Updated on 2024/08/23


FUKUDA Satoshi
Faculty of Science and Engineering Research Associate
Contact information
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  • 博士(情報科学) ( 広島市立大学 )

  • 修士(情報科学) ( 広島市立大学 )


  • 2016.3

    Hiroshima City University   doctor course   finished without a degree after completion of required course credits

  • 2013.3

    Hiroshima City University   master course   completed

  • 2011.3

    Hiroshima City University   graduated

Research History

  • 2021.4 -  


  • 2017.10 - 2021.3

    九州大学 システム情報科学研究院 情報学部門 助教(特定プロジェクト教員)

  • 2015.10 - 2017.10

    九州大学 システム情報科学研究院 情報学部門 九州大学職員 (パートタイム職員)

Professional Memberships

  • 情報処理学会

  • 日本図書館情報学会

  • 言語処理学会

Research Interests

  • Information Extraction

  • Topic Analysis

  • Sentiment Analysis

  • Research Paper Search

  • Information Reterieval

  • Natural Language Processing

Research Areas

  • Informatics / Intelligent informatics

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Library and information science, humanistic and social informatics


  • Generating a Technical Trend Map by Analyzing the Structure of U.S. Patents Using Patent Families Reviewed

    Jun Nakamitsu, Satoshi Fukuda, Hidetsugu Nanba

    Information Engineering Express   10 ( 2 )   2024.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Modeling the Social Acceptability of Technologies Using Twitter Data Reviewed

    Nanba, H, Yamamoto, K, Fukuda, S, Shoji, H, Tanishita, M, Kyutoku, Y, Yamashina M

    Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2023)   2023.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Automatic Detection of Geotagged Food-Related Videos Using Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis Reviewed

    Nanba, H, Fukuda, S

    Proceedings of ACM RecSys Workshop on Recommenders in Tourism (RecTour2023)   2023.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Automatic Multilingual Hypernym–Hyponym Relation Extraction Using a Link Prediction Model Reviewed

    Iwakuma, K, Gong, Y, Nanba, H, Fukuda, S

    Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI AAI 2023)   2023.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Automatic Generation of Explanatory Text from Flowchart Images in Patents Reviewed

    Nanba, H, Kubo, S, Fukuda, S

    Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Patent Text Mining and Semantic Technologies (PatentSemTech 2023) in conjunction with SIGIR 2023   2023.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Japanese Patent Classification Using Few-shot Learning Reviewed

    Hachisuka, S, Nakada, Y, Nanba, H, Fukuda, S

    Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI AAI 2023)   2023.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Depth of Information Processing Rather Than Its Content Affects Proactive Behavioral Intentions Towards Risk Reviewed

    Kyutoku, Y, Yamashina, M, Tanishita, M, Nanba, H, Fukuda, S, Shoji, H

    In Mitsuo Nagamachi and Shigekazu Ishihara (eds) Kansei Engineering   ( 101 )   2023.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • An Analysis of Shifts in Public Interests and Sentiments in Japan Using News Tweet Data during the COVID-19 Pandemic Reviewed

    Fukuda, S, Nanba, H, Shoji, H

    Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI AAI 2023)   2023.7

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • 特許中のフローチャート画像からの説明文の自動生成

    難波英嗣, 久保翔平, 福田悟志

    情報処理学会 第150回 情報基礎とアクセス技術研究発表会   2023.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • Adaptive Aspects of Negative Psychological Reactions with Regard to Proactive Behavioral Intentions Towards Climate Change in Japan Reviewed

    Kyutoku, Y, Yamashina, M, Tanishita, M, Nanba, H, Fukuda, S, Shoji, H

    Proceedings of the 2023 International Convention of Psychological Science   2023.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • 新たな価値観ラベルの発見に対する支援方法の検討

    福田悟志, 石田栄美

    言語処理学会第29回年次大会   2023.3

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  • 学術論文検索におけるAND と結合する語の推薦の検討


    情報処理学会 第150回情報基礎とアクセス技術・第128回ドキュメントコミュニケーション合同研究発表会   2023.3

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  • 価値観ラベルに対するトピック分析とラベル間の関係分析

    福田悟志, 石田栄美

    情報処理学会 第149回 情報基礎とアクセス技術研究発表会 (IFAT)   2023.2

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  • Changes in Interests and Emotional Responses to News Coverage of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Case Numbers Over Time Reviewed

    Satoshi Fukuda, Hidetsugu Nanba, Hiroko Shoji

    2022 Joint 12th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 23rd International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, SCIS and ISIS 2022   2022.11

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Understanding how people's interest and emotional state change in response to news coverage of a particular topic and elucidating the characteristics of these changes can reveal the shifting nature of attention and emotion. We analyzed people's interest and emotional responses expressed via Twitter in response to news coverage of announcements of new cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a case study. As a measure of interest, we examined replies to tweets of news items posted by media outlets on Twitter, and classified the emotional content of each reply tweet using Plutchik's wheel of emotion. The analysis suggested that people were most interested in COVID-19 case numbers in April 2020, when the first wave of cases occurred and the first emergency declaration was issued, and in July 2020, when the second wave of cases emerged. The results revealed that fear was the most commonly expressed emotion. The ratio of fear-related tweets was highest in February and March 2020, a time at which new COVID-19 cases were confirmed in various locations and there was substantial public discussion regarding whether Japan would declare a state of emergency for the first time.

    DOI: 10.1109/SCISISIS55246.2022.10001983



  • An Analysis of People’s Emotional Change Toward Vaccines and Its Factors in the Corona Disaster Reviewed

    FUKUDA Satoshi, NANBA Hidetsugu, SHOJI Hiroko

    Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics   34 ( 3 )   592 - 600   2022.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics  

    The developers of new vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 and governments have provided information on vaccine effectiveness and status on a daily basis to reassure people about vaccination against COVID-19. However, because the interest in vaccines and vaccination status varies by country and region, people do not always feel reassured. In this paper, we analyzed tweets posted on Twitter to elucidate the emotions people have toward COVID-19 vaccines and factors that cause such emotions to be expressed. We selected six countries for our analysis: Japan, the United States, the Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and India, and applied an emotion classification method using machine learning based on the eight types of emotions defined in Plutchik’s wheel of emotions. We also used a text analysis approach using dependency analysis and burst detection methods. The results of our emotion classification showed that fear was the most common emotion in Japan whereas anger and disgust were most common in the United States, Great Britain, Canada, and Australia; joy was most common in India. We also analyzed tweets during the period when a particular emotion was increased in the changes of the emotions represented as a time series based on the burst-detected dependency relations, and found several characteristics: many users posted vaccine-related news, one user would often post a large number of tweets with the same content, and the same event related to vaccines could arouse different emotions depending on the individual’s situation.

    DOI: 10.3156/jsoft.34.3_592

    CiNii Research


  • Analyzing the Structure of U.S. Patents Using Patent Families Reviewed

    Jun Nakamitsu, Satoshi Fukuda, Hidetsugu Nanba

    Proceedings - 2022 12th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, IIAI-AAI 2022   150 - 153   2022.7

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Researchers and developers search for patents in fields related to their own research to obtain information on issues and effective technologies in those fields for use in their research. However, it is impossible to read through the full text of many patents, so a method that enables patent information to be grasped briefly is needed. In this study, we analyze the structure of U.S. patents with the aim of extracting important information. Using Japanese patents with structural tags such as "field", "problem", "solution", and "effect", and corresponding U.S. patents (patent families), we automatically created a dataset of 81,405 U.S. patents with structural tags. Furthermore, using this dataset, we conduct an experiment to assign structural tags to each sentence in the U. S. patents automatically. For the embedding layer, we use a language representation model, Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformer, pretrained on patent documents and construct a multi-label classifier that classifies a given sentence into one of four categories: "field", "problem", "solution", or "effect". Using a loss function that considers the unbalanced amount of data for each structural tag, we are able to classify sentences related to "field", "problem", "solution", and "effect"with precision of 0.6994, recall of 0.8291, and F-measure of 0.7426.

    DOI: 10.1109/IIAIAAI55812.2022.00038



  • Analysis of International Public Emotional Responses Toward the COVID-19 Vaccine. Reviewed

    Satoshi Fukuda, Hidetsugu Nanba, Hiroko Shoji

    IIAI-AAI   71 - 76   2022.7

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/IIAIAAI55812.2022.00024


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/iiaiaai/iiaiaai2022.html#FukudaNS22

  • コロナ禍におけるワクチンに対する人々の感情変化とその要因の分析

    福田悟志, 難波 英嗣, 庄司 裕子

    情報処理学会 第145回 情報基礎とアクセス技術研究発表会 (IFAT)   2022.2

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  • 特許中の画像とテキストを用いた手順オントロジーの構築

    樊エイブン, 福田悟志, 難波英嗣

    情報処理学会 第145回 情報基礎とアクセス技術研究発表会 (IFAT)   2022.2

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  • リンク予測モデルによる多言語上位下位関係の自動抽出

    巩尧, 福田悟志, 難波英嗣

    情報処理学会 第149回 情報基礎とアクセス技術研究発表会 (IFAT)   2022.2

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  • Automating the Choice Between Single or Dual Annotation for Classifier Training Reviewed

    Satoshi Fukuda, Emi Ishita, Yoichi Tomiura, Douglas Oard

    Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2021)   233 - 248   2021.12

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  • パテントファミリーを用いた米国特許の構造解析 および技術動向マップの自動作成

    仲光純, 福田悟志, 難波 英嗣

    情報処理学会 第143回 情報基礎とアクセス技術研究発表会 (IFAT)   2021.7

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  • 網羅性を重視した学術論文に対する検索手法

    福田悟志, 冨浦洋一

    第139回情報基礎とアクセス技術研究発表会 (IFAT),   2020.7

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  • Cost-Effective Learning for Classifying Human Values Reviewed

    Ishita, Emi, Fukuda, Satoshi, Oga, Toru, Tomiura, Yoichi, Oard, Douglas W, Fleischmann, Kenneth R

    Proceedings of iConference 2020   2020.3

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  • Using text classification to improve annotation quality by improving annotator consistency Reviewed

    Emi Ishita, Satoshi Fukuda, Yoichi Tomiura, Douglas W. Oard

    Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology   57 ( 1 )   2020

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    This paper presents results of experiments in which annotators were asked to selectively reexamine their decisions when those decisions seemed inconsistent. The annotation task was binary topic classification. To operationalize the concept of annotation consistency, a text classifier was trained on all manual annotations made during a complete first pass and then used to automatically recode every document. Annotators were then asked to perform a second manual pass, limiting their attention to cases in which their first annotation disagreed with the text classifier. On average across three annotators, each working independently, 11% of first pass annotations were reconsidered, 46% of reconsidered annotations were changed in the second pass, and 71% of changed annotations agreed with decisions made independently by an experienced fourth annotator. The net result was that for an 11% average increase in annotation cost it was possible to increase overall chance corrected agreement with the annotation decisions of an experienced annotator (as measured by kappa) from 0.70 to 0.75.

    DOI: 10.1002/pra2.301



  • トピック型ブーリアンクエリモデルおよび一般的なランキングモデルを用いた学術論文検索システムの構築

    福田, 悟志, 冨浦, 洋一

    第81回全国大会講演論文集   2019 ( 1 )   15 - 16   2019.2

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    In an academic paper search, it is important that the search returns comprehensive results that are relevant to the user's information need by creating a Boolean query. However, it is difficult to anticipate all possible terms that authors of relevant papers might have used. We propose a Boolean-based search method based on topic analysis using latent Dirichlet allocation. Our method considers synonyms and expressions similar to the search terms, which a user might not anticipate. The sets retrieved by our method and by general ranking method are different because the purpose of the ranking method is to high rank the relevant papers and our method is focused on comprehensively collecting relevant papers. Therefore, it is able to that more high performance search result could be obtained by combining both sets.

    CiNii Books

    CiNii Research


  • Research Paper Search Using a Topic-Based Boolean Query Search and a General Query-Based Ranking Model Reviewed

    Satoshi Fukuda, Yoichi Tomiura, Emi Ishita

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   11707 LNCS   65 - 75   2019

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    When conducting a search for research papers, the search should return comprehensive results related to the user’s query. In general, a user inputs a Boolean query that reflects the information need, and the search engine ranks the research papers based on the query. However, it is difficult to anticipate all possible terms that authors of relevant papers might have used. Moreover, general query-based ranking methods emphasize how to rank the relevant documents at the top of the results, but require some means of guaranteeing the comprehensiveness of the results. Therefore, two ranking methods that consider the comprehensiveness of relevant papers are proposed. The first uses a topic-based Boolean query search. This search converts every word in the abstract set and query into a topic via topic analysis by Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and conducts a search at the topic level. The topic assigned to synonyms of a search term is expected to be the same as that assigned to the search term. Each paper is ranked based on the number of times it is matched with each topic-based Boolean query search executed for various LDA parameter settings. The second is a hybrid method that emphasizes better results from our topic-based ranking result and a general query-based ranking result. This method is based on the observation that the paper sets retrieved by our method and by a general ranking method will be different. Through experiments using the NTCIR-1 and -2 datasets, the effectiveness of our topic-based and hybrid methods are demonstrated.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-27618-8_5



  • Improving OCR for Historical Documents by Modeling Image Distortion Reviewed

    Keiya Maekawa, Yoichi Tomiura, Satoshi Fukuda, Emi Ishita, Hideaki Uchiyama

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   11853 LNCS   312 - 316   2019

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Archives hold printed historical documents, many of which have deteriorated. It is difficult to extract text from such images without errors using optical character recognition (OCR). This problem reduces the accuracy of information retrieval. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the performance of OCR for images of deteriorated documents. One approach is to convert images of deteriorated documents to clear images, to make it easier for an OCR system to recognize text. To perform this conversion using a neural network, data is needed to train it. It is hard to prepare training data consisting of pairs of a deteriorated image and an image from which deterioration has been removed; however, it is easy to prepare training data consisting of pairs of a clear image and an image created by adding noise to it. In this study, PDFs of historical documents were collected and converted to text and JPEG images. Noise was added to the JPEG images to create a dataset in which the images had noise similar to that of the actual printed documents. U-Net, a type of neural network, was trained using this dataset. The performance of OCR for an image with noise in the test data was compared with the performance of OCR for an image generated from it by the trained U-Net. An improvement in the OCR recognition rate was confirmed.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-34058-2_31



  • Toward Three-Stage Automation of Annotation for Human Values Reviewed

    Emi Ishita, Satoshi Fukuda, Toru Oga, Douglas W. Oard, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Yoichi Tomiura, An Shou Cheng

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   11420 LNCS   188 - 199   2019

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Prior work on automated annotation of human values has sought to train text classification techniques to label text spans with labels that reflect specific human values such as freedom, justice, or safety. This confounds three tasks: (1) selecting the documents to be labeled, (2) selecting the text spans that express or reflect human values, and (3) assigning labels to those spans. This paper proposes a three-stage model in which separate systems can be optimally trained for each of the three stages. Experiments from the first stage, document selection, indicate that annotation diversity trumps annotation quality, suggesting that when multiple annotators are available, the traditional practice of adjudicating conflicting annotations of the same documents is not as cost effective as an alternative in which each annotator labels different documents. Preliminary results for the second stage, selecting value sentences, indicate that high recall (94%) can be achieved on that task with levels of precision (above 80%) that seem suitable for use as part of a multi-stage annotation pipeline. The annotations created for these experiments are being made freely available, and the content that was annotated is available from commercial sources at modest cost.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-15742-5_18



  • A Study for the Support of a Search Formula Creation for the Exhaustive search of an Academic Paper based on a User’s Information Need

    Fukuda, S, Tomiura, Y

    10th Asia Library and Information Research Group Workshop   2018.12

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  • Developing Semi-Automatic Content Analysis for Studying Human Values in the Nuclear Power Debate

    Ishita, E, Oga, T, Fukuda, S, Tomiura, Y

    10th Asia Library and Information Research Group Workshop   2018.12

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  • A Comprehensive Study for Constructing a Large Scale Information Infrastructure of Paper-based Historical Materials

    Tomiura, Y, Ishita, E, Uchiyama, H, Fukuda, S

    10th Asia Library and Information Research Group Workshop   2018.12

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  • Toward a Search Formula Creation Support for the Exhaustive Search of an Academic Paper

    Fukuda, S, Tomiura, Y

    Toward Effective Support for Academic Information Search (Workshop at ICADL2018)   2018.11

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  • Using topic analysis techniques to support comprehensive research paper searches Reviewed

    Satoshi Fukuda, Yoichi Tomiura

    Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Asian Language Processing, IALP 2017   2018-January   314 - 317   2018.2

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    In an academic paper search to confirm the originality of a user's research, it is important that the search returns comprehensive results relevant to the user's information need. To achieve comprehensive search results, users often relax initially restrictive search formula by adding synonyms and expressions similar to the search words with operator OR, and/or replacing AND with OR operations. However, it is difficult to anticipate all the terms that authors of relevant papers might have used. In addition, the replacement of AND with OR in search phrases can return a large number of unrelated papers. To overcome these issues, we propose a research paper search method based on topic analysis, which uses Boolean search based on the topics assigned to the search words in the search formula and the abstracts that contain any search word. Our method considers synonyms and expressions similar to the search words, which a user might not anticipate, while limiting the number of papers unrelated to the information need in the search result. To investigate the effectiveness of our method, we conducted experiments using the NTCIR-1 and 2 datasets, and confirmed that our method shows a reduction effect on unrelated papers, while maintaining high coverage.

    DOI: 10.1109/IALP.2017.8300606



  • Quick Evaluation of Research Impacts at Conferences Using SNS Reviewed

    Satoshi Fukuda, Hikaru Nakahashi, Hidetsugu Nanba, Toshiyuki Takezawa

    Proceedings - International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA   2016-February   259 - 263   2016.2

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    We are investigating ways of evaluating research impact as soon as possible after publication. Traditionally, the research impact or importance of academic journals has been evaluated using citation relations, such as the impact factor and the citation half-life. However, these citation-based methods require long periods to evaluate research impact and therefore are not suitable for evaluating the current impact of research papers at conferences. To solve this problem, we are studying the automatic evaluation of research impact using Twitter. Researchers participating in academic conferences often post their opinions or comments on Twitter. Here, research papers (presentations) that have many comments are considered to be outstanding and to have strong impact during the conference. In this paper, we propose a method for automatically aligning tweets with research papers. The procedure consists of the following three steps: (1) detecting valuable tweets, (2) aligning each valuable tweet with a research paper, and (3) calculating the research impact of each research paper by the number of aligned tweets. We conducted some experiments to confirm the effectiveness of our method. From the results, we obtained an MRR score of 0.223, which outperformed a baseline method.

    DOI: 10.1109/DEXA.2015.64



  • Automatic Classification of Research Papers Focusing on Elemental Technologies and Their Effects Reviewed

    FUKUDA Satoshi, NANBA Hidetsugu, TAKEZAWA Toshiyuki

    Journal of Japan Society of Library and Information Science   62 ( 3 )   145 - 162   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Library and Information Science  

    We propose a method for the automatic classification of research papers in terms of the KAKEN classification index using a machine learning method. This classification index was originally devised to classify reports for the KAKEN research fund in Japan, and it is organized as a three-level hierarchy: Area, Discipline, and Research Field. Traditionally, researcher and conference names are used as cue phrases to classify the research paper efficiently. In addition to these cue phrases, we focus on elemental technologies and their effects, as discussed in each research paper. Examining the use of elemental technology terms used in each research paper and their effects is important for characterizing the research field to which a given research paper belongs. Therefore, we use elemental technology terms and their effects as additional cue phrases for machine-learning-based text classification. To investigate the effectiveness of our method, we conducted some experiments using the KAKEN and CiNii articles data. From the experimental results, we obtained average precision scores of 0.853, 0.712, and 0.615 for the Area, Discipline, and Research Field levels in the KAKEN classification index, respectively. These scores are higher than those for the method not using elemental technologies and their effects. From these results, we confirmed the effectiveness of using elemental technology terms and their effects as cue phrases.

    DOI: 10.20651/jslis.62.3_145

    CiNii Books

    CiNii Research


  • Evaluation of the industrial and social impacts of science and technology using patents and news articles Reviewed

    Shumpei Iinuma, Satoshi Fukuda, Hidetsugu Nanba, Toshiyuki Takezawa

    Proceedings - 2014 IIAI 3rd International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics, IIAI-AAI 2014   91 - 96   2014.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    In scientometrics and citation analysis, several measures for evaluating the industrial relevance or the impact of academic research fields have been proposed. What seems to be lacking, however, is that these measures could not evaluate the recent industrial relevance or impact of each field, because most of them rely on citations of research papers in patents and vice versa. In this paper, we attempt to evaluate the industrial and social impact of research fields using document classification techniques. Our method classifies research papers and news articles using systems including the International Patent Classification (IPC) and the KAKEN classification index. Then it evaluates the industrial and social impact of each field by comparing the number of research papers with the number of patents or articles in the IPC categories and the projects funded in each KAKEN category.

    DOI: 10.1109/IIAI-AAI.2014.29



  • Extraction and Visualization of Technical Trend Information from Research Papers and Patents Reviewed

    6 ( 2 )   16 - 29   2013.3

  • Extraction and visualization of technical trend information from research papers and patents Reviewed

    Satoshi Fukuda, Hidetsugu Nanba, Toshiyuki Takezawa

    D-Lib Magazine   18 ( 7-8 )   2012.7

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    To a researcher in a field with high industrial relevance, retrieving and analyzing research papers and patents are important aspects of assessing the scope of the field. Knowledge of the history and effects of the elemental technologies is important for understanding trends. We propose a method for automatically creating a technical trend map from both research papers and patents by focusing on the elemental (underlying) technologies and their effects. We constructed a method that can be used in any research field. To investigate the effectiveness of our method, we conducted an experiment using the data in the NTCIR-8 Workshop Patent Mining Task. The results of our experiment showed recall and precision scores of 0.254 and 0.496, respectively, for the analysis of research papers, and recall and precision scores of 0.455 and 0.507, respectively, for the analysis of patents. Those results indicate that our method for mapping technical trends is both useful and sound. © 2012 Satoshi Fukuda, Hidetsugu Nanba and Toshiyuki Takezawa.

    DOI: 10.1045/july2012-fukuda



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  • データ分析の進め方及びAI・機械学習導入の指南

    荻原大陸 ほか( Role: Joint author第5章・第4節・第4項を執筆)

    情報機構  2020.7 

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  • ICADL 2021 Participation Report

    DBSJ Newsletter   14 ( 8 )   2022.2

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  • ネットからの不安感の情報抽出

    難波 英嗣, 福田 悟志

    感性工学   19 ( 4 )   163 - 170   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  



  • (OS招待講演)特許と論文を対象とした動向情報の抽出と可視化

    福田 悟志

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集  2016  一般社団法人 人工知能学会

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    Event date: 2016    




  • CiNii Mining

    2012.11 -  

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    Work type:Web Service  



  • Competitive Paper Award

    2023.7   IIAI AAI 2023   Automatic Multilingual Hypernym–Hyponym Relation Extraction Using a Link Prediction Model

    Iwakuma, K, Gong, Y, Nanba, H, Fukuda, S

  • 山下記念研究賞

    2020   情報処理学会 第139回情報基礎とアクセス技術研究発表会 (IFAT)   網羅性を重視した学術論文に対する検索手法

    福田悟志, 冨浦洋一

  • Best Poster

    2019   21th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Library (ICADL 2019)   Improving OCR for Historical Documents by Modeling Image Distortion

    Keiya Maekawa, Yoichi Tomiura, Satoshi Fukuda, Emi Ishita, Hideaki Uchiyama

  • 日本図書館情報学会論文賞

    2017   日本図書館情報学会誌   要素技術とその効果を用いた学術論文の自動分類

    福田悟志, 難波英嗣, 竹澤寿幸

  • 入賞

    2014   データサイエンス・アドベンチャー杯   ニュース記事と特許を利用した科学技術の重要性の評価

    難波英嗣, 福田悟志, 飯沼俊平, 竹澤寿幸

  • 最優秀修士論文賞

    2013.3   広島市立大学   要素技術とその効果に着目した技術文書の自動分類及び動向分析


  • National Institute of Informatics Award, Research Organization of Information and Systems

    2012.11   Mashup Awards 8   CiNii Mining

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Research Projects

  • 感情分析の観点から信頼性が低い情報が拡散されるメカニズムを解析するための研究

    Grant number:22K18152  2022.4 - 2025.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究  若手研究  中央大学

    福田 悟志

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    Grant amount: \4550000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost: \1050000 )


  • 学術論文検索におけるユーザの視点に基づいたブーリアン型検索クエリ作成支援の研究

    Grant number:19K20629  2019.4 - 2023.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究  若手研究 

    福田 悟志

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    Grant amount: \3510000 ( Direct Cost: \2700000 、 Indirect Cost: \810000 )

    以前の研究では,ベクトル空間モデルまたはクエリ尤度モデルにおけるランキング手法と,我々が開発したLDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation)に基づくトピックベースのランキング手法によるランキング結果との統合を行った.そして,分散表現を用いたベクトル空間モデル,LDAによるトピック分析結果を用いたクエリ尤度モデル,および我々が開発したモデル間でほぼ同等の再現率を示し,いずれの従来手法に対して,提案手法によるランキング結果を統合させることで,すべての検索条件において再現率が向上したことを確認した.
    本年度は,ベクトル空間モデルとクエリ尤度モデル,および我々が開発したモデルの3種類のランキング手法を統合し,更に再現率が向上するかどうか調査した.実験では,NTCIR-1,2テストコレクションに収録されている41件の検索課題を用い,ランキング結果の上位100, 200, 500, 1,000件を検索結果として獲得する場合に対する再現率で評価した.その結果,ベクトル空間モデル,クエリ尤度モデル,および我々のモデルのうちの2種類のランキング手法を統合した結果と比べて,3種類のランキング手法を統合することで,さらに検索性能が向上することを確認した.


  • Comprehensive research on content analysis and semi-automated content analysis for human values in texts

    Grant number:18H03495  2018.4 - 2022.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Kyushu University

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    Grant amount: \15600000 ( Direct Cost: \12000000 、 Indirect Cost: \3600000 )


  • Comprehensive Research on Advanced Support for Searching Academic Papers from the User's Perspective

    Grant number:15H01721  2015.4 - 2019.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)  Kyushu University

    Tomiura Yoichi

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    Grant amount: \39260000 ( Direct Cost: \30200000 、 Indirect Cost: \9060000 )

    When searching academic articles to confirm the novelty of your research, it is desirable to be able to search articles related to your research without omission. We developed a search method using topic analysis, by which the related articles missed are less than by the conventional methods. In addition, we developed methods for extracting information such as keywords and Japanese-English bilingual technical term pairs that are useful for searching and a method for recommending similar articles. Furthermore, we proposed a method for a quick overview of technological trends in specific fields, and a method for automatically constructing an academic resource repository by extracting the URL where the data used in the experiment is published from the articles.
    We also investigated what kind of databases are used to narrow down the articles to be read based on what kind of information by various researchers with various purpose of search, and examined the human support in the library.
