrene blocks, tensile strains induced along geogrid layers, fixity between expanded polystyrene blocks and geogrid layers, and a facing unit consisting of expanded polystyrene blocks.

    DOI: 10.3208/sandf.42.4_29

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10423875

  • Use of Compressible Expanded Polystyrene Blocks and Geogrids for Retaining Wall Structures


    Soils and Foundations   42 ( 4 )   29 - 41   2002

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japanese Geotechnical Society  

    The use of a compressible layer such as expanded polystyrene blocks behind a rigid retaining wall and geogrid layers embedded in a dense granular backfill is examined as a reinforcement technique for retaining wall structures. The mobile model retaining walls adjacent to reinforced model specimens are subjected to different surcharge pressures, and are caused to move laterally to measure the lateral earth pressure during the wall movement. The coefficients of earth pressure at rest and active earth pressure are carefully inferred from test results. Three series of tests are conducted; one test series with expanded polystyrene blocks installed behind the wall, another with geogrid layers embedded within model specimens, and the last series with expanded polystyrene blocks installed behind the wall and geogrid layers fixed between two adjacent expanded polystyrene blocks and embedded within model specimens. The reductions in the earth pressure at rest and the active earth pressure due to various patterns of reinforcement are interpreted in relation to the concept of controlled yielding of compressible expanded polystyrene blocks, tensile strains induced along geogrid layers, fixity between expanded polystyrene blocks and geogrid layers, and a facing unit consisting of expanded polystyrene blocks.

    DOI: 10.3208/sandf.42.4_29

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10423875

  • Maximum and Minimum Void Ratio Characteristics of Sands

    CUBRINOVSKI M, 石原 研而

    Soil and Foundations   42 ( 6 )   65 - 78   2002

  • Maximum and Minimum Void Ratio Characteristics of Sands


    Soil and Foundations   42 ( 6 )   65 - 78   2002

  • Failure of Slopes and Soil Property Characterization

    Proceedings, Invited Lecture   9 ( 3 )   8 - 19   2002

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  • Behavior of Piles in Group Undergoing Lateral Flow in Centrifuge Tests

    Proceedings   2002

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  • 貯蔵用タンクの地震時安定性と基礎地盤変状の関係


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  • P-波とS-波行播速度にもとづく不飽和砂の液状化特性


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    Journal of the Japanese Geotechnical Society   42 ( 6 )   93 - 104   2002

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    In order to examine the liquefaction resistance of partially saturated sand, a cyclic triaxial test apparatus was manufactured, with which it was possible to first measure the longitudinal and shear wave velocities and then to conduct cyclic triaxial tests on the same specimens under p-constant conditions. A series of the tests indicated that the longitudinal wave (P-wave) velocity could be used to identify the degree of saturation of near-saturated samples, and its effect on the liquefaction resistance could be clarified by conducting cyclic loading tests immediately following measurement of P-wave velocity. The results of the P- and S-wave measurements indicated that the velocity of P-wave propagation, V_p, tends to increase from about 500 m/sec to about 1800 m/sec when the B-value increases from 0 to 0.95 corresponding, respectively, to the saturation ratio S_r of about 90 and 100%. Simple theoretical consideration indicated, on the other hand, that V_p could be expressed as a function of two factors, that is, the B-value and what may be termed "skeleton Poisson's ratio" which is defined for the small-strain level of soil deformation, based on the measured V_p and the propagation velocity, V_s, of the shear wave (S-wave). The theoretically derived simple formula as above was shown to be in good coincidence with the relations obtained in the tests. For the cyclic phase of triaxial tests, the cyclic resistance to liquefaction was shown to increase with a decrease in the B-value and hence with a drop in the saturation ratio S_r. It was also shown that when the B-value drops practically to zero with a V_p-value of about 500 m/sec, the cyclic strength of the specimen becomes twice as much as that at full saturation with B = 0.95 and V_p = 1800 m/sec.

    DOI: 10.3208/sandf.42.6_93

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10423915

  • Resistance of Partly Saturated Sand to Liquefaction with Reference to Longitudinal and Shear Wave Velocities


    Soil and Foundations   42 ( 6 )   93 - 104   2002

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    In order to examine the liquefaction resistance of partially saturated sand, a cyclic triaxial test apparatus was manufactured, with which it was possible to first measure the longitudinal and shear wave velocities and then to conduct cyclic triaxial tests on the same specimens under p-constant conditions. A series of the tests indicated that the longitudinal wave (P-wave) velocity could be used to identify the degree of saturation of near-saturated samples, and its effect on the liquefaction resistance could be clarified by conducting cyclic loading tests immediately following measurement of P-wave velocity. The results of the P- and S-wave measurements indicated that the velocity of P-wave propagation, V_p, tends to increase from about 500 m/sec to about 1800 m/sec when the B-value increases from 0 to 0.95 corresponding, respectively, to the saturation ratio S_r of about 90 and 100%. Simple theoretical consideration indicated, on the other hand, that V_p could be expressed as a function of two factors, that is, the B-value and what may be termed "skeleton Poisson's ratio" which is defined for the small-strain level of soil deformation, based on the measured V_p and the propagation velocity, V_s, of the shear wave (S-wave). The theoretically derived simple formula as above was shown to be in good coincidence with the relations obtained in the tests. For the cyclic phase of triaxial tests, the cyclic resistance to liquefaction was shown to increase with a decrease in the B-value and hence with a drop in the saturation ratio S_r. It was also shown that when the B-value drops practically to zero with a V_p-value of about 500 m/sec, the cyclic strength of the specimen becomes twice as much as that at full saturation with B = 0.95 and V_p = 1800 m/sec.

    DOI: 10.3208/sandf.42.6_93

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10423915

  • 地盤のもたらす地震被害の甚大さ


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  • Failure of Slopes and Soil Property Characterization


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  • Failure of Slopes and Soil Property Characterization

    Proceedings, Invited Lecture   9 ( 3 )   8 - 19   2002

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  • Effects of Spacing on Performance of Pile Group Undergoing Lateral Spreading

    Proceedings   2002

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  • Mitigative Measures Against Ground Damage during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   2002

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  • Recent Studies on Liquefaction Resistance of Sand-Effect of Saturation


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  • Analysis of the Performance of an Oil-tank Pile Foundation in Liquefied Deposits


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  • Correlation Between Penetration Resistance and Relative Density of Sandy Soils

    Proceedings   1   393 - 396   2001

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  • Analysis of the Performance of an Oil-tank Pile Foundation in Liquefied Deposits

    Proceedings   2001

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  • Undrained Shear Characteristics of Saturated Sand Under Anisotropic Consolidation

    加藤 進, 石原 研而, 東畑 郁生

    Soils and Foundations   41 ( 1 )   1 - 11   2001

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  • Analysis of the Performance of an Oil-tank Pile Foundation in Liquefied Deposits

    Proceedings   2001

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  • Recent Studies on Liquefaction Resistance of Sand - Effect of Saturation


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  • Recent Studies on Liquefaction Resistance of Sand-Effect of Saturation

    Proceedings   2001

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  • Effects of Liquefaction on Seismic Response of a Storage Tank on Pile Foundations

    Proceedings   2001

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  • Estimate of Relative Density from In-situ Penetration Tests

    Proceedings   2001

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  • Correlation Between Penetration Resistance and Relative Density of Sandy Soils

    Proceedings   1   393 - 396   2001

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  • Current State of Developments in International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering


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  • Improvement of Sandy Deposits Against Liquefaction during Earthquakes


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  • In-Situ Density of Sandy Soils Estimated by Penetration Tests


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  • Recent Studies on Liquefaction Resistance of Sand - Effect of Saturation


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  • Recent Studies on Liquefaction Resistance of Sand-Effect of Saturation

    Proceedings   2001

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  • Effects of Liquefaction on Seismic Response of a Storage Tank on Pile Foundations

    Proceedings   2001

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  • Estimate of Relative Density from In-situ Penetration Tests

    Proceedings   2001

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  • Current State of Developments in International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering


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  • Improvement of Sandy Deposits Against Liquefaction during Earthquakes


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  • In-Situ Density of Sandy Soils Estimated by Penetration Tests


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  • Recent Studies on Liquefaction Resistance of Sand-Effect of Saturation


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  • Analysis of the Performance of an Oil-tank Pile Foundation in Liquefied Deposits


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  • Undrained Shear Characteristics of Saturated Sand Under Anisotropic Consolidation


    Soils and Foundations   41 ( 1 )   1 - 11   2001

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  • Flow Potentioal Sandy Soils

    Proceedings   2   549   2000

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  • Analysis of Two Case Histories on Liquefaction of Reclaimed Deposits

    Proceedings   CD-ROM,1618/5/A/,   2000

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  • Geotechnical Aspects of the Ground Damage Induced by Faults


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  • Geotechnical Aspect of the Ground Damage Induced by the Fault

    Proceedings   1   1 - 8   2000

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  • Landslides-Earthquakes


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  • Performance of Piles under Lateral Flow of the Ground after Liquefaction


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  • Soil Property Characterization for Instability of Slopes


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  • Geotechnical Aspect of the Ground Damage Induced by the Fault

    Proceedings   1   1 - 8   2000

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  • Landslides-Earthquakes


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  • Performance of Piles under Lateral Flow of the Ground after Liquefaction


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  • Soil-Pile Interaction in the Liquefied Deposits Undergoing Lateral Flow


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  • In-Situ Versus Laboratory Tests to Determine Density of Sands


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  • Soil Property Characterization for Instability of Slopes


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  • Geotechnical Aspects of the Ground Damage Induced by Faults


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  • Fault-Induced Ground Damage in the 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake


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  • Geotechnics Associated with Natural Hazards


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  • Fault-Induced Ground Damage in the 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake

    Proceedings   2000

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  • Soil-Pile Interaction in the Liquefied Deposits Undergoing Lateral Flow


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  • In-Situ Versus Laboratory Tests to Determine Density of Sands


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  • Evaluation of Slope Stability against Flow in Saturated Sand Deposits

    Jubilee volume   2000

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  • Fault-Induced Ground Damage in the 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake


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  • Geotechnics Associated with Natural Hazards


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  • Fault-Induced Ground Damage in the 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake

    Proceedings   2000

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  • Analysis of Two Case Histories on Liquefaction of Reclaimed Deposits

    Proceedings   CD-ROM,1618/5/A/,   2000

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  • Experiences of fiels traversing over Earthquake Devastated Areas

    Proceedings   47 - 48   2000

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  • Geotechnics Associated with Natural Hazards

    Proceedings   2000

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  • Flow potential of sandy soils with different grain compositions

    Misko Cubrinovski, Kenji Ishihara

    Soils and Foundations   40 ( 4 )   103 - 119   2000

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    Language:English   Publisher:Japanese Geotechnical Society  

    The flow deformation or strain softening in undrained shear of saturated sand is discussed in this paper. When evaluating the flow of field deposits, the prime issue to be addressed is whether the soil in its in-situ state has the potential to develop flow deformation or not. This paper presents a rational method which allows for such an assessment to be made and aims at quantifying the effects of grain-size distribution on the flow potential of sandy soils. On the basis of existing laboratory and field test results on sandy soils, a flow potential formulation was developed within the framework of the state concept. Here, the SPT blow count was used as a parameter for field characterization of sand deposits whereas the void ratio range (emax-emin) was employed as a measure indicative of the grading properties of sandy soils. It is shown that sands with a large value of void ratio range have a high flow potential, indicating that fines-containing sands are more susceptible to flow than clean sands. Results of this study also suggest that flow with zero residual strength is limited to field deposits with a very low SPT blow count, and that soils with a void ratio range of less than 0.35, such as coarse sands and gravels, are practically safe against flow with zero residual strength.

    DOI: 10.3208/sandf.40.4_103



  • Geotechnics Associated with Natural Hazards

    Proceedings   2000

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  • Experiences of fiels traversing over Earthquake Devastated Areas

    Proceedings   47 - 48   2000

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  • Soil Densification due to Static Sand Pile Installation for Liquefaction Remediatio

    塚本 良道, 石原 研而, 山本 実, 原田 健二, 矢部 浩史

    Soils and Foundations   40 ( 2 )   9 - 20   2000

  • Soil Densification due to Static Sand Pile Installation for Liquefaction Remediatio


    Soils and Foundations   40 ( 2 )   9 - 20   2000

  • Flow Potentioal Sandy Soils

    Proceedings   2   549   2000

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  • Evaluation of Slope Stability against Flow in Saturated Sand Deposits

    Jubilee volume   2000

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  • Flow Potential of Sandy Soils with Different Grain Compositions


    Soils and Foundations   40 ( 4 )   103 - 119   2000

  • Non-coaxiality and energy dissipation in granular materials


    Soils and Foundations   40 ( 2 )   49 - 59   2000

  • Non-coaxiality and Energy Dissipation in Granular Materials


    Soils and Foundations   40 ( 2 )   49 - 59   2000

  • Flow Potential of Sandy Soils with Different Grain Compositions

    石原 研而

    Soils and Foundations   40 ( 4 )   103 - 119   2000

  • Flow-Type Failure of Slopes Based on Bahaviour of Anisotropically Consolidated Sand


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  • Performance of Quay Wall Structures During the 1995 Kobe Earthquake

    Proceedings, Keynote Lecture   23 - 34   1999

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  • International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering - Its Development and perspectives


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  • Performance of Piles Subjected to Lateral Flow of Liquefied Deposits during Earthquakes


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  • Performance of Storage Tanks during the 1995 Kobe Earthquake

    3   795 - 808   1999

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  • Effects of the Kobe Earthquake on Harbor Structures


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  • Soil-Pile Interaction in the Liquefied Deposits Undergoing Lateral Spreading


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  • Performance of Storage Tanks during the 1995 Kobe Earthquake


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  • Analysis of Full-scale Tests on Piles in Depositions Subjected to Liquefaction

    Proceedings   2   567 - 572   1999

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  • グローバリゼーションに伴い増大する国際学術団体の役割


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  • 水際を守る:ベイエリアの液状化対策


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  • Performance of Piles Subjected to Lateral Flow of Liquefied Deposits during Earthquakes


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  • The Achievement and Role of the International Society in the Past and Future

    Proceedings   2   XLIX-LIII   1999

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  • Lateral Flow-Affected Pile Behaviour as Interpreted by a Simple Model

    Proceedings   2   615 - 623   1999

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  • Performance of Storage Tanks during the 1995 Kobe Earthquake


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  • Analysis of Full-scale Tests on Piles in Depositions Subjected to Liquefaction

    Proceedings   2   567 - 572   1999

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  • Flow-Type Failure of Slopes Based on Bahaviour of Anisotropically Consolidated Sand

    Proceedings, Special Lecture   3 - 12   1999

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  • Flow or Non-flow Condition of Sandy Soils in Sloping Ground (1999)

    Jimenez Salas Homage Valume   225 - 235   1999

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  • Achievement and Role of the International Society in the Past and in the Future


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  • Lateral Flow-Affected Pile Behaviour as Interpreted by a Simple Model


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  • Flow-Type Failure of Slopes Based on Bahaviour of Anisotropically Consolidated Sand

    Proceedings, Special Lecture   3 - 12   1999

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  • Performance of Quay Wall Structures During the 1995 Kobe Earthquake

    Proceedings, Keynote Lecture   23 - 34   1999

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  • Performances of storage tanks during the 1995 Kobe earthquake

    K Ishihara, K Furukawazono


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    Language:English   Publisher:A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS  

    Following the 1995 earthquake in Kobe district, survey was conducted on the tilt of oil storage tanks in the severely shaken area. The survey consisted in measuring elevations of several points along the periphery of each tank. Some parameters indicative of levels of soundness or risk for continued operation were defined to properly analyze the vast amount of available data. Thus, the parameter "overall tilt" and "local tilt" were considered most appropriate to reflect the level of damage due to liquefaction of the ground. Features of the tanks in each farm regarding the size, scale and amount of oil contained at the time of the earthquake were introduced and summary of the damage to the tanks is presented in term of the above parameters for each group of tanks classified according to the scale and the kind of seismic regulation used in the design. Brief description is given concerning the soil conditions in the severely shaken areas and rough correlations are introduced between the extent of damage and the thickness of at-depth soil deposits likely to have developed liquefaction at the time of the earthquake.

    Web of Science


  • Effects of the Kobe Earthquake on Harbor Structures


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  • Soil-Pile Interaction in the Liquefied Deposits Undergoing Lateral Spreading


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  • Lateral Flow-Affected Pile Behaviour as Interpreted by a Simple Model


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  • The Achievement and Role of the International Society in the Past and Future

    Proceedings   2   XLIX-LIII   1999

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  • Lateral Flow-Affected Pile Behaviour as Interpreted by a Simple Model

    Proceedings   2   615 - 623   1999

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  • Flow or Non-flow Condition of Sandy Soils in Sloping Ground (1999)

    Jimenez Salas Homage Valume   225 - 235   1999

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  • Empirical Correlation between SPT N-value and Relative Density for Sandy Soils

    石原 研而

    Soils and Foundations   39 ( 5 )   61 - 71   1999

  • Empirical Correlation between SPT N-value and Relative Density for Sandy Soils


    Soils and Foundations   39 ( 5 )   61 - 71   1999

  • Achievement and Role of the International Society in the Past and in the Future


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  • International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering - Its Development and perspectives


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  • Flow-Type Failure of Slopes Based on Bahaviour of Anisotropically Consolidated Sand


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  • Flow Potentioal of Sandy Soils with Different Grain Size Compositions

    Soils and Foundations   1999

  • Liquefaction Resistance of Nearly Saturated Sand as Correlated with Longitudinal Wave Velocity

    Proceedings   583 - 586   1998

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    SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS   38   47 - 55   1998

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japanese Geotechnical Society  

    The reclaimed lands in port and harbour area of Kobe city developed extensive liquefaction during the intensive shaking of the 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu earthquake. Among these islands, the northern portion of Port Island was reclaimed with soil materials consisting of decomposed granite. Masado, a soil containing about 50% gravel had been considered to be less liquefiable than clean sand. This catastrophic event, however, created the need to re-examine the susceptibility of such gravelly soils to liquefaction. To examine the undrained behaviour of the Masado soil, a multiple series of triaxial compression and extension tests was carried out on reconstituted soil samples as well as on intact soil samples. Two different preparation methods were employed to produce samples with different fabrics. The different soil fabrics prepared by the different methods were shown to exhibit different undrained deformation behaviour during monotonic straining. However, the largely deformed steady states of specimens having the same grain size characteristics were shown to be determined uniquely independent of the method of sample preparation, and also whether the deformation mode is triaxial compression or extension. It was also found that the steady state lines for soils of decomposed granite with different particle gradations are parallel to each other in the plot of void ratio against logarithm of effective confining stress. The steady state characteristics of the Masado soil based on the laboratory tests are described in this paper.

    DOI: 10.3208/sandf.38.Special_47


  • Undrained Deformation and Strength Characteristics of Soils From Reclaimed Deposits in Kobe


    Special Issue of Soils and Foundations   38   47 - 55   1998

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japanese Geotechnical Society  

    The reclaimed lands in port and harbour area of Kobe city developed extensive liquefaction during the intensive shaking of the 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu earthquake. Among these islands, the northern portion of Port Island was reclaimed with soil materials consisting of decomposed granite. Masado, a soil containing about 50% gravel had been considered to be less liquefiable than clean sand. This catastrophic event, however, created the need to re-examine the susceptibility of such gravelly soils to liquefaction. To examine the undrained behaviour of the Masado soil, a multiple series of triaxial compression and extension tests was carried out on reconstituted soil samples as well as on intact soil samples. Two different preparation methods were employed to produce samples with different fabrics. The different soil fabrics prepared by the different methods were shown to exhibit different undrained deformation behaviour during monotonic straining. However, the largely deformed steady states of specimens having the same grain size characteristics were shown to be determined uniquely independent of the method of sample preparation, and also whether the deformation mode is triaxial compression or extension. It was also found that the steady state lines for soils of decomposed granite with different particle gradations are parallel to each other in the plot of void ratio against logarithm of effective confining stress. The steady state characteristics of the Masado soil based on the laboratory tests are described in this paper.

    DOI: 10.3208/sandf.38.Special_47


  • State Concept and Modified Elastoplasticity for Sand Modelling

    石原 研而

    Soil and Foundations   38 ( 4 )   213 - 225   1998

  • State Concept and Modified Elastoplasticity for Sand Modelling


    Soil and Foundations   38 ( 4 )   213 - 225   1998

  • Performance of Large-Diameter Piles Subjected to Lareral Spreading of Liquefied Deposits


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  • Soil-pile Interaction Affected by Liquefaction and Lateral in Liquefied Deposits undergoing Lateral Spreading

    Proceedings   1   15 - 18   1998

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  • Performance of Large-Diameter Piles Subjected to Lareral Spreading of Liquefied Deposits

    Proceedings   1 - 14   1998

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  • Perfomance of Tunnels and Underground Structures during Earthquakes


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  • Soil-Pile Interaction Affected by Liquefaction and Lateral Flow


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  • Soil-Pile Interaction in the Liquefied Deposits Undergoing Lateral Spreading


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  • Problems Associated with Liquefantion and Lateral Spreading during Earthquakes

    Geotechnical Special Publication   75 ( 1 )   301 - 312   1998

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  • Soil-Pile Interaction in Liquefied Deposits Undergoing Lateral Spreading


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  • Soil-Pile Interaction in Liquefied Deposits undergoing Lateral Spreading

    Proceedings   51 - 64   1998

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  • Effects of Superimposing Cyclic Shear Stress on the Undrained Behaviour of Saturated Sand under Monotonic Loading

    石原 研而, 東畑 郁生

    Soils and Foundations   38 ( 4 )   115 - 127   1998

  • Effects of Superimposing Cyclic Shear Stress on the Undrained Behaviour of Saturated Sand under Monotonic Loading


    Soils and Foundations   38 ( 4 )   115 - 127   1998



    SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS   38 ( 2 )   33 - 46   1998

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japanese Geotechnical Society  

    Studies on the undrained behaviour of Masado soil, a fill material which was chiefly responsible for the massive liquefaction in the reclaimed areas of Kobe city during the Hyogoken-Nambu earthquake, are presented. Results from multiple series of triaxial tests are used as a basis for behavioural characterization within the framework of the state concept. Reconstituted samples of three Masado soils with different gradation curves were used together with undisturbed samples recovered from Kobe Port Island to investigate the effects of the grain-size distribution, soil fabric, initial e-p' state (void ratio-confining stress state) and mode of loading on the undrained behaviour. The location of the steady state line in the e-p' diagram was found to be related chiefly to the gradation of the Masado soils. However, a unique pair of zero residual strength line and steady state line was found to exist in a modified e-p' diagram regardless of the gradation curve, fabric of the soil and mode of loading. It is shown that the state index Is can be used to quantify the undrained behaviour when using these characteristic states as frames of reference. A procedure is proposed which enables an assessment to be made of the in-situ void ratio and undrained behaviour throughout the depth of a reclaimed deposit if the gradation curve of the fill material is known.

    DOI: 10.3208/sandf.38.Special_33


  • Problems Associated with Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading during Earthquakes


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  • Modelling of Sand Behaviour Based on State Concept

    石原 研而

    Soil and Foundations   38 ( 3 )   115 - 127   1998

  • Modelling of Sand Behaviour Based on State Concept


    Soil and Foundations   38 ( 3 )   115 - 127   1998

  • Liquefaction Resistance of Nearly Saturated Sand as Correlated with Longitudinal Wave Velocity

    Proceedings   583 - 586   1998

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  • Soil-Pile Interaction Affected by Liquefaction and Lateral Flow


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  • Soil-Pile Interaction in the Liquefied Deposits Undergoing Lateral Spreading


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  • Performance of Large-Diameter Piles Subjected to Lareral Spreading of Liquefied Deposits


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  • Soil-pile Interaction Affected by Liquefaction and Lateral in Liquefied Deposits undergoing Lateral Spreading

    Proceedings   1   15 - 18   1998

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  • On the Initiation of Rainfall Induced Soil Failure

    Proceedings   883 - 890   1998

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  • Flow Failure - Some Data on Onset Conditions

    Proceedings   385 - 389   1998

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  • Effective Stress Analysis of Seismic Vertical Array Sites at Kobe

    Proceedings   325 - 332   1998

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  • Behaviour of Piles Embedded in Liquefied Deposits during Earthquakes


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  • Behaviour of Piles Embedded in Liquefied Deposits during Earthquakes


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  • Soil-Pile Interaction in Liquefied Deposits undergoing Lateral Spreading

    Proceedings   51 - 64   1998

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  • On the Initiation of Rainfall Induced Soil Failure

    Proceedings   883 - 890   1998

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  • Flow Failure - Some Data on Onset Conditions

    Proceedings   385 - 389   1998

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  • Effective Stress Analysis of Seismic Vertical Array Sites at Kobe

    Proceedings   325 - 332   1998

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  • Characterization of Undrained Behaviour of Soil in the Reclaimed Area of Kobe

    Special Issue of Soils and Foundations   ( 2 )   33 - 46   1998

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  • Problems Associated with Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading during Earthquakes


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  • Problems Associated with Liquefantion and Lateral Spreading during Earthquakes

    Geotechnical Special Publication   75 ( 1 )   301 - 312   1998

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  • Soil-Pile Interaction in Liquefied Deposits Undergoing Lateral Spreading


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  • Perfomance of Tunnels and Underground Structures during Earthquakes


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  • Performance of Large-Diameter Piles Subjected to Lareral Spreading of Liquefied Deposits

    Proceedings   1 - 14   1998

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  • Henry Dyer'a Contribution and his legacy Towards 21st Century


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  • Henry Dyer'a Contribution and his legacy Towards 21st Century


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  • Geotechnical Aspect of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake

    Proceedings   4   2047 - 2073   1997

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  • Geotechnical Aspects of Damage during the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.


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  • Geotechnical Aspects of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake


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  • Geotechnical Aspect of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake

    Proceedings   4   2047 - 2073   1997

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  • Geotechnical Aspects of Damage during the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.


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  • Geotechnical Aspects of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake


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  • 地震時の地震災害に関する教訓


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  • Normalized Behavior of Very Loose Nonplastic Soils: Effects of Fabric

    石原 研而

    Soils and Foundations   37 ( 4 )   47 - 56   1997

  • Normalized Behavior of Very Loose Nonplastic Soils: Effects of Fabric


    Soils and Foundations   37 ( 4 )   47 - 56   1997

  • Landslides during Earthquakes


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  • Effect of Soil Improvement on Ground Subsidence due to Liquefaction

    Special Issue of Soils and Foundations   99 - 107   1996

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  • Japanese Standards for Liquefaction of Sand Deposits


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  • Numerical Simulation of the Kobe Port Island Liquefaction

    Proceedings   1996

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  • Activities of Henry Dyer and his Influence on Engineering Education in Japan


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  • Soil Characteristics and Ground Damage

    Special Issue of Soils and Foundations   109 - 118   1996

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  • Active Earth Pressures on Walls Retaining Geogrid-Reinforced Soil

    Proceedings   531 - 536   1996

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  • Evaluation of Slope Instability at the West Guide Bund in Jamuna Bridge Project

    Report   1996

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  • Characteristics of Lateral Spreading in Liquefied Deposits during the 1995 Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake

    Journal of Earthquake Engineering   1 ( 1 )   23 - 55   1996

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  • Evaluation of Slope Instability at the West Guide Bund in Jamuna Bridge Project

    Report   1996

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  • Activities of Henry Dyer and his Influence on Engineering Education in Japan


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  • Soil characteristics and ground damage


    Soils and Foundations, Special Issue on Geotechnical Aspects of the January 17 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu Earthquake   1   109 - 118   1996

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  • Effect of soil improvement on ground subsidence due to liquefaction


    Soils and Foundations   99 - 107   1996

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  • Characteristics of Lateral Spreading in Liquefied Deposits during the 1995 Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake

    Journal of Earthquake Engineering   1 ( 1 )   23 - 55   1996

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  • Landslides during Earthquakes


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  • Japanese Standards for Liquefaction of Sand Deposits


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  • Numerical Simulation of the Kobe Port Island Liquefaction

    Proceedings   1996

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  • Active Earth Pressures on Walls Retaining Geogrid-Reinforced Soil

    Proceedings   531 - 536   1996

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  • On the Influence of Nonplastic Fines on Residual Strength

    Proceedings   1   239 - 244   1995

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  • Effects of At-Depth Liquefaction on Embedded Foundations during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   2   16 - 25   1995

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  • Effects of At-Depth Liquefaction on Embedded Foundations during Earthquakes


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  • On the Influence of Nonplastic Fines on Residual Strength

    Proceedings   1   239 - 244   1995

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  • Vertification of a Constitutive Model for Sand by Seismic Centrifuge Tests

    Proceedings   669 - 674   1995

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  • Geotechnical Aspects of Ground Damage during the Kobe-Awaji Earthquake

    Proceedings   1327 - 1331   1995

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  • Effects of Straining on the Shear Wave Velocity

    Proceedings   83 - 88   1995

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  • Geotechnical Aspects of Ground Damage during the Kobe-Awaji Earthquake

    Proceedings   1327 - 1331   1995

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  • Effects of Straining on the Shear Wave Velocity

    Proceedings   83 - 88   1995

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  • Effects of At-Depth Liquefaction on Embedded Foundations during Earthquakes


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  • Effects of At-Depth Liquefaction on Embedded Foundations during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   2   16 - 25   1995

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  • Vertification of a Constitutive Model for Sand by Seismic Centrifuge Tests

    Proceedings   669 - 674   1995

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  • A Constitutive Model for Sandy Soils and Its Application to Seismic Response Analysis

    Proceedings   3   E265-E270   1994

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  • Evaluation of Residual Strength of Sandy Soils

    Proceedings   5   175 - 181   1994

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  • A Constitutive Model for Sandy Soils and Its Application to Seismic Response Analysis

    Proceedings   3   E265-E270   1994

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  • Cyclic Behaviour of Sand and Post-Seismic Stability Analysis


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  • Liquefaction and Flow Failure during Earthquakes


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  • Liquefaction and Flow Failure during Earthquakes


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  • Cyclic Behaviour of Sand and Post-Seismic Stability Analysis


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  • Liquefaction and Flow Failure during Earthquakes


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  • Liquefaction and Flow Failure during Earthquakes


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  • Evaluation of Residual Strength of Sandy Soils

    Proceedings   5   175 - 181   1994

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  • Liquefaction-Induced Ground Damage in Dagupan in the July 16, 1990 Luzon Earthquake

    石原 研而, 東畑 郁生

    Soils and Foundations   33 ( 1 )   133 - 154   1993

  • Results of Shaking Table Tests on Uniform Deposits


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  • Liquefaction and Flow Failure during Earthquakes


  • Liquefaction and Flow Failure during Earthquakes


  • Numerical Prediction for Model No1

    Proceedings   1   129 - 139   1993

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  • Model for the Deformation of Sand during Rotation of Principal Stress Directions


    Journal of the Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering   33 ( 3 )   105 - 117   1993

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    This paper presents an elastoplastic constitutive model for the deformation of sand during loadings involving rotation of principal stress directions. The model employs a plastic potential formulation that allows for the dependency of flow on the stress increment direction and a stressdilatancy relation that incorporates the effects of the non-coaxiality of the principal stress and principal plastic strain increment directions. The continuous plastic deformation of sand during principal stress rotation at constant shear stress level is allowed for in the model by using a very small elastic region in the stress space. In the deviatoric stress space, an associated flow is employed to model the dependency of yielding on the stress increment direction. Hardening behaviour is modelled using discrete surfaces of equal plastic hardening modulus which are allowed to move with the stress point during loading. To model cyclic effects, the plastic hardening modulus is allowed to stiffen during loading depending on the amount of accumulated normalized plastic shear work. The model is used to simulate the deformation of hollow cylindrical sand specimens subjected to rotation of principal stress direction.

    DOI: 10.3208/sandf1972.33.3_105

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10449568

  • Liquefaction-Induced Ground Damage in Dagupan in the July 16, 1990 Luzon Earthquake


    Soils and Foundations   33 ( 1 )   133 - 154   1993

  • Numerical Prediction for Model No1

    Proceedings   1   129 - 139   1993

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  • Results of Shaking Table Tests on Uniform Deposits


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  • Liquefaction and Flow Failure during Earthquakes


  • Liquefaction and Flow Failure during Earthquakes


  • Liquefaction and Flow Failure during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   43 ( 3 )   351 - 415   1993

  • Model for the Deformation of Sand during Rotation of Principal Stress Directions


    Soils and Foundations   33 ( 3 )   105 - 117   1993

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    This paper presents an elastoplastic constitutive model for the deformation of sand during loadings involving rotation of principal stress directions. The model employs a plastic potential formulation that allows for the dependency of flow on the stress increment direction and a stressdilatancy relation that incorporates the effects of the non-coaxiality of the principal stress and principal plastic strain increment directions. The continuous plastic deformation of sand during principal stress rotation at constant shear stress level is allowed for in the model by using a very small elastic region in the stress space. In the deviatoric stress space, an associated flow is employed to model the dependency of yielding on the stress increment direction. Hardening behaviour is modelled using discrete surfaces of equal plastic hardening modulus which are allowed to move with the stress point during loading. To model cyclic effects, the plastic hardening modulus is allowed to stiffen during loading depending on the amount of accumulated normalized plastic shear work. The model is used to simulate the deformation of hollow cylindrical sand specimens subjected to rotation of principal stress direction.

    DOI: 10.3208/sandf1972.33.3_105

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10449568

  • Liquefaction and Flow Failure during Earthquakes


  • Liquefaction and Flow Failure during Earthquakes


    Proceedings   43 ( 3 )   351 - 415   1993

  • Liquefaction and Flow Failure during Earthquakes


  • Dynamic Properties of Soils and Gravels from Laboratory Tests

    Proceedings   1 - 17   1992

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  • Evaluation of settlements in sand deposits following liquefaction during earthquakes


    32 ( 1 )   173 - 188   1992

  • Evaluation of Settlements in Sand Deposits Following Liquefaction during Earthquakes

    Soils and Foundations   32 ( 1 )   173 - 188   1992

  • Mitigative Measures Against Ground Damage during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   89 - 97   1992

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  • Dynamic Properties of Soils and Gravels from Laboratory Tests

    Proceedings   1 - 17   1992

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  • Geotechnical aspects of the June 20, 1990 Manjil earthquake in Iran

    Kenji Ishihara, S. Mohsen Haeri, Ali A. Moinfar, Ikuo Towhata, Shuichi Tsujino

    Soils and Foundations   32 ( 3 )   61 - 78   1992

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    General feature of the Manjil earthquake of June 21, 1990 in Iran and its effects on the ground damage are described putting emphasis on the liquefaction of sand deposits and landsliding which occurred in natural slopes. The liquefaction developed on the fluvial plain in the lower reaches of the Sefidrud river is shown to have exhibited several features in common with those ever encountered in other areas under similar conditions. The landslides which occurred in the mountain flanks in the epicentral area seem to have addressed some new features on the triggering mechanism of the slide intrinsic to earthquake environments.

    DOI: 10.3208/sandf1972.32.3_61



  • Geotechnical aspects of the June 20, 1990 Manjil earthquake in Iran

    Kenji Ishihara, S. Mohsen Haeri, Ali A. Moinfar, Ikuo Towhata, Shuichi Tsujino

    Soils and Foundations   32 ( 3 )   61 - 78   1992

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    General feature of the Manjil earthquake of June 21, 1990 in Iran and its effects on the ground damage are described putting emphasis on the liquefaction of sand deposits and landsliding which occurred in natural slopes. The liquefaction developed on the fluvial plain in the lower reaches of the Sefidrud river is shown to have exhibited several features in common with those ever encountered in other areas under similar conditions. The landslides which occurred in the mountain flanks in the epicentral area seem to have addressed some new features on the triggering mechanism of the slide intrinsic to earthquake environments.

    DOI: 10.3208/sandf1972.32.3_61



  • Mitigative Measures Against Ground Damage during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   89 - 97   1992

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  • Microzonation for Liquefaction Potential During Earthquakes in Japan

    Proceedings   1   703 - 724   1991

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  • Microzonation for Liquefaction Potential During Earthquakes in Japan

    Proceedings   1   703 - 724   1991

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  • Rain-induced Slope Failures Caused by Reduction in Soil Strength


    Soils and Foundations   31 ( 4 )   187 - 193   1991

  • Flow Theory for Sand during Rotation of Principal Stress Direction

    石原 研而, 東畑 郁生

    Soils and Foundations   31 ( 4 )   121 - 132   1991

  • Flow Theory for Sand during Rotation of Principal Stress Direction


    Soils and Foundations   31 ( 4 )   121 - 132   1991

  • Characterization of Cyclic Behaviour of Sand and Post-Seismic Stability Analysis


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  • Rain-induced Slope Failures Caused by Reduction in Soil Strength

    吉田 喜忠, 桑野 二郎, 桑野 玲子

    Soils and Foundations   31 ( 4 )   187 - 193   1991

  • Cyclic behaviour of sand by the multiple shear mechanism model

    K. Kabilamany, K. Ishihara

    Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering   10 ( 2 )   74 - 83   1991

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    The constitutive laws for the behaviour of sand in monotonic loading developed previously are extended so that the actually observed behaviour in unload-reload cycles can be simulated in the context of the proposed rigid granular model. The extension consists of twoparts. The first is to renew the application rule of existing constitutive laws for the case of unload-reload cycles. The second is related with modification of the constitutive law itself that is to be used in unloading and reloading. As to the first part, a kinematic hardening rule to be applied upon occurrence of stress reversal are established for a set of constitutive equations such as yielding, hardening and stress-dilatancy relations. With respect to the second part, it is suggested that the material parameter appearing in the hardening function be changed in unload-reload cycles. Thus, the plastic deformation is made to take place as well in the phase of unload-reload cycles but with lesser degree as compared to the virgin stage in the monotonic loading. The proposed model was used to duplicate the cyclic behaviour of Fuji river sand observed in the laboratory cyclic triaxial test. © 1991.

    DOI: 10.1016/0267-7261(91)90037-Z



  • Flow Failure of Liquefied Sand in Large Scale Shaking Table


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  • Flow Failure of Liquefied Sand in Large-Scale Shaking Tables

    Proceedings   2   1753 - 1766   1991

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  • Stability of Embankments and Dams during Earthquakes


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  • Analysis on Permanent Deformation of Embankments Caused by Earthquakes

    桑野 二郎, 石原 研而, 羽矢 洋, 伊豆 太

    Soils and Foundations   31 ( 3 )   97 - 110   1991

  • Analysis on Permanent Deformation of Embankments Caused by Earthquakes


    Soils and Foundations   31 ( 3 )   97 - 110   1991

  • Characterization of the Undrained Behavior of Sandy Soils

    Proceedings   287 - 296   1991

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  • Cyclic behaviour of sand by the multiple shear mechanism model

    K. Kabilamany, K. Ishihara

    Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering   10 ( 2 )   74 - 83   1991

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    The constitutive laws for the behaviour of sand in monotonic loading developed previously are extended so that the actually observed behaviour in unload-reload cycles can be simulated in the context of the proposed rigid granular model. The extension consists of twoparts. The first is to renew the application rule of existing constitutive laws for the case of unload-reload cycles. The second is related with modification of the constitutive law itself that is to be used in unloading and reloading. As to the first part, a kinematic hardening rule to be applied upon occurrence of stress reversal are established for a set of constitutive equations such as yielding, hardening and stress-dilatancy relations. With respect to the second part, it is suggested that the material parameter appearing in the hardening function be changed in unload-reload cycles. Thus, the plastic deformation is made to take place as well in the phase of unload-reload cycles but with lesser degree as compared to the virgin stage in the monotonic loading. The proposed model was used to duplicate the cyclic behaviour of Fuji river sand observed in the laboratory cyclic triaxial test. © 1991.

    DOI: 10.1016/0267-7261(91)90037-Z



  • Characterization of Cyclic Behavior of Sand and Post-Seismic Stability Analysis

    Proceedings   2   45 - 67   1991

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  • Characterization of Cyclic Behavior of Sand and Post-Seismic Stability Analysis

    Proceedings   2   45 - 67   1991

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  • Characterization of the Undrained Behavior of Sandy Soils

    Proceedings   287 - 296   1991

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  • Flow Failure of Liquefied Sand in Large Scale Shaking Table


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  • Flow Failure of Liquefied Sand in Large-Scale Shaking Tables

    Proceedings   2   1753 - 1766   1991

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  • Stability of Embankments and Dams during Earthquakes


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  • Characterization of Cyclic Behaviour of Sand and Post-Seismic Stability Analysis


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  • Undrained Strength of Underconsolidated Clays and Its Application to Stability Analysis of Submarine Slopes under Rapid Sedimentation


    Journal of the Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering   30 ( 1 )   100 - 114   1990

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    Of several triggering mechanisms of submarine slope instability, the effect of rapid rate of sedimentation is focused on. When subjected to rapid sedimentation, the clayey material in the seabed is in a state of incomplete consolidation or underconsolidation. In order to understand the undrained behaviour of underconsolidated clay, triaxial compression tests were conducted on laboratory-reconstituted samples of soft Bangkok clay which were consolidated under various total pressures and degrees of consolidation. The test results indicated that the undrained strength of the clay increases with the degree of consolidation, while the cohesion and friction angle in terms of effective stress are independent of the degree of consolidation. It was revealed also that the underconsolidated clay develops a slightly greater amount of excess pore water pressure during shear than the normally consolidated clay. Using the above findings, a finite element program was developed to analyze the stability of submarine slopes undergoing rapid sedimentation and increasing height with time. It was shown by an example calculation that the degree of consolidation of the slope decreases with time, eventually resulting in a failure.

    DOI: 10.3208/sandf1972.30.100

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10449144

  • Effects of Factors on Liquefaction of Sands Deposits


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  • Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential and Conseqent Deformations in Sand Fills

    Proceedings   1 - 34   1990

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  • Undrained Strength of Underconsolidated Clays and Its Application to Stability Analysis of Submarine Slopes under Rapid Sedimentation


    Soils and Foundations   30 ( 1 )   100 - 114   1990

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    Of several triggering mechanisms of submarine slope instability, the effect of rapid rate of sedimentation is focused on. When subjected to rapid sedimentation, the clayey material in the seabed is in a state of incomplete consolidation or underconsolidation. In order to understand the undrained behaviour of underconsolidated clay, triaxial compression tests were conducted on laboratory-reconstituted samples of soft Bangkok clay which were consolidated under various total pressures and degrees of consolidation. The test results indicated that the undrained strength of the clay increases with the degree of consolidation, while the cohesion and friction angle in terms of effective stress are independent of the degree of consolidation. It was revealed also that the underconsolidated clay develops a slightly greater amount of excess pore water pressure during shear than the normally consolidated clay. Using the above findings, a finite element program was developed to analyze the stability of submarine slopes undergoing rapid sedimentation and increasing height with time. It was shown by an example calculation that the degree of consolidation of the slope decreases with time, eventually resulting in a failure.

    DOI: 10.3208/sandf1972.30.100

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10449144

  • Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential and Conseqent Deformations in Sand Fills

    Proceedings   1 - 34   1990

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  • Post-Liquefaction Stability of Embankments and Fills


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  • Landslides Caused by Earthquakes


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  • Microzonation of Soil Failure during Earthquakes


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  • Seismic Behavior of Collapsible Soils Subjected to Water Permeation

    Proceedings   2   60 - 72   1990

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  • Liquefaction-Induced Flow Failure of Embankments and Residual Strengh of Silty Sands


    Soils and Foundations   30 ( 3 )   69 - 80   1990

  • Yielding and flow of sand under principal stress axes rotation


    Soils and Foundations   30 ( 1 )   87 - 99   1990

  • Yielding and Flow of Sand under Principal Stress Axes Rotation

    Soils and Foundations   30 ( 1 )   87 - 99   1990

  • Microzonation of Soil Failure during Earthquakes


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  • Stress dilatancy and hardening laws for rigid granular model of sand

    Kandasamy Kabilamany, Kenji Ishihara

    Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering   9 ( 2 )   66 - 77   1990

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    On the basis of experimental observation of behavior of Fuji river sand, a set of constitutive laws with respect to yielding, hardening and flow rules was established which can be termed as the rigid-granular model. The proposed elasto-plastic model incorporates the concept of multiple shear mechanism in order to describe the sand behavior in three-dimensional state of stress. The parameters appearing in the model are determined from the results of triaxial tests on Fuji river sand. The stress versus strain relationship and pore water pressure build-up characteristics of the sand having three different densities were estimated by the proposed rigid granular model. The proposed model was shown to represent, with a reasonable degree of accuracy, the characteristic feature of the deformation behavior of sand observed in the laboratory triaxial shear tests. © 1990 Computational Mechanics Publications.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0267-7261(05)80020-X



  • Stress dilatancy and hardening laws for rigid granular model of sand

    Kandasamy Kabilamany, Kenji Ishihara

    Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering   9 ( 2 )   66 - 77   1990

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    On the basis of experimental observation of behavior of Fuji river sand, a set of constitutive laws with respect to yielding, hardening and flow rules was established which can be termed as the rigid-granular model. The proposed elasto-plastic model incorporates the concept of multiple shear mechanism in order to describe the sand behavior in three-dimensional state of stress. The parameters appearing in the model are determined from the results of triaxial tests on Fuji river sand. The stress versus strain relationship and pore water pressure build-up characteristics of the sand having three different densities were estimated by the proposed rigid granular model. The proposed model was shown to represent, with a reasonable degree of accuracy, the characteristic feature of the deformation behavior of sand observed in the laboratory triaxial shear tests. © 1990 Computational Mechanics Publications.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0267-7261(05)80020-X



  • Effects of Factors on Liquefaction of Sands Deposits


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  • Landslides Caused by Earthquakes


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  • Seismic Behavior of Collapsible Soils Subjected to Water Permeation

    Proceedings   2   60 - 72   1990

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  • Liquefaction-Induced Flow Failure of Embankments and Residual Strengh of Silty Sands

    石原 研而, 安田 進, 吉田 喜忠

    Soils and Foundations   30 ( 3 )   69 - 80   1990

  • Post-Liquefaction Stability of Embankments and Fills


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  • Liquefaction-Induced Flow Slide in the Collapsible Loess Deposit in Soviet Tajik

    石原 研而, 大草 重康, 大八木 則夫

    Soils and Foundations   30 ( 4 )   73 - 89   1990

  • Liquefaction-Induced Flow Slide in the Collapsible Loess Deposit in Soviet Tajik


    Soils and Foundations   30 ( 4 )   73 - 89   1990

  • In-Site Pore Water Pressures and Groud Motions during the 1987 Chiba-Toho-Oki Earthquake


    Soils and Foundations   29 ( 4 )   75 - 90   1989

  • Performances of Storage Tanks during the 1995 Kobe Earthquake

    Proceedings   3   795 - 808   1989

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  • Effects of Ground Condition on the Damage in the Spitak-88 Earthquake


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  • Effects of Ground Condition on the Damage in the Spitak-88 Earthquake

    Proceedings   107 - 121   1989

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  • Recent Developments in Evaluating Liquefaction Characteristics of Local Soils

    Proceedings   4   2719 - 2734   1989

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  • Recent Developments in Evaluating Liquefaction Characteristics of Local Soils

    Proceedings   4   2719 - 2734   1989

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  • Cyclic Shear Strength of Fines-Containing Sands

    Proceedings   101 - 106   1989

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  • Landslides Induced Earthquakes


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  • Permanent Earthquake Deformation of Embankment Dams

    Dam Engineering   1 ( 3 )   221 - 232   1989

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  • In-Site Pore Water Pressures and Groud Motions during the 1987 Chiba-Toho-Oki Earthquake

    石原 研而, 室井 孝仁, 東畑 郁生

    Soils and Foundations   29 ( 4 )   75 - 90   1989

  • Effects of Ground Condition on the Damage in the Spitak-88 Earthquake

    Proceedings   107 - 121   1989

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  • Performances of Storage Tanks during the 1995 Kobe Earthquake

    Proceedings   3   795 - 808   1989

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  • Landslides Induced Earthquakes


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  • Permanent Earthquake Deformation of Embankment Dams

    Dam Engineering   1 ( 3 )   221 - 232   1989

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  • Cyclic Shear Strength of Fines-Containing Sands

    Proceedings   101 - 106   1989

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  • Effects of Ground Condition on the Damage in the Spitak-88 Earthquake


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  • Liquefaction-induced compaction and settlement of sand during earthquakes


    Soils and Foundations   28 ( 1 )   65 - 76   1988

  • Liquefaction of Sand Deposits during Earthquakes


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  • Two-Dimensional Seismic Response Analysis based on Multiple Yield Surface Model

    Proceedings   1811 - 1815   1988

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  • Liquefaction-Induced Compaction and Settlement of Sand during Earthquakes


    Soils and Foundations   28 ( 1 )   65 - 76   1988

  • Analysis of Permanent Deformation of Earth Dams due to Earthquakes

    桑野 二郎, 石原 研而

    Soils and Foundations   28 ( 1 )   41 - 55   1988

  • Analysis of Permanent Deformation of Earth Dams due to Earthquakes


    Soils and Foundations   28 ( 1 )   41 - 55   1988

  • Aging Effects on Cyclic Shear Strength of Tailings Materials

    Proceedings   1988

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  • Aging Effects on Cyclic Shear Strength of Tailings Materials

    Proceedings   3   Ⅲ-121-Ⅲ-126   1988

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  • Liquefaction of Sand Deposits during Earthquakes


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  • Two-Dimensional Seismic Response Analysis based on Multiple Yield Surface Model

    Proceedings   1811 - 1815   1988

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  • Multi-directional irregular loading tests on sand

    Kenji Ishihara, Hideo Nagase

    Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering   7 ( 4 )   201 - 212   1988

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    In order to clarify the effects of irregular and multi-directional nature of load application on soil deposits during earthquakes, multiple series of laboratory tests were conducted on samples of Fuji river sand with three different densities by applying six sets of irregular shear stress from two mutually perpendicular directions in the simple shear test device. On the basis of the test results, values of coefficients allowing for the effects of irregularity and multiplicity in load direction were proposed to facilitate evaluation of soil strength in seismic loading conditions from a knowledge of the cyclic strength that can be readily obtained by the conventional cyclic triaxial test. © 1988 Computational Mechanics Publications.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0267-7261(88)80004-6



  • Multi-directional irregular loading tests on sand

    Kenji Ishihara, Hideo Nagase

    Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering   7 ( 4 )   201 - 212   1988

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    In order to clarify the effects of irregular and multi-directional nature of load application on soil deposits during earthquakes, multiple series of laboratory tests were conducted on samples of Fuji river sand with three different densities by applying six sets of irregular shear stress from two mutually perpendicular directions in the simple shear test device. On the basis of the test results, values of coefficients allowing for the effects of irregularity and multiplicity in load direction were proposed to facilitate evaluation of soil strength in seismic loading conditions from a knowledge of the cyclic strength that can be readily obtained by the conventional cyclic triaxial test. © 1988 Computational Mechanics Publications.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0267-7261(88)80004-6



  • Effects of load irregularity on the cyclic behaviour of sand

    Hideo Nagase, Kenji Ishihara

    Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering   6 ( 4 )   239 - 249   1987

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    In an effort to investigate the effects of irregular nature of load application on the behaviour of soils during earthquakes, a series of uni-directional irregular loading tests were performed on saturated Fuji river snad under undrained condition using a simple shear test apparatus. The samples prepared to three different densities in this test device were subjected to twelve irregular time histories of shear stress alteration. For comparison purposes, the conventional type of constant amplitude cyclic simple shear tests were also conducted on samples prepared under identical conditions. On the basis of the test results, values of coefficients allowing for the effect of load irregularity were elucidated for the samples with three different densities. It was then suggested that the values of coefficient thus determined be used to facilitate the evaluation of the soil strength under actual seismic loading conditions, on the basis of the cyclic shear strength obtained from the conventional type of constant-amplitude triaxial tests. © 1987.

    DOI: 10.1016/0267-7261(87)90005-4



  • Effects of load irregularity on the cyclic behaviour of sand

    Hideo Nagase, Kenji Ishihara

    Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering   6 ( 4 )   239 - 249   1987

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    In an effort to investigate the effects of irregular nature of load application on the behaviour of soils during earthquakes, a series of uni-directional irregular loading tests were performed on saturated Fuji river snad under undrained condition using a simple shear test apparatus. The samples prepared to three different densities in this test device were subjected to twelve irregular time histories of shear stress alteration. For comparison purposes, the conventional type of constant amplitude cyclic simple shear tests were also conducted on samples prepared under identical conditions. On the basis of the test results, values of coefficients allowing for the effect of load irregularity were elucidated for the samples with three different densities. It was then suggested that the values of coefficient thus determined be used to facilitate the evaluation of the soil strength under actual seismic loading conditions, on the basis of the cyclic shear strength obtained from the conventional type of constant-amplitude triaxial tests. © 1987.

    DOI: 10.1016/0267-7261(87)90005-4



  • Landslides in Mountain Slopes during the Ecuador Earthquake of March 5, 1987

    Proceedings   C6-1-C6-11   1987

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  • Pore Water Pressures and Ground Motions Monitored during the 1985 Chiba-Ibaragi Earthquake


    Soils and Foundations   27 ( 3 )   13 - 30   1987

  • Stability of Natural Slopes during the 1984 Nagano-Seibu Earthquakes

    Proceedings   1   237 - 240   1987

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  • Landslides in Mountain Slopes during the Ecuador Earthquake of March 5, 1987

    Proceedings   C6-1-C6-11   1987

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  • Stability of Natural Slopes during the 1984 Nagano-Seibu Earthquakes

    Proceedings   1   237 - 240   1987

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  • Pore Water Pressures and Ground Motions Monitored during the 1985 Chiba-Ibaragi Earthquake

    石原 研而, 穴沢 雄治, 桑野 二郎

    Soils and Foundations   27 ( 3 )   13 - 30   1987

  • Landslides Triggered by Earthquakes


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  • Soil Liquefaction and Failure of Banks during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   51 - 60   1986

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  • Considerations for Landslides in National Slopes Triggered by Earthquakes

    Proceedings   1986

  • Liquefaction of Shallow Deposits of Sand during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   5.3/49-56   1986

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  • Analysis of Landslides during the 1984 Naganoken-Seibu Earthquake

    Proceedings   2   175 - 215   1986

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  • Evaluation of Soil Properties for use in Earthquake Response Analysis

    Proceedings   241 - 275   1986

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  • Considerations for Landslides in National Slopes Triggered by Earthquakes

    石原 研而, 許 海龍

    Proceedings   ( 376 )   1 - 16   1986

  • Problems Associated with Liquefantion of the Ground during Earthquakes


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  • Influence of Rotation of Principal Stress Direction on the Cyclic Behavior of Sands


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  • Landslides Triggered by Earthquakes


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  • Soil Liquefaction and Failure of Banks during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   51 - 60   1986

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  • Liquefaction of Shallow Deposits of Sand during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   5.3/49-56   1986

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  • Analysis of Landslides during the 1984 Naganoken-Seibu Earthquake

    Proceedings   2   175 - 215   1986

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  • Evaluation of Soil Properties for use in Earthquake Response Analysis

    Proceedings   241 - 275   1986

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  • Problems Associated with Liquefantion of the Ground during Earthquakes


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  • Influence of Rotation of Principal Stress Direction on the Cyclic Behavior of Sands


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  • Modelling soil behavior under principal stress axes rotation


    Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics   523 - 530   1985

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  • Stability of Natural Deposits during Earthquakes


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  • Stability of Natural Deposits during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   2   321 - 376   1985

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  • Sand Liquefaction under Rotation of Principal Stress Axes

    Proceedings   1015 - 1018   1985

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  • Liquefaction of Ko-Consolidated Sand Under Cyclic Rotation of Principal Stress Direction with Lateral Constraint

    石原 研而, 山崎 晶, 芳賀 馨

    Soils and Foundations   25 ( 4 )   63 - 74   1985

  • Liquefaction of Ko-Consolidated Sand Under Cyclic Rotation of Principal Stress Direction with Lateral Constraint


    Soils and Foundations   25 ( 4 )   63 - 74   1985

  • Shear Work and Pore Water Pressure in Undrained Shear

    東畑 郁生, 石原 研而

    Soils and Foundations   25 ( 3 )   73 - 84   1985

  • Modelling Soil Behavior under Principal Stress Axes Rotation

    Proceedings   523 - 530   1985

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  • Modeling of Stress-strain Relations of Soils in Cyclic Loading

    Proceedings   373 - 380   1985

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  • Modeling of stress-strain relations of soils in cyclic loading


    Proc. of 5th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics   373 - 380   1985

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  • Stability of Natural Deposits during Earthquakes


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  • Stability of Natural Deposits during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   2   321 - 376   1985

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  • Sand Liquefaction under Rotation of Principal Stress Axes

    Proceedings   1015 - 1018   1985

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  • Shear Work and Pore Water Pressure in Undrained Shear


    Soils and Foundations   25 ( 3 )   73 - 84   1985

  • Undrained Strength of Sand Undergoing Cyclic Rotation of Principal Stress Axes

    東畑 郁生, 石原 研而

    Soils and Foundations   25 ( 2 )   135 - 147   1985

  • Undrained Strength of Sand Undergoing Cyclic Rotation of Principal Stress Axes


    Soils and Foundations   25 ( 2 )   135 - 147   1985

  • Analysis of Wave-Induced Liquefaction in Seabed Deposits of Sand


    Soils and Foundations   24 ( 3 )   85 - 100   1984

  • Strength of a Cohesive Soil in Irregular Loading

    Proceedings   3   7 - 14   1984

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  • Liquefaction-Associated Ground Damage during the Vrancea Earthquake of March 4, 1977

    石原 研而

    Soils and Foundations   24 ( 1 )   90 - 112   1984

  • Liquefaction-Associated Ground Damage during the Vrancea Earthquake of March 4, 1977


    Soils and Foundations   24 ( 1 )   90 - 112   1984

  • Effects of Rotation of Principal Stress Directions on Cyclic Response of Sand

    Mechanics of Engineering Materials   319 - 333   1984

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  • Dynamic Strength of a Cohesive Soil

    Proceedings   91 - 98   1984

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  • Analysis of wave - induced liquefaction in seabed deposits of sand


    Soils and Foundations   24 ( 3 )   85 - 100   1984

  • Dynamic Strength of a Cohesive Soil

    Proceedings   91 - 98   1984

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  • Strength of a Cohesive Soil in Irregular Loading

    Proceedings   3   7 - 14   1984

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  • Effects of Rotation of Principal Stress Directions on Cyclic Response of Sand

    Mechanics of Engineering Materials   319 - 333   1984

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  • Residual Strain and Strength of Clay under Seismic Loading

    Proceedings   602 - 613   1983

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  • Response of Sand in Cyclic Torsional Loading Influenced by Rotation of Principal Stress Directions

    Advances in the Mechanics and the Flow of Granular Materials   2   903 - 928   1983

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  • Three-Dimensional Deformation Model for Sand Under Draind Condition

    Advances in the Mechanics and the Flow of Granular Materials   2   929 - 945   1983

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  • Soil Response in Cyclic Loading, Induced by Earthquakes, Traffic and Waves

    Proceedings   2   42 - 66   1983

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  • Sand Response to Cyclic Rotation of Principal Stress Directions as Induced by Wave Loads

    石原 研而, 東畑 郁生

    Soils and Foundations   23 ( 4 )   11 - 26   1983

  • Sand Response to Cyclic Rotation of Principal Stress Directions as Induced by Wave Loads


    Soils and Foundations   23 ( 4 )   11 - 26   1983

  • Post-Earthpuake Failure of a Tailings Dam due to Liquefaction of the Pond Deposit

    Proceedings   1   511 - 521   1983

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  • Response of Sand in Cyclic Torsional Loading Influenced by Rotation of Principal Stress Directions

    Advances in the Mechanics and the Flow of Granular Materials   2   903 - 928   1983

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  • Three-Dimensional Deformation Model for Sand Under Draind Condition

    Advances in the Mechanics and the Flow of Granular Materials   2   929 - 945   1983

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  • Undrained Deformation Characteristics of Sand in Multi-directional Shear

    山田 恭央, 石原 研而

    Soils and Foundations   23 ( 1 )   61 - 79   1983

  • Cyclic Behaviour of Sand during Rotation of Principal Stress Axes

    Mechanics of Granular Materials : New Models and Constitutive Relations   53 - 73   1983

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  • Soil Response in Cyclic Loading Induced by Earthquakes, Traffic and Waves


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  • Soil Properties Characterization in Dynamic Loading Condition


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  • Soil response in cyclic loading induced by earthquakes, traffic and waves


    Proc. of the 7th Asian Regional Conf. on SMFE, Haifa, Israel   2   42 - 66   1983

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  • Soil Dynamics in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering


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  • Wave-Induced Liquefaction in Seabed Deposits of Sand

    Proceedings   139 - 148   1983

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  • Post-Earthpuake Failure of a Tailings Dam due to Liquefaction of the Pond Deposit

    Proceedings   1   511 - 521   1983

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  • Soil Response in Cyclic Loading Induced by Earthquakes, Traffic and Waves


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  • Soil Properties Characterization in Dynamic Loading Condition


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  • Soil Dynamics in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering


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  • Wave-Induced Liquefaction in Seabed Deposits of Sand

    Proceedings   139 - 148   1983

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  • Residual Strain and Strength of Clay under Seismic Loading

    Proceedings   602 - 613   1983

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  • Cyclic Behaviour of Sand during Rotation of Principal Stress Axes

    Mechanics of Granular Materials : New Models and Constitutive Relations   53 - 73   1983

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  • Undrained Deformation Characteristics of Sand in Multi-directional Shear


    Soils and Foundations   23 ( 1 )   61 - 79   1983

  • Analysis of Landslides during the 1987 Izu-Oshima-Kinkai Earthquake

    石原 研而, 長尾 哲

    Soils and Foundations   23 ( 1 )   19 - 37   1983

  • Analysis of Landslides during the 1987 Izu-Oshima-Kinkai Earthquake


    Soils and Foundations   23 ( 1 )   19 - 37   1983

  • Correlating Drained and Undrained 3D Tests on Loose Sand

    Proceedings   419 - 429   1982

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  • Evaluation of In-Situ Soil Properties for USA in Earthquake Response Analyses


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  • Dynamic Behavior of Soils, Soil Amplification and Soil-Structure Interaction

    Report, Project on Earthquake Risk Reduction in the Balkan Region   1982

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  • Multi-Yield Surface Model for Three-Dimensional Deformation of Sand

    Proceedings   261 - 271   1982

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  • Correlating Drained and Undrained 3D Tests on Loose Sand

    Proceedings   419 - 429   1982

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  • Soil Properties and Liquefaction during Earthquakes


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  • Seismic Response Anlysis for Soil-Tank System under the Influence of Fluid Motion

    Proceedings   3   1029 - 1058   1982

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  • Performance of Artificial Offshore Islands under Wave and Earthquake Loading : Field Data Analyses

    Proceedings   661 - 671   1982

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  • Effects of Large Preshearing on Cyclic Behavior of Sand

    石原 研而, 岡田 滋

    Soils and Foundations   22 ( 3 )   109 - 125   1982

  • Effects of Large Preshearing on Cyclic Behavior of Sand


    Soils and Foundations   22 ( 3 )   109 - 125   1982

  • Dynamic response analysis of level ground base on the effective stress method


    Soil Mechanics-Transient and Cyclic Loads   133 - 172   1982

  • Soil Properties and Liquefaction during Earthquakes


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  • Seismic Response Anlysis for Soil-Tank System under the Influence of Fluid Motion

    Proceedings   3   1029 - 1058   1982

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  • Performance of Artificial Offshore Islands under Wave and Earthquake Loading : Field Data Analyses

    Proceedings   661 - 671   1982

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  • Modeling of Drained Deformation of Sand under Three-Dimensional Stress Conditions

    Proceedings   331 - 342   1982

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  • Evaluation of Soil Properties for Use in Earthquake Response Analysis

    Proceedings   237 - 259   1982

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  • Dynamic Response Analysis of Level Ground Based on the Effective Stress Method

    Soil Mechanics-Transient and Cyclic Loads   133 - 172   1982

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  • Dynamic Behavior of Soils, Soil Amplification and Soil-Structure Interaction

    Report, Project on Earthquake Risk Reduction in the Balkan Region   1982

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  • Evaluation of soil properties for use in earthquake response analysis


    Proc. Int. Symp. on Nyumerical Models in Gepmechanics   237 - 259   1982

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  • Yielding of Loose Sand in Three-Dimensional Stress Conditions

    山田 恭央, 石原 研而

    Soils and Foundations   22 ( 3 )   15 - 31   1982

  • Yielding of Loose Sand in Three-Dimensional Stress Conditions


    Soils and Foundations   22 ( 3 )   15 - 31   1982

  • Multi-Yield Surface Model for Three-Dimensional Deformation of Sand

    Proceedings   261 - 271   1982

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  • Modeling of Drained Deformation of Sand under Three-Dimensional Stress Conditions

    Proceedings   331 - 342   1982

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  • Evaluation of In-Situ Soil Properties for USA in Earthquake Response Analyses


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  • Pore Water Pressures Measured in Sand Deposits during an Earthquake

    石原 研而, 清水 恵助, 山田 恭央

    Soils and Foundations   21 ( 4 )   85 - 100   1981

  • Cyclic Strength of Undisturbed Mine Tailings

    Proceedings   1   53 - 58   1981

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  • Case Studies of Liquefaction in the 1964 Niigata Earthquake

    石原 研而, 古賀 泰之

    Soils and Foundations   21 ( 3 )   35 - 52   1981

  • Case Studies of Liquefaction in the 1964 Niigata Earthquake


    Soils and Foundations   21 ( 3 )   35 - 52   1981

  • Strength of Weathered Tuff under Irregular Dynamic Loading Conditions

    Proceedings   2   1217 - 1222   1981

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  • Stability of Slopes during Earthquakes Including Tailings Dams


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  • Measurements of Insitu Pore Water Pressures during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   1   523 - 528   1981

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  • Cyclic Strength of Undisturbed Mine Tailings


    Proceedings   1   53 - 58   1981

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  • Strength of Cohesive Soils under Transient and Cyclic Loading Conditions

    States-of-the-art in earthquake engineering   154 - 169   1981

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  • Liquefaction Tests Using a True Triaxial Apparatus

    Proceedings   3   235 - 238   1981

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  • Dynamic Properties of Soils for Design of Machine Foundations


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  • Strength of Weathered Tuff under Irregular Dynamic Loading Conditions

    Proceedings   2   1217 - 1222   1981

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  • Pore Water Pressures Measured in Sand Deposits during an Earthquake


    Soils and Foundations   21 ( 4 )   85 - 100   1981

  • Dynamic Properties of Soils for Design of Machine Foundations


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  • Measurements of Insitu Pore Water Pressures during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   1   523 - 528   1981

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  • Undrained Deformation Characteristics of Loose Sand under Three-Dimensional Stress Condition


    Soils and Foundations   21 ( 1 )   97 - 107   1981

  • Strength of Cohesive Soils under Transient and Cyclic Loading Conditions

    States-of-the-art in earthquake engineering   154 - 169   1981

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  • Liquefaction Tests Using a True Triaxial Apparatus

    Proceedings   3   235 - 238   1981

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  • Stability of Slopes during Earthquakes Including Tailings Dams


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  • Undrained Deformation Characteristics of Loose Sand under Three-Dimensional Stress Condition

    山田 恭央, 石原 研而

    Soils and Foundations   21 ( 1 )   97 - 107   1981

  • One-Dimensional Soil Response Analysis during Earthquakes Based on Effective Stress Method

    Journal of the Faculty of Engineering   35 ( 4 )   655 - 700   1980

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  • Cyclic Strength Characteristics of Tailings Materials

    Soils and Foundations   20 ( 4 )   433 - 449   1980

  • Cyclic Strength Characteristics of Tailings Materials

    Soils and Foundations   20 ( 4 )   433 - 449   1980

  • Seismic Stability Analysis of Kokubo Dam

    Design of Dams to Resist Earthquake   83 - 90   1980

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  • One-Dimensional Soil Response Analysis during Earthquakes Based on Effective Stress Method

    Journal of the Faculty of Engineering   35 ( 4 )   655 - 700   1980

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  • Effective Stress Method in One-Dimensional Soil Response Analysis

    Proceedings   3   73 - 80   1980

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  • Cyclic Strengths of Undisturbed Cohesive Soils of Western Tokyo

    Proceedings   1   57 - 66   1980

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  • Liquefaction Characteristics of Sand Deposits at an Oil Tank Site during the 1978 Miyagiken-Oki Earthquake

    Soils and Foundations   20 ( 2 )   97 - 111   1980

  • Liquefaction Characteristics of Sand Deposits at an Oil Tank Site during the 1978 Miyagiken-Oki Earthquake

    Soils and Foundations   20 ( 2 )   97 - 111   1980

  • Cyclic Simple Shear Tests on Saturated Sand in Multi-Directional Loading

    石原 研而, 山崎 文雄

    Soils and Foundations   20 ( 1 )   45 - 59   1980

  • Cyclic Simple Shear Tests on Saturated Sand in Multi-Directional Loading


    Soils and Foundations   20 ( 1 )   45 - 59   1980

  • Effective Stress Method in One-Dimensional Soil Response Analysis

    Proceedings   3   73 - 80   1980

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  • Cyclic Strengths of Undisturbed Cohesive Soils of Western Tokyo

    Proceedings   1   57 - 66   1980

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  • Seismic Stability Analysis of Kokubo Dam

    Design of Dams to Resist Earthquake   83 - 90   1980

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  • Undisturbed Black Sampling of Niigata Sand

    Proceedings   1   39 - 42   1979

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  • Anisotropic Deformation Characteristics of Sand under Three Dimensional Stress Conditions

    山田 恭央, 石原 研而

    Soils and Foundations   19 ( 2 )   79 - 94   1979

  • Anisotropic Deformation Characteristics of Sand under Three Dimensional Stress Conditions


    Soils and Foundations   19 ( 2 )   79 - 94   1979

  • Undisturbed Black Sampling of Niigata Sand

    Proceedings   1   39 - 42   1979

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  • Effects of Overconsolidation and K₀ Conditions on the Liquefaction Characteristics of Sands

    石原 研而, 高津 浩明

    Soils and Foundations   19 ( 4 )   59 - 68   1979

  • Effects of Overconsolidation and K₀ Conditions on the Liquefaction Characteristics of Sands


    Soils and Foundations   19 ( 4 )   59 - 68   1979

  • Effects of Overconsolidation on Liquefaction Characteristics of Sands Containing Fines

    Proceedings   STP654   246 - 264   1978

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  • Cyclic Strength of Undisturbed Sands Obtained by a Piston Sampler

    Soils and Foundations   19 ( 3 )   61 - 76   1978

  • Decent Developments in Soil Dynamics and Liquefaction Studies


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  • Cyclic Strength of Undisturbed Sands Obtained by Large Diameter Sampling


    Soils and Foundations   18 ( 4 )   61 - 76   1978

  • Cyclic Strength of Undisturbed Samples of Sand from Niigata, Japan


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  • Current Research in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering in Japan


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  • Pore Water Pressure Response and Liquefaction of Sand Deposits during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   2   161 - 188   1978

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  • Cyclic Strength of Undisturbed Sands Obtained by Large Diameter Sampling

    石原 研而, 北川 久雄

    Soils and Foundations   18 ( 4 )   61 - 76   1978

  • Liquefaction Susceptibility Map of Downtown Tokyo

    Proceedings   1978

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  • Decent Developments in Soil Dynamics and Liquefaction Studies


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  • Stress History Effects on the Behavior of Sand

    Proceedings   71 - 90   1978

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  • Effects of Overconsolidation on Liquefaction Characteristics of Sands Containing Fines

    Proceedings   STP654   246 - 264   1978

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  • Cyclic Strength of Undisturbed Samples of Sand from Niigata, Japan


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  • Current Research in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering in Japan


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  • Pore Water Pressure Response and Liquefaction of Sand Deposits during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   2   161 - 188   1978

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  • Yielding of Overconsolidated Sand and Liquefaction Model under Cyclic Stresses

    石原 研而, 岡田 滋

    Soils and Foundations   18 ( 1 )   57 - 72   1978

  • Yielding of Overconsolidated Sand and Liquefaction Model under Cyclic Stresses

    Kenji ISHIHARA, Shigeru OKADA

    Soils and Foundations   18 ( 1 )   57 - 72   1978

  • Effects of Stress History on Cyclic Behavior of Sand

    石原 研而, 岡田 滋

    Soils and Foundations   18 ( 4 )   31 - 45   1978

  • Effects of Stress History on Cyclic Behavior of Sand


    Soils and Foundations   18 ( 4 )   31 - 45   1978

  • Cyclic Strength of Undisturbed Sands Obtained by a Piston Sampler

    Soils and Foundations   19 ( 3 )   61 - 76   1978

  • Stress History Effects on the Behavior of Sand

    Proceedings   71 - 90   1978

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  • Liquefaction Susceptibility Map of Downtown Tokyo

    Proceedings   Ⅱ   897 - 910   1978

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  • Blast Furnace Foudations in Japan

    Proceedings, Case History Volume   157 - 236   1977

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  • Stress-Deformation and Strength Characteristics

    Proceedings   2   421 - 494   1977

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  • Liquefaction of Anisotropically Consolidated Sands

    Proceedings   1   261 - 264   1977

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  • Large Diameter Sand Sampling to Provide Specimens for Liquefaction Testing

    Proceedings of Specialty Session   1977

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  • Liquefaction of Anisotropically Consolidated Sands

    Proceedings   1   261 - 264   1977

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  • Large Diameter Sand Sampling to Provide Specimens for Liquefaction Testing

    Proceedings of Specialty Session   1977

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  • Blast Furnace Foudations in Japan

    Proceedings, Case History Volume   157 - 236   1977

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  • Pore Pressure Build-up in Initially Sheared Sand Subjected to Irregular Excitation

    Proceedings   2163 - 2168   1977

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  • Stress-Deformation and Strength Characteristics

    Proceedings   2   421 - 494   1977

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  • Simple Method of Analysis of Liquefaction of Sand Deposits during Earthquakes

    石原 研而

    Soils and Foundations   17 ( 3 )   1 - 17   1977

  • Simple Method of Analysis of Liquefaction of Sand Deposits during Earthquakes


    Soils and Foundations   17 ( 3 )   1 - 17   1977

  • Pore Pressure Build-up in Initially Sheared Sand Subjected to Irregular Excitation

    Proceedings   2163 - 2168   1977

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  • Field Measurement Program for Liquefaction Studies of Sand Deposits during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   97 - 106   1976

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  • Prediction of Liquefaction in Sand Deposits during Earthquakes

    石原 研而, 安田 進, 平尾 寿雄

    Soils and Foundations   16 ( 1 )   1 - 16   1976

  • Prediction of Liquefaction in Sand Deposits during Earthquakes


    Soils and Foundations   16 ( 1 )   1 - 16   1976

  • Field Measurement Program for Liquefaction Studies of Sand Deposits during Earthquakes

    Proceedings   97 - 106   1976

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  • Sand Liquefaction through Volume Decrease Potential

    石原 研而, 渡辺 忠雄

    Soils and Foundations   16 ( 4 )   61 - 70   1976

  • Sand Liquefaction through Volume Decrease Potential


    Soils and Foundations   16 ( 4 )   61 - 70   1976

  • Sand Liquefaction in Hollow Cylinder Torsion under Irregular Excitation

    石原 研而, 安田 進

    Soils and Foundations   15 ( 1 )   45 - 59   1975

  • Bearing Capacity of Sturated Sand Deposits during Vibration

    Proceedings   431 - 438   1975

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  • Undrained Deformation and Liquefaction of Sand under Cyclic Stresses

    石原 研而, 龍岡 文夫, 安田 進

    Soils and Foundations   15 ( 1 )   29 - 44   1975

  • Pore Pressure Build-up in Alluvium due to Pile Driving

    Proceedings   1   61 - 67   1975

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  • Sand Liquefaction in Hollow Cylinder Torsion under Irregular Excitation


    Soils and Foundations   15 ( 1 )   45 - 59   1975

  • Pore Pressure Build-up in Alluvium due to Pile Driving

    Proceedings   1   61 - 67   1975

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  • Bearing Capacity of Sturated Sand Deposits during Vibration

    Proceedings   431 - 438   1975

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  • Undrained Deformation and Liquefaction of Sand under Cyclic Stresses


    Soils and Foundations   15 ( 1 )   29 - 44   1975

  • Yielding of Sand in Triaxial Compression

    Soils and Foundations   14 ( 2 )   63 - 76   1974

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  • Drained Deformation of Sand under Cyclic Stresses Reversing Direction


    Soils and Foundations   14 ( 3 )   51 - 65   1974

  • Effects of Factors Influencing on Liquefaction of Sands


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  • Yielding of Sand in Triaxial Compression

    Soils and Foundations   14 ( 2 )   63 - 76   1974

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  • Effects of Factors Influencing on Liquefaction of Sands


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  • Drained Deformation of Sand under Cyclic Stresses Reversing Direction

    龍岡 文夫, 石原 研而

    Soils and Foundations   14 ( 3 )   51 - 65   1974

  • Measurements of Dynamic Pore Pressure by Pile Driving

    Proceedings   3   440 - 442   1973

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  • Sand Liquefaction under Random Earthquake Loading Condition

    Proceedings   38 - 47   1973

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  • Stress Path and Dilatancy Performance of a Sand

    Proceedings   1   419 - 424   1973

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  • Measurements of Dynamic Pore Pressure by Pile Driving

    Proceedings   3   440 - 442   1973

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  • Sand Liquefaction under Random Earthquake Loading Condition

    Proceedings   38 - 47   1973

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  • Stress Path and Dilatancy Performance of a Sand

    Proceedings   1   419 - 424   1973

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  • Field Measurements of Dynamic Pore Pressure during Pile Driving

    Proceedings   2, Seattle/,529-544   1972

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  • Liquefaction of Subsurface Soil during Earthquakes

    Technocrat   232 - 265   1972

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  • Liquefaction of Saturated Sand in Triaxial Torsion Shear Test

    Soils and Foundations   12 ( 2 )   19 - 39   1972

  • Liquefaction of Subsurface Soil during Earthquakes

    Technocrat   232 - 265   1972

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  • Sand Liquefaction due to Irregular Excitation

    Soils and Foundations   12 ( 4 )   65 - 77   1972

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  • Liquefaction of Saturated Sand in Triaxial Torsion Shear Test

    Soils and Foundations   12 ( 2 )   19 - 39   1972

  • Sand Liquefaction due to Irregular Excitation

    Soils and Foundations   12 ( 4 )   65 - 77   1972

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  • Field Measurements of Dynamic Pore Pressure during Pile Driving

    Proceedings   2, Seattle/,529-544   1972

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  • Factors Affecting Dynamic Properties of Soils

    Proceedings   2   87 - 100   1971

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  • Stress Dilatancy Characteristics of Sand in Triaxial Tests

    Proceedings   337 - 351   1971

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  • On the Longitudinal Wave Velocity and Poisson's Ratio in Saturated Soils

    Proceedings   1   197 - 201   1971

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  • Stress Dilatancy Characteristics of Sand in Triaxial Tests

    Proceedings   337 - 351   1971

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  • On the Longitudinal Wave Velocity and Poisson's Ratio in Saturated Soils

    Proceedings   1   197 - 201   1971

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  • Factors Affecting Dynamic Properties of Soils

    Proceedings   2   87 - 100   1971

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  • Approximate Forms of Wave Equations for Water-Saturated Porous Materials and Related Dynamic Modulus

    Soils and Foundations   10 ( 4 )   10 - 38   1970

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  • Triaxial Torsion Shear Tests on Saturated Sands under Simulated Earthquake Loading Condetion

    Proceedings   175 - 182   1970

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  • Relations between Process of Cutting and Uniquenese of Solutions

    Soils and Foundations   10 ( 3 )   50 - 65   1970

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  • Approximate Forms of Wave Equations for Water-Saturated Porous Materials and Related Dynamic Modulus

    Soils and Foundations   10 ( 4 )   10 - 38   1970

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  • Triaxial Torsion Shear Tests on Saturated Sands under Simulated Earthquake Loading Condetion

    Proceedings   175 - 182   1970

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  • Relations between Process of Cutting and Uniquenese of Solutions

    Soils and Foundations   10 ( 3 )   50 - 65   1970

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  • Failure Types of Railway and Road Embankments Earthquakes

    Report, Project on Earthquake Risk Reduction in the Balkan Region   1969

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  • Failure Types of Railway and Road Embankments Earthquakes

    Report, Project on Earthquake Risk Reduction in the Balkan Region   1969

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  • Propagation of Compressional Waves in a Saturated Soil

    Proceedings   95 - 206   1968

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  • Propagation of Compressional Waves in a Saturated Soil

    Proceedings   95 - 206   1968

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  • The Theory of Viscoelastic Two-Layer Systems and Conception of its Application to the Pavement Design

    Proceedings   245 - 254   1967

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  • The Theory of Viscoelastic Two-Layer Systems and Conception of its Application to the Pavement Design

    Proceedings   245 - 254   1967

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  • Vibration Behavior of a Saturated Sand Layer Founded Underneath by an Inclined Firm Base

    Proceedings   79 - 84   1966

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  • Vibration Behavior of a Saturated Sand Layer Founded Underneath by an Inclined Firm Base

    Proceedings   79 - 84   1966

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  • Vibration Behavior of a Sand Layer Resting upon an Inclined Firm Underground Boundary

    Soils and Foundations   8 ( 1 )   15 - 30   1966

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  • Vibration Behavior of a Sand Layer Resting upon an Inclined Firm Underground Boundary

    Soils and Foundations   8 ( 1 )   15 - 30   1966

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  • Theory of Consolidation of a Porous Material with Heat Effect Based on the Irreversible Thermodynamics

    Transactions of Japan Society of Civil Engineers   ( 113 )   28 - 42   1965

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  • Effect of Rate of Loading on the Modulus of Deformation of Materials Exhibiting Viscoelastic Behaviors

    Transactions of Japan Society of Civil Engineers   ( 117 )   35 - 50   1965

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  • Effect of Rate of Loading on the Modulus of Deformation of Materials Exhibiting Viscoelastic Behaviors

    Transactions of Japan Society of Civil Engineers   ( 117 )   35 - 50   1965

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  • Theory of Consolidation of a Porous Material with Heat Effect Based on the Irreversible Thermodynamics

    Transactions of Japan Society of Civil Engineers   ( 113 )   28 - 42   1965

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  • Vertical Stresses in Elastic Two-Layer Systems

    Transactions of Japan Society of Civil Engineers   ( 102 )   7 - 16   1964

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  • Vertical Stresses in Elastic Two-Layer Systems

    Transactions of Japan Society of Civil Engineers   ( 102 )   7 - 16   1964

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  • Earth Pressure Measurements in Subway Construction

    Proceedings   1   337 - 343   1963

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  • Earth Pressure Measurements in Subway Construction

    Proceedings   1   337 - 343   1963

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  • The General Theory of Stresses and Displacements in Two-Layer Viscoelastic Systems

    Soils and Foundations   2   51 - 68   1962

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  • The General Theory of Stresses and Displacements in Two-Layer Viscoelastic Systems

    Soils and Foundations   2   51 - 68   1962

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  • D.M.Burmister講演


  • 第2回C.W.Lovel特別講演賞


  • 名誉会員


  • 第2回Peter Lumb講演


  • Best Paper Award


  • Best Paper Award


  • 日本学士院賞


  • 名誉博士


  • 第3回H.B.Seed記念講演


  • H.Bolton Seed メダル


  • 防災功労賞


  • 第4回テルツァギ講演


  • 名誉博士


  • 名誉会員


  • 第33回ランキン記念講演


  • 土質工学会論文賞


  • 土質工学会論文奨励賞


  • 土木学会論文奨励賞


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Research Projects

  • 有効応力解析による地盤の硬化対策工の評価

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 不飽和砂質土の液状化

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 砂質土の大変形特性

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    Grant type:Competitive


Committee Memberships

  • 2005 -  

    地盤工学会   2005国際地盤工学会諮問委員会委員  

  • 2003 - 2004

    日本地震工学会   会長  

  • 2004 -  

    地盤工学会   関東支部部長  

  • 2001 - 2002

    日本地震工学会   副会長  

  • 1996 - 1998

    地盤工学会   会長  

  • 1997 -  

    国際地盤工学会   会長  

  • 1991 - 1993

    地盤工学会   副会長  

  • 1989 - 1993

    国際地盤工学会   副会長  

  • 1989 - 1992

    土木学会   論文編集委員会委員長  

  • 1972 - 1978

    地盤工学会   理事  

  • 国際地盤工学会   理事  

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