Updated on 2024/08/26


Faculty of Global Informatics Professor
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Global Informatics Course of Graduate School of Global Informatics, Master's Program
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Dr. Taro KOMUKAI is a Professor at Faculty of Global Informatics, Chuo University in Tokyo, Japan. His research interests include privacy, information security, secrecy of communications and other issues associated with digitalization and the Internet.

External link


  • Ph.D. in Law ( Chuo University )

  • Master in Law ( Chuo University )

  • B.A.in Political Science ( Waseda University )


  • 2007.3

    Chuo University   Grasduate School of Law   doctor course   completed

  • 2004.3

    Chuo University   Grasduate School of Law   master course   completed

  • 1987.3

    Waseda University   School of Political Science and Economics   Political Science   graduated

Research History

  • 2023.11 - Now

    Dean, Graduate School of Global Informatics, Chuo University

  • 2020.4 - Now

    Chuo University   Faculty of Global Informatics   Professor

  • 2016.4 - 2020.3

    Nihon University   College of Risk Management   Professor

  • 2014.6 - 2016.3

    InfoCom Research, Inc.   Senior Vice President and Executive Consultant

  • 2012.4 - 2015.9

    Waseda University   Global Information and Telecommunication Studies   Guest Associate Professor

Professional Memberships

  • 2012.12 - Now

    The International Federation for Information Processing, TC9 (ICT and Society)

  • 2016.12 -  

    Association of Law and Information Systems

  • The International Federation for Information Processing

  • The Association for the Study of Security Science


  • The Information Network Law Association

  • the Law and Computers Association of Japan

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Research Interests

  • Information Law

  • Information and Communications Law

  • Cyber Law

  • Data Protection

  • Privacy

  • Cyber Security

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / New fields of law  / New fields of law


  • Intermediary Liability on the Internet in EU, US and Japan.

    Taro KOMUKAI

    4   2024.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • GDPR and EU Digital Policies

    Taro Komukai

    Jurist   1593   40 - 46   2024.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Privacy Protection During Criminal Investigations of Personal Data Held by Third Parties Reviewed

    Taro Komukai

    Human Choice and Digital by Default: Autonomy vs Digital Determination, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology   656   200 - 213   2022

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Springer International Publishing  

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-15688-5


    Other Link: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-031-15688-5

  • 1 February 2021 Supreme Court decision on cross-border searches (FC2 case) - Invited

    Taro Komukai

    Law & Technology   ( 93 )   52 - 57   2021.10

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    Authorship:Lead author  


  • The Most Recent Digital Forensic Circumstances:Legal Studies on Digital Forensics

    Taro Komukai

    Information Processing   62 ( 8 )   2021.7

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    Authorship:Lead author  


  • Will the problem of online defamation be solved? Invited

    Taro Komukai

    Information Processing   2021.7

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    Authorship:Lead author  


  • Intermediary Liability for Defamation on the Internet.

    Taro Komuksi

    Global Infomatics Study   1 ( 1 )   2021.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Faculty of Global Informatics, Chuo University  

    Defamation on the Internet are becoming more and more serious problems as the use of the Internet increases. While the spread of the Internet makes it possible for everyone to publish their message to the world, it has also caused a lot of damage by undesirable information.
    The issue of intermediary liability has been discussed since the 1990s. The role of the intermediaries such as ISPs is particularly important because they could remove or block access to problematic information. On the other hand, imposing liability on the intermediary could bring about chilling effects on free speech and lead to excessive behavior that might threaten the free speech and privacy on the Internet. The regime of intermediary liability varies from country to country because it is really controversial issue. This paper focuses on the intermediary liability and compares legal systems in the U.S., the EU, and Japan in order to provide suggestions for better solution.


  • Privacy protection in the criminal investigations on the personal data held by third parties

    Taro Komukai

    Journal of Information and Communications Policy   4 ( 1 )   Ⅰ-63 - Ⅰ-80   2020.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications  

    This paper focuses on privacy issues about personal data held by third parties in search for criminal investigations. Development of information technologies enable the collection and storage of enormous volumes of information. Data held by third parties would be a curse to serious privacy concern because it could often be provided to investigating authorities while data subjects do not recognize it. The aim of this paper is to compare the relevant laws and regulations about privacy and investigation search on personal data held by third parties in the US, the EU and Japan, and reach a suggestion for appropriate solution.


  • A Comparative Study of the Extraterritorial Enforcement of Data Protection Rules in the EU, US, and Japan Reviewed

    Taro Komukai

    Global Privacy Law Review   1 ( 3 )   180 - 185   2020.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Data Protection in the Internet the Japanese National Report Invited

    Taro komukai

    ICCLP Publications   14   243 - 255   2019.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:International Center for Comparative Law and politics, Graduate School of Law and Politics, the University of Tokyo  

    Data Protection in the Internet the Japanese National Report

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-28049-9_10


  • The Legitimacy of Cross-Border Searches Through the Internet for Criminal Investigations. Reviewed

    Komukai T, Ozaki A

    IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology.   vol 537   329 - 337   2018.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer, Cham  

    Discussing cross-border data investigation needs to consider both the sovereignty of the State in which the data are stored and human rights of the investigation subject. These issues are closely related to each other and, thus, likely to be confused. Regarding data collection for investigatory purposes, if there is no infringement of the investigation subject’s human rights, concerns are rarely raised regarding sovereignty infringement. However, the existence of two types of investigation subjects, data subjects and data controllers, complicates the issue. This paper provides an approach to improve cross-border data investigations, with due consideration of human rights and international law, by analyzing current international discussions in this field.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-99605-9_25


  • FCC’s New Privacy Regulation on ISPs: Regulation on ICT Industry in Rapid Change. Invited

    Taro KOMUKAI

    Journal of Law and Information System   ( 1 )   36 - 44   2017.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ALIS  

    Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the U.S. adopted an Order for new privacy regulation on providers of BIAS (Broadband Internet Access Service) on 27 in October, 2016.  The new rule, with more strict restriction to ISPs to collect, use, and disclose their customers’ information, does not cover edge providers such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc., and it is a hot issue that which operators should be subject to strict privacy regulation in ICT business field. This paper focuses on the purpose and background of FCC’s new regulation and try to reach some suggestion about the issue.

    DOI: 10.32235/alis.1.0_36


  • The obligation of data controllers under the rapid increase in personal data collection Reviewed

    Taro Komukai

    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems   137 ( 6 )   790 - 795   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan  

    This paper focuses on obligation of data controller associated with purpose of personal data processing. The development of IoT and big data causes privacy concern in various aspects. One of the most serious issues is that data could be collected, used or disclosed while the data subjects do not recognize it. It could be difficult to get efficient consent for one or more specific purpose from the data subject under these new technologies. The aim of this paper is to compare the relevant legal schemes in the EU, the U.S. and Japan, and reach an appropriate solution.

    DOI: 10.1541/ieejeiss.137.790



  • A Comparative Legal Study on Data Breaches in Japan, the US, and the UK Reviewed

    Kaori Ishii, Taro Komukai


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG  

    This paper focuses on the liability and duties of data controllers regarding data leaks and compares the relevant legal schemes of Japan, the U. S., and the U.K. There are three primary approaches to reducing or redressing damages caused by data leaks: (1) providing remedies for data leaks; (2) data security obligations; and (3) notification obligations in the event of a data breach. The aim of this article is to compare the measures on data breaches from the above viewpoints and highlight the relevant issues in order to reach an appropriate solution.
    To address the issues related to data breaches, legal rules among countries should be common to all due to the worldwide circulation of personal data. Nonetheless, different features are recognizable through the analysis in each chapter.
    Companies in Japan have thus far eagerly abided by data security obligations even if they are ineffective for data protection. Conducting PIAs is another option to prevent security incidents. If data breach notification rules are introduced, the subject matters to be publicized must be identified and followed by enforcement actions. Also, such rules should contribute to the avoidance of secondary harm.
    In the U. S., while compensations for data leakage and security breach notification rules have apparently been effectively managed, it is needed to reduce serious harm arising from massive data breach. Obliging companies to maintain data traceability might serve this.
    In the U. K., data breach notification rules imposed as part of the General Data Protection Regulation need to connect with other effective enforcements and contributions to avoiding secondary harm, so as not to become meaningless.
    We must harmonize the above differences and make ongoing efforts to improve the effectiveness of rules.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44805-3_8

    Web of Science


  • Protection on Consumer Privacy by Federal Trade Commission

    Taro Komukai

    Journal of Information and Communications Policy   1 - 9   2014.4

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications  


  • Lifelog utilisation and legal issues.

    Taro Komukai

    Jurist   ( 1464 )   53 - 58   2014.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:有斐閣  


  • Amendments to the Broadcasting Act and challenges for information and communications policy. Invited

    Taro Komukai

    Legislative Media Research 2013   106 - 127   2013.2

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Press and freedom of expression on the internet Reviewed

    Taro Komukai

    Journalism & media   ( 5 )   83 - 96   2012.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:日本大学新聞学研究所  

    CiNii Books


  • Digital networks and copyright limitation provisions

    Taro Komukai

    Legal theory (Niigata University)   41 ( 3 )   285 - 279   2009.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  • The Information and Communications Act and freedom of information - with a focus on information distribution on the internet.

    Taro Komukai

    PhD Thesis   2007.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Doctoral thesis   Publisher:中央大学  


  • Automatic collection of identity information and privacy and personal data protection

    Taro Komukai

    Graduate School Research Annual Report (Chuo University)   ( 34 )   391 - 402   2005.2

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:中央大学  


  • ALS Scan Inc. v. Remarq Communities Inc., 239 F.3d 619 (4th Cir. 2001).

    Taro Komukai

    America ho (US law)   2003 ( 2 )   461 - 466   2004

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:日米法学会  

    CiNii Books


  • The responsibilities of internet providers Invited

    Taro Komukai

    Jurist   ( 1117 )   19 - 25   1997.8

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:有斐閣  

    CiNii Books


  • 諸外国における発信電話番号表示サービスの提供状況


    ジュリスト   ( 1100 )   23 - 29   1996.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:有斐閣  

    CiNii Books


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  • Legal Perspective on Digital Ecosystems

    Tsuchida Kazuhiro( Role: Joint authorData Protection associated with Digital Platforms)

    Nippon Hyoron sha Co., LTD.  2024.3  ( ISBN:4535527679

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    Total pages:408  



  • Breached!

    ( Role: Translator/Editor)

    2023.11  ( ISBN:4326451300

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    Total pages:328   Language:Japanese  



  • Transborder data and law

    ( Role: Joint authorChapter 6)

    Horitsu Bunka Sha  2023.10  ( ISBN:4589042878

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    Total pages:384   Language:Japanese  



  • Human Choice and Digital by Default: Autonomy vs Digital Determination: 15th IFIP International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, HCC 2022, Tokyo, Japan, September 8–9, 2022, Proceedings (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 656)

    David Kreps , Robert Davison, Taro Komukai, Kaori Ishii( Role: Joint editor)

    Springer  2022.8  ( ISBN:3031156870

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    Total pages:235  



  • Cloud system migration and implementation

    Itaru Kaneko et al.( Role: Joint authorChapter 6. Data Management and Law)

    Ohmsha  2022.3  ( ISBN:4274228363

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    Total pages:248  



  • Introduction to Information Law

    Taro Komukai( Role: Sole author)

    NTT Publishing  2022.3  ( ISBN:4757104022

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    Total pages:268  



  • Human-Centric Computing in a Data-Driven Society: 14th IFIP TC 9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, HCC14 2020, Tokyo, Japan, September 9–11, 2020, Proceedings (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 590)

    David Kreps, Taro Komukai et al. ed.( Role: Joint editor)

    2020.11  ( ISBN:3030628027

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    Total pages:420  


  • Information Technology and Law

    Faculty of Global Informatics, Chuo University( Role: Joint authorChapter 6, Information Law associated with the emerging Internet)

    Minerva  2020.5 

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    Responsible for pages:79-91   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book



  • Data protection in the Internet

    Vicente, Dário Moura, Casimiro, Sofia de Vasconcelos( Role: Joint author)

    Springer  2019.12  ( ISBN:3030280489

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    Total pages:551   Language:English  



  • GDPR Overview

    Taro Komukai, Kaori Ishii( Role: Joint author)

    NTT Publishing  2019.9  ( ISBN:4757123817

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    Total pages:184   Language:Japanese  



  • Digital Forensics Basics

    Taro komukai( Role: Joint author3.2)

    JUSE  2019.5  ( ISBN:9784817196682

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    Total pages:11   Responsible for pages:112-122   Language:Japanese   Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience

    Digital Forensics on incident of data leaks.


  • Legal Analysis on ICT Law and Policy

    Masao Horibe( Role: Joint authorLaw enforcement by Federal Trade Commission.)

    shoujihoumu  2015.12  ( ISBN:9784785771256

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  • Introduction: Safety and Information

    Shusuke Osawa( Role: Joint authorCriminal Investigation on Bigdata)

    Seibundo  2015.6  ( ISBN:9784792305765

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book



  • Encyclopaedia of Digital Forensics, 2nd ed.

    Digital, Forensics Study Group, a non-profit organisation, ed( Role: Joint author'e-Documents Act', 'Telecommunications Business Act'.)

    Nikkagiren  2014.4 

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    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book

    6.3.6 e-文書法(238-242頁)、6.3.12 電気通信事業法(269−274頁)を担当。2006年刊行のデジタル・フォレンジックに関する総合解説書の改訂版。関連法を解説


  • Regulatory reform 30 Lectures

    Edited by, Yamamoto, Tetsuzo, Nomura, Sotatsu( Role: Joint author'Telecommunications and broadband regulation')

    Chuokeizai-sha  2013.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • Broadcasting in the Internet and mobile age: its potential and future prospects.

    Edited by The, Japan Commercial, Broadcasters Association( Role: Joint authorDigitisation of information and diversification of transmission channels and terminals)

    Gakubun-sha  2012.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book

    第3章 情報のデジタル化と伝送路・端末の多様化(66-84頁)を担当。放送制度のあり方について、伝送路のデジタル化という技術的要素の影響を中心に考察


  • Freedom of expression II From the situation.

    Komamura, Keigo, Hidemi Suzuki, eds( Role: Joint authorNetwork communication and freedom of expression)

    Shogaku-sha  2011.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book

    Network communication and freedom of expression (pp. 278-300). Examines expressive acts on networks, focusing on issues relating to freedom of the press and secrecy of communication.


  • New privacy and personal data protection issues

    Edited by, Masao Horibe( Role: Joint authorAdvancement of web services and privacy and personal data protection)

    Shoujihoumu  2010.4 

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    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • Information society infrastructure created by ubiquitous computing.

    Ken Sakamura, e( Role: Joint authorTwo sides of security assurance)

    The University of Tokyo Press  2006.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • Internet Society and the Law (2nd ed.).

    Edited by, Masao Horibe( Role: Joint authorInternet and content regulation)

    SHINSEI-SHA  2006.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • Cyber security law and policy.

    System Science Laboratory, Technology Development, Division, NTT, Data Corporation, ed( Role: Joint authorSecurity and privacy)

    NTT Publishing  2004.3 

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  • Information and Communications Outlook 2000 The Internet and the Age of Barrier-Free Competition.

    Edited by InfoCom( Role: Joint authorDigital networks and the law)

    NTT Publishing  2000.2 

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    Language:Japanese   Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


  • Caller ID and privacy

    Edited by, Masao Horibe( Role: Joint authorThe state of caller identification services in other countries and legal issues.)

    NTT Publishing  1998.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


▼display all


  • What is Information Law for? Invited

    Taro Komukai

    IPSJ Magazine   64 ( 12 )   e40 - e43   2023.11

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    Authorship:Lead author, Last author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.20729/00229364


  • What the Supreme Court's decision to remove tweets means - Can infringing information on the internet be removed? Invited

    Taro Komukai

    IPSJ Magazine   63 ( 12 )   2022.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


  • Data Protection in data science

    Taro Komukai

    The Chuo Univ. Review   74 ( 2 )   57 - 64   2022.7

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  • Overview of the 2021 amendments to the APPI.

    Taro Komukai

    IPSJ Magazine   63 ( 5 )   e7 - e9   2022.5

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


  • Review: "Michael C. Pollack, Taking Data, 86 U. Chi. L. Rev. 77-141 (2019)" Invited

    Taro Komukai

    AMERIKA HO   2020 ( 1 )   74 - 78   2020.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese American Society for Legal Studies  

    A review of Michael C. Pollack, Taking Data, 86 U. Chi. L. Rev. 77-141 (2019).


  • The latest topics on data protection in Japan (Impact of GDPR) Invited

    Taro komukai

    ITU Journal   6 - 8   2019.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)   Publisher:International Telecommunication Union  


  • The Internet and the Broadcast System Invited

    Taro komukai

    27th JAMCO Online International Symposium, The Future of Television: Japan and Europe   36 - 41   2019.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Japan Media Communication Center (JAMCO)  

    Discussion op Impact of Internet on Broadcasting


  • Questions of Constitutionality on Dating Site Regulation Invited

    Taro Komukai

    Jurist, Casebook on Media Law   ( 241 )   232 - 234   2018.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:有斐閣  



  • Microsoft Corp. v. United States, 829 F.3d 197 (2016). Invited

    Taro Komukai

    AMERIKA HO   2017 ( 2 )   324 - 328   2018.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)   Publisher:日米法学会  

    Stored Communications Act(SCA)に基づく捜索差押令状によって、合衆国の国外にあるサーバに保存されている情報の開示を求めることはできないと判断された事例


  • Data Portability Invited

    Taro Komukai

    Jurist   ( 1521 )   26 - 31   2018.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)   Publisher:有斐閣  


  • Overview of Regulation on Geographic Location Data. Invited

    Taro KOMUKAI

    Japan Data Communications   ( 215 )   19 - 22   2017.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.   Publisher:Japan Data Communications Association  

    CiNii Books


  • A Comparative Legal Study on Protection of Children on the Internet. Reviewed

    Taro kOMUKAI

    RISK MANAGEMENT STUDIES   ( 1 )   114 - 125   2017.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:日本大学危機管理学部危機管理学研究所  



  • The Cyber Law Study in a Think Tank

    116 ( 71 )   77 - 79   2016.6

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  • Legislation on the use of big data and personal data.

    Taro Komukai

    Transport Policy Research   17 ( 3 )   82 - 85   2014

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    CiNii Books


  • Clarification of the rules required for the use of big data. Invited

    Taro Komukai

    Business Law   13 ( 12 )   86 - 90   2013.12

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    CiNii Books


  • Regulation on Consumer Privacy by the FTC in the U.S. Invited

    Taro Komukai

    Information and Communications Policy Review.   4   100 - 108   2013

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  

    CiNii Books


  • Supervisory body is needed to stimulate business (Should smartphone apps be regulated?)

    Taro Komukai

    Economist   90 ( 33 )   78 - 78   2012.8

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    CiNii Books


  • The comparison of policies on protection of children online from sexual predators.

    2011 ( 1 )   1 - 6   2011.9

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    CiNii Books


  • The comparison of policies on protection of children online from sexual predators.

    2011 ( 1 )   1 - 6   2011.9

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    CiNii Books


  • "The world's information" and digital forensics

    Security management   22 ( 3 )   43 - 46   2008.12

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    CiNii Books


  • Regulations on RFID

    Taro Komukai

    IPSJ SIG EIP   2004 ( 43 )   1 - 6   2004.5

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    CiNii Books


  • Ethics and freedom on the internet

    Taro Komukai

    Bit   29 ( 10 )   22 - 26   1997.10

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    CiNii Books


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  • Competition law enforcement and personal data

    Taro Komukai

    Information Processing Society Japan, Electronic Intellectual Property 103  2024.2 

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    Event date: 2024.2    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Review of cases on section 230 of the CDA.

    Taro Komukai

    Information Processing Society Japan, Electronic Intellectual Property 102  2023.12 

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    Event date: 2023.12    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Interoperability in the EU data strategy.

    Taro Komukai

    Information Processing Society Japan, Electronic Intellectual Property 101  2023.9 

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    Event date: 2023.8 - 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Consumer Protection Regulations in EU Digital Service Act.

    Taro Komukai

    Information Processing Society Japan, Electronic Intellectual Property 100  2023.6 

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    Event date: 2023.6    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Data Portability Trends in the EU.

    Taro Komukai

    Information Processing Society Japan, Electronic Intellectual Property 99  2023.2 

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    Event date: 2023.2    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Discussions on remedy of injunction for rights infringement on the Internet.

    Taro Komukai

    Information Processing Society Japan, Electronic Intellectual Property 97  2022.9 

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    Event date: 2022.9    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Harm of Privacy Invasion

    Taro Komukai

    ISPJ SIG Technical Report Vol.2022-EIP-96 Jun 10, 2022  2022.6 

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    Event date: 2022.6    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Data protection and the Code of Criminal Investigations

    Taro Komukai

    Information Processing Society Japan, Electronic Intellectual Property 95  2022.2 

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    Event date: 2022.2    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Discussions on remedy of injunction for rights infringement on the Internet.

    Taro Komukai

    Information Processing Society Japan, Electronic Intellectual Property 94  2021.11 

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    Event date: 2021.11    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Discussions on remedy of injunction for rights infringement on the Internet.

    Taro Komukai

    Information Processing Society Japan, Electronic Intellectual Property 93  2021.9 

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    Event date: 2021.9    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Intermediary Liability on Digital Service Act in the EU.

    Taro Komukai

    Information Processing Society Japan, Electronic Intellectual Property 92  2021.6 

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    Event date: 2021.6    



  • Remedies in Intermediary Liability, Compensation for damage and Injunction.

    Taro Komukai

    ISPJ SIG Technical Report Vol.2020-EIP-91 No.11.  2020.11 

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    Event date: 2020.11    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Notices on Twitter and protection for “Good Samaritan” in the Communications Decency Act of 1996.

    Taro Komukai

    ISPJ SIG Technical Report Vol.2020-EIP-89  2020.9 

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    Event date: 2020.9    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Discussion on “The Origins of Modern Claims to Privacy” by Alan Westin.

    Taro Komukai

    ISPJ SIG Technical Report Vol.2020-EIP-87  ( Online )   2020.6  Information Processing Society Japan, Electronic Intellectual Property

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Needless to say Alan Westin's "Privacy and Freedom" is an important book on privacy that is known for proposing a modern privacy right. The book begins in the chapter "The Origin of Modern Privacy Rights." After reviewing "Privacy in the animal World" and "Privacy in the Primitive World", the reasons why modern privacy has arisen is discussed. In this paper, I would like to consider the relationship between the discussions made here and the discussions in evolutionary psychology that developed after the publication of the book.


  • Privacy issues in investigation search on location data.

    Taro Komukai

    ISPJ SIG Technical Report Vol.2020-EIP-87 Feb 14, 2020  ( Bukkyo University )   2020.2  Information Processing Society Japan, Electronic Intellectual Property

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    This paper focuses on privacy and data protection for location data that are processed in search for criminal investigations. Location data would be a curse to serious privacy concern because it could be collected, used or disclosed while data subject does not recognize it. The aim of this paper is to compare the relevant discussions about privacy and investigation search on location data in the EU, the U.S. and Japan, and reach a suggestion for appropriate solution.


  • The Comparative Study on Data Protection for Location Data

    Taro komukai

    ISPJ SIG Technical Report Vol.2020-EIP-83  ( Bukkyo University )   2019.2  ISPJ SIG EIP

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • The CLOU Act and cross-border searches through the Internet for criminal investigations.

    Taro Komukai

    18th Information Network Law Association Japan  ( 立正大学品川キャンパス )   2018.12  Information Network Law Association Japan Conference

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    犯罪捜査において被疑者等が利用しているクラウドサービス上のデータが捜査対象になることは,珍しいことではない.捜査機関にとって,こうしたデータを捜査の対象とし得るかどうかは,捜査の成否を左右する深刻な問題である.国外サーバにデータを置くことで犯罪者が罪を免れてしまうようなことが頻発することは,避けなければならない.一方で,国外に保存された情報に対して犯罪捜査を行うことが,クラウド・サーバ等が設置されている国の国家主権の侵害や,捜査対象者の人権侵害になってはならない. 本報告では,クラウド・アクトとその背景となる係争等で問題となる,越境データ捜査に関する国際法上の論点について検討する.


  • The legitimacy of cross-border searches through the Internet for criminal investigations International conference

    Taro Komukai, Aimi Ozaki

    IFIP TC9 Human Choice and Computers, HCC13: This Changes Everything.  ( Poznan University of Technology, Poland. )   2018.9  International Federation for Information Processing, Technical Committee 9: ICT and Society

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    On the Internet, information is transmitted instantaneously across borders. Enormous volumes of information are collected and stored throughout the world. Information on the Internet can also be subject to criminal investigations. The increasing problem for criminal justice authorities is that the information they seek to access is often stored in other States and is, therefore, outside their jurisdiction. Exercising a state power over data stored inside another State’s territory could be a violation of sovereignty.


  • The Comparative Study on Data Protection for Location Data

    Taro Komukai

    ISPJ SIG Technical Report Vol.2018-EIP-81  2018.9  Information Processing Society Japan, Electronic Intellectual Property

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    This paper focuses on data protection for location data, which is one of the essential elements of rapid development of new technologies such as bigdata, IoT and AI. Location data would be a curse to serious privacy concern because it could be collected, used or disclosed while data subject does not recognize it. The aim of this paper is to compare the relevant discussions in the EU, the U.S. and Japan, and reach a suggestion for appropriate solution.


  • A Study on Safety Confirmation by Universities in the Event of a Major Disaster

    Taro Komukai, Takeshi Miyawaki, Ikuo Taniguchi

    ISPJ SIG Technical Report Vol.2018-EIP-80  ( Institution of Information Security )   2018.5  Information Processing Society Japan, Electronic Intellectual Property

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Legal issues relating to criminal investigations into data in the cloud.

    Taro Komukai

    ISPJ SIG Technical Report Vol.2018-EIP-79  ( Bukkyo University )   2018.2  Information Processing Society Japan, Electronic Intellectual Property

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    The cloud computing is widely used and criminal justice authorities often in need for access data in the cloud when conducting criminal investigations. The problem that the data they seek to access is often stored in other States and, therefore, outside their jurisdiction.
    There are some cases arguing the lawfulness of criminal justice Access to data in the cloud overseas in Japan and the U.S. This paper introduces these cases and review discussions on the issue for better understanding about investigation on the data in the cloud.


  • Can the Data Protection Scheme for Transparency Prevent or Reduce the Damage of Data Breach? Invited International conference

    Taro Komukai

    Asian Privacy Scholars Network International Conference  ( The University of Hong Kong )   2017.9  Asian Privacy Scholars Network

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • A Comparative Legal Study on Location Data Privacy

    Information Processing Society Japan, Electronic Intellectual Property  2016.11 

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    This paper focuses on privacy and data protection associated with location data collected from networked devices. While use of location data could bring us variety of convenient services, it also could be a curse to serious privacy concern because location data could be collected, used or disclosed while data subject does not recognize it. The aim of this paper is to compare the relevant discussions in the EU, the U.S. and Japan, and reach a suggestion for appropriate solution.


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  • Docomo Mobile Science Award, Best Research in Social Science

    2009.9   Mobile Communication Fund   Comprehensive Study on ICT laws.

    Taro Komukai

  • The 23rd TAF Incentive Award for Telecom Social Science Research

    2008.3   The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation   ICT Law and Freedom of Information

    Taro Komukai

Research Projects

  • Development of digital technology and new regulations - competition law, co-regulation, ex-ante regulation, and AI regulation -

    Grant number:24K00203  2024.4 - 2028.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Waseda University

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    Grant amount: \18720000 ( Direct Cost: \14400000 、 Indirect Cost: \4320000 )


  • A Cross-disciplinary Study of Law in a Data-driven Society: focusing on Digital Platforms

    Grant number:19H00574  2019.4 - 2024.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)  Waseda University

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    Grant amount: \39650000 ( Direct Cost: \30500000 、 Indirect Cost: \9150000 )


  • The legitimacy of cross-border criminal investigations through the Internet: discussion in cyber law and international law.

    2018.4 - 2021.3

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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount: \3100000


  • Privacy issues of criminal investigation on databases.

    2018.4 - 2019.3

    The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation 

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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount: \1050000


  • Comparison of personal data protection in relation to location-based services in different countries.

    2017.4 - 2018.3

    The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation  Research Fund 

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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount: \850000


  • Comparison of national privacy and personal data protection systems in relation to automated data collection technologies.

    2016.8 - 2018.3

    Support for starting research activities 

      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount: \2340000 ( Direct Cost: \1800000 、 Indirect Cost: \540000 )


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Teaching Experience

  • Information and Communications Law

    2021.4 - Now   Institution:Faculty of Global Informatics, Chuo University

  • Information Law in business

    2021.4 - Now   Institution:Faculty of Global Informatics, Chuo University

  • Seminar on Information Law

    2020.9 - Now   Institution:Faculty of Global Informatics, Chuo University

  • Information Law

    2018.4 - Now   Institution:Faculty of Global Informatics, Chuo University

  • Information Law

    2004.4 - 2020.3   Institution:Faculty of Law, Nihon University

  • Fundamentals of Social Informatics III / Fundamentals of Information Law and Policy Studies

    Institution:University of Tokyo Graduate School of International Studies

  • Law and Computers

    Institution:Toyo University Faculty of Law

  • Social change and institutional design

    Institution:Yokohama National University Graduate School of International Economic Law

  • Information Law

    Institution:College of Risk Management, Nihon University

  • Information Ethics

    Institution:College of Risk Management, Nihon University

  • Cyber Security Theory

    Institution:College of Risk Management, Nihon University

  • Information Law

    Institution:Nihon University

  • Information Ethics

    Institution:Nihon University

  • Cyber Security

    Institution:College of Risk Management, Nihon University

  • Information Management

    Institution:Nihon University

  • Information Management

    Institution:College of Risk Management, Nihon University

  • Information Law

    Institution:College of Law, Nihon University

  • information strategy theory

    Institution:Faculty of Engineering, Chiba Institute of Technology

  • Information distribution and the law

    Institution:Faculty of Engineering, Chiba Institute of Technology

  • Privacy protection, information security and information distribution

    Institution:Japan Women's University, Faculty of Home Economics

  • Internet Law

    Institution:Kokushikan University Faculty of Law

  • Special Lectures on Law (Information Law)

    Institution:Rikkyo University, Faculty of Law

  • Law associated with Computer

    Institution:Toyo University

  • Special lectures on media law

    Institution:Graduate School of Journalism, Nihon University

  • Information security and the law

    Institution:Keio University, Graduate School of Law

  • Social Informatics Research Methods III / Information Law and Policy Research Methods

    Institution:University of Tokyo Graduate School of International Studies

  • デジタル・ネットワーク法研究

  • Digital Network Law Research

    Institution:Graduate School of Global Information and Telecommunication Studies, Waseda University

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