Updated on 2024/05/14


Faculty of Science and Engineering Professor
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Precision Engineering Course of Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Master's Program
Precision Engineering Course of Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Doctoral Program
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  • 博士(工学) ( 東京大学 )


  • 2007.9

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of Engineering   doctor course   completed

  • 2003.3

    Tokyo University of Technology   Graduate School, Division of Engineering   master course   completed

  • 2001.3

    Tokyo University of Technology   Faculty of Engineering   graduated

  • 1997.3

    福島県立磐城女子高等学校   graduated

Research History

  • 2021.4 -  


  • 2013.4 - 2021.3


  • 2016.3 - 2017.3

    Teachers College, Columbia University   Visiting scholar

  • 2009.4 - 2013.3

    Chuo University   Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Precision Mechanics   Assistant Professor

  • 2010.5 - 2011.5

    ブダペスト工科経済大学   客員研究員

  • 2010.5 - 2011.5

    Budapest University of Technology and Economics

  • 2007.4 - 2009.3


  • 2007.4 - 2009.3


  • 2007.10 - 2008.1


  • 2007.10 - 2008.1

    ブダペスト工科経済大学   客員研究員

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Professional Memberships

  • 電気学会

  • 計測自動制御学会

  • 日本ロボット学会

  • IEEE

  • 日本機械学会

Research Interests

  • ambient intelligence

  • human-robot interaction

  • human interface

  • human-system interaction

  • Social robotics

  • ヒューマンインタフェース

  • 人間機械協調系

  • 空間知能化

  • Intelligent Space

  • "human interface, human-robot interaction, ambient intelligence"

  • "Intelligent Space, human-system interaction"

  • Human Assistive Robotics

  • 福祉ロボット

  • IoT

  • Cyber-Physical system

Research Areas

  • Informatics / Robotics and intelligent system  / 知能機械学・機械システム

  • Informatics / Perceptual information processing  / 知覚情報処理

  • Life Science / Medical assistive technology

  • Informatics / Human interface and interaction

  • Informatics / Intelligent robotics  / Intelligent robotics

  • Informatics / Mechanics and mechatronics  / 知能機械学・機械システム

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  • Development of an Environmentally Independent Mobile Manipulation System for Product Disposal in Retail Stores.

    Ryogo Kai, Kenta Ohashi, Hikaru Fujita, Takuya Kojima, Yuma Sasaki, Mihoko Niitsuma, Kazunori Umeda

    SII   1282 - 1287   2024

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Robotic systems are being used to automate convenience stores and retail stores, including competitions such as the World Robot Summit. Many of the systems that have been proposed so far are environmentally dependent, such as putting markers on product packages or using motorized shelves modified from existing shelves and are not easy to implement in stores. Therefore, we proposed a system to dispose of products with as few changes to the environment as possible. To realize the system, we proposed three approaches: markerless product disposal, autonomous movement with navigation, and customer detection with sensors that can be placed at any position. We conducted verification based on real convenience store scenarios and discussed the insights and challenges obtained from it.

    DOI: 10.1109/SII58957.2024.10417581



    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/sii/sii2024.html#KaiOFKSNU24

  • A Human Speech-based Behavior Model for Social Robots based on Parent-Child Interaction Therapy

    David Vincze, Mihoko Niitsuma

    2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2024   579 - 584   2024

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Maintaining a healthy parent-child relationship in a family is paramount and has a significant effect on the mental well-being and development of children. One way for improving parent-child communication and relationship is the Parent- Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), which is a well established therapy method for preschool children and their parents, and has proven to be highly successful. Employing PCIT requires well trained and certified therapist personnel, and a specially constructed therapy room. These requirements make it hard to adopt and practice PCIT for families who could profit from the therapy. In order to help to spread this successful therapy to more children and their parents, we propose a therapy robot system to aid those already taking part in the therapy. This way they can perform the therapy interaction tasks in their homes more effectively and without direct therapist supervision. The proposed system listens to the conversation between the child and parent, and based on the Dyadic Parent-Child Interaction Coding System (DPICS), gives appropriate reactions, so the parent receives feedback whether the interaction is going well or not, thus potentially improving the interaction between parent and child. This system uses Natural Language Processing and Understanding for extracting the necessary information from speech to drive a fuzzy automaton-based behavior model optionally attached to interfaces of social robots. We believe that in the near future, such robot system can improve the efficiency of the independent home users and can also reduce the burden on the therapist personnel. Furthermore, the proposed therapy assisting social robot system can be adopted outside parent-child interaction in the future, e.g. in elderly care for improving caregiver-patient interaction.

    DOI: 10.1109/SII58957.2024.10417261



  • Different Age Groups Comparison on Impression Evaluation of Rewarding/Punitive Behavior with Gestures and Gaze of Robots

    Otono Uchikawa, Mihoko Niitsuma

    2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2024   610 - 615   2024

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    As social robots play an increasingly active role in nursing care and medical fields, opportunities for robots to communicate with people of all ages are expected to increase. It is important for robots to persuade people to act in order to encourage them to achieve a specific goal. We believe that it is necessary to identify a strategy for robot behavior that can encourage people to take action to finally achieve their goals, even if they refuse to be persuaded by the robot. Therefore, we propose a strategy that incorporates not only robot behaviors that people feel comfortable with, but also dares to incorporate uncomfortable behaviors at effective times. In this strategy, we set up two types of robot behaviors: rewarding behavior and punitive behavior. Reward behaviors are favorable, expresses positive empathy, and is willing to accept instructions and cooperatively perform actions. Punitive behaviors are not favorable, expresses negative empathy, and makes people feel uncomfortable, such that they do not want to accept instructions and cooperatively perform actions. In this paper, we conducted a study on adult and older adult subjects to investigate the impression of the robot's gaze behavior, gestures and voice, which were designed as rewarding and punitive behaviors.

    DOI: 10.1109/SII58957.2024.10417287



  • Situation-based Proactive Human-Robotic Systems Interaction and Collaboration in Future Convenience Stores

    Atsushi Sugimoto, Yuma Sasaki, Takuya Kojima, Otono Uchikawa, Taisei Inaba, Taito Nishikawa, Mihoko Niitsuma

    2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2024   1417 - 1424   2024

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    The Future Convenience Store Challenge (FCSC) at the World Robot Summit (WRS) includes a Customer Interaction Task that proposes new customer service services using robot technology in a convenience store in the near future. Conventional proposals have predominantly focused on providing services in specific situations or utilizing request-based approaches. However, the conditions within convenience stores vary throughout the day, with changes in customer congestion and product stock levels occurring due to different time periods. Therefore, in this study, we have proposed several new services that align with the flow of a convenience store's day, aiming to alleviate the burden on store clerks and save labor through situational collaboration between humans and robotic systems.

    DOI: 10.1109/SII58957.2024.10417322



  • Human-Object-Robot Interaction Through Playing Behaviour for Social Robots

    David Vincze, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics   3174 - 3179   2023

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Inspired by a common behaviour pattern from the dog-human relationship, we present a behaviour model combined with a method for controlling a real mobile robot, effectively realizing physical Human-Object-Robot Interaction. Translating social behaviours from the dog-human relationship into social robots has been already found to be a viable way. Playing, a cardinal behaviour element in the dog-human relationship, turned out to be one of the highest priority factors in forming a successful and lasting relationship between dogs and humans. Accordingly, we modeled the playing behavior when a human repeatedly initiates playing with a dog by picking up and throwing an object (toy), expecting the dog to go for the object and bring it back to the person throwing it, commonly known as playing fetch. We also developed a robot control system able to execute the commands from the behaviour model, and for gathering the poses of the participants in the real physical space we have used the What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get Indoor Localization (WIL) system. The integration of these components allowed us to create a social robotics system able to offer real physical human-object-robot interaction fast enough to be enjoyable for human participants, as a tool to be used in future HRI experiments, which was our main goal. The proposed behaviour model is intended to be embedded into social robots with the purpose of applying it in e.g. therapy, child-rearing, child-robot interaction scenarios, human behaviour assessment, recreational or entertainment scenarios.

    DOI: 10.1109/SMC53992.2023.10394386



  • Cognitive assistance for the visually impaired using haptics presentation of environmental information

    Takumi Sato, Mihoko Niitsuma

    IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics   2023-June   2023

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    In this work-in-progress (WIS) paper, we propose an approach to assist the visually impaired in walking independently by presenting human flow and sidewalk edge information. To achieve this, a robust estimation of the direction of human flow and a method for detecting the edges of sidewalks are presented. Image learning for sidewalk estimation is performed using binary semantic segmentation that classifies sidewalks and other areas to detect sidewalks regardless of pedestrians and shadows on sidewalks. The effectiveness of the methods was evaluated.

    DOI: 10.1109/ISIE51358.2023.10227950



  • Evaluation of Cognitive Assistance for Visual Impairment to Recognize Dynamic Walking Environments Using Vibrotactile Stimulation

    Takumi Sato, Mihoko Niitsuma

    IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)   2023

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    This paper proposes an approach to assist the visually impaired in walking independently by presenting people flow and sidewalk edge information. To achieve this, a robust estimation of the direction of people flow, and a method for detecting the edges of sidewalks are presented. Image learning for sidewalk estimation is performed using binary semantic segmentation that classifies sidewalks and other areas to see sidewalks regardless of pedestrians and shadows on sidewalks. The effectiveness of the methods was evaluated. Then, preliminary user experiments will investigate the effect of the walking assistance information presented by this approach on the decision of walking behavior.

    DOI: 10.1109/IECON51785.2023.10312137



  • Intelligent Space-Based Future Convenience Store for Customer Interaction Service with New Experience, Safety, and Flexibility

    Jumpei Shiga, Gakushi Maruyama, Shinnosuke Kato, Takahiro Hashimoto, Kaori Shibagaki, Ken Kitamura, Yuki Ikeguchi, Atsushi Sugimoto, Mihoko Niitsuma

    2022 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2022   1064 - 1071   2022

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    In the Future Convenience Store Challenge (FCSC) of the World Robot Summit (WRS), the Customer Interaction Task has been conducted from 2017 to 2020 to propose new services and store designs that can be achieved using robot technology to serve customers in convenience stores in the near future. In the Customer Interaction Task of WRS 2020 FCSC, held in Aichi, Japan, we present a convenience store introducing intelligent space, with new experiences, safety, and flexibility as key concepts. We propose a product recommendation that reflects the owner's intentions, an assistive robot that provides customers desired assistance, and a monitoring service with safety and relief.

    DOI: 10.1109/SII52469.2022.9708844



  • Moving objects extraction for building environmental maps describing human walking activity using a 3D LiDAR

    Nishio, T., Niitsuma, M.

    Advanced Robotics   36 ( 23 )   1291 - 1304   2022

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    This study proposes an indoor movable static object extraction approach for building environmental maps that describe indoor human activities. In particular, it is essential to distinguishing people from non-human movable objects. To address this issue, we classify static objects into three categories based on their features. Methods for extracting movable static objects using each feature are presented. We conducted experiments and confirmed that the movable static objects were successfully detected and redefined as backgrounds, and only people were determined as dynamic objects.

    DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2022.2126732



  • Two Age Groups Comparison on Impression Evaluation of Distance and Communication with Two Different Appearance Mobile Robots

    Otono Uchikawa, Mihoko Niitsuma

    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM   2022-July   902 - 908   2022

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    This study investigated the impressions people have when receiving instructions by using two robots with different appearances that automatically move at different distances within a workspace and give instructions to subjects. In particular, we clarified how factors such as the appearance of the robots and the sense of distance, including personal space, influence when task instructions are given by the robots through active communication from the robots in subjects in two age groups. The results of the experiment showed the likeability of the robot and the impression of distance from the robot when the robot gave instructions to a person, as well as the impression of warmth or discomfort toward the robot. The change in the impression of the robot throughout the experiment was also shown. The results also showed differences in impressions of the distance between different age groups, and differences in the final likeability of the robot through the interaction between the person and the robot between the two different age groups.

    DOI: 10.1109/AIM52237.2022.9863326



  • What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get Indoor Localization for Physical Human-Robot Interaction Experiments

    David Vincze, Mihoko Niitsuma

    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM   2022-July   909 - 914   2022

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Indoor localization methods provide pose information in their own virtual coordinate systems. Adjusting these custom virtual spaces to the real physical spaces can be a complex and high cost (manpower, equipment) procedure. Verifying whether the adjusted poses accurately reflect the poses in the real space or not is also a difficult task. This paper proposes the application of the WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) style for indoor localization systems as a tool for physical Human-Robot Interaction (pHRI) experiments. To realize this, we have constructed a system using floor projection and a self-developed virtual to real coordinate system adjustment tool with an easy to use, intuitive user interface. The calculated real positions are shown in real-time in the same space where the real tracked objects are. Therefore an operator can instantly verify and adjust the virtual-real coordinate transformation parameters, effectively minimizing the cost of calibration and possibly increasing accuracy. Our proposed system is capable of gathering positions from indoor localization systems and providing the transformed real-space pose information via different methods including a common standard interface, in the form of Robot Operating System (ROS) messages. For the proof of concept system we have used the trackers of the HTC Vive system as a localization data source and a consumer grade projector resulting in a low-cost solution. Our preliminary experiments show that the proposed WYSIWYG system provides a suitable environment for pHRI scenarios, and can also provide secondary functions e.g. intention projection, augmented reality applications etc. Furthermore, as a tool it can facilitate the conversion of simulated HRI scenarios into real physical experiments.

    DOI: 10.1109/AIM52237.2022.9863359



  • An Investigation of Stereoscopic Vision and Real-Scale Body Motions in a Virtual Game Reviewed

    阿部真大, 中島健太, 新妻実保子

    知能と情報(CD-ROM)   33 ( 3 )   651 - 656   2021.8

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author  

    DOI: 10.3156/jsoft.33.3_651



  • Effects of Virtual Pet and Exercise on Virtual-Pet Assisted Activity Reviewed

    中島健太, 新妻実保子

    知能と情報(CD-ROM)   33 ( 3 )   678 - 685   2021.8

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author  



  • Towards the automatic observation and evaluation of ethologically inspired Human-Robot Interaction

    David Vincze, Marta Gacsi, Szilveszter Kovacs, Peter Korondi, Adam Miklosi, Mihoko Niitsuma

    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM   2021-July   586 - 591   2021.7

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) evaluation is rapidly gaining more interest as the field of social robotics advances, but determining the effectiveness of the various HRI models can be a challenging task. Recently, ethology has been successfully incorporated in HRI models, and has been suggested to be used in HRI evaluation methods also. In ethological experiments, trained observers manually identify and record the exhibited behaviours of the participating subjects, a procedure called as coding. However, precise observation and coding of the behaviour of subjects is a resource demanding process and prone to human mistakes. Therefore, the goal of the paper is twofold. First, to introduce automatical coding as a possible method to provide accurate, unbiased, objective evaluation of HRI experiments. Second, to abolish the need for manual human work in the coding process. Accordingly, we propose a possible method which is able to automatically code simple behaviour elements in HRI experiments. The task of the proposed system is to automatically evaluate the behaviour of a mobile robot by distinguishing the cardinal behaviour elements without any information on the inner states of the model controlling the mobile robot, based solely on data gathered from the environment of the interaction. Various test scenarios were evaluated, while the mobile robot agent was exhibiting pre-programmed behaviours, where the proposed system could properly recognize and code the behaviour elements shown by the mobile robot.

    DOI: 10.1109/AIM46487.2021.9517561



  • Mental Fatigue Evaluation using Blink Frequency and Pupil Diameter on Human-Robot Collaboration with Different Motion Timing

    Moe Urasaki, Mihoko Niitsuma

    IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics   2021-June   2021.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    This paper focuses on the robot movement's timing in a human-robot collaboration task, which can be easily changed but has not been studied well. Also, this paper discusses objective mental fatigue evaluation based on biosignals such as the blink frequency and pupil diameter for the quantitative assessment of human-robot collaboration's mental fatigue. We design a VR simulation for human-robot collaboration and conduct experiments to test different robot movement timing in the collaborative task.

    DOI: 10.1109/ISIE45552.2021.9576273



  • Effects of Presenting People Flow Information by Vibrotactile Stimulation for Visually Impaired People on Behavior Decision Reviewed

    Kanon Fujino, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   33 ( 1 )   97 - 107   2021.2

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Many studies have been conducted on walking support for visually impaired people. However, only a few studies have contributed to the wide understanding of their surrounding environment. In this study, the focus was on the flow of people in environmen-tal information. The flow of people is formed by the presence of many pedestrians in the surroundings of the walking environment. If visually impaired people can independently make decisions by grasping the dynamic environment of people flow, they can walk with ease and peace of mind. A method is proposed that extracts people flow information and selects the information necessary for understanding the environment. The method utilizes vibrotactile stimulation. The ef-fectiveness of the proposed method in determining the surrounding environment and the influence of vibration information on behavior decisions were verified.

    DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2021.p0097



  • Pose Identification for Task Recognition in Care Work Reviewed

    Shinnosuke Kato, Mihoko Niitsuma, Takayuki Tanaka

    2021 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII)   315 - 319   2021.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    In Japan, the number of caregivers is not increasing with the same rate as the aging of the population, resulting in an increased workload per caregiver, which has become a social issue. In response, information and communication technology has been introduced to support caregivers, but the tasks it can support are currently limited. In addition, caregivers are subjected to a variety of events and conditions at the work site, which results in a heavy cognitive burden, even on skilled caregivers. To solve this problem, we develop a system to support caregivers, reduce their burden, and improve work efficiency, by observing caregivers and patients using intelligent space. First, it is necessary to understand the caregiver's tasks in detail. In this paper, we propose a task recognition method based on the recognition of poses from images captured by a camera. Moreover, we investigated alternatives to improve the results of the method. Our experiments indicated that the method can recognize the caregiver's pose with 96.9% accuracy, and we successfully solved the problem of insufficient training data.

    DOI: 10.1109/ieeeconf49454.2021.9382653



  • Hierarchical probabilistic task recognition based on spatial memory for care support Reviewed

    Tappei Katsunaga, Takayuki Tanaka, Mihoko Niitsuma, Saburo Takahashi, Toshihisa Abe

    2021 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII)   310 - 314   2021.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    We propose a method for recognizing tasks performed by care workers. Time-series sample data for each feature amount during tasks are defined as a task history, which is used as a basis for creating spatiotemporal task information in reference to Niitsuma's spatial memory. We perform simulated care tasks in an environment that recreates an actual care site, and measure time-series data of worker feature amounts by a motion capture system. We divide this data into learning and evaluation data, and verify the recognition accuracy. Recognition accuracy for seven defined elemental tasks is close to 80% on average, demonstrating the effectiveness of this method.

    DOI: 10.1109/ieeeconf49454.2021.9382681



  • Demonstration of expert knowledge injection in Fuzzy Rule Interpolation based Q-learning

    Tama Tompa, Szilveszter Kovacs, David Vincze, Mihoko Niitsuma

    2021 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2021   843 - 844   2021.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    The learning phase of the traditional reinforcement learning methods can be started without any preliminary knowledge about the problem needed to be solved. The problem related knowledge-base is built based on the reinforcement signals of the environment during the trial and error style learning phase. If a portion of the a priori knowledge about the problem solution is available and if it could be injected into the initial knowledge of the reinforcement learning system, then the learning performance (and the learning ability of an agent) could be significantly improved. The goal of this paper is to highlight the effect of the external expert knowledge inclusion into the Fuzzy Rule Interpolation based Q-learning (FRIQ-learning) method, by briefly introducing a way for expert knowledge injection into FRIQ-learning and a discussion based on simulated runs of a practical benchmark example. The investigations presented here can aid in the designing of behaviour-based robot control systems, in such cases where the available expert knowledge is not enough by itself to construct a sufficiently working system.

    DOI: 10.1109/IEEECONF49454.2021.9382734



  • Towards the automatic observation and coding of simple behaviours in ethological experiments

    David Vincze, Marta Gacsi, Szilveszter Kovacs, Mihoko Niitsuma, Peter Korondi, Adam Miklosi

    2021 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2021   841 - 842   2021.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Precise observation of the behaviour of subjects in ethological experiments is a highly resource demanding process. Trained observers carefully identify all behavior elements, called coding, either in real-time or by watching recorded video footage. Different observers can code slightly differently, have disagreements, and, even a highly skilled observer can make mistakes. In order to improve the efficiency and accuracy, and to reduce the resource needs of the coding process, many computerized solutions have been introduced already. These solutions can not only save significant time and effort by using automatic timestamps, efficient footage and data handling, etc., but provide sophisticated statistics and analysis features. Anyhow, most of the coding aiding systems in use cannot determine the exhibited behaviour elements by themselves, it still remains the task of the human observer. In this short paper, we propose the basic concepts of a method capable of automatically coding behaviour elements in a simulated environment, without the need for a skilled observer person. The method was designed to evaluate simulated dog-human interaction experiments, without having any information on the inner states of the simulation, based solely on the spatial position data of the participants. A preliminary evaluation was performed, showing that the method is capable of correctly recognizing the behaviour elements exhibited by the agent.

    DOI: 10.1109/IEEECONF49454.2021.9382651



  • Effects of Space and Scenery on Virtual-pet Assisted Activity Reviewed

    Kenta Nakajima, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction   105 - 111   2020.11

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    In recent years, 15% of the working population have suffered from mental disorders. Such conditions cause low productivity, absence of diseases, and unemployment. In addition, the treatment of mental disorders takes a long time, so routine precautions are essential. One of the ways to prevent mental disorders is to achieve healing through interaction with animals. However, this method has not been widely accepted because of the difficulties in handling animals. To solve these problem, we introduced a virtual pet through a virtual reality technology for three-dimensional stereoscopic visualization as an alternative to animals. We named the system that prevents mental disorders by interacting with the virtual pet as virtual pet-assisted activity (VAA) and verified that this system gained short-term psychological and physiological benefits. However, it was unclear what causes the system to have positive effects on users. This study investigated whether space factors affect the psychological and physiological aspects of the user and whether the scenery factor affected the psychological and physiological aspects of the user and its interactions with the virtual pet. The experiment was divided into two experiments for the space factor and scenery factor. As a result, it was not affected by the space factor but was affected by the scenery factor. The findings reveal that the open scenery is more effective than the closed scenery in the VAA system.

    DOI: 10.1145/3406499.3415083



  • Antecedent Redundancy Exploitation in Fuzzy Rule Interpolation-Based Reinforcement Learning Reviewed

    David Vincze, Alex Toth, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics   2020-July   1316 - 1321   2020.7

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    This paper introduces novel methods which could improve the efficiency of the automated knowledge extraction methods used in the FRIQ-learning (Fuzzy Rule Interpolationbased Q-learning) machine learning method. For solving a given problem, the FRIQ-learning reinforcement learning method is capable of constructing a sparse fuzzy rule-base, which does not need to contain all the possible rules as traditional fuzzy control requires. Hence it is sufficient to keep only the most important rules due to Fuzzy Rule Interpolation (FRI). Finding those specific rules which are important to solve the given problem is not a trivial task. Some possible strategies for removing these kinds of unimportant rules from the rule-base have already been introduced, but no strategies addressing the antecedents of the rules have been developed yet. The solutions proposed in this paper allow the further reduction of these rule-bases, thus facilitating the creation of a sparse fuzzy rule-base from which the knowledge can be directly extracted. Since the form of fuzzy rules are inherently self-describing, the size of the rule-base is the key for keeping this kind of knowledge base human-readable. Possible mechatronics applications of these methods include optimizing behaviour-based control models for robotics, and also knowledge extraction in a fuzzy rule-base format from models where the real operating knowledge of the model is not known, which rule-bases then can be easily adopted in robot control applications.

    DOI: 10.1109/AIM43001.2020.9158875



  • Effects of Auditory Cues on Human-Robot Collaboration Reviewed

    Jumpei Okimoto, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics   2020-June   1534 - 1539   2020.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    In recent years, Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) has been widely studied and the demands for human-robot collaboration are expected to increase due to the lack of working population. Regarding to the safety on human-robot collaboration, not only physical safety but also psychological safety has to be considered. However, current collaborative robots only have some limitations for physical safety. In addition, productivity is another problem of collaborative robot because of the speed and payload limitations. To solve these problems, this paper aims at developing a system that can improve the efficiency and perceptions of collaborative work. We designed auditory cues which express the destination of robot motion. Finally, experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of collaborative work, mental stress of collaborators, and perception of collaborative work using both objective and subjective measures. Results revealed that auditory cues significantly improved the efficiency and fluency of collaborative work without negative effects on the mental stress of collaborator.

    DOI: 10.1109/ISIE45063.2020.9152413



  • Football Simulation Modeling with Fuzzy Rule Interpolation-Based Fuzzy Automaton Reviewed

    David Vincze, Alex Toth, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots   87 - 92   2020.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    A Fuzzy Rule Interpolation-based (FRI) fuzzy automaton for controlling a football match simulation is going to be introduced in this paper. Controlling the agents (football players) of the simulation is realized by evaluating such fuzzy rule-bases, which contain only the cardinal rules able to make the system work, keeping the rule-bases as small as possible (forming so called sparse rule-bases). Classical fuzzy inference methods require complete rule-bases by design and cannot handle these kinds of sparse rule-bases. However, using sparse rule-bases to control the agents becomes possible by applying FRI. The goal of this work was to construct such a model, which employs a human-readable knowledge representation to control the agents in a football simulation. For this purpose, the application of sparse fuzzy rule-bases is well suited, as these are self-describing by their nature. An example application was also developed alongside the fuzzy automaton-based model, which is able to perform and show a lifelike football match simulation in real-time. Hence the presented model can be adapted to real robot hardware and also can be used as a reference model for fuzzy logic based machine learning methods.

    DOI: 10.1109/UR49135.2020.9144752



  • Interactive Presentation of Information for Shopping Assistance in Intelligent Space Reviewed

    Motoaki Shiratsu, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration   379 - 384   2020.1

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Studies to make space intelligent for human activity support are widely done. There are various applications of it. For example, there are applications such as cooking assist and language learning assist. However, at retail shops, even though sensors such as cameras are installed for crime prevention, application of making space intelligent has not been applied yet. Since the economy is revitalized by increasing the sales of retail stores, a system that increases sales is developed in this study. Current presentation methods of information about products at retail stores are implicit, and they are not effective due to spatial restriction. To solve this problem, we developed a system that presents information to customers effectively by making space inside retail store intelligent. By observing and evaluating the positions of customers in a store, the motion to pick up the products on the shelves, gazes and movement information of the customers, information which the customers are interested in is presented at the effective timing. From the results of the evaluation experiments of the developed system, it was shown that our system was possible to present appropriate information to customers in real time.

    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2019.8700404



  • Task Recognition Based on Task History Considering Estimation Error of Localization in Care Support with Autonomous Mobile Wheelchairs Reviewed

    Tappei Katsunaga, Takayuki Tanaka, Mihoko Niitsuma, ほか2名

    Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration   1265 - 1269   2020.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    We propose a task recognition method for recognizing task performed by caregivers using autonomous mobile wheelchairs equipped with automatic stop and movement functions. Task locations and times are defined as a task history, and task information is based on this task history, referring to the 'Spatial Memory' of Niitsuma et al. We propose a task recognition method that considers estimation error of localization at actual sites, and evaluated this method using data with simulated error added to worker's position data.

    DOI: 10.1109/SII46433.2020.9025879



  • Task Activity Recognition and Workspace Extraction for Nursing Care Assistance in Intelligent Space Reviewed

    Koji Sakotani, Shinnosuke Kato, Mihoko Niitsuma, Takayuki Tanaka

    Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration   1259 - 1264   2020.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    With the rapid increase in the elderly population, there is a shortage of caregivers in Japan. Consequently, the workload per caregiver has increased, which is now a major social issue. In response to this, information and communication technology (ICT) systems have been introduced to assist caregivers. However, types of tasks that can be supported are limited. In addition, caregivers need to form a plan of nursing tasks according to various states of care receivers. This requires caregivers to be highly skilled, which in turn increases their cognitive burden. To resolve this, in this study, we aim to realize an assistive system to reduce the cognitive burden of caregivers and improve the efficiency of their performance. We mainly apply the iSpace (intelligent Space) concept to realize the provision of assistance based on the observations of the caregivers and care receivers. Firstly, task activity recognition is required. This paper focuses on task activity recognition. We assume that task activities of caregivers are well related with locations in the nursing environments. Thus, we propose a method to determine a caregiver's task activity based on his or her position and orientation in the potential workspaces defined in advance. In addition, to enhance this approach to wider situations, the potential workspaces should be extracted automatically. For this, we also propose a method to extract potential workspaces of caregivers based on hierarchical clustering of movement trajectories of caregivers. Through experiments, the caregiver's task activity was shown to be accurately recognized and the potential workspace of the caregiver was also successfully extracted.

    DOI: 10.1109/sii46433.2020.9025950



  • EthoCar, Human-Dog Interaction Inspired Human-Autonomous Car Communication Reviewed

    Balázs Nagy, Beáta Korcsok, József Nánási, Mihoko Niitsuma

    CAx Technologies   7   5 - 12   2019.12

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Extraction and Presentation of People Flow Information to Assist Dynamic Environment Recognition for Visually Impaired People Reviewed

    Kanon Fujino, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society   2019-October   6883 - 6889   2019.10

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    According to a 2018 World Health Organization investigation, worldwide, there are around 253 million visually impaired persons. Technological support is required to help such people walk safely. This paper focuses on the fact that many pedestrians are forming a flow in actual walking environments. We believe that behavior decisions based on people flow lead to safe and reliable walking of the visually impaired people. The purpose of this study is to assist a visually impaired person's recognition of surrounding dynamic environments by presenting people flow. In this paper, we propose a method of estimating the situation of pedestrians around and direction people flow from an image. In addition, we propose a method of people flows presentation using vibrotactile stimulation. After identifying the vibration perception characteristics of the presentation positions on a human body, we design and verify the vibrotactile stimulation for people flow presentation.

    DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2019.8926911



  • Design of Moving Speed Based on Human Relationship and Behavior Factors in Communication Robot Showing Attachment Behavior Reviewed

    Naoya Kimura, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proceedings of the 1st IFAC Workshop on Robot Control   2019.9

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Pose Presentation of End Effector Using Vibrotactile Interface for Assistance in Motion Sharing of Industrial Robot Remote Operation Reviewed

    Toshiki Hashizume, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics   2019-June   1186 - 1191   2019.6

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    The work requiring a heavy load like welding should be automated. However, it is difficult to fully automate tasks requiring complexity and high quality, such as the welding of Francis hydro power turbines. It is therefore necessary for people to be involved in such tasks. Introducing Human-in-the-loop system makes it possible to combine robot productivity and human flexibility, and to build a system that is compatible with high productivity and quality. When the welding operation is performed by remote operation, the worker grasps the state of the robot from the monitor. However, it is difficult to fully understand the movement of the robot only with visual information from the monitor. In this paper, to improve the workability, we grasp the behavior of the robot when taking over work from a robot to operator in a welding task, and present pose information of the end effector to the operator using vibrotactile information. We evaluated the designed vibrotactile stimulus and confirmed its usefulness.

    DOI: 10.1109/ISIE.2019.8781236



  • Environmental Map Building to Describe Walking Dynamics for Determination of Spatial Feature of Walking Activity Reviewed

    Takumi Nishio, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics   2019-June   2515 - 2520   2019.6

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Path planning in a dynamic environment is required not only efficiently but also with high safety. To achieve this, it is necessary to understand people's walking activity in the space, and studies of planning paths focused on walking paths of pedestrian have been widely done. In these studies, information getting from walking paths does not include spatial features of people's walking activity such as dynamics of their walking. A walking behavior is not always smooth from the viewpoints of changes of walking speed and moving directions. For example, people should accelerate or decelerate their walking speed according to environmental settings or their purposes of walking. In addition, moving directions of people's walking also depend on the environmental structures and settings. Therefore, people's walking activity should be understood including walking dynamics. To apply the information of the walking activity to the path planning for mobile robot navigation, there are two requirements; one is that the information should be described in form that a robot system is able to use, and another one is that it should be described without lacking spatial information. To realize these, we propose that an environmental map describing the walking activity of people including walking dynamics. More specifically, we build the environmental map as a grid map that is one of the often-used maps for a mobile robot. From the results of the experiment, it was shown that the proposed environmental map was possible to determine spatial features.

    DOI: 10.1109/ISIE.2019.8781155



  • Nonverbal human-robot communication for ambient assisted living applications based on ethologically inspired social behavior model

    Natsuki Ichikawa, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proceedings: IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society   6045 - 6050   2018.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    In recent years, ambient assisted living (AAL) has studied and a demand for services that monitors living environments to reduce the burden of nursing care has increased. Therefore, we propose an approach of nonverbal human-robot communication for AAL applications based on an attachment behavior model for a mobile robot. This can sense the situation within the environment in real time with less burden on the user. We use an etho-robot as the user interface of an AAL system for useful monitoring services. The etho-robot mimics dogs' attachment behaviors and can provide less stressful communication between humans and robots. In addition, we design behavior for providing notification about a person's status for the etho-robot. The integration of a mobile robot as a user interface of the AAL system will make the communication spatially flexible. We conducted an experiment to evaluate whether humans can correctly recognize the attachment behavior of the etho-robot when the robot performs its notification function. We discuss the usefulness of mimicking a dog's attachment behavior when the robot has such a function.

    DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2018.8591094



  • Fractional integral-like processing in retinal cones reduces noise and improves adaptation Reviewed

    Antal Martinecz, Mihoko Niitsuma

    PLOS ONE   13 ( 10 )   e0205099,pp.1-11   2018.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In the human retina, rod and cone cells detect incoming light with a molecule called rhodopsin. After rhodopsin molecules are activated (by photon impact), these molecules activate the rest of the signalling process for a brief period of time until they are deactivated by a multistage process. First, active rhodopsin is phosphorylated multiple times. Following this, they are further inhibited by the binding of molecules called arrestins. Finally, they decay into opsins. The time required for each of these stages becomes progressively longer, and each stage further reduces the activity of rhodopsin. However, while this deactivation process itself is well researched, the roles of the above stages in signal (and image) processing are poorly understood. In this paper, we will show that the activity of rhodopsin molecules during the deactivation process can be described as the fractional integration of an incoming signal. Furthermore, we show how this affects an image; specifically, the effect of fractional integration in video and signal processing and how it reduces noise and the improves adaptability under different lighting conditions. Our experimental results provide a better understanding of vertebrate and human vision, and why the rods and cones of the retina differ from the light detectors in cameras.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0205099




  • Biologically Inspired Emotional Expressions for Artificial Agents Reviewed

    Beáta Korcsok, Veronika Konok, György Persa, Tamás Faragó, Mihoko Niitsuma, dám Miklósi, Péter Korondi, Péter Baranyi, Márta Gácsi

    Frontiers in Psychology   9 ( JUL )   11 - 17   2018.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    A special area of human-machine interaction, the expression of emotions gains importance with the continuous development of artificial agents such as social robots or interactive mobile applications. We developed a prototype version of an abstract emotion visualization agent to express five basic emotions and a neutral state. In contrast to well-known symbolic characters (e.g., smileys) these displays follow general biological and ethological rules. We conducted a multiple questionnaire study on the assessment of the displays with Hungarian and Japanese subjects. In most cases participants were successful in recognizing the displayed emotions. Fear and sadness were most easily confused with each other while both the Hungarian and Japanese participants recognized the anger display most correctly. We suggest that the implemented biological approach can be a viable complement to the emotion expressions of some artificial agents, for example mobile devices.

    DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01191



  • Effects of Touch Experience on Active Human Touch in Human-Robot Interaction

    Ryo Midorikawa, Mihoko Niitsuma

    IFAC-PapersOnLine   51 ( 22 )   154 - 159   2018

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    This paper presents a strategy for building better human-robot relationships through touch. Although physical contact is an important method of communication between humans, it can produce a negative effect on relationships depending on how it is performed. For example, if one is tapped on the shoulder by another person, one may feel unpleasant unless that person is familiar. Therefore, for touch to be useful for communication, the recipient's perception for body contact is of critical importance. However, in previous research on robot touch, the robot simply made physical contact with a person; the effects and feelings associated with this touch were not confirmed enough in these situations. Thus, we hypothesized that people must become accustomed to robot contact. Moreover, we aimed to elicit contact from people as a first step in building better human-robot relationships. To verify our hypothesis, we selected a handshake as a suitable interaction for experiment and analysis. Our results showed that an initial handshake produced a positive emotional effect in the subjects, who were then more likely to engage in further contact with the robot.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.11.534



  • Investigation of cognitive characteristics of human vision to moving objects for visual field estimation Reviewed

    Hiroshi Fukushima, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proc. of 2017 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration   2018-January   1080 - 1085   2017.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    This paper presents an approach to estimate the field of view of human eyes. To achieve this only using the information of the face direction, we focus on characteristics of human vision. More specifically, as the physical characteristics of human vision, we consider a model of the field of view. Also, as the cognitive characteristics of human vision, we assume that humans turns their eyes to moving objects under certain conditions including types of moving objects and their movement. Therefore, to investigate the cognitive characteristics of human vision related to moving objects, we carry out experiments by changing the types and paths of moving objects to investigate what kind of conditions make humans turn their eyes to moving objects. Gaze directions of human subjects are observed through the experiments.

    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2017.8279366



  • Approach based on geometric shape of pedestrian's head to shoulder region for human tracking in high density crowd using a 3D laser range finder Reviewed

    Yuta Sampei, Mihoko Niitsuma

    2017 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, URAI 2017   846 - 847   2017.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.  

    This paper discusses the possibility of using the geometric shape of a pedestrian's head to shoulder region as a feature to identify individuals. The main aim is to track humans in a high density crowd using a 3D laser range finder (3D-LRF). One of the most critical problems of human tracking in a high density crowd is the occurrence of occlusion. Occlusion might occur because of the lack of features on tracking objects and the fragmentation of trajectories. When the trajectories are fragmented, they should be associated correctly in order to realize robust and accurate tracking. To improve the robustness of human tracking in a crowded environment, we consider features of a tracking object that can recognize individuals to be useful when combining trajectories fragmented by occlusion. In this paper, the geometric shape of a pedestrian's head to shoulder region was applied as a feature of a tracking object. The applicability of the feature to the tracking in dynamic environments was done through experiments using a 3D-LRF.

    DOI: 10.1109/URAI.2017.7992842



  • Presentation of contact information of industrial robot's end-effector using vibrotactile sensation Reviewed

    Daisuke Yamazaki, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proc. of 10th International Conference on Human System Interactions   172 - 177   2017.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Industrial robots are introduced in not only large enterprises but also small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Professional engineers are required when introducing and maintaining industrial robots. However, sometimes it is difficult for SMEs to do this by themselves because of economical limitations. Therefore, in many cases, they need to ask the outside for the support. To assist this situation, an aiding system for remote operation of industrial robots has been studied. This system provides information of the local site to an operator who is in the remote site using auditory and visual information. From this, the operator is able to perceive the working situation of the robot remotely. However, when several kinds of auditory information are presented at same time, recognition of the information becomes difficult. In addition, if too many kinds of visual information are presented, it is also difficult for the operator to pay attention appropriately. To solve the problem, we have proposed vibrotactile interfaces to assist information presentation for aiding remote operation of an industrial robot. In this paper, we attempt to present contact information using a vibrotactile glove when contact between an end-effector of a robot and an object occurs. We proposed two types of vibration stimuli to present the contact information. We investigate how human subjects correctly perceive the contact information through the vibration-based presentations compared with a visual based presentation. Subjects? performance of the contact information perception is evaluated based on perceived time, cognitive time and correct answer rate of the contact information.

    DOI: 10.1109/HSI.2017.8005022



  • Impression on Human-Robot Communication Affected by Inconsistency in Expected Robot Perception Reviewed

    Kaito Tsukada, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Human Agent Interaction   261 - 262   2016.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    To develop long-term human-robot communication (HRC), robots' behavior must be properly perceived and interpreted by users. However, evaluations of processes involving a robot and a human are not conducted in natural situations in which humans can freely interact and observe a robot's behavior. In this study, an experiment involving both a mental model and an impression of a robot was proposed to evaluate the effect of human expectations on HRC.

    DOI: 10.1145/2974804.2980520



  • Gaze Estimation Based on Physical and Cognitive Characteristics of Human Vision Reviewed

    Hiroshi Fukushima, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proc. of the SICE Annual Conference 2016   1329 - 1332   2016.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Update of Human-Robot Relationship Based on Ethologically Inspired Human-Robot Communication History Reviewed

    Honoka Kanai, Mihoko Niitsuma


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Robots that live with a person for a long term need to build social relationships with the user. We focus on the human-dog relationship because a dog will be attached to the human owner. The dog and the human will then build social relations with each other. This paper proposes an approach to update the relationship between a person and a robot based on the experiences of communication with the person. The relationship between the person and robot is expressed using three types of behavioral factors: degree of attachment with the owner, degree of acceptance to a non-owner, and degree of sensitivity of anxiety. The three behavioral factors determine the behavioral characteristics of the robot. The problem with the previous model is that the parameters of the factors are given as fixed numerical values. As a result, the relationship between persons and robots never change, even though a person treats the robot with affection. More specifically, no mechanism is used in the previous model to change the robot behaviors according to the history of human-robot communication, which causes problems. For example, persons cannot appropriately interpret and estimate the relationship with the robot because the robot behaviors never change. In this paper, we propose a mechanism to update the relationship between persons and a robot by evaluating the human reactive behavior against the robot behavior. Moreover, we evaluate whether human subjects can find and interpret the change in the relationship with the robot using the proposed method.

    DOI: 10.1109/ROMAN.2016.7745150

    Web of Science



  • Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance Based on Obstacle Type for Interactive Smart Electric Wheelchair Reviewed

    Yasuyuki Sawada, Mihoko Niitsuma


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    A smart electric wheelchair is proposed for use as a personal mobility tool (PMT). To reduce the load on the user, PMT is integrated with autonomous mobile robot navigation and human inputs. In addition, an obstacle avoidance function is provided. To facilitate comfortable and easy movement as well as safety and efficiency, we aim to realize a PMT with obstacle avoidance that does not cause discomfort and frustration to the user. The tool detects a human on the basis of the leg shape. The virtual impedance method is used as an obstacle avoidance method in dynamic environments. An experiment is conducted to evaluate the psychological effect of the PMT's obstacle avoidance movement when different types of obstacles and movement characteristics are applied.

    DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2016.7793152

    Web of Science



  • A Vibrotactile Navigation Aid for Remote Operation of an Industrial Robot Reviewed

    Takashi Hatano, Csongor M. Horvath, Trygve Thomessen, Mihoko Niitsuma


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Recently industrial robot systems are introduced widely even in the small and medium size enterprises. However, it is difficult for them to employ professional engineers permanently. Then, they need to depend on outside to maintain industrial robots. Therefore a remote operation support system for industrial robots is proposed. Visual and auditory feedback is often used. However, a perception of the information might be limited if different kinds of information in particular sense modality is delivered at the same time. To solve the problem, we proposed a tactile interface which uses tactile information. This paper evaluates the usefulness of the vibrotactile information using the glove-type interface. The experimental results showed that vibrotactile information could not improve work efficiency. However it enable an operator to concentrate other information without increasing a workload. Therefore vibrotactile information is useful.

    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2016.7844081

    Web of Science



  • Leading a Person Using Ethologically Inspired Autonomous Robot Behavior Reviewed

    Soh Takahashi, Gacsi Marta, Peter Korondi, Hideki Hashimoto, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proc. 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction   02-05-March-2015   87 - 88   2015.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    This study considered a leading behavior of a robot. To lead a person when the person's attention is initially elsewhere, the robot's behavior needs to be designed so that it seeks the person's attention and seamlessly brings him or her to the target location. Therefore we implement a leading behavior for a robot inspired the dog's action sequence. We evaluate the robot behavior through an experiment.

    DOI: 10.1145/2701973.2701985



  • Vibrotactile Information for Supporting Pick and Place Task Industrial Robot Remote Operation Reviewed

    Keita Suzuki, Trygve Thomessen, Mihoko Niitsuma


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper evaluates a wristband-type tactile interface as a user interface for controlling an industrial robot remotely. When operating a remote monitoring system, information delivery from a local site to an operator at a remote site is important. Visual and auditory feedback is often used. However, perception of the information might be limited if different kinds of information in particular sense modality is delivered at the same time. To solve the problem, we proposed a tactile interface which uses tactile information and we evaluate it. First, we explain the remote operation system for industrial robot and interface, then after that, we present an experiment of vibrotactile information of industrial robot.

    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2015.7404956

    Web of Science



  • Temporal Segmentation of Environmental Map Based on Changing Rate of Activity Areas and Improvement of Tracking Method using LRF Reviewed

    Naoki Uenoyama, Mihoko Niitsuma


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper presents improved methods of tracking moving objects by using laser range finders located in the environment and of segmenting environmental maps weighted by the degree of human activity. The accuracy of our previously proposed method of detecting individuals needing route guidance service, which involves the use of an autonomous mobile robot, depends on the accuracy of pedestrian tracking Therefore, we herein propose a method that can track a pedestrian even if he or she cannot be directly detected due to occlusion. In addition, since environmental maps depict the human activity histories in particular areas, which vary depending upon the environmental situation, such histories should be divided according to environmental situation to enable more accurate analysis of human activity areas. Thus, we also propose a method of determining the times at which environmental maps should be divided, which is based on calculating the average rate of change in each grid section. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the usefulness of the proposed methods, and the results are presented herein.

    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2015.7404954

    Web of Science



  • Towards Virtual Presence Based on Multimodal Man-Machine Communication: How to control and communicate grasping conditions Reviewed

    Trygve Thomessen, Bjorn Harald Ratvik Lian, Mihoko Niitsuma


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    The global industry is developing towards smaller and smaller batch sizes in production due to the high pressure on Just-in-time production. This has led to the need for providing cost efficient support to robot users, especially SMEs having limited internal resources and competence to setup, maintain and reconfigure their industrial robot systems. In this study, a new method for the remote operation of industrial robot systems is presented. The method is based upon multi-modal man-machine communication and sensor bridging to transfer huge amounts of information from the industrial robot cell to the brain of the remote operator. The general methodology is explained, however, a special focus is put on gripping and stick-slip detecting in order to provide optimal grasping conditions during robot operations; especially during remote operation.

    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2015.7404957

    Web of Science



  • Enhancement of Attachment Behavior Model for Social Robot to Adapt in Daily Living Environments Reviewed

    Yohei Takahashi, Mihoko Niitsuma


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Recently, social problems associated with a sense of isolation among elderly adults have been highlighted. To address this problem, we propose a long-term human-robot communication program inspired by human-dog relationships. An Etho-engine was improved upon to provide robot accommodations for access within rural regions. We generalized the robot's inner states and updated rules governing decision-making based on interactions with external situations. Additionally, to develop robot preferences for a person other than the owner, a "non-owner" was defined as being initially unfamiliar, with gradual acceptance being updated according to interaction histories and relationships between the non-owner and the owner. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the communication model. We discuss the effectiveness of this modified Etho-engine based on the experimental results.

    DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2015.7392907

    Web of Science



  • Modeling the G-Protein Signaling of the Retina with Fractional Calculus Reviewed

    Antal Martinecz, Mihoko Niitsuma


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    The first part of a cone's signal transduction is investigated from an image processing perspective in order to find out what differentiates (human) vision from computer vision. We found that the activity of cone opsins-visual pigments that are activated by the impact of a photon-can be described as an approximation of a fractional integrator of order 0.1-0.2 on frequencies between 1-30 Hz. We explore how this affects the output signal and provide examples of how this can be used for noise reduction and image processing. We also present a simplified model since these processes require excessive computational power for computer vision modeling.

    DOI: 10.5220/0005515304810488

    Web of Science



  • A Proactive Strategy for Safe Human-Robot Collaboration based on a Simplified Risk Analysis Reviewed

    A. Sanderud, T. Thomssen, H. Osumi, M. Niitsuma

    MODELING IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL   36 ( 1 )   11 - 21   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MIC  

    In an increasing demand for human-robot collaboration systems, the need for safe robots is crucial. This paper presents a proactive strategy to enable an awareness of the current risk for the robot. The awareness is based upon a map of historically occupied space by the operator. The map is built based on a risk evaluation of each pose presented by the operator. The risk evaluation results in a risk field that can be used to evaluate the risk of a collaborative task. Based on this risk field, a control algorithm that constantly reduces the current risk within its task constraints was developed. Kinematic redundancy was exploited for simultaneous task performance within task constraints, and risk minimization. Sphere-based geometric models were used both for the human and robot. The strategy was tested in simulation, and implemented and experimentally tested on a NACHI MR20 7-axes industrial robot.

    DOI: 10.4173/mic.2015.1.2

    Web of Science



  • Towards Virtual Presence Based on Multimodal Man-Machine Communication: A Remote Operation Support System for Industrial Robots Reviewed

    Trygve Thomessen, Mihoko Niitsuma, Keita Suzuki, Takashi Hatano, Hideki Hashimoto

    IFAC-PapersOnLine   48 ( 19 )   172 - 177   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier B.V.  

    Worldwide, the focus on industrial development is on achieving smaller and smaller batch sizes in production. This has led to the need for providing cost efficient support to robot users. In this study, a new method for the remote operation of industrial robot systems is introduced. The method is based upon multi-modal man-machine communication and sensor bridging to transfer huge amounts of information from the industrial robot cell to the brain of the remote operator.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.12.029



  • Etho-robotics: What kind of behaviour can we learn from the animals?

    Péter Korondi, Beáta Korcsok, Szilveszter Kovács, Mihoko Niitsuma

    IFAC-PapersOnLine   48 ( 19 )   244 - 255   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier B.V.  

    The trends of robotics changes as service robots gain more ground and become part of our daily lives. Service or social robots have to function in less controlled and more dynamically changing environments than industrial robots, and the users of social robots are generally less technologically literate than the users of industrial robots, therefore social robots have to be able to interact naturally with humans and to fit in the human social environment. Social robotics faces new challenges that require an interdisciplinary approach. In contrast to previous approaches where the communication and behaviour of social robots were based on human-human interactions, ethorobotics offer a new direction. Today robotics is not advanced enough to reach the physical and cognitive capabilities of humans thus human-animal interaction can serve as a better model for designing the behaviour of social robots. Human-dog relationship is a good example for this paradigm as dogs have similar roles as social robots will have in the future. Dogs acquired social cognitive skills during domestication that enhances the interspecific relationship with humans and helps their interactions. Etho-robotics research uses ethological principles and methods to derive complex behavioural models which can be transcribed to mathematical form and implemented into robots. Human-robot interaction studies can be conducted to evaluate and refine the implemented models. Etho-robotics research was already used to create behavioural models for attachment and for multiple aspects of human-robot interactions. The application of Fuzzy Rule Interpolation methods fits well the conceptually "spare rule-based" structure of the existing descriptive verbal ethological models, as in case of the descriptive verbal ethological models the "completeness" of the rule-base is not required. The main benefit of the FRI method adaptation in ethological model implementation is the fact, that it has a simple rule-based knowledge representation format. Because of this, even after numerical optimization of the model, the rules are still "human readable", and helps the formal validation of the model by the ethological experts. On the other side due to the FRI base, the model has still low computational demand and fits directly the requirements of the embedded implementations.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.12.041



  • A Likelihood Analysis for a Risk Analysis for Safe Human Robot Collaboration Reviewed

    Audun Ronning Sanderud, Mihoko Niitsuma, Trygve Thomessen


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    With the trend of increasing human robot collaboration, the need for more advanced safety systems arises. To create safe robots that act proactive to dangers, a safety system based on risk analysis has been developed. This paper presents a vital part of the risk analysis, the likelihood analysis,. In this likelihood analysis, data about human activity is recorded based on its occupied space. The times of an occupation are recorded in absolute and relative time. A multi-peak probability distribution is fitted to the data using a hidden genes genetic algorithm. This algorithm enabled the system to also optimize the number of peaks in the distribution. The system is implemented and simulated for a simple assembly task. Plots from the simulations show the system's ability to predict active and inactive periods of time in a given area. This information can later be used in a risk analysis based scheduling problem.

    DOI: 10.1109/ETFA.2015.7301542

    Web of Science



  • Design of Legible Autonomous Leading Behavior Based on Dogs' Approach Reviewed

    Soh Takahashi, Marta Gacsi, Peter Korondi, Mihoko Niitsuma


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This study addressed the leading behavior of a robot. To lead a person when the person's attention is initially elsewhere, the robot's behavior should be designed such that it seeks the person's attention and seamlessly brings him or her to a target location. Therefore, we set out to design and implement a leading behavior for a robot inspired by the dogs' behavior sequence. In particular, we considered the legibility of the movements used by the robot to show a robot's destination clearly. We evaluated the autonomous robot's leading behavior through an experiment.

    DOI: 10.1109/ROMAN.2015.7333687

    Web of Science



  • Implicit nonverbal behaviors expressing closeness by 3D agents

    Hiroko Kamide, Mihoko Niitsuma, Tatuo Arai

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   9388 LNCS   306 - 316   2015

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    The goal of the current study was to extract natural nonverbal behaviors that are implicit but specific to strangers and friends and to test the expressiveness of these nonverbal behaviors in two different levels of closeness using 3D agents. An experiment was conducted in which 48 pairs (48 strangers and 48 friends) of participants had casual conversations about recent events for 10 min. Their body movements were recorded by a motion-capture system, and 13 vectors were defined on the upper body to compute the cosine similarity for each frame in order to extract the motions. The motions specific to strangers and friends were identified and two scenarios were created using those motions. The scenarios were implemented using 3D agents of a female human and a humanoid robot, and 400 respondents were asked to evaluate the closeness that the agent seemed to express toward the counterpart. The results showed that a human- agent performing friend motions were evaluated higher in expressiveness closeness than friend motions and a human-agent and a robot-agent performing friend motions were evaluated lower in strangeness than friend motions. In future works, we aim to improve the scenarios and implement them in humanoid robots.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-25554-5_31




    Eva Adamko, Peter Tamas Szemes, Mihoko Niitsuma

    ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL   13 ( 11 )   2733 - 2742   2014.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:GH ASACHI TECHNICAL UNIV IASI  

    At the University of Debrecen, the Department of Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics operates in the Building Mechatronics Research Center, where researchers took the initial steps of constructing an intelligent and sustainable building, which involved the configuring of the research infrastructure and the measurement network. In this article, we present a possible application and several advantages of the developed measurement network, which are principally conducive to monitoring the energy consumption of the building to achieve energy efficiency.

    DOI: 10.30638/eemj.2014.304

    Web of Science



  • An Approach to Path Planning and Real-Time Redundancy Control for Human-Robot Collaboration Reviewed

    Audun Ronning Sanderud, Trygve Thomessen, Hideki Hashimoto, Hisashi Osumi, Mihoko Niitsuma


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper presents a control system for redundant robot manipulators that handles the path planning and redundancy control in two separate loops. The goal is to simplify industrial programming of redundant robots, by decomosing it to a familiar path planning loop, and an autonomous redundant control loop. The familiar path planning is done using an industrial robots native control system, which is already known to the operator. An external feedback loop acts as a secondary task control loop so that the redundancy in the robot is used automatically. The secondary task control is expanded from the null space projection method to a method where a parallel space to task space is modeled in joint space. The system was implemented and experimentally verified on a NACHI MR20 7-axes industrial robot with AX20 Controller. The secondary task in the experiments was an obstacle avoidance task that was tested in unknown dynamic and static environments.

    DOI: 10.1109/AIM.2014.6878214

    Web of Science



  • Improvement in Mutual Interaction between Robot and Person for Attachment Behavior of Robot Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Yohei Takahashi, So Takahashi


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    To sustain effective and long-term human-robot communications, we propose a robot behavior model based on dog behavior in human-dog relationships. The model includes behavioral factors that produce different behavioral characteristics. In this study, we improved the "play with the owner" behavior, which is the only mutual interaction between a person and the robot among the robot's attachment behaviors. We evaluated the attachment behavior with the improved "play with the person" behavior.

    DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2014.7049104

    Web of Science



  • Towards Virtual Presence Applying Multi-modal Man-Machine Communication; Soon Full Remote Operation of Industrial Robot Systems Reviewed

    Trygve Thomessen, Mihoko Niitsuma, Keita Suzuki


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    Development of the international industry is towards smaller and smaller batch sizes in the production. This has riced a need for cost efficient support of robot users. In this paper, new methodology for remote operation of industrial robot systems is introduced. The method is based upon multi-modal man-machine communication and sensor bridging to transfer the huge amount of information from the industrial robot cell to the brain of the remote operator.

    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2014.7028002

    Web of Science



  • Effective Destination Determination for Semi-Autonomous Smart Electric Wheelchair Based on History of Human Activity Reviewed

    Atsuro Takimoto, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Mihoko Niitsuma


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    A smart electric wheelchair for use as a personal mobility tool (PMT) is proposed. To reduce the load on the user, the PMT is integrated with autonomous mobile robot navigation and human input. It is able to reach a destination autonomously based on a directional input from the user. The accuracy of the destination detection depends on the user's input. Therefore, to realize stress-free and efficient movement of the PMT, an appropriate means of destination detection based on inaccurate human input is required. We propose an approach whereby the PMT can determine its destination based not only on the user's input but also on a history of human activity in the living environment. To enable the use of a history of human activity to determine a destination, this paper proposes a mapbuilding method to express a history of human activity on a grid map. An experiment is conducted to evaluate the usefulness of the proposed approach for destination determination based on the subjects' performance of the PMT operation and their mental workload.

    DOI: 10.1109/INDIN.2014.6945609

    Web of Science



  • Building a multi-resolution map for autonomous mobile robot navigation in living environments Reviewed

    Toshiya Furuyama, Mihoko Niitsuma

    4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, CogInfoCom 2013 - Proceedings   261 - 266   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE Computer Society  

    This paper presents a method for building a multi-resolution map of a living environment to achieve efficient navigation. The standard practice for developing a representative map is to use an occupancy grid. However, the usage frequency of each environment has not been considered when building these environmental maps. These maps are not able to present the history of human activity as a feature of the environment. Therefore, these maps cannot be applied to mobile robot navigation to ensure safe and efficient robot movement in living environments. Therefore, we set out to design an environmental map containing resolution information of areas based on the movement history of humans and objects. For example, to present the position of static objects precisely, the area is required to be described in high resolution. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the proposed method and examine whether each resolution is changed appropriately based on the usage of the region. © 2013 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/CogInfoCom.2013.6719253



  • Correspondence relationships between vibrotactile stimuli and tactile sensations determined by semantic differential Reviewed

    Yuichi Muramatsu, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proceedings - IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication   668 - 673   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    We investigated the correspondence relationship between vibrotactile stimuli and tactile mental imagery using a vibrotactile glove proposed in a previous study as an interface for vibrotactile stimuli [1]. The mental impressions of the vibrotactile stimuli obtained by human subjects were measured by semantic differential. Analysis of variance, multiple comparisons, and factor analyses were used to extract and evaluate the distinctive imageries induced by passive touch based on the answers given to questions the subjects were asked. We also discuss the potential of the glove to produce the five fundamental sensations of fine roughness, macro roughness, hardness, warmness, and friction. © 2013 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/ROMAN.2013.6628425



  • Tuning of behavioral characteristics in an ethologically inspired robot behavior model based on verbal communication Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Ryuichi Numakunai, Akira Onodera

    IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)   7855 - 7861   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    To sustain effective and long-term human-robot communications, a robot behavior model based on dog behavior in human-dog relationships is proposed. The model includes behavioral factors that produce different behavioral characteristics. We conducted experiments to evaluate robot-user impressions of robot behaviors when presented with different characteristics using a simulator. Our findings showed that the robot-users had the impressions that we expected based on the factors selected. As in an earlier model, the behavioral characteristics were assigned fixed numeric values
    therefore, the characteristics in that earlier model could not be changed by users. This paper, however, proposes a method that enables users to modify or 'tune' the behavioral characteristics based on verbal communication. © 2013 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2013.6700445



  • Building a Cognitive Model of Tactile Sensations Based on Vibrotactile Stimuli Reviewed

    Yuichi Muramatsu, Mihoko Niitsuma, Trygve Thomessen


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    We investigated the correspondence relationship between vibrotactile stimuli and tactile mental imagery using a vibrotactile glove proposed in a previous study as an interface for vibrotactile stimuli [1]. The mental impressions of the vibrotactile stimuli obtained by the human subjects were measured using the semantic differential method. Analysis of variance, multiple comparisons, and factor analyses were used to extract and evaluate the distinctive imageries induced by passive touch, based on the answers of the subjects to certain questions. To build a cognitive model of tactile sensations, we investigated the correspondence relationships between tactile sensations and vibrotactile stimuli.

    DOI: 10.1109/CogInfoCom.2013.6719231

    Web of Science



  • Mental Map Generation Assistance Tool Using Relative Pitch Difference and Angular Information for Visually Impaired People Reviewed

    Takayuki Watabe, Mihoko Niitsuma


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This study proposes a sine wave-based auditory user interface for assisting visually impaired persons with creating mental maps of walking environments. Wall shapes are considered as fundamental map features of the map in building a mental map of a space. Therefore, the distance and direction to walls are important. In this study, we present information to users via sound. To show the distance to and direction toward walls, a point on the walls should be selected continuously. Then, the distance and the direction to the point can be presented sequentially using sound. Based on this distance and direction information, users can reconstruct wall shapes in their mind. However, we found that the accuracy of such reconstruction depended on wall orientation. To realize the correct reconstruction of wall shapes as mental maps, we decided to provide angle information between two walls to a user in addition to distance and direction information. In this paper, sound designs for presenting distance, direction, and angle information of walls are described. Additionally, results of the experiments for evaluating the proposed method are presented. The experimental results show that angle information was useful for building a mental map using the proposed auditory presentation scheme.

    DOI: 10.1109/CogInfoCom.2013.6719252

    Web of Science



  • Phantom Sensation on Forearm Using Vibrotactile Interface

    4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications   2013

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  • Evaluation of Smart Electric Wheelchair Operation Based on Directional Input from User and Mobile Robot Navigation Reviewed

    Sota Sakamaki, Mihoko Niitsuma


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper presents a smart electric wheelchair used as a personal mobility tool (PMT), which integrates autonomous mobile robot navigation and human operation input. This PMT is implemented using an actual electric wheelchair. An experiment is conducted to evaluate the usability of the input interface and movement efficiency of the PMT; its performance is compared to that of a normal electric wheelchair operated using a joystick.

    DOI: 10.1109/AIM.2013.6584136

    Web of Science



  • Multimodal human-robot interface with gesture-based virtual collaboration Reviewed

    Young Eun Song, Mihoko Niitsuma, Takashi Kubota, Hideki Hashimoto, Hyoung Il Son

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   208   91 - 104   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Springer Verlag  

    This paper proposes an intuitive teleoperation scheme by using human gesture in conjunction with multimodal human-robot interface. Further, in order to deal with the complication of dynamic daily environment, the authors apply haptic point cloud rendering and the virtual collaboration to the system. all these functions are achieved by a portable hardware that is proposed by authors newly, which is called "the mobile iSpace". First, a surrounding environment of a teleoperated robot is captured and reconstructed as the 3D point cloud using a depth camera. Virtual world is then generated from the 3D point cloud, which a virtual teleoperated robot model is placed in. Operators use their own whole-body gesture to teleoperate the humanoid robot. The Gesture is captured in real time using the depth camera that was placed on operator side. The operator recieves both the visual and the vibrotactile feedback at the same time by using a head mounted display and a vibrotactile glove. All these system components, the human operator, the teleoperated robot and the feedback devices, are connected with the Internet-based virtual collaboration system for a flexible accessibility. This paper showcases the effectiveness of the proposed scheme with experiment that were done to show how the operators can access the remotely placed robot in anytime and place. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37374-9_10



  • Vibrotactile Glove for Producing Tactile Sensations

    4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications   2013

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  • Welcome

    Peter Baranyi, Anna Esposito, Mihoko Niitsuma, Bjorn Solvang

    4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, CogInfoCom 2013 - Proceedings   2013

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/CogInfoCom.2013.6719167



  • Building a Map including Moving Objects for Mobile Robot Navigation in Living Environments Reviewed

    Syo Hiroi, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proc. of the Ninth International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems   1 - 2   2012.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    This paper presents a method for building a map of a living environment, which includes the movement of moving objects, intended for mobile robot navigation. If a robot can generate a path to move to a destination by considering the working area of humans, the robot can avoid crossing those areas. Then, it can be expected that the robot will reach the destination efficiently and people's activities will not be hindered. We present a method for building a map that represents both static and moving objects. © 2012 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/inss.2012.6240564



  • Mobile Multimodal Human-Robot Interface for Virtual Collaboration Reviewed

    Young Eun Song, Mihoko Niitsuma, Takashi Kubota, Hideki Hashimoto, Hyoung Il Son


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper proposes an intuitive teleoperation scheme by using human gesture in conjunction with multimodal human-robot interface. Further, in order to deal with the complication of dynamic daily environment, the authors apply haptic point cloud rendering and the virtual collaboration to the system. all these functions are achieved by a portable hardware that is proposed by authors newly, which is called "the mobile iSpace". First, a surrounding environment of a teleoperated robot is captured and reconstructed as the 3D point cloud using a depth camera. Virtual world is then generated from the 3D point cloud, which a virtual teleoperated robot model is placed in. Operators use their own whole-body gesture to teleoperate the humanoid robot. The Gesture is captured in real time using the depth camera that was placed on operator side. The operator recieves both the visual and the vibrotactile feedback at the same time by using a head mounted display and a vibrotactile glove. All these system components, the human operator, the teleoperated robot and the feedback devices, are connected with the Internet-based virtual collaboration system for a flexible accessibility. This paper showcases the effectiveness of the proposed scheme with experiment that were done to show how the operators the remotely placed robot in anytime and place.

    DOI: 10.1109/CogInfoCom.2012.6422055

    Web of Science



  • Perception of Tactile Sensation Using Vibrotactile Glove Interface Reviewed

    Yuichi Muramatsu, Mihoko Niitsuma, Trygve Thomessen


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper proposes a vibrotactile glove interface that enabled users to perceive tactile sensations of virtual objects. The proposed vibrotactile interface was designed to be easy-to-use, easily portable, and lightweight. Active touch might also be useful to realize informative tactile communication. To provide tactile stimuli based on movement of the fingers, five bending sensors were installed on the glove. In this study, the relationship of the correspondence between vibrotactile stimuli and tactile mental imagery was investigated. Subjects' mental impressions of vibrotactile stimuli were measured by using the semantic differential (SD) method. Distinctive imagery from subjects' answers was extracted for factor analysis. After that, a vibration stimuli model was applied to active touch. The tactile mental imagery of users was evaluated for both passive and active touches.

    DOI: 10.1109/CogInfoCom.2012.6422054

    Web of Science



  • Exploratory behavior in ethologically inspired robot behavioral model Reviewed

    Ryuichi Numakunai, Takuya Ichikawa, Marta Gacsi, Peter Korondi, Hideki Hashimoto, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proceedings - IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication   577 - 582   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    This paper presents an exploratory behavioral model for human-robot communication based on an ethological approach. To maintain long-term human-robot communication, building social relationships between the user and robot is important. As a model of social relationships between different species, we focus on human-dog relationships. We apply dogs' behaviors observed from the stranger situation test as a base model of the robot. Exploratory behavior is one of the dogs' behaviors. In this paper, human-robot communication is considered for the purpose of home-care support. For this purpose, an exploratory behavior model for home-care applications is proposed. © 2012 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/ROMAN.2012.6343813



  • Impression evaluation for different behavioral characteristics in ethologically inspired human-robot communication Reviewed

    Takuya Ichikawa, Mina Yuki, Peter Korondi, Hideki Hashimoto, Marta Gacsi, Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proceedings - IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication   55 - 60   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    To maintain long-term human-robot communication, a robot behavior model based on the behaviors of dogs in human-dog relationships has been proposed. We apply this model to a robot in a monitoring support system designed for home care. This paper presents an improvement to the model, adding behavioral factors to show different characteristics of the behaviors. We conduct experiments to evaluate users' impressions of the robot behaviors when given different characteristics using a simulator. Our findings show that the subjects had the impressions that we expected based on the factors selected. © 2012 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/ROMAN.2012.6343731



  • Ethologically inspired human-robot communication for monitoring support system in intelligent space Reviewed

    Takuya Ichikawa, Wataru Beppu, Szilveszter Kovács, Peter Korondi, Hideki Hashimoto, Mihoko Niitsuma

    IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)   45 ( 22 )   58 - 63   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IFAC Secretariat  

    This paper presents human-robot communication for a monitoring support system in an Intelligent Space. An Intelligent Space (iSpace) is a space in which many intelligent devices are installed to observe the user's environment. In this paper, we apply the iSpace observation function to a monitoring system used for maintaining the safety of elderly persons receiving home-care support. In addition, we use a mobile robot as a tool to deliver monitoring results to care assistants. We focus on an ethological approach for designing robot behaviors for human-robot communication. The implementation of these robot behaviors based on an ethological approach, and the results of an experiment conducted to evaluate these behaviors, are then presented. © 2012 IFAC.

    DOI: 10.3182/20120905-3-HR-2030.00136



  • Design of Social Behavior of Physical Agent in Intelligent Space Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Takuya Ichikawa, Ryuichi Numakunia, Akira Onodera, Peter Korondi, Hideki Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper presents the social behavior of a physical agent in intelligent space. Intelligent Space (iSpace) is a space in which many intelligent devices, called distributed intelligent network devices (DINDs) and including not only sensors but also actuators, are installed. Robotic devices, which provide services to users, are considered as physical agents in iSpace. For facilitating long-term communication between users and a robot, we focus on building a social relationship between a user and a robot. Toward this end, a methodology for designing social behaviors of the robot is required. Therefore, we have used an ethologically inspired approach to construct a robot behavioral model for an is pace-based elderly monitoring support system. In this paper, the robot behavioral model is presented and implementation of robot behaviors is discussed.

    DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2012.6389512

    Web of Science



  • Spatial memory for augmented personal working environments Reviewed

    Young Eun Song, Peter Kovacs, Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto

    Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics   16 ( 2 )   349 - 357   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Fuji Technology Press  

    Augmented Personal Working Environments (APWEs) are 3D environments in which the physical surroundings of the user are overlaid with representations of a virtual reality. With the rapid technological evolution of personal informatics devices as well as a growing demand for more comfortable and efficient working environments, the partial virtualization of resources used in our everyday work settings is expected to gradually become inevitable. Irrespective of whether someone is working in an office environment or in industrial settings, this trend in virtualization is expected to lead to more collaborative working environments in which the available resources and the interfaces for dealing with those resources can be both physical and virtual in nature. SpatialMemory, which is a memory system embedded in 3-dimensional physical reality, may without doubt be a central subsystem of future APWEs. In this paper, our goal is to contribute to the development of a theoretical background for Spatial Memory from a cognitive infocommunications perspective, and to outline the future research directions of Spatial Memory in APWEs based on some key applications.

    DOI: 10.20965/jaciii.2012.p0349



  • Design of mutual interaction between a user and smart electricwheelchair Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Terumichi Ochi, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Koki Iwamoto

    Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics   16 ( 2 )   305 - 312   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Fuji Technology Press  

    This paper presents interaction between a user and a smart electric wheelchair. We propose a personal mobility tool (PMT) that integrates autonomous mobile robot navigation technology with intuitive and cognitive interaction between a user and a smart wheelchair. An intuitive and noncontinuous input method is proposed to enable a user to specify the direction in which the wheelchair is to go. Using an acceleration sensor and pressure sensors, the user gives a direction to the PMT, then the PMT determines the goal on an environmental map based on the direction. An output interface is used to help the user interpret robot behavior through informative communication between the user and the PMT. In this paper, a vibrotactile seat interface is presented.

    DOI: 10.20965/jaciii.2012.p0305



  • Enhancement of Spatial Memory for Applying to Sequential Activity Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Hiromu Kobayashi, Ayumu Shiraishi

    ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA   9 ( 1 )   121 - 137   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BUDAPEST TECH  

    Spatial memory is a system to manage digital information in real space using three-dimensional position information and to operate networked devices to deliver the digital information. The concept behind the system is Intelligence Space (iSpace), which is proposed as an intelligent environment. Using distributed intelligence networked devices (DINDs), iSpace can observe events in the real world, and provide information and physical services to users via intelligent agents such as mobile robots, computer devices, and digital equipment based on what has been observed. From this, spatial memory is regarded as a human interface for iSpace. Users of iSpace can store commands and information in the real environment according to their activities, and retrieve necessary information using their own bodies without using any devices such as a mouse and a keyboard. This paper presents an enhancement of the spatial memory to improve the usability of the system and to be applicable in wider areas.

    Web of Science



  • Ethologically inspired human-robot interaction interfaces Reviewed

    Dávid Vincze, Szilveszter Kovács, Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto, Péter Korondi, Márta Gácsi, Ádám Miklósi

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series   51 - 57   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    This paper presents human-robot interaction interfaces based on ethological studies. An ethological test procedure was modeled with the application of a fuzzy rule interpolation based fuzzy automaton. This fuzzy automaton was loaded with rules formed from the extracted ethological knowledge. Using the behaviours supplied by the fuzzy automaton as conclusions, different interfaces can be defined for the incarnation of the model. The ethological test procedure and its modeling technique based on the fuzzy automaton will be shortly introduced in the paper, and then the various human-robot interfaces based on the former will be presented. These include interfaces of simulated environments and also interfaces as real robot hardware with their supplemental devices (sensors, cameras, etc.). Copyright 2012 ACM.

    DOI: 10.1145/2160749.2160761



  • Multimodal Multi-user Human-Robot Interface for Virtual Collaboration Reviewed

    Young Eun Song, Mihoko Niitsuma, Takashi Kubota, Hideki Hashimoto, Hyoung Il Son


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    We present a intuitive teleoperation scheme by using human gesture and multimodal multi-user human-robot interface. Further, in order to deal with the dynamic daily environment, we apply haptic point cloud rendering and virtual collaboration and all these functions are achieved by portable hardwares which is called "mobile iSpace". First, a surrounding environment of a teleoperated robot is captured and reconstructed as the 3D point cloud using a depth camera. Virtual world is then generated from the 3D point cloud, and a virtual teleoperated robot model is placed in there. An user uses their own whole body gesture to teleoperate the humanoid type robot. The gesture is captured by the depth camera placed in user-side in real time. And the user has the visual and vibrotactile feedback at the same time by using a head mounted display and a vibrotactile glove. All these system components e. g. the human user, the teleoperated robot and the feedback devices are connected with the Internet-based virtual collaboration system to support a flexible accessibility. So eventually, this makes possible that users can access the remote placed robot whenever and wherever they want.

    DOI: 10.1109/URAI.2012.6462920

    Web of Science



  • Extended User Interface for Improving Usability of Spatial Memory Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Ayumu Shiraishi, Hiromu Kobayashi

    Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications   1 - 4   2011.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Monitoring System Based on Ethologically Inspired Human-Robot Communication in Intelligent Space Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Wataru Beppu, Peter Korondi, Szilveszter Kovács, Hideki Hashimoto

    Proceedings of the 8th Asian Control Conference   700 - 705   2011.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    His paper presents a monitoring application using Intelligent Space. Intelligent Space (iSpace) is a space in which many intelligent devices, called distributed intelligent network devices (DINDs), are placed to observe the environment. Communicating with individual DINDs enable iSpace to apprehend and understand events in this space and to activate intelligent agents such as mobile robots, computer devices, and digital equipment to provide information and services to users based on observed information. Using the iSpace observation system, we can obtain multiple humans' positions and postures at the same time, even if the humans are in different places in iSpace. Therefore, in this paper we use the iSpace to monitor daily environments with the purpose of home case support. Also, we apply a mobile robot as a tool to deliver monitoring results to users. For designing human-robot communication to achieve continuous and command-free communication between a user and a mobile robot, we present an ethologically inspired human-robot communication model involving several simulations. © 2011 Asian Control Association.



  • An approach of human - Smart electric wheelchair interaction in intelligent space Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Terumichi Ochi, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Hideki Hashimoto

    IEEE SSCI 2011: Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence - RIISS 2011: 2011 IEEE Workshop on Robotic Intelligence in Informationally Structured Space   119 - 124   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    This paper presents interaction between a user and a smart electric wheelchair. We propose a personal mobility tool (PMT) which integrates autonomous mobile robot navigation technology with intuitive and cognitive interaction between a user and a smart wheelchair. An intuitive and noncontinuous input method to enable a user to specify a direction in which he/she wants to go is proposed. Also, to help a user interpret robot behaviors, an output interface to realize informative communication between a user and the PMT is described. In this paper, we introduce a vibrotactile interface to present environmental information from a smart wheelchair to the user. We conducted experiments to study the possibility of utilization of the input interface and the output vibrotactile interface. Experimental results show that the input interface can be successfully used even by users who had not used it before. In the experiments with the vibrotactile interface, users tried to detect distance and angle toward obstacles based on vibration stimuli. Through the experiments, we found that it was difficult for users to detect the exact positions of obstacles, but they were able to detect the direction of the obstacle movement. © 2011 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/RIISS.2011.5945788



  • An Approach for Extraction of Human Walking Path in Intelligent Space Reviewed

    Hiromu Kobayashi, Hideki Hashimoto, Mihoko Niitsuma


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper presents an approach to extract human walking paths independently from the orientation of the paths in a global coordinate system. Previously, observing human walking, connectivity between the spaces (areas) has been obtained. In this paper, we regard human walking paths as a feature to represent patterns of activities. Observing and describing human activities can be considered as useful information for intelligent environments to enable the environments to provide suitable support to the users corresponding to their actual situations. In this paper, we present an approach to extract human walking paths independently from the orientation of the paths in a global coordinate system. More specifically, we propose a similarity measurement based on AMSS (Angular Metrics for Shape Similarity), then classify human walking paths using a hierarchical clustering method. Experimental results show that the proposed approach achieves rotation invariant extraction of human walking paths.

    DOI: 10.1109/HSI.2011.5937379

    Web of Science



  • Design of Interaction for Simply Operating Smart Electric Wheelchair in Intelligent Space Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Terumichi Ochi, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Hideki Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper presents interaction between a user and a smart electric wheelchair. We propose a personal mobility tool (PMT) which integrates autonomous mobile robot navigation technology with intuitive and cognitive interaction between a user and a smart wheelchair. An intuitive and noncontinuous input method to enable a user to specify a direction in which he/she wants to go is proposed. Using an acceleration sensor and a pressure sensor, a user gives direction to the PMT. Then, the PMT determines a goal position in an environmental map based on the direction. Also, to help a user interpret robot behaviors, an output interface to realize informative communication between a user and the PMT is described. In this paper, we present an improved vibrotactile interface to provide environmental information from a smart wheelchair to the user. We conducted experiments to evaluate users' performance using the output vibrotactile interface. In the experiments, users tried to detect distance and angle toward obstacles based on vibration stimuli. Through the experiments, we could confirm that the improved vibrotactile interface could improve users' performance well.

    DOI: 10.1109/HSI.2011.5937345

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  • Implementation of Robot Behaviors Based on Ethological Approach for Monitoring Support System in Intelligent Space Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Wataru Beppu, Takuya Ichikawa, Szilveszter Kovacs, Peter Korondi, Hideki Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper presents a monitoring support system in Intelligent Space. Intelligent Space (iSpace) is a space in which many intelligent devices, called distributed intelligent network devices (DINDs), are placed to observe the environment. Communicating with individual DINDs enable iSpace to apprehend and understand events in this space and to activate intelligent agents such as mobile robots, computer devices, and digital equipment to provide information and services to users based on observed information. Using the iSpace observation function, we can obtain multiple humans' positions and postures at the same time, even if the humans are in different places in iSpace. Therefore, in this paper we use the iSpace to monitor daily environments with the purpose of home care support. Also, we apply a mobile robot as a tool to deliver monitoring results to users. For designing human-robot communication to achieve continuous and intuitive communication between a user and a mobile robot, we present an ethologically inspired human-robot communication model involving an experiment and implementation of robot behaviors.

    DOI: 10.1109/AIM.2011.6027060

    Web of Science



  • A User Interface of Spatial Memory Using Acoustic Information in Intelligent Space Reviewed

    Hiromu Kobayashi, Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto, B. H. Lee

    Proceedings of the 2010 International Symposium on Intelligent Systems   S5-7-2   2010.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Interaction between a user and a smart electric wheelchair in intelligent space Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Terumichi Ochi, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Hideki Hashimoto

    2010 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science: From Micro and Nano Scale Systems to Robotics and Mechatronics Systems, MHS 2010, Micro-Nano GCOE 2010, Bio-Manipulation 2010   465 - 470   2010

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    This paper presents interaction between a user and a smart electric wheelchair. We proposed a personal mobility tool (PMT) which integrates mobile robot navigation with intuitive and non-continuous input from a user. An input interface to enable a user to specify a direction in which he/she wants to go is proposed. Also, to help a user interpret robot behaviors, an output interface to realize informative communication between a user and PMT. In this paper, we introduce a vibrotactile interface to present environmental information from a smart wheelchair to the user. We conducted experiments to study the possibility of the input interface and the output vibrotactile interface. Experimental results of the input interface show the interface can be used by users even if they had not used it before. In the experiments for the vibrotactile interface, users try to detect distance and orientation of obstacles from vibration stimuli. Through the experiments, we found that users could not detect exact orientation of obstacles, but detect a direction of the obstacle movement. ©2010 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/MHS.2010.5669502



  • Observation of Human Activities Based on Spatial Memory in Intelligent Space Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   21 ( 4 )   515 - 523   2009.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Intelligent Space (iSpace) we propose as an intelligent environment provides information and physical services to users via intelligent agents such as mobile robots, computer devices, and digital equipment. A suitable human interface is needed to enable users to operate agents in iSpace. For this, we previously proposed spatial memory. Here, we have improved system functions to make it more widely applicable. Specifically, we present four spatial memory problems and discuss solutions, focusing on user authentication, for which we propose a new procedure using spatial memory. By introducing the spatial human interface in iSpace, we also observe human activity in the environment via the history of human interface use involving several experiments.

    DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2009.p0515



  • A Representation of Object Infomation Based on Interaction between Humans and Object in Intelligent Space

    The 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robotics and Ambient Intelligence(URAI2009)   2009

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  • Observation of human-object interaction using distributed sensors

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Kazuki Yokoi, Hideki Hashimoto

    IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)   42 ( 16 )   257 - 262   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IFAC Secretariat  

    This paper presents an observation system of human-object interaction. In intelligent environments, describing and recognizing human activity are one of the important issues in order for the environment to provide suitable services for users. To describe user activity in more details, we have focused on objects' information. We can consider that objects' information consists of both static information such as names, size, colors, and shapes of objects and non-static information such as use of frequency, users, locations, and ways to use them. Static information of objects can be given because we can consider that it will not change. Non-static information, however, depends on actual situation in which objects are utilized by people. We therefore focus on obtaining such non-static information via human-object interaction. This paper addresses an improvement of an observation system of humanobject interaction.

    DOI: 10.3182/20090909-4-JP-2010.00045



  • Describing Human-Object Interaction in Intelligent Space

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Kazuki Yokoi, Hideki Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper presents an observation system of human-object interaction in the Intelligent Space (iSpace). Object information is necessary to describe events and human activities which happen in environments. Especially, names, colors, size and shapes of objects can be described manually because we can consider that the information will not change. On the other hand, information such as locations of objects, frequency of use of the objects, the users and motion patterns while using the objects can not be described manually because they depend on individuals and contexts when the objects are used. Therefore, we decided to obtain these kinds of object information through observation of human-object interaction. We show an improvement of the observation system and experimental results to verify the system.

    DOI: 10.1109/HSI.2009.5091012

    Web of Science



  • Improvement of Human-object Observation System

    Kazuki Yokoi, Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto

    ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009(ICCAS-SICE2009)   1137 - 1142   2009

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    In this paper, we will present an improved system which observes human activities. We have tried to describe the activities by objects usage because there are so many kinds of objects in environments and people use them to accomplish their activities. Therefore, by observing objects we can extract more information about activities of human and this may help us to estimate what people are doing in the space. Methods to obtain objects usage are explained and improved in this paper. We also evaluated the system from experiments. © 2009 SICE.



  • Comparison of Visual and Vibration Displays for Finding Spatial Memory in Intelligent Space Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    We have proposed the spatial memory which is a human interface to operate iSpace agents such as mobile robots, computer displays, etc. Spatial memory enables users to store computerized information ranging from digital files and commands for robots in real space by assigning digital information to a three-dimensional position. Users can retrieve the information by pointing the locations using their own bodies directly. The accessed information will be delivered to a suitable iSpace agent who should execute it. We named information arranged into real space "Spatial-Knowledge-Tag" (SKT). In order to encourage people to share useful information via spatial memory, they need to retrieve pre-arranged SKTs which are arranged by somebody. In this paper, firstly we show possibility of finding SKTs through seeing other users' actions, but not using any display to show locations and content types of SKT. Then, we present two kinds of displays to show users locations and content types of SKTs. Specifically, one is a visualization using computer graphics (we call "graphical display"), the other is a display using vibration (we call "vibration display"). Experiments to compare the efficiency of the methods to find SKTs are shown.

    DOI: 10.1109/ROMAN.2009.5326206

    Web of Science



  • Observation System of Human-Object Relations in Intelligent Space

    Kouhei Kawaji, Kazuki Yokoi, Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    In this paper, Intelligent Space based human-object relations observation system is proposed and constructed. Intelligent Space is the environment that has distributed sensors for observing and actuators for acting in the space, in order to provide various services to human. In addition, the verification experiments of proposed system are done and the efficiency of this system is discussed.

    Web of Science


  • Observation of Multiple Objects Based on Human-Object Interaction in Intelligent Space

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Kouhei Kawaji, Hideki Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper presents a method for multiple objects localization in the Intelligent Space (iSpace). The localization is realized by using two types of information. One is acceleration data which is used to determine whether an object is being operated. Acceleration data is acquired by using sensor network system. The other is hand position information of a nearest user to one object. By combining the information, positions of objects are able to be estimated by corresponding positions of user hands. In this method, determination of objects initial position is a first problem. In order to solve it, we use correlation of acceleration data among user hands and objects. Initial position of each object is given based on user's hand position which is scored high correlation.

    DOI: 10.1109/HSI.2008.4581539

    Web of Science



  • Extraction of Human - Object Relations in Intelligent Space

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Kouhei Kawaji, Kazuki Yokoi, Hideki Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper describes an observation system of human-objects interactions to extract relations among humans and physical objects in Intelligent Space (iSpace). The purpose is to obtain information of physical objects which can not be described in advance, in other words, depends on usage history of individual users. It is important issue for the iSpace to recognize human activities and design services for humans. In this paper, a method for multiple objects localization in the Intelligent Space is presented. The localization is realized by using two types of information. One is acceleration data which is used to determine whether an object is being operated. Acceleration data is acquired by using sensor network system. The other is hand position information of a nearest user to one object. By combining the information, positions of objects are able to be estimated by corresponding positions of user hands. In this method, determination of objects initial position is a first problem. In order to solve it, we use correlation of acceleration data among user hands and objects. Initial position of each object is given based on user's hand position which is scored high correlation.

    DOI: 10.1109/ROMAN.2008.4600719

    Web of Science



  • Enhancement of Spatial Memory Using Human-Object Relations

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Takeshi Sasaki, Hideki Hashimoto

    2008 PROCEEDINGS OF SICE ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-7   3358 - 3362   2008

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper describes enhancement of the spatial memory system in order to improve human activities observation. In previous approach, human activities using the spatial memory in the real world can be observed, but activities using physical objects can not be observed. Therefore, we will focus on interaction among humans and objects. By attaching small sensor nodes to humans' hand and physical objects, the observation will be achieved. In order to realize uniformed methodology for the observation of human activities based on the spatial memory, we introduce Object-based Spatial- Knowledge-Tags (O-SKTs). History of human-object interaction is described by using an O-SKT including 4W1H (who, what, when, where and how) information. This paper presents a system to observe human-object interaction and experimental results of the observation.

    DOI: 10.1109/SICE.2008.4655271

    Web of Science



  • Localization of Human Hand by Using Inertial Sensors

    Kazuki Yokoi, Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto

    2008 PROCEEDINGS OF SICE ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-7   1741 - +   2008

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    In this research, we propose a method to localize human hand position. In order to provide many types of services for human in the Intelligent Space, human observation is needed. Many applications, such as Spatial Memory, use human hand position for the indicator and to get hand position, the ultrasound localization system is used. When transceiver inclines, the accuracy decreases. To extend the function of spatial memory to iSpace simulator, the new hand localization is needed. In this paper, we will describe the human band localization system by using inertial sensors and also the evaluation by the ultrasonic system.

    DOI: 10.1109/SICE.2008.4654957

    Web of Science



  • Observation of Human Activities in Intelligent Space Based on Spatial Memory Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Reka Sumire Mitsui, Peter Korondi, Hideki Hashimoto

    Proceedings of 8th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI2007)   29 - 41   2007.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    This paper presents a classification of human activities based on usage history of the spatial memory system in order to estimate individual human's intended purpose of an environment. We named the intended purposes for a place 'space-human activity association'. Intended purposes for a place will be different depending on the purpose of activities, even if observed activities are almost the same. Therefore, estimation of space-human activity association is important for intelligent environments to design services provided for individual human according to his/her current situation. The spatial memory system enables human users to store computerized information into the real world by assigning a three-dimensional position to the information, and to retrieve the information by directly indicating the point using their own hands. In the spatial memory system, what associates computerized information with a three-dimensional position is called 'Spatial- Knowledge-Tag (SKT)'. The users actively create SKTs based on their need. As a result, arranged SKTs in a specified environment correspond to activity histories of the users. Also, users' intended purposes for the environment are reflected in the arrangement. Therefore, classification of arranged SKTs leads to classification of human activities, and accordingly estimation of intended purposes for places. In this paper, in order to investigate usefulness of the proposed classification method, SKTs that are arranged through actual activities in a real working environment are classified.



  • Spatial memory as an aid system for human activity in intelligent space Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Hideki Hashimoto

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS   54 ( 2 )   1122 - 1131   2007.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC  

    This paper presents the spatial memory that aids human activities in a working environment. The spatial memory enables humans to store computerized information into the real world by assigning a 3-D position as the memory address. By storing computerized information into the real world, users can manipulate the information in similar ways as physical objects. Consequently, we can retrieve stored knowledge by indicating the point using our own arms, which we name "human indicator." This paper shows a prototype of the spatial memory system, which has potential to enhance desk work. The implemented system is evaluated through two types of experiments by using human subjects. Experimental results verify the efficiency and the effectiveness of our spatial memory framework based on a statistical test.

    DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2007.892730

    Web of Science



  • Acquisition of objects' properties in Intelligent Space Reviewed

    Kouhei Kawaji, Mihoko Niitsuma, Akio Kosaka, Hideki Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    In this research, we aim to describe objects' properties for designing services of Intelligent Space. Intelligent Space is the environment that has distributed sensors for observing and actuators for acting in the space, in order to provide various services to human. In order to realize that, we focus on physical interaction between human and objects. Physical interaction between human and objects can be observed by attaching sensor nodes to physical objects in a sensor networked environment. In this paper, we estimate an object handled by human based on the acceleration data. In addition, the methods that classify human actions are evaluated

    DOI: 10.1109/SICE.2007.4420987

    Web of Science



  • Spatial memory for collaboration support system in intelligent space - User identification based on spatial memory Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper presents an implementation of the spatial memory system for supporting collaboration activity in Intelligent Space. In this paper, a design of the new spatial memory system is described based on three requirements for a collaboration system: (1) sharing information for multi-users and multi-terminals, (2) access privileges for SKTs and (3) user identification. User identification method is one of the most important functions for sharing information systems. Therefore, this paper proposes a new user identification method by using the spatial memory system. More specifically, users create their own key-Spatial-Knowledge-Tags (SKTs) as passwords to use the spatial memory system. The new user identification method is evaluated through user experiments. Experimental results show high effectiveness of the method.

    DOI: 10.1109/SICE.2007.4421519

    Web of Science



  • A description of human activities using spatial memory in intelligent space Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper presents a classification of human activities based on usage history of the spatial memory system in order to estimate individual human's intended purpose of an environment. We named the intended purposes for a place "space-human activity association". Intended purposes for a place will be different depending on the purpose of activities, even if observed activities are almost the same. Therefore, estimation of space-human activity association is important for intelligent environments to design services provided for individual human according to his/her current situation. The spatial memory system enables human users to store computerized information into the real world by assigning a three-dimensional position to the information, and to retrieve the information by directly indicating the point using their own hands. In the spatial memory system, what associates computerized information with a three-dimensional position is called "Spatial-Knowledge-Tag (SKT). The users actively create SKTs based on their need. As a result, arranged SKTs in a specified environment correspond to activity histories of the users. Also, users' intended purposes for the environment are reflected in the arrangement. Therefore, classification of arranged SKTs leads to classification of human activities, and accordingly estimation of intended purposes for places. In this paper, in order to investigate usefulness of the proposed classification method, we consider two types of environments, and arranged SKTs are classified.

    DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2007.4460249

    Web of Science



  • Extraction of space-human activity association for design of intelligent environment Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper presents a classification of human activities based on usage history of the spatial memory system and a numerical expression of each human activity in order to estimate individual human's intended purpose of an environment. We named the intended purposes for a place "spacehuman activity association". Intended purposes for a place will be different depending on the purpose of activities, even if observed activities are almost the same. Therefore, estimation of space-human activity association is important for intelligent environments to design services provided for individual human according to his/her current situation. The spatial memory system enables human users to store computerized information into the real world by assigning a three-dimensional position to the information, and to retrieve the information by directly indicating the point using their own hands. In the spatial memory system, what associates computerized information with a three-dimensional position is called "Spatial-Knowledge-Tag (SKT)". The users actively create SKTs based on their need. As a result, arranged SKTs in a specified environment correspond to activity histories of the users. Also, users' intended purposes for the environment are reflected in the arrangement. Therefore, classification of arranged SKTs leads to classification of human activities, and accordingly estimation of intended purposes for places. In this paper, we describe two approaches to classify human activities. More specifically, the first approach is a classification of arranged SKTs by using only SKTs' information. The second approach is a classification of arranged SKTs by using both SKTs' information and usage history of the spatial memory system. As a result, the classification based on usage history of the spatial memory system showed multiple activities in the same area. On the other hand, the first approach resulted in a single cluster in the same area. We, then, give numerical values to SKT's content type, and obtained numerical expression of each human activity.

    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2007.363585

    Web of Science



  • 手のハプティックインタフェースによる周辺障害物認識システムを用いた歩行器 Reviewed

    橋本洋志, 松永俊雄, 佐々木智典, 石井千春, 新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    計測自動制御学会論文集   43 ( 3 )   180 - 188   2007

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • 空間メモリ ~人とシステムの循環経路~

    新妻 実保子

    Mobile Society Review 未来心理   7   12 - 21   2006.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)NTTドコモモバイル社会研究所  


  • Spatial segmentation of human activities in intelligent space Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper presents approaches using the spatial memory to classify human activities spatially and characteristically for recognizing "space-human activity association". The spatial memory enables humans to store computerized information such as digital files and commands into the real world by assigning three-dimensional position as the memory addresses. Humans can retrieve and store such information by directly indicating the point using their own body e.g. user's hand and user's head. A virtual tag, which associates a digital data with a spatial location, is called Spatial-Knowledge-Tag (SKT). SKT is created by a human based on his policy and his purpose in an environment. SKTs including locations and contents describe human activities at places. To design and implement services for inhabitants in an intelligent environment, it is required to know purposes which people intend to use the places. This paper applies two approaches to classify human activities spatially and characteristically. More specifically, one is a classification of arranged SKTS by using only spatial memory addresses and the size of accessible regions, the other is a classification of arranged SKT based on observation of human activities and forms of spatial memory data.

    DOI: 10.1109/SICE.2006.315427

    Web of Science



  • Spatial memory: An aid system for human activity in intelligent space Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Hideki Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper proposes the spatial memory as an interface between human and Intelligent Space (iSpace). The spatial memory regards three-dimensional space as mass storage of computers, i.e. three-dimensional point is treated as an address of stored digital data such as various documents, images and commands for machines. Consequently, we can access stored digital data by indicating a point using our own arms, which we named "human indicator". In this paper, we implement a prototype of the spatial memory system which is supposed to utilize digital data regarded as externalized knowledge. The implemented system is evaluated through two types of experiments. The tendency to forget and the efficiency of task performance are investigated. By applying the t-test under the level of significance 5%, experimental results of the performance efficiency show significant statistical difference between the results with the spatial memory and without it.

    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2006.1642357

    Web of Science



  • 空間メモリ:知識活用を支援する空間知能化 Reviewed

    新妻実保子, 橋本洋志, 橋本秀紀

    計測自動制御学会論文誌   42 ( 4 )   367 - 375   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • まつわりつきロボット動作の心理的評価 Reviewed

    橋本洋志, 竹田大祐, 大山恭弘, 石井千春, 新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    電気学会論文誌C   126 ( 1 )   83 - 90   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Efficiency Evaluation of Human Performance Using Spatial Memory Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Hideki Hashimoto

    Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR2005)   WE311   2005.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Interaction with Spatial Memory by Using Human Indicator Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Hideki Hashimoto

    Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2005   2330 - 2335   2005.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    In our previous research we have proposed the spatial memory which aids human activity in a working environment12). The spatial memory regards three dimensional space like mass storage of computers, i.e. three dimensional points are treated as addresses of stored memory such as various data and commands for machines. Consequently, we can access a stored memory by indicating the point using our own arms, which we named "human indicator". In this paper, we develop an augmented interface to facilitate handling of large amounts of data. A method to recognize human's actions and required functions for a specific application are described. An access method using human indicator to the space memory is investigated for designing the interface. In the case of operating the spatial memory during other primary job,human will simultaneously work multiple tasks. Therefore, investigations of human indications in two cases are shown: (i) in the case of only the indication task, (ii) in the case of indication task during other task. © 2005 SICE.



  • A Study on the Application of Spatial-Knowledge-Tags using Human Motion in Intelligent Space Reviewed

    T.Jin, K.Morioka, M.Niitsuma, T. Sasaki, H.Hashimoto

    Proc. of the 2005 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2005)   2005.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Psychological evaluation for appearance of swinging robot - via SD and biosignal method approach Reviewed

    H Hashimoto, D Takeda, T Matsunaga, M Saito, C Ishii, M Niitsuma, H Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper investigates how the human feels the moving behavior of the onmidirectional mobile robot that follows the human while the robot swingingly moves around the human. To realize the swinging motion, the modified virtual impedance method is implemented on the controller for moving behavior of the robot. The psychological evaluations are examined for the impression of the moving behavior. In the evaluation, the SD (Semantic Differential) method and the RRV (R-R wave variance) method using the electrocardiogram (ECG) as biosignal are employed It is revealed that the the moving behavior makes a certain impression on human. Furthermore, it is confirmed that the RRV method is available in the real time evaluation.

    Web of Science



  • Hand force feedback system to recognize surrounding objects for safe walking Reviewed

    H Hashimoto, M Saito, A Sasaki, A Ishii, M Niitsuma, H Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper presents a user-friendly hand force feedback system to recognize surrounding obstacles around the elderly to making walking safer. The system is implemented on a joystick mounted on a walker. The user is able to recognize the surrounding spatial information from the repulsive force generated as feedback on the joystick. The system is based on the generation of a virtual potential field that corresponds to the distance and direction to the obstacle is employed. Through the experimental results, it is found that the practice time of the user to learn basic operation of the system is sufficiently short. Furthermore, the user feels the sense of security while recognizing the surrounding information through the hand force feedback.

    Web of Science



  • Emotional evaluation of frisky robot based on SD and biosignal method Reviewed

    H Hashimoto, D Takeda, Y Ohyama, M Saito, C Ishii, M Niitsuma, H Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper describes the emotional evaluation of a frisky robot that weaves around its human owner; the evaluation is based on the SD (Semantic Differential) method and the RRV(R-R wave variance) method using electrocardiograms (ECG) as the biosignal source. The SD method is effective to measure emotion, and the RRV method is suitable for investigating the physiological state from the heartbeat. The SD method represents that humans show a significant response only when the robot weaves, not when it simply shadows the human. Furthermore, it is confirmed that these methods are correlated and the RRV method is effective in real time evaluation.

    Web of Science



  • Recognition of surrounding environmental based on hand-haptic force Reviewed

    H Hashimoto, M Saito, A Sasaki, T Matsunaga, C Ishii, M Niitsuma, H Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper describes a user-friendly system to recognize the surrounding obstacles around the elderly using the hand-haptic force feedback, to help the elderly walk safely. The user is able to attain the surrounding recognition by perceiving repulsive force generated in feedback while manipulating the joystick. To build up the System, a virtual potential fields corresponding to the distance and direction to the obstacle is employed. Through the experimental results, it is found that the practice time that the user learns basic operation of the system is sufficiently short. Furthermore, the user feels the sense of security while recognizing the surrounding information through the hand-haptic force.

    DOI: 10.1109/icsmc.2005.1571313

    Web of Science



  • An evaluation of spatial memory based on human performance Reviewed

    M Niitsuma, H Hashimoto, H Hashimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper proposes the spatial memory which aids human activity in a working environment. The spatial memory regards three-dimensional space as mass storage of computers, i.e. three-dimensional point is treated as an address of stored knowledge such as various documents, images and commands for machines. Consequently, we can access a stored knowledge by indicating the point using our own arms, which we named "human indicator". In this paper, we implement a prototype of the spatial memory system which is supposed to be utilized for a desk work. The implemented system is evaluated from the viewpoint of human performances.

    DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2005.1568939

    Web of Science



  • Spatial Human Interface in a Working Environment- Introduction of Spatial-Knowledge-Tags to Access the Memory of Activity - Reviewed

    M. Niitsuma, H. Hashimoto, H. Hashimoto, A. Watanabe

    The 2nd Pan-Pacific Symposium on Information Technology   92 - 96   2004.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Positioning Control of the Finger Tip Drive Type of Linear Stage Using Disturbance Observer Reviewed

    Hiroshi Hashimoto, Norihisa Hino, Yasuhiro Ohyama, Mihoko Niitsuma, Chiharu Ishii


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper purposes to improve accuracy of positioning control within nano-scale of the linear stage made of fine-ceramics. In this control, the disturbance as the vibration of the tip and the friction transition between the tips and the guide causes the position vibration of the stage, and then the position error is increased. Positioning control of the linear stage is examined by two control strategies, i.e., a PID control (PID type) and a PID control with the disturbance observer (PID+DO type). Comparing the experimental results, it is found that the position error of PlD+DO type is less than that of PID type. The considerations in the comparison for the experimental data are shown.

    DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2004.1432120

    Web of Science



  • Spatial Human Interface in Working Environment - Spatial-Knowledge-Tags to Access Memory of Activity Reviewed

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Hideki Hashimoto, Akiko Watanabe


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    The Spatial Human Interface (SHI) is a relatively new system that enables us to facilitate human activity in a working environment. The SHI stores human activity data as knowledge and activity history of human into the Spatial Memory in a working environment as three-dimensional space where one acts, and loads them with the Spatial-Knowledge-Tags(SKT) by supporting the enhancement of human activity. To realize this, the SHI purpose is to construct a new relationship among human and distributed networks computers and sensors that is based on intuitive and simultaneous interactions. In this paper, the specified functions of SKT and the realization method of SKT are explained. The experimental results using SKT are shown.

    DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2004.1431761

    Web of Science



  • サーボ系に基づく歩行行動モデル Reviewed

    新妻実保子, 橋本洋志, 木村幸男, 石島辰太郎

    電気学会産業応用部門誌   123 ( 1 )   1 - 8   2003.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Movement Model of Multiple Mobile Robots Based on Human Collision Avoidance Reviewed

    M. Niitsuma, H. Hashimoto, Y. Kimura, S. Ishijima

    Proc. of the IEEE 2002 International Conference on Industrial Electronics   SF-000921   2002.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Movement model of multiple mobile robots based on servo system Reviewed

    M Niitsuma, H Hashimoto, Y Kimura, S Ishijima


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG TOKYO  

    This paper proposes the movement model of multiple mobile robots. This model is based on the servo system to advance to the destination while receiving inertia force. Furthermore, the model has Coulomb force to show the avoidance action. It is shown that the simulation result of robots progressing to one exit.

    Web of Science


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  • 今日、僕の家にロボットが来た。未来に安心をもたらすロボット幸学との出会い

    上出寛子, 新井健生, 福田敏男( Role: Contributor4章 家のなかで働くロボットのしくみ)

    北大路書房  2019.9 

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  • インテリジェントスペース(空間メモリ)

    新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    ロボット情報学ハンドブック (松原仁, 松野文俊, 稲見昌彦, 野田五十樹, 大須賀公一編)  2010.3 

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  • Human System Interaction through Distributed Devices in Intelligent Space

    INTECH  2009.12 

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  • 空間の観測に基づく人間の活動支援

    新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    エレクトロニクスシリーズ「ヒューマンインタフェースのための計測と制御」(監修:山口昌樹)  2009.3 

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  • Collaborative Robot’s Perception of Human Co-Worker’s Work Status and Health Condition and Feedback of Its Condition Using the Robot’s Facial Expression

    大橋健太, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2023   2023

  • Human-Robot Collaboration System Based on Task Estimation Using Spatial Memory in Intelligent Space and Robot Task Selection by Markov Decision Process

    田原滉太, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2023   2023

  • Task Recognition of Caregivers Using 3D Pose Models for Assisting Caregiving Tasks in Intelligent Space

    杉本淳, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2023   2023

  • Evaluation of Non-Verbal Communication on Relationships between Human and Ethologically Inspired Social Robots

    西川泰大, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2023   2023

  • Evaluation of impressions of robot gestures and gaze behaviors on adults

    内河音乃, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2023   2023

  • 2050年のロボットと人・社会の関わり 日常における人との優しい関係を目指して


    エネルギーレビュー   43 ( 10 )   2023

  • Expression of Sociability Through Non-Verbal Communication of The Mobile Arm Robot and Perception of Sociability by Children

    岸淳仁, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2023   2023

  • 屋内空間における人の活動の活性状況に基づく環境地図への活動履歴の蓄積時間の分割とその分類

    陳宇超, 新妻実保子

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   40th   2022

  • Convenience Store with Spatial Intelligence Technology: Proposal for a System for Sales Promotion, Product Information, and Monitoring

    喜多村拳, 池口悠樹, 新妻実保子

    計測と制御   61 ( 6 )   2022

  • Validation of Hemodynamic Responses in Prefrontal Cortex Using fNIRS during Discrimination of Vibrotactile Stimuli for Cognitive Load Assessment When Using Information Presentation Systems

    丸山岳嗣, 黒澤裕之, 新妻実保子

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   22nd   2021

  • Future Convenience Store Based on Intelligent Space~Assistive System to Improve Sales Promotion, Labor-Saving, and Childcare Service~

    加藤晋之介, 伊藤将碩, 白津宗晃, 沖本純平, 迫谷晃司, 西尾拓海, 杉本侑哉, 橋本貴洋, 丸山岳嗣, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2020   2020.6

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  



  • 高次脳機能障害者の住宅復帰支援のためのVR買い物準備ゲームの開発

    松本 翔太, 新妻 実保子

    インタラクション2020   2020.3

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • Proposal of teaching method for industrial robots using Spatial Memory

    杉本侑哉, 新妻実保子

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   21st   2020

  • Intelligent Space for Human-Robot Communication


    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   64th   2020

  • 測域センサを用いた会話状況の検出と環境地図への蓄積

    橋本貴洋, 西尾拓海, 新妻実保子, 池田達哉

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   38th   2020

  • ハノイの塔課題におけるNIRS脳血流を用いたメンタルワークロード評価の可能性-初期理解度や訓練前後の習熟度と前頭前野認知負荷との関連-

    丸山岳嗣, 新妻実保子, 板坂典郎

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   38th   2020

  • 空間知能化による人の移動に着目したオフィスにおける活動の環境地図への記述と評価

    西尾拓海, 橋本貴洋, 上出篤, 池田達哉, 新妻実保子

    第37回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 予稿集   37th   2019.9

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  



  • 自己位置推定誤差を考慮した作業履歴に基づく作業認識

    勝長達平, 田中孝之, 新妻実保子

    第24回 知能メカトロニクスワークショップ 講演予稿集   24th   2019.8

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    Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  



  • 実スケール身体動作がバーチャルペットセラピーに与える影響

    中島 健太, 深田 潤, 新妻 実保子

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2019 講演論文集   2019   2019.6

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  



  • 視覚障がい者の動的環境認識支援のための振動触覚刺激による人流情報提示

    藤野花音, 新妻実保子

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2019 講演論文集   2019   2019.6

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  



  • 快適な人-ロボット協働作業に向けたVRシミュレーションにおける人のストレス評価

    沖本純平, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2019   2019

  • 屋内外でシームレスに利用可能な空間メモリシステムの実現~空間メモリへの新しいアクセス方法とその評価~

    白津宗晃, 新妻実保子

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   36th   ROMBUNNO.3D1‐01   2018.9

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  • 動物体の活動履歴に基づく見守り支援とロボットのふるまいによる情報通知

    市川夏樹, 新妻実保子

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   36th   ROMBUNNO.3D1‐02   2018.9

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  • 座談会 スマートウォッチのこれから,腕時計のこれから (特集 スマートウォッチ)

    中島 悦郎, 常葉 輝久, 西尾 豊一, 寺嶋 一彦, 荒木 将之, 和泉 輝, 中村 千秋, 滝澤 勝由, 小池 邦夫, 松崎 淳, 大谷 親, 木村 南, 新妻 実保子, 大隅 久

    マイクロメカトロニクス = Micromechatronics   62 ( 218 )   49 - 56   2018.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本時計学会  


  • 三次元VRゲーム環境における実スケール身体動作と触覚インタフェースの有用性の検証

    阿部真大, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.2A1‐J11 - J11   2017.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    <p>To work smoothly in a virtual space, it is necessary to recognize the space exactly and interact 3D information intuitively. In this study, we created a VR game environment that integrated stereoscopic vision based on a binocular parallax by a HMD with body motion measurement by a range image sensor. Also, to enhance immersion and operation feeling, we presented tactile information by using a vibro tactile globe and we verified usefulness of the operation by real-scale body motions, the stereoscopic vision and the tactile information. From the results of experiments, we could confirm that the operation by real-scale body motions and the stereoscopic vision are useful in the VR game environment created, and the tactile information is effective assistance for the operation by real-scale body motions.</p>

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2A1-J11



  • An Investigation of Real-Scale Body Motion and Haptic Interface in a Virtual Game

    ABE Masahiro, NIITSUMA Mihoko

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2017 ( 0 )   2A1 - J11   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    &lt;p&gt;To work smoothly in a virtual space, it is necessary to recognize the space exactly and interact 3D information intuitively. In this study, we created a VR game environment that integrated stereoscopic vision based on a binocular parallax by a HMD with body motion measurement by a range image sensor. Also, to enhance immersion and operation feeling, we presented tactile information by using a vibro tactile globe and we verified usefulness of the operation by real-scale body motions, the stereoscopic vision and the tactile information. From the results of experiments, we could confirm that the operation by real-scale body motions and the stereoscopic vision are useful in the VR game environment created, and the tactile information is effective assistance for the operation by real-scale body motions.&lt;/p&gt;

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2A1-J11


  • The 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)の開催報告

    新妻 実保子

    知能と情報   28 ( 6 )   196 - 198   2016.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Meeting report   Publisher:日本知能情報ファジィ学会  

    CiNii Books


  • 平均律を用いて離散化した音高差表現による壁面形状の提示

    羽鳥智也, 新妻実保子

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   16th   ROMBUNNO.3B4‐5   2015.12

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  • 人共存環境における人の活動履歴を考慮した自律移動ロボットの動作計画

    水野正隆, 新妻実保子

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   33rd   ROMBUNNO.3H1-05   2015.9

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  • 未知・友人関係に特徴的な非言語行動の特定と心理評価

    上出寛子, CHING Clement Chane, 太田圭亮, 高嶋和毅, 北村喜文, 新妻実保子, 新井健生

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   33rd   ROMBUNNO.3J1-01   2015.9

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  • 産業用ロボットの遠隔操作支援における振動刺激の有用性の検証

    秦野峻, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.2P1‐N10   2015.5

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  • 自律移動型電動車いすの動的障害物回避と心理的影響の評価

    澤田康之, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.2A1‐P05   2015.5

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  • 高密度化を目指した階層的空間メモリの構築

    篠木慎司, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.2A1‐P02   2015.5

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  • 犬の動物行動学に基づく人とロボットのコミュニケーションにおけるインタラクションの履歴を反映した行動特性モデルの提案

    金井穂香, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.1A1‐S10   2015.5

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  • Human Activity Based Multi-Resolution Map for Autonomous Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environments

    古山敏也, 新妻実保子

    電気学会次世代産業システム研究会資料   IIS-15 ( 1-5 )   23 - 27   2015.2

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  • Determination of Destination Based on Human Activity History for Semi-Autonomous Smart Electric Wheelchair

    瀧本敦朗, 新妻実保子

    電気学会次世代産業システム研究会資料   IIS-15 ( 1-5 )   7 - 12   2015.2

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  • 衝突可能性に基づき人の活動領域を考慮した人共存環境における自律移動ロボットの動作計画

    水野正隆, 新妻実保子

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   32nd   ROMBUNNO.2E2-03   2014.9

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  • 人共存環境における自律移動ロボットのための空間の使用履歴に基づくMulti‐resolution mapの提案

    古山敏也, 新妻実保子

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   32nd   ROMBUNNO.3C2-01   2014.9

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  • 道案内ロボットのための自律的な目的地設定―人の活動度合を表す環境地図および歩行経路を用いた人の歩行状態の区別―

    上野山直貴, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2014   ROMBUNNO.1P2‐G01 - G01(1)"-"1P2-G01(4)"   2014.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Recently the studies of autonomous mobile robot are increasing. As a task of these robots, navigation of humans is considered. Such a robot needs to find people who need a navigation service. In this paper, we propose two methods to distinguish humans who need navigation services from other people. The first one is using an environment map that presents history of human activity to find humans who stand in not-often used areas. The second method is based on evaluations of human walking paths. An experiment is conducted to evaluate the usefulness of the first method at a public space. To evaluate the usefulness of the first method experiments are conducted using the proposed environment maps that are built on three different times of a day. In addition, the accuracy of the second method is also evaluated.

    CiNii Books



  • コサイン類似度を用いた人の姿勢の時系列データに基づく動作認識

    柴田佳幸, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2014   ROMBUNNO.1P2‐I03 - I03(1)"-"1P2-I03(4)"   2014.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    To use the spatial memory system through human activities it is necessary to observe human behaviors in addition to the information on the usage of space. In this paper, we propose a method of motion recognition based on the time-series data of human posture. Similarity of motions is calculated by using the cosine similarity. This method can recognize motion regardless of individual difference of physical description. Humans are observed without any markers. Template data for motion recognition is generated based on the observation result.

    CiNii Books



  • 振動触覚刺激を用いた前腕部へのファントムセンセーションの実現

    鈴木啓太, THOMESSEN Trygve, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2014   ROMBUNNO.1P2‐X07 - X07(1)"-"1P2-X07(4)"   2014.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    This paper describes a wristband-type tactile interface as a user interface for industrial robot remote monitoring systems. When operating a remote monitoring system, information delivery from a local site to an operator at a remote site is important. Visual and auditory information is often used. However, perception of the information might be limited if different types of information, are delivered at the same time. To solve this problem, we propose an interface that uses an illusion phenomenon called the phantom sensation. We present a preliminary experiment of the phantom sensation for the design of a wristband-type tactile interface.

    CiNii Books



  • Path Planning and Path Following Control for Comfortable Ride of Smart Electric Wheelchair

    畑中啓佑, 新妻実保子

    電気学会次世代産業システム研究会資料   IIS-14 ( 25-34 )   19 - 24   2014.3

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  • 聴覚刺激を用いた感覚の代替による壁面形状の提示

    渡部隆之, 新妻実保子

    第15回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会   36 - 39   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 人の活動領域に基づくウインドウ設計によるDynamic Window Approachを用いた自律移動ロボットの障害物回避

    水野正隆, 新妻実保子

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   31st   ROMBUNNO.2D2-04   2013.9

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  • 簡便な方向指示に基づく知的電動車いすナビゲーション―人の活動領域を考慮した目的地推定―

    瀧本敦朗, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.1A1‐M06   2013.5

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  • 日常環境における動的物体を反映した自律移動ロボットのための環境地図構築

    廣井翔, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.1A1‐M05   2013.5

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  • 行動特性を導入した動物行動学に基づく人‐ロボットコミュニケーションの見守り支援システムへの適用

    小野寺明, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.2P1‐P18   2013.5

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  • 犬の行動学に基づくロボットの社会的コミュニケーションモデル

    新妻実保子, 沼宮内隆一, 小野寺明

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   57th   ROMBUNNO.126-3   2013.5

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  • 行動特性を考慮した犬の愛着行動の人・ロボットコミュニケーションへの適用

    小野寺明, 新妻実保子

    第14回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会   2013

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    Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 人の活動領域を考慮した自律移動ロボットの障害物回避 -人間共存環境におけるGlobal Dynamic Window Approachの適用-

    水野正隆, 新妻実保子

    第14回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 手綱型入力装置による協調型知的電動車いす

    坂巻草太, 新妻実保子

    第14回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会   2729 - 2734   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • (5)空間知能化のためのヒューマンインタフェース「空間メモリ」の提案と応用(研究奨励,日本機械学会賞〔2012年度(平成24年度)審査経過報告〕)

    新妻 実保子

    日本機械学会誌   116 ( 1134 )   303 - 303   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本機械学会  

    CiNii Books


  • Demonstration of An Assistance Tool for Visually Impaired People Using A Relative Pitch Difference and Angular Information

    Takayuki Watabe, Mihoko Niitsuma

    4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)  


  • Plan for Next Generation of the Robotics Society of Japan

    Committee for Next Generation of the Robotics Society of Japan, HARADA Tatsuya, OTAKE Mihoko, IWATA Hiroyasu, SUGIHARA Tomomichi, YAMASHITA Atsushi, OKADA Kei, TOKURA Seiji, KANAOKA Katsuya, KURITA Yuichi, YAMANOBE Natsuki, NABESHIMA Cota, ANDO Takeshi, NIITSUMA Mihoko, MATSUSHITA Kojiro, KADOTA Kazuo

    Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan   30 ( 10 )   1030 - 1040   2012.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Robotics Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.30.1030

    CiNii Books


  • 動物行動学に基づく人とロボットのコミュニケーション


    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   30th   ROMBUNNO.4M1-5   2012.9

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  • グローブ型振動触覚インタフェースの提案と振動刺激設計における一考察

    村松優一, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2012   ROMBUNNO.1A2-B03 - B03(1)"-"1A2-B03(4)"   2012.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    This paper proposes a vibrotactile glove interface that enables a user to perceive tactile information of virtual object. We also evaluate mental imagery provided from vibrotactile stimuli using the proposed interface. The vibrotactile interface is required to be simple to use, has a high portability and be light. We therefore propose a glove-type vibrotactile interface. In addition, active touch might be useful to realize informative tactile communication. To provide tactile stimuli based on movement of the fingers, five bending sensors are installed on the glove. In this paper, we investigate tactile mental imagery of users caused by vibration to design vibration stimuli. After that, we apply the vibration stimuli model to active touch. We evaluate tactile mental imagery of users in both cases of passive touch and active touch.

    CiNii Books



  • シート型振動触覚インタフェースを用いた知的電動車いす搭乗者への環境情報提示

    松木健治, 新妻実保子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2012   ROMBUNNO.1A1-Q03 - Q03(1)"-"1A1-Q03(4)"   2012.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    We focus on communication from a smart electric wheelchair to the user to help the user understand surrounding environment. To realize this, we previously proposed a vibrotactile seat interface to provide environmental information to the user. Through experiments, we found several problems in interface use. This paper therefore presents improvement of the vibrotactile seat interface. We show experiments to confirm how users can detect activated motors correctly when using the proposed vibrotactile seat interface.

    CiNii Books



  • User-friendly Work Support System Based on Spatial Memory


    電気学会研究会資料. IIS, 次世代産業システム研究会 = The papers of Technical Meeting on Innovative Industrial System, IEEE Japan   2012 ( 10 )   49 - 54   2012.2

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  • Showing visually impaired person the form of surface of wall by relative frequency difference of sin wave

    SHIOZAKI Hiroshi, NIITSUMA Mihoko

    電気学会研究会資料. IIS, 次世代産業システム研究会 = The papers of Technical Meeting on Innovative Industrial System, IEEE Japan   2012 ( 10 )   27 - 32   2012.2

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  • 手綱型入力インタフェースによる電動車いす操作

    第10回人間情報学会/人間情報学会   2012

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  • 犬の動物行動学に基づくロボットの振る舞いによる情報伝達"

    第13回公益社団法人計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集   2012

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  • サイン波を用いた視覚障がい者のためのメンタルマップ形成支援ツール

    第13回公益社団法人計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集   2012

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  • 爪上への振動触覚刺激による触感の提示

    新妻 実保子

    研究助成金受給者研究報告集   31   94 - 98   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日揮・実吉奨学会  

    CiNii Books


  • 手の傾きによる方向指示と自律移動機能の協調による知的電動車いすの操作

    第13回公益社団法人計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集   2012

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  • 動物行動学に基づく人とロボットのコミュニケーション

    日本ロボット学会第30回記念学術講演会/日本ロボット学会   2012

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  • 空間メモリを利用した作業内容や環境の変化を考慮した作業支援システムの提案

    第13回公益社団法人計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集   2012

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  • 周辺環境情報の知覚制度の向上を目指したシート型触覚インターフェース提案

    第10回人間情報学会/人間情報学会   2012

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  • 可動物体を反映した環境地図とその経路計画への応用

    廣井翔, 越智照通, 和田康介, 新妻実保子

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   29th   ROMBUNNO.2N1-1   2011.9

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  • 動物行動学に基づく人とロボットのコミュニケーションの見守り支援システムへの応用

    市川拓也, 別府航, KOVACS Szilveszter, KORONDI Peter, 橋本秀紀, 新妻実保子

    電気学会産業応用部門大会(CD-ROM)   2011   ROMBUNNO.2-O2-6   2011.9

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  • Special Issue on Ambient Intelligence

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   23 ( 4 )   2011.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)   Publisher:富士技術出版  


  • 人間支援機器の設計と開発 人間支援機器の設計と開発動向

    橋本洋志, 横田祥, 新妻実保子

    設計工学   46 ( 4 )   175 - 183   2011.4

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  • Perspective of Design and Development of Human Support System


    Journal of Japan Society for Design Engineering   46 ( 4 )   175 - 183   2011.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本設計工学会  

    CiNii Books


  • FAN/iFAN 2010開催報告

    新妻 実保子

    知能と情報 : 日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌 : journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics   23 ( 1 )   118 - 119   2011.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Meeting report  

    CiNii Books


  • 簡便な方向指示と自律移動機能の協調による電動車いすの操作手法の提案

    越智照通, 新妻実保子

    第12回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会/計測自動制御学会   826 - 829   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • FAN / iFAN 2010 開催報告

    新妻 実保子

    知能と情報   23 ( 1 )   118 - 119   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本知能情報ファジィ学会  


  • 2A1-5 Map Building a map Including Mobile Objects in Living Environments for Mobile Robot Navigation

    HIROI Syo, WADA Kosuke, NIITSUMA Mihoko

    インテリジェントシステム・シンポジウム講演論文集   2011 ( 21 )   199 - 202   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本機械学会  

    This paper presents a method to build a map including mobile objects&#039; movement for mobile robot navigation in living environments. If a robot can generate a path to move a destination taking humans&#039; working areas into account, the robot can reduce crossing the areas. Then, it can be expected that the robot can get to the destination efficiently and people&#039;s activities will not be disturbed. We conducted experiments to evaluate performance for detecting moving objects using the proposed method by comparing with a background subtraction method. Maps describing both static and moving objects are also shown.

    CiNii Books


  • サービス提供型空間知能化技術の研究事例紹介

    新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    電気学会産業応用部門大会講演論文集   2010 ( 2 )   II.47-II.48   2010.8

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  • 知能化空間における音高情報を用いたサウンドヒューマンインタフェース

    佐々木毅, 新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2010   ROMBUNNO.1A2-G04   2010.6

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  • 1A2-G04 A Sound Based Human Interface Using Pitch Information in Intelligent Space

    SASAKI Takeshi, NIITSUMA Mihoko, HASHIMOTO Hideki

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2010 ( 0 )   _1A2 - G04_1-_1A2-G04_2   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    This paper describes a simple but robust human interface for smart environments which are spaces with many distributed and networked sensors and actuators. Smart environments have to recognize requests from users to provide the desired services and it is desirable that the user can request the services through natural interfaces. Therefore, a suitable human-smart environment interface is needed. In this paper, since a sound can be easily detected by using distributed microphones, we focus on a sound based human interface and utilize the pitch information of the sound. The frequency of sounds is considered as a trigger to call a service, i.e. a service is provided when the system detects a sound which has the corresponding frequency. The proposed approach is tested using various sound sources. The experimental results show that the developed system is able to recognize the sound robustly even in the presence of environmental noise.


  • Human interface

    SASAKI Takeshi, NIITSUMA Mihoko, HASHIMOTO Hideki

    2010   中扉1枚,73 - 104   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    This paper describes a simple but robust human interface for smart environments which are spaces with many distributed and networked sensors and actuators. Smart environments have to recognize requests from users to provide the desired services and it is desirable that the user can request the services through natural interfaces. Therefore, a suitable human-smart environment interface is needed. In this paper, since a sound can be easily detected by using distributed microphones, we focus on a sound based human interface and utilize the pitch information of the sound. The frequency of sounds is considered as a trigger to call a service, i.e. a service is provided when the system detects a sound which has the corresponding frequency. The proposed approach is tested using various sound sources. The experimental results show that the developed system is able to recognize the sound robustly even in the presence of environmental noise.

    CiNii Books


  • Observation and Description of Real World in Intelligent Space


    計測と制御 = Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers   48 ( 12 )   877 - 883   2009.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)   Publisher:計測自動制御学会  

    CiNii Books


  • 空間知―私たちの生活を支える脳・身体の拡張空間の創出―空間知能化における空間内の事象の観測と記述

    新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    計測と制御   48 ( 12 )   877 - 883   2009.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  



  • Observation of Human Activity Using Distributed Sensors


    電気学会研究会資料. IP, 情報処理研究会   2009 ( 13 )   53 - 56   2009.10

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  • Improvement of Observation System for Human-Object Relations in Intelligent Space

    新妻実保子, 横井一樹, 橋本秀紀

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   26th   ROMBUNNO.2N2-01   2008.9

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  • Development of simple 3D models with Spatial Memory-Estimation of human hand position by inertial sensors-

    横井一樹, 川路浩平, 新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2008   ROMBUNNO.2P1-H05   2008.6

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  • Construction of Human-Object Relations Observation System in Intelligent Space

    川路浩平, 新妻実保子, 横井一樹, 橋本秀紀

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2008   ROMBUNNO.2P1-H06   2008.6

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  • 知能化空間における物と物の関係の抽出

    第9回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2008),計測自動制御学会   2008

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  • 空間知のためのモノ情報を考慮した人の活動内容の記述

    第9回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2008),計測自動制御学会   2008

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  • 2A1-F21 Intelligent Space Simulator for Evaluation of Sensor Arrangements : Modeling of Sensors and Building of Environment by using Computer Graphics

    ZHENG Shaohua, SASAKI Takeshi, Niitsuma Mihoko, HASHIMOTO Hideki

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2008 ( 0 )   _2A1 - F21_1-_2A1-F21_2   2008

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    This paper discusses the simulation of sensor arrangements in Intelligent Space. Because there are many kinds of sensors in Intelligent Space, the optimal arrangements of sensor are important. So we are doing simulation to make arrangements more intelligent. OpenGL is used to simulate the 3D model of the indoor environment and the effective distance of sensor can be seen clearly in the simulation so that we can make arrangements easier. This simulation is expected to make the Intelligent Space visible and further research connected to actual observation is ongoing.

    CiNii Books


  • 2P1-H06 Construction of Human-Object Relations Observation System in Intelligent Space

    KAWAJI Kouhei, NIITSUMA Mihoko, YOKOIA Kazuki, HASHIMOTO Hideki

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2008 ( 0 )   _2P1 - H06_1-_2P1-H06_3   2008

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In this paper, Intelligent Space based human-object relations observation system is proposed and constructed. Intelligent Space is an environment that has distributed sensors for observing and actuators for acting in the space, in order to provide various services to human. There are a lot of objects in Intelligent Space and in order to offer appropriate services using these objects, not only the physical information about the object but also the object&#039;s information that occurred by interaction with human is needed. We try to define human-object relations based on the use history of objects and discuss the method of observing it.

    CiNii Books


  • Spatial Memory in Intelligent Space

    Mihoko Niitsuma

    Proc. of the 2008 Korea-Japan Joint Workshop   2008

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)  


  • An Approach to User-Oriented Service Implementation in Intelligent Space-A Method of Implementation based on Spatial Memory-

    新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   25th   1C32   2007.9

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  • Classification of human motion based on acceleration for describing objects'properties

    川路浩平, 新妻実保子, 小坂明生, 橋本秀紀

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   25th   1C31   2007.9

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  • Architecture of Information Display System based on RT-Middleware-Aiming at the integration of Intelligent Space Systems-

    都島良久, 新妻実保子, 安藤慶昭, 橋本秀紀

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2007   2A2-K02   2007.5

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  • Acquisition of objects' properties based on physical interaction with humans in Intelligent Space-Estimation of an object handled by human-

    川路浩平, 新妻実保子, 小坂明生, 橋本秀紀

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2007   2A2-K03   2007.5

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  • A Walker with Hand Haptic Environmental Sensing for Surrounding Obstacles

    橋本洋志, 松永俊雄, 佐々木智典, 石井千春, 新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    計測自動制御学会論文集   43 ( 3 )   180 - 188   2007.3

  • 2A2-K02 Architecture of Information Display System based on RT Middleware : Aiming at the integration of Intelligent Space Systems

    TOSHIMA Yoshihisa, NIITSUMA Mihoko, ANDO Noriaki, HASHIMOTO Hideki

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2007 ( 0 )   _2A2 - K02_1-_2A2-K02_3   2007

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    This paper presents information display system using active projector in Intelligent Space. Active projector provides interactive informative services for user. The system based on RT-Middleware is realized by combination of distributed sensors, applications and actuators. Therefore, by making independently each function into components and connecting these components, flexible and easy integration of the system was achieved. In this paper, we are aiming proposed system at the integration of Intelligent Space.

    CiNii Books


  • 2A2-K03 Acquisition of objects' properties based on physical interaction with humans in Intelligent Space : Estimation of an object handled by human


    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2007 ( 0 )   _2A2 - K03_1-_2A2-K03_2   2007

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In this research, we aim to describe objects&#039; properties for designing services of Intelligent Space. In order to realize this, we focus on physical interaction between human and objects. Physical interaction is observed by using wireless sensor network, and described by acceleration data. In this paper, we estimate an object handled by human based on the acceleration data.

    CiNii Books


  • 知能化空間における人と物の相互作用に基づく物の位置検出

    第8回SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集,計測自動制御学会   2007

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  • Architecture of Information Display System using RT Components

    都島良久, 新妻実保子, 安藤慶昭, 橋本秀紀

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   24th   3D16   2006.9

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  • Tracking of Human Activity by Using Spatial Memory in Intelligent Space

    新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2006   2P1-E17 - E17(1)"-"2P1-E17(2)"   2006.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The spatial memory regards three-dimensional space as mass storage of computers, i.e. three-dimensional point is treated as an address of stored digital data such as various documents, images and commands for machines. Consequently, we can access stored digital data by indicating a point using our own arms, which we named "human indicator". In this paper, the improved spatial memory system and a design of the spatial memory arrangement are shown. Usage history of the spatial memory is equivalent to part of human activity. Moreover, tracking of the activity can be utilized for extraction of spatial meaning which people implicitly suppose.

    CiNii Books



  • Spatial Memory: an Aid System for Utilizing Knowledge in Intelliget Space

    新妻実保子, 橋本洋志, 橋本秀紀

    計測自動制御学会論文集   42 ( 4 )   367 - 375   2006.4

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  • 空間メモリの使用履歴に基づく人間活動分類の一考察

    第7回SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集,計測自動制御学会   2006

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  • Psychological evaluation of frisky robot motion

    Hiroshi Hashimoto, Daisuke Takeda, Yasuhiro Ohyama, Chiharu Ishii, Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto

    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems   126 ( 1 )   83 - 90   2006

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    Language:English   Publisher:Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan  

    This paper describes the emotional evaluation of a frisky robot that weaves around its human owner
    the evaluation is based on the SD (Semantic Differential) method and the RRV(R-R wave variance) method using electrocardiograms (ECG) as the biosignal source. The SD method is effective to measure emotion, and the RRV method is suitable for investigating the physiological state from the heartbeat. The SD method shows that humans show a significant response only when the robot weaves, not when it simply shadows the human. Furthermore, we revealed that these methods are correlated which suggests that the RB.V method supports real time evaluation.

    DOI: 10.1541/ieejeiss.126.83




  • 座談会「機械と人との在り方とは何か」空間知能化とロボティクスの視点から

    新妻実保子, 他橋本研究室メンバー

    Mobile Society Review 未来心理   4   52 - 57   2005.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)   Publisher:(株)NTTドコモモバイル社会研究所  


  • Integration of Real Space and Digital Information by Using Spatial Memory

    新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   23rd   2B25   2005.9

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  • System Design of Intelligent Environment using RT-Middleware

    安藤慶昭, 新妻実保子, 都島良久, 橋本秀紀

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   23rd   2B22   2005.9

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  • ネットワークロボット 空間知能化―インテリジェント・スペース

    橋本秀紀, 新妻実保子, 佐々木毅

    日本ロボット学会誌   23 ( 6 )   674 - 677   2005.9

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  • Intelligent Space

    HASHIMOTO Hideki, NIITSUMA Mihoko, SASAKI Takeshi

    Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan   23 ( 6 )   674 - 677   2005.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Robotics Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.23.674

    CiNii Books


  • 空間メモリによる知的作業の支援 -机上作業での評価-

    第6回 SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2005)講演論文集,計測自動制御学会   2005

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  • 空間メモリ整理のためのSpatial-Knowledge-Tagの視覚化

    第6回 SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2005)講演論文集,計測自動制御学会   2005

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  • 散歩サポートロボットの追従動作における一考察

    斎藤将人, 竹田大祐, 新妻実保子, 橋本洋志

    電気学会産業応用部門大会講演論文集   2004 ( 2 )   64 - 67   2004.9

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  • Space Human Interface Using Body in Intelligent Space.

    新妻実保子, 橋本洋志, 橋本秀紀, 渡辺朗子

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2004   2P1-L1-37 - 144   2004.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    CiNii Books



  • 人間の活動支援のための四足歩行ロボットを用いた遠隔移動モニタリングシステム

    第5回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会講演論文集,計測自動制御学会   2004

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  • 歩行ガイドロボットにおける力覚による環境情報提示システム

    第5回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集,計測自動制御学会   2004

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  • An Architecture of Spatial-Knowledge-Tags to Access Memory of Human Activity


    平成16年度電気学会産業応用部門大会講演論文集,電気学会   2004

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  • Space Human Interface Using Body in Intelligent Space

    Niitsuma M, Hashimoto H, Hashimoto H, Watanabe A

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2004 ( 0 )   143 - 144   2004

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    CiNii Books


  • 空間メモリを用いた高度活動支援技術

    第5回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会講演論文集,計測自動制御学会   2004

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  • A Model of Human Walking Behavior Based on Servo System

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Yukio kimura, Shintaro Ishijima

    IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications   123 ( 1 )   1 - 8   2003.9

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    This paper proposes a movement model of a human walking behavior in order to investigate walking behavior of crowd human. This model contains functions of the collision avoidance and the trajectory decision of cach humar. taking one's own inertia into account. The trajectory decisition is realized aw a servo system. Collision avoidauoe is attained by quasi Coulomb force generated among humans and also between a human and a wall. Simulation results that humans simultaneously advance to the destination are shown. © 2003, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1541/ieejias.123.1




  • 電気自動車のヒューマンフレンドリィな操作 ジョイスティックの操作量のマッピング

    須藤由江, 新妻実保子, 橋本洋志

    電気学会産業応用部門大会講演論文集   2002 ( 2 )   1140   2002.8

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  • A Walking Behavior of Crowd in Narrow Passageway

    Niitsuma Mihoko, Hashimoto Hiroshi, Kimura Yukio, Ishijima Shintaro

    SICE Division Conference Program and Abstracts   2002 ( 0 )   545 - 545   2002

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    Publisher:The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers  

    This paper reports a walking behavior of crowd in a narrow passageway using the walking model based on the servo system. To measure the crowd density, the passageway is divided into the unit region and the number of humans in each region is examined. Through simulations that crowd advances to one exit in the straight passageway, the crowd density in each unit region is shown in two cases of the total number of humans, 500 and 1500.


  • Movement model of crowd robots based on human collision avoidance

    M Niitsuma, H Hashimoto, Y Kimura, S Ishijima


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    Language:English   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper proposes a movement model of crowd mobile robots in order to investigate movement behavior of crowd robots. This model contains functions of the collision avoidance and the trajectory decision of each robot taking one&apos;s own inertia into account. The trajectory decision is realized as a servo system. Collision avoidance is attained by quasi Coulomb force generated among robots and also between a robot and a wall. It is shown that simulation results of crowd robots progressing to one exit in two cases of passageway configurations, straight and a right angle.

    DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2002.1185513

    Web of Science



  • Crowd Behavior Model Based on GA.

    岩波陽平, 新妻実保子, 橋本洋志

    自動制御連合講演会前刷   44th   332 - 335   2001.11

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  • サーボ系に基づく群衆行動モデル

    新妻実保子, 橋本洋志, 木村幸男, 須藤由江, 石島辰太郎

    電気学会産業応用部門大会講演論文集   2001 ( 1 )   459 - 462   2001.8

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  • 回避行動を取り入れた歩行行動のモデリング

    新妻実保子, 橋本洋志, 木村幸男, 石島辰太郎

    第40回計測自動制御学会学術講演会予稿集,計測自動制御学会   2001

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • セラミックスフィンガーチップを有する超音波モータを用いたリニアステージ制御

    第40回計測自動制御学会学術講演会予稿集,計測自動制御学会   2001

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▼display all


  • Towards Human Assistive Robotics for Aiding Human Activity Invited

    21st IFAC World Congress  2020.7 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 空間知能化と人・ロボットコミュニケーションへの応用 Invited


    第64回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会 講演論文予稿集  2020.5 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • Ethologically inspired robot behavior in social environment Invited International conference

    Mihoko NIITSUMA

    12th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, Plenary speaker  2018.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)  


  • 平均律を用いて離散化した音高差表現による壁面形状の提示

    羽鳥智也, 新妻実保子

    第16回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会  2015.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 人共存環境における人の活動履歴を考慮した自律移動ロボットの動作計画

    水野 正隆, 新妻実保子

    第33回日本ロボット学会学術講演会  2015.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 自律移動型電動車いすの動的障害物回避と心理的影響のの評価

    澤田康之, 新妻実保子

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015  2015.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 犬の動物行動学に基づく人とロボットのコミュニケーションにおけるインタラクションの履歴を反映した行動特性モデルの提案

    金井穂香, 新妻実保子

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015  2015.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 産業用ロボットの遠隔操作支援における振動刺激の有用性の検証

    秦野峻, 新妻実保子

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015  2015.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 協調型知的電動車いすナビゲーションのための人の行動履歴に基づいた効果的な目的地決定

    瀧本敦朗, 新妻実保子

    電気学会発表会 産業応用部門 次世代産業システム発表会  2015.2 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 聴覚刺激を用いた感覚の代替による壁面形状の提示

    渡部隆之, 新妻実保子

    第15回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会  2014.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 人共存環境における自律移動ロボットのた めの空間の使用履歴に基づくMulti- resolution mapの提案

    古山敏也, 新妻実保子

    第32回日本ロボット学会学術講演会  2014.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 衝突可能性に基づき人の活動領域を考慮し た 人共存環境における自律移動ロボットの 動作計画

    水野正隆, 新妻実保子

    第32回日本ロボット学会学術講演会  2014.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 道案内ロボットのための自律的な目的地設定 ―人の活動領域を表す環境地図および歩行経路を用いた人の歩行状態の区別―

    上野山直貴, 新妻実保子

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2014  2014.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • コサイン類似度を用いた人の姿勢の時系列データに基づく動作認識

    柴田佳幸, 新妻実保子

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2014,  2014.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 触覚刺激を用いた前腕部へのファントムセンセーションの実現

    鈴木啓太, 新妻実保子

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2014  2014.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Demonstration of An Assistance Tool for Visually Impaired People Using A Relative Pitch Difference and Angular Information

    Takayuki Watabe, Mihoko Niitsuma

    4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications  2013.12 

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  • Vibrotactile Glove for Producing Tactile Sensations

    Yuichi Muramatsu, Trygve Thomessen, Mihoko Niitsuma

    4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications  2013.12 

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  • Phantom Sensation on Forearm Using Vibrotactile Interface

    Keita Suzuki, Yuichi Muramatsu, Trygve Thomessen, Mihoko Niitsuma

    4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications  2013.12 

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  • 行動特性を考慮した犬の愛着行動の人・ロボットコミュニケーションへの適用

    沼宮内隆一, 新妻実保子

    第14回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会  2013.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 人の活動領域を考慮した自律移動ロボットの障害物回避 -人間共存環境におけるGlobal Dynamic Window Approachの適用-

    水野正隆, 新妻実保子

    第14回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会  2013.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 手綱型入力装置による協調型知的電動車いす

    坂巻草太, 新妻実保子

    第14回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会  2013.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 人の活動領域に基づくウインドウ設計によるDynamic Window Approachを用いた自律移動ロボットの障害物回避

    水野正隆, 新妻実保子

    第31回日本ロボット学会学術講演会  2013.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 犬の行動学に基づくロボットの社会的コミュニケーションモデル

    新妻実保子, 沼宮内隆一, 小野寺明

    第57回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会  2013.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 日常環境における動的物体を反映した自律移動ロボットのための環境地図構築

    廣井翔, 新妻実保子

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013  2013.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 簡便な方向指示に基づく知的電動車いすナビゲーション ―人の活動領域を考慮した目的地推定―

    瀧本敦朗, 新妻実保子

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013  2013.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 行動特性を導入した動物行動学に基づく人‐ロボットコミュニケーションの見守り支援システムへの適用

    小野寺明, 新妻実保子

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013  2013.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 犬の動物行動学に基づくロボットの振る舞いによる情報伝達"

    市川 拓也, 新妻 実保子

    第13回公益社団法人計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集  2012.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • サイン波を用いた視覚障がい者のためのメンタルマップ形成支援ツール

    塩崎 寛, 新妻 実保子

    第13回公益社団法人計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集  2012.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 空間メモリを利用した作業内容や環境の変化を考慮した作業支援システムの提案

    白石 歩, 新妻 実保子

    第13回公益社団法人計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集  2012.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 手の傾きによる方向指示と自律移動機能の協調による知的電動車いすの操作

    坂巻 草太, 新妻 実保子

    第13回公益社団法人計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集  2012.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 動物行動学に基づく人とロボットのコミュニケーション


    日本ロボット学会第30回記念学術講演会/日本ロボット学会  2012.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • シート型振動触覚インタフェースを用いた知的電動車いす搭乗者への観光情報提示

    松木健治, 新妻実保子

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012/日本機械学会  2012.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • グローブ型振動触覚インタフェースの提案と振動刺激設計における一考察

    村松雄一, 新妻実保子

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012/日本機械学会  2012.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 周辺環境情報の知覚制度の向上を目指したシート型触覚インターフェース提案

    岩本幸輝, 新妻実保子

    第10回人間情報学会/人間情報学会  2012.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 手綱型入力インタフェースによる電動車いす操作

    坂巻草太, 新妻実保子

    第10回人間情報学会/人間情報学会  2012.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 簡便な方向指示と自律移動機能の協調による電動車いすの操作手法の提案

    越智照通, 新妻実保子

    第12回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会/計測自動制御学会  2011.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 動物行動学に基づく人とロボットのコミュニケーションの見守り支援システムへの応用

    市川拓也, 別府航, S. Kovács, P. Korondi, 橋本秀紀, 新妻実保子

    平成23年元気学会産業応用部門大会/電気学会  2011.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 可動物体を反映した環境地図とその経路計画への応用

    廣井翔, 越智照通, 和田康介, 新妻実保子

    第29回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会  2011.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Human – Robot Communication in Intelligent Space Invited International conference

    Mihoko Niitsuma

    3rd SIS2011, Plenary speaker  2011.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)  


  • Human-Robot Communication for Monitoring Application in Intelligent Space Invited

    Mihoko Niitsuma

    Budapest University of Technology and economics  2011 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • Ethologically inspired human –robotic systems interaction in Intelligent Space Invited

    Mihoko Niitsuma

    Ajou University  2011 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • サービス提供型空間知能化技術の研究事例紹介

    新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    平成22年電気学会専業応用部門大会/電気学会  2010.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 知能化空間における音高情報を用いたサウンドヒューマンインタフェース

    佐々木毅, 新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2010/日本機械学会  2010.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Ethological inspired human – robotic systems interaction in Intelligent Space Invited

    Mihoko Niitsuma

    Computer and Automation Research Institute , Hungarian Academy of Sciences  2010 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • Introduction of Our Activities toward Cognitive Info-Communication Invited International conference

    Mihoko Niitsuma

    Int. Workshop on Cognitive Infocommunications  2010 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 空間知能化と空間知能化における人とロポットコミュニケーション Invited


    日本ロボット学会ヒューロビント研究専門委員会研究交流会  2010 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • A Representation of Object Infomation Based on Interaction between Humans and Object in Intelligent Space

    Hideki Hashimoto

    The 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robotics and Ambient Intelligence(URAI2009)  2009.10 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Observation of Human-Object Interaction Using Distributed Sensors

    Kazuki Yokoi, Hideki Hashimoto

    the 9th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control(Syroco'09)  2009.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Improvement of Human-object Observation System

    Kazuki Yokoi, Hideki Hashimoto

    ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009(ICCAS-SICE2009)  2009.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Describing Human-Object Interaction in Intellijent Space

    Kaziki Yokoi, Hideki Hashimoto

    the 2nd International Conference on Human System Interaction  2009.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Spatial Memory in Intelligent Space Invited

    Mihoko Niitsuma


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    Language:English   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 空間知のためのモノ情報を考慮した人の活動内容の記述

    新妻 実保子, 橋本 秀紀

    第9回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2008),計測自動制御学会  2008.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 知能化空間における物と物の関係の抽出

    横井 一樹, 新妻 実保子, 佐々木 毅, 橋本 秀紀

    第9回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2008),計測自動制御学会  2008.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 知能化空間における人と物を観測するシステムの改良

    新妻 実保子, 横井 一樹, 橋本 秀紀

    第26回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集,日本ロボット学会  2008.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Spatial Memory in Intelligent Space

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto

    Proc. of the 2008 Korea-Japan Joint Workshop  2008.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Extraction of Human-Object Relations in Intelligent Space

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Kouhei Kawaji, Kazuki Yokoi, Hideki Hashimoto

    Proc. of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication  2008.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Localization of Human Hand by Using Inertial Sensors

    Kazuki Yokoi, Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto

    Proc. of The SICE Annual Conference 2008  2008.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Enhancement of Spatial Memory Using Human-Object Relations

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Takeshi Sasaki, Hideki Hashimoto

    Proc. of The SICE Annual Conference 2008  2008.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Observation System of Human-Object Relations in Intelligent Space

    Kouhei Kawaji, Kazuki Yokoi, Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto

    6th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics(INDIN 2008)  2008.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 知能化空間における人と物の関係を観測するシステムの構築

    川路浩平, 新妻実保子, 横井一樹, 橋本秀紀

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008,日本機械学会  2008.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 空間メモリを用いた簡便な3次元モデル生成―慣性センサを用いた手の位置推定―

    横井一樹, 川路浩平, 新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008,日本機械学会  2008.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Intelligent Space Simulator for Evaluation of Sensor Arrangements -Modeling of Sensors and Building of Environment by using Computer Graphics

    Shaohua ZHENG, Takeshi SASAKI, Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki HASHIMOTO

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008,日本機械学会  2008.6 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Observation of Multiple Objects Based on Human-Object Interaction in Intelligent Space

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Kouhei Kawaji, Hideki Hashimoto

    Proceedings of the 2008 Conference of Human System Interaction(HSI'08)/IEEE  2008.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 知能化空間における人と物の相互作用に基づく物の位置検出

    川路浩平, 新妻実保子, 佐々木毅, 橋本秀紀

    第8回SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集,計測自動制御学会  2007.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 空間知能化における利用者によるサービスの実装にむけて -空間メモリを用いた実装手法の提案-

    新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    第25回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集,日本ロボット学会  2007.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 物のプロパティの記述のための加速度に基づく人間の動作の分類

    川路浩平, 新妻実保子, 小坂明生, 橋本秀紀

    第25回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集,日本ロボット学会  2007.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • RTミドルウェアによる情報提示システムの構成 -空間知能化システムの統合への試み-

    都島良久, 新妻実保子, 安藤慶昭, 橋本秀紀

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2007,日本機械学会  2007.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 知能化空間における人と物の物理的インタラクションに基づく物のプロパティの獲得 -人の操作中の物の特定-

    川路浩平, 新妻実保子, 小坂明生, 橋本秀紀

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2007,日本機械学会  2007.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ~情報化に抗う身体性について~ メディア・工学・哲学の横断、環境の設計 -身体の欠如に抗う-

    新妻実保子, ドミニク・チェン, 高橋透

    未来心理研究会「SIG-CYB.ORG 」NTTドコモモバイル社会研究所  2007.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 空間メモリの使用履歴に基づく人間活動分類の一考察

    新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    第7回SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集,計測自動制御学会  2006.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Spatial Memory: An Aid System for Human Activity in Intelligent Space

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto

    Proc. of SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006/SICE  2006.10 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • RT Componentを用いた情報提示システムの構成

    都島良久, 新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    第24回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集,日本ロボット学会  2006.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 環境の設計 -身体の欠如に抗う- Invited


    未来心理研究会「SIG-CYB.ORG 」~情報化に抗う身体性について~ メディア・工学・哲学の横断、環境の設計 -身体の欠如に抗う-  2006.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 知能化空間における空間メモリを用いた人間の活動履歴の抽出

    新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2006,日本機械学会  2006.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 空間と人の融合~ユビキタスの再定義 Invited

    新妻実保子, 高汐一紀

    モバイル社会シンポジウム2006,(株)NTTドコモモバイル社会研究所  2006 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 空間メモリによる知的作業の支援 -机上作業での評価-

    新妻実保子, 橋本洋志, 橋本秀紀

    第6回 SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2005)講演論文集,計測自動制御学会  2005.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 空間メモリ整理のためのSpatial-Knowledge-Tagの視覚化

    安部忍, 新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀, 橋本洋志

    第6回 SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2005)講演論文集,計測自動制御学会  2005.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 空間知能化における空間メモリを用いた実世界と電子情報の統合

    新妻実保子, 橋 秀紀

    第23回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集,日本ロボット学会  2005.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • RT ミドルウエアによる知能化空間のシステムデザイン

    安藤慶昭, 新妻実保子, 都島良久, 橋本秀紀

    第23回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集,日本ロボット学会  2005.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 空間メモリを用いた高度活動支援技術

    新妻実保子, 常山悌, 橋本洋志, 橋本秀紀, 渡邊朗子

    第5回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会講演論文集,計測自動制御学会  2004.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 人間の活動支援のための四足歩行ロボットを用いた遠隔移動モニタリングシステム

    新妻実保子, 牛山美鈴, 橋本洋志, 石井千春

    第5回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会講演論文集,計測自動制御学会  2004.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 歩行ガイドロボットにおける力覚による環境情報提示システム

    齊藤将人, 竹田大祐, 新妻実保子, 橋本洋志

    第5回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集,計測自動制御学会  2004.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • An Architecture of Spatial-Knowledge-Tags to Access Memory of Human Activity

    新妻実保子, 橋本洋志, 橋本秀紀, 渡邊朗子

    平成16年度電気学会産業応用部門大会講演論文集,電気学会  2004.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 散歩サポートロボットの追従動作における一考察

    齋藤将人, 竹田大祐, 新妻実保子, 橋本洋志

    平成16年度電気学会産業応用部門大会講演論文集,電気学会  2004.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 空間知能化における身体を用いた空間ヒューマンインタフェース

    新妻実保子, 橋本洋志, 橋本秀紀, 渡邊朗子

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会’04,日本機械学会  2004.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 狭い通路における群集の様相

    新妻実保子, 橋本洋志, 木村幸男, 石島辰太郎

    第3回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会講演論文集,計測自動制御学会  2002.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Movement Model of Crowd Robots with Collision Avoidance

    M. Niitsuma, H. Hashimoto, Y. Kimura, S. Ishijima

    Proc. of the Second Japan-China Int. Workshop on Internet Technology and Control Applications (ITCA2002)/Japan-China Int.Workshop on Internet Technology and Control Applications  2002.10 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 電気自動車のヒューマンフレンドリィな操作~ジョイスティックの操作量のマッピング~

    須藤由江, 新妻実保子, 橋本洋志

    平成14年度電気学会産業応用部門大会講演論文集,電気学会  2002.8 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • GAを用いた群集行動モデル

    岩波陽平, 新妻実保子, 橋本洋志

    第44回自動制御連合講演会前刷,日本機械学会  2001.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • サーボ系に基づく歩行行動モデル

    新妻実保子, 須藤由江, 橋本洋志, 木村幸男, 石島辰太郎

    平成13年電気学会産業応用部門大会講演論文集,電気学会  2001.8 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 回避行動を取り入れた歩行行動のモデリング

    新妻実保子, 橋本洋志, 木村幸男, 石島辰太郎

    第40回計測自動制御学会学術講演会予稿集,計測自動制御学会  2001.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • セラミックスフィンガーチップを有する超音波モータを用いたリニアステージ制御

    橋本洋志, 中川伸也, 新妻実保子, 柴武稔

    第40回計測自動制御学会学術講演会予稿集,計測自動制御学会  2001.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


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  • 人と共感するロボットとのソーシャルタッチによるロボットへの親密さ向上への影響

    新妻 実保子

    2016 -  

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  • 3次元立体視と実スケール身体動作を用いたバーチャルペットによるアニマルセラピー

    新妻 実保子

    2015 -  

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  • 空間知能化に基づく安心安全で高い生産性を実現する人と産業用ロボットの協働作業の実現とその評価

    新妻 実保子

    2014 -  

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  • 振動触覚刺激のヒューマンインタフェースへの応用

    新妻 実保子

    2010 -  

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  • 相対的な音高差による聴覚刺激を用いた視覚障がい者のための心的環境地図構築支援

    新妻 実保子

    2010 -  

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  • 動物行動学(犬の愛着行動)に基づく人とロボットのコミュニケーション

    新妻 実保子

    2009 -  

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  • 人と協調する自律移動型知的電動車いす

    新妻 実保子

    2009 -  

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  • 空間知能化による空間内の人の活動観測と理解

    新妻 実保子

    2004 -  

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  • 空間メモリ:知識活用を支援する空間知能化

    新妻 実保子

    2004 -  

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▼display all


  • Best Late Breaking Report Award

    2015.3   10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI2015)   Leading a Person Using Ethologically Inspired Autonomous Robot Behavior

    Soh Takahashi, Gacsi Marta, Peter Korondi, Hideki Hashimoto, Mihoko Niitsuma

  • Best Late Breaking Report Award

    2015.3   10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction   Leading a Person Using Ethologically Inspired Autonomous Robot Behavior

    Soh Takahashi, Gacsi Marta, Peter Korondi, Hideki Hashimoto, Mihoko Niitsuma

  • ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013 ベストプレゼンテーション表彰

    2014.5   日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門   日常環境における動的物体を反映した自律移動ロボットのための環境地図構築


  • ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013 ベストプレゼンテーション表彰

    2014   ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013  


  • 日本機械学会奨励賞(研究)

    2013.4   日本機械学会   空間知能化のためのヒューマンインタフェース「空間メモリ」の提案と応用


  • Best Poster Award

    2012.6   Ninth International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS2012)   Building a Map including Moving Objects for Mobile Robot Navigation

    Syo Hiroi, Mihoko Niitsuma

  • Best Poster Award

    2012.6   INSS2012   Building a Map including Moving Objects for Mobile Robot Navigation in Living Environments

    Syo Hiroi, Mihoko Niitsuma

  • Best Paper Award

    2011.11   CogInfoCom2011   Extended User Interface for Improving Usability of Spatial Memory

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Ayumu Shiraishi, Hiromu Kobayashi

  • Best Paper Award in the area of Etho-Communication in Intelligent Space

    2011.5   HSI2011   Design of Interaction for Simply Operating Smart Electric Wheelchair in Intelligent Space

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Terumichi Ochi, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Hideki Hashimoto

  • Best Paper Award in the area of Network Sensor and Human Monitoring

    2011.5   HSI2011   An Approach for Extraction of Human Walking Path in Intelligent Space

    Hiromu Kobayashi, Hideki Hashimoto, Mihoko Niitsuma

  • Best Presentation Award

    2011.5   HSI2011   An Approach for Extraction of Human Walking Path in Intelligent Space

    Hiromu Kobayashi, Hideki Hashimoto, Mihoko Niitsuma

  • Best Paper Award

    2011   International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications 2011   Extended User Interface for Improving Usability of Spatial Memory

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Ayumu Shiraishi, Hiromu Kobayashi

  • Best Presentation Award

    2011   International Conference of Human System Interaction 2011   An Approach for Extraction of Human Walking Path in Intelligent Space

    Hiromu Kobayashi, Hideki Hashimoto, Mihoko Niitsuma

  • Best Paper Award in the area of Network Sensor and Human Monitoring

    2011   International Conference of Human System Interaction 2011   An Approach for Extraction of Human Walking Path in Intelligent Space

    Hiromu Kobayashi, Hideki Hashimoto, Mihoko Niitsuma

  • Best Paper Award in the area of Etho-Communication in Intelligent Space

    2011   International Conference of Human System Interaction 2011   Design of Interaction for Simply Operating Smart Electric Wheelchair in Intelligent Space

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Terumichi Ochi, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Hideki Hashimoto

  • Best Paper Award

    2010   MHS2010   Interaction between a User and a Smart Electric Wheelchair in Intelligent Space

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Terumichi Ochi, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Hideki Hashimoto

  • 2008年度計測自動制御学会論文賞

    2008.7   (社)計測自動制御学会   論文「空間メモリ:知識活用を支援する空間知能化」

    新妻実保子, 橋本洋志, 橋本秀紀

  • The Best Paper Award

    2008.5   2008 Conference of Human System Interaction(HIS'08)   "論文quot;Observation of Multiple Objects Based on Human-Object Interaction in Intelligent Space""""に対して"

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto

  • The Best Paper Award

    2008   2008 Conference of Human System Interaction   Observation of Multiple Objects Based on Human-Object Interaction in Intelligent Space

    Mihoko Niitsuma, Hideki Hashimoto

  • 2008年度計測自動制御学会論文賞

    2008   計測自動制御学会   空間メモリ:知識活用を支援する空間知能化

    新妻実保子, 橋本洋志, 橋本秀紀

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Chapter Young Award

    2007   IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Chapter   Extraction of Space-Human Activity Association for Design of Intelligent Environment

    Mihoko Niitsuma

  • SI2006優秀講演賞

    2006.12   (社)計測自動制御学会   「空間メモリの使用履歴に基づく人間活動分類の一考察」に対して

    新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

  • SI2006優秀講演賞

    2006   計測自動制御学会 SI2006   空間メモリの使用履歴に基づく人間活動分類の一考察

    新妻実保子, 橋本秀紀

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Research Projects

  • 生活空間における高齢者支援のためのソーシャルロボットによる行動誘導手法の確立

    Grant number:22K12948  2022.4 - 2025.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)  中央大学

    新妻 実保子, 戸井 武司, 森田 和元

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    Grant amount: \4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost: \960000 )


  • 親子相互交流療法を活用した親子のウェルビーイング実現技術

    2022 - 2024

    科学技術振興機構  戦略的な研究開発の推進 未来社会創造事業 探索加速型  中央大学

    新妻 実保子

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    生涯に渡ってコミュニケーションをサポートする知能の実現にむけ、最も重要かつ繊細な親子間コミュニケーションのサポートを取り上げる。科学的にその効果が確認されている親子相互交流療(訓練)法(PCIT: Parent-Child Interaction Therapy/Training)を参考に、親子間のコミュニケーションにロボットやAIエージェント(以下、AIロボット)を導入する。導入によるコミュニケーションの変化に着目し、AIロボットの効果を明らかにする。具体的には以下の課題に取り組む。項目1: 親子関係におけるAIロボットの役割探索、項目2: 主観的/客観的メンタル状態の推定、及び個人最適化探索、項目3: AIロボットによる自律的介入にむけた探索、項目4: コミュニケーション支援エージェントの法制度・行政制度における探索



  • 自動的な知識の抽出に基づく動物行動学に基づくソーシャルロボットの行動モデルの獲得

    Grant number:19F19380  2019.11 - 2022.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  特別研究員奨励費  中央大学

    新妻 実保子, VINCZE DAVID

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    Grant amount: \2100000 ( Direct Cost: \2100000 )

    In this period the possibility of using multiple agents in the Fuzzy Rule Interpolation-based Reinforcement Learning (FRI-RL) and running them distributed in parallel was investigated. As the FRI-RL knowledge extraction method is inherently sequential, some sub-results can be different in the parallel version, but still providing a sufficient solution. This way the knowledge extraction can be performed much faster, therefore using the method on problems with a high dimension count becomes practical. Also, a possible bridging interface between the behaviour simulation model (Strange Situation Test (SST) realized with an FRI-based fuzzy automaton) and real physical robots have been partly designed and implemented. Experimenting with real physical robots is underway. Furthermore a suitable indoor localization system was constructed and adapted to the needs of the planned Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) scenario. This system is able to easily calibrate the indoor localization system’s virtual coordinate system to the real-world physical coordinate system, which makes our planned HRI experiments possible with real humans and mobile robots. A customized robot behaviour engine and a motion control system was developed to support the proposed artificial Strange Situation Test experiments.


  • 人と産業用ロボットの協働作業の実現とその相互作用の評価に向けた基礎研究

    2019 - 2021

    中央大学  中央大学共同研究プロジェクト 

    新妻 実保子

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • 空間知能化による人と産業用ロボットの協働作業の実現とその評価

    2018.4 - 2019.3



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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 生活空間におけるロボットの愛着行動とロボットの長期受容を可能にする方法論の確立

    2015 - 2018

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費 基盤研究(C) 

    新妻 実保子

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • 生活空間におけるロボットの愛着行動とロボットの長期受容を可能にする方法論の確立

    2015.4 -  

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金(日本学術振興会・文部科学省)-基盤研究(C) 


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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 犬の行動学に基づく人とロボットの長期的かつ持続的なコミュニケーションの設計

    2012.4 - 2015.3

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金(日本学術振興会・文部科学省)-若手研究(B) 


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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 犬の行動学に基づく人とロボットの長期的かつ持続的なコミュニケーションの設計

    2012 - 2014

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費 若手研究(B) 

    新妻 実保子

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • 空間知能化のための空間内の事象の観測と記述に基づく人の活動内容の分類

    2010 - 2011

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費 若手研究(B) 

    新妻 実保子

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • 人と知能化空間のインタラクションとその観測に基づくサービス設計法の導出

    Grant number:07J04846  2007 - 2009

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  特別研究員奨励費  東京大学

    新妻 実保子

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    Grant amount: \1800000 ( Direct Cost: \1800000 )



  • Spatial memory

    2004 -  

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    Grant type:Competitive


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Intellectual property rights

  • 解析システム及び解析方法

    西尾 拓海

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    Application no:特願2021-175955  Date applied:2021.10.27

    Announcement no:特開2023-065252  Date announced:2023.5.12

    Applicant (Organization):学校法人中央大学

  • 解析システム及び解析方法

    西尾 拓海

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    Application no:特願2020-038043  Date applied:2020.3.5

    Announcement no:特開2021-139764  Date announced:2021.9.16

    Applicant (Organization):学校法人中央大学

Teaching Experience

  • ヒューマン・インタフェース特論I, II

  • メカトロニクス2

  • アクチュエータ工学

  • 制御工学II

  • 電子回路

  • 電気工学

  • 制御工学演習

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Committee Memberships

  • 2024.4 - Now

    日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門 技術委員会   委員長  

  • 2023.8 - Now

    日本ロボット学会 子どものためのロボティクス研究専門委員会   委員長  

  • 2022.4 - Now

    (一社)日本ロボット工業会   ロボット産業ビジョン策定委員会 委員  

  • 2019.12 - Now

    運輸安全委員会   鉄道部会 非常勤委員  

  • 2019 - Now

    IEEE Industrial Electronics Society   Administrative Committee Voting Member  

  • 2018 - Now

    World Robot Summit   サービス競技 競技委員  

  • 2015 - Now


  • 2019 - 2020

    計測自動制御学会   理事(論文集担当)  

  • 2011 - 2019

    日本ロボット学会   ロボティクス空間知能化研究専門委員会 委員長  

  • 2015 - 2018

    IEEE   Medal for Environmental & Safety Technologies Committee 委員  

  • 2013 - 2018

    日本学術振興会   研究成果の社会還元・普及事業推進委員会 委員  

  • 2017 -  

    IEEE   Associate Editor,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics  

  • 2014 - 2016

    計測自動制御学会   システムインテグレーション部門 運営委員会 幹事  

  • 2009 - 2016

    電気学会   産業応用部門(D)次世代産業システム技術委員会(幹事)  

  • 2014 -  

    日本ロボット学会   査読委員  

  • 2014 -  

    日本機械学会   第92期 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門 運営委員  

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