Updated on 2024/03/27


SUWA Yuichi
Faculty of Science and Engineering Professor
Other responsible organization
Biological Sciences Course of Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Master's Program
Biological Sciences Course of Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Doctoral Program
External link


  • 農学博士 ( 東北大学 )

  • 農学修士 ( 東北大学 )


  • 1982.3

    Tohoku University   Graduate School, Division of Agriculture   master course   completed

  • 1980.3

    Tohoku University   Faculty of Agriculture   graduated

Research History

  • 2008.4 -  

    中央大学理工学部生命科学科 教授

Professional Memberships

  • 日本微生物生態学会

  • 日本農芸化学会

  • 日本水環境学会

  • 生物工学会

  • 国際微生物生態学会

  • アメリカ微生物学会

  • 第2回岡崎国際生物学高等会議(Okazaki Biology Conference (OBC2) 基礎生物学研究所主催)、実行委員会事務局長

  • 第4回岡崎国際生物学高等会議(Okazaki Biology Conference (OBC4) 基礎生物学研究所主催)実行委員会事務局長

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Research Interests

  • Applied Biochemistry

  • Environmental Dynamic Analysis

  • Applied Microbiochemistry

Research Areas

  • Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental dynamic analysis  / 環境動態解析

  • Life Science / Applied microbiology  / 応用微生物学

  • Life Science / Applied biochemistry  / 応用生物化学


  • Alteration of dissimilatory nitrate reduction pathways in the intertidal sediment during macroalgae blooms

    Yukiko Senga, Tsubasa Sato, Kanae Shibaki, Megumi Kuroiwa, Seiichi Nohara, Yuichi Suwa

    Water   14 ( 19 )   3022 - 3033   2022.10

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    Language:English   Publisher:MDPI  


    DOI: 10.3390/w14193002


  • The physiological potential of anammox bacteria as revealed by their core genome structure Reviewed

    Takashi Okubo, Atsushi Toyoda, Kohei Fukuhara, Ikuo Uchiyama, Yuhki Harigaya, Megumi Kuroiwa, Takuma Suzuki, Yuka Murakami, Yuichi Suwa, Hideto Takami

    DNA Research   28 ( 1 )   2021.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Oxford Academic  


  • Measurement of the Potential Rates of Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction to Ammonium Based on <sup>14</sup>NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>/<sup>15</sup>NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup> Analyses via Sequential Conversion to N<sub>2</sub>O

    Megumi Kuroiwa, Keitaro Fukushima, Kazuma Hashimoto, Yukiko Senga, Tsubasa Sato, Chie Katsuyama, Yuichi Suwa

    Journal of Visualized Experiments   ( 164 )   2020.10

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MyJove Corporation  

    DOI: 10.3791/59562


  • Anammox and Denitrification in the Intertidal Sediment of the Hypereutrophic Yatsu Tidal Flat, Japan. Reviewed

    Yukiko Senga, Tsubasa Sato, Megumi Kuroiwa, Seiichi Nohara, Yuichi Suwa

    Estuaries and Coasts   42   665 - 674   2019.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s12237-019-00520-6


  • Measurement of the Potential Rates of Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction to Ammonium Based on 14NH4+/15NH4+ Analyses via Sequential Conversion to N2O. Reviewed

    Megumi Kuroiwa, Keitaro Fukushima, Kazuma Hashimoto, Yukiko Senga, Tsubasa Sato, Chie Katsuyama, Yuichi Suwa

    J Visualized Experiemnts   2019

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • A Physiological and Genomic Comparison of Nitrosomonas Cluster 6a and 7 Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria.

    Christopher J. Sedlacek, Brian McGowan, Yuichi Suwa, Luis Sayavedra-Soto, Hendrikus J. Laanbroek, Lisa Y. Stein, Jeanette M. Norton, Martin G. Klotz, Annette Bollmann

    Microb. Ecol.   2019

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00248-019-01378-8


  • Highly abundant acidophilic ammonia-oxidizing archaea causes high rates of nitrification and nitrate leaching in nitrogen-saturated forest soils Reviewed

    Kazuo Isobe, Junko Ikutani, Yunting Fang, Muneoki Yoh, Jiangming Mo, Yuichi Suwa, Makoto Yoshida, Keishi Senoo, Shigeto Otsuka, Keisuke Koba

    Soil Biology and Biochemistry   122   220 - 227   2018.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier Ltd  

    In southern China, high levels of atmospheric nitrogen (N) are being deposited in forests. Soil acidification and high rates of soil nitrification and subsequent NO3 − leaching have been observed in the N-saturated forests. We previously did not detect NH3-oxidizing bacteria in non-N-saturated or N-saturated forest soils. However, NH3-oxidizing archaea were present in both soils, more in the saturated ones. The purpose of this study was to investigate the roles of autotrophic NH3-oxidizing archaea and heterotrophic nitrifiers in soil N transformations in N-saturated and non-N-saturated forests in southern China. We investigated the contribution of heterotrophic nitrifiers in the soils by determining the gross nitrification rates with and without an inhibitor of autotrophic nitrification, acetylene (C2H2). We also reevaluated nitrification by NH3-oxidizing archaea by correlating the C2H2-inhibited gross nitrification rates with the abundance of the amoA transcripts of NH3-oxidizing archaea. We further measured the gross NH4 + production rates and analyzed the community composition of the NH3-oxidizing archaea. The results suggest that NH3-oxidizing archaea, rather than heterotrophic nitrifiers and NH3-oxidizing bacteria, are responsible for the nitrification in the N-saturated forest soils. NH3-oxidizing archaea in the soils could be acidophilic, having low amoA diversity, indicating their strong adaptation to the highly acidified soils. The gross NH4 + production rate did not differ between N-saturated and non-N-saturated forests
    however, the gross nitrification rate was higher in N-saturated forests. Consequently, the high abundance and NH3 oxidation activity of NH3-oxidizing archaea caused the high rates of nitrification and subsequent leaching of NO3 − in the N-saturated forest. This study suggests that acidophilic NH3-oxidizing archaea have a great impact on soil N cycling in N-saturated forests.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.04.021



  • Attempts on highly-sensitive detection of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms (AOMs) using so-called the denitrifier method and its application on MPN enumeration of AOMs Reviewed

    Keisuke Sakai, Megumi Kuroiwa, Hiroshi Ishikawa, Ryo Sasaki, Chie Katsuyama, Kazuo Isobe, Yuichi Suwa

    Journal of the Institute of Science and Engineering. Chuo University   23   1 - 11   2018.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Distribution and phylogeny of anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) bacteria in the water column of the central Pacific Ocean (in press; available on line Dec 16, 2017) Reviewed

    Hamasaki, K, Shishikura, R, Suzuki, S, Shiozaki, T, Ogawa, H, Nakamura, T, Suwa, Y

    Deep-Sea Research II   0   0 - 0   2017.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Quantitative evaluation of inhibitory effect of various substances on anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) Reviewed

    Tomotaka Nakamura, Yuhki Harigaya, Yuya Kimura, Megumi Kuroiwa, Yuhri Kurata, Kazuichi Isaka, Yuichi Suwa

    JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING   124 ( 3 )   333 - 338   2017.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC BIOSCIENCE BIOENGINEERING JAPAN  

    The inhibitory effect of 20 substances of various chemical species on the anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) activity of an enrichment culture, predominated by Candidatus Brocadia, was determined systematically by using a N-15 tracer technique. The initial anammox rate was determined during first 25 min with a small-scale anaerobic batch incubation supplemented with possible inhibitors. Although Cu2+ and Mn2+ did not inhibit anammox, the remaining 18 substances [Ni2+, Zn2+, Co2+, Moo(4)(2-), Fe2+, 4 amines, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), ethylenediamine-N,N'-bis (2-hydroxyphenylacetic acid) (EDDHA), citric acid, nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA), N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMA), 1,4-dioxane, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and tetrahydrofuran (THF)] were inhibitory. Inhibitory effect of NTA, EDDHA, THF, DMF, DMA and amines on anammox was first determined in this study. Inhibitory effects of metals were re-evaluated because chelators, which may interfere inhibitory effect, have been used to dissolve metal salts into assay solution. The relative anammox activities as a function of concentration of each substance were described successfully (R-2 > 0.91) either with a linear inhibition model or with a Michaelis Menten-based inhibition model. IC50 values were estimated based on either model, and were compared. The IC50 values of the 4 chelators (0.06-2.7 mM) and 5 metal ions (0.02-1.09 mM) were significantly lower than those of the 4 amines (10.6-29.1 mM) and 5 organic solvents (3.5-82 mM). Although it did not show any inhibition within 25 min, 0.1 mM Cu2+ completely inhibited anammox activity in 240 min, suggesting that the inhibitory effect caused by Cu2+ is time-dependent. (C) 2017, The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2017.04.010

    Web of Science


  • Hybrid nitrous oxide production from partial nitrifying bioreactor: Hydroxylamine interactions with nitrite Reviewed

    Terada, A, Sugawara, S, Hojo, K, Takeuchi, Y, Riya, S, Harper, W.F, Yomamoto, T, Kuroiwa, M, Isobe, K, Katsuyama, C, Suwa, Y, Koba, K, Hosomi, M

    Environ. Sci. Technol.   51   2748 - 2756   2017.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ACS Publications  


  • Uncoupling of ammonia oxidation from nitrite oxidation: Impact upon nitrous oxide production in non-cropped Oregon soils Reviewed

    Andrew T. Giguere, Anne E. Taylor, Yuichi Suwa, David D. Myrold, Peter J. Bottomley

    SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY   104   30 - 38   2017.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    The factors controlling the relative contributions of ammonia-(NH3) oxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB) to nitrification and nitrous oxide (N2O) production in soil remain unclear. A study was conducted to examine the contributions of AOA and AOB to nitrification, nitrite (NO2-) accumulation, and NO2--affected N2O production in three non-cropped Oregon soils. Nitrification potential rates in the three soils ranged seven-fold from 0.15 to 1.08 mu mol N g(-1) d(-1), with AOA contributing 64-71% of the total activity. AOA- and AOB-driven NO2- accumulation represented 8-100% of total NO2- + NO3- accumulation, persisted over 48 h, and was accompanied by acetylene-sensitive, ammonium-(NH4+) stimulated N2O production. Ammonium-and NOT-dependent N2O production occurred when both AOA and AOB, or AOA alone were active. By adding the NO2--oxidizing bacteria, Nitrobacter vulgaris, to soil slurries to increase NO2--oxidizing capacity, both NO2- accumulation and N2O production were prevented, while the overall rate of nitrification was unaffected. Yields of N2O-N amounted to 0.05 +/- 0.01% of total NO2- + NO3--N accumulation in the presence of supplemental NH4+, and 0.28 +/- 0.11% in the presence of both supplemental NH4+ + NO2-. Regression analysis of the N2O production against NO2- accumulation over 24 h revealed a positive, non-linear relationship for N2O production by both AOA plus AOB and by AOA alone. Values of V-max ranged 12-fold from 0.05 to 0.62 nmol N2O g(-1) d(-1), and predicted K-m values for NO2- ranged 15-fold from 0.02 to 0.30 smol NO2- g(-1) soil. These findings provide new insights into the impact of NO2- accumulation in soils on N2O production by both AOA and AOB, and show that NOT accumulation primarily drives N2O formation in these soils, and increases N2O yield by both AOA and AOB. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.10.011

    Web of Science


  • Complete genome of Nitrosospira briensis C-128, an ammonia-oxidizing bacterium from agricultural soil Reviewed

    Marlen C. Rice, Jeanette M. Norton, Frederica Valois, Annette Bollmann, Peter J. Bottomley, Martin G. Klotz, Hendrikus J. Laanbroek, Yuichi Suwa, Lisa Y. Stein, Luis Sayavedra-Soto, Tanja Woyke, Nicole Shapiro, Lynne A. Goodwin, Marcel Huntemann, Alicia Clum, Manoj Pillay, Nikos Kyrpides, Neha Varghese, Natalia Mikhailova, Victor Markowitz, Krishna Palaniappan, Natalia Ivanova, Dimitrios Stamatis, T. B. K. Reddy, Chew Yee Ngan, Chris Daum

    STANDARDS IN GENOMIC SCIENCES   11   46   2016.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BIOMED CENTRAL LTD  

    Nitrosospira briensis C-128 is an ammonia-oxidizing bacterium isolated from an acid agricultural soil. N. briensis C-128 was sequenced with PacBio RS technologies at the DOE-Joint Genome Institute through their Community Science Program (2010). The high-quality finished genome contains one chromosome of 3.21 Mb and no plasmids. We identified 3073 gene models, 3018 of which are protein coding. The two-way average nucleotide identity between the chromosomes of Nitrosospira multiformis ATCC 25196 and Nitrosospira briensis C-128 was found to be 77.2 %. Multiple copies of modules encoding chemolithotrophic metabolism were identified in their genomic context. The gene inventory supports chemolithotrophic metabolism with implications for function in soil environments.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40793-016-0168-4

    Web of Science


  • Response of the ammonia oxidation activity of microorganisms in surface sediment to a controlled sub-seabed release of CO2 Reviewed

    Yuji Watanabe, Karen Tait, Simon Gregory, Masatoshi Hayashi, Akifumi Shimamoto, Peter Taylor, Henrik Stahl, Kay Green, Ikuo Yoshinaga, Yuichi Suwa, Jun Kita


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    The impact of a sub-seabed CO2 leak from geological sequestration on the microbial process of ammonia oxidation was investigated in the field. Sediment samples were taken before, during and after a controlled sub-seabed CO2 leak at four zones differing in proximity to the CO2 source (epicentre, and 25 m, 75 m, and 450 m distant). The impact of CO2 release on benthic microbial ATP levels was compared to ammonia oxidation rates and the abundance of bacterial and archaeal ammonia amoA genes and transcripts, and also to the abundance of nitrite oxidizer (nirS) and anammox hydrazine oxidoreductase (hzo) genes and transcripts. The major factor influencing measurements was seasonal: only minor differences were detected at the zones impacted by CO2 (epicentre and 25 m distant). This included a small increase to ammonia oxidation after 37 days of CO2 release which was linked to an increase in ammonia availability as a result of mineral dissolution. A CO2 leak on the scale used within this study (<1 tonne day(-1)) would have very little impact to ammonia oxidation within coastal sediments. However, seawater containing 5% CO2 did reduce rates of ammonia oxidation. This was linked to the buffering capacity of the sediment, suggesting that the impact of a sub-seabed leak of stored CO2 on ammonia oxidation would be dependent on both the scale of the CO2 release and sediment type. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2014.11.013

    Web of Science


  • Tepidicaulis marinus gen. nov., sp nov., a marine bacterium that reduces nitrate to nitrous oxide under strictly microaerobic conditions Reviewed

    Mio Takeuchi, Takao Yamagishi, Yoichi Kamagata, Kenshiro Oshima, Masahira Hattori, Taiki Katayama, Satoshi Hanada, Hideyuki Tamaki, Katsumi Marumo, Hiroto Maeda, Munetomo Nedachi, Wataru Iwasaki, Yuichi Suwa, Susumu Sakata


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY  

    A moderately thermophilic, aerobic, stalked bacterium (strain MA2(T)) was isolated from marine sediments in Kagoshima Bay, Japan. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that strain MA2(T) was most closely related to the genera Rhodobium, Parvibaculum, and Rhodoligotrophos (92-93% similarity) within the class Alphaproteobacteria. Strain MA2(T) was a Gram-stain-negative and stalked dimorphic bacteria. The temperature range for growth was 16 48 degrees C (optimum growth at 42 degrees C). This strain required yeast extract and NaCI (>1%, w/v) for growth, tolerated up to 11% (w/v) NaCl, and was capable of utilizing various carbon sources. The major cellular fatty acid and major respiratory quinone were C-18:1 omega 7c and ubiquinone-10, respectively. The DNA G + C content was 60.7 mol%. Strain MA2(T) performed denitrification and produced N2O from nitrate under strictly microaerobic conditions. Strain MA2(T) possessed periplasmic nitrate reductase (Nap) genes but not membrane-bound nitrate reductase (Nar) genes. On the basis of this morphological, physiological, biochemical and genetic information a novel genus and species, Tepidicaulis marinus gen. nov., sp. nov., are proposed, with MA2(T) (=NBRC 109643(T)=DSM 27167(T)) as the type strain of the species.

    DOI: 10.1099/ijs.0.000167

    Web of Science


  • Effects of freeze-thaw cycles resulting from winter climate change on soil nitrogen cycling in ten temperate forest ecosystems throughout the Japanese archipelago Reviewed

    Rieko Urakawa, Hideaki Shibata, Megumi Kuroiwa, Yoshiyuki Inagaki, Ryunosuke Tateno, Takuo Hishi, Karibu Fukuzawa, Keizo Hirai, Hiroto Toda, Nobuhiro Oyanagi, Makoto Nakata, Asami Nakanishi, Keitaro Fukushima, Tsutomu Enoki, Yuichi Suwa

    SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY   74 ( 74 )   82 - 94   2014.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    In temperate forest ecosystems, accelerated freeze-thaw cycles caused by winter climate change are expected to affect nitrogen (N) cycling in soils. Net N mineralization and nitrification rates were investigated via incubations of sieved soils transplanted from ten temperate forest ecosystems to two northern Japan sites with natural snowfall gradients. This was done to address: 1) how freeze-thaw cycles affect N mineralization and nitrification in temperate forest soils; 2) whether freeze-thaw cycles change the soil N transformation rates in the following growing season; and 3) which soil characteristics affect the response of the N transformation rates to freeze-thaw cycles. The effect of freeze-thaw cycles on inorganic N and dissolved organic carbon productions differed among soils, that is, some soils produced more inorganic N and dissolved organic carbon in the conditions imposed by freeze-thaw cycles than in the non-frozen treatment but the others did not. The response to the freeze(t)haw cycles was explained by soil microbial activity (gross N mineralization and nitrification rate) and soil fertility (inorganic N pools in the early spring and water soluble ions). Freeze-thaw cycles significantly increased N transformation rates in the following growing season, suggesting that winter climate change might also affect nutrient availability for vegetation and soil microbes in the growing season. The magnitude and frequency of freeze-thaw cycles were considered to be important indicators of N transformation rates during the growing season, suggesting that the higher intensity of freeze-thaw cycles in the original locations of soils changed the microbial communities and functions with high tolerance to freeze-thaw cycles; this resulted in greater N transformation rates in the following growing season. Microbial activity, soil fertility and climate patterns in the original locations of soils are believed to have an effect on the response to winter climate change and to cause large variability of soil response of N transformation rates to freeze-thaw cycles in both the dormant and growing seasons. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2014.02.022

    Web of Science


  • Seasonal changes and controlling factors of gross N transformation in an evergreen plantation forest in central Japan Reviewed

    Naoko Tokuchi, Satomi Yoneda, Nobuhito Ohte, Nobuaki Usui, Keisuke Koba, Megumi Kuroiwa, Hiroto Toda, Yuichi Suwa

    JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH   19 ( 1 )   77 - 85   2014.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER JAPAN KK  

    We conducted a year-round measurement of gross N transformation rates using the N-15 dilution method, and analyzed seasonal changes and the mechanisms regulating gross N transformation in the Kiryu Experimental Forest in central Japan. While soil microbial biomass C (SMB-C) decreased from the dormant to growing seasons at the organic (O) horizon, no significant trend was observed in SMB-N. This resulted in SMB-C/N being high in the dormant season and low in the growing season, and suggests that the microbial composition changed seasonally. No clear seasonal trend was found in gross NH4 (+) production rates at either the O or surface mineral soil horizons. In contrast, the NH4 (+) consumption rate varied seasonally, with high values in January and April during the dormant season and low values in July and October during the growing season. There was no clear trend in seasonal fluctuation of net NH4 (+) production rates. Gross NH4 (+) production and gross NH4 (+) consumption rates were 10 times greater than the gross nitrification rate. Almost all of the produced NH4 (+) was immobilized, indicating that N tightly cycles at this study site. Considered together with results of the gross N transformation rates, the dominance of high SMB-C/N microbes might stimulate immobilization in the dormant season. At this study site, the change in microbial composition likely influences gross N transformation through immobilization efficiency.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10310-013-0391-4

    Web of Science


  • Methyloceanibacter caenitepidi gen. nov., sp nov., a facultatively methylotrophic bacterium isolated from marine sediments near a hydrothermal vent Reviewed

    Mio Takeuchi, Taiki Katayama, Takao Yamagishi, Satoshi Hanada, Hideyuki Tamaki, Yoichi Kamagata, Kenshiro Oshima, Masahira Hattori, Katsumi Marumo, Munetomo Nedachi, Hiroto Maeda, Yuichi Suwa, Susumu Sakata


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY  

    A moderately thermophilic, methanol-oxidizing bacterium (strain Gela4(T)) was isolated from methane-utilizing mixed-culture originating from marine sediment near a hydrothermal vent. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that strain Gela4(T) was closely related to members of the genus `Methyloligella' (94.7% similarity) within the class Alphaproteobacteria. Strain Gela4(T) was a Gram-staining-negative and aerobic organism. Cells were rod-shaped and non-motile. The temperature range for growth of strain Gela4(T) was 19 43 degrees C (optimal growth at 35 degrees C). Strain Gela4(T) tolerated up to 9% NaCl with an optimum at 1 %. The organism was a facultative methylotroph that could utilize methanol, methylamine, trimethylamine and a variety of multi-carbon compounds. The major cellular fatty acid and major respiratory quinone were C-18:1 omega 7c and ubiquinone-10, respectively. The predominant phospholipids were phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylethanolamine. The DNA G+C content was 63.9 mol%. On the basis of the morphological, physiological, biochemical and genetic information, a novel genus and species, Methyloceanibacter caenitepidi is proposed, with Gela4(T) (=NBRC 109540(T)=DSM 27242(T)) as the type strain.

    DOI: 10.1099/ijs.0.053397-0

    Web of Science


  • Occurrence and potential activity of denitrifiers and methanogens in groundwater at 140 m depth in Pliocene diatomaceous mudstone of northern Japan Reviewed

    Chie Katsuyama, Hiroaki Nashimoto, Kazuyo Nagaosa, Tomotaka Ishibashi, Kazuki Furuta, Takeshi Kinoshita, Hideki Yoshikawa, Kazuhiro Aoki, Takahiro Asano, Yoshito Sasaki, Rumi Sohrin, Daisuke D. Komatsu, Urumu Tsunogai, Hiroyuki Kimura, Yuichi Suwa, Kenji Kato

    FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY   86 ( 3 )   532 - 543   2013.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Anaerobic microbial activity has a major influence on the subsurface environment. We investigated the denitrification and methanogenesis in anoxic groundwater at a depth of 140m in two boreholes drilled in a sedimentary geological setting, where the redox potential fluctuated. The average maximum potential denitrification rates, measured under anaerobic conditions in the two boreholes using an N-15 tracer, were 0.060 and 0.085nmol (30)N(2)mL(-1)h(-1). The deduced NirS amino acid sequences obtained from in situ samples were similar to those of isolates belonging to the -, -, and -Proteobacteria, and the Firmicutes (72-100% similarity). Based on the nirS gene, the same operational taxonomic unit dominated incubated samples from each borehole. Methanogenesis candidates were detected by 16S rRNA gene analysis, but no sequence was detected using primers for the functional methanogenesis gene mcrA. Although the stable isotope signatures suggested that some of the dissolved methane was of biogenic origin, no potential for methane production was evident during the incubations. The groundwater at 140m depth did not contain oxygen, had an Eh ranging from -144 to 6.8 mV, and was found to be a potential field for denitrification.

    DOI: 10.1111/1574-6941.12179

    Web of Science


  • Responses of community structure of amoA-encoding archaea and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in ammonia biofilter with rockwool mixtures to the gradual increases in ammonium and nitrate Reviewed

    T. Yasuda, M. Waki, K. Kuroda, D. Hanajima, Y. Fukumoto, T. Yamagishi, Y. Suwa, K. Suzuki

    Journal of Applied Microbiology   114 ( 3 )   746 - 761   2013.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Aims: To investigate community shifts of amoA-encoding archaea (AEA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in biofilter under nitrogen accumulation process. Methods and Results: A laboratory-scale rockwool biofilter with an irrigated water circulation system was operated for 436 days with ammonia loading rates of 49-63 NH3 g m-3 day-1. The AEA and AOB communities were investigated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, sequencing and real-time PCR analysis based on amoA genes. The results indicated that changes in abundance and community compositions occurred in a different manner between archaeal and bacterial amoA during the operation. However, both microbial community structures mainly varied when free ammonia (FA) concentrations in circulation water were increasing, which caused a temporal decline in reactor performance. Dominant amoA sequences after this transition were related to Thaumarchaeotal Group I.1b, Nitrosomonas europaea lineages and one subcluster within Nitrosospira sp. cluster 3, for archaea and bacteria, respectively. Conclusions: The specific FA in circulation water seems to be the important factor, which relates to the AOB and AEA community shifts in the biofilter besides ammonium and pH. Significance and Impact of the Study: One of the key factors for regulating AEA and AOB communities was proposed that is useful for optimizing biofiltration technology. © 2013 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

    DOI: 10.1111/jam.12091




  • Effects of freeze-thaw cycles by winter climate change on soil nitrogen dynamics in ten temperate forest ecosystems throughout Japanese archipelago Reviewed

    Urakawa Rieko, Oganagi Nobuhiro, Nakata Makoto, Nakanishi Asami, Fukushima Keitaro, Enoki Tsutomu, Koba Keisuke, Suwa Yuichi, Shibata Hideaki, Kuroiwa Megumi, Inagaki Yoshiyuki, Tateno Ryunosuke, Hishi Takuo, Fukuzawa Karibu, Hirai Keizo, Toda Hiroto

    The Japanese Forest Society Congress   124 ( 0 )   171 - 171   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:THE JAPANESE FORESTRY SOCIETY  

    DOI: 10.11519/jfsc.


  • Complete genome sequence of Nitrosomonas sp. Is79, an ammonia oxidizing bacterium adapted to low ammonium concentrations

    Annette Bollmann, Christopher J. Sedlacek, Jeanette Norton, Hendrikus J. Laanbroek, Yuichi Suwa, Lisa Y. Stein, Martin G. Klotz, Daniel Arp, Luis Sayavedra-Soto, Megan Lu, David Bruce, Chris Detter, Roxanne Tapia, James Han, Tanja Woyke, Susan M. Lucas, Sam Pitluck, Len Pennacchio, Matt Nolan, Miriam L. Land, Marcel Huntemann, Shweta Deshpande, Cliff Han, Amy Chen, Nikos Kyrpides, Konstantinos Mavromatis, Victor Markowitz, Ernest Szeto, Natalia Ivanova, Natalia Mikhailova, Ioanna Pagani, Amrita Pati, Lin Peters, Galina Ovchinnikova, Lynne A. Goodwin

    STANDARDS IN GENOMIC SCIENCES   7 ( 3 )   469 - 482   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:GENOMIC STAND CONSORT  

    Nitrosomonas sp. Is79 is a chemolithoautotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacterium that belongs to the family Nitrosomonadaceae within the phylum Proteobacteria. Ammonia oxidation is the first step of nitrification, an important process in the global nitrogen cycle ultimately resulting in the production of nitrate. Nitrosomonas sp. Is79 is an ammonia oxidizer of high interest because it is adapted to low ammonium and can be found in freshwater environments around the world. The 3,783,444-bp chromosome with a total of 3,553 protein coding genes and 44 RNA genes was sequenced by the DOE-Joint Genome Institute Program CSP 2006.

    DOI: 10.4056/sigs.3517166

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  • N2O Emission from Degraded Soybean Nodules Depends on Denitrification by Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Other Microbes in the Rhizosphere

    Shoko Inaba, Fumio Ikenishi, Manabu Itakura, Masakazu Kikuchi, Shima Eda, Naohiko Chiba, Chie Katsuyama, Yuichi Suwa, Hisayuki Mitsui, Kiwamu Minamisawa

    MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS   27 ( 4 )   470 - 476   2012.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPANESE SOC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, DEPT BIORESOURCE SCIENCE  

    A model system developed to produce N2O emissions from degrading soybean nodules in the laboratory was used to clarify the mechanism of N2O emission from soybean fields. Soybean plants inoculated with nosZ-defective strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110 (Delta nosZ, lacking N2O reductase) were grown in aseptic jars. After 30 days, shoot decapitation (D, to promote nodule degradation), soil addition (S, to supply soil microbes), or both (DS) were applied. N2O was emitted only with DS treatment. Thus, both soil microbes and nodule degradation are required for the emission of N2O from the soybean rhizosphere. The N2O flux peaked 15 days after DS treatment. Nitrate addition markedly enhanced N2O emission. A N-15 tracer experiment indicated that N2O was derived from N fixed in the nodules. To evaluate the contribution of bradyrhizobia, N2O emission was compared between a nirK mutant (Delta nirK Delta nosZ, lacking nitrite reductase) and Delta nosZ. The N2O flux from the Delta nirK Delta nosZ rhizosphere was significantly lower than that from Delta nosZ, but was still 40% to 60% of that of Delta nosZ, suggesting that N2O emission is due to both B. japonicum and other soil microorganisms. Only nosZ-competent B. japonicum (nosZ+ strain) could take up N2O. Therefore, during nodule degradation, both B. japonicum and other soil microorganisms release N2O from nodule N via their denitrification processes (N2O source), whereas nosZ-competent B. japonicum exclusively takes up N2O (N2O sink). Net N2O flux from soybean rhizosphere is likely determined by the balance of N2O source and sink.

    DOI: 10.1264/jsme2.ME12100

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  • Temperature dependence for anammox bacteria enriched from freshwater sediments Reviewed

    Toshifumi Osaka, Yuya Kimura, Yosuke Otsubo, Yuichi Suwa, Satoshi Tsuneda, Kazuichi Isaka

    JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING   114 ( 4 )   429 - 434   2012.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC BIOSCIENCE BIOENGINEERING JAPAN  

    The anoxic ammonium oxidation (anammox) process has been regarded as an attractive alternative process to treat wastewater containing high ammonium concentrations. By the implementation of anammox process at moderately low temperatures (<25 degrees C), the anammox process will be applied to more various industrial wastewater treatments. In this study, we established enrichment cultures of anammox bacteria from freshwater sediments by using an up-flow column reactor equipped with porous polyester nonwoven fabric at moderately low temperatures. Their nitrogen conversion rates reached 0.07-0.26 kg-N/m(3)/d. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene from enrichment cultures revealed the presence of various anammox bacteria affiliated with unknown anammox bacteria as well as known anammox candidates, i.e., Candidatus Kuenenia stuttgartiensis and Candidatus Brocadia fulgida, Candidatus Scalindua wagneri. Anammox bacterial populations were influenced by enrichment conditions, i.e., seed sediments and temperature. (C) 2012, The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2012.05.003

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  • Nitrite transformations in an N-saturated forest soil Reviewed

    Kazuo Isobe, Keisuke Koba, Yuichi Suwa, Junko Ikutani, Megumi Kuroiwa, Yunting Fang, Muneoki Yoh, Jiangming Mo, Shigeto Otsuka, Keishi Senoo

    SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY   52 ( 52 )   61 - 63   2012.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Nitrite dynamics could he highly associated with forest N cycles. However, they have often been over-looked mainly because of the experimental difficulties that occur owing to chemical reactive nature of NO2-. We investigated NO2- dynamics in an N-saturated forest soil with a recently developed method using N-15. Soils were aerobically incubated for 145 h after (NO2-)-N-15 addition, and changes in N-14 and N-15 concentrations of NO2-, NO3-, NH4+, and dissolved organic N (DON) were monitored. Simultaneous production and consumption of NO2- were observed. The turnover rate of NO2- was even faster than that of NH4+ and NO3- calculated in other studies. Of the added (NO2-)-N-15, 28.5% was oxidized to NO3- and 17.8% was incorporated into the DON pool within 4 h. The remainder might be emitted as gas or fixed by insoluble soil organic matter. Our results suggested that rapid NO2- turnover could be a major driving force for N transformations in forest soil. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.04.006

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  • Detection of Anammox Activity and 16S rRNA Genes in Ravine Paddy Field Soil Reviewed

    Yoshinori Sato, Hiroyuki Ohta, Takao Yamagishi, Yong Guo, Tomoyasu Nishizawa, M. Habibur Rahman, Hisao Kuroda, Task Kato, Masanori Saito, Ikuo Yoshinaga, Kazuyuki Inubushi, Yuichi Suwa

    MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS   27 ( 3 )   316 - 319   2012.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPANESE SOC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, DEPT BIORESOURCE SCIENCE  

    An anammox assay involving a N-15 tracer and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed that the potential anammox activity accounted for 1 to 5% of total N-2 production in a ravine paddy field, Japan. Among four 4-cm-deep layers, the top layer showed the highest activity. Clone libraries showed that the DNA in the top layer contained sequences related to those of Candidatus 'Brocadia fulgida', Ca. 'B. anammoxidans', and Ca. 'Kuenenia stuttgartiensis'. These results suggest that a specific population of anammox bacteria was present in paddy soils, although a small part of dinitrogen gas was emitted from the soil via anammox.

    DOI: 10.1264/jsme2.ME11330

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  • High abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea in acidified subtropical forest soils in southern China after long-term N deposition Reviewed

    Kazuo Isobe, Keisuke Koba, Yuichi Suwa, Junko Ikutani, Yunting Fang, Muneoki Yoh, Jiangming Mo, Shigeto Otsuka, Keishi Senoo

    FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY   80 ( 1 )   193 - 203   2012.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Nitrification has been believed to be performed only by autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) until the recent discovery of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA). Meanwhile, it has been questioned whether AOB are significantly responsible for NH3 oxidation in acidic forest soils. Here, we investigated nitrifying communities and their activity in highly acidified soils of three subtropical forests in southern China that had received chronic high atmospheric N deposition. Nitrifying communities were analyzed using PCR- and culture (most probable number)-based approaches. Nitrification activity was analyzed by measuring gross soil nitrification rates using a 15N isotope dilution technique. AOB were not detected in the three forest soils: neither via PCR of 16S rRNA and ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) genes nor via culture-based approaches. In contrast, an extraordinary abundance of the putative archaeal amoA was detected (3.2 x 1081.2 x 109 g soil-1). Moreover, this abundance was correlated with gross soil nitrification rates. This indicates that amoA-possessing archaea rather than bacteria were predominantly responsible for nitrification of the soils. Furthermore, sequences of the genus Nitrospira, a dominant group of soil NOB, were detected. Thus, nitrification of acidified subtropical forest soils in southern China could be performed by a combination of AOA and NOB.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2011.01294.x

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  • Gross nitrification rates in four Japanese forest soils: heterotrophic versus autotrophic and the regulation factors for the nitrification Reviewed

    Megumi Kuroiwa, Keisuke Koba, Kazuo Isobe, Ryunosuke Tateno, Asami Nakanishi, Yoshiyuki Inagaki, Hiroto Toda, Shigeto Otsuka, Keishi Senoo, Yuichi Suwa, Muneoki Yoh, Rieko Urakawa, Hideaki Shibata

    JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH   16 ( 5 )   363 - 373   2011.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

    Measurements of gross NH (4) (+) and NO (3) (-) production in forest soils were conducted using the N-15 pool dilution method. Mineral topsoils (0-10 cm depth) were collected from four forests from northern to southern Japan with a natural climate gradient to elucidate the mechanisms regulating gross nitrification rates in forest soils. Additionally, we attempted to evaluate the relative importance of heterotrophic nitrification in gross total nitrification using acetylene as a specific inhibitor of autotrophic nitrification. Distinct differences were found among sites in the gross rates of NH (4) (+) production (3.1-11.4 mg N kg(-1) day(-1)) and gross total nitrification (0.0-6.1 mg N kg(-1) day(-1)). The rates of gross heterotrophic nitrification were low in this study, indicating that heterotrophic nitrification is of minor importance in most forest mineral topsoils in Japan. Significant relations were found between gross autotrophic nitrification and gross NH (4) (+) production, soil N, and soil C concentrations, but none was found between gross autotrophic nitrification and soil pH. We determined the critical value of the gross NH (4) (+) production rates for gross autotrophic nitrification under which no gross autotrophic nitrification occurred, as well as the critical soil C/N ratio above which gross autotrophic nitrification ceased. Results show that tight coupling of production and consumption of NH (4) (+) prevents autotrophic nitrifiers from utilizing NH (4) (+) as long as NH (4) (+) availability is low.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10310-011-0287-0

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  • Genome Sequence of Nitrosomonas sp Strain AL212, an Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacterium Sensitive to High Levels of Ammonia Reviewed

    Yuichi Suwa, Jeanette M. Norton, Annette Bollmann, Martin G. Klotz, Lisa Y. Stein, Hendrikus J. Laanbroek, Daniel J. Arp, Lynne A. Goodwin, Olga Chertkov, Brittany Held, David Bruce, J. Chris Detter, Janine C. Detter, Roxanne Tapia, Cliff S. Han

    JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY   193 ( 18 )   5047 - 5048   2011.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY  

    Nitrosomonas sp. strain AL212 is an obligate chemolithotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacterium (AOB) that was originally isolated in 1997 by Yuichi Suwa and colleagues. This organism belongs to Nitrosomonas cluster 6A, which is characterized by sensitivity to high ammonia concentrations, higher substrate affinity (lower Km), and lower maximum growth rates than strains in Nitrosomonas cluster 7, which includes Nitrosomonas europaea and Nitrosomonas eutropha. Genome-informed studies of this ammonia-sensitive cohort of AOB are needed, as these bacteria are found in freshwater environments, drinking water supplies, wastewater treatment systems, and soils worldwide.

    DOI: 10.1128/JB.05521-11

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  • Evidence of Exponential Growth of an Anammox Population in an Anaerobic Batch Culture Reviewed

    Tomoko Yasuda, Miyoko Waki, Ikuo Yoshinaga, Teruki Amano, Kazuyoshi Suzuki, Yasuo Tanaka, Takao Yamagishi, Yuichi Suwa

    MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS   26 ( 3 )   266 - 269   2011.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPANESE SOC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, DEPT BIORESOURCE SCIENCE  

    Twenty-five replicates of growth medium for anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) containing (15)N-labeled ammonium and non-labeled nitrite were inoculated into an anammox enrichment culture at low density, and anaerobically incubated batchwise. In the headspace, (29)N(2) partial pressure linearly increased via anammox in 25 vials, confirming that anammox populations were viable in all subcultures. On prolonged incubation, exponential increases in (29)N(2) were not observed in all but 13 subcultures, suggesting that the anammox population may not proliferate unless all conditions for growth are satisfied. The estimated first-order rate coefficients in those 13 subcultures varied from 0.0029 to 0.0048 h(-1).

    DOI: 10.1264/jsme2.ME10181

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  • Distribution and Diversity of Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (Anammox) Bacteria in the Sediment of a Eutrophic Freshwater Lake, Lake Kitaura, Japan Reviewed

    Ikuo Yoshinaga, Teruki Amano, Takao Yamagishi, Kentaro Okada, Shingo Ueda, Yoshihiko Sako, Yuichi Suwa

    MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS   26 ( 3 )   189 - 197   2011.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPANESE SOC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, DEPT BIORESOURCE SCIENCE  

    Although the emission of N(2) via anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) is a key process in the elimination of nitrogenous compounds from aquatic environments, little information is available regarding its significance and the relevant microorganisms (anammox bacteria) in eutrophic freshwater lakes. In the present study, the anammox bacteria in the sediment of a eutrophic lake in Japan, Lake Kitaura, were examined using a (15)N-tracer technique to measure their potential anammox activity. Potential anammox activity was localized to the northern region of the lake where a stable supply of both NH(4)(+) and NO(3)(-) existed in the sediment. These results suggest the contribution of anammox bacteria to the total emission of N(2) from sediment in this eutrophic lake to not be negligible. Moreover, selective PCR successfully amplified anammox bacteria-related (Brocadiales-related) 16S rRNA genes from sediment samples in which potential anammox activity was observed. The clone libraries consisted of diverse phylotypes except the genus "Scalindua"-lineages, and the lineages of genus "Brocadia" were dominantly recovered, followed by the genus "Kuenenia"-lineages. Most of them, however, were novel and phylogenetically distinguishable from known Brocadiales species. A unique population of anammox bacteria inhabits and potentially contributes to the emission of N(2) from Lake Kitaura.

    DOI: 10.1264/jsme2.ME10184

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  • Distribution and Diversity of Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (Anammox) Bacteria in the Sediment of a Eutrophic Freshwater Lake, Lake Kitaura, Japan Reviewed

    Ikuo Yoshinaga, Teruki Amano, Takao Yamagishi, Kentaro Okada, Shingo Ueda, Yoshihiko Sako, Yuichi Suwa

    Microbes and Environments   26 ( 3 )   189-197   2011.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1264/jsme2.ME10184


  • Contribution of Anammox Bacteria to Benthic Nitrogen Cycling in a Mangrove Forest and Shrimp Ponds, Haiphong, Vietnam Reviewed

    Teruki Amano, Ikuo Yoshinaga, Takao Yamagishi, Chu Van Thuoc, Pham The Thu, Shingo Ueda, Kenji Kato, Yoshihiko Sako, Yuichi Suwa

    MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS   26 ( 1 )   1 - 6   2011.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPANESE SOC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, DEPT BIORESOURCE SCIENCE  

    Mangrove forests are common in subtropical regions, and have received considerable attention as vegetative buffers against anthropogenic N-loading. In this study, we investigated anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) as one of potentially important microbial N-removing pathways in mangrove and shrimp pond sediment in Haiphong, Vietnam. Measurements with (15)N-labeled compounds demonstrated the occurrence of anammox in sediment of mangrove forest and a water channel connecting shrimp ponds to the sea in both 2005 and 2007, and of a semi-intensive shrimp pond in 2005. The rate of potential anammox activity reached to 0.7 nmol-N(2) cm(-3) h(-1), although the contribution of anammox was less significant than denitrification. Anammox-type 16S rRNA gene fragments phylogenetically related to 'Scalindua' species were predominantly recovered from mangrove forest and water channel sediment in a PCR-clone library analysis targeting anammox bacteria. 'Kuenenia'-like gene fragments were also recovered from shrimp pond sediment as the major component. We demonstrated the occurrence of potential anammox activity, and suggested the possibility that diverse species of uncultured anammox bacteria contribute to the nitrogen cycle in subtropical mangrove-aquaculture ecosystems. Furthermore, this study provides new insight into the biogeography of anammox bacteria: 'Scalindua' and 'Kuenenia'-like species coexisted in the blackish sediment as in some temperate estuarine sediment.

    DOI: 10.1264/jsme2.ME10150

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  • Analytical Techniques for Quantifying N-15/N-14 of Nitrate, Nitrite, Total Dissolved Nitrogen and Ammonium in Environmental Samples Using a Gas Chromatograph Equipped with a Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer Reviewed

    Kazuo Isobe, Yuichi Suwa, Junko Ikutani, Megumi Kuroiwa, Tomoko Makita, Yu Takebayashi, Muneoki Yoh, Shigeto Otsuka, Keishi Senoo, Masayuki Ohmori, Keisuke Koba

    MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS   26 ( 1 )   46 - 53   2011.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPANESE SOC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, DEPT BIORESOURCE SCIENCE  

    The measurement of N-15 concentrations in environmental samples requires sophisticated pretreatment devices and expensive isotope-ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS). This report describes the use of a gas chromatograph equipped with a quadrupole-type mass spectrometer (GC/MS) to measure N-15 concentrations of ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) in distilled water, a 2 M KCl solution and a 0.5 M K2SO4 solution. The system measures nitrous oxide (N2O) that is ultimately converted from the target N compound, requiring no special apparatus such as a purge-and-trap pretreatment device. It uses a denitrifier lacking N2O reductase, which produces N2O from nitrate. Persulfate oxidation was applied to convert TDN to nitrate, while additional pretreatment with ammonia diffusion was required for ammonium prior to the persulfate oxidation. Up to 100 samples can be measured daily using the system. We can generally run N-15 measurements with only 1-10 mL of sample for each chemical species of N, a volume 1/10-1/100 times smaller than the amount necessary for conventional methods. Our method is useful for measuring N-15 with GC/MS, offering greater convenience than IRMS.

    DOI: 10.1264/jsme2.ME10159

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  • Analytical Techniques for Quantifying N-15/N-14 of Nitrate, Nitrite, Total Dissolved Nitrogen and Ammonium in Environmental Samples Using a Gas Chromatograph Equipped with a Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer Reviewed

    Kazuo Isobe, Yuichi Suwa, Junko Ikutani, Megumi Kuroiwa, Tomoko Makita, Yu Takebayashi, Muneoki Yoh, Shigeto Otsuka, Keishi Senoo, Masayuki Ohmori, Keisuke Koba

    MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS   26 ( 1 )   46 - 53   2011.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPANESE SOC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, DEPT BIORESOURCE SCIENCE  

    The measurement of N-15 concentrations in environmental samples requires sophisticated pretreatment devices and expensive isotope-ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS). This report describes the use of a gas chromatograph equipped with a quadrupole-type mass spectrometer (GC/MS) to measure N-15 concentrations of ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) in distilled water, a 2 M KCl solution and a 0.5 M K2SO4 solution. The system measures nitrous oxide (N2O) that is ultimately converted from the target N compound, requiring no special apparatus such as a purge-and-trap pretreatment device. It uses a denitrifier lacking N2O reductase, which produces N2O from nitrate. Persulfate oxidation was applied to convert TDN to nitrate, while additional pretreatment with ammonia diffusion was required for ammonium prior to the persulfate oxidation. Up to 100 samples can be measured daily using the system. We can generally run N-15 measurements with only 1-10 mL of sample for each chemical species of N, a volume 1/10-1/100 times smaller than the amount necessary for conventional methods. Our method is useful for measuring N-15 with GC/MS, offering greater convenience than IRMS.

    DOI: 10.1264/jsme2.ME10159

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  • A simple and rapid GC/MS method for the simultaneous determination of gaseous metabolites Reviewed

    Kazuo Isobe, Keisuke Koba, Shingo Ueda, Keishi Senoo, Shigeaki Harayama, Yuichi Suwa

    JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGICAL METHODS   84 ( 1 )   46 - 51   2011.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    We modified and tuned a commercial model of a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) instrument to develop a simple and rapid method for the simultaneous quantification of a variety of gas species. Using the developed method with the newly modified instrument, gas species such as H(2), N(2), O(2), CO, NO, CH(4), CO(2), and N(2)O, which are common components of microbial metabolism, were accurately identified based on their retention times and/or mass-to-charge ratios (m/z) in less than 2.5 min. By examining the sensitivities and dynamic ranges for the detection of H(2), N(2), O(2), CH(4), CO(2), and N(2)O, it was demonstrated that the method developed in this study was sufficient for accurately monitoring the production and the consumption of these gaseous species during microbial metabolism. The utility of the new method was demonstrated by a denitrification study with Pseudomonas aureofaciens ATCC 13985(T). This method will be suitable for a variety of applications requiring the identification of gaseous metabolites in microorganisms, microbial communities, and natural ecosystems. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.mimet.2010.10.009

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  • インドとの国際協力 Reviewed

    夏井坂誠, 石塚博弥, 山崎丘, 東端晃, 石岡憲昭, 諏訪裕一, 大森正之, 志村遥平, 永瀬睦, 鎌田源司, 関真也, 橋爪藤子, 依田真一

    日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌   27 ( 3 )   158 - 165   2010.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • The improvement of the nitrogen removal capacity in wetlands Reviewed

    H. Kuroda, T. Kato, Y. Koshigoe, D. Yaegashi, S. Horaguti, K. Inubushi, T. Yamagishi, Y. Suwa

    DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT   19 ( 1-3 )   146 - 148   2010.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:DESALINATION PUBL  

    We are studying the nitrogen removal function of wetlands (rice paddy fields) The site of our investigation was polluted by nitrogen ground water from upland fields in which nitrogen fertilizer and animal manure were overused. We carried out an experiment with the aim of improving the purification capacity of these fields from 2006 to 2008 Two test plots were used Both had been non-vegetation plots since 1991 A temperature rise effect was higher in the tunnel plot than in the open-air plot. Temperatures were observed at 1-h intervals by automatic record thermometers The average temperatures were 18 9 degrees C for the tunnel plot and 16 6 degrees C for open-air plot. The average amount of nitrogen removal was 5574 kg ha(-1) y(-1) in the open-air plot and 661 8 kg ha(-1) y(-1) in the tunnel plot The amount of nitrogen removal in the tunnel plot reached a level 104 4 kg ha(-1) y(-1) larger than the open-air plot This means that the thermal effect of the tunnel plot was higher than in the open-air plot. The denitrification and ANAMMOX activity ratio in August was 5 1 in the open-air plot, but there was no ANAMMOX activity in the tunnel plot

    DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2010.1907

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  • Rate determination and distribution of anammox activity in activated sludge treating swine wastewater. Reviewed

    Waki,M, rn|Yasuda,T, rn|Suzuki,K, rn|Sakai,T, rn|Suzuki,N, rn|Suzuki,R, n|Matsuba,K, rn|Yokoyama,H, rn|Ogino,A, rn|Tanaka,Y, rn|Ueda,S, rn|Takeuchi,M, rn|Yamagishi,T, rn|Suwa,Y

    Bioresorce Technol.   101   2685 - 2690   2010.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier  


  • Nitrogen removal by co-occurring methane oxidation, denitrification, aerobic ammonium oxidation, and anammox. Reviewed

    Waki, M, T.Yasuda, H.Yokoyama, D.Hanajima, A.Ogino, K.Suzuki, T.Yamagishi, Y.Suwa, Y.Tanaka

    Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol.   84   977 - 985   2009.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer  


  • Characterization of diverse heterocyclic amine-degrading denitrifying bacteria from various environments Reviewed

    Hee-Sung Bae, Wan-Taek Im, Yuichi Suwa, James M. Lee, Sung-Taik Lee, Young-Keun Chang

    ARCHIVES OF MICROBIOLOGY   191 ( 4 )   329 - 340   2009.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Although, there have been many published bacterial strains aerobically degrading the heterocyclic amine compounds, only one strain to date has been reported to degrade pyrrolidine under denitrifying conditions. In this study, denitrifying bacteria degrading pyrrolidine and piperidine were isolated from diverse geological and ecological origins through selective enrichment procedures. Based on the comparative sequence results of 16S rRNA genes, 30 heterocyclic amine-degrading isolates were grouped into ten distinct phylotypes belonging to the genera Thauera, Castellaniella, Rhizobium, or Paracoccus of the phylum Proteobacteria. The representative isolates of individual phylotypes were characterized by phylogenetic, phenotypic and chemotaxonomical traits, and dissimilatory nitrite reductase gene (nirK and nirS). All isolates completely degraded pyrrolidine and piperidine under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The anaerobic degradations were coupled to nitrate reduction. A metabolic pathway for the anaerobic degradation of pyrrolidine was proposed on the basis of enzyme activities implicated in pyrrolidine metabolism from three isolates. The three key pyrrolidine-metabolizing enzymes pyrrolidine dehydrogenase, gamma-aminobutyrate/alpha-ketoglutarate aminotransferase, and succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase, were induced by heterocyclic amines under denitrifying conditions. They were also induced in cells grown aerobically on heterocyclic amines, suggesting that the anaerobic degradation of pyrrolidine shares the pathway with aerobic degradation.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00203-008-0452-9

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  • Denitrification Activity and Relevant Bacteria Revealed by Nitrite Reductase Gene Fragments in Soil of Temperate Mixed Forest (vol 23, pg 341, 2008)

    Chie Katsuyama, Naho Kondo, Yuichi Suwa, Takao Yamagishi, Masayuki Itoh, Nobuhito Ohte, Hiroyuki Kimura, Kazuyo Nagaosa, Kenji Kato

    MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS   24 ( 1 )   76 - 76   2009

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    DOI: 10.1264/jsme2.ME08541e

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  • Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) irreversibly inhibited by methanol Reviewed

    Isaka, K, SUB, Y. Suwa, SUB, Y. Kimura, T. Yamagishi, T. Sumino, S Tsuneda

    Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol   81   379 - 385   2008.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Limitations of the use of group-specific primers in real-time PCR as appear from quantitative analyses of closely related ammonia-oxidising species. Reviewed

    Sekido,T, P.L.E. Bodelier, T. Shoji, SUB, Y. Suwa, UB, H.J. Laanbroek

    Water Research   42   1093 - 1101   2008.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Denitrification Activity and Relevant Bacteria Revealed by Nitrite Reductase Gene Fragments in Soil of Temperate Mixed Forest Reviewed

    Chie Katsuyama, Naho Kondo, Yuichi Suwa, Takao Yamagishi, Masayuki Itoh, Nobuhito Ohte, Hiroyuki Kimura, Kazuyo Nagaosa, Kenji Kato

    MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS   23 ( 4 )   337 - 345   2008

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPANESE SOC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, DEPT BIORESOURCE SCIENCE  

    Denitrification activity and bacterial community constituents were investigated in both well-drained and poorly drained soils of a temperate forest in central Japan by N-15 tracer experiments and a cloning-sequencing approach. Denitrification activity was much higher in wet soil than in dry soil, based on (NN)-N-15-N-15 (N-30(2)) and (NNO)-N-15-N-15 ((N2O)-N-46) production. Labeled nitrate ((NO3-)-N-15) was immediately reduced to N-30(2) in wet soil, whereas it was only reduced to (N2O)-N-46 in dry soil. Thus, the wet soil at the lower end of the catchment is a functional site for the scavenging for NO3- and N2O. Nitrite reductase gene (nirK and nirS) fragments from these soils were PCR amplified, cloned, and sequenced. Both nirK and nirS fragments were detected in the wet soil, whereas only nirK fragments were detected in the dry soil. All the nirK and nirS clones showed less than 90% similarity to known clones. Numerous operational taxonomic units for nirK and nirS were found in the wet soil, Considerable diversification within the largest clade on the nirK phylogenetic tree, which contained no known sequence, was observed in wet soil. Thus, a wet soil environment can provide both the habitat and conditions for the expression of denitrification activity.

    DOI: 10.1264/jsme2.ME08541

    Web of Science


  • Detection of anammox activity and diversity of anammox bacteria-related 16S rRNA genes in coastal marine sediment in japan Reviewed

    Teruki Amano, Ikuo Yoshinaga, Kentaro Okada, Takao Yamagishi, Shingo Ueda, Akira Obuchi, Yoshihiko Sako, Yuichi Suwa

    MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS   22 ( 3 )   232 - 242   2007

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPANESE SOC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, DEPT BIORESOURCE SCIENCE  

    A first assessment of anammox activity, which is a unique N-2 emission process, was conducted in samples of coastal marine sediment from Japan with a N-15 tracer. The occurrence and diversity of bacteria possibly responsible for the anammox process were also evaluated by selective PCR-amplification of the 16S rRNA gene for known anammox bacteria. Anammox activity, detected by measuring (NN)-N-14-N-15 gas production, was only found in samples collected at the intertidal sand bank located at the Yodo River estuary. In the Yodo River samples, 16S rRNA gene fragments affiliated with the known anammox bacterial lineage were also recovered, and the two major phylotypes were both "Candidatus Scalindua wagneri" relatives with 95% and 98% sequence similarity. Even from the other samples in which no recognizable anammox activity was detected, 16S rRNA gene fragments related to known anammox bacteria, but not to "Ca. S. wagneri", were detected. This is the first report of anammox-mediated N-2 emission in coastal marine environments in Japan. Notably, the PCR-based analysis allowed us to discover unexpected phylogenetic diversity of anammox bacteria-related 16S rRNA gene sequences. The selective PCR primer set developed in this study could be a powerful tool to unveil the ecology of anammox bacteria in natural environments.

    Web of Science


  • 化学合成無機栄養アンモニア酸化細菌菌株の保存法の検討~継代培養とL乾燥の適用の試み~ Reviewed

    諏訪裕一, 資延淳二

    独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所特許生物寄託センター技術報告集 IPOD Technical Reports   2005 ( 2 )   1 - 8   2005.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所特許生物寄託センター  

    CiNii Books


  • An anaerobic continuous-flow fixed-bed reactor sustaining a 3-chlorobenzoate-degrading denitrifying population utilizing versatile electron donors and acceptors Reviewed

    HS Bae, T Yamagishi, Y Suwa

    CHEMOSPHERE   55 ( 1 )   93 - 100   2004.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    An anaerobic continuous-flow fixed-bed column reactor capable of degrading 3-chlorobenzoate (3-CBA) under denitrifying conditions was established, and its rate reached 2.26 mM d(-1). The denitrifying population completely degraded 3-CBA when supplied at 0.1-0.54 mM, but its activity was partly suppressed when 3-CBA was supplied at 0.89 mM. Nitrate was concomitantly consumed throughout the operation of the reactor, the amount of which was similar to or up to 35% higher than the theoretical stoichiometric value that was calculated by assuming that 3-CBA degradation is coupled with denitrification. Batch incubation experiments proved that nitrate is strictly required for 3-CBA degradation in the absence of molecular oxygen. The population also degraded 3-CBA aerobically. Benzoate and 4-CBA were degraded under denitrifying conditions as well as 3-CBA, but 2-CBA was not. Considering that the previously reported denitrifying 3-CBA-degrading cultures do not exhibit 4-CBA degradation under denitrifying conditions, nor aerobic 3-CBA degradation [FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 144 (1996) 213, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66 (2000) 3446], the microbial population developed in this experiment was physiologically versatile with respect to the utilization of both electron donors and electron acceptors. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2003.10.022

    Web of Science


  • Diversity of ammonia monooxygenase operon in autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria Reviewed

    Jeanette M. Norton, Javier J. Alzerreca, Yuichi Suwa, Martin G. Klotz

    Archives of Microbiology   177 ( 2 )   139 - 149   2002

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer  

    Autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria use the essential enzyme ammonia monooxygenase (AMO) to transform ammonia to hydroxylamine. The amo operon consists of at least three genes, amoC, amoA, and amoB
    amoA encodes the subunit containing the putative enzyme active site. The use of the amo genes as functional markers for ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in environmental applications requires knowledge of the diversity of the amo operon on several levels: (1) the copy number of the operon in the genome, (2) the arrangement of the three genes in an individual operon, and (3) the primary sequence of the individual genes. We present a database of amo gene sequences for pure cultures of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria representing both the β- and the γ-subdivision of Proteobacteria in the following genera: Nitrosospira (6 strains), Nitrosomonas (5 strains) and Nitrosococcus (2 strains). The amo operon was found in multiple (2-3) nearly identical copies in the β-subdivision representatives but in single copies in the γ-subdivision ammonia oxidizers. The analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence revealed strong conservation for all three Amo peptides in both primary and secondary structures. For the amoA gene within the β-subdivision, nucleotide identity values are approximately 85% within the Nitrosomonas or the Nitrosospira groups, but approximately 75% when comparing between these groups. Conserved regions in amoA and amoC were identified and used as primer sites for PCR amplification of amo genes from pure cultures, enrichments and the soil environment. The intergenic region between amoC and amoA is variable in length and may be used to profile the community of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in environmental samples. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00203-001-0369-z.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00203-001-0369-z




  • Developing and sustaining 3-chlorophenol-degrading populations in up-flow anaerobic column reactors under circum-denitrifying conditions Reviewed

    H. S. Bae, T. Yamagishi, Y. Suwa

    Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology   59 ( 1 )   118 - 124   2002

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer  

    Microbial consortia capable of degrading 3-chlorophenol (3-CP) were enriched in continuous up-flow column reactors under circum-denitrifying conditions. 3-CP degradation capability was developed and sustained when 3-CP was supplied at 16-21 μM, although suppression of the 3-CP degradation capability was observed when 3-CP was supplied at 42 μM. When 3-CP was stably degraded, the ratio of nitrate consumption to 3-CP degradation approached the theoretical stoichiometric value, which was calculated by assuming a 3-CP degradation-dependent nitrate reduction. Batchincubation experiments demonstrated that the microbial consortium that was enriched in the column reactors required either nitrate or oxygen for degrading 3-CP, while 3-CP was not degraded under sulfate-degrading conditions. Although many attempts were made to sustain the microbial 3-CP degradation capability under denitrifying conditions, mostly in batch cultures, none of them have been successful so far. Therefore, the results obtained in this study may be the first to demonstrate sustainable 3-CP degradation capability under circum-denitrifying conditions.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00253-002-0974-z




  • Evidence for degradation of 2-chlorophenol by enrichment cultures under denitrifying conditions Reviewed

    Hee-Sung Bae, Takao Yamagishi, Yuichi Suwa

    Microbiology   148 ( 1 )   221 - 227   2002

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Society for General Microbiology  

    Although chlorophenol (CP) degradation has been studied, no bacterium responsible for degradation of CP under denitrifying conditions has been isolated. Moreover, little substantial evidence for anaerobic degradation of CPs coupled with denitrification is available even for mixed cultures. Degradation of CP [2-CP, 3-CP, 4-CP, 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP) or 2,6-DCP] under denitrifying conditions was examined in anaerobic batch culture inoculated with activated sludge. Although 3-CP, 4-CP, 2,4-DCP and 2,6-DCP were not stably degraded, 2-CP was degraded and its degradation capability was sustained in a subculture. However, the rate of 2-CP degradation was not significantly enhanced by subculturing. In 2-CP-degrading cultures, nitrate was consumed stoichiometrically and concomitantly during 2-CP degradation, and a dechlorination intermediate was not detected, suggesting that 2-CP degradation was coupled with nitrate reduction. A 2-CP-degrading enrichment culture degraded 2-CP in the presence of nitrate, but did not in the absence of nitrate or the presence of sulfate. This suggests that the enrichment culture strictly requires nitrate for degradation of 2-CP. The apparent specific growth rate of the 2-CP degrading species was 0.0139 d-1. Thus the apparent doubling time of the 2-CP-degrading population in the enrichment culture was greater than 50 d, which may explain difficulty in enrichment and isolation of micro-organisms responsible for CP degradation under denitrifying conditions.

    DOI: 10.1099/00221287-148-1-221




  • Simultaneous removal of phenol and ammonia by an activated sludge process with cross-flow filtration Reviewed

    Takao Yamagishi, Jader Leite, Shingo Ueda, Fumio Yamaguchi, Yuichi Suwa

    Water Research   35 ( 13 )   3089 - 3096   2001

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:国際水環境学会  

    Attempts were made for removing ammonia from synthetic wastewater under the presence of phenol, which is inhibitory to nitrification, by using a single-stage activated sludge process with cross-flow filtration. Activated sludge biomass which had been acclimated with phenol for over 15 years was used for the inoculum, and synthetic wastewater was continuously supplied to the process retaining biomass at 8000mg VSSl-1. Phenol was completely removed, and ammonia was simultaneously nitrified to nitrate
    nitrification rate reached 200mg Nl-1d-1 when phenol was removed at a rate up to 300mgl-1d-1. It was observed that 0-13% of the ammonia was removed via denitrification. Intermittent aeration enhanced the denitrification rate to 160mg Nl-1d-1 by utilizing phenol, and approximately 24% of the denitrified nitrogen was recovered as nitrous oxide. Methanol, which is the most commonly used electron donor in conventional nitrogen removal processes, did not enhance the denitrification rate of the phenol-acclimated activated sludge used in this study, however phenol did. The results suggest that this process potentially works as a space- and energy-saving nitrogen removal process by utilizing substances inhibitory to nitrifiers as electron donors for denitrification. Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0043-1354(01)00032-X




  • Anaerobic Transformation of Chlorophenols in Methanogenic Sludge Unexposed to Chrolophenols. Reviewed

    Takeuchi, Rie, Yuichi Suwa, Takao Yamagishi, Yoshitaka Yonezawa

    Chemosphere.   41   1457 - 1462   2000.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier  


  • Phylogenetic and phenotypic relationships of microorganisms that degrade uncoupler compound, 2,4-dinitrophenol Reviewed

    Nobutada Kimura, Yukiko Shinozaki, Yuichi Suwa, Yoshikuni Urushigawa

    Journal of General and Applied Microbiology   46 ( 6 )   317 - 322   2000

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Microbiology Research Foundation  

    DOI: 10.2323/jgam.46.317



  • Molecular analysis of bacterial communities in a three-compartment granular activated sludge system indicates community-level control by incompatible nitrification processes Reviewed

    WE Holben, K Noto, T Sumino, Y Suwa

    APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY   64 ( 7 )   2528 - 2532   1998.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY  

    Bacterial community structure and the predominant nitrifying activities and populations in each compartment of a three-compartment activated sludge system were determined, Each compartment was originally inoculated with the same activated sludge community entrapped in polyethylene glycol gel granules, and ammonium nitrogen was supplied to the system in an inorganic salts solution at a rate of 5.0 g of N liter of granular activated sludge(-1) day(-1). After 150 days of operation, the system was found to comprise a series of sequential nitrifying reactions (K, Note, T. Ogasawara, Y, Suwa, and T. Sumino, Water Res. 32:769-773, 1998), presumably mediated by different bacterial populations. Activity data showed that all NH4-N was completely oxidized in compartments one and two (approximately half in each), but no significant nitrite oxidation was observed in these compartments. In contrast, all available nitrite was oxidized to nitrate in compartment three. To study the microbial populations and communities in this system, total bacterial DNA isolated from each compartment was analyzed for community structure based on the G+C contents of the component populations. Compartment one showed dominant populations having 50 and 67% G+C contents. Compartment two was similar in structure to compartment one, The bacterial community in compartment three had dominant populations with 62 and 67% G+C contents and retained the 50% G+C content population only at a greatly diminished level, The 50% G+C content population from compartment one hybridized strongly with amo (ammonia monooxygenase) and hao (hydroxylamine oxidoreductase) gene probes from Nitrosomonas europaea. However, the 50% G+C content population from compartment two hybridized strongly with the hao probe but only weakly with the amo probe, suggesting that the predominant ammonia-oxidizing populations in compartments one and two might be different. Since different activities and populations come to dominate in each compartment from an identical inoculum, it appears that the nitrification processes may be somewhat incompatible, resulting in a series of sequential reactions and different communities in this three-compartment system.

    Web of Science


  • Complete Oxidation of High Concentration of Ammonia by Retaining Incompatible Nitrification Activities in 3-Vessel System. Reviewed

    Noto, Kazuhiko, Takako Ogasawara, Yuichi Suwa, Tatsuo Sumino

    Water Resear.,   32   769 - 773   1998.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:国際水環境学会  


  • 廃水処理プロセスのアンモニア酸化細菌とその分子生物学的解析 Reviewed


    土と微生物   52   41 - 52   1998.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:土壌微生物学会  

    DOI: 10.18946/jssm.52.0_41

    CiNii Books


  • 廃水処理に伴うN2O放出量の低減に向けた発生機構の解析 Reviewed

    上田眞吾, 諏訪裕一

    日本微生物生態学会報   13   59 - 64   1998.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本微生物生態学会  


  • Degradation of 2,4-Dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP) by Non-Acclimated Activated Sludges Augmented with 2,4-DNP Degraders. Reviewed

    Matsui, Yasutoshi, Fumio Yamaguchi, Yoshitaka Yonezawa, Yoshikuni Urushigawa, Yuichi Suwa

    資源と環境   ( 6 )   21 - 24   1997.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:工業技術院資源環境技術総合研究所  


  • Significance of Phylogenetical and Genetic Diversities of Ammonia Oxidizers in Improving Nitrification Efficiency in Wastewater Treatment Processes. Reviewed

    Suwa, Yuichi, Kazuhiko Noto

    資源と環境   6   357 - 362   1997.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:工業技術院資源環境技術総合研究所  


  • Phylogenetic relationships of activated sludge isolates of ammonia oxidizers with different sensitivities to ammonium sulfate Reviewed

    Yuichi Suwa, Tatsuo Sumino, Kazuhiko Noto

    Journal of General and Applied Microbiology   43 ( 6 )   373 - 379   1997

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Microbiology Research Foundation  

    DOI: 10.2323/jgam.43.373



  • High Survival Efficiency and Ribosomal RNA Decaying Pattern of Desulfobacter latus, a Highly Specific Acetate-Utilizing Organisms, During Starvation. Reviewed

    Fukui, Manabu, Yuichi Suwa, Yoshikuni Urushigawa

    FEMS Microbiol. Ecol.,   19   17 - 25   1996.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ヨーロッパ微生物学会連合  

    DOI: 10.1016/0168-6496(95)00074-7


  • Chareacterization of a Chromosomally Encoded 2,4-D/α-Ketoglutarate Dioxygenase from Burkholderia sp. RASC. Reviewed

    Suwa, Yuichi, Wright, A, Fukumori, F, Nummy, K, Hausinger, R. P, Hloben, W. E, Forney, L. J

    Appl. Environ. Microbiol.,   62   2464 - 2469   1996.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:アメリカ微生物学会  


  • Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a Chloromosomal 2,4-Dichlorophnoxyacetic Acid Catabolic Gene Isofunctional to tfdA. Reviewed

    Matheson, V.G, Forney, L.J, Suwa, Yuichi, Nakatsu, C.H, Sextone, A.J, Holben, W.E

    Appl. Environ. Microbiol.,   62   2457 - 2463   1996.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:アメリカ微生物学会  


  • 膜分離活性汚泥法による易分解成分共存下での4-ニトロフェノール分解能の集積. Reviewed

    山口文男, 松井安俊, 諏訪裕一, 米澤義堯, 漆川芳国

    資源と環境   4   203 - 209   1995.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:工業技術院資源環境技術総合研究所  




    WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY   29 ( 7 )   327 - 333   1994

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Activated sludges were acclimated to p-nitrophenol (PNP) in two operational modes, a batch and a continuous. The operational mode of the PNP acclimation of activated sludges strongly affected the physiological characteristics of predominant microorganisms responsible for PNP degradation. Predominant PNP degraders in the sludge in batch mode (Sludge B) had lower PNP affinity and were relatively insensitive to PNP concentration. Those of the sludge in continuous mode (Sludge C), on the other hand, had very high PNP affinity and were sensitive to PNP. MPN enumeration of PNP degraders in sludge B and C using media with different PNP concentrations (0.05, 0.2, 0.5 and 2.0 mM) supported the above results. Medium with 0.2 mM of PNP did not recover PNP degraders in sludge C well, while it recovered PNP degraders in sludge B as well as the medium with 0.05 mM did. When switching from one operational mode to the other, the predominant population in sludge B shifted to the sensitive group, but that of sludge C did not shift at the given loading of PNP, showing relative resistance to inhibitive concentration.

    Web of Science


  • Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria with different sensitivities to (NH4)2SO4 in activated sludges Reviewed

    Yuichi Suwa, Yasuo Imamura, Tsuneo Suzuki, Tetsundo Tashiro, Yoshikuni Urushigawa

    Water Research   28 ( 7 )   1523 - 1532   1994

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:国際水環境学会  

    Ammonia oxidizers were enumerated in 34 activated sludges, including sludges which were from sewage treatment plants (S-sludge), nightsoil treatment plants (N-sludge) and activated sludges cultivated with organic (O-sludge) or inorganic (I-sludge) artificial wastewaters in the laboratory. Two media were used for enumeration, one containing 0.76 mM (AL medium) and the other 37.9 mM (AH medium) of (NH4)2SO4. The MPN estimated with AL medium were higher than those with AH medium in S-sludges, N-sludges and O-sludges, while both media gave almost the same MPN for I-sludges. Ten ammonia oxidizers, all identified as Nitrosomonas spp, were isolated from sludge samples. Isolates obtained as predominants in S- and O-sludges were sensitive to (NH4)2SO4
    they grew in medium containing 0.71 mM of (NH4)2SO4 but not in medium containing 35.7 mM of (NH4)2SO4. On the other hand, those obtained as predominants in an I-sludge, as well as ATCC strains grew in both media. The Monod equation described the relationship between (NH4)2SO4 concentration and nitrite production rates for (NH4)2SO4-insensitive strains but not for sensitive strains, which exhibited a relationship closer to the Haldane equation describing substrate inhibition kinetics. Among isolates obtained from S-sludge sample, Km and Vmax values of an (NH4)2SO4-sensitive strain were much lower than those of an insensitive strain. Similarly, among laboratory sludge isolates, Km and Km values of an (NH4)2SO4-sensitive strain from an O-sludge were lower than those of an insensitive strain from an I-sludge. These results suggest that (NH4)2SO4-sensitive strains had a growth advantage in lower (NH4)2SO4 concentrations, while insensitive strains had an advantage in higher (NH4)2SO4 concentrations. © 1994.

    DOI: 10.1016/0043-1354(94)90218-6



  • Distribution of phospholipid ester-linked fatty acid biomarkers for bacteria in the sediment of Ise Bay, Japan Reviewed

    Narasimmalu Rajendran, Yuichi Suwa, Yoshikuni Urushigawa

    Marine Chemistry   42 ( 1 )   39 - 56   1993

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier  

    Surface sediments collected from 40 stations in Ise Bay, which is one of the most polluted bays in Japan, were subjected to phospholipid ester-linked fatty acid (PLFA) analysis. Thirty-five fatty acids were identified in the sediments
    they included saturated, unsaturated and branched fatty acids. The major fatty acids included the even-numbered straight chain fatty acid 16:0 (20%), branched chain fatty acids i15:0 (8%) and a15:0 (11%),and monounsaturated fatty acids 16:1d9c (11%) and 18:1d11 (10%). Fatty acids which are common in bacterial membranes were found, and low amounts of longer chain fatty acids were detected in relatively constant amounts in the bay. One of the characteristic features of the PLFA analysis in Ise Bay is the virtual absence of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the sediments, except for 18:2. The PLFA profiles indicate that the microbial community structure is characterized by the absence of polyunsaturated fatty acids typical of microeukaryotes and high proportions of fatty acid biomarkers of prokaryotes in sediments. A wide distribution of aerobic bacteria. Gram-positive bacteria, anaerobic bacteria and sulfate-reducing bacteria in the microbial community structure was indicated by the presence of biomarker fatty acids. Similarity analysis of the PLFA profiles in sediments of all the stations showed that they were similar at the 90% level. The results of Tukey's test showed that a majority of the fatty acids in sediments were not significantly enriched in the bay. The absence of significant variation in the PLFA profiles in sediments revealed that the microbial community structure is similar throughout the bay, and this uniformity was attributed to the reported pollution and eutrophication in Ise Bay. Further, the significant PLFA patterns, with a high proportion of prokaryotic biomarker fatty acids and an absence of microeukaryotic biomarkers, indicate that PLFA analysis could be used as a measure of pollution in sediments. © 1993.

    DOI: 10.1016/0304-4203(93)90248-M





    WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY   26 ( 3-4 )   847 - 856   1992

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    We examined what kind and how much of the specific inhibitor is effective for the estimation availabilities of substrates for methanogens in anaerobic sludges. The chloroform (0.1%, v/v) inhibited 90% of the methanogenesis in an anaerobic sludge (LD), which was cultivated with glucose, and was more effective than 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid (BES, 0-200 mM). Hydrogen, acetate and propionate were linearly accumulated when the methanogenesis was inhibited by 0.1% of chloroform. The propionate accumulation rate in the presence of chloroform was identical with that in the presence of high partial pressure of hydrogen (H-2:CO2 = 20:80) which inhibits syntrophic H-2-producing fatty-acids-oxidizing bacteria. This shows that the methanogens utilized hydrogen and acetate converted by syntrophic hydrogen-producing propionate-oxidizing bacteria through interspecies hydrogen transfer. Using chloroform (0.1%) as the specific inhibitor, in the LD sludge 49% of methane was estimated to be derived from propionate. The H-2 + CO2 and acetate from the other pathway (NS), contributed 2 and 34% of the methanogenesis, respectively. This method was also applied to a municipal sewage digester sludge (MD). In the MD sludge, methanogenesis from propionate, H-2 + CO2 and acetate via the NS pathway were 16, 2 and 78%, respectively. Major substrates for methanogenesis, therefore, could be estimated in anaerobic sludges.

    Web of Science


  • Single-stage, single-sludge nitrogen removal by an activated sludge process with cross-flow filtration Reviewed

    Yuichi Suwa, Tsuneo Suzuki, Hiroki Toyohara, Takao Yamagishi, Yoshikuni Urushigawa

    Water Research   26 ( 9 )   1149 - 1157   1992

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:国際水環境学会  

    Nitrogen removal by a single-stage, single-sludge activated sludge process with cross-flow filtration was qualitatively studied. Artificial wastewater had a BOD/TKN ratio from 1.8 to 24.5. The BOD loading to the process ranged from 0.33 to 1.66 g l-1 d-1, the TKN loading from 0.032 to 0.268 g l-1 d-1 and the sludge retention time (SRT) was quite long (54-4200 d). In each experiment, more than 97% of organic carbon was removed. The sludge biomass concentration (MLVSS) was high at a high volumetric BOD loading. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) was successfully nitrified and higher than 29% of the TKN which was loaded to the reactor was removed in many of the experimental runs. The nitrogen balance of each unit was calculated. Denitrification was estimated to be responsible for 39-86% of the removed nitrogen in an aeration vessel. Although denitrification was not observed up to 0.438 g l-1 d-1 of BOD loading, the denitrification rate increased as the BOD loading increased. The percentage of nitrogen removal was a function of the BOD/TKN ratio of the influent. Lower DO concentration did not increase the denitrification rate, but intermittent aeration-BOD loading did increase it
    TKN was completely removed up to 0.21 TKN g l-1 d-1, and the denitrification rate reached 0.0074 gN VSS-1 d-1. © 1992.

    DOI: 10.1016/0043-1354(92)90174-3



  • Microbial community structure in sediments of a polluted bay as determined by phospholipid ester-linked fatty acids Reviewed

    Narasimmalu Rajendran, Yuichi Suwa, Yoshikuni Urushigawa

    Marine Pollution Bulletin   24 ( 6 )   305 - 309   1992

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier  

    Phospholipid ester-linked fatty acid (PLFA) composition in sediments were determined in order to understand the microbial community structure in a polluted bay. The PLFA pattern in sediments revealed the presence of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, the composition of which differed among the stations. The community structure in sediments, as characterized by the composition of PLFA showed an absence of polyunsaturated fatty acids, except 18:2, signature fatty acids of microeukaryotes and a greater proportion of bacterial biomarker fatty acids. The results of Tukey's honestly significant difference test showed distinctive differences in the PLFA among the stations and also shifts in the microbial community structure in the bay. The significant patterns of PLFA in sediments with the virtual absence of lipid biomarkers for microeukaryotes and the relatively high proportions of bacterial biomarkers indicate the prokaryotic consortium responsive to organic contamination. © 1992.

    DOI: 10.1016/0025-326X(92)90591-S



  • 膜分離活性汚泥法による硝化活性に対する窒素負荷増加の影響 Reviewed

    諏訪裕一, 豊原大樹, 岡田達治, 漆川芳国

    水質汚濁研究   14 ( 4 )   261 - 265   1991.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:水質汚濁研究協会  

    Nitrification of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) by an activated sludge process with cross-flow filtration was examined by using an artificial organic wastewater. To determine the maximum nitrification rate of the reactor, the TKN loading was increased by adding ammonium sulfate to the influent. The step increase rate of the TKN loading was smaller than that had been in a similar experiment with the same influent BOD concentration in the previous work. The nitrification rate reached 0.59gTKN·l-1·d-1, which was twice higher than the maximum value obtained in the previous work. The result indicates that a smaller rate of the step increase of the TKN loading is required to make the nitrification rate of the reactor higher, especially when the nitrification rate of the reactor is higher.

    DOI: 10.2965/jswe1978.14.261


  • 膜分離式バイオリアクターによる無機アンモニウムの酸化 Reviewed

    田代鉄人, 諏訪裕一, 山岸昂夫

    醗酵工学会誌   68 ( 1 )   31 - 34   1990.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:醗酵工学会  

    Oxidation of inorganic ammonium (NH_4^+) was done by an activated sludge process with cross-flow filtration. The reactor was operated by a complete mixing and continuous feeding method. Activated sludge was seldom drawn off to retain slow growing nitrifiers in the reactor well. Although no organic substances were supplied to the reactor, the sludge concentration increased up to 6,600-8,700 mgVSS/l. No ammonim nitrogen was detected in the effluent, with the reactor was operated with ammonium loading up to 0.79-1.18 g NH_4-N・l^<-1>・d^<-1>. The ammonium oxidation rate reached 1.90 NH_4-N・l^<-1>・d^<-1>; this value is six-fold higher than the maximum nitrification rate when Kjeldahl nitrogen and organic substance were treated by this activated sludge process at the same time.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10545486

  • 膜ろ過活性汚泥法による窒素除去(ミニ・レビュー) Reviewed


    水質汚濁研究   13 ( 2 )   93 - 96   1990.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:水質汚濁研究協会  

    DOI: 10.2965/jswe1978.13.93


  • 脂肪酸組成分析による活性汚泥微生物相の変動検出法の検討 Reviewed

    諏訪裕一, 漆川芳国, 松井安俊, 山口文男

    公害   25 ( 3 )   19 - 26   1990.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:工業技術院公害資源研究所  


  • シリカゲル平板による活性汚泥中のアンモニウム酸化細菌の分離 Reviewed


    公害資源研究所彙報   18 ( 3 )   21 - 31   1989.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:工業技術院公害資源研究所  




    JOURNAL OF FERMENTATION AND BIOENGINEERING   67 ( 2 )   119 - 125   1989

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC FERMENTATION BIOENGINEERING, JAPAN  

    Web of Science


  • Effects of Organic Loading, pH, and DO Concentration on the Dissolved Organic Carbon Removal by an Activated Sludge Process with Cross-Flow Filtration. Reviewed

    Suzuki, Tsuneo, Yuichi Suwa, Hiroki Toyohara, Takao Yamagishi, Masanao Hirai

    公害資源研究所彙報   18 ( 1 )   25 - 30   1988.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:工業技術院公害資源研究所  


  • Effect of the Operational Conditions on Plugging of a Microfilter in an Activated Sludge Process with Cross-Flow Filtration. Reviewed

    Toyohara, Hiroki, Yuichi Suwa, Tsuneo Suzuki, Takao Yamagishi, Masanao Hirai

    公害資源研究所彙報   18 ( 1 )   31 - 38   1988.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:工業技術院公害資源研究所  


  • 水田土壌中の細菌の類別と変動に関する研究(総説) Reviewed

    諏訪裕一, 服部勉

    東北大学農学研究所報告   38 ( 1 )   15 - 32   1987.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:東北大学農学研究所  

    CiNii Books


  • Detection of proliferating bacteria in soil populations by the analysis of colony-forming curves Reviewed

    Yuichi Suwa, Tsutomu Hattori, Yuichi Suwa

    Soil Science and Plant Nutrition   33 ( 3 )   511 - 515   1987

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本土壌肥料学会  

    DOI: 10.1080/00380768.1987.10557598



  • Population dynamics of soil bacteria cultured under different nutrient conditions Reviewed

    Yuichi Suwa, Tsutomu Hattori, Yuichi Suwa

    Soil Science and Plant Nutrition   33 ( 2 )   235 - 244   1987

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本土壌肥料学会  

    Bacteria in paddy soil were cultured at 10-, 100-, 10, 000-fold dilutions of the conventional nutrient broth (NB/10, NB/100, NB/10, 000). After about 3 weeks of incubation, the organisms which grew on the full strength nutrient broth (NB) (NB organisms) became predominant in the NB/10 culture. On the other hand, those which grew on the NB/100 medium but not on the NB medium (DNB organisms) became predominant in the NB/10, 000 culture. In the NB/100 culture, the number of NB and DNB organisms was similar. In order to compare predominance of microorganisms growing at different dilutions of nutrient broth, the cell morphology and fatty acid composition was studied in 49 to 68 isolates obtained from each culture. It was observed that the organisms which predominated in the NB/10 culture were markedly different from those in the NB/10, 000 culture. Based on growth responses of NB and DNB organisms to the media at various concentrations, the former were considered to be zymogenous organisms and the latter autochthonous organisms. Such a marked difference in the populations was neither recognized between the NB/10 and NB/100 cultures, nor between the NB/100 and NB/10, 000 cultures. © Taylor &amp
    Francis Group, LLC.

    DOI: 10.1080/00380768.1987.10557569



  • Population Dynamics of Soil Bacteria under Different Nutrient Conditions. Reviewed

    Suwa, Yuichi, Tsutomu Hattori

    Soil Sci Plant Nutr   33   397 - 403   1986.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本土壌肥料学会  


  • Cellular fatty acids and quinone systems of oligotrophic soil bacteria Reviewed

    Yuichi Suwa, Tsutomu Hattori

    The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology   32 ( 6 )   451 - 471   1986

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:応用微生物学研究奨励会  

    The cellular fatty acids of 88 bacterial isolates were analyzed, including 46 strains which did not grow on full-strength nutrient broth (NB) but grew on its 100-fold dilution (DNB organisms) and 42 strains which grew on both NB and its 100-fold dilution (NB organisms). All strains were grouped into 14 clusters according to their fatty acid composition, using average linkage cluster analysis and similarity values based on correlation coefficients. Among these 14 clusters, five comprised only DNB organisms and six comprised NB organisms. In the remaining three clusters, DNB organisms and NB organisms were not segregated with respect to similarity values based on their fatty acid composition, but were distinguished on the basis of other bacteriological characteristics such as quinone systems, cell morphology, or other physiological characteristics. © 1986, Applied Microbiology, Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Research Foundation. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.2323/jgam.32.451





    SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION   30 ( 3 )   397 - 403   1984

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPANESE SOC SOIL SCIENCE PLANT NUTRITION  

    Web of Science




    SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION   30 ( 2 )   249 - 253   1984

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPANESE SOC SOIL SCIENCE PLANT NUTRITION  

    Web of Science


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  • 微生物の地球化学 元素をめぐる微生物学 第3版

    太田寛行, 難波謙二, 諏訪裕一, 片山葉子( Role: Joint translator)

    東海大学出版部  2015.6 

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    Total pages:248   Responsible for pages:60   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • Nitrification in Wastewater Treatment.

    Okabe, S, Aoi, Y, Sotoh, H, Suwa, Y( Role: Sole author)

    ASM Press Washington D.C., USA.  2011 

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    Responsible for pages:405-433   Language:English   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 産総研シリーズ;エコテクノロジー~化学物質のリスク削減技術

    小渕存, 諏訪裕一, 山岸昂夫

    丸善  2004.3 

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  • 産総研シリーズ;エコテクノロジー~化学物質のリスク削減技術

    小渕存, 諏訪裕一, 山岸昂夫

    丸善  2004.3 

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  • 環境ハンドブック

    諏訪裕一, 陽一監, 石谷久編

    丸善  2002.10 

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  • バイオレメディエーション実用化への手引き


    リアライズ社  2001.6 

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  • 身近な環境問題最前線


    森北出版  1997.12 

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  • 最新微生物ハンドブック

    諏訪裕一, 服部勉, 岡見吉郎

    サイエンスフォーラム社  1986.8 

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  • 微生物の分離法

    諏訪裕一, 服部勉, 山里一英ら

    R&Dプランニング社(復刻版;NTS Inc)  1986.4 

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  • 酸素濃度とpHは土壌中NO2-の非生物的変換にどのような影響を及ぼすのか?

    田中直斗, 黒岩恵, 川合洸, 小田智基, 諏訪裕一

    日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web)   66th   2019

  • A novel marine bacterium denitrifying nitrate to nitrous oxide strictly under microaerobic conditions(The Joint Meeting of Japanese Environmental Microbiology-related Associations 2014)

    68 ( 2 )   120 - 120   2014.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:the Japanese Society of Soil Microbiology  

    CiNii Books


  • P23-3 微好気条件でのみ硝酸還元・亜酸化窒素生成(N_2O)を行う新規海洋細菌(ポスター発表)

    竹内 美緒, 山岸 昂夫, 鎌形 洋一, 大島 健志朗, 服部 正平, 片山 泰樹, 花田 智, 玉木 秀幸, 丸茂 克美, 前田 広人, 根建 心具, 岩崎 渉, 諏訪 裕一, 坂田 将

    日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集   2014   229 - 229   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本微生物生態学会  

    CiNii Books


  • 部分硝化型バイオリアクターで優占化された異なるアンモニア酸化細菌群の亜酸化窒素生成ポテンシャルと経路の解析

    北條圭佑, 山本智子, 利谷翔平, ZHOU Sheng, 勝山千恵, 磯部一夫, 木庭啓介, 諏訪裕一, 細見正明, 寺田昭彦

    日本水環境学会年会講演集   47th   2013

  • PA-006 鹿児島湾海底堆積物中に生息するメタンを基盤とする新規中温性微生物群の生理学的・遺伝学的特徴の解明(水圏生態系,ポスター発表)

    竹内 美緒, 丸茂 克美, 前田 広人, 根建 宗具, 大島 健志朗, 片山 泰樹, 山岸 昴夫, 岩崎 渉, 鎌形 洋一, 花田 智, 玉木 秀幸, 服部 正平, 諏訪 裕一, 坂田 将

    日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集   ( 29 )   102 - 102   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本微生物生態学会  

    CiNii Books


  • アンモニア酸化細菌の菌株により異なる亜酸化窒素の発生特性

    勝山千恵, 木庭啓介, 諏訪裕一

    日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集   29th   2013

  • Pseudomonas chlororaphisの包括固定化による微量硝酸定量法の簡便化・効率化

    佐々木亮, 井坂和一, 木庭啓介, 勝山千恵, 諏訪裕一

    日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集   29th   2013

  • S1-28 ^<15>Nトレーサーと遺伝子情報を用いた酸性森林土壌における硝化特性の解析(S1.土壌-植物系の窒素動態研究における安定同位体比の利用,1.物質循環・動態,2012年度鳥取大会)

    磯部 一夫, 木庭 啓介, 諏訪 裕一, 幾谷 純子, 黒岩 恵, 楊 宗興, 大塚 重人, 妹尾 啓史

    日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集   ( 58 )   13 - 13   2012.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人日本土壌肥料学会  

    CiNii Books


  • 酸性森林土壌におけるタウムアーキアの生態的役割(S03窒素循環と微生物群集・機能:最先端研究の現場より,シンポジウムセッション)

    磯部一夫, 幾谷純子, 諏訪裕一, ユン ディンファン, 楊宗興, ジアンミン モオ, 妹尾啓史, 大塚重人, 木庭啓介

    日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集   ( 28 )   2012

  • 部分硝化バイオリアクターにおける溶存酸素が亜酸化窒素生成経路およびmRNAの活性に及ぼす影響の解明(PC廃水処理生態系,ポスター発表)

    北條圭佑, 山本智子, 黒岩恵, 磯部一夫, 勝山千恵, 周勝, 細見正明, 諏訪裕一, 木庭啓介, 寺田昭彦

    日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集   ( 28 )   2012

  • 15Nトレーサーと遺伝子情報を用いた酸性森林土壌における硝化特性の解析

    磯部一夫, 木庭啓介, 諏訪裕一, 幾谷純子, 黒岩恵, 楊宗興, 大塚重人, 妹尾啓史

    日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集   58   2012

  • 部分硝化型バイオリアクターにおける亜酸化窒素放出量および放出起源の解析

    北條圭佑, 山本智子, 菅原翔, 黒岩恵, 磯部一夫, 勝山千恵, ZHOU Sheng, 細見正明, 諏訪裕一, 木庭啓介, 寺田昭彦

    日本水環境学会年会講演集   46th   2012

  • 4Ga02 Emission and formation mechanism of nitrous oxide from a partial ammonia oxidation process : The effect of dissolved oxygen concentration

    Hojo Keisuke, Yamamoto Tomoko, Kuroiwa Megumi, Isobe Kazuo, Katsuyama Chie, Zhou Sheng, Hosomi Masaaki, Suwa Yuichi, Koba Keisuke, Terada Akihiko

    64   219 - 219   2012

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    CiNii Books


  • 亜硝酸化型窒素除去を志向した活性汚泥槽からの亜酸化窒素発生機構の解析

    寺田昭彦, 菅原翔, ZHOU Sheng, 西川恵美, 細見正明, 勝山千恵, 諏訪裕一, 木庭啓介

    日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集   63rd   2011

  • 高窒素負荷環境の中国亜熱帯林土壌におけるアンモニア酸化アーキアによる硝化

    磯部一夫, 幾谷純子, 諏訪裕一, 竹林佑, 楊宗興, FANG Yunting, FANG Yunting, MO Jianming, 妹尾啓史, 大塚重人, 木庭啓介

    日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集   57   2011

  • 中国亜熱帯林土壌における窒素動態と微生物群集 : 安定同位体を用いた無機態窒素動態解析(2010年度大会一般講演要旨)

    磯部 一夫, 幾谷 純子, 諏訪 裕一, 竹林 佑, 楊 宗興, Fang Yunting, Mo Jiangming, 妹尾 啓史, 大塚 重人, 木庭 啓介

    土と微生物   64 ( 2 )   138 - 138   2010.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本土壌微生物学会  

    DOI: 10.18946/jssm.64.2_138_1


  • 窒素飽和森林土壌における窒素動態と古細菌

    磯部一夫, 妹尾啓史, 大塚重人, 諏訪裕一, MO Jiangming, 幾谷純子, 竹林佑, 楊宗興, FANG Yunting, 木庭啓介

    日本森林学会大会学術講演集(CD-ROM)   121st   2010

  • 中国亜熱帯林土壌における窒素動態と微生物群集-安定同位体を用いた無機態窒素動態解析-

    磯部一夫, 幾谷純子, 諏訪裕一, 竹林佑, 楊宗興, 楊宗興, FANG Yunting, MO Jiangming, 妹尾啓史, 大塚重人, 木庭啓介

    日本土壌微生物学会講演要旨集   2010   2010

  • P-99 Nitrate production and nitrifying communities in nitrogen-saturated subtropical forest soils in southern China(Poster Session)


    ( 26 )   144 - 144   2010

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    CiNii Books


  • 6-27 谷津田土壌におけるAnammoxの解析(6.土壌生物,2009年度京都大会)

    宇津木 育実, 山岸 昂夫, 犬伏 和之, 諏訪 裕一

    日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集   ( 55 )   46 - 46   2009.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人日本土壌肥料学会  

    CiNii Books


  • 環境中のアナモックス細菌と窒素循環-嫌気的アンモニア酸化にあずかる多様な細菌群集の存在と棲み分け-

    吉永郁生, 天野皓己, 諏訪裕一

    化学と生物   47 ( 2 )   82 - 84   2009.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)   Publisher:日本農芸化学会  

    DOI: 10.1271/kagakutoseibutsu.47.82

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00326503834?from=CiNii

  • 中国亜熱帯林土壌における窒素動態と微生物群集:-安定同位体を用いた無機態窒素動態解析法の確立-

    磯部一夫, 木庭啓介, 幾谷純子, 諏訪裕一, 楊宗興, FANG Yunting, MO Jiangming, 大塚重人, 妹尾啓史

    日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集   25th   2009

  • Genetic Diversity of 2, 4- Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid ( 2, 4- D) Catabolic Genes

    Nakatsu, C.H

    197 - 206   1997.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)   Publisher:In Microbial Diversity and Genetics of Biodegradation. Horikoshi, K. , Fukuda, M. and Kudo, T. ( eds. ), Japan Sci, Soc. Press, Tokyo.  


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  • 耐/好酸性comammoxの分離戦略 ~2. 無機培地での回分培養~

    中村 颯太, 三星 峻, 角野 立夫, 諏訪 裕一, 藤谷 拓嗣

    日本微生物生態学会 2023年大会  2023.11 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 亜硝酸酸化細菌Nitrobacter sp. CN101株の高温と低温による遺伝子発現の違い

    白石 夕貴, 諏訪 裕一, 藤谷 拓嗣

    日本微生物生態学会 2023年大会  2023.11 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 部分硝化リアクターから単離したクラスター7アンモニア酸化細菌の亜酸化窒素生成ダイナミクス:ゲノムおよび生理学的特性からの考察

    大石 彬人, 大野 哲, 末永 俊和, 藤谷 拓嗣, 諏訪 裕一, 黒岩 恵, 寺田 昭彦

    日本微生物生態学会 2023年大会  2023.11 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 酸性土壌からの耐酸性亜硝酸酸化細菌の集積培養

    村田 璃奈, 菊地 麻友, 藤谷 拓嗣, 諏訪 裕一

    日本微生物生態学会 2023年大会  2023.11 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 15N標識N2Oを使用した土壌からのN2Oのgross 生成速度の測定の試み

    清水 千尋, 大友 優里, 黒岩 恵, 藤谷 拓嗣, 徳田 進一, 早津 雅仁, 多胡 香奈子, 諏訪 裕一

    日本微生物生態学会 2023年大会  2023.11 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 農耕地土壌からの耐酸性comammox細菌の実験室培養の獲得

    古屋 日向乃、藤谷 拓嗣、諏訪 裕一


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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Comammox集積培養で共存する耐酸性アンモニア酸化細菌Nitrosospiraの系統と生理学

    宮田 莉加子, 三星 峻, 角野 立夫, 諏訪 裕一, 藤谷 拓嗣

    日本微生物生態学会 2023年大会  2023.11 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • A novel nitrite-oxidizing Nitrobacter sp. strain A67 isolated from agricultural soil adapts to moderately acidic pH

    Ayano Kaneko, Yuta Endo, Takuya Ninomiya, Megumi Kuroiwa, Hirotsugu Fujitani, Yuichi Suwa


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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 培養時間が農耕地土壌のグロス硝化速度に与える影響

    大友 優里,黒岩 恵,藤谷 拓嗣,徳田 進一,早津 雅仁,多胡 香奈子,諏訪 裕一

    日本微生物生態学会 2023年大会  2023.11 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 新規15N, 18Oデュアルトレーサー法による超高精細な脱窒フラックス解析

    黒岩恵, 農工大, 諏訪裕一, 大場康平, 寺田昭彦, 木庭啓介

    日本微生物生態学会 2023年大会  2023.11 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Genomic and physiological insights into N2O emissions by cluster 7 ammonia-oxidizing bacteria isolated from partial nitrifying bioreactors

    Akito Oishi, Toshikazu Suenaga, Hirotsugu Fujitani, Yuichi Suwa, Megumi Kuroiwa, Akihiko Terada

    8th International Conference on Nitrification (ICoN8)  2023.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Quantitative evaluation of nitrous oxide sink capacity of denitrifying bacteria by a newly developed dual-tracer method

    Megumi Kuroiwa, Yuichi Suwa, Kohei Oba, Akihiko Terada, Keisuke Koba

    8th International Conference on Nitrification (ICoN8)  2023.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Isolation and physiological characterization of a novel nitrite-oxidizing bacterium, Nitrobacter sp. A67 which accommodates to moderately acidic pH from agricultural soil

    Ayano Kaneko, Yuta Endo, Takuya Ninomiya, Megumi Kuroiwa, Hirotsugu Fujitani, Yuichi Suwa

    8th International Conference on Nitrification (ICoN8)  2023.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Temperature dependence in nitrite oxidation and gene expression by a Nitrobacter sp.

    Yuki Shiraishi, Yuichi Suwa, Hirotsugu Fujitani

    8th International Conference on Nitrification (ICoN8)  2023.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Physiology and genomics of a soil nitrite-oxidizing bacterium, Nitrobacter sp. CN101 with high affinity to nitrite

    Hirotsugu Fujitani, Yoichiro Kobayashi, Takuya Ninomiya, Megumi Kuroiwa, Yuichi Suwa

    8th International Conference on Nitrification (ICoN8)  2023.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 活性化エネルギーから見る亜硝酸酸化細菌の温度依存性の比較

    白石夕貴, 諏訪裕一, 藤谷拓嗣

    日本微生物生態学会 第34回大会  ( 新潟 (online) )   2021.11  日本微生物生態学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 酸性条件下における硝化の担い手は誰か

    三星峻, 角野立夫, 遠藤優太, 諏訪裕一, 藤谷拓嗣

    日本微生物生態学会 第34回大会  ( 新潟 (online) )   2021.11  日本微生物生態学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 土壌抽出液培地による新規な硝化菌培養の可能性2~酸性森林土壌の場合~

    菊地麻友, 高山祐子, 三星峻, 梅澤千陽, 高橋昌平, 古屋日向乃, 黒岩恵, 磯部一夫, 藤谷拓嗣, 諏訪裕一

    日本微生物生態学会 第34回大会  ( 新潟 (online) )   2021.11  日本微生物生態学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 好酸性亜硝酸酸化細菌Nitrobacter sp. A67株の分離と生理学的特徴づけ〜硝化コミュニティーの唯一のエネルギー源として尿素を用いた硝化菌の分離戦略〜

    遠藤 優太, 藤谷 拓嗣, 二宮 拓也, 小林 陽一郎, 黒岩 恵, 諏訪 裕一

    日本微生物生態学会 第34回大会  ( 新潟 (online) )   2021.11  日本微生物生態学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 亜硝酸に対して親和性の高い土壌亜硝酸酸化細菌Nitrobacter sp.CN101の生理学とゲノム科学

    小林 陽一郎, 二宮 拓也, 藤谷 拓嗣, 黒岩 恵, 諏訪 裕一

    日本微生物生態学会 第34回大会  ( 新潟 (online) )   2021.11  日本微生物生態学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 好酸性NOB Nitrobacter sp. A67と共存するアンモニア酸化アーキアの集積培養

    高山 祐子, 遠藤 優太, 二宮 拓也, 黒岩 恵, 藤谷 拓嗣, 諏訪 裕一

    日本微生物生態学会 第34回大会  ( 新潟 (online) )   2021.11  日本微生物生態学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Characterization of Nitrobacter sp. CN101 with high affinity to nitrite isolated from mixed culture with urea from Japanese forest soil International conference

    Yoichiro Kobayashi, Takuya Ninomiya, Hirotsugu Fujitani, Yuichi Suwa

    7th International Conference on Nitrification and related processes (ICoN7)  ( Logan, Utah, USA (online) )   2021.7  Nitrification Network

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Comparative physiology and genome of ammonia-oxidizing Nitrosospira isolated from terrestrial and freshwater environments International conference

    Emi Nissato, Hirotsugu Fujitani, Keisuke Sakai, Yuji Ishikawa, Yuichi Suwa

    7th International Conference on Nitrification and related processes (ICoN7)  ( Logan, Utah, USA (online) )   2021.7  Nitrification Network

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Isolation of an acidophilic nitrite-oxidizing bacterium, Nitrobacter sp. strain A67, using culture medium containing urea as a sole source of energy for nitrifying community International conference

    Yuta Endo, Takuya Ninomiya, Hirotsugu Fujitani, Yuichi Suwa

    7th International Conference on Nitrification and related processes (ICoN7)  ( Logan, Utah, USA (online) )   2021.7  Nitrification Network

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 分散操作によるアナモクス活性の阻害とヒドロキシルアミン添加による回復

    鈴木拓磨, 黒岩恵, 川面佑登, 諏訪裕一

    第54回日本水環境学会年会  ( 岩手大学(盛岡市) )   2020.3  日本水環境学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • アナモクスの活性化エネルギー:硝酸を使える可能性はあるか

    川面佑登, 鈴木拓磨, 諏訪裕一, 井坂和一

    第54回日本水環境学会年会  ( 岩手大学(盛岡市) )   2020.3  日本水環境学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Observation of membrane vesicle-like particle of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria by transmission electron microscope Invited International conference

    Nissato E, Toyofuku, M, Kuroiwa M, Nomura N, Suwa Y

    6th International Conference on Nitrification and Related Processes (ICoN6)  ( Xiamen, China )   2019.10  Nitrification network

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


  • Enriching soil ammonia-oxidizing Archaea using newly designed medium supplemented with soil extract Invited International conference

    Umezawa, C, Kuroiwa, M, Hashimoto T, Isobe., K, Suwa, Y

    6th International Conference on Nitrification and Related Processes (ICoN6)  ( Xiamen, China )   2019.10  Nitrification network

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 土壌抽出液培地を用いたMPN計数を経由した多様な新規アンモニア酸化アーキアの実験室培養

    梅澤千陽, 黒岩恵, 橋本知義, 磯部一夫, 諏訪裕一

    日本微生物生態学会 第33回大会  ( 山梨大学(甲府市) )   2019.9  日本微生物生態学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Isolation and genomic analysis of denitrifying bacteria from crop residue

    Tago, K, Tokuda, S, Yong, G, Kuroiwa, M, Nakamura, T, Nishizawa, T, Suwa, Y, Hayatsu, M

    微生物生態学会第32回大会  2018.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Evidence of cultivating novel ammonia-oxidizing archaea using soil extract medium

    Umezawa, C, Kuroiwa, M, Hashimoto, T, Isobe, K, Suwa, Y

    微生物生態学会第32回大会  2018.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Changes in nitrifying community and NO2- production rate in forest soils incubated at different soil moisture conditions

    Nakagomi, R, Nagano, S, Takahashi, H, Tanaka, N, Oda, T, Kuroiwa, M, Suwa, Y

    微生物生態学会第32回大会  2018.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 森林土壌におけるNO2-生成の制御要因の検証~含水率によるアンモニア酸化微生物アバンダンスの変動~

    中込 里穂, 長野 紫織, 高橋 大貴, 田中 直斗, 小田 智基, 黒岩 恵, 諏訪 裕一

    第65回日本生態学会大会  2018.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • NO2-生成速度はNO2-消費経路をどのように変化させるのか~土壌の含水率調整・長期培養による検証~

    田中直斗, 高橋大貴, 長野紫織, 中込里穂, 小田智基, 黒岩恵, 諏訪裕一

    第65回日本生態学会大会  2018.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 谷津干潟堆積物における脱窒とアナモックスの集積培養

    佐藤 翼, 諏訪 裕一, 黒岩 恵, 千賀 有希子

    日本陸水学会2017年大会  2017.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 尿素を基質とする新規な培地を用いたアンモニア酸化細菌の集積培養

    二宮拓也, 黒岩恵, 櫛田晃輔, 磯部一夫, 諏訪裕一

    環境微生物系学会合同大会2017  2017.8 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 集積培養中で最優占でない微生物を限界希釈法で純粋分離する場合の培養数の最適化

    櫛田晃輔, 福原康平, 黒岩恵, 諏訪裕一

    環境微生物系学会合同大会2017  2017.8 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Anammox活性を有する微生物叢のメタゲノム解析

    福原康平, 村上由夏, 荒井渉, 豊田敦, 小椋義俊, 林哲也, 黒川顕, 諏訪裕一, 高見英人

    第11回日本ゲノム微生物学会  2017.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Anammox集積培養のメタゲノムから再構築したArmatimonadetes細菌のゲノム解析

    針ヶ谷優生, 豊田敦, 荒井渉, 諏訪裕一, 高見英人

    第11回日本ゲノム微生物学会  2017.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 15Nトレーサー法による好気性アンモニア酸化細菌のアンモニア酸化に伴うhybrid N2O生成の証拠

    菅野麻子, 岩本茉莉, 久我ゆかり, 諏訪裕一, 勝山千恵

    第11回日本ゲノム微生物学会  2017.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 管理型処分場浸出水調整池水中からのアナモックス汚泥の集積

    相子伸之, 中西博隆, 平大輔, 山際秀誠, 諏訪裕一

    日本水処理生物学会第53回大会  2016.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 谷津干潟堆積物における脱窒とアナモックス過程

    佐藤翼, 王川香澄, 諏訪裕一, 野原精一, 千賀有希子

    日本陸水学会第81大会  2016.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • メタゲノム解析から見える富栄養湖の窒素循環に関与するanammoxの実態

    福原康平, 村上由夏, 荒井渉, 小椋義俊, 林哲也, 黒川顕, 諏訪裕一, 高見英人

    日本微生物生態学会第31回大会  2016.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • スイカ畑土壌、谷津田水田土壌からoliotrophicなNitrosospira sp.の分離

    堺奎介, 石川裕士, 郷原奏波, 黒岩恵, 磯部一夫, 諏訪裕一

    第31回日本微生物生態学会  2016.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • メタゲノム解析で見た富栄養湖の窒素循環像

    福原康平, 村上由夏, 荒井渉, 小椋義俊, 林哲也, 黒川顕, 諏訪裕一, 高見英人

    水圏微生物フォーラム2016  2016.8 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 森林土壌に特徴的な硝化菌の分離~その意義とアプローチ

    黒岩恵, 堺奎介, 石川裕士, 福原康平, 磯部一夫, 諏訪裕一, 柴田英昭

    第127回日本森林学会大会  2016.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 管理型処分場浸出水調整池の池水中のアナモックス活性

    相子伸之, 中西博隆, 平大輔, 山際秀誠, 中村知喬, 諏訪裕一

    水処理生物学会第52回大会  2015.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Anammox活性に対する20物質(重金属,キレート剤,アミン類,有機溶媒)の影響I. ~小スケール回分試験による短期的阻害の定量と比較~

    中村知喬, 針ヶ谷優生, 黒岩恵, 木村裕哉, 井坂和一, 諏訪裕一

    日本微生物生態学会第30回大会  2015.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Anammox活性に対する20物質(重金属,キレート剤,アミン類,有機溶媒)の影響II.~実験データの動力学モデルへの回帰とKi値の推定~

    針ヶ谷優生, 中村知喬, 黒岩恵, 木村裕哉, 井坂和一, 諏訪裕一

    日本微生物生態学会第30回大会  2015.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • メタゲノム解析による生理・代謝機能ポテンシャルから見た富栄養湖沼(北浦)の窒素循環像

    諏訪裕一, 村上由夏, 荒井渉, 池田拓哉, 勝山千恵, 小椋義俊, 林哲也, 吉永郁夫, 福原康平, 黒岩恵, 髙見英人

    日本微生物生態学会第30回大会  2015.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 湖堆積物および森林土壌からのoligotrophicなNitrosospira sp.の純粋分離

    石川裕士, 磯部一夫, 浅野智之, 福原康平, 黒岩恵, 諏訪裕一

    日本微生物生態学会第30回大会  2015.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Effect of nitrate addition on anammox activities in sediment at the bottom of leachate adjustment reservoir of controlled final landfill site.

    Nobuyuki Aiko, Yoshinori Yabuki, Daisuke Hira, Tomotaka Nakamura, Yuichi Suwa

    3rd International Anammox Symposium (IANAS)  2015.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • IC50 values for 14 substances on anammox activity using a 15N tracer technique

    Yuki Harigaya, Tomotaka Nakamura, Yuya Kimura, Kazuichi Isaka, Yuichi Suwa

    4th International Conference on Nitrification (ICoN4)  2015.6 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 安定同位体トレーサーを利用した脱窒菌のMPN計数法の確立と応用

    三保谷峻, 高椅大貴, 勝山千恵, 諏訪裕一

    日本土壌微生物学会2015年度大会  2015.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 管理型廃棄物処分場浸出水調整池の池水の好気化が底泥のアナモックス活性に及ぼす影響

    相子伸之, 矢吹芳教, 平大輔, 中村知喬, 諏訪裕一

    第49回日本水環境学会大会  2015.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 管理型廃棄物最終処分場の浸出水調整池底泥のアナモックス活性

    相子伸之, 矢吹芳教, 平大輔, 中村知喬, 諏訪裕一

    第51回水処理生物学会  2014.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • An alternative method employing indigenous denitrifying activity and 15N tracer techniques for estimating potential nitrification activity from environmental samples.

    Mina Nakahara, Chie Katsuyama, Akifumi Shimamoto, Masatoshi Hayashi, Yuji Watanabe, Ikuo Yoshinaga, Yuichi Suwa

    15th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME15)  2014.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • N2O emission from soybean rhizosphere mediated by fungal denitrification of Fusarium species.

    Makoto Moriuchi, Syoko Inaba, Fumio Ikenishi, Manabu Itakura, Masakazu Kikuchi, Shima Eda, Naohiko Chiba, Chie Katsuyama, Yuichi Suwa, Reiko Sameshima, Hisayuki Mitsui, Kiwamu Minamisawa

    15th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME15)  2014.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Determination of cyanobacterial photosynthesis in space.

    Masayuki Ohmori, Yuichi Suwa, Chie Katsuyama, Daisuke Takagi, Yohei Shimura, Motoshi Kamada, Akira Higashibata, Makoto Natsuisaka, Takashi Yamazaki, Noriaki Ishioka

    5th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME15)  2014.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Denitrification activity and relevant bacterial community composition in a forest ecosystem.

    Chie Katsuyama, Nobuhito Ohte, Yuichi Suwa, Kenji Kato

    The 6th East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies (EAFES) International Congress  2014.4 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • アンモニア酸化細菌の菌株により異なる亜酸化窒素の発生特性

    勝山千恵, 木庭啓介, 諏訪裕一

    第29回日本微生物生態学会大会  2013.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 富栄養化淡水湖沼,北浦のanammox活性が高い地点でのanammox活性垂直分布と微生物群衆構造

    池田拓哉, 近藤竜二, 森裕美, 勝山千恵, 山岸昂夫, 上田眞吾, 吉永郁生, 諏訪裕一

    第29回日本微生物生態学会大会  2013.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Pseudomonas chlororaphisの包括固定化による微量硝酸定量法の簡便化・効率化

    佐々木亮, 井坂和一, 木庭啓介, 勝山千恵, 諏訪裕一

    第29回日本微生物生態学会大会  2013.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 15Nトレーサー法と海水中の脱窒活性を利用した微弱な硝化活性を測定する方法の開発と環境サンプルへの利用

    中原美奈, 勝山千恵, 嶋本晶文, 林正敏, 渡辺雄二, 吉永郁生, 諏訪裕一

    第29回日本微生物生態学会大会  2013.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Microalgal photosynthesis research in space.

    Masayuki Ohmori, Yuichi Suwa, Chie Katsuyama, Yohei Shimura, Motoshi Kamada, Akira Higashibata, Makoto Natsuisaka, Takashi Yamazaki, Noriaki Ishioka

    The 5th Taiwan-Korea-Japan International Symposium on Microbial Ecology  2013.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Denitrification in shallow and deep groundwater; activity, diversity of corresponding community and environmental factors; conditions and function, snapshots.

    Kenji Kato, Chie Katsuyama, Takeshi Kinoshita, Kazuyo Nagaosa, Yuichi Suwa

    The 13th Symposium of Aquatic Microbial Ecology (SAME13)  2013.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Dominant pathway in nitrous oxide production may differ among Nitrosomonas strains.

    Chie Katsuyama, Keisuke Koba, Yuichi Suwa

    3rd International Conference on Nitrification (ICoN3)  2013.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • An alternative nitrification activity assay method by quantifying 15N-labeled NO2-/NO3- using indigenous denitrifying activity and GC/MS.

    Mina Nakahara, Chie Katsuyama, Akifumi Shimamoto, Masatoshi Hayashi, Yuji Watanabe, Ikuo Yoshinaga, Yuichi Suwa

    3rd International Conference on Nitrification (ICoN3), E7  2013.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Employing agar-immobilized P. chlororaphis cells in conversion of NO2-/NO3- to N2O for measuring nitrification activity.

    Ryo Sasaki, Kazuichi Isaka, Keisuke Koba, Chie Katsuyama, Yuichi Suwa

    3rd International Conference on Nitrification (ICoN3), E8  2013.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 森林生態系の地下水帯における亜酸化窒素の発生と消費メカニズムの解明に向けた安定同位体の利用.

    勝山千恵, 大手信人, 加藤憲二, 諏訪裕一

    第28回日本微生物生態学会大会, シンポジウムJS-S06a: 窒素循環と微生物群集・機能:最先端研究の現場より  2012.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Denitirification activity and its controlling factor in nitrate polluted groundwater.

    Takeshi Kinoshita, Mayu Shido, Takuya Segawa, Chie Katsuyama, Rumi Sohrin, Kazuyo Nagaosa, Yuichi Suwa, Kenji Kato

    第28回日本微生物生態学会大会  2012.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Effect of dissolved oxygen concentration in a bioreactor for nitritation on nitrous oxide formation pathways and mRNA expression by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria.

    Keisuke Hojo, Tomoko Yamamoto, Megumi Kuroiwa, Kazuo Isobe, Chie Katsuyama, Sheng Zhou, Masaaki Hosomi, Yuichi Suwa, Keisuke Koba, Akihiko Terada

    第28回日本微生物生態学会大会  2012.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Evidence of hybrid N2O production from NH2OH and NO2- in cell suspension of oligotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacterial strain Nitrosomonas sp. AL212 using a 15N and 18O tracer technique.

    Chie Katsuyama, Keisuke Koba, Yuichi Suwa

    14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME14), 481A  2012.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Evidence demonstrating substrate supply and presence of possible inhibitory substance may determine habitat for anammox population in a shallow eutrophic lake.

    Takuya Ikeda, Ryuji Kondo, Yumi Mori, Takao Yamagishi, Chie Katsuyama, Shingo Ueda, Ikuo Yoshinaga, Yuichi Suwa

    14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME14), 032A  2012.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Elucidating nitrous oxide formation pathways in a nitrifying bioreactor towards nitrification: the effect of dissolved oxygen.

    Tomoko Yamamoto, Keisuke Hojo, Micil Bellucci, Megumi Kuroiwa, Kazuo Isobe, Chie Katsuyama, Sheng Zhou, Masaaki Hosomi, Yuichi Suwa, Keisuke Koba, Akihiko Terada

    14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME14), 465B  2012.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 森林土壌における脱窒に関わる微生物群集構成:脱窒機能遺伝子による把握.

    青木麻耶, 大手信人, 勝山千恵, 諏訪裕一, 丹下健

    日本地球惑星科学連合2012年大会  2012.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Habitat Segregation of Anammox Bacteria Inhabit along a River System

    Ikuo Yoshinaga, Teruki Amano, Takao Yamagishi, Yuichi Suwa

    1st International ANAMMOX Symposium (IANAS)  2012.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 亜硝酸型硝化処理における亜酸化窒素発生の評価

    勝山千恵, 諏訪裕一, 原山重明, 生田創

    第46回日本水環境学会年会  2012.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 部分消化型バイオリアクターにおける亜酸化窒素放出量および放出起源の解析

    北条圭佑, 山本智子, 菅原翔, 黒岩恵, 磯部一夫, 勝山千恵, 周勝, 細見正明, 諏訪裕一, 木庭啓介, 寺田昭彦

    第46回日本水環境学会年会  2012.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 森林集水域の地下水帯における脱窒活性と脱窒細菌群集構成

    勝山千恵, 永翁一代, 大手信人, 山岸昂夫, 諏訪裕一, 加藤憲二

    第27回日本微生物生態学会  2011.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Nitrate contamination and denitrification in groundwater of Mt. Fuji.

    Takeshi Kinoshita, Takuya Segawa, Chie Katsuyama, Kazuyo Nagaosa, Rumi Sohrin, Yuichi Suwa, Kenji Kato

    The 3rd Korea-Japan Symposium on Microbial Ecology  2011.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 亜硝酸型硝化プロセスにおける亜酸化窒素発生抑制条件の検討

    勝山千恵, 諏訪裕一, 原山重明, 生田創

    第45回日本水環境学会年会  2011.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 亜硝酸酸化活性に及ぼす遊離アンモニアの影響評価

    生田創, 諏訪裕一, 勝山千恵, 原山重明

    第45回日本水環境学会年会  2011.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 堆積岩の深度140 m地下水における脱窒反応

    勝山千恵, 梨本裕晃, 石橋朋剛, 古田一期, 永翁一代, 吉川英樹, 浅野貴博, 佐々木祥人, 青木和弘, 諏訪裕一, 加藤憲二

    第26回日本微生物生態学会  2010.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Denitrification in anoxic groundwater at 140 m depth in sedimentary horizon.

    Chie Katsuyama, Hiroaki Nashimoto, Tomotaka Ishibashi, Kazuki Furuta, Kazuyo Nagaosa, Hideki Yoshikawa, Takahiro Asano, Yoshito Sasaki, Kazuhiro Aoki, Yuichi Suwa, Kenji Kato

    13th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME13), PS.22.024  2010.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Denitrification activity and relevant bacteria revealed by nitrite reductase gene fragments in soil of temperate mixed forest.

    Chie Katsuyama, Naho Kondo, Yuichi Suwa, Takao Yamagishi, Masayuki Itoh, Nobuhito Ohte, Hiroyuki Kimura, Kazuyo Nagaosa, Kenji Kato

    本微生物生態学会2009年度論文賞受賞講演, 第25回日本微生物生態学会  2009.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 森林地下水における脱窒活性と脱窒機能遺伝子 nirK, nirSによる脱窒細菌群集構成

    勝山千恵, 近藤菜穂, 諏訪裕一, 山岸昂夫, 伊藤雅之, 大手信人, 木村浩之, 永翁一代, 加藤憲二

    第25回日本微生物生態学会  2009.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 豚舎汚水処理施設におけるアナモックス活性の探索

    和木美代子, 安田知子, 鈴木一好, 田中康男, 横山浩, 荻野暁史, 坂井隆宏, 鈴木直人, 鈴木良地, 松葉賢次, 山岸昂夫, 諏訪裕一

    第43回日本水環境学会年会  2009.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ヨシ表面のバイオフィルムに形成される脱窒細菌群集の分子生態学的解析II -バイオフィルム形成過程と脱窒活性の変化-

    中村隆久, 吉永郁生, 天野皓己, 諏訪裕一, 山岸昂夫, 大塚泰介, 森崎久雄, 左子芳彦, 今井一郎

    平成21年度日本水産学会春季大会  2009.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Denitrification activity and relevant players revealed by nitrite reductase gene fragments in wet soil and groundwater in a forest.

    Chie Katsuyama, Naho Kondo, Nobuhito Ohte, Takao Yamagishi, Yuichi Suwa, Kenji Kato

    7th International Symposium for Subsurface Microbiology (ISSM2008), S4-P6  2008.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Anammox activity in groundwater, soil and sediment.

    Yuichi, Suwa

    7th International Symposium for Subsurface Microbiology (ISSM2008), S4-P6  2008.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ヨシ水中茎のバイオフィルムに形成される脱窒ホットスポット

    中村隆久, 天野皓己, 諏訪裕一, 山岸昂夫, 左子芳彦, 吉永郁生

    第24回日本微生物生態学会大会  2008.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 豚舎汚水処理施設内のアナモックス活性の比較

    和木美代子, 安田知子, 鈴木一好, 田中康男, 横山浩, 荻野暁史, 坂井隆宏, 鈴木良地, 山岸昂夫, 諏訪裕一

    第24回日本微生物生態学会大会  2008.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 硝酸の添加による淡水湖沼底泥コアのアナモクス活性の増強

    諏訪裕一, 天野皓己, 吉永郁生, 左子芳彦, 山岸昂夫

    第24回日本微生物生態学会  2008.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Detection of anammox activity and diversity of anammox bacteria-related 16S rRNA genes in coastal marine sediment in Japan

    天野皓己, 吉永郁生, 岡田健太郎, 山岸昂夫, 上田眞吾, 小渕存, 左子芳彦, 諏訪裕一

    日本微生物生態学会第24回大会「論文賞受賞講演」  2008.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • メタン脱窒条件でのアナモックス菌の増殖

    和木美代子, 安田知子, 鈴木一好, 黒田和孝, 福本泰之, 山岸昂夫, 諏訪裕一

    日本水処理生物学会第45回大会  2008.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Anammox in a river system: distribution of the activity and population shifts of anammox bacteria in sediment from freshwater to seawater

    Teruyki Amano, Yuichi Suwa, Takao Yamagishi, Ikuo Yoshinaga

    12th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME12)  2008.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • A wide diversity of anaerobic ammonium oxidizing (anammox) bacterial population in freshwater, brackish and marine sediments

    Ikuo Yoshinaga, Teruyki Amano, Takao Yamagishi, Yuichi Suwa

    12th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME12)  2008.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Methanotroph, denitrifier, nitrifier and anammox contributing to nitrogen removal from wastewater in the presence of methane and oxygen

    Miyoko Waki, Tomoko Yasuda, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Dai Hanajima, Akifumi Ogino, Kazuyoshi Suzuki, Takao Yamagishi, Yuichi Suwa, Yasuo Tanaka

    12th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME12)  2008.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Methanotroph, denitrifier, nitrifier and anammox contributing to nitrogen removal from wastewater in the presence of methane and oxygen

    Miyoko Waki, Tomoko Yasuda, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Dai Hanajima, Akifumi Ogino, Kazuyoshi Suzuki, Takao Yamagishi, Yuichi Suwa, Yasuo Tanaka

    12th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME12)  2008.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Estimation of possible doubling time of anammox population based upon N2 production rate via anammox determined as first order rate constant

    Tomoko Yasuda, Miyoko Waki, Takao Yamagishi, Kazuyoshi Suzuki, Yuichi Suwa

    12th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME12)  2008.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Denitrification in the biofilm developed on submerged reed surface

    Takahisa Nakamura, Teruki Amano, Takao Yamagishi, Yuichi Suwa, Yoshihiko Sako, Ikuo Yoshinaga

    5th international Conference Interfaces Against Pollution 2008  2008.6 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 汚水処理施設由来汚泥中のアナモックス活性測定

    和木美代子, 安田知子, 鈴木一好, 坂井隆宏, 荻野暁史, 横山浩, 田中康男, 山岸昂夫, 諏訪裕一

    第42回日本水環境学会  2008.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 海洋および湖沼堆積物からのanammox(嫌気的アンモニア酸化)細菌の検出と16SrDNAによる群集組成解析

    吉永郁生, 天野皓己, 山岸昂夫, 諏訪裕一, 左子芳彦

    平成19年度日本水産学会秋季大会  2007.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ベトナム沿岸域のエビ養殖池およびマングローブ林堆積物表層におけるアナモックス反応の存在

    天野皓己, 吉永郁生, 諏訪裕一, 山岸昂夫, Chu Van Thuoc, Pham The Thu, 加藤憲二, 左子芳彦

    平成19年度日本水産学会秋季大会  2007.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 淡水,沿岸生態系でのアナモクス微生物の分布と系統

    諏訪裕一, 吉永郁生, 天野皓己, 山岸昂夫

    第10回水環境学会シンポジウム「進化する窒素除去プロセス」  2007.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • アナモックス細菌の16S rRNA遺伝子を標的としたクロー ンライブラリー法による水圏のアナモックス細菌の多様性と分布

    吉永郁生, 天野皓己, 山岸昂夫, 岡田健太郎, 左子芳彦, 諏訪裕一

    第23回日本微生物生態学会  2007.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 淀川下流域から大阪湾奥部 までの堆積物表層におけるアナモックス活性の水平分布

    天野皓己, 吉永郁生, 山岸昂夫, 左子芳彦, 諏訪裕一

    第23回日本微生物生態学会  2007.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ANAMMOX 細菌検出に有効なPCR 系の開発と水圏環境のANAMMOX 細菌群集構造解析

    吉永郁生, 天野皓己, 左子芳彦, 山岸昂夫, 諏訪裕一

    第10回マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会  2007.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • メタン脱窒リアクター内における嫌気性アンモニア酸化細菌の存在

    和木美代子, 安田知子, 横山浩, 荻野暁史, 鈴木一好, 田中康男, 諏訪裕一, 山岸昂夫

    第41回日本水環境学会  2007.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 家畜排泄物処理関連施設におけるANAMMOX 細菌の存在

    安田知子, 和木美代子, 花島大, 福本泰之, 黒田和孝, 鈴木一好, 田中康男, 諏訪裕一, 山岸昂夫

    日本畜産学会第107回大会  2007.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Are Anaerobic Ammonium-Oxidizing (Anammox) Bacteria Responsible for denitrogen Gas Emission from Costal Ecosystems of Japan?

    天野皓己, 吉永郁生, 岡田健太郎, 左子芳彦, 山岸昂夫, 諏訪裕一

    国際シンポジウム2006「化学汚染と環境変動に関する若手研究者の先端的研究」  2006.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 日本沿岸域における嫌気性アンモニア酸化活性の検出

    天野皓己, 吉永郁生, 岡田健太郎, 左子芳彦, 山岸昂夫, 諏訪裕一

    第22回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  2006.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 淡水湖沼の嫌気性アンモニア酸化(ANAMMOX)活性の分布の特徴

    諏訪裕一, 天野皓己, 吉永郁生, 石井裕一, 根岸正美, 小倉久子, 山岸昂夫

    第22回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  2006.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • A ' Hot Spot' of Anaerobic Ammonia Oxidation ( ANAMMOX) Activity May Exist in a Eutrophic Shallow Freshwater Lake in Japan

    山岸昂夫, 吉永郁生, 岡田健太郎, 天野皓己, 大竹嘉尚, 根岸正美, 加藤憲二, 上田眞吾, 諏訪裕一

    第4回岡崎国際生物学高等会議 (OBC4 on 'Terra Microbiology 2' )  2006.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Horizontal Distribution of Anoxic Ammonia Oxidation (ANAMMOX) in A Eutrophic Shallow Freshwater Lake in Japan

    山岸昂夫, 吉永郁生, 岡田健太郎, 天野皓己, 大竹嘉尚, 根岸正美, 加藤憲二, 上田眞吾, 諏訪裕一

    第11回国際微生物生態学シンポジウム  2006.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Anammox Activity in Sub-Tropical Aquaculture Pond and Adjacent Mangrove Sediments

    諏訪裕一, 山岸昂夫, TT Pham, VT Chu, 吉永郁生, 加藤憲二

    第106回アメリカ微生物学会年会  2006.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Anammox Activity in Sub-Tropical Aquaculture Pond and Adjacent Mangrove Sediments

    uwa, Y, Yamagishi, T, Pham, T.T, Chu, V.T, Yoshinaga, I, Kato, K

    第106回アメリカ微生物学会年会  2006.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 活性の指数的増加に基づく非馴化下水汚泥中ANAMMOX微生物の比増殖速度推計

    諏訪裕一, 山岸昂夫

    第40回日本水環境学会,日本水環境学会  2006.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 淡水湖沼底泥の嫌気性アンモニア酸化活性の検出とその分布

    山岸昂夫, 上田眞吾, 大竹嘉尚, 根岸正美, 諏訪裕一

    第40回日本水環境学会,日本水環境学会  2006.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 四重極質量分析計を用いた淡水湖沼底泥の嫌気性アンモニア酸化活性測定方法

    諏訪裕一, 上田眞吾, 山岸昂夫

    第21回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  2005.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Microbial analysis and denitrification

    諏訪裕一, 山岸昂夫

    国際学術交流シンポジウム「アジアの環境保全と食料生産」,茨城大学農学部  2005.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 海洋環境のアナモックス(嫌気性アンモニア酸化)

    岡田健太郎, 吉永郁生, 近藤竜二, 諏訪裕一, 橘田隆史, 石田貴子, 左子芳彦

    平成17年度日本水産学会大会,日本水産学会  2005.4 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 安定同位体15Nを用いた嫌気性アンモニア酸化活性の測定

    山岸昂夫, 諏訪裕一, 小渕存, 上田眞吾, 加藤憲二

    第39回日本水環境学会,日本水環境学会  2005.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 北浦底泥試料で測定された嫌気性アンモニア酸化活性

    諏訪裕一, 山岸昂夫, 小渕存, 上田眞吾, 大竹嘉尚, 根岸正美, 加藤憲二

    第20回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  2004.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 下水汚泥が持つ嫌気性アンモニア酸化活性のポテンシャル測定

    諏訪裕一, 山岸昂夫, 上田眞吾, 小渕存, 加藤憲二

    水環境学会シンポジウム,日本水環境学会  2004.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 有害化学物質と窒素の同時除去技術;考え方と実験例

    山岸昂夫, 諏訪裕一

    平成15年度広域関東圏研究成果発表会,産業技術総合研究所  2003.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • リアルタイムPCRによるAmmonia Monooxygenase遺伝子(amo A)の定量法に関する基礎的検討

    関戸尊子, 庄司正, H.J. Laanbroek, 諏訪裕一

    第18回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  2002.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • リアルタイムPCRによるアンモニア酸化細菌の定量法に関する基礎的検討

    関戸尊子, 庄司正, H.J. Laanbroek, 諏訪裕一

    第36回日本水環境学会,日本水環境学会  2002.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • フェノール利用硝化脱窒系への有機物源添加の影響

    山岸昂夫, 山口文男, 諏訪裕一, 庄司正, To Kim-Ahn

    第36回日本水環境学会,日本水環境学会  2002.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Microbial Consortia with Sustained Capability to Degrade Chroloaromatic Compounds under Denitrifying Conditions Developed in Laboratory Anaerobic Batch and/ or Continuous Cultures

    Bae, H.S, 山岸昂夫, 諏訪裕一

    第9回国際微生物生態学シンポジウム  2001.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Anaerobic Degradation of 3-Chlorophenol by Denitrifying Consortia in Column Reactors

    H.S. Bae, 山岸昂夫, 諏訪裕一

    第35回日本水環境学会,日本水環境学会  2001.3 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 産業廃水中窒素の生物学的除去の問題点とその解決へのアプローチ


    日中産業技術シンポジウム,(財)国際研修交流協会および中国国家発展計画委員会)  2001.1 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Evidence of Denitrifying Degradation of Chlorophenol by Microbial Consortia

    H.S. Bae, 山岸昂夫, 諏訪裕一

    第16回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  2000.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ダイオキシン類分解菌Rhodococcus opacus SA0101株の芳香族化合物分解遺伝子の多様性

    木村信忠, 漆川芳国, 諏訪裕一

    日本生物工学会,日本生物工学会  2000.8 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Diversity of 2,4-Dinitrophenol-Degrading Bacteria Isolated from Contaminated Soil and Wastewater

    木村信忠, 篠崎由紀子, 諏訪裕一, 漆川芳国

    5th International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology  2000.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Diverse Ammonia-Oxidizing Populations Developed in A Spatially Isolated System

    庄司正, 山口文男, 松井安俊, 能登一彦, 角野立夫, 米沢義堯, 諏訪裕一

    第100回アメリカ微生物学会  2000.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Isolation and Characterization of Novel Dibenzo-p-Dioxin Degrading Gram-Positive Bacteria, Rhodococcus opacus SA0101

    木村信忠, 諏訪裕一, 漆川芳国

    第100回アメリカ微生物学会  2000.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ペンタクロロフェノールの嫌気分解への初濃度の影響

    山岸昂夫, 市川広保, 竹内理恵, 諏訪裕一

    第34回日本水環境学会,日本水環境学会  2000.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 回分式活性汚泥における2,4-D分解活性の動態

    松井安俊, 山口文男, 庄司正, 蒲生昌志, 諏訪裕一, 米沢義堯

    第34回日本水環境学会,日本水環境学会  2000.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 非馴化メタン生成汚泥によるクロロフェノールの嫌気的全変換経路とその特徴

    竹内理恵, 諏訪裕一, 山岸昂夫, 米沢義堯

    第15回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  1999.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ダイオキシン類分解菌Rhodococcus opacus SA0101株の分解と分解特性の検討

    木村信忠, 篠崎由紀子, 諏訪裕一, 漆川芳国

    日本生物工学会,日本生物工学会  1999.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 活性汚泥中に共存するニトロフェノール分解菌の多様性

    篠崎由紀子, 木村信忠, 諏訪裕一, 中原忠篤

    日本生物工学会,日本生物工学会  1999.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 多段式リアクターの硝化特性の基礎的検討

    山口文男, 上田眞吾, 高春心, 庄司正, 角野立夫, 能登一彦, 松井安俊, 米澤義堯, 諏訪裕一

    第33回日本水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1999.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • フェノール含有排水の硝化・脱窒

    山岸昂夫, J.レイテ, 山口文男, 諏訪裕一

    第33回日本水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1999.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 活性汚泥中のコロニー形成可能な細菌群集の多様性評価

    山口文男, 庄司正, 横山和成, 米沢義堯, 諏訪裕一

    第33回日本水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1999.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 無機培地中の好気脱窒反応に関する基礎検討

    能登一彦, 高嶋美幸, 角野立夫, 諏訪裕一

    第33回日本水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1999.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 2,4-D処理条件の異なる活性汚泥の2,4-D分解菌の構成

    松井安俊, 高原義治, 山口文男, 太田寛行, 諏訪裕一

    第14回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  1998.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • T-RFLP法による活性汚泥中のアンモニア酸化細菌群集の構造解析

    庄司正, 篠崎裕哉, 諏訪裕一

    第14回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  1998.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 化学物質順養活性汚泥中のコロニー形成可能な細菌群集の多様性

    山口文男, 庄司正, 横山和成, 米沢義堯, 諏訪裕一

    第14回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  1998.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Adhesion Behaviors of Bacteria on Surface- Modified Carbon Fibers

    古田毅, 牧野光男, 山田能生, 山口文男, 諏訪裕

    International Symposium on Carbon  1998.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 2,4-Dinitrophenol分解菌の分離とその分解機構の解析

    木村信忠, 田尻由紀子, 諏訪裕一, 漆川芳国

    日本生物工学会,日本生物工学会  1998.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • p-Nitrophenol分解菌の分離とその分解特性

    田尻由紀子, 木村信忠, 中島敏明, 中原忠篤, 諏訪裕一, 漆川芳国

    日本生物工学会,日本生物工学会  1998.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 廃水処理硝化プロセスのアンモニア酸化細菌とその分子生物学的解析


    土壌微生物学会,土壌微生物学会  1998.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 硝化細菌によるTCE分解における影響因子の検討

    能登一彦, 角野立夫, 諏訪裕一

    第32回日本水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1998.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • PEG固定化担体から単離したアンモニア酸化細菌の生理特性

    高嶋美幸, 能登一彦, 角野立夫, 諏訪裕一

    第32回日本水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1998.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 構成的・誘導的に2,4-Dinitrophenolを分解する2種のグラム陽性菌

    諏訪裕一, 山口文男, 木村信忠, 漆川芳国

    第13回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  1997.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • アンモニア酸化細菌のgyrB塩基配列

    諏訪裕一, 能登一彦, 篠崎裕哉

    第13回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  1997.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 活性汚泥中の微生物群集解析による有害化学物質の評価

    蒲生昌志, 庄司正, 松井安俊, 篠崎裕哉, 諏訪裕一

    第13回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  1997.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 活性汚泥の2,4-D処理の安定性と分解菌相

    松井安俊, 山口文男, 蒲生昌志, 木村信忠, 庄司正, 諏訪裕一

    第13回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  1997.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • フェノール馴養活性緒で意中の化学無機栄養性アンモニア酸化細菌

    篠崎裕哉, 庄司正, 山口文男, 横山和平, 諏訪裕一

    第13回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  1997.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • アニリン馴養活性緒で意中の化学無機栄養性アンモニア酸化細菌

    庄司正, 篠崎裕哉, 山口文男, 諏訪裕一

    第13回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  1997.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 嫌気汚泥によるクロロフェノール類分解の検討

    竹内理恵, 山岸昂夫, 諏訪裕一, 米澤義尭

    第31回水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1997.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 高濃度アンモニア処理系から単離した硝化細菌のトリクロロエチレン酸化特性

    能登一彦, 角野立夫, 諏訪裕一

    第31回水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1997.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 4-ニトロフェノール(PNP)分解菌の活性誘導と活性安定性について

    松井安俊, 山口文男, 米澤義尭, 諏訪裕一

    第31回水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1997.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 活性汚泥による2,4-D分解特性への易分解基質存在の効果

    松井安俊, 山口文男, 蒲生昌志, 諏訪裕一

    第31回水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1997.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 活性汚泥から分離したアンモニア酸化菌の16SrDNA塩基配列

    諏訪裕一, 能登一彦, 角野立夫

    第31回水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1997.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 高濃度アンモニア廃水処理技術(1)多段処理による高濃度アンモニア廃水処理の検討

    橋本信子, 角野立夫, 能登一彦, 小笠原たか子, 諏訪裕一

    第33回土木学会・環境工学研究フォーラム,土木学会  1996.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 包括固定化硝化担体を対象としたDNA解析による微生物構成の評価

    能登一彦, 諏訪裕一, 角野立夫

    第33回下水道研究発表会  1996.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • High Efficiency nitrification of Inorganic Waste Water with a 3-Vessel Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)-Granulated Activated Sludge System

    能登一彦, 小笠原たか子, 諏訪裕一, 角野立夫

    American Society of Micro-biology, 96th General Meeting  1996.5  アメリカ微生物学会

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • High Efficiency nitrification of Inorganic Waste Water with a 3-Vessel Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)-Granulated Activated Sludge System

    能登一彦, 小笠原たか子, 諏訪裕一, 角野立夫

    American Society of Micro-biology, 96th General Meeting  1996.5  アメリカ微生物学会

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • PEG包括固定化担体中の硝化菌を中心とした細菌相の分子生物学的解析

    諏訪裕一, 能登一彦, 角野立夫, W.E. Holben

    第30回水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1996.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 2,4-ジニトロフェノール分解菌の活性汚泥への導入の試み

    山口文男, 松井安俊, 諏訪裕一, 米澤義尭, 漆川芳國

    第30回水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1996.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Growth and Death Rates, and Nitrification Activities of Nitrifying Bacteria Immobilized in PEG Gel Pellets

    能登一彦, 小笠原たか子, 諏訪裕一, 角野立夫

    American Society of Micro-biology, 95th General Meeting  1995.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Variety of 4-Nitrophenol Degradation Kinetics by Bacterial Isolates from

    松井安俊, 諏訪裕一, 山口文男, 漆川芳國

    American Society of Micro-biology, 95th General Meeting  1995.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 4-ニトロフェノール分解菌の分解Kinticsの多様性

    松井安俊, 諏訪裕一, 山口文男, 米澤義尭, 漆川芳國

    第29回水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1995.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 4-ニトロフェノール分解菌の細菌学的性質

    松井安俊, 竹内理恵, 諏訪裕一, 山口文男, 米澤義尭, 漆川芳國

    第29回水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1995.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 「広瀬賞」受賞講演 活性汚泥中のアンモニア酸化細菌について


    第29回水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1995.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Divergence in the Organization of 2, 4- D Catabolic Genes in Environmental Isolates

    鎌形洋一, C.H. Nakatsu, 諏訪裕一, V.G.Matheson, E.Top, A. Wright, W.E. Holben, L.J.Forney, J.M.Tiedje

    Pseudomonas 1995, 5th International Symposium on Pseudomonas: Biotechnology and Molecular Biology  1994.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Cloning of a novel 2,4-D catabolic gene isofunctional to tfdA from Pseudomonas sp. TFD3

    諏訪裕一, W.E.Holben, L.J.Forney

    American Society of Micro- biology, 94th General Meeting  1994.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Localization and characterization of a novel chromosomal 2, 4- D catabolic gene isofunctional to tfdA

    V.G.M.Calabrese, J.Fornay, 諏訪裕一, W.E.Holben

    American Society of Micro-biology, 94th General Meeting  1994.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Organization of novel 2, 4-D catabolic genes isofunctional to tfdA and tfdB from

    鎌形洋一, 諏訪裕一, L.J.Forney

    American Society of Micro-biology, 94th General Meeting  1994.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Regulation of the genes isofunctional to tfdA and tfdB isolated from Pseudomonas sp. TFD3

    A.D.Write, 諏訪裕一, L. Snyder

    American Society of Micro-biology, 94th General Meeting  1994.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 活性汚泥によるパラニトロフェノール処理における共存易分解成分の影響

    山口文男, 松井安俊, 諏訪裕一, 米澤義尭, 漆川芳國

    第28回水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1994.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • パラニトロフェノール馴化汚泥の増殖特性

    松井安俊, 山口文男, 諏訪裕一, 米澤義尭, 漆川芳國

    第28回水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1994.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 4-Nitrophenolに馴化した活性汚泥のNitorobenzene及びphenol誘導体の分解特性

    松井安俊, 山口文男, 諏訪裕一, 漆川芳國, 米澤義尭

    日本化学会第87春季年会,日本化学会  1994.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Evidence for a chromosomally encoded pathway for 2,4-D degradation in Pseudomonas sp. RASC

    諏訪裕一, W.E.Holben

    American Society of Micro-biology, 93rd General Meeting  1993.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 硫酸還元菌の生態への分子生物学的アプローチ

    福井学, 諏訪裕一, 漆川芳國

    第27回水環境学会,日本水環境学会  1993.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Interaction between sulfidogens and methanogens in anaerobic sludges

    福井学, 徐正仁, 諏訪裕一, 漆川芳國

    Conference on Multi-cellular and Interactive Behavior of Bacteria, an ASM conference  1993.3 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • in situ ハイブリダイゼーション法による硫酸還元菌の検出

    福井学, 諏訪裕一

    第8回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  1992.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Bacterial single cell analysis based on phylogenic strains with oligonucleotide probe

    福井学, 諏訪裕一, 漆川芳國

    6th Internatioanl Symposium on Microbial Ecology  1992.9  国際微生物生態学会

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  • Growth characteristics and 16SrRNA sequences of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria isolated from activated sludges

    諏訪裕一, 森勝美, 今村泰夫, 福井学, 漆川芳國

    6th Internatioanl Symposium on Microbial Ecology  1992.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Degradation of 2,4-dinitrophenol by a Gram-positive bacteria

    諏訪裕一, M.Diaz, 福井学, 漆川芳國

    American Society of Micro-biology, 92nd General Meeting  1992.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 活性汚泥から分離したアンモニア酸化細菌の16SrRNA塩基配列

    諏訪裕一, 森勝美, 福井学, 小柳津広志

    第7回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  1991.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Isolation and characterization of 2,4-dinitrophenol degrading bacteria

    M.Diaz, 諏訪裕一, 漆川芳國

    第7回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  1991.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 蛍光ラベルDNAプローブで交雑した真正細菌細胞の蛍光強度の測定

    福井学, 諏訪裕一

    第7回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  1991.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 膜分離バイオリアクターによる窒素除去-間けつ曝気の影響-

    諏訪裕一, 漆川芳國, 鈴木恒雄

    第25回水質汚濁学会,水質汚濁研究協会  1991.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 嫌気性汚泥中のメタン生成菌による水素および酢酸の利用

    徐正仁, 福井学, 諏訪裕一, 山岸昂夫, 漆川芳國, 森忠洋

    第25回水質汚濁学会,水質汚濁研究協会  1991.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 活性汚泥から分離したアンモニア酸化細菌の増殖に対するNH4+-N濃度の影響

    諏訪裕一, 今村泰夫, 漆川芳國

    第6回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  1990.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Fatty acids in activated sludges acclimated with different substrates

    諏訪裕一, 漆川芳國, 益永茂樹

    the 15th Biennal Conference of the IAWPRC  1990.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 活性汚泥中のアンモニウム酸化細菌群の増殖特性

    諏訪裕一, 漆川芳國, 豊原大樹, 鈴木恒雄

    第24回水質汚濁学会,水質汚濁研究協会  1990.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 活性汚泥中のアンモニウム酸化細菌の計数-計数培地中のアンモニウム濃度の効果-

    諏訪裕一, 今村泰夫, 漆川芳國

    日本水処理生物学会第26回大会,日本水処理生物学会  1989.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 脂肪酸分析による活性汚泥微生物相の特徴づけと変動の検出

    諏訪裕一, 漆川芳國

    第5回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  1989.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Denitrification by an activated sludge process with cross- flow filtration

    諏訪裕一, 鈴木恒雄, 豊原大樹, 漆川芳國

    5th International Symposium on Micribial Ecology  1989.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Fatty Acids in Activated Sludge Acclimated with Different Substrates.

    Suwa, Yuichi, Yoshikuni Urushigawa, Shigeki Masunaga

    国際水環境学会  1989.4 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 膜分離式バイオリアクターによる硝化-廃水性状と硝化速度-

    諏訪裕一, 鈴木恒雄, 豊原大樹, 漆川芳國, 平井正直

    第23回水質汚濁学会,水質汚濁研究協会  1989.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 膜分離式バイオリアクターによる窒素除去

    諏訪裕一, 鈴木恒雄, 豊原大樹, 漆川芳國, 平井正直

    第23回水質汚濁学会,水質汚濁研究協会  1989.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 膜分離式バイオリアクターによる無機アンモニウムの酸化

    田代鉄人, 諏訪裕一

    第23回水質汚濁学会,水質汚濁研究協会  1989.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 活性汚泥の硝化菌計数

    諏訪裕一, 田代鉄人, 漆川芳國, 平井正直

    第4回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  1988.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Fatty acid composition of benthic marine sediment from Ise Bay

    漆川芳國, 諏訪裕一, N.Rajendran

    Techno- Ocean ' 88  1988.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Characteristics of nitrification by an activated sludge process with cross- flow filtration

    諏訪裕一, 山岸昂夫, 漆川芳國, 平井正直

    第4回日独・廃水およびスラッジ処理に関するワークショップ  1988.10 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • シリカゲル平板による硝化菌の分離


    平板法研究会,平板法研究会  1988.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Fatty Acid Composition of Benthic Marine Sediment from Ise Bay.

    Rajendran, Nalasimaru, Yuichi Suwa, Yoshikuni Urushigawa

    Techno- Ocean '88  1988.4 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 菌体脂肪酸組成にもとづくNB/DNB organismsの類別

    諏訪裕一, 服部勉

    第2回日本微生物生態学会,日本微生物生態学会  1985.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 平板法による土壌微生物集団の変動予測

    諏訪裕一, 服部勉

    日本農芸科学会東北支部例会,日本農芸化学会東北支部  1985.2 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Recovery of Uranium from Sea Water Using Biological Substances

    坂口孝司, 中島暉, 諏訪裕一

    海水ウラン回収に関する国際会議  1983.4 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 平板法の再検討(3)-変動の解析-

    諏訪裕一, 服部勉

    第28回日本土壌肥料学会,日本土壌肥料学会  1982 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 土壌中の好気性細菌の増殖と栄養物濃度

    諏訪裕一, 服部勉

    第27回日本土壌肥料学会  1981.4  日本土壌肥料学会

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  • 水田土壌の好気性細菌の増殖速度と栄養物濃度

    諏訪裕一, 服部勉

    第27回日本土壌肥料学会,日本土壌肥料学会  1981 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


▼display all


  • 日本微生物生態学会2009年度論文賞

    2009.11   日本微生物生態学会   Denitrification activity and relevant bacteria revealed by nitrite reductase gene fragments in soil of temperate mixed forest.

    Katsuyama, C, N.Kondo, Y.Suwa, T.Yamagishi, M.Itoh, N.Ohte, H.Kimura, K.Nagaosa, K.Kato

  • 日本微生物生態学会2008年度論文賞

    2008.11   日本微生物生態学会   Detection of Anammox Activity and Diversity of Anammox Bacteria-Related 16S rRNA Genes in Coastal Marine Sediment in Japan.

    Amano, Teruki, Ikuo Yoshinaga, Kentaro Okada, Takao Yamagishi, Shingo Ueda, Akira Obuchi, Yoshihiko Sako, Yuichi Suwa

  • 第33回環境工学研究フォーラム新技術プロジェクト賞

    1996.12   (社)土木学会環境工学委員会   高濃度アンモニア排水処理技術(1)-多段処理による高濃度アンモニア排水処理の検討-

    日立プラント建設(株, 橋本信子, 角野立夫, 能登一彦, 小笠原多佳子, 資源環境技術総合研究所, 諏訪裕一

  • 資源環境技術総合研究所長優秀業務表彰

    1996.10   通商産業省工業技術院資源環境技術総合研究所   新規な窒素処理技術開発と微生物群集構造解析の研究


  • 論文奨励賞「広瀬賞」

    1995.3   (社)日本水環境学会   Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria with Different Sensitivities to (NH4)2SO4 in Activated Sludges.

    諏訪 裕一

Research Projects

  • 好酸性comammox菌の生理学・ゲノム科学に基づく酸性硝化プロセスの実態解明

    Grant number:23H03570  2023.4 - 2027.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)  中央大学

    藤谷 拓嗣, 諏訪 裕一

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    Grant amount: \18850000 ( Direct Cost: \14500000 、 Indirect Cost: \4350000 )


  • Development and practice of pathway-specific N2O flux quantification method that enables matching of omics information with nitrogen fluxes

    Grant number:23H03521  2023.4 - 2027.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

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    Grant amount: \18460000 ( Direct Cost: \14200000 、 Indirect Cost: \4260000 )


  • Elucidate the missing link of terrestrial nitrogen cycle &#8211; Who is the key nitrifier in acidic soil?

    Grant number:19H01156  2019.4 - 2023.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)  National Agriculture and Food Research Organization

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    Grant amount: \44980000 ( Direct Cost: \34600000 、 Indirect Cost: \10380000 )


  • Omics reveals nitrogen cycling system with anammox

    Grant number:17H00793  2017.4 - 2021.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 

    Takami Hideto

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    Grant amount: \42380000 ( Direct Cost: \32600000 、 Indirect Cost: \9780000 )

    We present the second complete genome of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) bacterium, Brocadia pituitae, along with those of a nitrite oxidizer and two incomplete denitrifiers from the anammox bacterial community (ABC) metagenome. B. pituitae lacks nitrite reductase genes (nirK and nirS) responsible for this reaction. Comparative genomics of B. pituitae with Kuenenia stuttgartiensis and six other anammox bacteria with nearly complete genomes revealed that their core genome structure contains 1,152 syntenic orthologues. But nitrite reductase genes were absent from the core and these genes were horizontally acquired from multiple lineages. In contrast, at least five hydroxylamine oxidoreductase genes containing another nitrite reductase one were observed in the core. Because many nirS and nirK genes have been detected in the ABC metagenome, B. pituitae presumably utilizes not only NO supplied by the ABC members but also NO and/or NH2OH by self-production for anammox metabolism.


  • Isolation of nitrifiers not via highly-enriched culture using a selective medium

    Grant number:18K19857  2018.6 - 2020.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)  Chuo University

    Suwa Yuichi

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    Grant amount: \6370000 ( Direct Cost: \4900000 、 Indirect Cost: \1470000 )

    When both ammonia- and nitrite-oxidation occur in a culture applied with urea at a low concentration as a sole source of electron for the nitrifying population, it is supposed that oligotrophic nitrifiers would be predominated. According to this view point, experiments were conducted. A nitrite-oxidizer was isolated, and preliminary studies suggest that this nitrite-oxidizers would be oligotrophic. Unfortunately, ammonia-oxidizers have not been isolated so far, but experiments on this subject are on-going. In co-cultures established on a medium comprising urea on diluted soil extract, several novel ammonia-oxidizing Archaea species have been found. In a culture, its abundance reached up to 2%, among much more abundant heterotrophs supported by organic substances derived from soil extract. These results suggest that designing totally unconventional media and procedures would be the key for isolating nitrifiers in elucidating relevant ecological subjects.


  • Driving force of nitrogen transformation in agricultural soil - Linking nitrification and denitrification in a microenvironment

    Grant number:26310315  2014.7 - 2017.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 

    Hayatsu Masahito, SUWA Yuchi, KATSUYAMA Chie, TAKAMI Hideto, KURISU Hutroshi

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    Grant amount: \16120000 ( Direct Cost: \12400000 、 Indirect Cost: \3720000 )

    The purpose of this study was to clarify the mechanism of formation of a microbial reaction system in soil microenvironment in which nitrification and denitrification proceed cooperatively, and analyze the community structure of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria in the system. The following results were obtained. 1)To analyze a microbial community in soil microparticles (soil microenvironment), it is essential to develop a technology to prevent microbial contamination between particles. 2) The hot spot of nitrification and denitrification at which various and many nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria were found are limited to surface and organic matter layers of the soil used. 3) We successfully isolated an ammonia oxidizing bacterium which was identified as a new genus new species. 4) The results of genomic analysis of the isolate indicated that the nitrifying bacteria formed a microbial community in the soil microenvironment by producing extracellular macromolecular substances.


  • Elucidating N2O production mechanisms by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria based on nitrogen atoms and electron flows

    Grant number:26701009  2014.4 - 2017.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A)  Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

    Terada Akihiko, KOBA Keisuke, SUWA Yuichi, HORI Tomoyuki

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    Grant amount: \24440000 ( Direct Cost: \18800000 、 Indirect Cost: \5640000 )

    Mitigation of nitrous oxide (N2O), known as a highly-potent greenhouse gas and ozone-depleting substance, is demanded. This study elucidated production pathways of N2O emitted during partial nitrification (PN) as a promising technology to removal nitrogen from wastewater in a cost-effective way. To unveil intricate N2O production pathways during PN, mainly mediated by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, a 15N tracer method was employed, capable of measuring N2O isotopologues. The application of the method to batch tests for PN demonstrated that N-nitrosation hybrid reaction, coupling hydroxylamine with nitrite, mainly occurred in a PN bioreactor. This hybrid reaction was likely to occur also via an abiotic reaction, which has been incorporated into a new N2O production model. Furthermore, the experiment on dissolved oxygen (DO) effect on N2O production and pathways underpinned that proportions of N2O production pathways vary depending on DO concentrations.


  • Srudy on hot monent inducing the abrupt change of ecosystem nitrogen cycle under climate change

    Grant number:25252026  2013.4 - 2016.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)  Hokkaido University

    SHIBATA Hideaki, TODA Hiroto, MIYAMOTO Toshizumi, INAGAKI Yoshiyuki, FUKUZAWA Karibu, UGAWA Shin, ISOBE Kazuo, HISHI Takuo, TATENO Ryunosuke, SASAI Takahiro, SUWA Yuichi, ENOKI Tsutomu, SAIGUSA Nobuko, OHTE Nobuhito, FUKUSHIMA Keitaro

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    Grant amount: \46020000 ( Direct Cost: \35400000 、 Indirect Cost: \10620000 )

    This research project aimed to clarify the pattern of abrupt changes of soil environment, vegetation process and dynamics on ecosystem nitrogen cycles during the period between dormant and growing periods, and analyze their impacts on the ecosystem processes and functions including primary productivity, nutrient retention and the environmental conservation functions of the ecosystem during the growing season. Our results indicated that soil freeze-thaw cycle was amplified due to the snowpack decrease in winter, causing the alteration of sol microbe biomass and soil nitrogen mineralization and nitrification. It was suggested that those environment changes in winter impacted to nitrogen cycles of the ecosystem during the growing season.


  • 生産物を鋭敏に分析する方法を活用した低栄養な環境で優占する微生物の新規計数法の開発と未知微生物の分離

    2013.4 - 2015.3

    公益財団法人 発酵研究所  奨学寄付金 


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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount: \10000000



  • denitrifying factory

    Grant number:23241016  2011.4 - 2014.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)  Shizuoka University

    KATO Kenji, SUWA Yuichi, TSUJIMURA Maki

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    Grant amount: \49790000 ( Direct Cost: \38300000 、 Indirect Cost: \11490000 )

    Adequate management of groundwater is strongly required against increasing threat of water shortage. Nitrate contamination is remained problems for groundwater. To minimize nitrate contamination we surveyed nitrate concentration and estimated in situ denitrification activity of groundwater by stable isotope tracer experiment. And we revealed corresponding microbial populations using gene analysis with qPCR targeting denitrification functional genes. Constraints of denitrification are also elucidated. Acetate showed the highest concentration among the measured organic compounds dissolved in the groundwater. And when the groundwater was incubated with 15NO3- by adding acetate debitirification activity increased about twice compared with the incubation under the in situ condition. And soil microbes around the wells enhanced denitrification about three times. Basic understandings were thus obtained to construct in situ highly active denitrification system for the groundwater.


  • Biofilm on the reaf of Zostera marina as the nersary habitat for useful microbes

    Grant number:23580252  2011 - 2013

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 

    YOSHINAGA Ikuo, SUWA Yuichi

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    Grant amount: \5330000 ( Direct Cost: \4100000 、 Indirect Cost: \1230000 )

    This study has focused on the bacteria, especialy the bacteria algicidal on the harmful algae and carrying out the nitrogen cycling, inhabiting in the biofilms formed on the reafs of Zostera marina and on the submerged stems of Phragmites australis, which are both the representative plants of coastal area. The results shows that the both coastal plants housed many algicidal bacteria and denitrifying bacteria, which are the key bacterial population in the nitrogen cycle, meaning the coastarl plants are important as the nersary habitats for the both useful bacterial populations. From the results, I could propose the significance of coastal plants, Z. marina and P. australis forming representative landscape over Japan, from the aspect of microbial ecology.


  • The impact of snowpack change by climate change on biogeochemical cycles in forest soil

    Grant number:22248016  2010 - 2012

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)  Hokkaido University

    SHIBATA Hideaki, INAGAKI Yoshiyuki, MIYAMOTO Toshizumi, TATENO Ryunosuke, HISHI Takuo, TODA Hiroto, FUKUZAWA Karibu, SUWA Yuichi, NAKATA Makoto, KOBA Keisuke, NAKANISHI Asami, HIRAI Keizo

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    Grant amount: \45890000 ( Direct Cost: \35300000 、 Indirect Cost: \10590000 )

    We conducted the field experiments using natural environmental gradient in Japanese archipelago to clarify the impact of snowpack changes in winter on soil nitrogen dynamics in forest ecosystem. We found that nitrogen mineralization by soil microbe increased by the amplification of soil freeze-thaw cycles induced by the decrease of snowpack and its heat insulation ability. It was suggested that winter processes in biologically dormant season were not negligible for biogeochemical cycles and water quality formation in the growing season.


  • Significance of newly discovered nitrogen metabolic processes in terrestrial environments

    Grant number:18380053  2006 - 2007

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences

    SAITO Masanori, SUWA Yuichi, KOMADA Michiko, NAKAJIMA Yasuhiro, SAKAMOTO Kazunori

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    Grant amount: \16330000 ( Direct Cost: \14200000 、 Indirect Cost: \2130000 )

    The objective of this project was to clarify the occurrence and the mechanisms of newly discovered nitrogen metabolic processes such as ANAMMOX in terrestrial environments.
    1. Anaerobic ammonia oxidation (ANAMMOX): We established a highly sensitive and reproducible analytirAl method for ANAMMOX activity. The activity was found in not normal paddy soils but in a YATSU paddy soil affected by ground water rich in nitrogen. In a spring of ground water rich in nitrogen, the activity was detected. This is the first report on the occurrence of ANAMMOX in terrestrial environments.
    2. Anaerobic N20 production not through denitrifying process: N20 was simultaneously produced from nitrate in soil when upland soils were kept anaerobic. Soft rot bacteria may be involved in this process. We developed a method for 15N and 180-NO3 isotope concentration in water samples, nitrate of which was converted into N20 by a denitrifying bacterium, Psudomonas chlororaphos, deficit of N20 reductase, and the isotopes in N20 were measured by mass spectroscopy. By applying this method, we conducted 2-dimensional mapping of 15N-180 in nitrate in ground water and tried to clarify the origin of the nitrate.
    3. Nitrogen absorption by root symbiotic fungi: Root endophytic fungi, Penicillium sp. EU0013 was found to promote the growth of cabbage. The effect of growth promotion was not affected by types and amounts of nitrogen fertilization. Nitrogen transfer by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi was examined using a newly developed root box. Under nitrogen deficit conditions, plant growth was promoted by supplying nitrogen through AM fungal hyphae. This is the first evidence that AM fungi can promote plant growth by supplying nitrogen.


  • Studies on development of a molecular method for analyzing microbial community structure of chemolithotrophic ammonia oxidizers by quantifying abundance of phylogenetic groups

    Grant number:14380249  2002 - 2003

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

    SUWA Yuichi, SHOJI Tadashi

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    Grant amount: \15000000 ( Direct Cost: \15000000 )

    Aim of the present study is to develop a novel molecular method for analyzing microbial community structure in environments, targeting aerobic chemolithotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria(AOB), by quantifying each phylogenetic group comprising a community. AOB play a pivotal role in the global nitrogen cycle, and their monophyletic nature makes them especially suitable for the application of molecular methods. Since their poor growth, community structure of AOB has been analyzed by molecular methods. Recently, PCR has been introduced for quantifying AOB in environmental samples and its potential and reliability has been examined.
    In this study, real time PCR method, one of quantitative PCR methods which potentially allow to precisely estimating number of target cells in a sample, was applied to enumerate AOB cells, and was examined if the method can properly estimate AOB. A couple of primer sets which target different genes specific for AOB, and template DNA preparations extracted from several AOB strains and isolates which have relatively diverse phylogenetic positions were employed. Every combination of primer set and strain/isolate provided a standard curve for quantification, and its correlation was very good. However, standard curves obtained from different strains/isolates did not overlap, which would result in incorrect estimations of the exact target numbers when amplifying DNA from mixed communities, depending on the stain selected for creating a standard curve.
    We examined the factors affect the shape of standard curve, and elucidated the mechanism of incorrect estimation of the target genes. Based on the results, we specified the combination of types of primer set and template DNA necessary for correct estimation. Based on the results, realistic strategies for expressing abundance of each phylogenetic group of AOB in a community using available techniques were also discussed.


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