Updated on 2024/08/12


IKUINE Fumihiko
Chuo Graduate School of Strategic Management Professor
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Chuo Graduate School of Strategic Management, Business Scinece Course
Contact information
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  • Ph. D. in Economics ( The University of Tokyo )

  • Master of Economics ( The University of Tokyo )

  • Bachelor of Economics ( The University of Tokyo )


  • 2006.11

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Economics   doctor course   completed

  • 1998.3

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Economics   master course   completed

  • 1995.9

    The University of Tokyo   Faculty of Economics   graduated

Research History

  • 2020.4 - Now

    Chuo University   Business School (Chuo Graduate School of Strategic Management)   Professor

  • 2015.6 - 2023.12

    東京大学大学院   経済学研究科   非常勤講師

  • 2017.9 - 2023.3

    Prefectural University of Hiroshima   大学院 経営管理研究科   非常勤講師

  • 2011.4 - 2020.3

    University of Tsukuba   Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems   Associate Professor

  • 2017.5    

    Kyushu University   大学院 ロバート・ファン/アントレプレナーシップ・センター   非常勤講師

  • 2015.9    

    Hokkaido University   大学院経済学研究科   非常勤講師

  • 2010.9 - 2014.9

    The University of Tokyo   経済学部   非常勤講師

  • 2009.4 - 2011.3

    Bunkyo Gakuin University   Faculty of Management   Associate Professor

  • 2009.9 - 2010.3

    Meiji University   商学部   非常勤講師

  • 2006.4 - 2009.3

    Bunkyo Gakuin University   Faculty of Management   Lecturer

  • 2004.9 - 2006.3

    Bunkyo Gakuin University   経営学部   非常勤講師

  • 2004.1 - 2006.3

    Institute of Innovatin Research, Hitotsubashi University   Lecturer

  • 2003.5 - 2004.1

    Global Business Research Center   Researcher

▼display all

Professional Memberships

  • 1999.5 - Now

    The Academic Association for Organizational Science

  •   - Now

    Japan Society for Evolutionary Economics

  •   - Now

    Academy of Management

  •   - Now

    Japan Industrial Management Association

  •   - 2020.4

    Society for Serviceology

Research Interests

  • プラットフォーム

  • Product develpoment management

  • ビジネスモデル

  • 情報産業

  • Diffusion of the Innovation as "Social Learning"

  • Development of online software and services

  • Webサービス

  • Management of Technology

  • コンテンツ

  • ソフトウェア

  • イノベーション

  • MOT

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic history

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic policy

  • Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Social systems engineering

  • Informatics / Entertainment and game informatics

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Business administration


  • An Empirical Analysis of Psychological Factors in Japanese Individual Number Card Acquisition Behavior: Examination of effective promotion measures Reviewed

    Yamaguchi, S. Inoue, S, Oshima, H, Nakano, S, Katsumata, S, Ichikoji, S, Ikuine, F

    SSRN Electronic Journal   1 - 32   2024.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4822033


  • How do consumers choose payment methods?: Analysis of choice behaviour using situational and individual factors. Reviewed

    Nakano, S, Katsumata, S, Yamaguchi, S, Ichikoji, T, Ikuine, F

    Journal of Marketing Science   31 ( 1 )   9 - 37   2024.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.11295/marketingscience.202304


  • Organizational Capability and Its Development in Digital Era: Transforming the Value of Data within Organizational Processes Invited

    Hirai, Y, Tatsumoto, H, Ikuine, F, Watanabe, T

    The keizai bunseki (The economic analysis)   209   44 - 69   2024.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.60294/keizaibunseki.209.0_44


  • Recruit: Digital Transformation of the Ecosystem by HOT PEPPER Beauty

    Takahashi, K, Inukai, T, Chiba, T, Tanaka, K, Ikuine, F

    Hitotsubashi Business Review   71 ( 1 )   118 - 129   2023.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • The future of data utilization in Japan: From the perspectives on innovation studies Invited

    Ikuine, F

    Journal of Information and Communication Research   40 ( 4 )   101 - 106   2023.5

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.11430/jsicr.40.4_101


  • The Worldview of the Process School of Organizational Routine: Introduction of Technical Notes Series on Howard-Grenville et al. (2016)

    Inamizu, N, Ikuine. F

    Akamon Management Review   22 ( 2 )   35 - 42   2023.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.14955/amr.0230407a


  • Looking for a bluebird: Founding and business building process of a Japanese venture firm. Reviewed

    Nobuyuki Inamizu, Fumihiko Ikuine, Hidenori Sato

    Annals of Business Administrative Science   22 ( 1 )   1 - 17   2023.2

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Global Business Research Center  

    DOI: 10.7880/abas.0221130a


  • 幸せの青い鳥を探して

    Nobuyuki Inamizu, Fumihiko IKUINE, Hidenori Sato


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    本研究は、ある日本のventure firmの詳細な事例研究に基づき、起業家の行動とinnovationのprocessにおける「無意識に実行されるroutines」の重要性を示唆するものである。組織のroutinesに関する既存研究では、以下の2点が指摘されてきた。第一に、既存のroutinesに熟達すると、新しい分野の探索(遠方探索 distant search)が困難になる(Levitt & March, 1988; March, 1991)(探索問題 exploration problem)。第二に、distant searchは既存のroutinesを失わせる傾向があり、ましてや既存のroutinesとdistant searchの結果を融合して新しいroutinesを生み出すことはできない(Gavetti & Levinthal, 2000; Levinthal & Rerup, 2006)(融合問題 fusion problem)。しかし、本研究で取り上げる起業家のKimura及びKimura Information Technology Co., Ltd. (KIT)はこれらの問題を乗り越えて競争優位のある事業の創出に成功していた。そのprocessを分析することで、無意識のうちに実行されるほどに既存routinesに熟達していることがかえって(1) distant searchを促進すること、(2) distant searchの結果を既存のroutinesに融合できること、が明らかとなる。

    DOI: 10.51094/jxiv.229


  • Competitive strategies of communication platforms in the period of hegemony, maturity, and growth: From the perspective of relationship of other apps in shopping baskets Reviewed

    Ichikoji, T, Katsumata, S, Nakano, S, Yamguchi, S, Ikuine, F

    Organizational Science   55 ( 3 )   34 - 48   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Academic Association for Organizational Science  

    DOI: 10.11207/soshikikagaku.20220415-4


  • Questionnaire Survey on Data Utilization in Japanese Companies : Focusing on the Differences Between Listed and Unlisted Companies Invited

    Hirai, Y, Tatsumoto, H, Ikuine, F

    Journal of Intellectual Property Association of Japan   18 ( 3 )   5 - 17   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Intellectual Property Association of Japan  

    More than five years have passed since the Fifth Science and Technology Basic Plan was formulated. During this period, companies in all industries have been conducting business activities utilizing digital technology toward the realization of Society 5.0. In addition, the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection has accelerated digital transformation worldwide, and the use of data as an intangible asset has become increasingly important. This paper uses a questionnaire survey conducted by the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) to (1) examine the factors that affect data utilization outcomes, focusing on the volume of data and the ability of organizations to utilize data, and (2) examine whether these factors differ between listed and non-listed companies. The results of the analysis suggest that while the impact of data quantity on the outcomes of data use is limited, the ability of the organization to use the data contributes significantly to the achievement of the outcomes. These effects were found to be the same for listed and unlisted firms.


  • Changes in the use of mobile devices during the crisis: Immediate response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Reviewed

    Katsumata, S, Ichikouji, T, Nakano, S, Yamaguchi, S, Ikuine, F

    Computers in Human Behavior Reports   5   1 - 12   2022.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier  

    We analyze the smartphone usage behavior of individuals against the background of the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) to classify usage behaviors and examine the factors that lead to change. Specifically, we examine the differences in smartphone usage between the first wave and the second wave of the epidemic in Japan. On average, the frequency of use increased, especially during the first wave of the epidemic. Next, we classify the changes in usage behavior and examine the differences between individuals whose smartphone usage time increased and those whose usage time decreased. Our analysis using personal characteristics as explanatory variables suggests that demographic variables may explain behavioral changes. We were able to classify the factors into three categories: positive factors that promote an increase in usage time, negative factors that promote a decrease, and variation factors that promote fluctuations.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.chbr.2022.100168


  • The Impact of Big Data and Firms’ Data Capabilities: sector comparison by RIETI survey data Invited

    Tatsumoto, T, Hirai, Y, Ikuine, F

    The Journal of Science Policy and Research Management   36 ( 1 )   5 - 16   2021.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management  

    This paper investigates the impact of big data on the business performances of Japanese companies by using the dataset of the questionnaire surveys conducted by RIETI in 2017 and 2020. There are three key findings.
    This study gives a good starting point for future research on sector comparison of the impact of big data and firms' capacity of data utilization.

    DOI: 10.20801/jsrpim.36.1_5


  • The development productivity dilemma: Managing the flow of a series of new products Reviewed

    Ikuine, F

    Annals of Business Administrative Science   20 ( 3 )   79 - 92   2021.6

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    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Global Business Research Center  

    DOI: 10.7880/abas.0210317a


  • DX: past, present and future Invited

    Tatsumoto, H, Ikuine, F

    Hitotsubashi Business Review   68 ( 2 )   6 - 18   2020.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Toyo-Keizai Shinpou-sha  


  • Looking for a blue bird: Founding and business building process of a Japanese venture firm Reviewed

    Inamizu, N, Ikuine, F, Sato, H

    The EGOS and Organization Studies Workshop   2019.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:European Group for Organizational Studies  


  • The reality and possibility of Eigyo

    Nobe, T, Komatsu, H, Ikuine, F

    Hitotsubashi Business Review   66 ( 3 )   6 - 19   2018.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Toyo-Keizai Shinpou-sha  



  • Positive effect of cost pressure Reviewed

    Fumihiko IKUINE

    Annals of Business Administrative Science   17 ( 4 )   183 - 191   2018.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Global Business Research Center  

    When a company acquires new knowledge, it expects to create new business by fusing the new knowledge with existing knowledge. At least that is how things appear superficially. However, Fujitsu’s new business development discussed in this paper was not related to any new knowledge but sprung up because of other reasons. Because the company had invested a lot of resources to acquire new knowledge, it was impossible to recover the management resources that it had invested, which then became sunk costs, unless the company did something. We call such a situation “sunk cost pressure.” In the case examined in this paper, this sunk cost pressure induced the combining of disparate knowledge in the company’s possession, thus creating new business.

    DOI: 10.7880/abas.0180712b


  • Managemnent and Time

    Ikuine, F

    Akamon Management Review   17 ( 2 )   21 - 24   2018.4

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    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publisher:Global Business Research Center (GBRC)  


    DOI: 10.14955/amr.0180410a


  • Proposal of service capabilities as a generalized framework

    Nishino, S, Hara, Y, Ikuine, F

    Society for serviceology proceedings   96 - 99   2017.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)   Publisher:Society for Serviceology  

    サービスを研究する鍵概念として、経営学の組織能力(organizational capability)を応用したサービス・ケイパビリティの概念を提案した。サービス・ケイパビリティを中心に据え、経済学のマッチング理論、マーケット・デザイン、ゲーム理論、工学の最適化や線形計画法などの手法を組み合わせることで、サービスを研究する一般的なフレームワークを構築できると考えられる。ただし、サービス提供に必要なリソースの議論など補われるべき点も多く、今後の研究によってフレームワークを完成させる必要があると言える。


  • Five steps in sales and its skills: The importance of preparing before an interview with customers Reviewed

    Inamizu, N, Sato, H, Ikuine, F

    Annals of Business Administrative Science   16 ( 1 )   1 - 13   2017.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Global Business Research Center (GBRC)  

    This study presents detailed sales actions through continuous unstructured interviews of practitioners. The results of the study demonstrate that there are five steps in sales: 1) preparation; 2) approaching customers; 3) interview; 4) presentation; and 5) closing. In addition, a questionnaire comprising 142 items for measuring these sales actions was developed based on these five steps, and the questionnaire was given to 107 individuals in eight companies. The results of the questionnaire revealed variances between top and bottom performers, with these variances in the steps prior to the interview, particularly in the preparation stage. This suggests the importance of preparation in sales. The sales skills scale of Rentz, Shepherd, Tashchian, Dabholkar, and Ladd (2002) measured aspects that have no direct relationship with sales and is problematic considering that it may fall into a tautology. The research approach taken herein, where the focus is on these sales actions and the five steps, may resolve the problems inherent to Rentz et al. (2002).

    DOI: 10.7880/abas.0161125a


  • An evolutionary process of the Home video game in Japan: The consequence of the development productivity dilemma- Reviewed

    Ikuine, F

    Replaying Japan 2016 Conference Abstract   21 - 24   2016.8

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    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Leipzig University  


  • Beyond the Dilemma of Development Productivity: Limits and Challenges of Industry Level Analysis

    Ikuine, F

    Japan Society for Evolutionary Economics proceedings   2016.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)   Publisher:Japan Society for Evolutionary Economics  


  • SIG for Service Capability

    Hara,Y, Nishino, N, Ikuine, F

    Japanese Journal of Servicelogy   2 ( 2 )   66 - 71   2015.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Society for Serviceology  

    DOI: 10.24464/serviceology.2.2_66


  • How to Avoid Fork Reviewed

    Fumihiko IKUINE

    Annals of Business Administrative Science   13 ( 5 )   283 - 298   2014.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Global Business Research Center (GBRC)  

    In terms of software, "continuous development" of the software is the best quality assurance. Continuous development requires either the original developer to continue development, or the next generation of developers to take over the development. It has been noted that when the original developer has used "open source," a development paradigm in which the source code is kept open to all, highly motivated and competent developers will participate in development. This makes it easier for a project to survive. However, at the same time, when the source code is opened to a broad audience a fork in the source code tends to occur. When this happens, those with a high level of competence and motivation abandon the development and go their separate ways. In such a situation, it is difficult for a project to survive. In the case of Denshin 8 go, a guardian for the source code was appointed, and the original developer and the guardians avoided this dilemma. Richard Stallman of the GNU project and Linus Torvalds of Linux project act as legitimate guardians to avoid fork.

    DOI: 10.7880/abas.13.283


  • Open Source, a Phenomenon of Generation Changes in Software Development: The Case of Denshin 8 go. Reviewed

    Fujita, H, Ikuine, F

    Annals of Business Administrative Science   13 ( 1 )   1 - 15   2014.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Global Business Research Center (GBRC)  

    Success in software development is not simply "a person" or "a team" succeeding in development, but rather the execution of a smooth "shift to the next-generation" of developers, who continuously upgrade a single software product over a long span of time. In this case, different generations of developers share the source code. This paper analyzes this process using "Denshin 8 go," Japanese free software as one example. Initially, the original creator, Ishioka developed Denshin 8 go single-handed as closed source software and succeeded in motivating users through frequent upgrades. Several years after the initial release of Denshin 8 go Ishioka lagged behind in much needed upgrades, but one user group continued to use Denshin 8 go and was eager to improve the software. He disclosed the source code to the group, which in turn carried forward the process of development. As this case shows, the viewpoint that alternate generation of developers outside of a single company is caused by success in software development is known as "open source" software development. However, the reverse is not necessarily true. That is, simply becoming open source does not guarantee successful development.

    DOI: 10.7880/abas.13.1


  • Platform paradox Reviewed

    Wada, T, Ichikoji, T, Ikuine, F

    Annals of Business Administrative Science   13 ( 2 )   91 - 103   2014.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Global Business Research Center (GBRC)  

    Porter (1998) noted that with continuing global homogenization in companies condition to obtain resources and gain access to markets, there is an increasing need to create a local, competitive advantage in industrial clusters. He called the importance of location in this age of globalization a "location paradox." Similarly, when industry-wide platforms appear and global development technologies are standardized, companies need to accumulate unique technical capabilities to differentiate themselves. In this paper, this phenomenon is known as the "platform paradox," and is verified by a case of videogame industry. The utilization of development platforms (game engines and middleware) standard within this industry during the 2000s, causing global homogenization in development technology. Videogame development companies industrial cluster located in Japans city of Fukuoka cooperated in technological matters in an effort to differentiate themselves with their technological sophistication in using platforms. By aggressively sharing knowledge to optimally utilize hardware and development tools, these companies have created a store of unique technologies.

    DOI: 10.7880/abas.13.91


  • Endless development is the best quality assurance: The case of "Hidemaru Mail" Reviewed

    Ikuine, F, Fujita, H

    Annals of Business Administrative Science   12 ( 5 )   251 - 263   2013.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Global Business Research Center (GBRC)  

    It is difficult to identify easily adaptable software in its completed form. In its nature, the definition of "complete" is unclear. As a result, if one expects perfection in software, software products will never be released; the only alternative is to release software if it runs, and then gradually refine it over time. This results in the implicit conventional wisdom that the "continuous development" of the software is the best quality assurance. This paper looks at the highly capable Windows e-mail software called "Hidemaru Mail." With current progress in IT, it is possible that the concept of software quality assurance can be applied to a broader array of products and services.

    DOI: 10.7880/abas.12.251


  • Free and Open Source Are Not Necessary Conditions of Successful Development: The Case of “Hidemaru Mail" Reviewed

    Hideki FUJITA, Fumihiko IKUINE

    Annals of Business Administrative Science   12 ( 3 )   151 - 166   2013.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Global Business Research Center  

    DOI: 10.7880/abas.12.151


  • The Evolution of the Home Video Game Software Industry in Japan: An Empirical Study on Factors in the Industry’s Evolution Reviewed

    Ikuine, F

    Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review   9 ( 1 )   37 - 50   2013.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society for Evolutionary Economics  

    In this paper, we describe the evolutionary process of the home video game software industry in Japan from 1983 to 1999. From the descriptive analysis, we identified an innovation pattern which is similar to the one found in a detailed case study of the automobile industry by Abernathy. We can see a similar innovation pattern in the game software industry: within a few years after the game software industry was born, many radical and important product innovations occurred, followed by many incremental and minor product innovations. People within the home video game software firms accumulate know-how (knowledge) gradually, according to continued development of products. This knowledge accumulation makes them hesitate in making a substantial new attempt at product development. We call this phenomenon the "development productivity dilemma," analogous to the earlier concept in the automobile industry, the "productivity dilemma." In this meaning, Abernathy's theory is applicable to not only manufacturing areas, but also knowledge-based areas such as software development. Accumulations of knowledge restrict making radical attempts and definitely determine the evolutional process of the industry.

    DOI: 10.14441/eier.A2012003


  • Innovation patterns in the digital age: From the case of the game software industry

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    日本経済新聞出版社第26回企業行動コンファレンス2012   2012.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)   Publisher:日本経済新聞出版社  


  • Beyond the Dilemma of Development Productivity: Limits and Challenges of Industry Level Analysis- Reviewed

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    IIR Summer School 2012   2012.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  


  • Organizational theory and Innovation: Redefinition of Innovation as an Organizational Process Reviewed

    Fujita, H, Ikuine, F

    IIR Summer School 2011   2011.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  


  • The capture of consumers insight via tacit knowing: an case-study of Weiden & Kennedy of Tokyo Reviewed

    Mizuno, M, Ikuine, F

    Akamon Management Review   10 ( 6 )   441 - 462   2011.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Global Business Research Center (GBRC)  

    DOI: 10.14955/amr.100602


  • Organizing via Web: the evolution of the software development process and organization Reviewed

    Ikuine, F, Fujita, H

    Akamon Management Review   10 ( 4 )   271 - 310   2011.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Global Business Research Center (GBRC)  

    DOI: 10.14955/amr.100402


  • Computer graphics as an Innovation: Research from Microscopic Perspective- Reviewed

    Ikuine, F

    IIR Summer School 2010   2010.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)   Publisher:一橋大学イノベーション研究センター  


  • Development and diffusion of digital contents in Japan-A case of Computer Graphics as an innovation-

    Shimada, M, Kurashima, M, Kitami, Y, Ikuine, F

    文京学院大学総合研究所紀要   9 ( 9 )   167 - 205   2008.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:文京学院大学総合研究所  

    CiNii Books


  • Yahoo! Answers: A case study Organizing users through the development of Internet services

    Fujita, H, Ikuine, F

    Akamon Management Review   7 ( 6 )   307 - 337   2008.6

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    DOI: 10.14955/amr.070601


  • The change of development and profiting: some cases from content industries

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    Business review, Faculty of Business Administration, Bunkyo Gakuin University   17 ( 1 )   33 - 47   2007.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:文京学院大学総合研究所  

    CiNii Books


  • Operationalization of <weight> variable of organization Reviewed

    Numagami, T, Karube, M, Tanaka, K, Shimamoto, M, Kato, T, Ikuine, F

    Hitotsubashi review of commerce and management   1 ( 1 )   4 - 22   2006.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi Academy Commerce and Management  

    CiNii Books


  • ゲームソフト産業のイノベーション・パターン ―開発生産性のディレンマ―


    東京大学大学院経済学研究科博士学位論文   2006

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  • 「組織の<重さ>と組織の諸特性:日本企業における組織劣勢化現象と組織デザイン」.(沼上幹、軽部大、田中一弘、島本実、加藤俊彦と共著)

    組織科学   39巻4号, pp12-26,   2006

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  • Non-packaged software development: Organizing users in software development Reviewed

    Fujita, H, Ikuine, F

    Akamon Management Review   4 ( 2 )   51 - 70   2005.2

  • Online software development style Reviewed

    Ikuine, F, Fujita, H

    Akamon Management Review   2 ( 5 )   231 - 238   2003.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Global Business Research Center (GBRC)  

    DOI: 10.14955/amr.020504


  • Product development and organization of digital content and organizational performance: Examples from the videogame industry Reviewed

    Ikuine, F

    Akamon Management Review   1 ( 1 )   33 - 66   2002.4

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    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese  

    DOI: 10.14955/amr.010102


  • Consideration of product development of software for home video game consoles Reviewed

    Ikuine, F


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  • Strategy for creative Japan

    Kawashima, N, Ikuine, F( Role: Joint editorchapter 6a and final chapter)

    Hakuto Shobo  2024.6  ( ISBN:9784561267874

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    Total pages:ix, 302p   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • The Efficiency and Creativity of Product Development: Lessons from the Game Software Industry in Japan

    Ikuine, F( Role: Sole author)

    Springer, Singapore  2022.1 

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    Total pages:170   Responsible for pages:I-XXV, 1-170   Language:English   Book type:Scholarly book

    This is the first book that comprehensively describes the history of the game software industry in Japan. A major objective here is to identify the key determinants of the emergence of the business, the maturing of the market, and the changes brought about by innovations, based on the history of the Japanese industry. To date, similar books have focused only on particular topics of the game software industry, such as the success of Nintendo and Sony and the uniqueness of the Japanese industry. There are no books that interpret the development process of this industry from the point of view of innovation. To fully understand the business and derive insightful lessons from it, however, requires a careful and thorough examination of its development process.


  • Core Text: Management information

    Ikuine, F, Takai, A, Nojima, M( Role: Joint authorChapter 1, 9, 12 and15)

    新世社  2021.6 

     More details

    Total pages:336ページ   Language:Japanese   Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction



  • Creating New Demand: The Competition, Formation of Submarkets, and Platforms

    Ikuine Fumihiko( Role: Joint editorChapter)

    Springer Japan KK, part of Springer Nature  2018.10  ( ISBN:9784431551447

     More details

    Total pages:15   Responsible for pages:317-331   Language:English   Book type:Scholarly book

    Industrial Competitiveness and Design Evolution


  • Decline in Demand Creation: The Development Productivity Dilemma and Its Consequences

    Ikuine Fumihiko( Role: Joint editorChapter)

    Springer Japan KK, part of Springer Nature  2018.10  ( ISBN:9784431551447

     More details

    Total pages:15   Responsible for pages:333-347   Language:English   Book type:Scholarly book

    Industrial Competitiveness and Design Evolution


  • Conclusion

    Fujimoto, Takahiro, Ikuine, Fumihiko( Role: Joint editorChapter)

    Springer Japan KK, part of Springer Nature  2018.10  ( ISBN:9784431551447

     More details

    Total pages:425   Responsible for pages:397-425   Language:English   Book type:Scholarly book

    Industrial Competitiveness and Design Evolution


  • Change and diversity of game software-from the viewpoint of innovation

    Ikuine Fumihiko( Role: Joint editorChapter)

    Minerva-Shobo  2013.10  ( ISBN:9784623066773

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book



  • Viewpoint for understanding changes in the content industry

    Ikuine Fumihiko( Role: Joint editorChapter)

    Minerva-Shobo  2013.10  ( ISBN:9784623066773

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book



  • Development productivity dilemma

    IKUINE Fumihiko( Role: Sole author)

    Yuhikaku  2012.2  ( ISBN:9784641163874

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • Consistent study of production, distribution and consumption on the transformation of the entire content industry brought about by digitalization-The role of the Internet in consumer production activities

    Katsumata, Sotaro, T. Ichikoji, S. Hanzawa, T. Wada, M. Nojima, F. Ikuine( Role: ContributorChapter)

    The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation  2011.6 

     More details

    Responsible for pages:66-76   Language:Japanese   Book type:Report



  • The rise of new biusinss model leaded by the hardware -the case of Japanese video game industry-

    YONEKURA, Seiichiro, F. IKUINE( Role: ContributorChapter)

    Toyo-Keizai Shinpou-sha  2011.4 

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • Consistent research on production, distribution, and consumption concerning the transformation of the entire content industry brought about by digitalization-From a consumer survey in the music industry-

    Katsumata, Sotaro, T. Ichikoji, S. Hanzawa, T. Wada, M. Nojima, F. Ikuine( Role: ContributorChapter)

    The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation  2010.6 

     More details

    Responsible for pages:58-68   Language:Japanese   Book type:Report



  • Management Style in the Japanese software development company

    FUJITA, Hideki, F. IKUINE( Role: ContributorChapter)

    Yuhikaku  2010.5  ( ISBN:9784641163560

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • Custom System Development in Software Industry-Future "Work" from the Viewpoint of Organization Theory-

    Fujita, Hideki, F. Ikuine( Role: ContributorChapter)

    Research Institute For Advancement Of Living Standards  2009.3 

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Report

    尾髙煌之助・松島茂編著『グローバル経済下の産業革新と雇用に関する研究委員会 中間報告書』


  • "The free copy" as the engine of the content industry

    IKUINE Fumihiko( Role: ContributorSection)

    Nihon-keizai Shinbun Shuppansha  2008.7  ( ISBN:9784532133566

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


  • The overview: the recovery has done and the growth will begin

    Fumihiko IKUINE( Role: ContributorChapter)

    Toyo-Keizai Shinpou-sha  2006.9  ( ISBN:9784492521618

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


  • Organizational Design and <Weight of Organization>: Project outline and main findings

    Numagami, Tsuyoshi, M. Karube, K. Tanaka, M. Shimamoto, F. Ikuine( Role: ContributorChapter)

    Yuhikaku  2006.3  ( ISBN:9784641162617

     More details

    Responsible for pages:3-33   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book

    一橋大学日本企業研究センター編『日本企業研究のフロンティア2』有斐閣,pp.10-31, 2006年3月.


  • The product development strategy and perfomance -in the case of Japanese video game industry-

    IKUINE Fumihiko( Role: ContributorChapter)

    Toyo-Keizai Shinpou-sha  2003.3  ( ISBN:9784492313190

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • The overbiew of companies in the video game industry

    IKUINE Fumihiko( Role: ContributorChapter)

    Toyo-Keizai Shinpou-sha  2003.3 

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • The Producer -the creator network and the Publisher-

    IKUINE Fumihiko( Role: ContributorChapter)

    Yuhikaku  2000.10  ( ISBN:9784641161030

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


  • Product development of the video games

    IKUINE Fumihiko( Role: ContributorChapter)

    Yuhikaku  2000.3  ( ISBN:9784641160811

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • Comparison of development strategies for home video game software

    Ikuine Fumihiko, J. Shintaku, T. Tanaka( Role: ContributorChapter)

    Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA  1999.3 

     More details

    Responsible for pages:77-128   Language:Japanese   Book type:Report

    財団法人産業研究所扁『情報化と産業組織構造に関する調査研究』pp. 77-128


▼display all


  • The Development Process, Scale and Scope of Console Game Industry in Japan: Through Analysis of a Multiple Connected Dataset

    Hara, Y, Huang, W, Fukuda, K, Ikuine, F

    TDB-CAREE Discussion Paper Series ; No. E-2021-03   2021.7

     More details

    Language:English   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Graduate School of Economics Hitotsubashi University Teikoku Databank Center for Advanced Empirical Research on Enterprise and Econom  

    How has the Japanese game industry developed? What impact have the changes in game hardware and the emergence of smartphones had on the game industry? There have been several studies addressing this question. Most existing studies, however, have primarily relied on qualitative research methods, based on surveys and interviews of respondents. In contrast, this study tackles the same question with a data science approach. Based on the dataset we developed, we verified existing findings about the size and scope of the industry (Console Game Industry) and discovered new ones. In terms of the number of companies involved in the industry, the 2000s represented the largest number.


  • 「正しい評価」が革新を生む (視点争点―学者が斬る) Invited

    Fumihiko IKUINE

    週刊エコノミスト   36 - 37   2021.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Publisher:毎日新聞出版  


  • 「新人」の参入が成長促す (視点争点―学者が斬る) Invited

    Fumihiko IKUINE

    週刊エコノミスト, 2021年2月2日号, pp.76-77, 2021年2月.   76 - 77   2021.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Publisher:毎日新聞出版  


  • GAFAが示す創造性の活用法 (視点争点―学者が斬る) Invited

    Fumihiko IKUINE

    週刊エコノミスト, 2020年12月22日号, pp.46-47, 2020年12月.   46 - 47   2020.12

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Publisher:毎日新聞出版  


  • 黎明期ゲーム業界の好循環 (視点争点―学者が斬る) Invited

    Fumihiko IKUINE

    週刊エコノミスト   68 - 69   2020.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Publisher:毎日新聞出版  


  • Looking for a blue bird: Founding and business building process of a Japanese venture firm.

    Ikuine, F, Inamizu, N, Sato, H

    MMRC Discussion Paper No.538   538   2020.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Manufacturing Management Research Center, University of Tokyo  


  • 創造性と効率性のディレンマ (視点争点―学者が斬る) Invited

    Fumihiko IKUINE

    週刊エコノミスト   40 - 41   2020.10

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Publisher:毎日新聞出版  


  • Masaharu Yoshii, Oral History (2nd, 1): Oral History on Game Development and Sales at Sega and Sega of America

    Shigihara, M. Ikuine, F, Shimizu, H

    IIR Working Paper WP#20-05   2020.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Masaharu Yoshii, Oral History (2nd, 2): Oral History on Game Development and Sales at Sega and Sega of America

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    IIR Working Paper WP#20-06   2020.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Toshiyuki Ishiyama, Oral History (1st, 1): Game Business at ASCII and Early Stage MMO Game Development and Operation

    Inoue, A, Ikuine, F, Kim, D, Shigihara, M, Fukuda, K, Matsui, A, Shimizu, H

    IIR Working Paper WP#20-01   2020.1

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Toshiyuki Ishiyama, Oral History (1st, 2): Game Business at ASCII and Early Stage MMO Game Development and Operation

    Inoue, A, Ikuine, F, Kim, D, Shigihara, M, Fukuda, K, Matsui, A, Shimizu, H

    IIR Working Paper WP#20-02   2020.1

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Eiji Kure, Oral History (1st, 2): History of Game Development at Kure Software Koubou

    Ikuine, F, Kim, D, Shigihara, M, Matsui, A, Shimizu, H

    IIR Working Paper WP#19-30   2019.12

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Kazumi Takai, Oral History : Oral History on Arcade Game Operation and Rental Business

    Shigihara, M, Ikuine, F, Fukuda, K, Shimizu, H

    IIR Working Paper WP#19-32   2019.12

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Eiji Kure, Oral History (1st, 1): History of Game Development at Kure Software Koubou

    Ikuine, F, Kim, D, Shigihara, M, Matsui, A, Shimizu, H

    IIR Working Paper WP#19-29   2019.12

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Nishimura Yoshio, Oral History: The Development of Game Industry in the context of Electronics Industry: Perspectives from Journalism

    Ikuine, F, Km, D, Shigihara, M, Fukuda, K, Shimizu, H

    IIR Working Paper WP#19-26   2019.10

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Tohru Iwatani, Oral History (4th, 1): Namco Video Game Development History and Video Game Concept Building

    Nakamura, A, Ikuine, F, Fukuda, K, Inoue, A, Shigihara, M

    IIR Working Paper WP#19-09   2019.10

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Hiromichi Nakamoto, Oral History (1st, 2): History of Game Development by Data East Corporation

    Shigihara, M, Ikuine, F, Kim, D, Fukuda, K, Matsui, A, Shimizu, H

    IIR Working Paper WP#19-25   2019.9

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Hiromichi Nakamoto, Oral History (1st, 1): History of Game Development by Data East Corporation

    Shigihara, M, Ikuine, F, Kim, D, Fukuda, K, Matsui, A, Shimizu, H

    IIR Working Paper WP#19-24   2019.9

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Tohru Iwatani, Oral History (4th, 2): Namco Video Game Development History and Video Game Concept Building

    Nakamura, A, Ikuine, F, Fukuda, K, Inoue, A, Shigihara, M

    IIR Working Paper WP#19-10   2019.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Tohru Iwatani, Oral History (3rd, 1): How to Plan and Develop Games in the Case of Cutie Q and Packman

    Ikuine, F, Fukuda, K, Shigihara, M

    IIR Working Paper WP#19-07   2019.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Tohru Iwatani, Oral History (3rd, 2): How to Plan and Develop Games in the Case of Cutie Q and Packman

    Ikuine, F, Fukuda, K, Shigihara, M

    IIR Working Paper WP#19-08   2019.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Tohru Iwatani, Oral History (2nd, 2): Game Development at Namco in the early days of Video Game History

    Shimizu, H, Eto, M, Ikuine, F, Shigihara, H

    IIR Working Paper WP#19-06   2019.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Tohru Iwatani, Oral History (2nd, 1): Game Development at Namco in the early days of Video Game History

    Shimizu, H, Eto, M, Ikuine, F, Shigihara, H

    IIR Working Paper WP#19-05   2019.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Toshiharu Saito, Oral History (1st, 2): Digital Communication Technology and Video Game Development

    Eto, M, Ikuine, F, Fukuda, K, Shigihara, M, Matsui, A

    IIR Working Paper WP#19-22   2019.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Toshiharu Saito, Oral History (1st, 1): Digital Communication Technology and Video Game Development

    Eto, M, Ikuine, F, Fukuda, K, Shigihara, M, Matsui, A

    IIR Working Paper WP#19-21   2019.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Zenji Ishii, Oral History (2nd, 1): Creating the Unique Magazine and Arcade Game

    Ikuine, F, Shigihara, M

    IIR Working Paper WP#19-03   2019.1

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Process to realize various ways of working: A case of Cybozu, Inc.

    Sato, M, Inamizu, N, Ikuine, F

    MMRC Discussion Paper   1 - 38   2019.1

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Manufacturing Management Research Center  

    This paper addresses the realization of various ways of working by focusing on the example of Cybozu, Inc. and points to directions for future research in human resource management and diversity. In recent years, attention has been focused on various ways of working because people who are willing can work regardless of age and sex. However, various ways of working and the process of their realization have not been fully clarified. To fill this knowledge gap, we focus on the case of Cybozu, Inc. and describe how it realized various ways of working. Analyses of data from the book by the company president, recorded interviews, and published materials reveal attention-grabbing attempts the company has made towards various ways of working such as “ultra-work,” but it is obvious that organizational culture and personnel systems that enable various ways of working have gradually been made through trial and error became. This has generated a number of emerging topics for future research, including the role of “diversity in the workplace” and “communication between top management and genba” in promoting various ways of working.


  • Zenji Ishii, Oral History (2nd, 2): Arcade Game Magazine, Gamest Creating the Unique Magazine and Arcade Game

    Ikuine, F, Shigihara, M

    IIR Working Paper WP#19-04   2019.1

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • New science of Eigyo

    Ikuine, F, Inamizu, H

    Hitotsubashi Business Review   66 ( 3 )   4 - 5   2018.12

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Toyo-Keizai Shinpou-sha  



  • For the special issue "Impact of knowledge sharing brought about by new relationships"

    Yasumoto, M, Ikuine, F

    Organizational Science   51 ( 4 )   2 - 3   2018.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Academic Association for Organizational Science  


  • Editor's note

    Ikuine, F, Yasumoto, M

    Organizational Science   51 ( 4 )   112 - 112   2018.6

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Academic Association for Organizational Science  


  • Tohru Iwatani, Oral History (5th, 1): “namco” as an Entertainment Company

    Ikuine, F, Shigihara, M, Yamaguchi, S

    IIR Working Paper WP#18-12   2018.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  


  • Tomohiro Nishikado, Oral History (1st, 2): Since High School Days until Joining PMC

    Eto, M, Ikuine, F, Kim, D, Kimura, M, Nakamura, A, Shigihara, M, Shimizu, H, Yamaguchi, S

    IIR Working Paper WP#18-23   2018.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  


  • Tomohiro Nishikado, Oral History (2nd, 2): From Mechanical Games to Video Games

    Eto, M, Ikuine, F, Kim, D, Kimura, M, Shigihara, M, Shimizu, H, Yamaguchi, S

    IIR Working Paper WP#18-25   2018.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  


  • Zenji Ishii, Oral History (1st, 2): The Role of Game Magazine in Game Industry

    Ikuine, F, Shigihara, M, Yamaguchi, S

    IIR Working Paper WP#18-15   2018.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  


  • Tomohiro Nishikado, Oral History (3rd, 1): Process of Developing “Space Invaders”

    Fukuda, K, Ikuine, F, Inoue, A, Kim, D, Kimura, M, Nakamura, A, Shigihara, M, Shimizu, H, Yamaguchi, S

    IIR Working Paper WP#18-26   2018.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  


  • Tomohiro Nishikado, Oral History (2nd, 1): Development of “Sky Fighter”

    Eto, M, Ikuine, F, Kim, D, Kimura, M, Shigihara, M, Shimizu, H, Yamaguchi, S

    IIR Working Paper WP#18-24   2018.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  


  • Masamitsu Niitani, Oral History (1st, 1): Arithmetic and Computer

    Ikuine, F, Inoue, A, Shigihara, M, Yamaguchi, S

    IIR Working Paper WP#18-08   2018.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  



  • Tohru Iwatani, Oral History (5th, 2): From a Game Developer to a University Professor

    Ikuine, F, Shigihara, M, Yamaguchi, S

    IIR Working Paper WP#18-13   2018.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  


  • Masamitsu Niitani, Oral History (1st, 2): The Foundation of “COMPILE”

    Ikuine, F, Inoue, A, Shigihara, M, Yamaguchi, S

    IIR Working Paper WP#18-09   2018.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  


  • Tomohiro Nishikado, Oral History (3rd, 2): Game Design and Marketing of “Space Invaders”

    Fukuda, K, Ikuine, F, Inoue, A, Kim, D, Kimura, M, Nakamura, A, Shigihara, M, Shimizu, H, Yamaguchi, S

    IIR Working Paper WP#18-27   2018.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  


  • Zenji Ishii, Oral History (1st, 1): Job of conveying the attraction of games

    Ikuine, F, Shigihara, M, Yamaguchi, S

    IIR Working Paper WP#18-14   2018.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  


  • Tomohiro Nishikado, Oral History (1st, 1): Personal History until Junior High School Days

    Eto, M, Ikuine, F, Kim, D, Kimura, M, Nakamura, A, Shigihara, M, Shimizu, H, Yamaguchi, S

    IIR Working Paper WP#18-22   2018.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  


  • My favorite book " "What should I study?"

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    Hitotsubashi Business Review   65 ( 3 )   195 - 195   2017.12

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Publisher:Toyo-Keizai Shinpou-sha  


  • Book Review: "Innovations in General Purpose Technology: Technological Development of Semiconductor Lasers in the U.S. and Japan"

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    Entrepreneurial Studies   14 ( 14 )   106 - 108   2017.7

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.   Publisher:Forum for Entrepreneurial Studies  


    CiNii Books


  • The result of product differentiation: The case study of Japanese game software business

    Ikuine, F

    Transactions of the Academic Association for Organizational Science   5 ( 2 )   18 - 25   2016.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)   Publisher:The Academic Association for Organizational Science  

    In the Japanese game software market, 472 companies have launched 7,162 products from 1983 to 1999.In this process, multiple genres (product categories) are formed. The companies which have entered this market from 1983 to 1986 has launched some high novel products and established a new genre (sub-market). In midst of severe competition, how companies have carried out the product development? In order to attract users and to survive in the competition of sub-market, companies aimed to differentiate their products from the others. Companies unleashed their developers' talents to meet user needs. However, facing ambiguous user needs, it was also necessary to learn from the products which other companies developed. Combining their own originality and features learned from the other companies’ product, some companies created the excellent products. Companies learned each other through the products. As a result, companies had a certain degree of homogeneity in both the aspect of corporate behavior and the aspect of the product line-up. In consequence of such learning of companies, certain style of game appeared in Japan.

    DOI: 10.11207/taaos.5.2_18


  • Eigyo as a value co-creation process Reviewed

    Inamizu, N, Ikuine, F, Sato, H

    Knowledge Co-Creation   6   2016.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)   Publisher:Knowledge Co-Coreation  



  • Policy Making Process for the creative industry: Anime Mirai case by the Agency for Cultural Affairs Reviewed

    Ikuine, F, Hara, Y

    Transactions of the Academic Association for Organizational Science   4 ( 1 )   52 - 58   2015.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)   Publisher:The Academic Association for Organizational Science  

    Japanese animation industry has a big contradiction. Despite they have made great honorable animation, animators (people who draws motion picture) cannot get enough wages. Why their work are not adequately rewarded even they have a capability to produce excellent work? Involved stakeholders, academic researchers, and policy makes have shared similar concerns on this issue. Several policies had been implemented but it doesn’t yield sufficient outcomes. “Anime Mirai” policy is the new policy approach to solve this problem. Anime Mirai was planned mainly by the Japan Animation Creators Association (JAniCA), and implemented by the Agency for Cultural Affairs. Through Anime Mirai, policy makers aimed to develop human resources which sustain the creation of Japanese animation ecosystem. JAniCA and Cultural Affairs has same point of view on Japanese animation that current animation company haven’t capability to train young animators. In Anime Mirai scheme, JAniCA provided fund to the selected animation companies, these companies produced the new original animations to train young animators. Through Anime Mirai process, turn-over rate of young animators turns low and animation companies has own profitable copyright product such as Little Witch Academia (Trigger) and Death Parade(Madhouse). As of the policy implication of Anime Mirai, organizational failure could be absorbed by “gemba-oriented” governmental funding scheme.

    DOI: 10.11207/taaos.4.1_52

    CiNii Research


  • Book review: Diversity of broadcast and music

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    The keizai seminar   136 - 136   2014.4

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.   Publisher:Nippon Hyoron Sha  


  • Books and Knowledge in the Digital Age: For the Publication of "The Dilemma of Development Productivity"

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    書斎の窓   ( 615 )   34 - 38   2012.6

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.   Publisher:有斐閣  

    CiNii Books


  • How Do Advertising Creators Gain Consumer Insights? Reviewed

    Mizuno, M, Ikuine, F

    Knowledge Co-Creation   2   IV4-1 - IV4-6   2012.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)   Publisher:Knowledge Co-Coreation  



  • Innovation as a social learning Reviewed

    Ikuine, F, Fujita, H

    Knowledge Co-Creation   2   III3-1 - III3-10   2012.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)   Publisher:Knowledge Co-Coreation  

    本研究では,経営学のイノベーション研究の限界を乗り越えるための補完的な視座を提示したい.それは,イノベーションの核となる人工物―新規性が高い製品やサービス―がいかに社会の中で取り込まれ,使いこなされるようになっていくのか,という視座である.すなわち,企業やユーザなどの「対話」を通じ,社会的な学びが進む過程として,イノベーションを捉える視座である.具体的には,Weick (1979)の組織化のフレームワークを応用することで,イノベーションという現象の再定義を試みたい.


  • Research report on industrial agglomeration and the possibility of innovation in the game industry in Fukuoka

    Wada, T, Ichikoji, T, Hanzawa, S, Chang, Y, Ikuine, F

    MMRC Discussion Paper No.379   379   2012.1

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:University of Tokyo Manufacturing Management Research Center  


  • Ways and Challenges of Content Industry Growth

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    Productivity news   2010.11

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Publisher:財団法人社会経済生産性本部  


  • Research Report on the Acceptance of Computer Graphics in the Early Days--Development and Dissemination of Digital Contents in Japan

    Shimada, M, Ikuine, F, Kitami, Y

    文京学院大学総合研究所紀要   9 ( 10 )   139 - 163   2009.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:文京学院大学総合研究所  

    CiNii Books


  • Custom system development in the software industry: An examination of the future of "work" from the perspective of organizational theory. Invited

    Fujita, H, Ikuine, F


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  • Entrepreneurs in the entertainment industry-A case study of Nintendo, Mr. Yamauchi-

    Shimada, M, Ikuine, F

    文京学院大学総合研究所紀要   8 ( 8 )   53 - 71   2007.12

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publisher:文京学院大学総合研究所  

    CiNii Books


  • Creators and innovators

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    Productivity news   2007.5

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Publisher:財団法人社会経済生産性本部  


  • Content development activities and monetization

    Ikuine, F

    Content Business Workshop Conference Paper   17 ( 1 )   33 - 47   2007.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Global Business Research Center (GBRC)  


  • Book Review: "Innovation and Monetization"

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    Organizational Science   40 ( 1 )   97 - 98   2006.9

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.   Publisher:The Academic Association for Organizational Science  


  • Game software industry past and future

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    The annual video game industry report in 2006   204 - 206   2006.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Publisher:Media Create Co., Ltd.  


  • Product development management (11): Software development in the network age

    Fujita,Hideki, Ikuine,Fumihiko

    TMJ   2005 ( 12 )   12 - 19   2005.12

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Publisher:Fusion & Innovation Inc.  

    CiNii Books


  • Key determinants of software development style in Network era: Is Open Source enough to succeed ?

    Ikuine, F, Fujita, H

    IIR Working Paper WP#05-15   2005.6

     More details

    Language:English   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Hitotsubashi University IIR  


  • Game software product development: Continuous synchronization with usersensibilities

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    TMJ   12 - 19   2005.4

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Publisher:Fusion & Innovation Inc.  


  • Online community

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    Hitotsubashi Business Review   52 ( 4 )   192 - 193   2005.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Publisher:Toyo-Keizai Shinpou-sha  


  • Japanese Game Software Industry: Series Strategy Trap

    Yonekura, S, Ikuine, F

    Hitotsubashi Business Review   53 ( 3 )   52 - 69   2005.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Toyo-Keizai Shinpou-sha  

    CiNii Books


  • Software Development Cycle and Its Determinants-Comparison between Packaged Software and Packaged Software-

    Fujita,Hideki, Ikuine,Fumihiko

    MMRC Discussion Paper No.21   21   2004.12

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:University of Tokyo Manufacturing Management Research Center  


  • Development style of online software Reviewed

    Fujita, H, Ikuine, F

    Transactions of the Academic Association for Organizational Science   388 - 391   2004.6

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)   Publisher:The Academic Association for Organizational Science  


  • Survey Report on Online Software Development

    Fujita,Hideki, Ikuine,Fumihiko

    MMRC Discussion Paper No.4   4   2004.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:University of Tokyo Manufacturing Management Research Center  


  • The report of the home video game industry in the United States: A comparison between Japan and the United States

    Shintaku, J, Ikuine, F

    The annual video game industry report in 2001   18 - 31   2001.4

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Publisher:Media Create Co., Ltd.  


  • A Study on Developer Management and Corporate Outcomes in the Information Technology Field: From a Survey and Analysis of the Home Game Industry Reviewed

    Shintaku, J, Tanaka, T, Ikuine, F

    Transactions of the Academic Association for Organizational Science   39 - 42   2000.6

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)   Publisher:The Academic Association for Organizational Science  


  • The near future and SMEs: The role of competition in the process of SMEs growth

    Shintaku, J, Ikuine, F

    Monthly report   ( 468 )   38 - 41   2000.4

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Publisher:中小企業リサ-チセンター  

    CiNii Books


  • The report of the home game software development strategy: Product strategies, development management and human resource management

    Shintaku, J, Tanaka, T, Ikuine, F

    ITME Discussion Paper   47   2000.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:東京大学大学院経済学研究科  


  • Software development organization and innovation: Implications of innovation in case studies

    Shintaku, J, Ikuine, F

    Fujitsu management review   203   48 - 55   1999.8

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Publisher:富士通経営研修所  


  • A new perspective of computer software development in game software development. Reviewed

    Ikuine, F

    Transactions of the Academic Association for Organizational Science   77 - 80   1999.6

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)   Publisher:The Academic Association for Organizational Science  


  • The research of the home game software development strategy: Product strategies, development management and human resource management

    Shintaku, J, Ikuine, F

    The annual video game industry report in 1999   16 - 21   1999.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Publisher:Media Create Co., Ltd.  


  • Producer

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    産業動向   591   26 - 27   1999.2

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Publisher:財団法人国民経済研究協会  


  • Home video game industry (1983-1996): Competitive strategy for industry standards

    Shintaku, J, Ikuine, F

    経営アカデミー ケース No.31   31   1997.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:財団法人社会経済生産性本部  


▼display all


  • Consumers' choice of cashless payment methods: the influence of situational and individual factors

    Nakano, S, Katsumata, S, Yamaguchi, S, Ichikoji, T, Ikuine, F

    Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution the 73th annual national research conference  2023.5 

     More details

    Event date: 2023.5    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Changes in development activities in the content business: from closed to open manufacturing Invited

    Ikuine, F.

    ( Chiyoda, Tokyo )   2023.2  Monodukuri Kaizen network

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    Event date: 2023.2    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)   Country:Japan  


  • Exploitation, beyond exploration to create new business Invited

    Takahashi, T, Ikuine, F

    ( Bunkyo, Tokyo )   2022.11  Japan Creative Management Association

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    Event date: 2022.11    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)  


  • Looking for a blue bird: Founding and business building process of a Japanese venture firm. Invited

    Inamizu, N., Sato, H. and Ikuine, F.

    ABAS Conference 2022 Autumn: Part 2  ( Manufacturing Management Research Center 5F Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall) Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo )   2022.11  Global Business Research Center (GBRC)

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    Event date: 2022.11    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)   Country:Japan  


  • The complementary relationship between evolutionary economics and management studies: Research issues and approaches Invited

    Ikuine, F.

    SMT symposium "Microfoundations of Evolutionary Economics"  ( Chiba University of Commerce Marunouchi satellite campuses, Tokyo )   2022.9  Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics

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    Event date: 2022.9    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)   Country:Japan  


  • The Impact of Data Utilization Capability on Japanese Companies: Findings from the Questionnaire Surveys International conference

    Tatsumoto, H, Hirai, Y. and Ikuine, F.

    PICMET 22 (Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology Conference 22)  ( Portland, Oregon )   2022.8  Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology

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    Event date: 2022.8    

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)   Country:United States  


  • The development productivity dilemma: An empirical study of the game software business in Japan Invited

    Ikuine, F

    ZMR (Zooming Media Research) research meeting  ( Online )   2021.11  Rtsiumeikan Center for Game Studies (RCGS)

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    How did the game software business in Japan change from the 1980s to the 1990s? We analyzed the situation from the viewpoint of innovation, and explain the phenomenon of stagnation in creative innovation using the concept, "the development productivity dilemma".


  • Scale and Scope of the game industry: The possibility multiple large-scale database Invited

    Hara, Y, Fukuda, K, Inoue, A, Shimizu, H, Ikuine, F

    帝国データバンク企業・経済高度実証研究センター (TDB-CAREE) 第11回内部報告会  ( Online conference )   2021.5  TDB Center for Advanced Empirical Research on Enterprise and Economy

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    How was the game industry formed? And how have the changes in game hardware and the emergence of smartphones impacted the game industry? In this preliminary study, we present the results of our analysis of the game industry in Japan, including the timing of its establishment, the transition of major players, and the trends of market entry and exit, by combining the RCGS collection constructed by the Game Research Center of Ritsumeikan University and the firm database, with which Hitotsubashi University collaborates.


  • Scale and Scope of the game industry: A preliminary study using Ritsumeikan RCGS collection and Firm Database

    Hara, Y, Fukuda, K, Inoue, A, Ikuine, F, Shimizu, H

    DiGRA JAPAN 11th Annual Conference  ( Online conference )   2021.3  DiGRA (Digital Games Research Association) Japan

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    How was the game industry formed? And how have the changes in game hardware and the emergence of smartphones impacted the game industry? In this preliminary study, we present the results of our analysis of the game industry in Japan, including the timing of its establishment, the transition of major players, and the trends of market entry and exit, by combining the RCGS collection constructed by the Game Research Center of Ritsumeikan University and the firm database, with which Hitotsubashi University collaborates.


  • The development productivity dilemma: Managing the flow of a series of new products.

    Ikuine, F

    ABAS Conference 2020 Winter: Part 6  ( Manufacturing Management Research Center 5F Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall) Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan )   2021.3  Global Business Research Center (GBRC)

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    In recent years, we have been observing a rise in cases of continuous development projects. However, if we try to improve development productivity using the data and development know-how that we have accumulated, it then becomes difficult to use this to expand product functions. In fact, a “development productivity dilemma” actually exists, in which it is difficult for each product to have both improved development productivity and expanded product functions. In the case discussed in this paper, however, the company sacrifices development productivity to expand the product functions of a particular product and then applies this to streamlining and simplifying subsequent products. In other words, the development productivity dilemma was overcome by managing the flow of a series of new products.


  • The innovator's bypass: Disruptive innovation with complementary goods.

    Ikuine, F

    ABAS Conference 2020 Winter: Part 3  ( Manufacturing Management Research Center 5F Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall) Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan )   2021.2  Global Business Research Center (GBRC)

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Christensen (1997) の実証研究は、disruptive innovation という概念を提示し、優良企業、すなわち合理的に戦略的意思決定を行う企業が陥るディレンマを明らかにしたことにより、研究者と実務家に大きな影響を与えた。20年以上に渡って、多くの追試と批判が積み重ねられてきたことがその影響力の大きさを物語る。しかしながら、Christensen (1997) が主張した優良企業がディレンマに陥るメカニズムには、隠された条件がある。それは、単一業界 (single industry) の企業グループが disruptive innovation に対応するという想定である。だが、デジタル化やオンライン化、IT化が進む現在では、補完財を視野に入れ、複数の業界 (multiple industries) の企業が、個別に対応策を探り、その組み合わせによって生き残る可能性も検討すべきである。


  • 『地道に取り組むイノベーション―人類学者と制度経済学者がみた現場』に対する書評発表 Invited

    Fumihiko IKUINE

    進化経済学会 制度とイノベーションの経済学部会・制度と統治部会  ( Online conference )   2021.1  進化経済学会 制度とイノベーションの経済学部会・制度と統治部会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • Reexamination of the concept "industry": Proposal from the case of game business Invited

    Ikuine, F

    戦略経営・理論・実践研究部会  2020.12  The International Academy of Strategic Management

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Looking for a blue bird: Founding and business building process of a Japanese venture firm International conference

    Inamizu, N, Ikuine, F, Sato, H

    The EGOS and Organization Studies Workshop  ( Kyoto )   2019.12  European Group for Organizational Studies

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • The overview of Industrial Competitiveness and Design Evolution Invited

    Fujimoto, T, Ikuine, F

    Workshop for the evolution of industries and firms of Japan Society for Evolutionary Economics  ( Tokyo )   2019.4  Japan Society for Evolutionary Economics

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • How to collect and use digital data for the management of "genba"?: The case of Fujitsu's Field Innovation

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    IIR Summer School 2018  ( Tokyo )   2018.8  Hitotsubashi University IIR

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Melting pot of knowledge: The formation of new routines and business at Fujitsu

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    ABAS Conference 2018 Summer: Part 1  ( Tokyo )   2018.7  Global Business Research Center (GBRC)

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • The evolution of industries and firms in 21st Century Invited

    Fujimoto, T, Ikuine, F

    Workshop for the evolution of industries and firms of Japan Society for Evolutionary Economics  ( Tokyo )   2018.6  Japan Society for Evolutionary Economics

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Horizontal expansion of organizational routine

    Yamashiro, Y, Inamizu, N, Ikuine, F, Sato, H

    Annual conference of the Academic Association for Organizational Science  ( Tokyo )   2018.6  The Academic Association for Organizational Science

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Concept of evolution in management studies Invited

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    Annual conference of Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics (JAFEE)  ( Fukuoka )   2018.3  Japan Society for Evolutionary Economics

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • Proposal of service capabilities as a generalized framework

    Nishino, S, Hara, Y, Ikuine, F

    Society for Servicology Annual Japanese Conference  ( Hiroshima )   2017.3  Society for Serviceology

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • A cross-cutting oral history of the game business: The process of industry generation Invited

    Ikuine, F, Shimizu, H, Eto, M, Kimura, M

    平成28年度メディア芸術連携促進事業報告会  ( Kyoto )   2017.2  Agency for Cultural Affairs

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Innovation pattern of digital industry: An evolutionary process of the Home video game in Japan. Invited International conference

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    Workshop on Innovation in Digital Industries  ( Tokyo )   2017.2  Hitotsubashi University IIR

     More details

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • A measure of sales skills in Japan: Scale development of Eigyo.

    Inamizu, N, Sato, H, Ikuine, F

    ABAS Conference 2016 Autumn  ( Tokyo )   2016.11  Global Business Research Center (GBRC)

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • The product development productivity dilemma: Internal constraints for the innovation Invited

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    JAIST Innovaton design seminar  ( Tokyo )   2016.10  JAIST

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • The result of product differentiation: The case study of Japanese game software business Invited

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    Annual meeting of the Academic Association for Organizational Science  ( Tokyo )   2016.10  The Academic Association for Organizational Science

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • How to tackle the reseach quetion? Invited

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    MERC Marunouchi academic salon  ( Tokyo )   2016.10  Management Education and Research Center

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • How to make the reseach quetion? Invited

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    MERC Marunouchi academic salon  ( Tokyo )   2016.9  Management Education and Research Center

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • An evolutionary process of the Home video game in Japan? The consequence of the development productivity dilemma- International conference

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    Replaying Japan 2016  ( Leipzig )   2016.8  Univarsitat Leipzig, RCGS, University of Alberta

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Eigyo as a value co-creation process

    Inamizu, N, Ikuine, F, Sato, H

    The 6th Forum on Knowledge Co-Cration (FoKCs-6)  ( Kanazawa )   2016.4  Knowledge Co-Coreation

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Beyond the Dilemma of Development Productivity: Limits and Challenges of Industry Level Analysis-

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    Workshop for the evolution of industries and firms of Japan Society for Evolutionary Economics  ( Tokyo )   2016.3  Japan Society for Evolutionary Economics

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • From Fun to Business: the industrialization of computer games Invited

    Shimizu, H, Eto, M, Kimura, M, Ikuine, F

    2nd Kyoto Game Conference  ( Kyoto )   2016.3  Rtsiumeikan Center for Game Studies

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • Video game industry and Video game users in Japan Invited International conference

    Ikuine, F, Wei, H

    Seminar at the Freejoy Technology  ( Beijing )   2016.3  Freejoy

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    Language:Chinese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • Video game industry and Video game users in Japan Invited International conference

    Ikuine, F, Wei, H

    Perfect World In-house seminar  ( Beijing )   2016.3  Perfect World

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    Language:Chinese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • Innovation and Creativity -An empirical study of Japanese game software-

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    The 3rd Forum on Knowledge Co-Cration (FoKCs-3)  ( Kanazawa )   2016.1  Knowledge Co-Coreation

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Policy Making Process for the creative industry: Anime Mirai case by the Agency for Cultural Affairs

    Ikuine, F, Hara, Y

    Annual conference of the Academic Association for Organizational Science  ( Tokyo )   2015.6  The Academic Association for Organizational Science

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • About the concept of "capability" in Economics and Business: A perspective of service capabilities based on the introduction of organizational capabilities

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    SIG of the service capability  ( Tokyo )   2015.1  Society for Serviceology

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Peer motivated: The case of Yahoo! Chiebukuro

    Ikuine, F, Fujia, F

    ABAS Conference 2014 Autumn  ( Tokyo )   2014.11  Global Business Research Center (GBRC)

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Research Agenda for the computer games: The changes affected by the IT based innovation Invited International conference

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    Thammasat Business School Business Research Center Seminar, Business history in management studies: Lesson learned from Japan  ( Bangkok, Thailand )   2014.9  Thammasat University

     More details

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • A innovation of creative industrie policy: the case of Animemirai

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    IIR Summer School 2014  ( Tokyo )   2014.8  Hitotsubashi University IIR

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • How to avoid fork: The guardians of Denshin 8 go

    Ikuine, F, Fujia, F

    ABAS Conference 2014 Spring  ( Tokyo )   2014.5  Global Business Research Center (GBRC)

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • The management to realize revolutionary innovation: A case study of Social Games

    Ichikoji, T, Wada, T, Ikuine, F

    IIR Summer School 2013  ( Tokyo )   2013.8  Hitotsubashi University IIR

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • The product development productivity dilemma: The case of the home video game International conference

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    2013 Academy of Management Annual Meeting  ( Orland (United States) )   2013.8  Academy of Management

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Development Productivity Dilemma Invited

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    Annual conference of the Academic Association for Organizational Science  ( Tokyo )   2013.6  The Academic Association for Organizational Science

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • The precept from open source movement: The danger of buried source code in the case of "Denshin 8 go"

    Ikuine, F, Fujia, F

    ABAS Conference 2013 Spring  ( Tokyo )   2013.5  Global Business Research Center (GBRC)

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Strategic cluster formation triggered by establishment of a global platform and horizontal coordination in a cluster: A case of videogame industry cluster in Fukuoka city

    Wada, T, Ichikoji, T, Ikuine, F

    ABAS Conference 2013 Winter  ( Tokyo )   2013.2  Global Business Research Center (GBRC)

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Innovation patterns in the digital age: From the case of the game software industry

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    日本経済新聞出版社第26回企業行動コンファレンス2012  ( Zushi )   2012.12  日本経済新聞出版社

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Responding to Innovation in the Digital Age: A Case Study in the Japanese Game Invited

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    第8回日本型クリエイティブ・サービス研究会  ( Kyoto )   2012.11  京都大学クリエイティブ・サービス研究会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • Development Productivity Dilemma: Competitiveness of Japanese Game Industry-

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    IASM October meeting  ( Tokyo )   2012.10  The International Academy of Strategic Management

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Beyond the Dilemma of Development Productivity: Limits and Challenges of Industry Level Analysis

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    IIR Summer School 2012  ( Tokyo )   2012.8  Hitotsubashi University IIR

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • How Do Advertising Creators Gain Consumer Insights?

    Mizuno, M, Ikuine, F

    The 2nd Forum on Knowledge Co-Cration (FoKCs-2)  ( Kanazawa )   2012.3  Knowledge Co-Coreation

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Innovation as a social learning

    Ikuine, F, Fujia, F

    The 2nd Forum on Knowledge Co-Cration (FoKCs-2)  ( 日本 )   2012.3  Knowledge Co-Coreation

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Possibility of monetization in the development process of IT Invited

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    広島大学大学院社会科学研究科地域経済・経営シンポジウム第11回『日本のコンテンツ産業を考える―文化産業の構造とそれを生み出す土壌とは何か/ゲーム・アニメ・音楽・ITの事例を通じて  ( Hiroshima )   2011.11  Hiroshima University

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • Organizational theory and Innovation: Redefinition of Innovation as an Organizational Process

    Fujita, H, Ikuine, F

    IIR Summer School 2011  ( Tokyo )   2011.8  Hitotsubashi University IIR

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • How to Acquire Consumer Insight: A Study Based on an Interview with a Creative Agency Invited

    Mizuno, M, Ikuine, F

    JIMS workshop  ( Tokyo )   2011.7  JIMS

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • How to Acquire Consumer Insight: A Study Based on an Interview with a Creative Agency

    Mizuno, M, Ikuine, F

    商業学会  ( Kumamoto )   2011.5  Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Computer graphics as an Innovation: Research from Microscopic Perspective-

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    IIR Summer School 2010  ( Tokyo )   2010.8  Hitotsubashi University IIR

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Development productivity dilemma Invited

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    Workshop for the evolution of industries and firms of Japan Society for Evolutionary Economics  ( Tokyo )   2010.6  Japan Society for Evolutionary Economics

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • The Impact of Innovation: The home video game industry in the 2000s Invited

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    Content Business Workshop  ( Kyoto )   2009.3  同志社大学ライフリスクセンター

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • Development and diffusion of digital contents in Japan-A case of Computer Graphics as an innovation- Invited

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    組織論・戦略論・経営史研究会  ( Osaka )   2008.11  組織論・戦略論・経営史研究会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • Innovation Patterns in the Game Software Industry: Development Productivity Dilemma Invited

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    経営研究所定例研究会  ( Tokyo )   2008.6  Institute of Management Studies

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • Software Industry Development Management: Online Software Development Style Invited

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    財団法人連合総合生活開発研究所研究会  ( Tokyo )   2007.3  Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • Innovation patterns of the game software industry and their factors Invited

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    特定非営利活動法人グローバル・ビジネス研究センターコンテンツビジネス研究会  ( Tokyo )   2006.9  Global Business Research Center (GBRC)

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • The change of technologies and the adoption of contents provider -The case of Japanese game software companies Invited International conference

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    淑明女子大学校経済経営研究所、企業戦略比較研究会共催招聘講演会(韓国)  ( Seoul )   2005.3  Sookmyung Women`s University

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • The Growth of the Home Video Game Industry and Innovation -Case of Japan's Home Video Game Industry- International conference

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    一橋大学 文部科学省21世紀COEプログラム『知識・企業・イノベーションのダイナミクス』 "End of Japan ?"プロジェクト成果発表  ( Tokyo )   2005.1  Hitotsubashi University

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Innovation pattern of the game software industry International conference

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    一橋大学 文部科学省21世紀COEプログラム『知識・企業・イノベーションのダイナミクス』 "End of Japan ?"プロジェクト成果発表  ( Hawaii )   2004.9  Hitotsubashi University IIR

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Development style of online software

    Fujita, H, Ikuine, F

    Annual conference of the Academic Association for Organizational Science  ( Tokyo )   2004.6  The Academic Association for Organizational Science

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • A Study on Developer Management and Corporate Outcomes in the Information Technology Field: From a Survey and Analysis of the Home Game Industry

    Shintaku, J, Tanaka, T, Ikuine, F

    Annual conference of the Academic Association for Organizational Science  ( Hikone )   2000.6  The Academic Association for Organizational Science

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • A new perspective of computer software development in game software development.

    Ikuine, Fumihiko

    Annual conference of the Academic Association for Organizational Science  ( 日本 )   1999.6  The Academic Association for Organizational Science

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


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  • IIR Summer School 2014 Best presentation

    2014.8   Instuitute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubahi University   原泰史ととの共同発表「コンテンツ政策のイノベーション―社会実験としての「アニメミライ」―」に対して

  • Takamiya Awards (books)

    2013.6   The Academic Association for Organizational Science   『開発生産性のディレンマ―デジタル化時代のイノベーション・パターン』に対して

  • GBRC三菱地所経営図書出版助成

    2011.10   特定非営利活動法人グローバルビジネスリサーチセンター   博士論文「ゲームソフト産業のイノベーション・パターン : 開発生産性のディレンマ」に対する出版助成

Research Projects

  • Independence and businessization of management-related knowledge

    Grant number:24K05119  2024.4 - 2029.3

    JSPS  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Chuo University

    Ikuine, F

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount: \4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost: \1080000 )


  • デジタル時代における企業の組織能力の評価指標構築とその背景要因解明に関する研究

    Grant number:23H00856  2023.4 - 2028.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)  立命館大学

    平井 祐理, 立本 博文, 生稲 史彦, 渡部 俊也

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    Grant amount: \18200000 ( Direct Cost: \14000000 、 Indirect Cost: \4200000 )


  • Theoretical and Empirical Investigation on Organizational identity and Environment Recognition

    Grant number:23K01562  2023.4 - 2026.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Sophia University

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    Grant amount: \4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost: \1080000 )


  • 戦略的リーダーシップと評判・結束・仲介のネットワークメカニズムの解明

    2021.4 - 2026.3

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 

    Yuki Yasuda

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    Grant type:Competitive



  • Mobility and Innovation Research Project

    2019.4 - 2024.3

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 

    Shimizu, H

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • A Study on the Governance of Opened Technologies: An Empirical Examination on The Control over Technologies Relevant to Collaborative Standardization

    Grant number:19H01519  2019.4 - 2023.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Yokohama National University

    Yasumoto, M

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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount: \17290000 ( Direct Cost: \13300000 、 Indirect Cost: \3990000 )


  • Reconsideration of the concept of Industry in digital era

    2018.4 - 2021.3

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 

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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount: \4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost: \1020000 )


  • 新産業生成としてのゲームビジネスのオーラル・ヒストリー

    2018.4 - 2019.3

    平成30年度公益財団法人中山隼雄科学技術文化財団  助成研究A 

    Shimizu, H

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • ゲーム産業生成におけるイノベーションの分野横断的なオーラル・ヒストリー事業

    2016.4 - 2018.3

    文化庁  メディア芸術連携促進事業連携共同事業 

    Shimizu, H

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Social Capital and Branding of Kyoto Kigyo

    Grant number:26285093  2014.4 - 2018.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Kansai University

    Yasuda Yuki

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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount: \13780000 ( Direct Cost: \10600000 、 Indirect Cost: \3180000 )

    We have investigated so called Kyoto Kigyo to find their uniqueness and strength. Yasuda investigated social networks of top managers of Kyoto based firms. She is making case study of the strength of an old bar as a hub of Kyoto top-class managers and presidents' network. Her findings succest their social networking behavior can be called strategic closure and unintended brokarage. Ikuine focused on game industry and Nintendo. Azuma's research is mainly on motor cycle industry and refined theories of Monozukuri in motor cycle business based on hearing and interviews.
    Yasuda also focused on developing Japanese manuals of network analysis tool, Muxviz and Pajek. MuxViz is a new strong social visualization tool, which has been developed in Spain and not widely known in Japan. Yasuda Lab has several stable machine to use MuxViz with Windows and Mac.
    Yasuda has also translated Social Networks and healh written by Thomas Valente into Japanese, with Dr, Mori Toru. The book is now in press,


  • An empirical study of IT-based innovation

    2014.4 - 2017.3

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 

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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount: \4550000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost: \1005000 )


  • Medical Service Science in Regional Key Hospitals for Patients and Staff Satisfaction

    Grant number:23241047  2011.4 - 2015.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)  University of Tsukuba

    TAKAGI Hideaki, IKUINE Fumihiko, UEICHI Hideo, KURATA Hisashi, SHIGENO Maiko, YOSHISE Akiko, MISUE Kazuo, ILIC Mika, TAKEHARA Kota, ZHANG Yongbing, OKADA Yukihiko, YAMASHITA Keizo, KAWANO Satoru, SHIRAKAWA Yoko, KURAMOCHI Ryoko, NOTAKE Noriko

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    Grant amount: \49140000 ( Direct Cost: \37800000 、 Indirect Cost: \11340000 )

    We studied the algorithm for determining the admission and bed allocation for patients by hearing from doctors and nurses in charge of bed control in the University of Tsukuba Hospital. We then implemented the algorithm and user interface on the tablet terminal. However, our system has not been used in real operation, because all the wards moved to a new building at the final stage of this research period. We also received a complete log of orders for the movement of patients from room to room during hospitalization over two years. We have succeeded in modeling the flow of obstetric patients by a queueing network, which can predict the number of patients in the obstetric wards from the statistics of admission rates and length-of-stay.


  • アジア圏におけるデジタルコンテンツ市場の成立可能性

    2011.4 - 2014.3

    Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (B) 

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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount: \4030000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 、 Indirect Cost: \930000 )


  • research of digital content platform

    Grant number:21730315  2009.4 - 2011.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists  Bunkyo Gakuin University

    IKUINE Fumihiko

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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount: \4030000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 、 Indirect Cost: \930000 )

    The purpose of this study will encourage the development of industries that provide digital content. Also it is aimed to clarify the basis and conditions which make these industries to become a competitive global industry. For the purposes of this study, we research the domestic home video game industry, animation industry. The research methods are company interviews, collecting primary data, and research workshops. As a results of the study, the activities of individual companies and creative work there is the most important, of course. Nevertheless, the effort required to support them beyond the enterprise, as well.


  • デジタル化がもたらすコンテンツ業界全体の転換に関する、生産・流通・消費の一貫研究 (継続)

    2009.4 - 2010.3

    財団法人 電気通信普及財団  平成21年度研究調査助成金 

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • デジタル化がもたらすコンテンツ業界全体の転換に関する、生産・流通・消費の一貫研究

    2008.4 - 2009.3

    財団法人 電気通信普及財団  平成20年度研究調査助成金 

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • ユーザ行動の動機づけ要因

    2009 -  

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    Grant type:Competitive



  • インターネットを活用したユーザの組織化がイノベーションに及ぼす影響についての研究

    2004.4 - 2007.3

    Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (B) 

    Fujita, H

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    Grant type:Competitive



  • Economic analysis about network externality effects and changes of industrial structure in contents industry

    Grant number:15330042  2003.4 - 2007.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  The University of Tokyo

    Yanagawa, N

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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount: \15200000 ( Direct Cost: \15200000 )



  • イノベーションとしてのCG

    2007 -  

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    Grant type:Competitive



  • コンテンツ産業のイノベーション

    2003 -  

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    Grant type:Competitive



  • Innovation of content industries

    2003 -  

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 我が国のコンピュターソフト、デジタルコンテンツ産業の育成とマネジメントに関する研究―家庭用ゲームソフト産業の事例研究―

    1999.4 - 2000.3

    日本生産性本部  生産性研究助成 グループ研究 

    Yanagawa, N

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • オンラインのソフトウェア及びサービスの開発活動

    2000 -  

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    Grant type:Competitive



  • Development of online software

    2000 -  

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • ゲームソフト開発のマネジメント

    1995 -  

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    Grant type:Competitive



  • Management of TV-game software development

    1995 -  

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    Grant type:Competitive


▼display all

Teaching Experience

  • Innovation in practice

    2020.4 - Now   Institution:Chuo University

  • Technology development management

    2020.4 - Now   Institution:Chuo University

  • Management strategy

    2020.4 - Now   Institution:Chuo University

  • Innovation strategy

    2017.9 - Now   Institution:Prefectural University of Hiroshima

  • ICT management 2

    2015.6 - Now   Institution:The University of Tokyo

  • Buisiness economics

    2022.11 - 2023.1   Institution:Chuo University

  • Business model strategy theory

    2020.4 - 2021.6   Institution:Chuo University

  • 現代企業論


  • 特別講義 コンテンツの製品開発 (大学院研究者養成コース)

  • ワークショップ 戦略 (大学院経営学修士(MBA)コース)

  • 経営学


  • エンタテインメント・ビジネス


  • コンテンツ・ディベロップメント論


  • レジャービジネス論


  • 情報経営


  • マーケティング


  • 経営学


  • 経営戦略


  • 技術経営


  • マネジメント実習


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Committee Memberships

  • 2023.9 - Now

    The Academic Association for Organizational Science   Public Relations Committee  

  • 2019.9 - Now

    The Academic Association for Organizational Science   General Affairs Committee  

  • 2020.4 - 2022.3

    Japan Society for Evolutionary Economics   Awards Committee  

  • 2017.9 - 2021.8

    The Academic Association for Organizational Science   Public Relations Committee  

  • 2020.9 - 2021.3

    The Academic Association for Organizational Science   Awards Committee  

  • 2013.9 - 2017.8

    The Academic Association for Organizational Science   General Affairs Committee  

  • 2008.3 -  

    特定非営利活動法人 グローバルビジネスリサーチセンター   運営委員、理事  

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Social Activities

  • 一橋大学大学院 帝国データバンク企業・経済高度実証研究センター

    Role(s): Investigater

    2020.6 - Now

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  • 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター 『一橋ビジネスレビュー』

    Role(s): Editer

    2018.12 - Now

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    Type:Newspaper, magazine


  • 公益財団法人大学基準協会 デジタルコンテンツ系専門職大学院認証評価委員会

    2017.7 - 2021.3

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  • 横浜国立大学 先端科学高等研究院

    Role(s): Investigater

    2020.7 - 2021.2

     More details

  • 平成24年度経済産業省「知的財産権ワーキング・グループ等侵害対策強化事業(知的財産権侵害対策のための海外展開情報基盤調査)」

    Role(s): Advisor

    2012.12 - 2013.3

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    Audience: Governmental agency


  • 平成22年度経済産業省「正規版コンテンツ流通促進事業(アジア地域における正規版コンテンツ流通促進・ビジネス基盤整備調査事業)」

    Role(s): Advisor

    2010.5 - 2011.3

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    Audience: Governmental agency


  • 株式会社カプコン 第三者諮問委員会委員

    Role(s): Advisor

    2008.6 - 2010.6

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    Audience: Company


  • 連合総合生活開発研究所 「グローバル経済下の産業革新と雇用に関する研究委員会」

    Role(s): Informant

    2007.4 - 2009.10

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  • 財団法人デジタルコンテンツ協会 デジタルコンテンツ業雇用高度化推進事業

    Role(s): Informant

    2007.7 - 2009.3

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  • 経済産業研究所 「ソフトウェア・イノベーション研究会」

    Role(s): Informant

    2006.9 - 2008.3

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    Audience: Governmental agency


  • 財団法人産業雇用安定センター 「デジタルコンテンツ業雇用高度化懇談会」

    Role(s): Informant

    2006.4 - 2007.3

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  • 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター 『一橋ビジネスレビュー』

    Role(s): Editer

    2004.1 - 2006.3

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    Type:Newspaper, magazine


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Media Coverage

  • 日本学術振興会研究費・特別シンポジウム『コンテンツ・ビジネスの未来 ―競争力を高めるための組織・人・ビジネスモデル』


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