Updated on 2024/08/02


Faculty of Science and Engineering Associate Professor
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Physics Course of Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Master's Program
Physics Course of Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Doctoral Program
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  • 博士(理学) ( 早稲田大学 )

  • 修士(理学) ( 早稲田大学 )


  • 2005.3

    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering   doctor course   completed

  • 2002.3

    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering   master course   completed

  • 2000.3

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering   graduated

  • 1996.3

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering   others

Research History

  • 2023.4 - 2024.3

    ETH Zurich   Institute for Theoretical Physics   Professor

  • 2012.9 - 2021.3

    東京理科大学総合研究機構 ナノカーボン研究部門 研究分担者

  • 2017.4 -  

    中央大学理工学部 准教授

  • 2014.4 - 2017.3

    Tohoku Institute of Technology   Center of General Education

  • 2010.4 - 2014.3

    東京理科大学理学部物理学科 助教

  • 2012.6 - 2012.9

    ETH Zurich   Institute for Theoretical Physics   visiting researcher

  • 2007.4 - 2010.3

    Keio University   Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Physics

  • 2009.9 -  

    慶應義塾大学自然科学研究教育センター 研究プロジェクト「物理学における渦・ソリトン・位相励起」共同研究員

  • 2005.10 - 2007.3

    トレント大学物理学科(イタリア) BEC-CNR-INFMポスドク研究員

  • 2005.4 - 2005.9

    The University of Tokyo   Institute of Industrial Science

▼display all

Professional Memberships

  • 日本物理学会

  • American Physical Society

Research Interests

  • 冷却原子気体

  • 量子シミュレーション

  • quantum information

  • quantum computation

  • superconductivity

  • optical lattice

Research Areas

  • Natural Science / Semiconductors, optical properties of condensed matter and atomic physics  / 冷却原子気体, 量子情報


  • Higgs and Nambu–Goldstone modes in condensed matter physics

    Naoto Tsuji, Ippei Danshita, Shunji Tsuchiya

    Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics   174 - 186   2024

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Part of collection (book)   Publisher:Elsevier  

    DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-323-90800-9.00256-0


  • Fidelity-estimation method for graph states with depolarizing noise

    Tomonori Tanizawa, Yuki Takeuchi, Shion Yamashika, Ryosuke Yoshii, Shunji Tsuchiya

    Physical Review Research   5 ( 4 )   2023.12

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Physical Society (APS)  

    DOI: 10.1103/physrevresearch.5.043260


    Other Link: http://harvest.aps.org/v2/journals/articles/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.043260/fulltext

  • Evolution of entanglement entropy in strongly correlated bosons in an optical lattice

    Shion Yamashika, Daichi Kagamihara, Ryosuke Yoshii, Shunji Tsuchiya

    Physical Review Research   5 ( 4 )   2023.11

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    Authorship:Last author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Physical Society (APS)  

    DOI: 10.1103/physrevresearch.5.043102


    Other Link: http://harvest.aps.org/v2/journals/articles/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.043102/fulltext

  • Rényi entanglement entropy after a quantum quench starting from insulating states in a free boson system Reviewed

    Daichi Kagamihara, Ryui Kaneko, Shion Yamashika, Kota Sugiyama, Ryosuke Yoshii, Shunji Tsuchiya, Ippei Danshita

    Physical Review A   107 ( 3 )   2023.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Physical Society (APS)  

    DOI: 10.1103/physreva.107.033305


    Other Link: http://harvest.aps.org/v2/journals/articles/10.1103/PhysRevA.107.033305/fulltext

  • Quasi-point versus point nodes in Sr2RuO4, the case of a flat tight binding γ sheet Reviewed

    Pedro L. Contreras E., D. Osorio, S. Tsuchiya

    Revista Mexicana de Física   68 ( 6 Nov-Dec )   2022.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Sociedad Mexicana de Fisica A C  

    We perform a numerical study of the unitary regime as a function of disorder concentration in the imaginary part of the elastic scattering cross-section for the compound Sr2RuO4 in the flat band non-disperse limit. By using a self-consistent tight binding (TB) method, we find a couple of families of Wigner probabilistic functions that help to explain macroscopically the distribution between Fermion dressed quasiparticles and Cooper pairs, and also the position of nodes in the order parameter for Sr2RuO4. Therefore, we are able to show that a TB model for the FS γ-sheet, numerically shows 4 point nodes in a flat γ sheet limit, or 4 quasi-point nodes for strong dispersion γ sheet limit in the reduced phase scattering space (RPS).

    DOI: 10.31349/revmexfis.68.060501


  • Josephson Oscillation and Self-Trapping in a Fermi Superfluid Gas across the BCS-BEC Crossover Reviewed

    Jun Tokimoto, Shunji Tsuchiya, Tetsuro Nikuni

    Journal of Low Temperature Physics   208 ( 5-6 )   372 - 378   2022.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1007/s10909-022-02794-w


    Other Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10909-022-02794-w/fulltext.html

  • Passive verification protocol for thermal graph states Reviewed

    Kazuki Akimoto, Ryosuke Yoshii, Yuki Takeuchi

    Physical Review A   106 ( 1 )   012405   2022.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Physical Society ({APS})  

    DOI: 10.1103/physreva.106.012405


    Other Link: http://harvest.aps.org/v2/journals/articles/10.1103/PhysRevA.106.012405/fulltext

  • Entanglement Propagation in Thermalization of an Isolated Quantum System Reviewed

    Ryosuke Yoshii, Shion Yamashika, Shunji Tsuchiya

    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan   91 ( 5 )   054601 - 054601   2022.5

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.7566/jpsj.91.054601


  • Stability of supercurrents in a superfluid phase of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice

    Shion Yamashika, Ryosuke Yoshii, Shunji Tsuchiya

    Physical Review A   103 ( 4 )   2021.4

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Physical Society (APS)  

    We study collective modes and superfluidity of spin-1 bosons with antiferromagnetic interactions in an optical lattice based on the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau (TDGL) equation derived from the spin-1 Bose-Hubbard model. Specifically, we examine the stability of supercurrents in the polar phase in the vicinity of the Mott insulating phase with even filling factors. Solving the linearized TDGL equation, we obtain gapless spin-nematic modes and gapful spin-wave modes in the polar phase that arise due to the breaking of S-2 symmetry in spin space. Supercurrents exhibit dynamical instabilities induced by growing collective modes. In contrast to the second-order phase transition, the critical momentum for mass currents is finite at the phase boundary of the first-order superfluid-Mott insulator (SF-MI) phase transition. Furthermore, the critical momentum remains finite throughout the metastable SF phase and approaches zero towards the phase boundary, at which the metastable SF state disappears. We also study the stability of spin currents motivated by recent experiments for spinor gases. The critical momentum for spin currents is found to be zero, where a spin-nematic mode causes the dynamical instability. We investigate the origin of the zero critical momentum for spin currents and find it attributed to the fact that the polar state becomes energetically unstable even in the presence of an infinitesimal spin current. We discuss implications of the zero critical momentum for spin currents for the stability of the polar state.

    DOI: 10.1103/physreva.103.043305

    Web of Science


    Other Link: http://harvest.aps.org/v2/journals/articles/10.1103/PhysRevA.103.043305/fulltext

  • Perfect transmission of Higgs modes via antibound states Reviewed

    Takeru Nakayama, Shunji Tsuchiya

    Physical Review A   100 ( 6 )   063612   2019.12

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Physical Society ({APS})  

    DOI: 10.1103/physreva.100.063612


  • Excitation of Higgs Mode in Superfluid Fermi Gas in BCS–BEC Crossover Reviewed

    J. Tokimoto, S. Tsuchiya, T. Nikuni

    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan   88   023601   2019.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Hidden charge-conjugation, parity, and time-reversal symmetries and massive Goldstone (Higgs) modes in superconductors

    S. Tsuchiya, D. Yamamoto, R. Yoshii, M. Nitta

    Physical Review B   98 ( 9 )   p.094503   2018.9

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Physical Society (APS)  

    DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.98.094503


    Other Link: https://link.aps.org/article/10.1103/PhysRevB.98.094503

  • Localized Higgs modes of superfluid Bose gases in optical lattices: A Gutzwiller mean-field study

    Ippei Danshita, Shunji Tsuchiya

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   96 ( 4 )   p.043606   2017.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We study effects of a potential barrier on collective modes of superfluid Bose gases in optical lattices. We assume that the barrier is created by local suppression of the hopping amplitude. When the system is in a close vicinity of the Mott transition at commensurate fillings, where an approximate particle-hole symmetry emerges, there exist bound states of Higgs amplitude mode that are localized around the barrier. By applying the Gutzwiller mean-field approximation to the Bose-Hubbard model, we analyze properties of normal modes of the system with a special focus on the Higgs bound states. We show that when the system moves away from the Mott transition point, the Higgs bound states turn into quasibound states due to inevitable breaking of the particle-hole symmetry. We use a stabilization method to compute the resonance energy and linewidth of the quasibound states. We compare the results obtained by the Gutzwiller approach with those by the Ginzburg-Landau theory. We find that the Higgs bound states survive even in a parameter region far from the Mott transition, where the Ginzburg-Landau theory fails.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.96.043606

    Web of Science


  • Higgs Mode in a Trapped Superfluid Fermi Gas

    J. Tokimoto, S. Tsuchiya, T. Nikuni

    Journal of Low Temperature Physics   187   765 - 770   2017.3

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  • Cooperon condensation and intravalley pairing states in honeycomb Dirac systems Reviewed

    Shunji Tsuchiya, Jun Goryo, Emiko Arahata, Manfred Sigrist

    PHYSICAL REVIEW B   94 ( 10 )   104508   2016.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    Motivated by recent developments in the experimental study of superconducting graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides, we investigate superconductivity of the Kane-Mele (KM) model with short-range attractive interactions on the two-dimensional honeycomb lattice. We show that intravalley spin-triplet pairing arises from nearest-neighbor (NN) attractive interaction and the intrinsic spin-orbit coupling. We demonstrate this in two independent approaches: We study superconducting instability driven by condensation of Cooperons, which are in-gap bound states of two conduction electrons, within the T-matrix approximation and also study the superconducting ground state within the mean-field theory. We find that Cooperons with antiparallel spins condense at the K and K' points. This leads to the emergence of an intravalley spin-triplet pairing state belonging to the irreducible representation A(1) of the point group C-6v. The fact that this pairing state has opposite chirality for K and K' identifies this state as a "helical" valley-triplet state, the valley analog to the He-3-B phase in two dimensions. Because of the finite center of mass momentum of Cooper pairs, the pair amplitude in NN bonds exhibits spatial modulation on the length scale of lattice constant, such that this pairing state may be viewed as a pair-density wave state. We find that the pair amplitude spontaneously breaks the translational symmetry and exhibits a p-Kekule pattern. We also discuss the selection rule for pairing states focusing the characteristic band structure of the KM model and the Berry phase effects to the emergence of the intravalley pairing state.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.104508

    Web of Science


  • Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov states in a superconducting ring with magnetic fields: Phase diagram and the first-order phase transitions

    Ryosuke Yoshii, Satoshi Takada, Shunji Tsuchiya, Giacomo Marmorini, Hisao Hayakawa, Muneto Nitta

    PHYSICAL REVIEW B   92 ( 22 )   2015.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We find the angular Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) states (or the twisted kink crystals) in which a phase and an amplitude of a pair potential modulate simultaneously in a quasi-one-dimensional superconducting ring with a static Zeeman magnetic field applied on the ring and static Aharonov-Bohm magnetic flux penetrating the ring. The superconducting ring with magnetic flux produces a persistent current, whereas the Zeeman split of Fermi energy results in the spatial modulation of the pair potential. We show that these two magnetic fields stabilize the FFLO phase in a large parameter region of the magnetic fields. We further draw the phase diagram with the two kinds of first-order phase transitions; one corresponds to phase slips separating the Aharonov-Bohm magnetic flux, and the other separates the number of peaks of the pair amplitude for the Zeeman magnetic field.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.224512

    Web of Science


  • Fano resonance through Higgs bound states in tunneling of Nambu-Goldstone modes

    Takeru Nakayama, Ippei Danshita, Tetsuro Nikuni, Shunji Tsuchiya

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   92 ( 4 )   2015.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We study collective modes of superfluid Bose gases in optical lattices combined with potential barriers. We assume that the system is in the vicinity of the quantum phase transition to a Mott insulator at a commensurate filling, where emergent particle-hole symmetry gives rise to two types of collective mode, namely a gapless Nambu-Goldstone (NG) phase mode and a gapful Higgs amplitude mode. We consider two kinds of potential barrier: One does not break the particle-hole symmetry while the other does. In the presence of the former barrier, we find Higgs bound states that have binding energies lower than the bulk Higgs gap and are localized around the barrier. We analyze tunneling properties of the NG mode incident to both barriers to show that the latter barrier couples the Higgs bound states with the NG mode, leading to Fano resonance mediated by the bound states. Thanks to the universality of the underlying field theory, it is expected that Higgs bound states may be present also in other condensed-matter systems with a particle-hole symmetry and spontaneous breaking of a continuous symmetry, such as quantum dimer antiferromagnets, superconductors, and charge-density-wave materials.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.92.043610

    Web of Science


  • Analytic Self-Consistent Condensates in Quasi-1D Superfluid Fermi Gases in the Andreev Approximation

    Giacomo Marmorini, Ryosuke Yoshii, Shunji Tsuchiya, Muneto Nitta

    JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS   175 ( 1-2 )   420 - 426   2014.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS  

    We present an analytic method to approach Eilenberger equation and the associated Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation for quasi-1D fermionic gases. The problem of finding self-consistent inhomogeneous condensates is reduced to solving a certain class of nonlinear Schrodinger equations, whose most general solitonic solution is indeed available. Previously known solutions can be retrieved by taking appropriate limits in the parameters. The applicability of the method extends to systems with population imbalance and subject to external potential. In particular we show that fermionic zero-modes are robust against population imbalance.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10909-013-0982-7

    Web of Science


  • Elementary Excitations of Antiferromagnetic Spin-1 Bosons in an Optical Lattice

    M. Shinozaki, S. Tsuchiya, S. Abe, T. Ozaki, T. Nikuni

    JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS   175 ( 1-2 )   236 - 242   2014.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS  

    We study elementary excitations of spin-1 bosons with antiferromagnetic interaction in an optical lattice by applying the Gutzwiller approximation to the spin-1 Bose-Hubbard model. There appear various excitations associated with spin degrees of freedom in the Mott-insulator (MI) phase as well as in the superfluid (SF) phase. In this system, the ground state in the MI phase is known to exhibit a remarkable effect of even-odd parity of particle filling, in which even fillings stabilize the MI state due to formation of spin-singlet pairs. We find that excitation spectra in the MI phase exhibit characteristic features that reflect the even-odd parity effect of the ground state. We clarify evolution of elementary excitations across the quantum critical point of the SF-MI transition.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10909-013-0960-0

    Web of Science


  • Low-dimensional pairing fluctuations and pseudogapped photoemission spectrum in a trapped two-dimensional Fermi gas

    Ryota Watanabe, Shunji Tsuchiya, Yoji Ohashi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   88 ( 1 )   2013.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We investigate strong-coupling properties of a trapped two-dimensional normal Fermi gas. Within the framework of a combined T-matrix theory with the local density approximation, we calculate the local density of states, as well as the photoemission spectrum, to see how two-dimensional pairing fluctuations affect these single-particle quantities. In the BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer)-BEC (Bose-Einstein condensation) crossover region, we show that the local density of states exhibits a dip structure in the trap center, which is more remarkable than the three-dimensional case. This pseudogap phenomenon is found to naturally lead to a double-peak structure in the photoemission spectrum. The peak-to-peak energy of the spectrum at p = 0 agrees well with a recent experiment on a two-dimensional K-40 Fermi gas [Feld et al., Nature 480, 75 (2011)]. Since pairing fluctuations are sensitive to the dimensionality of a system, our results would be useful for the study of many-body physics in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a two-dimensional Fermi gas.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.88.013637

    Web of Science


  • Higgs mode in a superfluid of Dirac fermions

    Shunji Tsuchiya, R. Ganesh, Tetsuro Nikuni

    PHYSICAL REVIEW B   88 ( 1 )   2013.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We study the Higgs amplitude mode in the s-wave superfluid state on the honeycomb lattice inspired by recent cold atom experiments. We consider the attractive Hubbard model and focus on the vicinity of a quantum phase transition between semimetal and superfluid phases. On either side of the transition, we find collective mode excitations that are stable against decay into quasiparticle pairs. In the semimetal phase, the collective modes have "Cooperon" and exciton character. These modes smoothly evolve across the quantum phase transition, and become the Anderson-Bogoliubov mode and the Higgs mode of the superfluid phase. The collective modes are accommodated within a window in the quasiparticle-pair continuum, which arises as a consequence of the linear Dirac dispersion on the honeycomb lattice, and allows for sharp collective excitations. Bragg scattering can be used to measure these excitations in cold atom experiments, providing a rare example wherein collective modes can be tracked across a quantum phase transition.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.014527

    Web of Science


  • Two-Dimensional Pseudogap Effects of an Ultracold Fermi Gas in the BCS-BEC Crossover Region

    R. Watanabe, S. Tsuchiya, Y. Ohashi

    JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS   171 ( 3-4 )   341 - 347   2013.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS  

    We investigate pseudogap phenomena originating from pairing fluctuations in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a two-dimensional Fermi gas in a harmonic trap. Including pairing fluctuations within a T-matrix theory and effects of a trap within the local density approximation, we calculate the local density of states (LDOS) at the superfluid phase transition temperature T (c). In the weak-coupling regime, we show that the pseudogap already appears in LDOS around the trap center. The spatial region where the pseudogap can be seen in LDOS becomes wider for a strong pairing interaction. We also discuss how the pseudogap affects the spectrum of the photoemission-type experiment developed by JILA group.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10909-012-0691-7

    Web of Science


  • Flow-Induced Charge Modulation in Superfluid Atomic Fermions Loaded into an Optical Kagome Lattice

    Daisuke Yamamoto, Chika Sato, Tetsuro Nikuni, Shunji Tsuchiya

    Physical Review Letters   110 ( 14 )   2013.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    We study the superfluid state of atomic fermions in a tunable optical kagome lattice motivated by recent experiments. We show that the imposed superflow induces spatial modulations in the density and order parameter of the pair condensate and leads to a charge modulated superfluid state analogous to a supersolid state. The spatial modulations in the superfluid emerge due to the geometric effect of the kagome lattice that introduces anisotropy in hopping amplitudes of fermion pairs in the presence of superflow. We also study superflow instabilities and find that the critical current limited by the dynamical instability is quite enhanced due to the large density of states associated with the flatband. The charge modulated superfluid state can sustain high temperatures close to the transition temperature that is also enhanced due to the flatband and is therefore realizable in experiments. © 2013 American Physical Society.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.145304



  • Fermionic solutions of chiral Gross-Neveu and Bogoliubov-de Gennes systems in nonlinear Schrodinger hierarchy

    Daisuke A. Takahashi, Shunji Tsuchiya, Ryosuke Yoshii, Muneto Nitta

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   718 ( 2 )   632 - 637   2012.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    The chiral Gross-Neveu model or equivalently the linearized Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation has been mapped to the nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) hierarchy in the Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur formalism by Correa, Dunne and Plyushchay. We derive the general expression for exact fermionic solutions for all gap functions in the arbitrary order of the NLS hierarchy. We also find that the energy spectrum of the n-th NLS hierarchy generally has n + 1 gaps. As an illustration, we present the self-consistent two-complex-kink solution with four real parameters and two fermion bound states. The two kinks can be placed at any position and have phase shifts. When the two kinks are well separated, the fermion bound states are localized around each kink in most parameter region. When two kinks with phase shifts close to each other are placed at distance as short as possible, the both fermion bound states have two peaks at the two kinks, i.e., the delocalization of the bound states occurs. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2012.10.058

    Web of Science


  • Coexistence of superfluid gap and pseudogap in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a trapped Fermi gas below T-c

    Ryota Watanabe, Shunji Tsuchiya, Yoji Ohashi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   86 ( 6 )   2012.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We investigate strong pairing fluctuations and effects of a harmonic trap in the superfluid phase of an ultracold Fermi gas. Including amplitude and phase fluctuations of the inhomogeneous superfluid order parameter Delta(r) in a trap within a combined T-matrix theory with the local density approximation, we examine local properties of single-particle excitations and a thermodynamic quantity in the BCS-BEC crossover region. Below the superfluid phase transition temperature T-c, we show that inhomogeneous pairing fluctuations lead to a shell structure of the gas cloud in which the spatial region where the ordinary BCS-type superfluid density of states appears surrounded by the region where the pseudogap associated with strong pairing fluctuations dominates single-particle excitations. The former spatial region enlarges to eventually cover the whole gas cloud far below T-c. We also examine how this shell structure affects the photoemission spectrum, as well as the local pressure. Since a cold Fermi gas is always trapped in a harmonic potential, our results would be useful for the study of strong-coupling superfluid physics, including this realistic situation.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.063603

    Web of Science


  • Superfluidity of Dirac fermions in a tunable honeycomb lattice: Cooper pairing, collective modes, and critical currents Reviewed

    Shunji Tsuchiya, R. Ganesh, Arun Paramekanti

    Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics   86 ( 3 )   2012.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Motivated by recent experiments on atomic Dirac fermions in a tunable honeycomb optical lattice, we study the attractive Hubbard model of superfluidity in the anisotropic honeycomb lattice. At weak coupling, we find that the maximum mean-field pairing transition temperature, as a function of density and interaction strength, occurs for the case with isotropic hopping amplitudes. In this isotropic case, we go beyond mean-field theory and study collective fluctuations, treating both pairing and density fluctuations for interaction strengths ranging from weak to strong coupling. We find evidence for a sharp sound mode, together with a well-defined Leggett mode over a wide region of the phase diagram. We also calculate the superfluid order parameter and collective modes in the presence of nonzero superfluid flow. The flow-induced softening of these collective modes leads to dynamical instabilities involving stripelike density modulations as well as a Leggett-mode instability associated with the natural sublattice symmetry-breaking charge-ordered state on the honeycomb lattice. The latter provides a nontrivial test for the experimental realization of the one-band Hubbard model. We delineate regimes of the phase diagram where the critical current is limited by depairing or by such collective instabilities, and discuss experimental implications of our results. © 2012 American Physical Society.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.033604



  • Superfluidity of Dirac fermions in a tunable honeycomb lattice: Cooper pairing, collective modes, and critical currents

    Shunji Tsuchiya, R. Ganesh, Arun Paramekanti

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   86 ( 3 )   2012.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    Motivated by recent experiments on atomic Dirac fermions in a tunable honeycomb optical lattice, we study the attractive Hubbard model of superfluidity in the anisotropic honeycomb lattice. At weak coupling, we find that the maximum mean-field pairing transition temperature, as a function of density and interaction strength, occurs for the case with isotropic hopping amplitudes. In this isotropic case, we go beyond mean-field theory and study collective fluctuations, treating both pairing and density fluctuations for interaction strengths ranging from weak to strong coupling. We find evidence for a sharp sound mode, together with a well-defined Leggett mode over a wide region of the phase diagram. We also calculate the superfluid order parameter and collective modes in the presence of nonzero superfluid flow. The flow-induced softening of these collective modes leads to dynamical instabilities involving stripelike density modulations as well as a Leggett-mode instability associated with the natural sublattice symmetry-breaking charge-ordered state on the honeycomb lattice. The latter provides a nontrivial test for the experimental realization of the one-band Hubbard model. We delineate regimes of the phase diagram where the critical current is limited by depairing or by such collective instabilities, and discuss experimental implications of our results.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.033604

    Web of Science


  • Erratum: Superfluid density of states and pseudogap phenomenon in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a superfluid Fermi gas (Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics)

    Watanabe R, Tsuchiya S, Ohashi Y

    Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics   85 ( 3 )   2012.3

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    Publisher:Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics  

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.85.039908


  • Superfluid density of states and pseudogap phenomenon in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a superfluid Fermi gas (vol 82, 043630, 2010)

    Ryota Watanabe, Shunji Tsuchiya, Yoji Ohashi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   85 ( 3 )   2012.3

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    Language:English   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.85.039908

    Web of Science


  • BCS-BECクロスオーバー領域における強結合フェルミ原子気体の擬ギャップ現象(基研研究会「熱場の量子論とその応用」,研究会報告)

    土屋 俊二

    素粒子論研究   119 ( 4 )   F77 - F86   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:素粒子論グループ 素粒子論研究 編集部  

    DOI: 10.24532/soken.119.4C_F77

    CiNii Books


  • pi-phase and Spontaneous Supercurrent induced by Pseudo-ferromagnetic Junction in a Spin-polarized Superfluid Fermi Gas

    Takashi Kashimura, Shunji Tsuchiya, Yoji Ohashi


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IOP PUBLISHING LTD  

    We theoretically investigate a possible spontaneous current state in a polarized superfluid Fermi gas confined in a toroidal trap. When one puts a weak nonmagnetic potential barrier in this system, this barrier is known to be magnetized in the sense that some of excess up arrow-spin atoms are localized around it (where the up arrow-spin describes the majority component of the polarized Fermi gas). Using this unique property, we show that this magnetized barrier, or the pseudo-ferromagnetic junction, induces a spontaneous current circulating along the toroidal trap. While the ordinary supercurrent state appears as a metastable state, this spontaneous current state is realized as the most stable state, originating from the phase twist of the superfluid order parameter by the magnetized potential barrier.

    DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/400/1/012027

    Web of Science


  • Inhomogeneous Pseudogap Phenomenon in the BCS-BEC Crossover Regime of a Trapped Superfluid Fermi Gas

    Ryota Watanabe, Shunji Tsuchiya, Yoji Ohashi


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IOP PUBLISHING LTD  

    We investigate pseudogap phenomena in the unitarity limit of a trapped superfluid Fermi gas. Including effect of strong pairing fluctuations within a T-matrix approximation, as well as effects of a harmonic trap within the local density approximation (LDA), we calculate the local superfluid density of states below the superfluid phase transition temperature T-c. We show that the spatial region where single-particle excitations are dominated by the pseudogap may still exist even below T-c, due to inhomogeneous pairing fluctuations caused by the trap potential. From the temperature dependence of the pseudogapped density of states, we identify the pseudogap regime of the unitarity Fermi gas with respect to the temperature and spatial position. We also show that the combined T-matrix theory with the LDA can quantitatively explain the local pressure which was recently observed in the unitarity limit of a Li-6 Fermi gas.

    DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/400/1/012080

    Web of Science


  • Pseudogap temperature and effects of a harmonic trap in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of an ultracold Fermi gas

    Shunji Tsuchiya, Ryota Watanabe, Yoji Ohashi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   84 ( 4 )   2011.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We theoretically investigate excitation properties in the pseudogap regime of a trapped Fermi gas. Using a combined T-matrix theory with the local density approximation, we calculate strong-coupling corrections to single-particle local density of states (LDOS), as well as the single-particle local spectral weight (LSW). Starting from the superfluid phase transition temperature T(c), we clarify how the pseudogap structures in these quantities disappear with increasing the temperature. As in the case of a uniform Fermi gas, LDOS and LSW give different pseudogap temperatures T* and T** at which the pseudogap structures in these quantities completely disappear. Determining T* and T** over the entire BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer)-BEC (Bose-Einstein condensation) crossover region, we identify the pseudogap regime in the phase diagram with respect to the temperature and the interaction strength. We also show that the so-called back-bending peak recently observed in the photoemission spectra by the JILA group may be explained as an effect of pseudogap phenomenon in the trap center. Since strong pairing fluctuations, spatial inhomogeneity, and finite temperatures are important keys in considering real cold Fermi gases, our results would be useful for clarifying normal-state properties of this strongly interacting Fermi system.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.84.043647

    Web of Science


  • pi junction and spontaneous current state in a superfluid Fermi gas

    Takashi Kashimura, Shunji Tsuchiya, Yoji Ohashi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   84 ( 1 )   2011.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We discuss an idea to realize a spontaneous current in a superfluid Fermi gas. When a polarized Fermi superfluid (N(up arrow) > N(down arrow), where N(sigma) is the number of atoms in the hyperfine state described by pseudospin sigma = up arrow, down arrow ) is loaded onto a ring-shaped trap with a weak potential barrier, some excess atoms (Delta N = N(up arrow) - N(down arrow)) are localized around the barrier. As shown in our previous paper [T. Kashimura, S. Tsuchiya, and Y. Ohashi, Phys. Rev. A 82, 033617 (2010)], this polarized potential barrier works as a pi junction in the sense that the superfluid order parameter changes its sign across the barrier. Because of this, the phase of the superfluid order parameter outside the junction is shown to be twisted by pi along the ring, which naturally leads to a circulating supercurrent. While the ordinary supercurrent state is obtained as a metastable state, this spontaneous current state is shown to be more stable than the case with no current. Our results indicate that localized excess atoms would be useful for the manipulation of the superfluid order parameter in cold Fermi gases.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.84.013609

    Web of Science


  • Spin imbalance effect on the Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrel state

    Ryosuke Yoshii, Shunji Tsuchiya, Giacomo Marmorini, Muneto Nitta

    PHYSICAL REVIEW B   84 ( 2 )   2011.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We study spin imbalance effects on the Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrel (LOFF) state relevant for superconductors under a strong magnetic field and spin polarized ultracold Fermi gas. We obtain the exact solution for the condensates with arbitrary spin imbalance and the fermion spectrum perturbatively in the presence of small spin imbalance. We also obtain fermion zero mode exactly without perturbation theory.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.024503

    Web of Science


  • Theory of photoemission-type experiment in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a superfluid Fermi gas

    Ryota Watanabe, Shunji Tsuchiya, Yoji Ohashi

    Proceedings of 2011 1st International Symposium on Access Spaces, ISAS 2011   1   26 - 31   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    We theoretically investigate the recent photoemission-type experiment on 40K Fermi gases done by JILA group. Including pairing fluctuations within a strong-coupling T-matrix theory, as well as effects of a harmonic trap within the local density approximation, we calculate photoemission spectra in the BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer)-BEC (Bose-Einstein condensation) crossover region. We show that the energy resolution of the current photoemission experiment is enough to detect the pseudogap phenomenon. We also show how the pseudogap in single-particle excitations continuously changes into the superfluid gap, as one decreases the temperature below the superfluid phase transition temperature. Our results would be useful for the study of single-particle properties of ultracold Fermi gases in the BCS-BEC crossover. © 2011 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/ISAS.2011.5960915



  • フェルミ原子ガス超流動における超流動/強磁性/超流動接合とπ-phaseの実現可能性

    柏村孝, 土屋俊二, 大橋 洋士

    素粒子論研究(電子版)   118 ( 4 )   D64 - D74   2011

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  • 超流動Fermi原子気体の1粒子状態とphotoemissionスペクトル

    渡邉亮太, 土屋俊二, 大橋 洋士

    素粒子論研究(電子版)   118 ( 4 )   D54 - D63   2011

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  • Superfluid/ferromagnet/superfluid-junction and π-phase in a superfluid Fermi gas at finite temperatures

    Takashi Kashimura, S. Tsuchiya, Y. Ohashi

    Proceedings of 2011 1st International Symposium on Access Spaces, ISAS 2011   32 - 35   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    We investigate the stability of π-phase in a polarized superfluid Fermi gas (N↑ &gt
    N↓, where Nσ is the number of atoms in the hyperfine state described by pseudospin-σ). In our previous paper [T. Kashimura, S. Tsuchiya, and Y. Ohashi, Phys. Rev. A 82, 033617 (2010)], we showed that excess atoms (ΔN = N↑ - N↓) localized around a potential barrier embedded in the system induces the π-phase at T = 0, where the phase of superfluid order parameter differ by π across the junction. In this paper, we extend our previous work to include temperature effects within the mean-field theory. We show that the π-phase is stable even at finite temperatures, although transition from the π-phase to 0-phase eventually occurs at a certain temperature. Our results indicate that the π-phase is experimentally accessible in cold Fermi gases. © 2011 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/ISAS.2011.5960916



  • Pseudogap behaviors of atomic Fermi gases above T-c in the BCS-BEC crossover

    S. Tsuchiya, R. Watanabe, Y. Ohashi


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    We investigate pseudogap behaviors of an ultracold Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover above the super-fluid transition temperature T-c. We calculate the single-particle density of states (DOS), as well as the spectral weight, over the entire BCS-BEC crossover region, including strong pairing fluctuations within a T-matrix approximation. We show that the pseudogap structure in DOS develops from the weak-coupling BCS region, and continuously changes into a fully gapped one in the strong-coupling BEC region. We determine the pseudogap temperature T+ at which the dip structure in DOS disappears, and identify the pseudogap region in the phase diagram in terms of temperatures and pairing interactions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physc.2009.11.043

    Web of Science


  • Pairing fluctuations and pseudogap effects in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a superfluid Fermi gas

    R. Watanabe, S. Tsuchiya, Y. Ohashi


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    We study effects of strong pairing fluctuations on single-particle properties of a superfluid Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover region. Including phase and amplitude fluctuations of the order parameter within the T-matrix approximation, we calculate the superfluid density of states below the superfluid phase transition temperature T(c). We show how the pseudogap appearing in the normal phase above T(c) changes into the superfluid gap over the entire BCS-BEC crossover region, as one passes through T(c). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physc.2009.10.037

    Web of Science


  • Superfluid density of states and pseudogap phenomenon in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a superfluid Fermi gas Reviewed

    Ryota Watanabe, Shunji Tsuchiya, Yoji Ohashi

    Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics   82 ( 4 )   2010.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    We investigate single-particle excitations and strong-coupling effects in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a superfluid Fermi gas. Including phase and amplitude fluctuations of the superfluid order parameter within a T-matrix theory, we calculate the superfluid density of states (DOS), as well as single-particle spectral weight, over the entire BCS-BEC crossover region below the superfluid transition temperature Tc. We clarify how the pseudogap in the normal state evolves into the superfluid gap, as one passes through Tc. While the pseudogap in DOS continuously evolves into the superfluid gap in the weak-coupling BCS regime, the superfluid gap in the crossover region is shown to appear in DOS after the pseudogap disappears below Tc. In the phase diagram with respect to the temperature and interaction strength, we determine the region where strong pairing fluctuations dominate over single-particle properties of the system. Our results would be useful for the study of strong-coupling phenomena in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a superfluid Fermi gas. © 2010 The American Physical Society.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.82.043630



  • Superfluid density of states and pseudogap phenomenon in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a superfluid Fermi gas

    Ryota Watanabe, Shunji Tsuchiya, Yoji Ohashi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   82 ( 4 )   2010.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We investigate single-particle excitations and strong-coupling effects in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a superfluid Fermi gas. Including phase and amplitude fluctuations of the superfluid order parameter within a T -matrix theory, we calculate the superfluid density of states (DOS), as well as single-particle spectral weight, over the entire BCS-BEC crossover region below the superfluid transition temperature T-c. We clarify how the pseudogap in the normal state evolves into the superfluid gap, as one passes through T-c. While the pseudogap in DOS continuously evolves into the superfluid gap in the weak-coupling BCS regime, the superfluid gap in the crossover region is shown to appear in DOS after the pseudogap disappears below T-c. In the phase diagram with respect to the temperature and interaction strength, we determine the region where strong pairing fluctuations dominate over single-particle properties of the system. Our results would be useful for the study of strong-coupling phenomena in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a superfluid Fermi gas.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.82.043630

    Web of Science


  • Photoemission spectrum and effect of inhomogeneous pairing fluctuations in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of an ultracold Fermi gas

    Shunji Tsuchiya, Ryota Watanabe, Yoji Ohashi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   82 ( 3 )   2010.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We investigate the photoemission-type spectrum in a cold Fermi gas which was recently measured by the JILA group [Stewart et al., Nature (London) 454, 744 (2008)]. This quantity gives us very useful information about single-particle properties in the BCS-BEC crossover. In this paper, including pairing fluctuations within a T-matrix theory, as well as effects of a harmonic trap within the local density approximation, we show that spatially inhomogeneous pairing fluctuations due to the trap potential are an important key to understanding the observed spectrum. In the crossover region, while strong pairing fluctuations lead to the so-called pseudogap phenomenon in the trap center, such strong-coupling effects are found to be weak around the edge of the gas. Our results including this effect are shown to agree well with the recent photoemission data of the JILA group.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.82.033629

    Web of Science


  • Superfluid-ferromagnet-superfluid junction and the pi phase in a superfluid Fermi gas

    Takashi Kashimura, Shunji Tsuchiya, Yoji Ohashi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   82 ( 3 )   2010.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We investigate the possibility of a superfluid-ferromagnet-superfluid (SFS) junction in a superfluid Fermi gas. To examine this possibility in a simple manner, we consider an attractive Hubbard model at T = 0 within the mean-field theory. When a potential barrier is embedded in a superfluid Fermi gas with population imbalance (N-up arrow > N-down arrow, where N-sigma is the number of atoms with pseudospin sigma = up arrow, down arrow), this barrier is shown to be magnetized in the sense that excess up arrow-spin atoms are localized around it. The resulting superfluid Fermi gas is spatially divided into two by this ferromagnet, so that one obtains a junction similar to the superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor junction discussed in superconductivity. Indeed, we show that the so-called pi phase, which is a typical phenomenon in the SFS junction, is realized, where the superfluid order parameter changes its sign across the junction. Our results would be useful for the study of magnetic effects on fermion superfluidity using an ultracold Fermi gas.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.82.033617

    Web of Science


  • ボース凝縮体におけるBogoliubovモードの異常トンネル効果 (超伝導・超流動研究の接点)

    土屋 俊二

    物性研究   94 ( 1 )   2 - 25   2010.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:物性研究刊行会  


    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10942835

  • Pseudogap in Fermionic Density of States in the BCS-BEC Crossover of Atomic Fermi Gases

    S. Tsuchiya, R. Watanabe, Y. Ohashi

    JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS   158 ( 1-2 )   29 - 35   2010.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS  

    We study pseudogap behaviors of ultracold Fermi gases in the BCS-BEC crossover region. We calculate the density of states (DOS), as well as the single-particle spectral weight, above the superfluid transition temperature T(c) including pairing fluctuations within a T-matrix approximation. We find that DOS exhibits a pseudogap structure in the BCS-BEC crossover region, which is most remarkable near the unitarity limit. We determine the pseudogap temperature T* at which the pseudogap structure in DOS disappears. We also introduce another temperature T** at which the BCS-like double-peak structure disappears in the spectral weight. While one finds T* > T** in the BCS regime, T** becomes higher than T* in the crossover and BEC regime. We also determine the pseudogap region in the phase diagram in terms of temperature and pairing interaction.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10909-009-9953-4

    Web of Science


  • Instability of superfluid Fermi gases induced by a rotonlike density mode in optical lattices

    Yoshihiro Yunomae, Daisuke Yamamoto, Ippei Danshita, Nobuhiko Yokoshi, Shunji Tsuchiya

    Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics   80 ( 6 )   2009.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    We study the stability of superfluid Fermi gases in deep optical lattices in the BCS-Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) crossover at zero temperature. Within the tight-binding attractive Hubbard model, we calculate the spectrum of the low-energy Anderson-Bogoliubov (AB) mode as well as the single-particle excitations in the presence of superfluid flow in order to determine the critical velocities. To obtain the spectrum of the AB mode, we calculate the density response function in the generalized random-phase approximation applying the Green's function formalism developed by Côté and Griffin to the Hubbard model. We find that the spectrum of the AB mode is separated from the particle-hole continuum having the characteristic rotonlike minimum at short wavelength due to the strong charge-density-wave fluctuations. The energy of the rotonlike minimum decreases with increasing the lattice velocity and it reaches zero at the critical velocity which is smaller than the pair-breaking velocity. This indicates that the superfluid state is energetically unstable due to the spontaneous emission of the short-wavelength rotonlike excitations of the AB mode instead due to pair breaking. We determine the critical velocities as functions of the interaction strength across the BCS-BEC crossover regime. © 2009 The American Physical Society.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.80.063627



  • Instability of superfluid Fermi gases induced by a rotonlike density mode in optical lattices Reviewed

    Yoshihiro Yunomae, Daisuke Yamamoto, Ippei Danshita, Nobuhiko Yokoshi, Shunji Tsuchiya

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   80 ( 6 )   2009.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We study the stability of superfluid Fermi gases in deep optical lattices in the BCS-Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) crossover at zero temperature. Within the tight-binding attractive Hubbard model, we calculate the spectrum of the low-energy Anderson-Bogoliubov (AB) mode as well as the single-particle excitations in the presence of superfluid flow in order to determine the critical velocities. To obtain the spectrum of the AB mode, we calculate the density response function in the generalized random-phase approximation applying the Green's function formalism developed by Cote and Griffin to the Hubbard model. We find that the spectrum of the AB mode is separated from the particle-hole continuum having the characteristic rotonlike minimum at short wavelength due to the strong charge-density-wave fluctuations. The energy of the rotonlike minimum decreases with increasing the lattice velocity and it reaches zero at the critical velocity which is smaller than the pair-breaking velocity. This indicates that the superfluid state is energetically unstable due to the spontaneous emission of the short-wavelength rotonlike excitations of the AB mode instead due to pair breaking. We determine the critical velocities as functions of the interaction strength across the BCS-BEC crossover regime.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.80.063627

    Web of Science


  • Single-particle properties and pseudogap effects in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of an ultracold Fermi gas above Tc Reviewed

    Shunji Tsuchiya, Ryota Watanabe, Yoji Ohashi

    Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics   80 ( 3 )   2009.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    We investigate strong-coupling effects on normal-state properties of an ultracold Fermi gas. Within the framework of T -matrix approximation in terms of pairing fluctuations, we calculate the single-particle density of states (DOS), as well as the spectral weight, over the entire BCS-Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) crossover region above the superfluid phase-transition temperature Tc. Starting from the weak-coupling BCS regime, we show that the so-called pseudogap develops in DOS above Tc, which becomes remarkable in the crossover region. The pseudogap structure continuously changes into a fully gapped one in the strong-coupling BEC regime, where the gap energy is directly related to the binding energy of tightly bound molecules. We determine the pseudogap temperature Tc where the dip structure in DOS vanishes. The value of Tc is shown to be very different from another characteristic temperature T□□ where a BCS-type double-peak structure disappears in the spectral weight. While one finds T□ &gt
    □□ in the BCS regime, T□ becomes higher than T□ in the crossover region and BEC regime. Including this, we determine the pseudogap region in the phase diagram of ultracold Fermi gases. Our results would be useful in the search for the pseudogap region in ultracold L6 i and K 40 Fermi gases. © 2009 The American Physical Society.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.80.033613



  • Single-particle properties and pseudogap effects in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of an ultracold Fermi gas above T-c

    Shunji Tsuchiya, Ryota Watanabe, Yoji Ohashi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   80 ( 3 )   2009.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We investigate strong-coupling effects on normal-state properties of an ultracold Fermi gas. Within the framework of T-matrix approximation in terms of pairing fluctuations, we calculate the single-particle density of states (DOS), as well as the spectral weight, over the entire BCS-Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) crossover region above the superfluid phase-transition temperature T-c. Starting from the weak-coupling BCS regime, we show that the so-called pseudogap develops in DOS above T-c, which becomes remarkable in the crossover region. The pseudogap structure continuously changes into a fully gapped one in the strong-coupling BEC regime, where the gap energy is directly related to the binding energy of tightly bound molecules. We determine the pseudogap temperature T* where the dip structure in DOS vanishes. The value of T* is shown to be very different from another characteristic temperature T** where a BCS-type double-peak structure disappears in the spectral weight. While one finds T* > T** in the BCS regime, T** becomes higher than T* in the crossover region and BEC regime. Including this, we determine the pseudogap region in the phase diagram of ultracold Fermi gases. Our results would be useful in the search for the pseudogap region in ultracold Li-6 and K-40 Fermi gases.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.80.033613

    Web of Science


  • Supercurrent induced by tunneling Bogoliubov excitations in a Bose-Einstein condensate

    Shunji Tsuchiya, Yoji Ohashi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   79 ( 6 )   2009.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We study the tunneling of Bogoliubov excitations through a barrier in a Bose-Einstein condensate. We extend our previous work [S. Tsuchiya and Y. Ohashi, Phys. Rev. A 78, 013628 (2008)] to the case when condensate densities are different between the left and right of the barrier potential. In the framework of the Bogoliubov mean-field theory, we calculate the transmission probability and phase shift, as well as the energy flux and quasiparticle current carried by Bogoliubov excitations. We find that Bogoliubov phonons twist the condensate phase due to a back-reaction effect, which induces the Josephson supercurrent. While the total current given by the sum of quasiparticle current and induced supercurrent is conserved, the quasiparticle current flowing through the barrier potential is shown to be remarkably enhanced in the low-energy region. When the condensate densities are different between the left and right of the barrier, the excess quasiparticle current, as well as the induced supercurrent, remains finite far away from the barrier. We also consider the tunneling of excitations and atoms through the boundary between the normal and superfluid regions. We show that supercurrent can be generated inside the condensate by injecting free atoms from outside. On the other hand, atoms are emitted when the Bogoliubov phonons propagate toward the phase boundary from the superfluid region.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.79.063619

    Web of Science


  • Enhanced quasi-particle current of Bogoliubov phonons in a Bose-Einstein condensate

    Shunji Tsuchiya, Yoji Ohashi


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IOP PUBLISHING LTD  

    We discuss tunneling properties of Bogoliubov excitations through a potential barrier. We find that the quasi-particle current carried by Bogoliubov excitations is remarkably enhanced near the potential barrier at low incident energies. This explains the increase of the transmission probability of Bogoliubov phonons in the low energy region. In addition, taking into account of the backreaction of Bogoliubov excitations on Bose condensates, we show that the quasi-particle current twists the phase of the condensate wavefunction, leading to a Josephson supercurrent through the barrier.

    DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/150/3/032113

    Web of Science


  • Stability of superfluid fermi gases in optical lattices

    Yoshihiro Yunomae, Ippei Danshita, Daisuke Yamamoto, Nobuhiko Yokoshi, Shunji Tsuchiya

    Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology, ISQM-Tokyo 2008   41 - 44   2009

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Critical velocities of superfluid Fermi gases in optical lattices are theoretically investigated across the BCS-BEC crossover. We calculate the excitation spectra in the presence of a superfluid flow in one- and two-dimensional optical lattices. It is found that the spectrum of low-lying Anderson-Bogoliubov (AB) mode exhibits a roton-like structure in the short-wavelength region due to the strong charge density wave fluctuations, and with increasing the superfluid velocity one of the roton-like minima reaches zero before the single-particle spectrum does. This means that superfluid Fermi gases in optical lattices are destabilized due to spontaneous emission of the roton-like AB mode instead of due to Cooper pair breaking.




    S. Tsuchiya, Y. Ohashi


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD  

    We investigate tunneling properties of Bogoliubov phonons in a Bose-Einstein condensate. We find that the quasiparticle current of Bogoliubov phonon is remarkably enhanced near the potential barrier at low energies. This leads to the increase of the transmission probability in the low energy region. We show that the quasiparticle current twists the relative phase of the condensate wavefunctions and induces a Josephson supercurrent through the barrier. The Josephson critical current is estimated by calculating the induced supercurrent and phase difference.

    Web of Science


  • Stability of superfluid fermi gases in optical lattices

    Yoshihiro Yunomae, Ippei Danshita, Daisuke Yamamoto, Nobuhiko Yokoshi, Shunji Tsuchiya

    Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology, ISQM-Tokyo 2008   150   41 - 44   2009

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Critical velocities of superfluid Fermi gases in optical lattices are theoretically investigated across the BCS-BEC crossover. We calculate the excitation spectra in the presence of a superfluid flow in one- and two-dimensional optical lattices. It is found that the spectrum of low-lying Anderson-Bogoliubov (AB) mode exhibits a roton-like structure in the short-wavelength region due to the strong charge density wave fluctuations, and with increasing the superfluid velocity one of the roton-like minima reaches zero before the single-particle spectrum does. This means that superfluid Fermi gases in optical lattices are destabilized due to spontaneous emission of the roton-like AB mode instead of due to Cooper pair breaking.

    DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/150/3/032128



  • Supercurrent behavior of low-energy Bogoliubov phonons and the anomalous tunneling effect in a Bose-Einstein condensate

    Yoji Ohashi, Shunji Tsuchiya

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   78 ( 4 )   2008.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We investigate tunneling properties of Bogoliubov mode in a Bose-Einstein condensate. Using an exactly solvable model with a delta-functional barrier, we show that each component in the two-component wave function (u,v) of low-energy Bogoliubov phonon has the same form as the condensate wave function in the supercurrent state. As a result, the currents J(u) and J(v) associated with u and v, respectively, have the same tunneling properties as those of supercurrent carried by condensate. Thus, the tunneling of low-energy Bogoliubov phonon described by the tunneling of these two currents shows perfect transmission. We also show that the supercurrent behaviors of Bogoliubov phonon still exist in the presence of supercurrent carried by condensate, except in the critical supercurrent state. In the critical current state, the perfect transmission is absent, because J(u) or J(v) exceeds their upper limit given by the critical value of the supercurrent associated with the condensate. Our results consistently explain the recently proposed two tunneling phenomena associated with Bogoliubov phonon, namely, the anomalous tunneling effect (perfect transmission in the low-energy limit) and the breakdown of the perfect transmission in the critical supercurrent state.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.78.043601

    Web of Science


  • Anomalous enhancement of quasiparticle current near a potential barrier in a Bose-Einstein condensate

    Shunji Tsuchiya, Yoji Ohashi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   78 ( 1 )   2008.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We investigate tunneling properties of Bogoliubov phonons in a Bose-Einstein condensate. We find the anomalous enhancement of the quasiparticle current J(q) carried by Bogoliubov phonons near a potential barrier, due to the supply of the excess current from the condensate. This effect leads to the increase of quasiparticle transmission probability in the low energy region found by Kovrizhin et al. We also show that the quasiparticle current twists the phase of the condensate wave function across the barrier, leading to a finite Josephson supercurrent J(s) through the barrier. This induced supercurrent flows in the opposite direction to the quasiparticle current so as to cancel out the enhancement of J(q) and conserve the total current J=J(q)+J(s).

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.78.013628

    Web of Science


  • Solitons in two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates

    Shunji Tsuchiya, Franco Dalfovo, Lev Pitaevskii

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   77 ( 4 )   2008.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    The excitations of a two-dimensional (2D) Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of a soliton are studied by solving the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation which is valid when the velocity of the soliton approaches the speed of sound. The excitation spectrum is found to contain states which are localized near the soliton and have a dispersion law similar to the one of the stable branch of transverse oscillations of a 1D gray soliton in a 2D condensate. By using the stabilization method we show that these localized excitations behave as resonant states coupled to the continuum of free excitations of the condensate.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.77.045601

    Web of Science


  • Stability and excitations of solitons in 2D Bose-Einstein condensates

    S. Tsuchiya, F. Dalfovo, C. Tozzo, L. Pitaevskii

    JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS   148 ( 3-4 )   393 - 398   2007.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS  

    The small oscillations of solitons in 2D Bose-Einstein condensates are investigated by solving the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation which is valid when the velocity of the soliton approaches the speed of sound. We show that the soliton is stable and that the lowest excited states obey the same dispersion law as the one of the stable branch of excitations of a 1D gray soliton in a 2D condensate. The role of these states in thermodynamics is discussed.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10909-007-9400-3

    Web of Science


  • Landau and dynamical instabilities of Bose-Einstein condensates in a Kronig-Penney potential

    Ippei Danshita, Shunji Tsuchiya

    JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS   148 ( 3-4 )   337 - 343   2007.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS  

    We study elementary excitations of Bose-Einstein condensates in a one-dimensional periodic potential and discuss the stability of superfluid flow based on the Kronig-Penney model. We analytically solve the Bogoliubov equations and calculate the excitation spectrum. The Landau and dynamical instabilities occur in the first condensate band when the superfluid velocity exceeds certain critical values as in a sinusoidal potential. It is found that the onset of the Landau instability coincides with the point where the perfect transmission of low-energy excitations is forbidden, while the dynamical instability occurs when the effective mass is negative. The condensate band has a swallow-tail structure when the periodic potential is shallow compared to the mean-field energy. We find that the upper side of a swallow-tail is dynamically unstable although the excitation spectrum has a linear dispersion reflecting the positive effective mass.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10909-007-9394-x

    Web of Science


  • Comment on "Nonlinear band structure in Bose-Einstein condensates: Nonlinear Schrodinger equation with a Kronig-Penney potential"

    Ippei Danshita, Shunji Tsuchiya

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   76 ( 1 )   2007.7

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    Language:English   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    In their recent paper [Phys. Rev. A 71, 033622 (2005)], Seaman studied Bloch states of the condensate wave function in a Kronig-Penney potential and calculated the band structure. They argued that the effective mass is always positive when a swallowtail energy loop is present in the band structure. In this Comment, we reexamine their argument by actually calculating the effective mass. It is found that there exists a region where the effective mass is negative even when a swallowtail is present. Based on this fact, we discuss the interpretation of swallowtails in terms of superfluidity.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.76.017601

    Web of Science


  • Stability of Bose-Einstein condensates in a Kronig-Penney potential

    Ippei Danshita, Shunji Tsuchiya

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   75 ( 3 )   2007.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We study the stability of Bose-Einstein condensates with superfluid currents in a one-dimensional periodic potential. By using the Kronig-Penney model, the condensate and Bogoliubov bands are analytically calculated and the stability of condensates in a periodic potential is discussed. The Landau and dynamical instabilities occur in a Kronig-Penney potential when the quasimomentum of the condensate exceeds certain critical values as in a sinusoidal potential. It is found that the onsets of the Landau and dynamical instabilities coincide with the point where the perfect transmission of low energy excitations through each potential barrier is forbidden. The Landau instability is caused by the excitations with small q and the dynamical instability is caused by the excitations with q=pi/a at their onsets, where q is the quasimomentum of excitation and a is the lattice constant. A swallow-tail energy loop appears at the edge of the first condensate band when the mean-field energy is sufficiently larger than the strength of the periodic potential. We find that the upper portion of the swallow-tail is always dynamically unstable, but the second Bogoliubov band has a phonon spectrum reflecting the positive effective mass.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.75.033612

    Web of Science


  • Gutzwiller study of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice under a magnetic field

    T. Kimura, S. Tsuchiya, M. Yamashita, S. Kurihara

    LASER PHYSICS   17 ( 1 )   54 - 59   2007.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER  

    We study spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice under a magnetic field with the Gutzwiller approximation for the Bose-Hubbard model. Phase boundary curves between superfluids and Mott insulators depend continuously on the magnetic field, and this provides better results than those obtained with the perturbative mean-field approximation. The phase boundary curve as a function of magnetic field has a sharp cusp structure under certain circumstances. In superfluid phases, both the spin magnetizations and fluctuations in the total number of bosons show strong magnetic field dependence, which is related to the fact that both first-and second-order transitions appear on the phase boundary curve according to the magnetic field.

    DOI: 10.1134/S1054660X07010112

    Web of Science


  • Superfluid-mott insulator transition of spin-1 bosons in optical lattice under magnetic field

    Takashi Kimura, Shunji Tsuchiya, Makoto Yamashita, Susumu Kurihara


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PHYSICAL SOC JAPAN  

    We study the first- and second-order superfluid-Mott insulator transitions of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice under a magnetic field by the Gutzwiller approximation. We find that, in contrast to previous perturbative studies, the phase boundary curve continuously changes as a function of magnetic field. We also find a sharp cusp structure on the phase boundary curve under some circumstances. When the phase boundary curve deviates from that obtained with the perturbative studies, the phase transition is a first-order one. We further clarify the specific features of the phase transition in the present system. The order parameters exactly at the boundary point, where the transition changes from first to second order, remain finite under a finite magnetic field and continuously vanish as the magnetic field approaches zero.

    DOI: 10.1143/JPJS.75.074601

    Web of Science


  • 磁場下の光学格子中のスピン1ボース粒子系における超流動-モット絶縁体転移

    木村 敬, 土屋俊二, 山下 眞, 栗原 進

    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan   75 ( 7 )   074601   2006.7

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  • Elementary excitations of condensates in a Kronig-Penney potential

    I. Danshita, S. Kurihara, S. Tsuchiya

    LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, PTS A AND B   850   41 - +   2006

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:AMER INST PHYSICS  

    We investigate the excitation spectrum of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a Kronig-Penney potential. We solve the Bogoliubov equations analytically and obtain the band structure of the excitation spectrum. We find that the excitation spectrum is gapless and linear at low energies. This property is found to be attributed to the anomalous tunneling behavior of low energy excitations, which has been predicted by Kagan et al.

    DOI: 10.1063/1.2354597

    Web of Science


  • Bogoliubov excitations in a Kronig-Penney potential

    Danshita, I, S Kurihara, S Tsuchiya

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   72 ( 5 )   2005.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC  

    With use of the Kronig-Penney model, we study the excitation spectrum of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a one-dimensional periodic potential. We solve the Bogoliubov equations analytically and obtain the band structure of the excitation spectrum for arbitrary values of the lattice depth. We find that the excitation spectrum is gapless and linear at low energies, and that it is due to the anomalous tunneling of low-energy excitations, predicted by Kagan et al.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.72.053611

    Web of Science


  • Landau damping of Bogoliubov excitations in two- and three-dimensional optical lattices at finite temperatures Reviewed

    S Tsuchiya, A Griffin

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   72 ( 5 )   2005.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We study the Landau damping of Bogoliubov excitations in two- and three-dimensional optical lattices at finite temperatures, extending our recent work on one-dimensional (1D) optical lattices. We use a Bose-Hubbard tight-binding model and the Popov approximation to calculate the temperature dependence of the number of condensate atoms n(c0)(T) in each lattice well. As with 1D optical lattices, damping only occurs if the Bogoliubov excitations exhibit anomalous dispersion (i.e., the excitation energy bends upward at low momentum), analogous to the case of phonons in superfluid (4)He. This leads to the disappearance of all damping processes in a D-dimensional simple cubic optical lattice when Un(c0)>= 6DJ, where U is the on-site interaction, and J is the hopping matrix element.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.72.053621

    Web of Science


  • Possibility of a first-order superfluid-Mott-insulator transition of spinor bosons in an optical lattice

    T Kimura, S Tsuchiya, S Kurihara

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   94 ( 11 )   2005.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC  

    We study the superfluid-Mott-insulator transition of antiferromagnetic spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice described by a Bose-Hubbard model. Our variational study with the Gutzwiller variational wave function determines that the superfluid-Mott-insulator transition is a first-order one at a part of the phase boundary curve, contrary to the spinless case.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysReVLett.94.110403

    Web of Science


  • 光学格子上のスピンをもつボソンの超流動-Mott絶縁体一次相転移

    木村 敬, 土屋俊二, 栗原 進

    Physical Review Letters   94   110403   2005.3

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  • Gutzwiller study of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice

    T Kimura, S Tsuchiya, S Kurihara

    JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS   138 ( 3-4 )   651 - 656   2005.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS  

    The antiferromagnetic spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice are studied by the Gutzwiller approximation. We find that the superfluid-Mott insulator transition is of a first-order on a part of the phase boundary.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10909-005-2277-0

    Web of Science


  • Superfluid-Mott insulator transition of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice

    S Tsuchiya, S Kurihara, T Kimura

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   70 ( 4 )   2004.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    We study the superfluid-Mott insulator (SF-MI) transition of spin-1 bosons interacting antiferromagnetically in an optical lattice. Starting from a Bose-Hubbard tight-binding model for spin-1 bosons, we obtain the zero-temperature phase diagram by a mean-field approximation. We find that the MI phase with an even number of atoms per site is a spin singlet state, while the MI phase with an odd number of atoms per site has spin 1 at each site in the limit of t=0, where t is the hopping matrix element. We also show that the superfluid phase is a polar state as in the case for a spin-1 Bose condensate in a harmonic trap. It is found that the MI phase is strongly stabilized against the SF-Ml transition when the number of atoms per site is even, due to the formation of singlet pairs. We derive the effective spin Hamiltonian for the MI phase with one atom per site and briefly discuss the spin order in the MI phase.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.70.043628

    Web of Science


  • Damping of Bogoliubov excitations in optical lattices

    S Tsuchiya, A Griffin

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A   70 ( 2 )   2004.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

    Extending recent work to finite temperatures, we calculate the Landau damping of a Bogoliubov excitation in an optical lattice, due to the coupling to a thermal cloud of such excitations. For simplicity, we consider a one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model and restrict ourselves to the first energy band. For energy conservation to be satisfied, the excitations in the collision processes must exhibit "anomalous dispersion," analogous to phonons in superfluid (4)He. This leads to the disappearance of all damping processes when Un(c0)greater than or equal to6J, where U is the on-site interaction, J is the hopping matrix element, and n(c0)(T) is the number of condensate atoms at a lattice site. This phenomenon also occurs in two-dimensional and three-dimensional optical lattices. The disappearance of Beliaev damping above a threshold wave vector is noted.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.70.023611

    Web of Science


  • Topological excitations in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates

    S Tuchiya, S Kurihara

    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   70 ( 5 )   1182 - 1185   2001.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PHYSICAL SOC JAPAN  

    We investigate the properties of skyrmion in the ferromagnetic state of spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates by means of the mean-field theory and show that the size of a skyrmion is fixed to the order of the healing length. It is shown that the interaction between two skyrmions with oppositely rotating spin textures is attractive when their separation is large, following a unique power-law behavior with a power of -7/2.

    DOI: 10.1143/JPSJ.70.1182

    Web of Science


  • スピン自由度のあるボース・アインシュタイン凝縮体における位相幾何学的な励起

    土屋俊二, 栗原 進

    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan   70   1182 - 1185   2001.5

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  • 物理学基礎2 力学 [発展編]

    朝倉書店  2018.9 

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  • 物理学基礎1 力学 [入門編]

    朝倉書店  2018.3 

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  • 編集後記

    土屋 俊二

    日本物理学会誌   75 ( 6 )   369 - 370   2020

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本物理学会  


    DOI: 10.11316/butsuri.75.6_369


  • Evolution of Higgs mode in Fermi gases through the BCS-BEC crossover II

    Tsuchiya Shunji, Yamamoto Daisuke, Nitta Muneto

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   72 ( 0 )   490 - 490   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.72.2.0_490


  • Higgs bound states of Bose gases in optical lattices: a study by the Gutzwiller variational method

    Danshita Ippei, Tsuchiya Shunji

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   72 ( 0 )   610 - 610   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.72.1.0_610


  • 21pAG-11 Intra-valley p-wave pairing states in the Dirac electron systems

    Tsuchiya S., Goryo J., Arahata E., Sigrist Manfred

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   71 ( 0 )   1369 - 1369   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.71.1.0_1369

    CiNii Books


  • 19pBK-6 Quantum field theoretical formulation of collective modes of superfluid with slightly broken particle-hole symmetry

    Danshita Ippei, Nakayama Takeru, Nikuni Tetsuro, Tsuchiya Shunji

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   71 ( 0 )   661 - 661   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.71.1.0_661

    CiNii Books



  • 20pBJ-2 Higgs mode in a harmonically trapped superfluid Fermi gas

    Tokimoto J., Tsuchiya S., Nikuni T.

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   71 ( 0 )   669 - 669   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.71.1.0_669

    CiNii Books


  • 21aAG-6 Asymmetric resonant tunneling of Nambu-Goldstone modes through Higgs bound states

    Nakayama Takeru, Danshita Ippei, Nikuni Tetsuro, Tsuchiya Shunji

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   70 ( 0 )   566 - 566   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.70.1.0_566

    CiNii Books



  • 7aAW-1 Higgs Mode in a 3D Fermionic Superfluid

    Tokimoto Jun, Tsuchiya Shunji, Nikuni Tetsuro

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   69 ( 0 )   53 - 53   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 29pAW-10 Cooperon condensation and unconventional pairing states in topological insulators

    Tsuchiya Shunji, Goryo Jun, Arahata Emiko, Sigrist Manfred

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   69 ( 0 )   720 - 720   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 28aCA-9 磁場下の超伝導リングにおける位相と振幅が同時に変調した相(28aCA 超伝導・密度波,領域6(金属(液体金属・準結晶)・低温(超低温・超伝導・密度波)))

    吉井 涼輔, 高田 智史, 土屋 俊二, Marmorini Giacomo, 新田 宗土

    日本物理学会講演概要集   69 ( 0 )   796 - 796   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本物理学会  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • Fermi Superfluid on the Lieb Lattice

    Sato Chika, Iramina Hiraku, Tsuchiya Shunji, Nikuni Tetsuro

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   68 ( 0 )   129 - 129   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 29aEE-2 Elementary excitations of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice in Mott-insulating and superfluid phases

    Shinozaki M., Tsuchiya S., Ozaki T., Abe S., Nikuni T.

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   68 ( 0 )   240 - 240   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 29aEE-4 Effect of magnetic dipole-dipole interaction on quantum phase spin-1 bosons in a optical lattice

    Abe Shumpei, Tsuchiya Shunji, Ozaki Takeshi, Nikuni Tetsuro

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   68 ( 0 )   241 - 241   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 29pEE-5 The Higgs amplitude mode of Fermi superfluids in a honeycomb lattice

    Tsuchiya Shunji, Ganesh R., Nikuni Tetsuro

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   68 ( 0 )   248 - 248   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • Higgs Mode in a Two-Dimensional Fermionic Superfluid

    Tokimoto Jun, Kawakami Yu, Tsuchiya Shunji, Nikuni Tetsuro

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   68 ( 0 )   124 - 124   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 21aAL-4 Quantum Phases of Spin-Population Imbalanced Fermionic Gas in a Triangular Optical Lattice

    Tokimoto Jun, Tsuchiya Shunji, Nikuni Tetsuro

    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   67 ( 2 )   177 - 177   2012.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan (JPS)  

    CiNii Books


  • 21aAL-5 Fermi Superfluid in a Kagome Optical Lattice

    Sato Chika, Yamamoto Daisuke, Tsuchiya Shunji, Nikuni Tetsuro

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   67 ( 0 )   177 - 177   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 21aAL-12 Photoemission spectra in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a two-dimensional Fermi gas

    Watanabe Ryota, Tsuchiya Shunji, Ohashi Yoji

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   67 ( 0 )   178 - 178   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 24aBA-9 Collective modes of strongly correlated Fermi gases in a honeycomb optical lattice

    Tsuchiya Shunji, Ramachandran Ganesh, Paramekanti Arun, Nikuni Tetsuro

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   67 ( 0 )   181 - 181   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 19aAL-11 Effect of magnetic dipole-dipole on the spin-1 boson in the optical lattice

    Abe shumpei, Tsuchiya shunji, Ozaki Takeshi, Nikuni Tetsuro

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   67 ( 0 )   144 - 144   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 25aRD-8 Thermodynamic Quantities and Pseudogap Phenomenon in the BCS-BEC Crossover Regime of Cold Fermi Gases

    Watanabe Ryota, Tsuchiya Shunji, Ohashi Yoji

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   66 ( 0 )   171 - 171   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 22pEA-3 Stability of atomic Fermi superfluids in a honeycomb lattice

    Tsuchiya Shunji, Ramachandran Ganesh, Paramekanti Arun

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   66 ( 0 )   148 - 148   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 22pEA-2 BCS-BEC crossover of atomic Fermi gases in a triangular lattice

    Fukase Tomonori, Tsuchiya Shunji, Nikuni Tetsuro

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   66 ( 0 )   147 - 147   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 21aEE-4 Quantum Phase Transition of Spin-1 Dipolar Boson in Optical Lattices

    Abe Shumpei, Tsuchiya Shunji, Ozaki Takeshi, Nikuni Tetsuro

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   66 ( 0 )   126 - 126   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 22pEA-9 Thermodynamic Properties in the Pseudogap Regime of a Cold Fermi Gas

    Watanabe Ryota, Tsuchiya Shunji, Ohashi Yoji

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   66 ( 0 )   149 - 149   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 20aTB-5 Theory of Photoemission Spectroscopy in the BCS-BEC Crossover Regime of Atomic Fermi Gases

    Watanabe Ryota, Tsuchiya Shunji, Ohashi Yoji

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   65 ( 0 )   158 - 158   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 24aRP-11 Exact self-consistent condensates in imbalanced superfluid Fermi Gases

    Yoshii R., Tuchiya S., Marmorini Giacomo, Nitta M.

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   65 ( 0 )   127 - 127   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 24aRP-10 Pseudogap effects in photoemission spectroscopy of Fermi gases and back-bending spectrum

    Tsuchiya Shunji, Watanabe Ryota, Ohashi Yoji

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   65 ( 0 )   127 - 127   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 24aRP-9 Analysis of π-state realized in superfluid/ferromagnet/superfluid-junction using a spin-polarized Fermi atomic gas

    Kashimura Takashi, Tsuchiya Shunji, Ohashi Yoji

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   65 ( 0 )   127 - 127   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 24aRP-8 Theory of Photoemission Spectroscopy in the BCS-BEC Crossover Regime of Superfluid Fermi Gases

    Watanabe Ryota, Tsuchiya Shunji, Ohashi Yoji

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   65 ( 0 )   127 - 127   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 28pSK-8 Pseudogap phenomena in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of atomic Fermi gases

    Watanabe Ryota, Tsuchiya Shunji, Ohashi Yoji

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   64 ( 0 )   165 - 165   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 28aSL-1 Critical velocity of superfluid Fermi gases in low-dimensional optical lattices

    Yunomae Yoshihiro, Yamamoto Daisuke, Danshita Ippei, Yokoshi Nobuhiko, Tsuchiya Shunji

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   64 ( 0 )   154 - 154   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books



  • 26aZE-5 Stability of imbalanced Fermi gases in optical lattices

    Yunomae Yoshihiro, Yamamoto Daisuke, Kurihara Susumu, Tsuchiya Shunji

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   64 ( 0 )   67 - 67   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 26aZE-2 Analysis of Superfluid phase in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of atomic Fermi gases

    Watanabe Ryota, Tsuchiya Shunji, Ohashi Yoji

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   64 ( 0 )   67 - 67   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 23pRF-10 Anomalous Tunneling of Bogoliubov Phonons and Induced Supercurrent

    Tsuchiya Shunji, Ohashi Yoji

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   63 ( 0 )   161 - 161   2008

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 21aRG-12 Tunneling of excitations and non-condensate atoms in Bose-Einstein condensates

    Tsuchiya Shunji, Ohashi Yoji

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   62 ( 0 )   150 - 150   2007

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 25pYE-5 Elementary Excitations of Bose Condensates in Optical Lattices

    Tsuchiya Shunji, Danshita Ippei

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   60 ( 0 )   157 - 157   2005

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 19pYA-5 Creation of an array of soli tons by accerelationg Bose-Einstein condensates in an optical lattice

    Tsuchiya Shunji, Machida Manabu, Hatano Naomichi

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   60 ( 0 )   53 - 53   2005

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 19pYA-4 Magnetic field effects on spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice

    KIMURA Takashi, TSUCHIYA Shunji, YAMASHITA Makoto, KURIBARA Susumu

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   60 ( 0 )   53 - 53   2005

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 12aTF-8 Damping of Condensate Excitations in Optical Lattices

    Tuchiya Shunji, Griffin Allan

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   59 ( 0 )   90 - 90   2004

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 12pTF-2 Gutzwiller study for the Hubbard model of spin-1 bosons

    KIMURA Takashi, TSUCHIYA Shunji, KURIHARA Susumu

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   59 ( 0 )   96 - 96   2004

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • Superfluid-Insulator Transition of Spin-l Bosons in Optical Lattice

    Tuchiya Shunji, Kurihara Susumu, Kimura Takashi

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   57 ( 0 )   126 - 126   2002

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • Topological Excitations in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates

    Tsuchiya Shunji, Kurihara Susumu

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   55 ( 0 )   656 - 656   2000

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


▼display all


  • 脱分極ノイズ中のグラフ状態の量子相転移

    沼尻竜哉, 山鹿汐音, 吉井涼輔, 竹内勇貴, 土屋俊二

    第50回量子情報技術研究会  2024.5 

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  • 優先順位付き探索に向けたGroverのアルゴリズムの一般化

    谷孔太, 竹内勇貴, 土屋俊二

    第49回量子情報技術研究会  2023.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Quench Dynamics of Rényi Entanglement Entropy in Non-Interacting and Strongly-Interacting Bosons Invited

    D. Kagamihara, R. Kaneko, S. Yamashika, K. Sugiyama, R. Yoshii, S. Tsuchiya, Ippei Danshita

    Quantum Information, Quantum Matter and Quantum Gravity, 4th week: ExU-YITP Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Information  2023.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • Evolution of entanglement entropy in strongly correlated bosons in an optical lattice

    S. Yamashika, D. Kagamihara, R. Yoshii, S. Tsuchiya

    Quantum Materials in the Quantum Information Era  2023.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • ジグザグ格子上のグラフ状態におけるSPT相

    沼尻竜哉, 山鹿汐音, 土屋俊二

    日本物理学会第78回年次大会  2023.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Evolution of entanglement entropy in strongly correlated bosons in an optical lattice

    S. Yamashika, D. Kagamihara, R. Yoshii, S. Tsuchiya

    Bose-Einstein Condensation 2023  2023.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Evolution of entanglement entropy in strongly correlated bosons in an optical lattice

    S. Yamashita, D. Kagamihara, R. Yoshii, S. Tsuchiya

    School on Quantum Many-Body Phenomena out of Equilibrium: from Chaos to Criticality  2023.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Quench dynamics of Rényi entanglement entropy of free bosons starting from insulating states

    D. Kagamihara, R. Kaneko, S. Yamashika, K. Sugiyama, R. Yoshii, S. Tsuchiya, Ippei Danshita

    28th International Conference on Statistical Physics  2023.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 理想ボース粒子系のエンタングルメントダイナミクス

    鏡原大地, 金子隆威, 山鹿汐音, 杉山康太, 吉井涼輔, 土屋俊二, 段下一平

    第5回冷却原子研究会「アトムの会」  2023.8 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 自由Bose粒子系におけるRényiエンタングルメントエントロピーの時間発展

    鏡原大地, 金子隆威, 山鹿汐音, 杉山康太, 吉井涼輔, 土屋俊二, 段下一平

    日本物理学会2023年春季大会  2023.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Time evolution of Rényi entanglement entropy of free bosons in an optical lattice

    Daichi Kagamihara, Ryui Kaneko, Shion Yamashika, Kota Sugiyama, Ryosuke Yoshii, Shunji Tsuchiya, Ippei Danshita

    The 1st young researchers’ workshop of the Extreme Universe Collaboration  2023.2 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Rényi entanglement entropy after a quantum quench starting from insulating states in a free boson system

    D. Kagamihara, R. Kaneko, S. Yamashika, K. Sugiyama, R. Yoshii, S. Tsuchiya, Ippei Danshita

    Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2022  2022.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 光格子中のボース多体系におけるエンタングルメントエントロピーのクエンチダイナミクス

    山鹿汐音, 鏡原大地, 吉井涼輔, 土屋俊二

    日本物理学会2022年秋季大会  2022.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Leggett-Garg tests of macrorealism for a Bose condensate in a double-well potential

    T. Sakamoto, R. Yoshii, S. Tsuchiya

    The 29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics  2022.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Entanglement dynamics of bosons in an optical lattice

    S. Yamashika, D. Kagamihara, R. Yoshii, S. Tsuchiya

    The 29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics  2022.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Violation of the Leggett-Garg inequality for a Bose condensate in a double-well potential

    T. Sakamoto, R. Yoshii, S. Tsuchiya

    The 27th International Conference on Atomic Physics  2022.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Entanglement dynamics of bosons trapped in a 1D optical lattice

    S. Yamashika, D. Kagamihara, R. Yoshii, S. Tsuchiya

    The 27th International Conference on Atomic Physics  2022.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Entanglement propagation in thermalization of an isolated quantum system

    R. Yoshii, S. Yamashika, S. Tsuchiya

    YITP International Workshop “Quantum Information Entropy in Physics”  2022.3 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Deterministic verification method for thermal graph states

    K. Akimoto, S. Tsuchiya, R. Yoshii, Y. Takeuchi

    YITP International Workshop “Quantum Information Entropy in Physics”  2022.3 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Entanglement dynamics of bosons in an optical lattice

    S. Yamashika, K. Sugiyama, R. Yoshii, D. Kagamihara, S. Tsuchiya

    YITP International Workshop “Quantum Information Entropy in Physics”  2022.3 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 離散時間量子ウォークにおけるAharonov-Bohm振動

    飯田海帆, 吉井涼輔, 土屋俊二

    日本物理学会第77回年次大会  2022.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Entanglement dynamics of bosons in an optical lattice

    S. Yamashika, K. Sugiyama, R. Yoshii, D. Kagamihara, S. Tsuchiya

    APS March Meeting 2022  2022.3 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 2重井戸中のボース凝縮体におけるLeggett-Garg不等式の破れ

    坂本翼, 吉井涼輔, 土屋俊二

    日本物理学会第77回年次大会  2022.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 光格子中の1次元ボース粒子系のトポロジカル相

    山鹿汐音, 土屋俊二

    日本物理学会第77回年次大会  2022.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Emergence of multiple Higgs modes in a superconductor due to spontaneous breakdown of a Z2 symmetry

    Shunji Tsuchiya

    APS March Meeting 2022  2022.3 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ハイパーグラフ状態におけるベル不等式の破れに対する有限温度効果

    秋本一輝, 竹内勇貴, 吉井涼輔, 土屋俊二

    日本物理学会2021年度秋季大会  2021.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 粒子-正孔対称な超伝導体中のZ2対称性の破れに伴うマルチヒッグスモード


    日本物理学会2021年度秋季大会  2021.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ハイパーグラフ状態におけるバウンドエンタングルメントの温度及び磁場依存性

    小西克樹, 吉井涼輔, 土屋俊二

    日本物理学会2021年度秋季大会  2021.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 光格子中のボース粒子のエンタングルメントエントロピーに対する相互作用の影響

    杉山康太, 吉井涼輔, 鏡原大地, 山鹿汐音, 土屋俊二

    日本物理学会2021年度秋季大会  2021.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 超流動フェルミ原子気体のずり粘性率II

    鏡原大地, 土屋俊二, 大橋洋士

    日本物理学会2021年度秋季大会  2021.9 

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  • Stability of supercurrents in a superfluid phase of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice

    S. Yamashika, R. Yoshii, S. Tsuchiya

    Quantum Fluids and Solids (QFS2021)  2021.8 

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    Event date: 2021.8    



  • 光格子中のボース粒子におけ るエンタングルメントのダイナミクス

    山鹿汐音, 杉山康太, 鏡原大地, 吉井涼輔, 土屋俊二

    第3回冷却原子研究会”アトムの会”  2021.8 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 超流動フェルミ原子気体のずり粘性率

    鏡原大地, 土屋俊二, 大橋洋士

    日本物理学会第76回年次大会  2021.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • クラスター状態に対する有限温度と外部磁場の影響

    秋本一輝, 吉井涼輔, 小西克樹, 土屋俊二

    第43回量子情報技術研究会  2020.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 離散時間量子ウォークにおけるAharonov-Bohm効果

    飯田海帆, 吉井涼輔, 土屋俊二

    第43回量子情報技術研究会  2020.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Entanglement propagation in thermalization of an isolated quantum system

    Ryosuke Yoshii, Shunji Tsuchiya

    20th Asian Quantum Information Science Conference  2020.12 

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    Event date: 2020.12    

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 光格子中のスピン1ボソンの超流動臨界速度

    山鹿汐音, 吉井涼輔, 土屋俊二

    第2回冷却原子研究会”アトムの会”  2020.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • クラスター状態に対する外部磁場と有限温度の効果

    秋本一輝, 吉井涼輔, 小西克樹, 土屋俊二

    日本物理学会2020年度秋季大会  2020.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 離散時間量子ウォークにおけるAharonov-Bohm効果

    飯田海帆, 吉井涼輔, 土屋俊二

    日本物理学会2020年度秋季大  2020.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 光格子中のスピン1超流動体の安定性とネマティック秩序

    山鹿汐音, 吉井涼輔, 土屋俊二

    日本物理学会2020年度秋季大会  2020.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • BCS-BECクロスオーバーにおける超流動フェルミ原子気体のジョセフソン振動及びセルフトラッピング現象

    時本純, 土屋俊二, 二国徹郎

    日本物理学会2020年度秋季大会  2020.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 2バンド超伝導体におけるHiggsモード

    小林友輝, 吉井涼輔, 土屋俊二

    日本物理学会2020年度秋季大会  2020.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Critical superfluid velocity of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice

    Shion Yamashita, Ryosuke Yoshii, Shunji Tsuchiya

    51st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics  2020.6 

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    Event date: 2020.6    

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 孤立量子系におけるエンタングルメントの伝播

    吉井涼輔, 土屋俊二

    日本物理学会第75回年次大会  2020.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 光格子中のspin-1ボゾンの超流動臨界速度

    山鹿汐音, 吉井涼輔, 土屋俊二

    日本物理学会第75回年次大会  2020.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 超流動フェルミ原子気体のジョセフソン振動におけるセルフトラッピング現象

    時本純, 土屋俊二, 二国徹郎

    日本物理学会第75回年次大会  2020.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • クラスター状態に対する外部磁場と温度の影響

    秋本一輝, 吉井涼輔, 土屋俊二

    量子論の諸問題と今後の発展(QMKEK7),  2020.2 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Critical superfluid velocity of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice


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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 孤立量子多体系におけるエンタングルメントの伝播と熱平衡化

    吉井涼輔, 土屋俊二

    第41回量子情報技術研究会  2019.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Ginzburg-Landau theory for spinor bosons in an optical lattice


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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Entanglement transport and thermalization in an isolated quantum system

    Ryosuke Yoshii, Shunji Tsuchiya

    The 4th Kyoto-Beijing-Tokyo Workshop on Ultracold Atomic Gases  2019.10 

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    Event date: 2019.9 - 2019.10

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 反束縛状態を介したヒッグスモードの完全透過

    土屋俊二, 中山健

    日本物理学会2019年度秋季大会  2019.9 

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  • フェルミ超流動体のBCS-BECクロスオーバーにおけるHiggsモードの振る舞い

    時本純, 土屋俊二, 二国徹郎

    日本物理学会2019年度秋季大会  2019.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 固有状態熱化を起こす系のエンタングルメント構造

    吉井涼輔, 土屋俊二

    日本物理学会2019年度秋季大会  2019.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Perfect transmission of Higgs modes via anti-bound states

    Shunji Tsuchiya, Takeru Nakayama

    Workshop on Quantum Mixtures  2019.7 

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    Event date: 2019.7    

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Hidden charge-conjugation, parity, time-reversal symmetries and Higgs modes in superconductors

    Shunji Tsuchiya, Daisuke Yamamoto, Ryosuke Yoshii, Muneto Nitta

    The 2018 Swiss Workshop on Materials with Novel Electronic Properties  2018.8 

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    Event date: 2018.8    

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Hidden charge-conjugate, parity, time-reversal symmetries and Higgs modes in superconductors

    東京工業大学 量子物理学・ナノサイエンスセミナー  2018 

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  • Higgs mode in a superfluid Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover

    49th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics  2018 

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  • Higgs mode in a superfluid Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids  2018 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Hidden Discrete Symmetries and Higgs Modes in Fermi Superfluids and Superconductors

    The Third Beijing-Tokyo Workshop on Ultracold Atomic Gases  2018 

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  • Hidden discrete symmetries and Higgs modes in superconductors

    Seminar at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich  2018 

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  • Hidden charge-conjugate, parity, time-reversal symmetries and Higgs modes in superconductors


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  • Higgs mode in a superfluid Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover

    49th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics  2018 

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  • Higgs mode in a superfluid Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids  2018 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Hidden charge-conjugation, parity, time-reversal symmetries and Higgs modes in superconductors

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids  2018 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Hidden discrete symmetries and Higgs modes in superconductors

    The 2018 Swiss Workshop on Materials with Novel Electronic Properties  2018 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Hidden Discrete Symmetries and Higgs Modes in Fermi Superfluids and Superconductors

    The Third Beijing-Tokyo Workshop on Ultracold Atomic Gases  2018 

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  • Hidden discrete symmetries and Higgs modes in superconductors

    Seminar at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich  2018 

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  • BCS-BECクロスオーバーにおけるフェルミ原子 気体のヒッグスモードの振る舞い2

    土屋俊二, 山本大輔, 新田宗土

    日本物理学会2017年度秋季大会  2017.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Higgs mode in ultracold Fermi gases in the BCS-BEC crossover

    6th International Conference on Photoinduced Phase Transitions  2017 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Higgs mode in a trapped superfluid Fermi gas

    28th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics  2017 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • BCS-BECクロスオーバーにおけるフェルミ原子気体のヒッグスモードの振る舞い2

    日本物理学会2017年度秋季大会  2017 

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  • Higgs mode and particle-hole symmetry in superconductors

    Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2017  2017 

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  • Higgs mode in ultracold Fermi gases in the BCS-BEC crossover

    6th International Conference on Photoinduced Phase Transitions  2017 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Higgs mode in a trapped superfluid Fermi gas

    28th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics  2017 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Higgs mode and particle-hole symmetry in superconductors

    Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2017  2017 

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  • Fano resonance through Higgs bound states in tunneling of Nambu-Goldstone modes

    研究会「量子渦と非線形波動 2016」  2016 

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  • 調和トラップ中のフェルミ超流動体におけるHiggsモードの振る舞い

    日本物理学会2015年度年次大会  2016 

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  • 粒子・正孔対称性が僅かに破れた超流動体の集団励起を記述する場の量子論の定式化

    日本物理学会2015年度年次大会  2016 

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  • ディラック電子系におけるバレー内ペアリングによるp波超伝導状態

    日本物理学会2015年度年次大会  2016 

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  • Cooperon condensation and intra-valley spin-triplet pairing in Dirac fermion systems

    International Workshop on Superconductivity and Related Functional Materials2016  2016 

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  • Cooperon condensation and unconventional superconductivity in Dirac fermion systems

    CEMS Topical Meeting on Cold Atoms講演  2016 

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  • Fano resonance through Higgs bound states in tunneling of Nambu-Goldstone modes

    Workshop on quantum vortices and nonlinear waves 2016  2016 

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  • Cooperon condensation and intra-valley spin-triplet pairing in Dirac fermion systems

    International Workshop on Superconductivity and Related Functional Materials2016  2016 

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  • Cooperon condensation and unconventional superconductivity in Dirac fermion systems

    CEMS Topical Meeting on Cold Atoms  2016 

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  • ヒッグス束縛状態を介する南部ゴールドストーンモードの非対称共鳴トンネル現象

    日本物理学会2014年度年次大会  2015 

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  • Fano resonance between Higgs bound states and Nambu-Goldstone modes

    2nd ISSP-MPIPKS Joint Workshop: Dynamics of Strongly Correlated Systems  2015 

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  • Fano resonance through Higgs bound states in tunneling of Nambu-Goldstone modes

    International Workshop on “Cold Atoms meet High Energy Physics”  2015 

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  • Fano resonance through Higgs bound states in tunneling of Nambu-Goldstone modes

    京都大学基礎物理学研究所研究会「熱場の量子論とその応用」  2015 

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  • Fano resonance between Nambu-Goldstone modes and Higgs bound states in a superfluid (招待講演)

    Ugo Fano Symposium2015  2015 

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  • Fano resonance between Higgs bound states and Nambu-Goldstone modes

    2nd ISSP-MPIPKS Joint Workshop: Dynamics of Strongly Correlated Systems  2015 

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  • Fano resonance through Higgs bound states in tunneling of Nambu-Goldstone modes

    International Workshop on "Cold Atoms meet High Energy Physics"  2015 

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  • Fano resonance through Higgs bound states in tunneling of Nambu-Goldstone modes


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  • トポロジカル絶縁体におけるクーペロン凝縮と異方的超伝導

    日本物理学会2013年度年次大会  2014 

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  • Higgs amplitude mode in a superfluid of Dirac fermions (招待講演)

    物性研究所短期研究会「スーパーマターが拓く新量子現象」  2014 

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  • Time crystal phase in a superconducting ring

    International Workshop “Higgs modes in Condensed Matter and Quantum Gases”  2014 

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  • Higgs mode in a trapped superfluid Fermi gas

    International Workshop “Higgs modes in Condensed Matter and Quantum Gases”  2014 

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  • Tunneling Higgs mode and Nambu-Goldstone mode in Bose condensates in optical lattices

    International Workshop “Higgs modes in Condensed Matter and Quantum Gases”  2014 

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  • Higgs mode in a superfluid of Dirac fermions (招待講演)

    International Workshop “Higgs modes in Condensed Matter and Quantum Gases”  2014 

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  • 3次元フェルミ超流動体におけるHiggsモードの振る舞い

    日本物理学会2014年度秋季大会  2014 

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  • Cooperon condensation and unconventional superconducting states in topological insulators

    International Conference on Topological Quantum Phenomena  2014 

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  • Higgs amplitude mode in a superfluid of Dirac fermions


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  • Time crystal phase in a superconducting ring

    International Workshop "Higgs modes in Condensed Matter and Quantum Gases"  2014 

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  • Higgs mode in a trapped superfluid Fermi gas

    International Workshop "Higgs modes in Condensed Matter and Quantum Gases"  2014 

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  • Tunneling Higgs mode and Nambu-Goldstone mode in Bose condensates in optical lattices

    International Workshop "Higgs modes in Condensed Matter and Quantum Gases"  2014 

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  • Higgs mode in a superfluid of Dirac fermions

    International Workshop "Higgs modes in Condensed Matter and Quantum Gases"  2014 

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  • Cooperon condensation and unconventional superconducting states in topological insulators

    International Conference on Topological Quantum Phenomena  2014 

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  • Higgs amplitude mode in superfluids of Dirac fermions

    QS2C Theory Forum: International Symposium on “Strongly Correlated Quantum Science”  2013 

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  • 光格子中におけるspin-1 Bosonの磁気双極子-双極子相互作用がもたらす新たな量子相

    日本物理学会2012年度年次大会  2013 

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  • 光格子中スピン1ボソンのモット絶縁体相及び超流動相における励起スペクトル

    日本物理学会2012年度年次大会  2013 

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  • 蜂の巣格子中のフェルミ超流動体におけるヒッグスモード

    日本物理学会2012年度年次大会  2013 

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  • Higgs amplitude mode in superfluids of Dirac fermions

    American Physical Society March Meeting 2013  2013 

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  • ディラックフェルミオン超流体におけるヒッグスモード (基調講演)

    京都大学基礎物理学研究所研究会「固体中におけるディラック電子系物理の新展開」  2013 

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  • Exact Self-Consistent Condensates in (Imbalanced) quasi-1D Superfluid Gases

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2013  2013 

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  • Elementary excitations of antiferromagnetic spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2013  2013 

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  • Fermi superfluid on the Lieb lattice

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2013  2013 

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  • The Higgs amplitude mode in a superfluid of Dirac fermions (招待講演)

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2013 講演概要集  2013 

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  • Lieb格子中におけるフェルミ原子気体の超流動

    日本物理学会2013年度秋季大会  2013 

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  • Higgs amplitude mode in superfluids of Dirac fermions

    QS2C Theory Forum: International Symposium on "Strongly Correlated Quantum Science"  2013 

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  • Higgs amplitude mode in superfluids of Dirac fermions

    American Physical Society March Meeting 2013  2013 

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  • Exact Self-Consistent Condensates in (Imbalanced) quasi-1D Superfluid Gases

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2013  2013 

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  • Elementary excitations of antiferromagnetic spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2013  2013 

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  • Fermi superfluid on the Lieb lattice

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2013  2013 

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  • The Higgs amplitude mode in a superfluid of Dirac fermions

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2013  2013 

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  • 蜂の巣光格子中のフェルミ気体の集団励起 (招待講演)

    Workshop “Ultracold Gases: Superfluidity and Strong Correlations”  2012 

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  • Strong-coupling effects on photoemission spectra of two-dimensional Fermi gases in the BCS-BEC crossover

    International Conference on Atomic Physics 2012  2012 

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  • Fermi superfluid in a Kagome optical lattice

    International Conference on Atomic Physics 2012  2012 

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  • Possibility of gapless superfluid states of Fermi atoms in triangular optical lattices

    International Conference on Atomic Physics 2012  2012 

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  • Higgs mode in superfluids of Dirac fermions

    Workshop on Quantum Simulations with Ultracold Atoms  2012 

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  • 2次元常流動Fermi原子気体のBCS-BECクロスオーバーにおけるphotoemissionスペクトル

    日本物理学会2012年度秋季大会  2012 

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  • 三角光学格子中におけるスピンインバランスフェルミ原子気体の量子相

    日本物理学会2012年度秋季大会  2012 

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  • カゴメ光学格子中におけるフェルミ原子気体の超流動流の安定性

    日本物理学会2012年度秋季大会  2012 

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  • 光学格子中におけるSpin-1 Bosonの磁気双極子磁気双極子相互作用の影響

    日本物理学会2012年度秋季大会  2012 

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  • ユニタリー領域近傍におけるフェルミ原子ガスの強結合効果 (招待講演)

    新学術領域「中性子星核物質」キックオフシンポジウム  2012 

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  • Strong-coupling effects on photoemission spectra of two-dimensional Fermi gases in the BCS-BEC crossover

    International Conference on Atomic Physics 2012  2012 

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  • Fermi superfluid in a Kagome optical lattice

    International Conference on Atomic Physics 2012  2012 

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  • Possibility of gapless superfluid states of Fermi atoms in triangular optical lattices

    International Conference on Atomic Physics 2012  2012 

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  • Higgs mode in superfluids of Dirac fermions

    Workshop on Quantum Simulations with Ultracold Atoms  2012 

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  • Single-particle properties and inhomogeneous pseudogap phenomena in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a trapped Fermi gas

    ERATO Macroscopic Quantum Control Conference on Ultracold Atoms and Molecules  2011 

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  • Pseudogap effects in photoemission spectrum of a ultracold Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover

    ERATO Macroscopic Quantum Control Conference on Ultracold Atoms and Molecules  2011 

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  • BCS-BECクロスオーバーにおける冷却原子気体の熱力学的性質と擬ギャップ現象

    日本物理学会2011年度春年次大会  2011 

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  • フェルミ原子ガスで実現する強相関、強結合超流動: BCS-BECクロスオーバーと擬ギャップ現象 (招待講演)

    日本物理学会2011年度春年次大会  2011 

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  • Possibility of π-Josephson junction and spontaneous current in a spin-polarized Fermi gas

    American Physical Society March Meeting 2011  2011 

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  • Atomic Fermi superfluids in a honeycomb optical lattice

    American Physical Society March Meeting 2011  2011 

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  • Formation of magnetic impurities, pi-junctions, and a spontaneous current state in a superfluid Fermi Gas (招待講演)

    GriffinFest: Mini workshop in honor of Prof. Allan Griffin  2011 

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  • Theory of Photoemission-type Experiment in the BCS-BEC Crossover Regime of a Superfluid Fermi Gas

    1st International Symposium on Access Spaces  2011 

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  • Superfluid/ferromagnet/superfluid-junction and pi-phase in a superfluid Fermi gas at finite temperatures

    1st International Symposium on Access Spaces  2011 

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  • 冷却原子気体のBCS-BECクロスオーバー領域における擬ギャップ状態 (招待講演)

    京都大学基礎物理学研究所研究会「熱場の量子論とその応用」  2011 

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  • 三角光学格子中におけるFermi原子気体のBCS-BECクロスオーバー

    日本物理学会2011年度秋季大会  2011 

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  • 冷却原子気体の擬ギャップ領域における熱力学量の解析

    日本物理学会2011年度秋季大会  2011 

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  • 蜂の巣格子中の超流動フェルミ気体の安定性について

    日本物理学会2011年度秋季大会  2011 

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  • Exact self-consistent condensates in spin-imbalanced fermionic gases

    International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries  2011 

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  • Stability of superfluid Fermi gas in a honeycomb lattice

    International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries  2011 

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  • Atomic Fermi superfluids in a honeycomb optical lattice : Supercurrents and dynamical instabilities

    Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2011 : Correlation, Frustration and Topology  2011 

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  • Single-particle properties and inhomogeneous pseudogap phenomena in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a trapped Fermi gas

    ERATO Macroscopic Quantum Control Conference on Ultracold Atoms and Molecules  2011 

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  • Pseudogap effects in photoemission spectrum of a ultracold Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover

    ERATO Macroscopic Quantum Control Conference on Ultracold Atoms and Molecules  2011 

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  • Possibility of π-Josephson junction and spontaneous current in a spin-polarized Fermi gas

    American Physical Society March Meeting 2011  2011 

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  • Atomic Fermi superfluids in a honeycomb optical lattice

    American Physical Society March Meeting 2011  2011 

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  • Formation of magnetic impurities, pi-junctions, and a spontaneous current state in a superfluid Fermi Gas

    GriffinFest: Mini workshop in honor of Prof. Allan Griffin  2011 

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  • Theory of Photoemission-type Experiment in the BCS-BEC Crossover Regime of a Superfluid Fermi Gas

    1st International Symposium on Access Spaces  2011 

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  • Superfluid/ferromagnet/superfluid-junction and pi-phase in a superfluid Fermi gas at finite temperatures

    1st International Symposium on Access Spaces  2011 

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  • Exact self-consistent condensates in spin-imbalanced fermionic gases

    International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries  2011 

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  • Stability of superfluid Fermi gas in a honeycomb lattice

    International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries  2011 

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  • Atomic Fermi superfluids in a honeycomb optical lattice : Supercurrents and dynamical instabilities

    Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2011 : Correlation, Frustration and Topology  2011 

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  • photoemission spectroscopyによる超流動Fermi原子気体の理論解析

    日本物理学会2010年度年次大会  2010 

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  • Superfluid/ferromagnet/superfluid-junction and pi-phase in a superfluid Fermi gas with population imbalance

    International Symposium on Physics of New Quantum Phases in Superclean Materials  2010 

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  • Theory of photoemission spectroscopy of Fermi gases in the BCS-BEC crossover

    International Symposium on Physics of New Quantum Phases in Superclean Materials  2010 

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  • Theory of photoemission spectroscopy of Fermi gases in the crossover regime above Tc

    American Physical Society March Meeting 2010  2010 

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  • Formation of magnetic impurities and pair-breaking effect in a superfluid Fermi gas (招待講演)

    International Workshop “Ultracold Fermi Gas: Superfluidity and Strong Correlation”  2010 

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  • Pseudogap signature in photoemission spectrum of an ultracold Fermi gas (招待講演)

    International Workshop “Ultracold Fermi Gas: Superfluidity and Strong Correlation”  2010 

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  • Strong coupling effects on the single-particle properties in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of superfluid Fermi gases

    22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics  2010 

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  • スピン偏極したFermi原子ガスを用いた超流動/強磁性/超流動接合で実現するπ-phase状態の解析

    日本物理学会2010年度秋季大会  2010 

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  • photoemission spectroscopyによる超流動Fermi原子気体の理論解析(2)

    日本物理学会2010年度秋季大会  2010 

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  • Fermi原子気体のphotoemission spectroscopyにおける擬ギャップとback-bendingスペクトルについて

    日本物理学会2010年度秋季大会  2010 

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  • スピン偏極したFermi原子ガス超流動におけるBogoliubov-de Gennes方程式の厳密解

    日本物理学会2010年度秋季大会  2010 

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  • Pseudogap behavior of a ultracold Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover regime (招待講演)

    The 11th Asia Pacific Physics Conference  2010 

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  • Pseudogap behavior of a ultracold Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover regime (招待講演)

    The 11th Asia Pacific Physics Conference  2010 

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  • Photoemission spectrum and pseudogap phenomena in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of an ultracold Fermi gas (招待講演)

    第18回渦糸物理国内会議  2010 

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  • Superfluid/ferromagnet/superfluid-junction and pi-phase in a superfluid Fermi gas with population imbalance

    International Symposium on Physics of New Quantum Phases in Superclean Materials  2010 

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  • Theory of photoemission spectroscopy of Fermi gases in the BCS-BEC crossover

    International Symposium on Physics of New Quantum Phases in Superclean Materials  2010 

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  • Theory of photoemission spectroscopy of Fermi gases in the crossover regime above Tc

    American Physical Society March Meeting 2010  2010 

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  • Formation of magnetic impurities and pair-breaking effect in a superfluid Fermi gas

    International Workshop "Ultracold Fermi Gas: Superfluidity and Strong Correlation"  2010 

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  • Pseudogap signature in photoemission spectrum of an ultracold Fermi gas

    International Workshop "Ultracold Fermi Gas: Superfluidity and Strong Correlation"  2010 

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  • Strong coupling effects on the single-particle properties in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of superfluid Fermi gases

    22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics  2010 

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  • Pseudogap behavior of a ultracold Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover regime

    The 11th Asia Pacific Physics Conference  2010 

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  • Pseudogap behavior of a ultracold Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover regime

    The 11th Asia Pacific Physics Conference  2010 

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  • Pseudogap phenomena in the BCS-BEC crossover of ultracold Fermi gases (招待講演)

    Joint JSPS-ESF international conference on Nanoscience and Engineering in Superconductivity  2009 

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  • Fermi原子気体のBCS-BECクロスオーバーにおける擬ギャップ状態 2

    日本物理学会2008年度春季大会  2009 

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  • Pseudogap phenomena in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of atomic Fermi gases

    American Physical Society March Meeting 2009  2009 

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  • Pseudogap in fermionic density of states in the BCS-BEC crossover of atomic Fermi gases

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2009  2009 

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  • BCS-BECクロスオーバーにおける超流動状態の解析

    本物理学会2009年度秋季大会  2009 

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  • 光格子中におけるインバランスフェルミ気体の安定性

    日本物理学会2009年度秋季大会  2009 

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  • Pseudogap behavior of atomic Fermi gases above Tc in the BCS-BEC crossover

    9th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity  2009 

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  • Strong-coupling fluctuation effects in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of an ultracold Fermi gas (招待講演)

    5th cross-strait and international conference on quantum manipulation  2009 

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  • Pseudogap phenomena in the BCS-BEC crossover of ultracold Fermi gases

    Joint JSPS-ESF international conference on Nanoscience and Engineering in Superconductivity  2009 

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  • Pseudogap phenomena in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of atomic Fermi gases

    American Physical Society March Meeting 2009  2009 

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  • Pseudogap in fermionic density of states in the BCS-BEC crossover of atomic Fermi gases

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2009  2009 

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  • Pseudogap behavior of atomic Fermi gases above Tc in the BCS-BEC crossover

    9th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity  2009 

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  • Strong-coupling fluctuation effects in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of an ultracold Fermi gas

    5th cross-strait and international conference on quantum manipulation  2009 

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  • Bogoliubovフォノンの異常トンネル現象と誘起された超流動流

    日本物理学会2007年度年次大会  2008 

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  • Bogoliubov励起のトンネル問題における準粒子流の異常な増加

    CRESTワークショップ 2008 超伝導新奇応用のためのマルチスケール•マルチフィジックスシミュレーション基盤構築  2008 

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  • Enhanced quasiparticle current of Bogoliubov phonon in a Bose-Einstein condensate

    25th international conference on Low Temperature Physics  2008 

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  • Current-Induced Instability of Superfluid Fermi Gases in Optical Lattices

    25th international conference on Low Temperature Physics  2008 

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  • Quasiparticle inducing Josephson effect in a Bose-Einstein condensate

    9th International Symposium on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology  2008 

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  • Stability of superfluid Fermi gases in optical lattices

    9th International Symposium on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology  2008 

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  • Enhanced quasiparticle current of Bogoliubov phonon in a Bose-Einstein condensate

    25th international conference on Low Temperature Physics  2008 

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  • Current-Induced Instability of Superfluid Fermi Gases in Optical Lattices

    25th international conference on Low Temperature Physics  2008 

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  • Quasiparticle inducing Josephson effect in a Bose-Einstein condensate

    9th International Symposium on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology  2008 

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  • Stability of superfluid Fermi gases in optical lattices

    9th International Symposium on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology  2008 

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  • Solitons in two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates

    Many-body theory of inhomogeneous superfluids  2007 

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  • Quantum tunneling of Bogoliubov excitations in Bose-Einstein condensates

    Bose-Einstein Condensation 2007 Frontiers in Quantum Gases  2007 

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  • Origin of anomalous tunneling of Bogoliubov excitations

    International Symposium on Physics of New Quantum Phases in Superclean Materials  2007 

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  • Solitons in two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates

    Many-body theory of inhomogeneous superfluids  2007 

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  • Quantum tunneling of Bogoliubov excitations in Bose-Einstein condensates

    Bose-Einstein Condensation 2007 Frontiers in Quantum Gases  2007 

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  • Origin of anomalous tunneling of Bogoliubov excitations

    International Symposium on Physics of New Quantum Phases in Superclean Materials  2007 

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  • Bogoliubov Excitations and Superfluidity in a Kronig-Penney Potential

    American Physical Society March Meeting 2006  2006 

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  • Stability and excitations of solitons in 2D Bose-Einstein condensates

    XX International Conference on Atomic Physics  2006 

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  • Landau and Dynamical Instabilities of Bose-Einstein Condensates in a Kronig-Penney Potential

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2006  2006 

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  • Stability and excitations of solitons in 2D Bose-Einstein condensates

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2006  2006 

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  • Resonance state of solitons in 2D Bose-Einstein condensates

    Solitons and nonlinear phenomena in degenerate quantum gases  2006 

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  • Bogoliubov Excitations and Superfluidity in a Kronig-Penney Potential

    American Physical Society March Meeting 2006  2006 

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  • Stability and excitations of solitons in 2D Bose-Einstein condensates

    XX International Conference on Atomic Physics  2006 

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  • Landau and Dynamical Instabilities of Bose-Einstein Condensates in a Kronig-Penney Potential

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2006  2006 

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  • Stability and excitations of solitons in 2D Bose-Einstein condensates

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2006  2006 

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  • Resonance state of solitons in 2D Bose-Einstein condensates

    Solitons and nonlinear phenomena in degenerate quantum gases  2006 

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  • Excitation spectrum of Bose condensed gases in an optical lattice

    Banff Cold Atom Meeting2005  2005 

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  • 光格子中のボース凝縮体の素励起

    日本物理学会2004年度年次大会  2005 

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  • 光格子中のスピン1ボーズ気体における磁場効果

    日本物理学会2005年度秋季大会  2005 

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  • Excitation spectrum of Bose condensed gases in an optical lattice

    Banff Cold Atom Meeting2005  2005 

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  • Anomalous dispersion and the absence of damping of excitations in optical lattices

    American Physical Society March Meeting 2004  2004 

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  • Gutzwiller study for superfluid-Mott insulator transition of spin-1 bosons in a lattice

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids2004  2004 

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  • 光格子におけるボース凝縮体の集団励起の減衰

    日本物理学会2004年度秋季大会  2004 

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  • Anomalous dispersion and the absence of damping of excitations in optical lattices

    American Physical Society March Meeting 2004  2004 

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  • Gutzwiller study for superfluid-Mott insulator transition of spin-1 bosons in a lattice

    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids2004  2004 

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  • Damping of condensate modes of trapped atoms in an optical lattice

    American Physical Society 34th Meeting of the Division of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics  2003 

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  • Damping of condensate modes in a uniform 1D optical lattice

    American Physical Society 34th Meeting of the Division of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics  2003 

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  • Damping of condensate excitations in optical lattices

    Euro Conference on the New Trends in Physics of Quantum Gases Bose-Einstein Condensation  2003 

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  • Damping of condensate modes of trapped atoms in an optical lattice

    American Physical Society 34th Meeting of the Division of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics  2003 

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  • Damping of condensate modes in a uniform 1D optical lattice

    American Physical Society 34th Meeting of the Division of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics  2003 

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  • Damping of condensate excitations in optical lattices

    Euro Conference on the New Trends in Physics of Quantum Gases Bose-Einstein Condensation  2003 

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  • スピン自由度のあるBose凝縮体の超流動-絶縁転移

    日本物理学会2002年度秋季大会  2002 

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  • Skyrmions in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates (招待講演)

    10th annual International Laser Physics Workshop  2001 

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  • Skyrmions in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates

    10th annual International Laser Physics Workshop  2001 

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  • スピン自由度のあるボース凝縮体のトポロジカルな励起

    日本物理学会2000年度秋季大会  2000 

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  • スピン自由度のあるボース凝縮体のトポロジカルな励起

    文部省科学研究費補助金特定領域研究(B)低次元ヘリウム3の新物性  2000 

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  • 国際学会賞, 2011 1st International Symposium on Access Spaces (IEEE-ISAS2011), Best Paper Award


  • 国際学会賞, 2011 1st International Symposium on Access Spaces (IEEE-ISAS2011), Best Paper Award


Research Projects

  • Quantum simulation of novel superconducting phases in flat band systems using optical lattices

    Grant number:19K03691  2019.4 - 2022.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Chuo University

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount: \3510000 ( Direct Cost: \2700000 、 Indirect Cost: \810000 )


  • Quantum simulations of Higgs mode in strongly correlated atomic gases on the honeycomb lattice

    Grant number:26800216  2014.4 - 2016.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)  Tohoku Institute of Technology

    Tsuchiya Shunji

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount: \2340000 ( Direct Cost: \1800000 、 Indirect Cost: \540000 )

    The Higgs particle plays a central role in the mechanism of mass generation in particle physics. It attracted attention by the recent discovery in the experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider. On the other hand, there are particles in solid-state materials such as magnets and superconductors that are analogous to the Higgs particle. These particles are called "Higgs mode". However, Higgs modes have not been much investigated because of the experimental difficulties. We theoretically study a Higgs mode in an atomic gas that is cooled down to ultra-low temperatures. We find a new type of low-energy Higgs mode that is spatially localized in the vicinity of impurities. We also study properties of atomic gases in a crystal that is artificially made of laser beams. We predict the emergence of a novel inhomogeneous superconducting state when the crystal has the honeycomb-lattice structure that is the same crystal structure as graphene.


  • Cooper pair liquid phase and pseudogap effect of attractive fermions in a honeycomb optical lattice

    Grant number:24740276  2012.4 - 2014.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)  Tokyo University of Science

    TSUCHIYA Shunji

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount: \2600000 ( Direct Cost: \2000000 、 Indirect Cost: \600000 )

    We propose the emergence of the novel quantum phase so called "Cooper pair liquid" and investigate the possibility of pseudogap effect in the vicinity of the quantum critical point between the semimetal and superfluid phases of attractive fermions in optical lattices with the honeycomb geometry. For this purpose, we study elementary excitation in the vicinity of the quantum critical point applying the generalized random phase approximation to the attractive Hubbard model. We find sharp collective mode excitations that are stable against decay into quasiparticle pairs. In the semimetal phase, the collective modes have "Cooperon" and exciton character. These modes smoothly evolve across the quantum phase transition, and become Anderson mode and the Higgs mode that are associated with phase and amplitude fluctuation of the superfluid order parameter. The existence of these stable collective modes strongly implies the emergence of the Cooper pair liquid phase and the pseudogap effect.


  • 量子多体問題とトポロジカルな励起についての研究

    Grant number:02J03365  2002 - 2004

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  特別研究員奨励費  早稲田大学

    土屋 俊二

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    Grant amount: \3000000 ( Direct Cost: \3000000 )

    光格子中でのボース凝縮体の超流動性や安定性を議論する上で、励起スペクトルを調べることは重要である。本研究では、1次元の周期ポテンシャルの中における凝縮体の励起スペクトルとそのバンド構造について議論する。まず、光格子が低い場合を仮定し、格子ポテンシャルを摂動として扱いBogoliubov方程式を解いた。その結果、化学ポテンシャルと自己エネルギーの間にHugenholtz-Pinesの関係式が成り立ち、励起スペクトルは長波長で線形となることがわかった。これは凝縮体の光格子中での超流動性を示している。次に、一つのポテンシャル障壁に対する励起のトンネル問題の解からKronig-Penneyモデルについて励起スペクトルを計算した。二つの凝縮体を隔てるポテンシャル障壁に対するBogoliubov励起のトンネル問題は、解析的に解かれており、低エネルギーのBogoliubov励起がポテンシャル障壁を完全に透過するanomalous tunnelingが起きることが報告されている。計算の結果、準共鳴トンネルが周期ポテンシャル中の凝縮体の励起スペクトルがギャップを持たず線形であることを保証しており、周期ポテンシャルの高い極限まで励起のソフト化は起きないことがわかった。この結果から、Bogoliubov励起のanomalous tunnelingと、凝縮体の光格子中での超流動性が密接に関係しているといえる。


Committee Memberships

  • 2019.4 - 2022.3

    日本物理学会   日本物理学会誌 編集委員  

  • American Physical Society   専門誌レフェリー(Physical Review Letters誌, Physical Review A誌, Physical Review B誌)