Updated on 2024/08/24


Faculty of Global Informatics Professor
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Global Informatics Course of Graduate School of Global Informatics, Master's Program
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  • Doctor of Policy Studies ( Chuo University )

  • Master of Arts in Counseling ( University of Tsukuba )


  • 2003.3

    Chuo University   Graduate School of Policy Studies   doctor course   completed

  • 1998.3

    University of Tsukuba   Graduate School, Division of Education   master course   completed

  • 1979.3

    Kyushu University   Faculty of Education   psychology, group dynamics   graduated

Research History

  • 2019.4 -  


  • 2005.4 - 2019.3


  • 2013.11 - 2017.10


  • 2011.11 - 2013.10


  • 2003.4 - 2005.3

    "Chuo Universtiy, Faculty of Policy Studies"

  • 1992.1 - 2003.3

    Tokyo Broadcasting System Inc.

  • 1997.7 - 1997.8

    "The Hastings Center, NY, research fellow, Fulbright Scholarship"

  • 1996.9 - 1997.6

    "Harvard University, Harvard Medical School, Dep. of Social Medicine, Div. of Medical Ethics, research fellow, Fulbright Scholarship"

  • 1982.4 - 1991.12

    "Asahi Shimbun, staff writer"

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Professional Memberships

  • 日本メディア学会

  • 情報文化学会

  • 情報社会学会

Research Interests

  • Fake news and society

  • War and Media

  • Phenomena occurring on the Internet and their psychological mechanisms

  • Media Expressions and Society

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Educational psychology  / Educational psychology

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Social psychology

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology


  • Structure of fake news about COVID-19 in China - Analysis using text mining method - Reviewed

    Ruipeng LI, Ryoichi MATSUNO

    Society of Infosocionomics   19 ( 1 )   1 - 14   2024.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • The Vietnam War and the Japanese, Part 1: Testimonies of a Japanese Soldier Remaining in Vietnam and a Landing Ship, Tank Seaman

    Ryoichi Matsuno, Ibuki Kuwayama, Naohiro Koenuma

    Vol 4   139 - 157   2024.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  • "Battle Graves" as Media : the Life of a Sino-Japanese War Victim through Tombstone Inscriptions

    Ryoichi MATSUNO

    ( 26 )   163 - 178   2023.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Analysis of Fake News Disseminated During the COVID-19 Pandemic in China: Focusing on the Chronological Transformation Reviewed

    Rui Peng, Ryoichi MATSUNO

    Japanese Journal of Infomatics   18 ( 1 )   53 - 65   2023.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Image of Japan held by Taiwanese in their Twenties

    Shen Yuan, Ryoichi Matsuno

    Japanese Journal of Global Informatics   ( 3 )   109 - 133   2023.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  • A Study on the Cable TV Program "Tama Tankentai" Produced by University Students: Why Did It Continue for 15 Years and Why It Suspended?


    中央大学政策文化総合研究所年報   ( 25 )   269 - 293   2022.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:中央大学政策文化総合研究所  


  • Understanding What University Students Learn in Video Production Training

    Ryoichi MATSUNO

    Japanese Journal of Global Informatics   ( 2 )   103 - 117   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Classification and Analysis of Fake News about the COVID-19 Pandemic in China ― Special attention on the analysis of results factchecked by WeChat “Verity Platform” ― Reviewed


    Journal of Japan Information-culturology Society   28 ( 2 )   19 - 26   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Information-culturology Society  


  • An Experiment in Content Production Online During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Ryoichi Matsuno

    中央大学政策文化総合研究所年報   ( 24 )   205 - 219   2021.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:中央大学出版部  


  • Forming China's Online Public Opinion on the "Ice Boy" Case: Sina Weibo's Analysis

    楊曄, 松野良一

    Japanese Journal of Global Informatics   1 ( 1 )   167 - 193   2021.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:中央大学出版部  


  • 中国デジタルメディアの言論空間―その可能性と限界 Invited


    デジタル/コミュニケーション 中央大学政策文化総合研究所研究叢書   ( 28 )   1 - 32   2021.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:中央大学出版部  


  • Possibilities and Limitations of Internet Journalism in China Invited

    Ryoichi Matsuno

    ( 932 )   18 - 23   2018.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  • Rehabilitation Program for Young People with Internet Addiction in China : The Case of Nanchang Hongjie Young People School

    Yaquan ZHANG, Ryoichi MATSUNO

    Japanese journal of policy and culture   25 ( 25 )   77 - 91   2017.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:中央大学総合政策学部  

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://ir.c.chuo-u.ac.jp/repository/search/item/md/rsc/p/9924/

  • 大学生が戦争体験者を取材し、映像作品を作ることの意味 Invited


    月刊「民放」   46 ( 8 )   24 - 27   2016.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本民間放送連盟  

    CiNii Books


  • 「台湾二二八事件と中央大学卒業生」プロジェクトと受難者家族の証言概要


    総合政策研究   ( 24 )   47 - 70   2016.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:中央大学出版部  

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://ir.c.chuo-u.ac.jp/repository/search/item/md/rsc/p/8487/

  • A Study on the Hokkaido Tourism Boom Induced by the Chinese Movie "If You Are the One: Fei Cheng Wu Rao"

    Minhua ZHU, Ryoichi MATSUNO

    総合政策研究   22 ( 22 )   109 - 122   2014.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:中央大学出版部  

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://ir.c.chuo-u.ac.jp/repository/search/item/md/rsc/p/6190/

  • How Has the Microblogging Site Sina Weibo Accelerated the Visualization of Social Issues in China

    Zhou ZHOU, Ryoichi MATSUNO

    総合政策研究   22 ( 22 )   87 - 107   2014.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:中央大学出版部  

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://ir.c.chuo-u.ac.jp/repository/search/item/md/rsc/p/6189/

  • The transference process of embodied expertise on work-sites to employ people with intellectual disabilities Reviewed

    亀井 省吾, 大橋 正和, 松野 良一

    情報文化学会誌   20 ( 2 )   51 - 58   2013.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan information-culturology Society  

    This study examined the transference process of embodied expertise on work-sites that employ people with intellectual disabilities. Business cases of success in earning profit and employment of them are placed at focus and analyzed. The following three points were clarified in this study: First, the embodied expertise of non-disabled people were meta-cognitively verbalized through an inter-physical relationship between non-disabled and intellectually-disabled people. Second, such meta-cognitively verbalized embodied expertise was transferred from non-disabled people to intellectually-disabled people, which create a complementary relationship with the embodied expertise held by former. Third, the mutually complementary relationships developed during the process of teaching work-related embodied expertise to intellectually-disabled people was consistent with the process architecture of the workplace.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://projects.repo.nii.ac.jp/?action=repository_uri&item_id=315655

  • ドキュメンタリー「As Human Beings」(日本・イスラエル・パレスチナ合同学生会議)を使った異文化間教育の試み Reviewed


    異文化間教育   ( 38 )   86 - 99   2013.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:異文化間教育学会  

    CiNii Books


  • 希少医療資源である移植用臓器の配分問題に関する研究-QARYの効用と限界を中心として-


    総合政策研究   20 ( 20 )   11 - 23   2012.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:中央大学出版部  

    CiNii Books


  • 小学生による映像制作と能力開発の関係性-若狭高浜子ども放送局の事例を中心として-


    総合政策研究   20 ( 20 )   37 - 48   2012.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:中央大学出版部  

    CiNii Books


  • 医療事故削減教育プログラムの作成とその効果(2) : DVD視聴後のグループ討議の効果に関する質的検討 Reviewed

    日本経営倫理学会誌   19   129 - 139   2012.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本経営倫理学会  

    Authors have made an educational program aiming to reduce medical accidents in hospitals. The new program consists in watching a video/DVD in which the parents of a child victim of a medical accident talk of their experience and feeling about the accident, and in discussing about the Video/DVD. This paper aims to show the positive effects of the educational program and also claims that the positive effects of our program largely comes from the discussion after watching the video about how they should attend to their patients among nurses and medical doctors. In other words, collective dialogues about the ethical matter should play a great role in the improvement of the ethical consciousness in an organization. Especially, the result of the program held among the inexperienced nurses is more influenced by the group discussion than the personal beforehand belief about the ethical matter in their works.

    DOI: 10.20664/jabes.19.0_129

    CiNii Books


  • Human Behavior in the Age of Web 2.0: From the Perspective of Journalism, Citizen-Centric, SNS, and Cyber Law

    Ryoichi Matsuno

    総合政策研究   19   113 - 134   2011.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:中央大学出版部  

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://ir.c.chuo-u.ac.jp/repository/search/item/md/rsc/p/6096/

  • An Educational Program for Reducing Medical Accidents and Its Efficacy : The Influence of the Recognition of the ethicality of the organization one belongs on one's attitudes toward the victims of medical accident Reviewed

    日本経営倫理学会誌   18   89 - 101   2011.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本経営倫理学会  

    The previous researches by the authors have shown that the fundamental problem of unethical organizational behaviors consists in the lack of mutual communication between the inner and the outer organization. From this point of view, authors have made an educational program aiming to develop the ethical consciousness of the organizational members. Authors remake this educational program into a program for reducing medical accidents in hospitals. The new program consists in watching a Video/DVD in which the parents of a child victim of a medical accident talk of their experience and thought about the accident, and in discussing about the Video/DVD. The result of the program is positive. The program has effects in developing the ethical consciousness of the nurses who participated in the program: to change positively "the impression of the victim and his/her family", "the attitudes toward them", and "the reaction with the consideration to stake-holders outside the group".

    DOI: 10.20664/jabes.18.0_89

    CiNii Books


  • Food self-sufficiency rate improvement campaign using "Newspaper-blog" Reviewed


    水土の知   77 ( 9 )   713 - 717   2009.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:農業農村工学会  


  • 企業不祥事とマスメディア対応--「記者の心理」からのアプローチ Invited


    月刊監査役   ( 559 )   18 - 31   2009.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本監査役協会  

    CiNii Books


  • 映像制作活動によって開発される能力に関する研究 : KJ法と因子分析法を用いて

    澤木香織, 松野良一

    総合政策研究   17   69 - 81   2009.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  • GPS付携帯電話を使ったコンテンツ自動生成システムの構築とその効果 Reviewed

    佐藤建, 松野良一

    情報文化学会誌   15 ( 2 )   74 - 79   2008.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:情報文化学会  

    We have developed a digital content generating system that anyone can participate with cell phone with GPS (global positioning system). By using this system, we have built the CGM (Consumer Generated Media) website. After taking a photo with GPS data, and sending it by e-mail, the photo will be automatically located on a digital map image. In addition, we have researched the psychological effect of using this system. We tested how the system could promote (i) user's interests towards community and (ii)willingness to express local information and attractiveness. The result of this test has revealed that the both significantly increased.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10486857

  • The mediated image of Germany in Japan Reviewed

    Cornelia Meissner, Ryoichi Matsuno

    The journal of The Infosocionomics Society   3 ( 1 )   23 - 37   2008.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Infosocionomics Society  


  • 大学生を対象として組織倫理教育の効果(その2) Reviewed

    河野哲也, 蘭千壽, 高橋知己, 樽木靖夫, 松野良一, 山内桂子

    日本経営倫理学会誌   15 ( 15 )   203 - 212   2008.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本経営倫理学会  

    This paper is a further research in order to make an educational program for organizational ethics, which is based on the theory of autopoietic communication system. The moral consciousness develops through being in others' shoes or taking others' point of view. There is a strong tie between morality and communication. Our educational program is to develop one's moral consciousness through answering questions which facilitate one's being in other persons' shoes. We conducted an educational program, containing lecture, video-movie watching as a case-study, answering questionnaire about the movie, and discussion in a group as well as in a class. The aim of this paper is to analyze the changes of ethical consciousness of the students who have participated in our program. The result of the qualitative analysis on the essay-type answers provided by the students showed that our program has a good effect to change one's view point and facilitate to see one's own conducts and opinions from other's point of view.

    DOI: 10.20664/jabes.15.0_203

    CiNii Books


  • What ability is developed by the video production activity?:Exceeding the concept of media literacy

    松野良一, 大塚彩香

    『総合政策研究』   ( 16 )   51 - 64   2008.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  • マスメディアの時代は、終焉を迎えつつあるのか? Invited

    中央評論   ( 260 )   77 - 82   2007.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:中央大学出版部  


  • 大学生を対象とした組織倫理教育の効果 Reviewed

    河野哲也, 蘭千壽, 樽木靖夫, 松野良一, 高橋知己, 山内桂子

    日本経営倫理学会雑誌   14 ( 14 )   29 - 39   2007.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本経営倫理学会  

    This paper is to develop an educational program for organizational ethics, which is based on social or collective psychology. The moral consciousness develops through being in others' shoes or taking others' point of view. There is a strong tie between morality and communication. Having many channels to communicate with different stakeholders makes an organization more ethical. Our educational program is to develop one's moral consciousness through answering questions which facilitate one's being in other persons' shoes. We conducted an educational program, containing lecture, video-movie watching as a case-study, answering questionnaire about the movie, and discussion in a group of 4-7 persons as well as in a class. The effect of the program is estimated by the measure of ethical progress developed by our research group. The result showed that our program has a good effect in lowering egoistic attitude which neglects the interests of stakeholders who are outside the one's group. This effect is also ascertained by the answers of the program participants.

    DOI: 10.20664/jabes.14.0_29

    CiNii Books


  • デジタルコンテンツの長期保存と原本性の証明について

    大橋正和, 松野良一, 齋藤豊, 堀眞由美, 岡島裕史

    『総合政策研究』   13   27 - 56   2006.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Chuo University  

    CiNii Books


  • コミュニケーションと組織倫理の教育 Reviewed

    河野哲也, 蘭千壽, 松野良一, 高橋知己, 樽木靖夫

    日本経営倫理学会誌   12 ( 12 )   205 - 216   2005.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本経営倫理学会  

    The illegal or unethical behaviors that business ethics treats are often produced by group dynamics rather than by private motives. This paper aims to introduce points of view of social or collective psychology into business ethics in order to analyze the unethical collective behaviors, and propose the means of keeping an organization ethical. We will focus especially on the structure and the process of communication inside and outside the organization. In the first section, we will discuss the relationship between communication and ethics from a general and philosophical point of view. In the second, we will suggest that the Autopoiesis theory fits to describe how ethical or unethical state of an organization emerges. In the third, we will try to make clear the process that produces the ethical consciousness that is necessary to prevent organizational injustice from a psychological approach. In the final section, we will present an ethical scale that we are developing in order to measure the ethical level of an individual or an organization.

    DOI: 10.20664/jabes.12.0_205

    CiNii Books


  • 「地域映像ネットワーク(Japan Film Net)の構築に関する実証的研究-電子透かし,タイムスタンプ技術を使って-」

    Matsuno Ryoichi

    『総合政策研究』   12 ( 12 )   153 - 164   2005.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:中央大学総合政策学部  

    CiNii Books


  • 「映像制作活動がメディア・リテラシー向上におよぼす効果‐批評的視聴能力,映像表現能力の開発に注目して‐」

    Matsuno Ryoichi

    『総合政策研究』   11 ( 11 )   103 - 112   2004.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:中央大学総合政策学部  

    CiNii Books


  • 「市民メディアの理論的背景について」 Invited

    『中央評論』   ( 248 )   131 - 145   2004.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:中央大学出版部  


  • 「視聴率操作事件の心理と倫理-個人の問題か組織事故か」 Invited

    『中央評論』   ( 247 )   50 - 61   2004.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:中央大学出版部  


  • イラク戦争で噴出したジャーナリズムの諸問題 Invited

    『中央評論』   55 ( 3 )   72 - 82   2003.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:中央大学出版部  


  • インターネットが「視聴者→テレビ局」のフィードバック過程におよぼしている影響に関する一考察 Reviewed


    マス・コミュニケーション研究   61   207 - 220   2002.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本マス・コミュニケーション学会  

    For over fifty years, television stations have been sending information to their audiences in the form of a one-way stream. Now Internet technology has made it possible for the audience to respond with e-mail, online forms, discussion groups and more. This study examines the changing relationship between broadcasters and their audiences between 1995 and 2002 by analyzing the Tokyo Broadcasting System's Website data. The research found that the Internet serves broadcasters and their audiences in four primary ways: 1) As a window into public opinion and attitudes. 2) As a means of gathering material for television programs. 3) As an educational tool to teach media literacy. 4) As a way to enable audience members to broadcast short films of their own. The study also found that in the Internet world the vertical relationship between broadcaster and audience has been changing towards a more lateral.

    DOI: 10.24460/mscom.61.0_207

    CiNii Books


  • Development of Ethical Awareness Scale Invited

    Chitoshi Araragi, Tetsuya Kono, Ryoichi Matsuno

    防衛大学校紀要   2002.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:防衛大学校  


  • IT時代におけるメディア・リテラシーに関する一考察-「反マスコミ」から「市民覚醒」の視点へ-

    中央大学大学院研究年報   ( 4 )   171 - 182   2001.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:中央大学出版部  

    CiNii Books


  • Who should be saved by organ transplant? : The "ideal recipients" to whom the young generation (the single largest donor group) wish to donate their organs Reviewed

    Ryoichi Matsuno

    Bioethics   10 ( 1 )   92 - 99   2000.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本生命倫理学会  

    Although organ transplant from brain-dead patients became legal in Japan after the Organ Transplant Law came into force in October 1997, there is still no public discussion as to how the donated organs should be distributed to those in need. For instance, non-profit organization Japan Organ Transplant Network's policy is to distribute/transplant organs to those named at the top of the waiting list first in the case of heart, kidney and lung transplant, if medical condition level of recipents is equal. The "first come, first served basis" system might seem fair and just-at least superficially- but elderly patients with chronic organ problems might be often treated before young people suffering from organ disorders. In case of liver transplant they adapted the scoring system calculating the kind of disease, emergency level and blood type, but alcoholic patients might be treated before non-alcoholic patient suffering from damaged liver. A data analysis of the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) revealed that 40%-70% of the donors were young patients aged between 11 and 34, while the recipients were 50 to 64 years old. The study aimed to identify the "ideal recipients" to whom the younger generation (the single largest potential donor group) wished to donate their organs if they were diagnosed brain-dead. The findings revealed that they would be more frustrated if the recipient turned out to be alcoholic, old, male(more than female) and convict. If Japanese government ignores the young people's view, the number of donating organs might decrease.

    DOI: 10.20593/jabedit.10.1_92

    CiNii Books


  • ジャーナリストから見た医療事故 Invited

    看護管理   1999.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:医学書院  


  • 移植で誰が助けられるべきか-臓器分配とレシピエントの年齢関係 Reviewed


    高齢者のケアと行動科学   6   2 - 10   1999.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本老年行動科学会  


  • アジアにおける日本人による腎移植ツアーの実態 Reviewed


    生命倫理   8 ( 1 )   92 - 99   1998.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本生命倫理学会  

    Because people in Japan have not been donating kidneys, Japanese patients who need kidney transplants have turned to developing countries for donated kidneys and the associated surgery. Local doctors and donors make money from these procedures, and there is a suspicion of the purchase and sale of organs. Although the media has reported on this issue sporadically, no research has yet studied the whole picture. This paper reports the scale, nature and ethical aspects of this issue with data gathered in Japan and in developing countries for nine years, including interviews with donors, patients, brokers, and doctors. According to this research, the Philippines, India, Thailand, Bangladesh and China are the main countries where such kidney transplant tourism is taking place. About sixty Japanese patients are known to have gone abroad to get kidneys. One patient paid sixty nine milion yen (about five hundred and ninety five thousand U.S. dollars). This reseach also revealed that six Japanese patients died of infection due to these procedures. The new Japanese organ transplant act, which came into effect on October 17 in 1997,prohibits the purchase and sale of organs, but some Japanese brokers still continue their business.

    DOI: 10.20593/jabedit.8.1_69

    CiNii Books


  • 安楽死・尊厳死におけるカウンセリングの役割 Reviewed


    産業カウンセリング研究   1 ( 1 )   18 - 27   1997.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本産業カウンセリング協会  

    CiNii Books


▼display all


  • 続・ベトナム戦争と日本人

    松野良一( Role: Edit)

    中央大学出版部  2023.11 

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  • Vietnam War and Japanese

    Ryoichi Matsuno( Role: Edit)


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    Total pages:139   Responsible for pages:1   Language:Japanese   Book type:Report


  • 国際情報学入門


    ミネルヴァ書房  2020.5 

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    Total pages:308ページ   Responsible for pages:pp263-286   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 続・日本全国B29慰霊碑物語

    松野良一他( Role: Edit)

    中央大学出版部  2018.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Book type:Report


  • 日本全国B29慰霊碑物語

    松野良一( Role: Edit)

    中央大学出版部  2017.5 

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    Total pages:310   Responsible for pages:171   Language:Japanese  


  • 「沖縄の記憶」をつなぐ

    松野良一( Role: Edit)

    中央大学出版部  2016.11 

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    Total pages:254   Responsible for pages:165   Language:Japanese  


  • 戦争の記憶をつなぐ 十三の物語

    松野良一( Role: Edit)

    中央大学出版部  2016.3 

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    Total pages:228   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 『学報【復刻版】 全4巻・別冊1 1932年5月~1942年10月』別冊(解説・総目次・索引)

    松野良一, 大久保謙

    不二出版  2015.2 

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    Total pages:98   Responsible for pages:5-70   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 情報社会のソーシャルデザイン

    松野良一, 周洲( Role: Joint author第8章「微博」と社会問題の可視化-中国のコミュニケーション変容)

    NTT出版  2014.12 

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    Total pages:258   Responsible for pages:191-216   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 台湾二二八事件と中央大学卒業生

    松野良一( Role: Edit)

    中央大学出版部  2014.11 

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    Total pages:228   Responsible for pages:118   Language:Japanese  


  • 証言で学ぶ「沖縄問題」 観光しか知らない学生のために

    松野良一( Role: Sole author)

    中央大学出版部  2014.4 

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    Total pages:246   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 映像制作で人間力を育てる-メディアリテラシーをこえて-

    松野良一( Role: Joint author)

    田研出版  2013.3 

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    Total pages:242   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • シリーズ生命倫理学「脳死・移植医療」

    松野良一( Role: Joint author第11章臓器配分)

    丸善出版  2012.1 

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    Total pages:257   Responsible for pages:196-211   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 大韓航空機007便撃墜事件

    松野良一( Role: Edit)

    中央大学出版部  2011.10 

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    Total pages:188   Responsible for pages:160   Language:Japanese  


  • Human Behavior in Digital Age

    松野良一( Role: Edit)

    Chuo University Press  2011.3 

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    Total pages:216   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 戦争を生きた先輩たち―平和を生きる大学生が取材し、学んだこと〈2〉

    松野良一( Role: Sole author)

    中央大学出版部  2010.10 

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    Total pages:268   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 戦争を生きた先輩たちー平和を生きる大学生が取材し、学んだこと〈1〉

    松野良一( Role: Sole author)

    中央大学出版部  2010.8 

     More details

    Total pages:277   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • Public Access Television-America's Electronic Soapbox

    Ryoichi Matsuno( Role: Sole author)

    中央大学出版部  2009.3 

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    Total pages:247   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 学生のための人生羅針盤ーどう学び、どう働くのか

    中央大学総合政策学部編, 松野良一( Role: Supervisor (editorial))

    大巧社  2009.3 

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    Total pages:313   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 組織不正の心理学

    共著( Role: Sole author)

    慶應大学出版会  2007.8 

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    Total pages:210   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 「臓器移植(社会文化的側面)」

    生命倫理百科事典, 翻訳刊行委員会編( Role: Sole author)

    丸善  2007.1 

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    Total pages:3404   Responsible for pages:2045-2051   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 市民メディア活動-現場からの報告

    松野良一( Role: Sole author)

    中央大学出版部  2005.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • The Theory of Civic Media

    単著( Role: Sole author)

    ナカニシヤ出版  2005.8 

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    Total pages:243   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • ネットワーク社会経済論

    共著( Role: Sole author)

    紀伊国屋書店  2005.4 

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 「高齢者の心理がわかるQ&A」

    共著( Role: Sole author)

    中央法規出版  2005.4 

     More details

    Total pages:206   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 「地域映像ネットワーク(Japan Film Net)の構築」

    ( Role: Sole author)

    中央大学研究開発機構・財団法人マルチメディア振興センター  2004.4 

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    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 総合的な学習の時間のための「映像制作マニュアル」-メディア・リテラシーとメディア・アクセスの視点-

    単著( Role: Sole author)

    田研出版  2002.3 

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 危機を生きる-命の発達心理学

    共著( Role: Sole author)

    ナカニシヤ出版  2001.4 

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 情報メディア論

    共著( Role: Sole author)

    八千代出版  2000.5 

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 井上勝也編『高齢者の「こころ」事典』

    分担執筆( Role: Sole author)

    中央法規  2000.3 

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 医療事故

    ( Role: Sole author)

    ナカニシヤ出版  1998.11 

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 人間関係事例ノート「心のネットワークを求めて」

    共著( Role: Sole author)

    ナカニシヤ出版  1995.3 

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 要説現代心理学-人間・社会・文化

    ( Role: Sole author)

    ナカニシヤ出版  1992.9 

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • アイデンティティの心理学

    ( Role: Sole author)

    ナカニシヤ出版  1981.6 

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


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▼display all


  • Classification and Analysis of Fake News about the COVID-19 Pandemic in China

    李瑞鵬, 松野良一

    情報文化学会第29回大会  2021.10  情報文化学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 「大学の「映像制作」教育は何を教えているのか?−ジャーナリズム実践教育の試みの現状−」 Invited

    松野良一, 水島宏明

    日本マス・コミュニケーション学会2019秋季大会  ( 江戸川大学 )   2019.10  日本マス・コミュニケーション学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


  • 市民テレビ局の役割

    市民テレビ局フォーラム2008,総務省関東総合通信局主催  2008.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 市民テレビ局の可能性と課題

    「市民テレビ局フォーラム」,総務省関東総合通信局後援  2007.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 日本におけるパブリック・アクセス・チャンネルの可能性と課題-CATV番組編成担当者へのアンケート調査から-

    廣田衣里子, 松野良一

    情報文化学会  2007.9 

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  • 「新聞ブログ」を使った新しい表現手法

    LDPC研究会(筑波大学)  2007.6 

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  • 「市民参加型による地域コンテンツ自動生成システムの構築に関する実証的研究-GPS付携帯電話を使った画像マップ生成を中心に-」

    佐藤建, 松野良一

    情報文化学会  ( 東京大学 )   2006.9  情報文化学会

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  • 「宗教的慣習が生命倫理観に及ぼす影響に関する調査的研究」


    岡山生命倫理研究会第9回  ( 岡山大学医学部 )   2005.1  岡山生命倫理研究会

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  • 学校と放送局が協力したメディアプロデュースの試み


    日本教育心理学会第43回大会  ( 愛知教育大学 )   2001.9  日本教育心理学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 筑波研究学園都市における新旧住民の差異


    日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会第32回大会  ( 神戸大学 )   1984.10  日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


▼display all


  • 「文部科学大臣賞」(社会教育部門)

    2021.9   「全国自作視聴覚教材コンクール」(主催:一般財団法人 日本視聴覚教育協会)   ドキュメンタリー『日本で夢見た女性パイロット~朴敬元の生涯~』

    Production Supervisor :松野良一

  • 「文部科学大臣賞」(社会教育部門)

    2019.8   「全国自作視聴覚教材コンクール」(主催:一般財団法人 日本視聴覚教育協会)   ドキュメンタリー『ペンシルロケット―国分寺から飛んだ夢―』

    Production Supervisor :松野良一

  • 第3回「筑紫哲也賞」

    2013.1   東京ビデオフェスティバル2014実行委員会   「ノネコの引っ越し作戦~海を越えて命を守る~」の制作に対して

  • 第1回「筑紫哲也賞」

    2011.1   東京ビデオフェスティバル   「城南子ども放送局~城南特別支援学校~」の制作に対して

  • 「地方の時代」映像祭優秀賞

    2010.11   "「地方の時代」映像祭実行委員会(NHK,民放連など)"   「城南子ども放送局」の制作に対して

  • Good Design Award

    2007.10   The Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization  

  • 「ポッドキャスティングアワード2006」 最優秀賞


  • 日本インターネットアワード企画賞

    1998.9   日本オフィスオートメーション協会   「クリントン対談国際配信」に対して

  • 日本ジャーナリスト会議奨励賞

    1994.8   日本ジャーナリスト会議   「新生党選挙資金疑惑報道」番組制作に対して

  • 朝日新聞社賞

    1991.10   朝日新聞社   「一連の国際航業株価操作事件報道」に対して

  • 朝日新聞社賞

    1990.10   朝日新聞社   「一連のリクルート報道」に対して

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Research Projects

  • ベトナム戦争と日本人

    2020.4 - 2023.3

    中央大学  特定課題研究 

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 戦争体験者の記憶のアーカイブ化

    2016.4 - 2017.3

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 台湾二二八事件受難者家族の証言記録とアーカイブ化

    2014.4 - 2015.3


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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • メディア表現活動と能力開発の関係性に関する研究

    2011.4 - 2013.3

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 「生命メディア論」の構築

    2009.4 - 2010.3

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Web 2.0時代における人間行動に関する研究

    2007.4 - 2009.3

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • アイデンティティ認証基盤における分散型原本性の証明システムの研究

    2007.4 - 2008.3

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金(日本学術振興会・文部科学省) 

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 「情報インフラ」と「市民メディア活動」の融合による地域活性化に関する研究

    2006 - 2008

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金(日本学術振興会・文部科学省) 

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  • デジタルコンテンツにおける原本性証明のための認証技術の研究

    2004.4 - 2005.3

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金:基盤研究(C) 


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    Grant type:Competitive


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Academic Activities

  • 官民協働による地域ポータルサイトの運営に関する調査研究委員会

    Role(s): Planning/Implementing academic research

    財団法人地方自治情報センター  2008.4 - 2009.3

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    Type:Academic research 


Social Activities

  • 八王子市地域情報化計画検討委員会委員

    Role(s): Investigater

    2006.7 - 2007.3

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