Updated on 2024/09/08


Faculty of Science and Engineering Specially Appointed Associate Professor
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  • 博士(数理科学) ( 明治大学 )

  • 修士(数理科学) ( 明治大学 )


  • 2019.3

    Meiji University   doctor course   completed

  • 2015.3

    Meiji University   master course   completed

  • 2013.3

    Meiji University   graduated

Research History

  • 2024.4 - Now

    Chuo University   Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Data Science for Business Innovation   Specially Appointed Associate Professor

  • 2021.4 - 2024.3

    Chuo University   Faculty of Science and Engineering   Assistant Professor

  • 2019.9 - 2021.3

    Hokkaido University   Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling, Research Center of Mathematics for Social Creativity, Reseach Institute for Electric Science   Post-doctoral fellow

  • 2019.4 - 2019.8

    Hokkaido University   Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling, Research Center of Mathematics for Social Creativity, Reseach Institute for Electric Science   Post-doctoral fellow

  • 2015.4 - 2016.3

    SOLIZE Enginnering株式会社

Professional Memberships

  • 2023.9 - Now

    The Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology

  • 2023.4 - Now

    The Mathematical Society of Japan

  • 2020.4 - Now

    The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Research Interests

  • dematology

  • reaction diffusion

  • numerical simulation

  • pattern formation

  • the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction

  • Mathematical modeling

Research Areas

  • Natural Science / Applied mathematics and statistics


  • Mathematical Modeling of KANSEI Dynamics for Anxiety Based on Allergy Model Reviewed

    Kota Ohno, Hiroko Shoji

    2023 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)   4581 - 4586   2023.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    DOI: 10.1109/smc53992.2023.10394431


  • Temporal coherency of mechanical stimuli modulates tactile form perception Reviewed International journal

    Masashi Nakatani, Yasuaki Kobayashi, Kota Ohno, Masaaki Uesaka, Sayako Mogami, Zixia Zhao, Takamichi Sushida, Hiroyuki Kitahata, Masaharu Nagayama

    Scientific Reports   11 ( 1 )   11737 - 11737   2021.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    <title>Abstract</title>The human hand can detect both form and texture information of a contact surface. The detection of skin displacement (sustained stimulus) and changes in skin displacement (transient stimulus) are thought to be mediated in different tactile channels; however, tactile form perception may use both types of information. Here, we studied whether both the temporal frequency and the temporal coherency information of tactile stimuli encoded in sensory neurons could be used to recognize the form of contact surfaces. We used the fishbone tactile illusion (FTI), a known tactile phenomenon, as a probe for tactile form perception in humans. This illusion typically occurs with a surface geometry that has a smooth bar and coarse textures in its adjacent areas. When stroking the central bar back and forth with a fingertip, a human observer perceives a hollow surface geometry even though the bar is physically flat. We used a passive high-density pin matrix to extract only the vertical information of the contact surface, suppressing tangential displacement from surface rubbing. Participants in the psychological experiment reported indented surface geometry by tracing over the FTI textures with pin matrices of the different spatial densities (1.0 and 2.0 mm pin intervals). Human participants reported that the relative magnitude of perceived surface indentation steeply decreased when pins in the adjacent areas vibrated in synchrony. To address possible mechanisms for tactile form perception in the FTI, we developed a computational model of sensory neurons to estimate temporal patterns of action potentials from tactile receptive fields. Our computational data suggest that (1) the temporal asynchrony of sensory neuron responses is correlated with the relative magnitude of perceived surface indentation and (2) the spatiotemporal change of displacements in tactile stimuli are correlated with the asynchrony of simulated sensory neuron responses for the fishbone surface patterns. Based on these results, we propose that both the frequency and the asynchrony of temporal activity in sensory neurons could produce tactile form perception.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-90661-1



    Other Link: http://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-90661-1

  • A computational model of the epidermis with the deformable dermis and its application to skin diseases Reviewed

    Kota Ohno, Yasuaki Kobayashi, Masaaki Uesaka, Takeshi Gotoda, Mitsuhiro Denda, Hideyuki Kosumi, Mika Watanabe, Ken Natsuga, Masaharu Nagayama

    Scientific Reports   11 ( 1 )   2021.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    <title>Abstract</title>The skin barrier is provided by the organized multi-layer structure of epidermal cells, which is dynamically maintained by a continuous supply of cells from the basal layer. The epidermal homeostasis can be disrupted by various skin diseases, which often cause morphological changes not only in the epidermis but in the dermis. We present a three-dimensional agent-based computational model of the epidermis that takes into account the deformability of the dermis. Our model can produce a stable epidermal structure with well-organized layers. We show that its stability depends on the cell supply rate from the basal layer. Modeling the morphological change of the dermis also enables us to investigate how the stiffness of the dermis affects the structure and barrier functions of the epidermis. Besides, we show that our model can simulate the formation of a corn (clavus) by assuming hyperproliferation and rapid differentiation. We also provide experimental data for human corn, which supports the model assumptions and the simulation result.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-92540-1




    Other Link: http://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-92540-1

  • Hair follicle stem cell progeny heal blisters while pausing skin development Reviewed

    Yu Fujimura, Mika Watanabe, Kota Ohno, Yasuaki Kobayashi, Shota Takashima, Hideki Nakamura, Hideyuki Kosumi, Yunan Wang, Yosuke Mai, Andrea Lauria, Valentina Proserpio, Hideyuki Ujiie, Hiroaki Iwata, Wataru Nishie, Masaharu Nagayama, Salvatore Oliviero, Giacomo Donati, Hiroshi Shimizu, Ken Natsuga

    EMBO reports   22 ( 7 )   e50882 - e50882   2021.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:EMBO  

    DOI: 10.15252/embr.202050882


    Other Link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full-xml/10.15252/embr.202050882

  • Substrate membrane bearing close‐packed array of micron‐level pillars incrassates air‐exposed three‐dimensional epidermal equivalent model Reviewed International journal

    Junichi Kumamoto, Koji Fujimoto, Yasuaki Kobayashi, Kota Ohno, Masaharu Nagayama, Mitsuhiro Denda

    Skin Research and Technology   27 ( 5 )   863 - 870   2021.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Wiley  

    BACKGROUND: We showed previously that a thick three-dimensional epidermal equivalent can be constructed with passaged keratinocytes on a patterned surface. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We first carried out computer simulations of a three-dimensional epidermal equivalent model built on close-packed arrays of 10 µm, 15 µm, 20 µm, 30 µm, and 60 µm diameter pillars. Based on these predictions, we evaluated epidermal equivalents built on a series of porous plastic membranes bearing arrays of pillars 15 µm, 20 µm, 25 µm, 30 µm, and 50 µm in diameter. RESULTS: The simulations predicted that a model having near-physiological thickness would be formed on 15 ~ 30 µm pillars. In the results of in vitro study, the thickest epidermal equivalent was obtained on the 20 µm pillars. Epidermal differentiation markers, filaggrin and loricrin, were expressed at the upper layer of the epidermal equivalent model, and tight-junction proteins, claudin-1 and ZO-1, were expressed on the cell membranes. BrdU-positive cells were observed at the base and also at the top of the pillars. CONCLUSION: The results of the study suggested that mathematical modeling might be a useful tool to guide biological studies.

    DOI: 10.1111/srt.13035



    Other Link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full-xml/10.1111/srt.13035

  • Competition between global feedback and diffusion in coupled Belousov-Zhabotinsky oscillators Reviewed

    Kota Ohno, Toshiyuki Ogawa, Nobuhiko J. Suematsu

    Physical Review E   99 ( 1 )   012208   2019.1

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    © 2019 American Physical Society. The Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction is a famous experimental model for chemical oscillatory reaction and pattern formation. We herein study a diffusive coupled system of two oscillators with global feedback using the photosensitive BZ reaction both experimentally and theoretically. The coupled oscillator showed in-phase and antiphase oscillations depending on the strength of diffusive coupling and light feedback. Moreover, we analyzed our model to locate the bifurcational origin and found the reconnection of the bifurcation branches for antiphase oscillation, which was induced by the competition between global feedback and the diffusion effect.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.99.012208





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  • Consideration of Mathematical Modeling for Allergy

    Kota Ohno, Hiroko Shoji

    IEICE Tech. Rep.   122 ( 436 )   85 - 88   2023.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.  


  • Chimera and Multichimera behaviors in nonlocally coupled oscillator system

    大野航太, 小川知之

    日本応用数理学会 2022 年度 年会 講演予稿集   2022.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 塑性変形可能な基底膜モデルを用いた毛包形成メカニズムの数理的考察—A mathematical study of the mechanism of hair follicle formation using a plastic deformable basement membrane model

    奥村 真善美, 小林 康明, 長山 雅晴, 藤原 裕展, 安ヶ平 祐介, 大野 航太

    計算工学講演会論文集 = Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science / 日本計算工学会 編   27   456 - 459   2022.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本計算工学会  

    CiNii Research


  • 表皮数理モデルを用いた基底膜形状と培養皮膚への応用

    大野 航太, 小林 康明, 熊本 淳一, 傳田 光洋, 長山 雅晴

    日本応用数理学会 2021 年度 年会 講演予稿集   476 - 477   2021.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • Application of mathematical model of the epidermis for the epidermal equivalent model

    26   360 - 364   2021.6

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  


  • 2020年度 応用数学合同研究集会 参加報告


    JSIAM Online Magazine   2021.4

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Meeting report  


  • BZ 反応を用いた結合振動子系への大域フィードバック


    北海道大学数学講究録   180   3 - 12   2021.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.  


  • バリア機能を有する表皮数理モデルとその応用

    大野航太, 小林康明, 長山雅晴

    日本応用数理学会 2020年 年会 講演予稿集   502 - 503   2020.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • The epidermis model applied to skin diseases

    25   3p   2020.6

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  


  • 北陸応用数理研究会2020 参加報告


    JSIAM Online Magazine   2020.6

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Meeting report  


  • Mathematical model for the epidermis

    Ohno Kota, Yasuaki Kobayashi, Takeshi Gotoda, Masaaki Uesaka, Yusuke Yasugahira, Hiroyuki Kitahata, Mitsuhiro Denda, Masaharu Nagayama

    The 20th RIES-Hokudai International Symposium   105 - 106   2019.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)  


  • 表皮構造の数理モデル

    大野航太, 小林康明, 長山雅晴

    日本応用数理学会 2019年 年会 講演予稿集   311 - 312   2019.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  


  • BZ 反応振動子系への大域的フィードバック制御

    大野航太, 小川知之, 末松信彦

    日本応用数理学会 2018年 年会 講演予稿集   215 - 216   2018.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


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  • ツイートデータから見た感性ダイナミクス Invited

    大野 航太, 清水 邦夫, 福田 悟志, 庄司 裕子

    2024年度統計関連学会連合大会  2024.9 

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    Event date: 2024.9    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Deffant modelにおける合意形成過程

    大野航太, 小川知之

    日本数学会2024年度年会  2024.3 

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    Event date: 2024.3    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 人流ビッグデータを内包する感染症数理モデルのデータ同化による新型コロナウイルス感染動態の解析

    荒井智史, 大野航太, 樋口知之

    日本応用数理学会 若手の会 第9回学生研究発表会  2024.3 

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    Event date: 2024.3    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Mathematical Modeling of KANSEI Dynamics for Anxiety Based on Allergy Model

    Kota OHNO, Hiroko Shoji

    IEEE SMC 2023 Oahu, Hawaii  2023.10 

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    Event date: 2023.10    

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 結合振動子におけるリミットサイクルの特性とキメラの発達度について

    大野航太, 小川知之

    日本数学会2023年度秋季総合分科会  2023.9 

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    Event date: 2023.9    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Chimera behaviors in nonlocally coupled oscillator system Invited

    Kota Ohno, Toshiyuki Ogawa

    The 13th AIMS International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications  2023.6 

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    Event date: 2023.5 - 2023.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Stability of traveling wave in nonlocally coupled oscillator system

    Kota Ohno, Toshiyuki Ogawa


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    Event date: 2023.3    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Consideration of Mathematical Modeling for Allergy

    Kota Ohno, Hiroko Shoji


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    Event date: 2023.3    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Chimera behaviors in nonlocally coupled oscillator system Invited


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    Event date: 2023.2    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • Stability of Traveling Wave in nonlocally coupled oscillator system

    Kota Ohno, Toshiyuki Ogawa


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    Event date: 2022.12    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Chimera and Multichimera behaviors in nonlocally coupled oscillator system


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    Event date: 2022.9    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Oscillatory behaviors observed in nonlocally coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo system

    大野航太, 小川知之

    2021年度応用数学合同研究集会  2021.12 

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    Event date: 2021.12    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 培養表皮実験における表皮数理モデルの応用


    CREST「現代の数理科学と連携するモデリング手法の構築」 成果報告公開シンポジウム  2021.9 

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    Event date: 2021.9    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 表皮数理モデルを用いた基底膜形状と培養表皮への応用

    大野航太, 小林康明, 熊本淳一, 傳田光洋, 長山雅晴

    日本応用数理学会 2021年度年会  2021.9 

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    Event date: 2021.9    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Application of mathematical model of the epidermis for the epidermal equivalent model

    Kota Ohno, Yasuaki Kobayashi, Junichi Kumamoto, Mitsuhiro Denda, Masaharu Nagayama


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    Event date: 2021.5    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 表皮構造の数理モデルにおける 基底膜形状と培養皮膚への応用

    大野航太, 小林康明, 熊本淳一, 傳田光洋, 長山雅晴

    第8回皮膚の会  2021.3 

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    Event date: 2021.3    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • BZ反応を用いた結合振動子系への 大域フィードバック


    第17回数学総合若手研究集会〜数学の交叉点〜  2021.3 

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    Event date: 2021.3    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 表皮構造の数理モデルにおける 基底膜形状と培養皮膚への応用

    大野航太, 小林康明, 熊本淳一, 傳田光洋, 長山雅晴

    2020年度応用数学合同研究集会  2020.12 

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    Event date: 2020.12    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 表皮構造の数理モデルにおける 基底膜形状と培養皮膚への応用

    大野航太, 小林康明, 熊本淳一, 長山雅晴

    応用数学フレッシュマンセミナー2020  2020.12 

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    Event date: 2020.12    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • バリア機能を有する表皮数理モデルとその応用

    大野航太, 小林康明, 長山雅晴

    日本応用数理学会  2020.9 

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    Event date: 2020.9    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 表皮構造の数理モデルを用いた皮膚疾患への応用

    大野航太, 小林康明, 安ケ平祐介, 傳田光洋, 長山雅晴

    第25回計算工学講演会  2020.6 

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    Event date: 2020.6    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 表皮構造モデルを用いた皮膚疾患再現

    大野航太, 小林康明, 安ヶ平祐介, 傳田光洋, 長山雅晴

    北陸応用数理研究会2020  2020.2 

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    Event date: 2020.2    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 表皮構造の数理モデル

    大野航太, 小林康明, 後藤田剛, 上坂正晃, 安ケ平祐介, 北畑裕之, 傳田光洋, 長山雅晴

    CREST・さきがけ・AIMaP合同シンポジウム「数学パワーが世界を変える2020」  2020.2 

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    Event date: 2020.2    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 表皮構造の数理モデルを用いた皮膚疾患への応用

    大野航太, 小林康明, 後藤田剛, 上坂正晃, 安ケ平祐介, 北畑裕之, 傳田光洋, 長山雅晴

    2019 年度応用数学合同研究集会  2019.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Mathematical model for the epidermis International conference

    Ohno Kota, Yasuaki Kobayashi, Takeshi Gotoda, Masaaki Uesaka, Yusuke Yasugahira, Hiroyuki Kitahata, Mitsuhiro Denda, Masaharu Nagayama

    2019 International Symposium of Research Institute for Electronic Science (RIES) and Center for Emerging Functional Matter Science (CEFMS)  2019.12 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Mathematical model for the epidermis International conference

    Ohno Kota, Yasuaki Kobayashi, Takeshi Gotoda, Masaaki Uesaka, Yusuke Yasugahira, Hiroyuki Kitahata, Mitsuhiro Denda, Masaharu Nagayama

    The 20th RIES-HOKUDAI International Symposium  2019.12 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 表皮構造の数理モデル

    大野航太, 小林康明, 後藤田剛, 上坂正晃, 安ケ平祐介, 北畑裕之, 傳田光洋, 長山雅晴

    第5回北海道大学部局横断シンポジウム  2019.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 表皮構造の数理モデル

    大野航太, 小林康明, 後藤田剛, 上坂正晃, 安ケ平祐介, 北畑裕之, 傳田光洋, 長山雅晴

    皮膚と数理科学の接点  2019.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 表皮構造の数理モデル

    大野航太, 小林康明, 長山雅晴

    日本応用数理学会2019年度 年会  2019.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • BZ反応を用いた結合振動子系への大域フィードバック

    大野航太, 小川知之, 末松信彦

    2019年応用数理研究会  2019.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • BZ 反応を用いた反応拡散系への大域フィードバック

    大野航太, 小川知之, 末松信彦

    札幌非線形現象研究会 2019  2019.8 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Global feedback to coupled oscillator and reaction-diffusion system with the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction Invited

    Ohno Kota

    Mini Workshop of Dynamics of localized patterns for reaction-diffusion systems and related topics  2019.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • BZ 反応を用いた結合振動子系への大域的フィードバック制御 Invited

    大野航太, 小川知之, 末松信彦

    非線形物理学・ソフトマター物理学セミナー第67回  2019.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • BZ 反応を用いた結合振動子系への大域的フィードバック制御 Invited

    大野航太, 小川知之, 末松信彦

    HMMC セミナー第 94 回  2019.2 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • BZ 反応を用いた結合振動子系への大域的フィードバック制御

    大野航太, 小川知之, 末松信彦

    2018 年度応用数学合同研究集会  2018.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • BZ反応振動子系への大域的フィードバック制御

    大野航太, 小川知之, 末松信彦

    日本応用数理学会 2018 年度 年会  2018.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Global feedback to oscillatory reaction-diffusion system by using Belousov- Zhabotinsky reaction International conference

    Ohno Kota, Toshiyuki Ogawa, Nobuhiko J. Suematsu

    The 9th Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop for Young Scholars in Applied Mathematics  2018.3 

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    Event date: 2018.3    

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • BZ 反応を用いた反応拡散系の大域的制御

    大野航太, 小川知之, 末松信彦

    2017 年度応用数学合同研究集会  2017.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Global feedback to reaction-diffusion system by using Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction International conference

    Ohno Kota, Toshiyuki Ogawa, Nobuhiko J, Suematsushiyuki Ogawa, Nobuhiko J. Suematsu

    International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Applications Based on Self-Organization  2017.12 

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    Event date: 2017.12    

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • BZ 反応を用いた振動場反応拡散系の大域的制御

    大野航太, 小川知之, 末松信彦

    第 27 回非線形反応と共同現象研究会  2017.12 

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    Event date: 2017.12    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • BZ 反応を用いた振動場反応拡散系の大域的制御

    大野航太, 小川知之, 末松信彦

    日本数学会異分野・異業種研究交流会 2017  2017.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • BZ反応を用いた振動場反応拡散系の大域的制御

    大野航太, 小川知之, 末松信彦

    日本応用数理学会2017年度 年会  2017.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Global feedback to Oscillatory Oregonator model International conference

    Ohno Kota, Toshiyuki Ogawa, Nobuhiko J. Suematsu

    The 8th Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop for Young Scholars in Applied Mathematics  2017.3 

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    Event date: 2017.3    

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 振動場Oregonatormodelの大域的制御

    大野航太, 小川知之, 末松信彦

    2016 年度応用数学合同研究集会  2016.12 

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    Event date: 2016.12    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Experimental and mathematical study of convection flow in heaping granular materials International conference

    Ohno Kota, Toshiyuki Ogawa

    The 6th Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop for Young Scholars in Applied Mathematics  2015.2 

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    Event date: 2015.2 - 2015.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 粉粒体の Heaping 現象に見られる対流の数理解析

    大野航太, 小川知之

    2014 年度応用数学合同研究集会  2014.12 

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    Event date: 2014.12    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Heaping in the granular materials International conference

    Ohno Kota

    The5thTaiwan-JapanJointWorkshopfor Young Scholars in Applied Mathematics  2014.2 

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    Event date: 2014.2 - 2014.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


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  • ベスト・ポスタ ー発表

    2017.11   日本数学会社会連携協議会   BZ 反応を用いた振動場反応拡散系の大域的制御

    大野 航太

  • Excellent Presentation Award

    2015.2   The 6th Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop for Young Scholars in Applied Mathematics   Experimental and mathematical study of convection flow in heaping granular materials

    Ohno Kota

  • Gold Award

    2014.2   The 5th Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop for Young Scholars in Applied Mathematics   Heaping in the granular materials

    Ohno Kota

Research Projects

  • 非局所結合の振動子集団に現れるキメラ状態の数理解析

    Grant number:24K16966  2024.4 - 2027.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  若手研究  中央大学

    大野 航太

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    Grant amount: \4550000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost: \1050000 )


  • 安心感・不安感の特徴抽出とモデル化に関する学際的研究

    2023.4 - 2025.3

    中央大学  中央大学共同研究プロジェクト  中央大学

    庄司裕子, 難波英嗣, 久徳康史, 福田悟志, 山科満, 大野航太

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  • Control of solutions to multi-component reaction diffusion system

    Grant number:26400214  2014.4 - 2018.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Meiji University

    Ogawa Toshiyuki, SAKAMOTO Takashi, OHNO Kota

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    Grant amount: \4810000 ( Direct Cost: \3700000 、 Indirect Cost: \1110000 )

    The purpose of this project is to develop the method of stabilization of the desired patterns by feedback control both theoretically and experimentally. Since activator-inhibitor system which has control input to the activator is semi-passive we can stabilize both stationary and oscillatory patterns. It turns out that we can construct an experimental feedback control system by using photo sensitive BZ reaction although it is not semi-passive. We have checked this fact by simulation for the mathematical model and real experiment.


Teaching Experience

  • AI/Data Science Tools Ⅲ

    2024 - Now   Institution:Chuo University

  • AI/Data Science Lecture Series

    2024 - Now   Institution:Chuo University

  • Probability and Statistics

    2024 - Now   Institution:Chuo University

  • Statistics

    2024 - Now   Institution:Chuo University

  • Technical Presentation

    2023       Institution:Chuo University

  • Experiment of data science A

    2021 - 2023   Institution:Chuo University

  • Exercise of statistic

    2021 - 2023   Institution:Chuo University

  • JAVA Programing

    2021 - 2023   Institution:Chuo University

  • Exercise of probability theory

    2021 - 2023   Institution:Chuo University

  • Linear algebra

    2019.9 - 2021.3   Institution:Hokkaido University

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Social Activities

  • 数学・数理科学専攻若手研究者のための 異分野異業種研究交流会2023

    Role(s): Organizing member

    日本数学会,日本応用数理学会,統計関連学会連合  2023.10    

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    Type:Seminar, workshop


  • 北海道大学 電子科学研究所 一般公開

    Role(s): Advisor, Organizing member, Demonstrator

    北海道大学 電子科学研究所  北海道大学 電子科学研究所 一般公開  2019.6    

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    Type:University open house


  • 日本数学会 異分野・異業種研究交流会2017

    Role(s): Organizing member

    日本数学会、日本応用数理学会  日本数学会 異分野・異業種研究交流会2017  2017.11 -  

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    Type:Seminar, workshop


  • 第6回 高校生によるMIMS現象数理学研究発表会

    Role(s): Organizing member

    明治大学先端数理科学インスティテュート(MIMS)  第6回 高校生によるMIMS現象数理学研究発表会  2016.10 -  

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    Type:Seminar, workshop


Media Coverage