Updated on 2023/07/20


Tetsuo Akiyama
Research and Development Initiative Institute Professor
Contact information
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  • 工学博士 ( 明星大学 )


  • 1974.3

    Meisei University   master course   completed

Research History

  • 2001 - 2003

    Tokyo Metropolitan University

  • 2001 -  

    Tokyo Metropolitan University, Graduate School of

  • Urban Science

Professional Memberships

  • Transport Research Boord

  • 日本のまちづくり学会

  • 日本地域学会

  • 日本建築学会

  • Conference on Mobility and Transport for Eldaly and Disabled

  • World Conference on Transport Research

  • 老年社会科学会

  • 日本社会福祉学会

  • 交通工学研究会

  • 土木学会

  • 日本都市計画学会

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Research Interests

  • 都市計画

  • Urban Planning

  • Transportation Planning

  • Urban & Transportation Planning

  • 都市・交通計画

  • 交通計画

Research Areas

  • Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Architectural planning and city planning

  • Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Civil engineering plan and transportation engineering


  • Road Planning by citizen Participation

    Gakugeisyppan  2001.5 

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  • 住民参加の道づくり

    学芸出版  2001.5 

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  • 土地利用と交通

    都市研究所  2000 

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  • バスはよみがえる

    日本評論社  2000 

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  • バスはよみがえる。

    日本評論社  2000 

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  • Revived of Bus


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  • Land Use and Transportation

    Center for Urban Studies  2000 

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  • New Paradigm of Bus System

    Nihon Hyoron-sya  2000 

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  • Bridge and Bridge-Foot Plaza in Cyuoku

    The Board of Education of Cyuo-ku  1998 

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  • 中央区の橋・橋詰広場-中央区近代橋梁調査-

    中央区教育委員会  1998 

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  • 地域ケアサービスの内容・移送サービス

    地域福祉辞典・日本地域福祉学会編集・中央法規  1997 

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  • Community Care Service, Special Transport Service

    Dictionary of Community Welfare  1997 

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  • 移動と交通 講座6 高齢社会の技術

    日本評論社  1996 

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  • Mobility and Transportation Series No.6 Technology in Aged Society


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  • またづくり 講座7 高齢社会の技術

    日本評論社  1996 

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  • Series 7, Technology in Age Society


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  • Appropriate Technology in Aged Society Seried No.1 Technology in Aged Society

    Nippon Hyoronsha  1996 

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  • 高齢社会の適正技術 講座1 高齢社会の技術

    日本評論社  1996 

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  • 講座・公的規制と産業 (]G0027[)交通

    NTT出版  1995 

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  • Transport Services

    NTT Syuppan  1995 

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  • 障害者の生活環境改善手法

    彰国社  1994 

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  • Technology Development of Living Emvinonment for Disabled

    Syoukokusya  1994 

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  • Future Eldery Care No1 Core System for the Elderly

    CYUOHOKI  1993 

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  • 高齢者の住いと交通(編著)

    日本評論社  1993 

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  • 明日の高齢者ケアNo1高齢者のケアシステム(分担執筆)

    中央法規  1993 

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  • Housing and Transportation for the Elderly


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  • Subject of 20 civil Righto for the Disebled


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  • Environment Theory of Barrier-Free Design


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  • バリアフリーの生活環境論(共著)

    医師薬出版  1992 

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  • 障害者の人権20の課題(共著)

    全国障害者問題研究会出版部  1992 

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  • 「モビリティは市民権の一部」,障害をもつアメリカ人法

    学苑社  1991 

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  • 「高齢者・身障者のための交通計画」,都市交通

    成山堂  1989 

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  • 「高齢者のモビリティと公共交通-鉄道・バスを中心として」,活力ある高齢化社会とまちづくり

    土木学会  1989 

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    Gordon And Breach Science Publishers The Fifth International Conference on Mobility and Transport of Elderly and Hondicapped Rersons  1989 

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  • 高齢者の社会参加とまちづくり

    公務職員研修協会  1988 

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  • Universal Design of Urban Transportation

    Gakugeisyuppan   1-265   2002.12

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  • 都市交通のユニバーサルデザイン

    学芸出版   1-265   2002.12

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  • Transportation Accessbility Improvement Law

    ASPHALT   44(209), 2-6   2001.11

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  • 藤沢市のみちづくり―湘南台の取り組み―

    ノーマライゼーション   27-36   2001.11

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  • 高齢者における交通政策

    高速道路と自動車   44(11), 188   2001.11

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  • 相模原市における交通バリアフリー基本構想策定の取り組み

    ノーマライゼーション   23-26   2001.11

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  • Road Planning in Fujisawa City

    Normalization   27-36   2001.11

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  • 交通バリアフリーの概要 交通バリアフリー法とその背景

    ASPHALT   44(209), 2-6   2001.11

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  • Transportation Policy for Elderly

    Hexpress Way and Vihecle   44, 188   2001.11

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  • Barrier Free Master Plan in Sagamihara City

    Normalization   23-26   2001.11

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  • 高齢社会対応型交通手段と高齢社会の都市づくり

    老年精神医学雑誌   12, 999-10005   2001.9

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  • Transportation System and Urban Planning for Elderly Society

    Magagine of Aging mental Medical   12, 999-1005   2001.9

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  • 浜松市のユニバーサルデザインまちづくり

    福祉のまちづくり研究会 第4回全国大会概要集   67-70   2001.8

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  • Universal Design Town Planning in Hamamatsu City

    Japanese Association toward Caring Society for All, The 4th Annual Conference   67-70   2001.8

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  • New Trend of STS-Example of Frex Route

    Japanese Association toward Caring Society for All, The 4th Annual Conference   135-138   2001.8

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  • Residence Environment of Movement from other City to Machida City

    Japanese Association toward Caring Society for All, The 4th Annual Conference   55-58   2001.8

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  • Formation of Barrier Free Network in the Machida Station Vicinity

    Japanese Association toward Caring Society for All, The 4th Annual Conference   63-66   2001.8

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  • Research of Life and Mobility of Elderly

    Japanese Association toward Caring Society for All, The 4th Annual Conference   47-50   2001.8

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  • Transportation Characteristics for the Elderly

    Japanese Association toward Caring Society for All, The 4th Annual Conference   51-54   2001.8

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  • Transportation System for going to the Hospital

    Japanese Association toward Caring Society for All, The 4th Annual Conference   39-42   2001.8

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  • 町田駅周辺のバリアフリーネットワークの形成について

    福祉のまちづくり研究会 第4回全国大会概要集   55-58   2001.8

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  • 高齢者の交通行動特性に関する研究―都心地区と郊外地区の比較―

    51-54   2001.8

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  • 町田市への呼び寄せによる移動者の住環境に関する特性

    福祉のまちづくり研究会 第4回全国大会概要集   55-58   2001.8

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  • 高齢者の通院に利用できる交通システムの検討

    福祉のまちづくり研究会第4回全国大会概要集   39-42   2001.8

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  • 高齢者の生活とモビリティに関する研究―高齢者特性の追跡調査と望ましい交通・街づくりの方向性―

    福祉のまちづくり研究会 第4回全国大会概要集   47-50   2001.8

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  • Barrier Free Route of Railway Station

    Japanese Association toward Caring Society for All, The 4th Annual Conference   189-192   2001.8

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  • Urban Universal Design

    Residential Area and Town Planning   2-10   2001.8

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  • Guidance System of Blind in Snow Area

    Japanese Association toward Caring Society for All, The 4th Annual Conference   171-174   2001.8

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  • Characteristics of Use the Feeder Bus Service for Transportation Poor Group

    Japanese Association toward Caring Society for All, The 4th Annual Conference   185-188   2001.8

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  • The Paper of Barrier Free Tourism

    Japanese Association toward Caring Society for All, The 4th Annual Conference   163-166   2001.8

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  • 鉄道駅における移動経路のバリアフリー整備状況に関する一考察

    福祉のまちづくり研究会 第4回全国大会概要集   189-192   2001.8

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  • 都市のユニバーサルデザイン

    宅地とまちづくり   2-10   2001.8

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  • 積雪地における視覚障害者誘導用システムについて

    福祉のまちづくり研究会 第4回全国大会概要集   171-174   2001.8

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  • 移動制約有無による起伏の有る地域の末端交通手段について―多摩ニュータウンを例として

    福祉のまちづくり研究会 第4回全国大会概要集   185-188   2001.8

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  • STSの新たな動向―スウェーデンのフレックスルートの事例から

    福祉のまちづくり研究会 第4回全国大会概要集   135-138   2001.8

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  • バリアフリーツーリズムに関する考察―旅の目的と施設整備

    福祉のまちづくり研究会 第4回全国大会概要集   163-166   2001.8

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  • 町田駅周辺のバリアフリーネットワークの形成について

    福祉のまちづくり研究会 第4回全国大会概要集   63-66   2001.8

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  • Japanese Experience on Introduction of Accessible Buses

    Transed 2001 Abstracts Streszczenia Abstract 16   129   2001.7

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  • Transportation Accessibility Improvement Law in Japan

    Transed 2001 Congference Proceedings   1, 81-87   2001.7

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  • Japanese Experience on Introduction of Accessible Buses

    Transed 2001 Abstracts Streszczenia Abstract 16   129   2001.7

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  • Basic Study on cognition and Visibility of Pubic Signs

    Transed 2001 Abstracts Streszczenia Abstract 17   130   2001.7

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  • Basic Study on cognition and Visibility of Pubic Signs

    Transed 2001 Abstracts Streszczenia Abstract 17   130   2001.7

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  • Transportation Accessibility Improvement Law in Japan

    Transed 2001 Congference Proceedings   1, 81-87   2001.7

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  • 高齢者・障害者対応のコミュニティ交通計画

    作業療法ジャーナル   35(6), 623-627   2001.6

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  • Community Transportation Planning for the Elderly and Disabled

    Journal of Operational Therapeutist   35(6), 623-627   2001.6

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  • Urban Universal Design

    Price of Construction   23-18   2001.1

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  • 福祉、安全、環境を考慮した地域づくり―

    地域づくり   32-33   2001.1

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  • 都市のユニバーサルデザイン

    建築物価臨時増刊   23-18   2001.1

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  • Town Planning for Welfare, Safety and Environment

    Regional Planning   32-33   2001.1

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  • Talking of Future Universal Design

    HUMATE   9, 26-31   2001

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  • ユニバーサルデザインの未来を語る―

    HUMATE   9, 26-31   2001

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  • Vehicle Accessibility in Japan Today and Outlook for the Future

    IATTS Research   25(1), 42-50   2001

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  • Vehicle Accessibility in Japan Today and Outlook for the Future

    IATTS Research   25(1), 42-50   2001

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  • Urban Transportation System for Elderly

    Construction Magazine MCM   618, 50-51   2000.12

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  • 高齢者の都市交通システム

    建設月報MCM   618, 50-51   2000.12

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  • Urban Universal Design

    52 ( 5 )   2000

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  • The Data Analysis and classification for Elderly Passenger of Car in Transportation Poor Area

    Paper on Traffic Engineering   ( 20 )   129 - 132   2000

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  • Urban Universal Design

    Journal of Municipal Problems   52 ( 5 )   19 - 39   2000

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  • A Study on Grasp of Meaning and Seeing the Graphics Symbols(Sign Systems)in the Railway Station

    Paper on Traffic Engineering   ( 20 )   137 - 140   2000

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  • A Study on Evaluation for Service Level of Community Bus Planning

    Paper on City Planning, City Planning Special Issue   35   517 - 522   2000

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  • 都市のユニバーサルデザイン

    都市問題研究   52 ( 5 )   19 - 39   2000

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  • 鉄道駅のサインの認知度と視認性に関する基礎研究

    第20回交通工学研究発表会論文集   ( 20 )   137 - 140   2000

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  • コミュニティバス計画のサービス水準評価に関する研究

    第35回日本都市計画学会学術研究論文集   35   517 - 522   2000

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  • 都市のユニバーサルデザイン

    都市問題研究   52 ( 5 )   2000

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  • 公共交通不便地域における高齢者の自動車同乗の実態とその類型化について

    藤田 光宏, 秋山 哲男

    第20回交通工学研究発表会論文報告集   20 ( 20 )   129 - 132   2000

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:交通工学研究会  

    CiNii Books


  • Study on Walking Properties of Elderly People and Allowable Height of Fault at Joints of Block Pavements.

    KUGE Harumi, KOKUBU Katsuro, AKIYAMA Tetsuo

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu   1999 ( 627 )   67 - 76   1999

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    This study has been executed to find a pavement structure on which elderly people do not meet an accident owing to stumble. In this study, an experiment on walking properties of elderly people has been carried out, and faults at joints of block pavements have been measured. These results have been analyzed and an allowable height of faults over which elderly people can walk safely has been proposed.<br>We found that the standard deviation of faults at joints of block pavements should be less than 2.4mm when the locus of the tip of a toe is approximated by a cubic equation.

    DOI: 10.2208/jscej.1999.627_67


  • Research on Residents Participation Process in Local Transport Planning

    Comprehensive Urban Studies   ( 70 )   107 - 119   1999

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  • Study on Walking Properties of Elderly People and Allowable Height of Fault at Joints of Block Pavements,

    KUGE Harumi, KOKUBU Katsuro, AKIYAMA Tetsuo

    Journal of the Japan Society of Civil Engineering   1999 ( 627 )   67 - 76   1999

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    This study has been executed to find a pavement structure on which elderly people do not meet an accident owing to stumble. In this study, an experiment on walking properties of elderly people has been carried out, and faults at joints of block pavements have been measured. These results have been analyzed and an allowable height of faults over which elderly people can walk safely has been proposed.<br>We found that the standard deviation of faults at joints of block pavements should be less than 2.4mm when the locus of the tip of a toe is approximated by a cubic equation.

    DOI: 10.2208/jscej.1999.627_67


  • The Transition of Bridge-Foot Plaza after Reconstruction Planning in Tokyo Wards Area

    Itoh Kousuke, Akiyama Tetsuo, Itoh Takashi, Mizoguchi Hidekatsu

    Historical Studies Civil Engneering   19 ( 19 )   31 - 39   1999

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    Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    The Bridge Foot Plaza is small open space whichh is located at the foot of a bridge. This paper describes the tansition of Bridge-Foot Plaza a point of laws, space characteristics and facilities in Chuo-ku (old Tokyo City area at Nihonbashi-ku and Kyoubashi-ku) in Tokyo. There were total 244 Bridge-Foot Plazas in 1954, 175 in 1974, now there are total 162 Bridge-Foot Plazas. Except for main facilities (police box and toilet), it is newly estabrished park for children, pocket park and transportation facilities. A decrease in Bride-Foot Plaza is caused by burying the canals and removing the bridges.

    DOI: 10.2208/journalhs1990.19.31


  • 戦災復興計画以後の震災復興橋詰広場の変容について

    土木史研究   ( 19 )   31 - 39   1999

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  • 地区交通計画における住民参加プロセスに関する研究

    総合都市研究   ( 70 )   107 - 119   1999

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  • Evaluation of ST Service for Elderly and the Disabled in Kanagawa Prefecture

    Welfare Urban Planning for Elderly and Disabled   1 ( 2 )   10 - 17   1999

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japanese Association for an Inclusive Society  

    There are at least 100 organizations of Special Transport Service in Kanagawa Prefecture. The purpose of this paper is to discuss caracteristics of ysing ST service, the quality of service and choise of non step bus. The reserch of this study, 1) to grasp the ST Service trip characteristics and management, 2.3) to evaluate the quality of service and to compare Kanagawa systems with Tokyo systems 4) to examin the modal choise of non step bus.

    DOI: 10.18975/jais.1.2_10

    CiNii Books


  • Evaluation of ST Service for Elderly and the Disabled in Kanagawa Prefecture

    Journal of Japanese Association for an Inclusive Society   1 ( 2 )   10 - 17   1999

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japanese Association for an Inclusive Society  

    There are at least 100 organizations of Special Transport Service in Kanagawa Prefecture. The purpose of this paper is to discuss caracteristics of ysing ST service, the quality of service and choise of non step bus. The reserch of this study, 1) to grasp the ST Service trip characteristics and management, 2.3) to evaluate the quality of service and to compare Kanagawa systems with Tokyo systems 4) to examin the modal choise of non step bus.

    DOI: 10.18975/jais.1.2_10

    CiNii Books


  • Japanese Community Bus for the Elderly and Disabled

    8th International Conference on Transport and Mobility for Eldealy and Disable People, Conference Proceedings   1   77 - 85   1998

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  • 震災復興橋詰広場計画の経緯と成立-旧東京市日本橋区および京橋区をケーススタディとして-

    土木史研究   ( 18 )   93 - 101   1998

  • 高齢社会の都市内道路交通

    都市問題   9 ( 7 )   27 - 35   1998

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  • 視覚障害者に関する鉄道駅の情報システム

    第8回高齢者・障害者の交通とモビリティに関する国際会議   2   693 - 698   1998

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  • The Circumstances and Conclusion of Bridge-Foot Plaza Planning in Kanto Earthquake Reconstruction Program

    Historial Study in Civil Engineering   ( 18 )   93 - 101   1998

  • Urban Road Transportation in Aged Society

    Urban Problem   9 ( 7 )   27 - 35   1998

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  • International Perapective for low flower bus

    Transportation and Economy   58 ( 4 )   27 - 35   1998

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  • ノンステップバスの国際的動向

    秋山 哲男, 藤井 直人, 鎌田 実

    運輸と経済   58 ( 4 )   27 - 35   1998

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:運輸調査局  

    CiNii Books


  • Information System of Railway for Visually Impairment Persons

    8th International Conference on Transport and Mobility for Elderly and Disabled people, Conference Proceedings   2   693 - 698   1998

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  • An Evaluation of the Quality of Service and Cost-Effectiveness of Special Transport Service in Tokyo Metropolitan Area

    Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies(EASTS)   2 ( 5 )   1357 - 1370   1997

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  • コミュニティバスの運行特性と利用者による評価


    国際交通安全学会誌   23 ( 2 )   76 - 84   1997

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  • 公共交通のモビリティとバリアフリー

    国際交通安全学会誌   23 ( 1 )   14 - 23   1997

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  • Accessibility of Public Transport and Mobility of the Aged and Infirmed

    IATSS Review   23 ( 1 )   14 - 23   1997

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  • 歩行空間の自損事故に関する研究

    土木計画学研究・論文集   ( 14 )   695 - 712   1997

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  • A Study about on Own Accident of a Rerson of Advanced Age in their Pedestrian Spoce

    JSCE Paper of Infrastructure Planning   ( 14 )   695 - 712   1997

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  • The Characteristics of Community Bus System and Evaluation of Quslity of Service

    IATSS Review   23 ( 2 )   76 - 84   1997

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  • 高齢社会の地域交通システム

    土木学会誌   81 ( 4 )   34 - 42   1996

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  • Eldery Self Accidents on Public Pedestrian Space

    Paper on Traffic Engineering, NO. 16   ( 16 )   193 - 196   1996

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  • Beforeand after Study of Community Bus and Evaluation of from the view Point of users

    Paper on Traffic Engineeving, N/. 16   ( 16 )   213 - 216   1996

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  • Regional Transportation System of Agef Society

    Journal of the fapan Society of Civil Engineering   81 ( 4 )   34 - 42   1996

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  • スペシャルトランスポートサービス

    都市計画   ( 204 )   43 - 47   1996

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  • 屋外歩行空間における高齢者の自損事故に関する研究

    第16回交通工学研究発表会論文報告集   ( 16 )   193 - 196   1996

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  • コミュニティバスの事前・事後分析と利用者による評価

    申 連植, 山川 仁, 秋山 哲男

    第16回交通工学研究発表会論文報告集   ( 16 )   213 - 216   1996

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:交通工学研究会  

    CiNii Books


  • Special Transport Serrice in Public Transport

    City Planning Review   ( 204 )   43 - 47   1996

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  • 高齢者・障害者のスペシャルトランスポートサービス

    土木学会論文集   IV-25 ( No.518 )   159 - 171   1995

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  • Special Transport Service for Elderly and Disabled

    Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management, Japan Society of Civil Engineering   IV-25 ( No.518 )   159 - 171   1995

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  • 障害者・高齢者に配慮した道路の現状と課題

    秋山 哲男, 三星 昭宏

    土木学会論文集V   ( 502 )   1 - 11   1994

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:土木学会  

    DOI: 10.2208/jscej.1994.502_1

    CiNii Books


  • Special Transport Service

    Rehabilitation Engineering   9 ( 2月 )   20 - 26   1994

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  • 諸外国における福祉と交通-日本との比較

    交通工学   29 ( 増刊 )   51 - 58   1994

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  • 視覚障害者誘導用道路の舖装の現況に関する研究

    舖装   29 ( 4 )   29 - 34   1994

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  • Road Problems and Future Scope for Elderly and Disabled

    Jounal of Material, Concrete Structure and Pavements, Japan Society of Civil Engineering   ( 502 )   1 - 11   1994

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  • スペシャルトランスポートサービス(STサービス)

    リハビリテーションエンジニアリング   9 ( 2月 )   20 - 26   1994

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  • Welfare Oriented Town Planning and Transportation in Forign Countries-Comparative with Japanese

    Traffic Engineering   29 ( 増刊 )   51 - 58   1994

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  • A Servey of Guided Blocks and Pavements for Visual Impairments

    Pavement   29 ( 4 )   29 - 34   1994

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  • 人にやさしいターミナル

    MOBILITY(90巻冬期号11-17頁)   1993

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  • 交通計画と福祉のまちづくり

    土木学会、土木計画学研究委員会   13-18   1993

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  • Means of Transportation for the Disabled

    Operational Pherapist Journal   27   1993

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  • 高齢者の交通行動とシルバーパスに関する考察

    総合都市研究   48,45-55   1993

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  • Classification of Mobility Handicapped from the view Point of Physical Handicap and Trip characteristics

    Proceeding of Infrastructure Planning   195-198   1993

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  • Terminal Design for Elderly and Disabled

    MOBILITY   1993

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  • A Study of Transportation and User-Side subsidy for the Elderly

    Comprehensive Urban Studies   48,45-55   1993

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  • Welfare Oriented Urban Planning and Transportation Planning

    Japan Society of Civil Engineering, Committee of Infrastructure Pranning   13-18   1993

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  • 障害者の交通手段

    作業療法ジャーナル   27   1993

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  • 身体的ハンディキャップからみた移動制約者の分類とトリップ特性

    土木計画学研究・講演集16(2)   195-198   1993

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  • (日本における高齢者・障害者の交通対策の歴史的経偉)

    COMOTRED(高齢者障害者の移動と交通に関する国際会議)   168-172   1992

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  • Progress and Problem of Transport Countermeasures for the Elderly and the Disabled in Japan

    Mobility and Transport for Elderly and International Conference Vo1 Disabled Persons -Procteding of 6th   168-172   1992

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  • 欧米の身体障害者の交通政策の歴史的経緯

    老年社会科学会   13,77-88   1991

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  • 橋詰広場の空間的扱いとその利用特性-旧東京市市外地域を例として-

    都市計画論文集   26,43-48   1991

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  • 障害者と健常者の外出行動の比較に関する考察

    土木計画学研究講演集   14 ( 2 )   69 - 73   1991

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  • The History of Transport Countermeasures for the Phisical Disaebled Reples in USA and European Countries

    13,77-88   1991

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  • 大都市通勤鉄道における駅前広場景観の調査手法と景観評価に関する研究

    都市計画論文集   26,427-432   1991

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  • A Study on Spaces and Using charactoristics on Bridge Foot Spaces -A case Study in Tokyo City-

    City Planning Review   26,43-48   1991

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  • A Study of Trip Behavior of the Digabled Reople and the Ablebody People

    Proceedings of lfrastructuse Planning   14 ( 2 )   69 - 73   1991

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  • A Study on Servey Method and Evatuation on Station Square Scapes of Commuter Train in Metropoltan Area

    26,427-432   1991

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    25   1990

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  • 障害者のバス利用に関する研究

    都市計画論文集   25   1990

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    REPORT of the Third International Expert Seminor on Building Non Handicopping Enviromments   1988

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  • ハンディキャップのない環境に関する交通手段


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    152   1988

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  • 障害者・高齢者の交通政策と交通計画

    都市計画   152   1988

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    22   1987

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  • 高齢者のハンディキャップと外出特性に関する考察

    都市計画学術研究論文集   22   1987

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  • Development sensitivity Programs for Public

    Transed 2001 Congference Proceedings   2, 482-489  

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  • Development sensitivity Programs for Public

    Transed 2001 Congference Proceedings   2, 482-489  

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Research Projects

  • 都市のユニバーサルデザイン・都市計画

    1995 -  

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Urban Universal Design

    1995 -  

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 福祉のまちづくり

    1980 -  

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Barrier Free Design

    1980 -  

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 高齢者・障害者の交通計画

    1975 -  


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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Mobility and Transportation Planning for the Elderly and the Disabled

    1975 -  

    Cooperative Research 

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    Grant type:Competitive


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Committee Memberships

  • 1995 - 2002

    交通工学研究会   査読委員  

  • 1994 - 2000

    老年社会科学会   編集委員  

  • 2000 -  

    Transport Research Boord   Accessibility委員会委員  

  • 1997 -  

    日本のまちづくり学会   企画委員長,理事  

  • 1995 -  

    Conference on Mobility and Transport for Eldaly and Disabled   コミッティメンバ-  

  • 1991 - 1993

    土木学会   土木計画学委員会,幹事,行事委員会委員,高齢者交通小委員会副委員長  

  • 1987 - 1991

    日本都市計画学会   文献委員会委員,論文査読委員  

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