Updated on 2024/05/02


Faculty of Science and Engineering Professor
Other responsible organization
Information and System Engineering Course of Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Master's Program
Electrical Engineering and Information Systems Course of Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Doctoral Program
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  • Ph.D. (Informatics) ( Kyoto University )

  • Master of Informatics ( Kyoto University )


  • 2004.3

    Kyoto University   Graduate School, Division of Information and Communication   doctor course   completed

  • 2001.3

    Kyoto University   Graduate School, Division of Information and Communication   master course   completed

  • 1999.3

    Kyoto University   Faculty of Engineering   graduated

  • 1995.3

    洛星高等学校   graduated

Research History

  • 2015.4 -  

    "Chuo University, Fuculty of Science and Engineering, Professor"

  • 2012.6 - 2015.3

    "Nagoya University, Graduate School of Engineering, Associate Professor"

  • 2009.12 - 2012.5

    "Nagoya University, Graduate School of Engineering, Lecturer"

  • 2007.4 - 2009.11

    "The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Assistant Professor"

  • 2005.10 - 2007.3

    "The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Assistant Professor"

  • 2004.4 - 2005.10

    東京大学 COE「情報科学技術戦略コア」 超ロバスト計算原理プロジェクト 研究拠点形成特任研究員

  • 2004.10 - 2005.3

    駒澤大学 非常勤講師

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Professional Memberships

  • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

  • スケジューリング学会

  • 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会

Research Interests

  • combinatorial optimization

  • mathematical informatics

  • algorithm

Research Areas

  • Informatics / Mathematical informatics  / Mathematical informatics


  • Creation of Dihedral Escher-like Tilings Based on As-Rigid-As-Possible Deformation Reviewed

    Yuichi Nagata, Shinji Imahori

    ACM Transactions on Graphics   43 ( 2 )   1 - 18   2024.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)  

    An Escher-like tiling is a tiling consisting of one or a few artistic shapes of tile. This article proposes a method for generating Escher-like tilings consisting of two distinct shapes (dihedral Escher-like tilings) that are as similar as possible to the two goal shapes specified by the user. This study is an extension of a previous study that successfully generated Escher-like tilings consisting of a single tile shape for a single goal shape. Building upon the previous study, our method attempts to exhaustively search for which parts of the discretized tile contours are adjacent to each other to form a tiling. For each configuration, two tile shapes are optimized to be similar to the given two goal shapes. By evaluating the similarity based on as-rigid-as possible deformation energy, the optimized tile shapes preserve the local structures of the goal shapes, even if substantial deformations are necessary to form a tiling. However, in the dihedral case, this approach is seemingly unrealistic because it suffers from the complexity of the energy function and the combinatorial explosion of the possible configurations. We developed a method to address these issues and show that the proposed algorithms can generate satisfactory dihedral Escher-like tilings in a realistic computation time, even for somewhat complex goal shapes.

    DOI: 10.1145/3638048


  • Optimizing train stopping patterns for congestion management Reviewed

    Tatsuki Yamauchi, Mizuyo Takamatsu, Shinji Imahori

    Public Transport   15 ( 1 )   1 - 29   2023.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1007/s12469-021-00286-w


    Other Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12469-021-00286-w/fulltext.html

  • Escherization with Large Deformations Based on As-Rigid-As-Possible Shape Modeling Reviewed

    Y. Nagata, S. Imahori

    ACM Transactions on Graphics   41 ( 2 )   2022.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ACM  

    DOI: 10.1145/3487017


  • The Computational Complexity of the Gear Placement Problem Reviewed

    V. M, F. Hama, S. Kanazawa, Y. Hu, S. Imahori, H. Ono, M. Yagiura

    Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing   14 ( 5 )   jamdsm0069, 1 - 16   2020.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1299/jamdsm.2020jamdsm0069


  • An Efficient Exhaustive Search Algorithm for the Escherization Problem Reviewed

    Yuichi Nagata, Shinji Imahori

    Algorithmica   82   2502 - 2534   2020.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00453-020-00695-6


  • Exact Algorithms for the Rectilinear Block Packing Problem Reviewed

    K. Matsushita, Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing   12 ( JAMDSM0074 )   1 - 19   2018.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Efficient overlap detection and construction algorithms for the bitmap shape packing problem Reviewed

    Yannan Hu, Sho Fukatsu, Hideki Hashimoto, Shinji Imahori, Mutsunori Yagiura

    Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan   61 ( 1 )   132 - 150   2018.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Operations Research Society of Japan  

    The two-dimensional strip packing problem arises in wide variety of industrial applications. In this paper, we focus on the bitmap shape packing problem in which a set of arbitrarily shaped objects represented in bitmap format should be packed into a larger rectangular container without overlap. The complex geometry of bitmap shapes and the large amount of data to be processed make it difficult to check for overlaps. In this paper, we propose an efficient method for checking for overlaps and design efficient implementations of two construction algorithms, which are based on the bottom-left strategy. In this strategy, starting from an empty layout, items are packed into the container one by one. Each item is placed in the lowest position where there is no overlap relative to the current layout. We consider two algorithms, the bottom-left and the best-fit algorithm, which adopt this strategy. The computational results for a series of instances that are generated from well-known benchmark instances show that the proposed algorithms obtain good solutions in remarkably short time and are especially effective for large-scale instances.

    DOI: 10.15807/jorsj.61.132



  • Optimizing train stopping patterns for congestion management Reviewed

    Tatsuki Yamauchi, Mizuyo Takamatsu, Shinji Imahori

    OpenAccess Series in Informatics   59   13,1 - 15   2017.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Schloss Dagstuhl- Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing  

    In this paper, we optimize train stopping patterns during morning rush hour in Japan. Since trains are extremely crowded, we need to determine stopping patterns based not only on travel time but also on congestion rates of trains. We exploit a Wardrop equilibrium model to compute passenger flows subject to congestion phenomena and present an efficient local search algorithm to optimize stopping patterns which iteratively computes a Wardrop equilibrium. We apply our algorithm to railway lines in Tokyo including Keio Line with six types of trains and succeed in relaxing congestion with a small effect on travel time.

    DOI: 10.4230/OASIcs.ATMOS.2017.13



  • Cooking recipe search by pairs of ingredient and action — Word sequence v.s. flow-graph representation — Reviewed

    Yoko Yamakata, Hirokuni Maeta, Takuya Kadowaki, Tetsuro Sasada, Shinji Imahori, Shinsuke Mori

    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   32 ( 1 )   1 - 9   2017

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    This paper proposes a method for searching cooking recipes by a procedure such as “a tomato is fried.” Although most of methods for cooking recipe search treat recipe text as Bag-of-Words (BoW), it misdetects such a recipe that “fry an onion deeply and serve it with a tomato cube (in which the tomato is not heated).” Our method converts a procedural text to a flow-graph automatically in advance using a dependency parsing technique. In the flow-graph, action sequence that will be performed to an ingredient is easily extracted by tracing the path from the node corresponding to the ingredient to the root node corresponding to the last action. We evaluate our method comparing with a task adapted BoW model as a baseline and the proposed method achieved a precision of 68.8% while the baseline method achieved it of 61.5%.

    DOI: 10.1527/tjsai.WII-F



  • A Heuristic Algorithm for the Container Loading Problem with Complex Loading Constraints Reviewed

    H. Iwasawa, Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing   10 ( JAMDSP0041 )   1 - 12   2016.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In this paper, we propose a heuristic algorithm for a container loading problem for logistic platforms, which is the problem for the Challenge Renault/ESICUP 2015. The three-dimensional container loading problem involves packing a set of cuboid items into bins so as to minimize the total volume used. In this paper, we propose an effective approach to solve this problem based on a greedy strategy. We first generate high-quality stacks that consist of some items and then pack these stacks on the floor of bins, considering the resulting problem as a two-dimensional bin packing problem. The proposed algorithm is tested on a series of instances provided for the challenge. The computational results show that the proposed algorithm performs well on these instances.

    DOI: 10.1299/jamdsm.2016jamdsm0041



    Shinji Imahori, Yoshiyuki Karuno, Kenju Tateishi


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER INST MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES-AIMS  

    A union I = I-1 boolean OR I-2 boolean OR ... I-m of m sets of items is given, where for each i = 1,2, ... ,m, I-i - {I-ik vertical bar k = 1, 2,..., n} denotes a set of n items of the i-th type and I-ik denotes the k-th item of the i-th type. Each item I-ik has an integral weight w(ik) and an integral priority pik. The food mixture packing problem to be discussed in this paper asks to find a union I' = I-1' boolean OR I-2' boolean OR ... boolean OR I-m' of m subsets of items so that for each i = 1, 2,..., m, the sum weight of chosen items of the i-th type for I-i'subset of I-i is no less than an integral indispensable bound b(i), and the total weight of chosen items for I' is no less than an integral target weight t. The total weight of chosen items for I' is minimized as the primary objective, and further the total priority of chosen items for I' is maximized as the second objective. In this paper, the known time complexity O(mnt+mt(m)) is improved to O(mnt+mt(2)) for an arbitrary m >= 3 by a two-stage constitution algorithm with dynamic programming procedures. The improved time complexity figures out the weak NP-hardness of the food mixture packing problem.

    DOI: 10.3934/jimo.2016.12.1057

    Web of Science


  • ワークフロー表現を用いたレシピの典型性評価と典型的なレシピの生成 Reviewed

    山肩洋子, 今堀慎治, 森信介, 田中克己

    電子情報通信学会論文誌   J99-D ( 4 )   378 - 391   2016.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    In this paper we propose a method for calculating typicality of recipes in cooking process and generating the typical process given recipes as a snipet of recipe search by a dish name. Our method assumes that recipe texts have been converted by our method into unordered trees whose leaves, intermediate nodes, and roots are foods, cooking processes, and final dish, respectively. Based on an intuition that the similarity between arbitrary two recipes is measured by the edit distance between them, we first propose a two-step algorithm for calculating the edit distance between two unordered trees, and set the costs of each edit operation that are suitable for recipes. Then, we show that the typicality of a recipe in a recipe set can be measured by the average of the edit distances to the other recipes in the set. Finally, we describe a method for generating a typical recipe for the recipes in the set.

    DOI: 10.14923/transinfj.2015dep0007

    CiNii Research


  • Maximizing the Total Weight of Just-In-Time Jobs under Multi-Slot Conditions Is NP-Hard Reviewed

    Eishi Chiba, Shinji Imahori


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG  

    A job is called just-in-time if it is completed exactly on its due date. Under multi-slot conditions, each job has one due date per time slot and has to be completed just-in-time on one of its due dates. Moreover, each job has a certain weight per time slot. We would like to find a just-in-time schedule that maximizes the total weight under multi-slot conditions. In this paper, we prove that this problem is NP-hard.

    DOI: 10.1587/transinf.2015EDL8171

    Web of Science


  • A Partirion-Based Heuristic Algorithm for the Rectilinear Block Packing Problem Reviewed

    Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, T. Uno, M. Yagiura

    Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan   59 ( 1 )   110 - 129   2016.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Special Issue on Advanced Production Scheduling Preface

    Mutsunori Yagiura, Hideki Hashimoto, Takashi Hasuike, Shinji Imahori, Mikio Kubo, Ryuhei Miyashiro, Koji Nonobe, Ken-ichi Tanaka, Shunji Umetani


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    Language:English   Publisher:JAPAN SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    DOI: 10.1299/jamdsm.2016jamdsm0034

    Web of Science


  • Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and Manufacturing: Preface Reviewed

    Mutsunori Yagiura, Hideki Hashimoto, Takashi Hasuike, Shinji Imahori, Mikio Kubo, Ryuhei Miyashiro, Koji Nonobe, Ken-Ichi Tanaka, Shunji Umetani

    Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and Manufacturing   10 ( 3 )   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jamdsm.2016jamdsm0034




    Yoko Yamakata, Shinji Imahori, Hirokuni Maeta, Shinsuke Mori


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    In this paper, we propose a method for extracting a major workflow of cooking procedure from a Japanese recipe on the Web. It is utilized for various applications including recipe search, summarization, and visualization. This major workflow is represented as a tree in which each leaf corresponds to a food or a cooking tool, each intermediate node corresponds to a cooking action, and the root node corresponds to the final cooking action. We had already developed a method for converting a procedural text to a workflow as a directed acyclic graph, and the proposed method is based on the previous one. The results are evaluated by comparing with manually extracted major workflows as a ground truth.

    Web of Science


  • Escher-like Tilings with Weights Reviewed

    Shinji Imahori, Shizuka Kawade, Yoko Yamakata


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER INT PUBLISHING AG  

    A tiling of the plane is a set of figures, called tiles, that cover the plane without gaps or overlaps. On tiling we consider "Escherization problem": Given a closed figure in the plane, find a new closed figure that is similar to the original and can tile the plane. In this study, we give a new formulation of the problem with the weighted Procrustes distance and an algorithm to solve the problem optimally. We conduct computational experiments with animal shape tiles to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-48532-4_12

    Web of Science


  • A New Solution Representation for the Rectilinear Block Packing Problem Reviewed

    Ken Matsushita, Yannan Hu, Hideki Hashimoto, Shinji Imahori, Mutsunori Yagiura


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    The rectilinear block packing problem is a problem of packing a set of rectilinear blocks into a larger rectangular container, where a rectilinear block is a polygonal block whose interior angles are either 90 degrees or 270 degrees . This problem has many applications, such as VLSI design and timber cutting. In this paper, we propose a new solution representation, based on an order of items, to decide a layout of rectilinear blocks whose x-coordinates are fixed. When the shapes of given items have certain characteristics, our representation guarantees optimality. We also generalize this result to the case of general shapes. We then propose an exact algorithm that iteratively generates x-coordinates of items and finds the corresponding optimal layout. The computational results show that our algorithm obtains live exact and one heuristic solutions for six instances and it improves the running time of an existing algorithm.

    Web of Science


  • Graph-based heuristics for operational planning and scheduling problem in automatic picking system Reviewed

    Shinji Imahori, Yohei Rase


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPAN SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    In this paper, we study an operational planning and scheduling problem in an automatic picking system. This problem was introduced as a practical benchmark problem arising in logistics and involves assignment and scheduling tasks. We first show the NP-hardness of the problem. We then propose a graph-based heuristic algorithm for computing a good schedule of requests for a given assignment of products. The computational results for benchmark instances show that good schedules of requests are obtained in short computation time.

    DOI: 10.1299/jamdsm.2016jamdsm0039

    Web of Science


  • Graph-Based Heuristics for Operational Planning and Scheduling Problem in Automatic Picking System Reviewed

    Y. Hase, S. Imahori

    International Symposium on Scheduling 2015   169 - 174   2015.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Efficient implementations of construction heuristics for the rectilinear block packing problem Reviewed

    Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH   53 ( 1 )   206 - 222   2015.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    The rectilinear block packing problem is a problem of packing a set of rectilinear blocks into a larger rectangular container, where a rectilinear block is a polygonal block whose interior angle is either 90 degrees or 270 degrees. There exist many applications of this problem, such as VLSI design, timber/glass cutting, and newspaper layout. In this paper, we design efficient implementations of two construction heuristics for rectilinear block packing. The proposed algorithms are tested On a series of instances, which are generated from nine benchmark instances. The computational results show that the proposed algorithms are especially efficient for large instances with repeated shapes. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2014.06.021

    Web of Science


  • A 2.75-approximation algorithm for the unconstrained traveling tournament problem Reviewed

    Shinji Imahori, Tomomi Matsui, Ryuhei Miyashiro

    ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH   218 ( 1 )   237 - 247   2014.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    A 2.75-approximation algorithm is proposed for the unconstrained traveling tournament problem, which is a variant of the traveling tournament problem. For the unconstrained traveling tournament problem, this is the first proposal of an approximation algorithm with a constant approximation ratio. In addition, the proposed algorithm yields a solution that meets both the no-repeater and mirrored constraints. Computational experiments show that the algorithm generates solutions of good quality.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10479-012-1161-y

    Web of Science


  • Dynamic programming algorithms for producing food mixture packages by automatic combination weighers Reviewed

    Shinji Imahori, Yoshiyuki Karuno, Kenju Tateishi


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPAN SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    The lexicographic bi-criteria combinatorial optimization problem to be discussed in this paper is a mathematical model of the food mixture packing performed by so-called automatic combination weighers, and it is described as follows. We are given a union I = I-1 boolean OR I-2 boolean OR . . . boolean OR I-m of m sets of items, where for each i = 1, 2,...,m, I-i = {I-ik vertical bar k = 1,2,...,n denotes a set of n items of the i-th type and I-ik denotes the k-th item of the i-th type. Each item I-ik has an integral weight w(ik) and an integral priority gamma(ik). The problem asks to find a union = I' = I'(1) boolean OR I'(2) boolean OR . . . boolean OR I'(m) of m subsets of items where I'(i) subset of I-i so that the total weight of chosen items for I' is no less than an integral target weight T, and the sum weight of chosen items of the i-th type for is no less than an integral indispensable weight b(i). The total weight of chosen items for I' is minimized as the primary objective, and further the total priority of chosen items for I' is maximized as the second objective. For the case in which there are two types of items (i.e., m = 2), we propose an O(nT) time dynamic programming algorithm, applying a linear search technique. We also conduct numerical experiments to demonstrate the empirical performance.

    DOI: 10.1299/jamdsm.2014jamdsm0065

    Web of Science


  • Enumerating bottom-left stable positions for rectangle placements with overlap Reviewed

    Shinji Imahori, Yuyao Chien, Yuma Tanaka, Mutsunori Yagiura

    Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan   57 ( 1 )   45 - 61   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Operations Research Society of Japan  

    This paper presents an efficient algorithm that enumerates all the bottom-left stable positions for a given layout of rectangles. Its time complexity is O((n + K) log n), where n is the number of placed rectangles (i.e., input size) and K is the number of bottom-left stable positions (i.e., output size). This is the first non-trivial algorithm that works for layouts without bottom-left stability and with overlap. In addition to the theoretical analysis of the time complexity, we evaluate the computation time of the proposed algorithm via computational experiments and confirm that it is applicable to very large-scale instances having one million rectangles. © The Operations Research Society of Japan.

    DOI: 10.15807/jorsj.57.45



  • An Efficient Method for Checking Overlaps and Construction Algorithms for the Bitmap Shape Packing Problem Reviewed

    S. Fukatsu, Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    The two-dimensional strip packing problem arises in wide variety of industrial applications. In this paper, we focus on the bitmap shape packing problem where a set of arbitrary shaped objects represented in bitmap format should be packed into a larger rectangular container without overlap. The complex geometry of bitmap shapes and large amount of data to be processed make it difficult to check overlaps. For this reason, most of the algorithms in the literature only deal with small-scale instances. We propose an efficient method for checking overlaps and design efficient implementations of two construction algorithms, which are based on the bottom-left strategy. The computational results for a series of well-known benchmark instances show that the proposed algorithms obtain good solutions in remarkably short time and are effective for large-scale instances.

    Web of Science


  • Local Search Algorithms for Escherization Reviewed

    S. Imahori, S. Kawade, S. Sakai

    Proc. 16th Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry and Graphs   88 - 89   2013.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:16th Japan Conference on |rn|Discrete and Computational Geometry and Graphs  


  • Efficient Construction Heuristic Algorithms for the Rectilinear Block Packing Problem Reviewed

    Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    Proc. International Symposium on Scheduling   13 ( 202 )   80 - 85   2013.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本機械学会  

    The rectilinear block packing problem involves packing a set of rectilinear blocks into a larger rectangular container, where a rectilinear block is a polygonal block whose interior angle is either 90° or 270°. This problem is relevant for many applications, such as VLSI design, timber/glass cutting, and newspaper layout. In this paper, we design efficient implementations of two construction heuristic algorithms for rectilinear block packing. The proposed algorithms are tested on a series of instances that are generated from nine benchmark instances. The computational results show that the proposed algorithms are especially efficient for large instances.

    CiNii Books


  • Maximizing the Total Weight of Just-in-Time Jobs under Multi-Slot Conditions Is NP-Hard Reviewed

    E. Chiba, S. Imahori

    Proc. International Symposium on Scheduling   13 ( 202 )   65 - 67   2013.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本機械学会  

    A job is called just-in-time if it is completed exactly on its due date. Under multi-slot conditions, each job has a due date per slot, and has to be completed just-in-time on one of its due dates. We would like to find a just-in-time schedule that maximizes the total weight under multi-slot conditions. In this paper, we prove that this problem is NP-hard.

    CiNii Books


  • Pseudo-Polynomial Time Algorithms for Food Mixture Packing by Automatic Combination Weighers Reviewed

    S. Imahori, Y. Karuno

    Proc. International Symposium on Scheduling   13 ( 202 )   59 - 64   2013.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本機械学会  

    The lexicographic bi-criteria combinatorial optimization problem to be discussed in this paper is a mathematical model of the food mixture packing performed by so-called automatic combination weighers, and it is described as follows. We are given a union I=I_1&xcup;I_2&xcup;・・・&xcup;I_m of m sets of items, where for i=1,2,・・・,m,I_i={I_<ik>|k=1,2,・・・,n] denotes a set of n items of the i-th type and I_<ik> denotes the k-th items of the i-th type. Each I_<ik> of mn items has an integral weight w_<ik> and an integral priority γ_<ik>. The problem asks to find a union I'=I'_1&xcup;I'_2&xcup;・・・&xcup;I'_m of m subsets of items, where I'_i&vsubne;I_i, so that the total weight of chosen items for I' is no less than an integral target weight T, and the sum weight of chosen items of the i-th type for I'_i is no less than an integral indispensable weight B_i. The total weight of chosen items for I' is minimized as the primal objective, and further the total priority of chosen items for I' is maximized as the second objective. For the case in which there are two types of items (i.e., m=2), and O(nT^2) time dynamic programming algorithm has been designed. In this paper, we improve from O(nT^2) to O(nT) the time complexity.

    CiNii Books


  • Recent progress of local search in handling the time window constraints of the vehicle routing problem Reviewed

    Hideki Hashimoto, Mutsunori Yagiura, Shinji Imahori, Toshihide Ibaraki

    ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH   204 ( 1 )   171 - 187   2013.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Vehicle routing and scheduling problems have a wide range of applications and have been intensively studied in the past half century. The condition that enforces each vehicle to start service at each customer in the period specified by the customer is called the time window constraint. This paper reviews recent results on how to handle hard and soft time window constraints, putting emphasis on its different definitions and algorithms. With these diverse time windows, the problem becomes applicable to a wide range of real-world problems.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10479-012-1264-5

    Web of Science


  • Feature extraction and summarization of recipes using flow graph Reviewed

    Yoko Yamakata, Shinji Imahori, Yuichi Sugiyama, Shinsuke Mori, Katsumi Tanaka

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   8238   241 - 254   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Springer  

    These days, there are more than a million recipes on the Web. When you search for a recipe with one query such as "nikujaga," the name of a typical Japanese food, you can find thousands of "nikujaga" recipes as the result. Even if you focus on only the top ten results, it is still difficult to find out the characteristic feature of each recipe because a cooking is a work-flow including parallel procedures. According to our survey, people place the most importance on the differences of cooking procedures when they compare the recipes. However, such differences are difficult to be extracted just by comparing the recipe texts as existing methods. Therefore, our system extracts (i) a general way to cook as a summary of cooking procedures and (ii) the characteristic features of each recipe by analyzing the work-flows of the top ten results. In the experiments, our method succeeded in extracting 54% of manually extracted features while the previous research addressed 37% of them. © 2013 Springer International Publishing.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-03260-3_21



  • A Local-Search Based Algorithm for the Escherization Problem Reviewed

    S. Imahori, S. Sakai

    IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management   151 - 155   2012.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IEEE  


  • A New Construction Heuristic Algorithm for the Rectilinear Block Packing Problem: A Bridge between the Best-Fit and Bottom-Left Algorithms Reviewed

    Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management   182 - 186   2012.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IEEE  


  • An Approximation Algorithm for the Traveling Tournament Problem Reviewed

    R. Miyashiro, T. Matsui, S. Imahori

    Annals of Operations Research   194 ( 1 )   317 - 324   2012.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer  


  • An LP-based heuristic algorithm for the node capacitated in-tree packing problem Reviewed

    Yuma Tanaka, Shinji Imahori, Mihiro Sasaki, Mutsunori Yagiura

    COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH   39 ( 3 )   637 - 646   2012.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    In this paper, we deal with the node capacitated in-tree packing problem. The input consists of a directed graph, a root node, a node capacity function and edge consumption functions for heads and tails. The problem is to find a subset of rooted spanning in-trees and their packing numbers, where the packing number of an in-tree is the number of times it is packed, so as to maximize the sum of packing numbers under the constraint that the total consumption of the packed in-trees at each node does not exceed the capacity of the node. This problem is known to be NP-hard.
    We propose a two-phase heuristic algorithm for this problem. In the first phase, it generates candidate spanning in-trees to be packed. The node capacitated in-tree packing problem can be formulated as an IP (integer programming) problem, and the proposed algorithm employs the column generation method for the LP (linear programming) relaxation problem of the IP to generate promising candidate in-trees. In the second phase, the algorithm computes the packing number of each in-tree. Our algorithm solves this second-phase problem by first modifying feasible solutions of the LP relaxation problem and then improving them with a greedy algorithm. We analyze upper and lower bounds on the solution quality of such LP-based algorithms for this problem.
    We conducted computational experiments on graphs used in related papers and on randomly generated graphs. The results indicate that our algorithm has a better performance than other existing methods. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2011.05.019

    Web of Science


  • The complexity of the node capacitated in-tree packing problem Reviewed

    Shinji Imahori, Yuichiro Miyamoto, Hideki Hashimoto, Yusuke Kobayashi, Mihiro Sasaki, Mutsunori Yagiura

    NETWORKS   59 ( 1 )   13 - 21   2012.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    This article describes a node capacitated in-tree packing problem. The input consists of a directed graph, a root node, a node capacity function, and edge consumption functions. The problem is to find the maximum number of rooted in-trees, such that the total consumption of in-trees at each node does not exceed the capacity of the node. The problem is one of the network lifetime problems that are among the most important issues in the context of sensor networks. We establish the computational complexity of the problem under various restrictions on consumption functions and graphs. For example, we consider general graphs, acyclic graphs, and complete graphs embedded in the d-dimensional space R-d having edge consumption functions depending only on distances between end nodes. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. NETWORKS, Vol. 59(1), 13-21 2012

    DOI: 10.1002/net.20476

    Web of Science


  • Duplex and Quasi-Duplex Operations in Automated Food Packing Systems Reviewed

    Shinji Imahori, Yoshiyuki Karuno, Rena Nishizaki, Yui Yoshimoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    In this paper, we deal with duplex and quasi-duplex operations in automated food packing systems known as so-called automatic combination weighers. A typical food packing system possesses n weighing hoppers. Some amount of foods is thrown into each hopper, and it is called an item. In a duplex operation, two disjoint subsets I' and I" are simultaneously chosen from the set I of current n items to produce two packages of foods, while in a quasi-duplex operation, I' is first chosen from I and then I" from I - I'. The duplex food packing problem has been formulated as a lexicographic bi-criteria combinatorial optimization problem, and shown in theory to be solved in O(nT(2)) time, where T is an integer denoting the target weight for each package. In this paper, we implement a naive and an improved versions of the O(nT(2)) time algorithm, and examine their execution times by conducting numerical experiments. We also report the empirical performance of the quasi-duplex operation comparing with the duplex operation.

    Web of Science


  • An Improved Approximation Algorithm for the Traveling Tournament Problem Reviewed

    Daisuke Yamaguchi, Shinji Imahori, Ryuhei Miyashiro, Tomomi Matsui

    ALGORITHMICA   61 ( 4 )   1077 - 1091   2011.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    This paper describes the traveling tournament problem, a well-known benchmark problem in the field of tournament timetabling. We propose an approximation algorithm for the traveling tournament problem with the constraints such that both the number of consecutive away games and that of consecutive home games are at most k. When ka parts per thousand currency sign5, the approximation ratio of the proposed algorithm is bounded by (2k-1)/k+O(k/n) where n denotes the number of teams; when k &gt; 5, the ratio is bounded by (5k-7)/(2k)+O(k/n). For k=3, the most investigated case of the traveling tournament problem to date, the approximation ratio of the proposed algorithm is 5/3+O(1/n); this is better than the previous approximation algorithm proposed for k=3, whose approximation ratio is 2+O(1/n).

    DOI: 10.1007/s00453-011-9579-1

    Web of Science


  • Lagrangian-Based Column Generation for the Node Capacitated In-Tree Packing Problem Reviewed

    Y. Tanaka, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan   54 ( 4 )   219 - 236   2011.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会  

    In this paper, we deal with the node capacitated in-tree packing problem. The input consists of a directed graph, a root node, a node capacity function and edge consumption functions for heads and tails. The problem is to find a subset of rooted spanning in-trees and their packing numbers, where the packing number of an in-tree is the number of times it is packed, so as to maximize the sum of packing numbers under the constraint that the total consumption of the packed in-trees at each node does not exceed the capacity of the node. This problem is known to be NP-hard. Previously, we proposed a two-phase heuristic algorithm for this problem. The algorithm generates promising candidate in-trees to be packed in the first phase and computes the packing number of each in-tree in the second phase. In this paper, we improve the first phase algorithm by using Lagrangian relaxation instead of LP (linear programming) relaxation. We conducted computational experiments on graphs used in related papers and on randomly generated instances. The results indicate that our new algorithm generates in-trees faster than our previous algorithm and obtains better solutions than existing algorithms without generating many in-trees.

    CiNii Books


  • Kansei Engineering, Humans and Computers: Efficient Dynamic Programming Algorithms for Combinatorial Food Packing Problems Reviewed

    S. Imahori, Y. Karuno, H. Nagamochi, X. Wang

    International Journal of Biometrics   3 ( 3 )   228 - 245   2011.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Inderscience  


  • Colorful Strips Reviewed

    Greg Aloupis, Jean Cardinal, Sebastien Collette, Shinji Imahori, Matias Korman, Stefan Langerman, Oded Schwartz, Shakhar Smorodinsky, Perouz Taslakian

    GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS   27 ( 3 )   327 - 339   2011.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER JAPAN KK  

    We study the following geometric hypergraph coloring problem: given a planar point set and an integer k, we wish to color the points with k colors so that any axis-aligned strip containing sufficiently many points contains all colors. We show that if the strip contains at least 2k - 1 points, such a coloring can always be found. In dimension d, we show that the same holds provided the strip contains at least k(4 ln k + ln d) points. We also consider the dual problem of coloring a given set of axis-aligned strips so that any sufficiently covered point in the plane is covered by k colors. We show that in dimension d the required coverage is at most d(k - 1) + 1. This complements recent impossibility results on decomposition of strip coverings with arbitrary orientations. From the computational point of view, we show that deciding whether a three-dimensional point set can be 2-colored so that any strip containing at least three points contains both colors is NP-complete. This shows a big contrast with the planar case, for which this decision problem is easy.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00373-011-1014-5

    Web of Science


  • Algorithmic Folding Complexity Reviewed

    Jean Cardinal, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Shinji Imahori, Tsuyoshi Ito, Masashi Kiyomi, Stefan Langerman, Ryuhei Uehara, Takeaki Uno

    GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS   27 ( 3 )   341 - 351   2011.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER JAPAN KK  

    How do we most quickly fold a paper strip (modeled as a line) to obtain a desired mountain-valley pattern of equidistant creases (viewed as a binary string)? Define the folding complexity of a mountain-valley string as the minimum number of simple folds required to construct it. We first show that the folding complexity of a length-n uniform string (all mountains or all valleys), and hence of a length-n pleat (alternating mountain/valley), is O(lg(2) n). We also show that a lower bound of the complexity of the problems is Omega(lg(2) n/lg lg n). Next we show that almost all mountain-valley patterns require Omega(n/lg n) folds, which means that the uniform and pleat foldings are relatively easy problems. We also give a general algorithm for folding an arbitrary sequence of length n in O(n/lg n) folds, meeting the lower bound up to a constant factor.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00373-011-1019-0

    Web of Science


  • A Lagrangian Heuristic Algorithm for the Node Capacitated In-Tree Packing Problem Reviewed

    Y. Tanaka, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    Proc. 7th Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications   437 - 446   2011.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:7th Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete |rn|Mathematics and Its Applications  


  • Success guaranteed routing in almost Delaunay planar nets for wireless sensor communication Reviewed

    Md Bahlul Haider, Shinji Imahori, Kokichi Sugihara


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:INDERSCIENCE ENTERPRISES LTD  

    This paper proposes a routing strategy for wireless sensor networks that is valid even when the sensor nodes are distributed non-uniformly. Energy efficiency is the most important consideration in wireless sensor networks; hence, global communication should be achieved by combinations of local messages. We first propose a new underlying graph called the almost Delaunay planar net, which can be calculated from information local to the sensor nodes. We statistically analyse the efficiency of existing routing strategies in the almost Delaunay planar net. We also propose a new routing strategy that always guarantees the reachability on planar graphs, including the almost Delaunay planar net. We show that the proposed routing strategy exhibits good performance if the underlying graph in the sensor network is the almost Delaunay planar net.

    Web of Science


  • Recent progress of local search in handling the time window constraints of the vehicle routing problem Reviewed

    Hideki Hashimoto, Mutsunori Yagiura, Shinji Imahori, Toshihide Ibaraki

    4OR-A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH   8 ( 3 )   221 - 238   2010.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER HEIDELBERG  

    Vehicle routing and scheduling problems have a wide range of applications and have been intensively studied in the past half century. The condition that enforces each vehicle to start service at each customer in the period specified by the customer is called the time window constraint. This paper reviews recent results on how to handle hard and soft time window constraints, putting emphasis on its different definitions and algorithms. With these diverse time windows, the problem becomes applicable to a wide range of real-world problems.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10288-010-0144-6

    Web of Science


  • An Approximation Algorithm for the Unconstrained Traveling Tournament Problem Reviewed

    S. Imahori, T. Matsui, R. Miyashiro

    Proc. 8th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling   508 - 512   2010.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:8th International Conference on |rn|the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling  


  • The Best-Fit Heuristic for the Rectangular Strip Packing Problem: An Efficient Implementation and the Worst-Case Approximation Ratio Reviewed

    S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    Computers & Operations Research   37 ( 2 )   325 - 333   2010.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier  


  • Colorful Strips Reviewed

    Greg Aloupis, Jean Cardinal, Sebastien Collette, Shinji Imahori, Matias Korman, Stefan Langerman, Oded Schwartz, Shakhar Smorodinsky, Perouz Taslakian

    LATIN 2010: THEORETICAL INFORMATICS   6034   2 - +   2010

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    We study the following geometric hypergraph coloring problem: given a planar point set and an integer k, we wish to color the points with k colors so that any axis-aligned strip containing sufficiently many points contains all colors. We show that if the strip contains at least; 2k-1 points, such a coloring can always be found. In dimension d, we show that the same holds provided the strip contains at least k(4 ln k +ln d) points. We also consider the dual problem of coloring a given set of axis-aligned strips so that any sufficiently covered point in the plane is covered by k colors. We show that; in dimension d the required coverage is at most d(k-1) + 1. Lower bounds are also given for all of the above problems. This complements recent impossibility results on decomposition of strip coverings with arbitrary orientations.
    From the computational point of view, we show that deciding whether a three-dimensional point set can be 2-colored so that any strip containing at least three points contains both colors is NP-complete. This shows a big contrast; with the planar case, for which this decision problem is easy.

    Web of Science


  • Dynamic programming algorithms for duplex food packing problems Reviewed

    Shinji Imahori, Yoshiyuki Karuno, Yui Yoshimoto

    IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)   857 - 862   2010

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    In this paper, we discuss a lexicographic bi-criteria combinatorial optimization problem arising in automated food packing systems known as so-called automatic combination weighers. A typical food packing system possesses n weighing hoppers. Some amount of foods is thrown into each hopper, and it is called an item. We deal with a duplex packing operation such that the food packing system chooses two disjoint subsets I′ and I″ from the set I of the current n items to produce two packages of foods. After choosing two subsets I′ and I″, the resulting empty hoppers are supplied with next new items, and the set I is updated. By repeating the duplex packing operation, a large number of packages are produced two by two. The primary objective of lexicographic bi-criteria duplex food packing problem is to minimize the total weight of chosen items for two packages, making the total weight of each package no less than a specified target weight T. The second objective is to maximize the total priority of chosen items for two packages so that items with longer durations in hoppers are preferably chosen. The priority of an item is given as its duration in hopper. In this paper, we prove that the lexicographic bi-criteria duplex food packing problem can be solved in O(nT 2) time by dynamic programming if all input data are integral. © 2010 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/INDIN.2010.5549629



  • Solving the irregular strip packing problem via guided local search for overlap minimization Reviewed

    Shunji Umetani, Mutsunori Yagiura, Shinji Imahori, Takashi Imamichi, Koji Nonobe, Toshihide Ibaraki


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    The irregular strip-packing problem (ISP) requires a given set of non-convex polygons to be placed without overlap within a rectangular container having a fixed width and a variable length, which is to be minimized. As a core sub-problem to solve ISP, we consider an overlap minimization problem (OMP) whose objective is to place all polygons into a container with given width and length so that the total amount of overlap between polygons is made as small as possible. We propose to use directional penetration depths to measure the amount of overlap between a pair of polygons, and present an efficient algorithm to find a position with the minimum overlap for each polygon when it is translated in a specified direction. Based on this, we develop a local search algorithm for OMP that translates a polygon in horizontal and vertical directions alternately. Then we incorporate it in our algorithm for OMP, which is a variant of the guided local search algorithm. Computational results show that our algorithm improves the best-known values of some well-known benchmark instances.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-3995.2009.00707.x

    Web of Science


  • The Complexity of the Node Capacitated In-Tree Packing Problem Reviewed

    S. Imahori

    Proc. International Network Optimization Conference   2009.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:International Network Optimization Conference  


  • Improvement of the Method for Making Quad Meshes through Temperature Contours Reviewed

    M. Okabe, S. Imahori, K. Sugihara

    Proc. 25th European Workshop on Computational Geometry   93 - 96   2009.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:25th European Workshop on Computational Geometry  


  • Complexity of Pleat Folding Reviewed

    T. Ito, M. Kiyomi, S. Imahori, R. Uehara

    Proc. 25th European Workshop on Computational Geometry   53 - 56   2009.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:25th European Workshop on Computational Geometry  


  • MARA: Maximum Alternative Routing Algorithm Reviewed

    Yasuhiro Ohara, Shinji Imahori, Rodney Van Meter


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    In hop-by-hop networks, provision of multipath routes for all nodes can improve fault tolerance and performance. In this paper we study the multipath route calculation by constructing a directed acyclic graph (DAG) which includes all edges in the network. We define new DAG construction problems with the objectives of 1) maximizing the minimum connectivity, 2) maximizing the minimum max-flow, and 3) maximizing the minimum max-flow as an extension of shortest path routing. A family of new algorithms called Maximum Alternative Routing Algorithms (MARAs) is described, proven formally to solve the problems optimally, and contrasted with existing multipath algorithms. MARAs are evaluated for the number of paths, the length of paths, the computational complexity, and the computation time, using simulations based on several real Internet Autonomous System (AS) network topologies. We show that MARAs run in sub-second times on moderate-speed processors and achieve a significant increase in the number of paths compared to existing multipath routing algorithms. These results should help further the process of deploying multipath routing in real-world networks.

    Web of Science


  • An Improved Approximation Algorithm for the Traveling Tournament Problem Reviewed

    Daisuke Yamaguchi, Shinji Imahori, Ryuhei Miyashiro, Tomomi Matsui


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    This paper describes the traveling tournament problem, a well-known benchmark problem in the field of tournament timetabling. We propose an approximation algorithm for the traveling tournament; problem with the constraints such that both the number of consecutive away games and that; of consecutive home games are at most k. When k &lt;= 5, the approximation ratio of the proposed algorithm is bounded by (2k - 1)/k + O(k/n) where n denotes the number of teams; when k &gt; 5, the ratio is bounded by (5k - 7)/(2k) + O(k/n). For k = 3, the most investigated case of the traveling tournament problem to date, the approximation ratio of the proposed algorithm is 5/3 + O(1/n); this is better than the previous approximation algorithm proposed for k = 3, whose approximation ratio is 2 + O(1/n).

    Web of Science


  • Algorithmic Folding Complexity Reviewed

    Jean Cardinal, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Shinji Imahori, Stefan Langerman, Ryuhei Uehara


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    How do we most quickly fold a paper strip (modeled as a line) to obtain a desired mountain-valley pattern of equidistant creases (viewed as a binary string)? Define the folding complexity of a mountain-valley string as the minimum number of simple folds required to construct it. We show that the folding complexity of a length-n uniform string (all mountains or all valleys), and hence of a length-n pleat (alternating mountain/valley), is polylogarithmic in n. We also show that the maximum possible folding complexity of any string of length n is O(n/ lg n), meeting a previously known lower bound.

    Web of Science


  • Efficient Algorithms for Combinatorial Food Packing Problems Reviewed

    S. Imahori, Y. Karuno, H. Nagamochi, X. Wang

    Proc. 11th International Conference on Humans and Computers   317 - 322   2008.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:11th International Conference on Humans |rn|and Computers  


  • Generation of Cutter Paths for Hard Material in Wire EDM Reviewed

    S. Imahori, M. Kushiya, T. Nakashima, K. Sugihara

    Journal of Materials Processing Technology   206 ( 1-3 )   453 - 461   2008.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier  


  • An Approximation Algorithm for the Traveling Tournament Problem Reviewed

    R. Miyashiro, T. Matsui, S. Imahori

    Proc. 7th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling   2008.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:7th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling  


  • An iterated local search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with convex time penalty functions Reviewed

    Toshihide Ibaraki, Shinji Imahori, Koji Nonobe, Kensuke Sobue, Takeaki Uno, Mutsunori Yagiura

    DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS   156 ( 11 )   2050 - 2069   2008.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    We propose an iterated local search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time window constraints. We treat the time window constraint for each customer as a penalty function, and assume that it is convex and piecewise linear. Given an order of customers each vehicle to visit, dynamic programming (DP) is used to determine the optimal start time to serve the customers so that the total time penalty is minimized. This DP algorithm is then incorporated in the iterated local search algorithm to efficiently evaluate solutions in various neighborhoods. The amortized time complexity of evaluating a solution in the neighborhoods is a logarithmic order of the input size (i.e., the total number of linear pieces that define the penalty functions). Computational comparisons on benchmark instances with up to 1000 customers show that the proposed method is quite effective, especially for large instances. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.dam.2007.04.022

    Web of Science


  • A Local Search Algorithm based on Overlap Minimization for the Irregular Strip Packing Problem Reviewed

    S. Umetani

    Proc. 7th Metaheuristics International Conference   2007.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:7th Metaheuristics International Conference  


  • Generation of Cutter Paths for Hard Material Reviewed

    S. Imahori, M. Kushiya, T. Nakashima, K. Sugihara

    Proc. 5th Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications   201 - 210   2007.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:5th Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications  


  • Practical Algorithms for Two-Dimensional Packing. Reviewed

    Mutsunori Yagiura, Hiroshi Nagamochi, Shinji Imahori

    Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics.   2007

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    Publisher:Chapman and Hall/CRC  

    DOI: 10.1201/9781420010749.ch36


  • Constructive algorithms for the constant distance traveling tournament problem Reviewed

    Nobutomo Fujiwara, Shinji Imahori, Tomomi Matsui, Ryuhei Miyashiro


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    The traveling tournament problem considers scheduling round-robin tournaments that minimize traveling distance, which is an important issue in sports scheduling. Various studies on the traveling tournament problem have appeared in recent years, and there are some variants of this problem. In this paper, we deal with the constant distance traveling tournament problem, which is a special class of the traveling tournament problem. This variant is essentially equivalent to the problem of 'maximizing breaks' and that of 'minimizing breaks', which is another significant objective in sports scheduling. We propose a lower bound of the optimal value of the constant distance traveling tournament problem, and two constructive algorithms that produce feasible solutions whose objective values are close to the proposed lower bound. For some size of instances, one of our algorithms yields optimal solutions.

    Web of Science


  • The vehicle routing problem with flexible time windows and traveling times Reviewed

    Hideki Hashimoto, Toshihide Ibaraki, Shinji Imahori, Mutsunori Yagiura

    DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS   154 ( 16 )   2271 - 2290   2006.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    We generalize the standard vehicle routing problem by allowing soft time window and soft traveling time constraints, where both constraints are treated as cost functions. With the proposed generalization, the problem becomes very general. In our algorithm, we use local search to determine the routes of vehicles. After fixing the route of each vehicle, we must determine the optimal start times of services at visited customers. We show that this subproblem is NP-hard when cost functions are general, but can be efficiently solved with dynamic programming when traveling time cost functions are convex even if time window cost functions are non-convex. We deal with the latter situation in the developed iterated local search algorithm. Finally we report computational results on benchmark instances, and confirm the benefits of the proposed generalization. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.dam.2006.04.009

    Web of Science


  • Constructive Algorithms for the Constant Distance Traveling Tournament Problem Reviewed

    N. Fujiwara, S. Imahori, T. Matsui, R. Miyashiro

    Proc. 6th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling   402 - 405   2006.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:6th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling  


  • A Guided Local Search Algorithm based on a Fast Neighborhood Search for the Irregular Strip Packing Problem Reviewed

    S. Umetani

    Proc. International Symposium on Scheduling   2006   126 - 131   2006.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本機械学会  

    The irregular strip packing problem asks to place a set of polygons within a rectangular strip of fixed height without overlap, so as to minimize the strip width required. We consider an overlap minimization problem which minimizes the amount of overlap penalty for all pairs of polygons within a given bound of strip width. We propose a local search algorithm which translates a polygon in horizontal and vertical directions iteratively, and incorporate it in metaheuristic approaches called the iterated local search and the guided local search. Computational results show that our algorithm is competitive with other existing algorithms.

    CiNii Books


  • Improved local search algorithms for the rectangle packing problem with general spatial costs Reviewed

    S Imahori, M Yagiura, T Ibaraki

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH   167 ( 1 )   48 - 67   2005.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    The rectangle packing problem with general spatial costs is to pack given rectangles without overlap in the plane so that the maximum cost of the rectangles is minimized. This problem is very general, and various types of packing problems and scheduling problems can be formulated in this form, For this problem. we have previously presented local search algorithms using a pair of permutations of rectangles to represent a solution. In this paper. we propose speed-up techniques to evaluate solutions in various neighborhoods. Computational results for the rectangle packing problem and a real-world scheduling problem exhibit good prospects of the proposed techniques, (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Web of Science


  • Variable Neighborhood Search for the Rectangle Packing Problem Reviewed

    S. Imahori, M. Yagiura, T. Ibaraki

    Proc. 6th Metaheuristics International Conference   532 - 537   2005.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:6th Metaheuristics International Conference  


  • Local Search Algorithms for the Two Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem with a Given Number of Different Patterns Reviewed

    S. Imahori, M. Yagiura, S. Umetani, S. Adachi, T. Ibaraki

    Metaheuristics: Progress as Real Problem Solvers   181 - 202   2005.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer  


  • Effective local search algorithms for routing and scheduling problems with general time-window constraints Reviewed

    T Ibaraki, S Imahori, M Kubo, T Masuda, T Uno, M Yagiura

    TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE   39 ( 2 )   206 - 232   2005.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:INST OPERATIONS RESEARCH MANAGEMENT SCIENCES  

    W e propose local search algorithms for the vehicle routing problem with soft time-window constraints. The time-window constraint for each customer is treated as a penalty function, which is very general in the sense that it can be nonconvex and discontinuous as long as it is piecewise linear. In our algorithm, we use local search to assign customers to vehicles and to find orders of customers for vehicles to visit. Our algorithm employs an advanced neighborhood, called the cyclic-exchange neighborhood, in addition to standard neighborhoods for the vehicle routing problem. After fixing the order of customers for a vehicle to visit, we must determine the optimal start times of processing at customers so that the total penalty is minimized. We show that this problem can be efficiently solved by using dynamic programming, which is then incorporated in our algorithm. We report computational results for various benchmark instances of the vehicle routing problem. The generality of time-window constraints allows us to handle a wide variety of scheduling problems. As an example, we mention in this paper an application to a production scheduling problem with inventory cost, and report computational results for real-world instances.

    DOI: 10.1287/trsc.1030.0085

    Web of Science


  • A Local Search Algorithm for Routing and Scheduling Problems with Time Window and Traveling Time Constraints Reviewed

    H. Hashimoto, T. Ibaraki, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    Proc. International Symposium on Scheduling   2004   143 - 146   2004.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:スケジューリング学会  

    We generalize the standard vehicle routing problem by allowing soft time window and soft traveling time constraints, and propose a local search algorithm, where both constraints are treated as cost functions. With the proposed generalization, the problem becomes very general, and can treat various scheduling problems, e.g., with earliness and tardiness costs, and flexible processing time. In our algorithm, local search is used to determine routes. After fixing the route for a vehicle, we must determine the optimal start times of processing at customers so that the total cost is minimized. This subproblem is NP-hard when cost functions are general, and can be efficiently solved with dynamic programming when traveling cost functions are convex. We then report computational results for benchmark instances, and confirm the usefulness of the proposed generalization.

    CiNii Books


  • An Iterated Local Search Algorithm for Routing and Scheduling Problem with Convex Time Penalty Functions Reviewed

    T. Ibaraki

    Proc. 5th Metaheuristics International Conference   2003.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:5th Metaheuristics International Conference  


  • Local search algorithms for the rectangle packing problem with general spatial costs Reviewed

    S Imahori, M Yagiura, T Ibaraki

    MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING   97 ( 3 )   543 - 569   2003.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG  

    We propose local search algorithms for the rectangle packing problem to minimize a general spatial cost associated with the locations of rectangles. The problem is to pack given rectangles without overlap in the plane so that the maximum cost of the rectangles is minimized. Each rectangle has a set of modes, where each mode specifies the width and height of the rectangle and its spatial cost function. The spatial costs are general piecewise linear functions which can be non-convex and discontinuous. Various types of packing problems and scheduling problems can be formulated in this form. To represent a solution of this problem, a pair of permutations of n rectangles is used to determine their horizontal and vertical partial orders, respectively. We show that, under the constraint specified by such a pair of permutations, optimal locations of the rectangles can be efficiently determined by using dynamic programming. The search for finding good pairs of permutations is conducted by local search and metaheuristic algorithms. We report computational results on various implementations using different neighborhoods, and compare their performance. We also compare our algorithms with other existing heuristic algorithms for the rectangle packing problem and scheduling problem. These computational results exhibit good prospects of the proposed algorithms.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10107-003-0427-1

    Web of Science


  • Local Search Algorithms for the Two Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem with a Given Number of Different Patterns Reviewed

    S. Imahori, M. Yagiura, T. Ibaraki

    Proc. 5th Metaheuristics International Conference   2003.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:5th Metaheuristics International Conference  


  • Local search algorithms for the two dimensional cutting stock problem Reviewed

    S Imahori, M Yagiura, S Adachi, T Ibaraki, S Umetani


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:INT INST INFORMATICS & SYSTEMICS  

    We consider the two dimensional cutting stock problem, which arises in many industries. In recent industrial applications, it is argued that the setup costs for changing patterns become more dominant and it is impractical to use many different patterns. Therefore, we consider the pattern restricted two dimensional cutting stock problem, in which the total number of applications of cutting patterns is minimized while the number of different cutting patterns is given as a parameter n. For this problem, we develop a local search algorithm. As the size of the neighborhood plays a crucial role in determining the efficiency of local search, we propose to use linear programming techniques for the purpose of restricting the number of solutions in the neighborhood. To determine a cutting pattern in each solution, we have to place all products (rectangles) in the two dimensional area without mutual overlap. For this purpose, we develop a heuristic algorithm using an existing rectangle packing algorithm with a coding scheme called sequence pair. Finally, we generate random test instances of this problem, and conduct computational experiments to see the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

    Web of Science


  • Local Search Heuristics for the Rectangle Packing Problem with General Spatial Costs Reviewed

    S. Imahori, M. Yagiura, T. Ibaraki

    Proc. 4th Metaheuristics International Conference   471 - 476   2001.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:4th Metaheuristics International Conference  


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  • Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics, Second Edition

    Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura( Role: Joint editorPractical algorithms for two-dimensional packing of general shapes)

    Chapman & Hall/CRC  2018.5  ( ISBN:9781498770118

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    Language:English   Book type:Scholarly book


  • Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics, Second Edition

    S. Imahori, M. Yagiura, H. Nagamochi( Role: Joint editorPractical algorithms for two-dimensional packing of rectangles)

    Chapman & Hall/CRC  2018.5  ( ISBN:9781498770118

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    Language:English   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 応用数理ハンドブック

    薩摩順吉, 大石進一, 杉原正顯( Role: Joint editor担当:発見的解法)

    朝倉書店  2013.11 

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    Responsible for pages:294-295   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 数理工学事典

    太田快人, 酒井英昭, 高橋豊, 田中利幸, 永持仁, 福島雅夫( Role: Joint editor担当:ナップサック問題)

    朝倉書店  2011.10 

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    Responsible for pages:405-406   Language:Japanese  


  • Hybrid Metaheuristics: An Emerging Approach to Optimization

    T. Ibaraki, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura( Role: Joint editorHybrid metaheuristics for packing problems)

    Springer  2008.4 

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    Responsible for pages:185-219   Language:English   Book type:Scholarly book


  • Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics

    S. Imahori, M. Yagiura, H. Nagamochi( Role: Joint editorPractical algorithms for two-dimensional packing)

    Chapman & Hall/CRC  2007.5 

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    Language:English   Book type:Scholarly book


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  • 巡回トーナメント問題における移動回数最小化

    小野隆規, 今堀慎治

    スケジューリング・シンポジウム2023  2023.9 

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    Event date: 2023.9    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Sports scheduling: Number of trips in the traveling tournament problem

    Takaki Ono, Shinji Imahori

    ICIAM 2023  2023.8 

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    Event date: 2023.8    

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 選挙区割問題に対するヒューリスティクスを用いたZDD 構築の効率化

    千原良太, 今堀慎治

    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会  2023.3 

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    Event date: 2023.3    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 巡回トーナメント問題における移動回数最小化

    小野隆規, 今堀慎治

    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会  2023.3 

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    Event date: 2023.3    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 時間枠制約付きチームオリエンテーリング問題に対するパス再結合

    丹治春人, 今堀慎治

    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会  2023.3 

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    Event date: 2023.3    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 自動ピッキングシステム運用計画作成問題に対する高性能発見的解法

    丹治春人, 今堀慎治

    スケジューリングシンポジウム2021  2021.9  スケジューリング学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • オンライン在線位置データを用いた列車遅延伝播の予測アルゴリズムの提案

    春田雅也, 今堀慎治

    日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会春季研究発表会  2020.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 工業的制約付き二次元ビンパッキング問題に対する最適化手法の提案

    久武優一, 今堀慎治

    日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会春季研究発表会  2020.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 統合可能な作業を含む調理スケジューリング問題に対する発見的解法

    平野敬祐, 今堀慎治

    日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会春季研究発表会  2020.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • オンライン在線位置データを用いた列車遅延伝播の予測アルゴリズムの提案

    春田雅也, 今堀慎治

    都市のOR ウインターセミナー2019  2019.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 自動ピッキングシステムの最適運用計画


    スケジューリング学会 第11回最適化とアルゴリズム研究部会  2019.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 統合可能な作業を含む調理スケジューリング問題に対する発見的解法

    平野敬祐, 今堀慎治

    スケジューリングシンポジウム2019  2019.9  スケジューリング学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 組合せ最適化問題に対する効率的アルゴリズムの設計

    Shinji Imahori

    日本OR学会 中部支部 2019年第1回支部講演会  2019.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Two-dimensional rectangular bin packing problem in glass industry International conference

    Shinji Imahori

    EURO 2019  2019.6 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ネットワークにおける経路設計


    OR学会研究部会「離散アルゴリズムの応用と理論」  2018.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 利用者均衡配分に基づく優等列車停車駅の最適化

    山内達貴, 高松瑞代, 今堀慎治

    第55回 鉄道サイバネ・シンポジウム  2018.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • DDoSミティゲーションを可能にするネットワークルーティングアルゴリズム

    増田絢斗, 今堀慎治, 小原泰弘

    電子情報通信学会 コンピュテーション研究会  2018.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 利用者均衡配分に基づく時間帯別列車運行計画の最適化

    山内達貴, 高松瑞代, 今堀慎治

    日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会秋季研究発表会  2018.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ギア配置問題の計算複雑度

    金澤 将吾, 福重浜, ビトル光生, 胡 艶楠, 今堀 慎治, 小野 廣隆, 柳浦 睦憲

    スケジューリング・シンポジウム2018  2018.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 二重総当たりリーグ戦における移動距離の最小化

    平野 敬祐, 阿部 敬太, 今堀 慎治

    スケジューリング・シンポジウム2018  2018.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 順序制約と3ステージカット制約のついた二次元ビンパッキング問題に対する構築型解法と解表現について

    久武 優一, 春田 雅也, 今堀 慎治

    スケジューリング・シンポジウム2018  2018.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 実社会で生じる図形配置問題に対するアルゴリズム設計


    MIMS 現象数理学拠点 共同研究集会  2018.8 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Optimizing train stopping patterns for congestion management International conference

    T. Yamauchi, M. Takamatsu, S. Imahori

    ISMP 2018  2018.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 二重総当たりリーグ戦における移動距離の最小化

    平野敬祐, 阿部敬太, 今堀慎治

    OR学会研究部会「最適化とその応用」  2018.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • エッシャー風タイリング問題に対する効率的な網羅探索アルゴリズムの提案

    永田裕一, 今堀慎治

    情報処理学会 第166回 アルゴリズム研究会  2018.1 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 一般化距離尺度を用いたエッシャー風タイリング問題の網羅的解法

    永田裕一, 今堀慎治

    進化計算シンポジウム2017  2017.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Optimizing train stopping patterns for congestion management International conference

    T. Yamauchi, M. Takamatsu, S. Imahori

    Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems  2017.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 利用者均衡配分に基づく優等列車停車駅の最適化

    山内達貴, 高松瑞代, 今堀慎治

    日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会秋季研究発表会  2017.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 芸術的なタイリング


    RIMS研究集会「数理最適化の発展:モデル化とアルゴリズム」  2017.8 

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  • エッシャー風タイリング


    幾何的数理モデル・アルゴリズムに関する研究会  2017.8 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • エッシャー風タイリングを創るアルゴリズム


    第4回 最適化とアルゴリズム研究部会(スケジューリング学会)  2017.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • レクトリニア多角形詰込問題に対する新しい解表現法の提案

    松下健, 胡艶楠, 橋本英樹, 今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    OR学会 第44回中部支部研究発表会  2017.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Heuristic algorithms for 2D and 3D packing problem

    OR58  2016.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • レクトリニア多角形詰込問題における新しい解表現法

    松下健, 胡艶楠, 橋本英樹, 今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    スケジューリング シンポジウム 2016  2016.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Analysis of solution representation for the rectangle packing problem

    S. Imahori

    13th ESICUP Meeting  2016.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Heuristics for the Bitmap Shape Packing Problem: Efficient Implementations and Placement Strategies

    Y. Hu, S. Fukatsu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    13th ESICUP Meeting  2016.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ギロチンカット制約と配置コストを持つ長方形詰込み問題に対する反復局所探索法

    水野竜太郎, 胡艶楠, 橋本英樹, 今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会春季研究発表会  2016.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • グラフアルゴリズムを用いたスケジューリング


    日本OR学会「最適化の基盤とフロンティア」研究部会  2015.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 図形配置問題に対する高性能アルゴリズムの開発


    日本OR学会中部支部研究会  2015.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Escher-Like Tilings with Weights

    S. Imahori, S. Kawade, Y. Yamakata

    18th Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry and Graphs  2015.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 自動ピッキングシステム運用計画作成問題に対する発見的解法

    今堀慎治, 長谷陽平

    スケジューリング シンポジウム 2015  2015.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ギロチンカット制約を考慮した配置コスト付き長方形詰込み問題に対する反復局所探索法

    水野竜太郎, 胡艶楠, 橋本英樹, 今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    スケジューリング シンポジウム 2015  2015.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • A 1 + O(1/N) Approximation Algorithm for TTP(2)

    S. Imahori

    International Symposium on Scheduling 2015  2015.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Graph-Based Heuristics for Operational Planning and Scheduling Problem in Automatic Picking System

    Y. Hase, S. Imahori

    International Symposium on Scheduling 2015  2015.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • A Heuristic Algorithm for the Container Loading Problem of Challenge Renault/ESICUP

    H. Iwasawa, Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    International Symposium on Scheduling 2015  2015.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • An Exact Algorithm with Successively Strengthened Lower Bounds for the Rectilinear Block Packing Problem

    K. Matsushita, Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    International Symposium on Scheduling 2015  2015.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • The Strip Packing Problem with Soft Rectangles: Experimental Analysis of Heuristic Algorithms

    M. Milano, S. Imahori, M. Sasaki, M. Yagiura

    International Symposium on Scheduling 2015  2015.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • レクトリニア多角形詰め込み問題に対する厳密解法

    松下健, 胡艶楠, 橋本英樹, 今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    日本OR学会研究部会「評価のOR」  2015.5 

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  • 図形配置問題に対する効率的アルゴリズムについて


    自動チューニング研究会 オープンアカデミックセッション  2015.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • A Heuristic Algorithm for the Container Loading Problem of Challenge Renault/ESICUP

    H. Iwasawa, Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    12th ESICUP Meeting  2015.3 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • グラフ理論に基づく自動ピッキングシステムの最適運用計画

    長谷陽平, 今堀慎治

    日本OR学会 第42回中部支部研究発表会  2015.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • グラフ理論に基づく自動ピッキングシステムの最適運用計画

    長谷陽平, 今堀慎治

    日本OR学会 第42回中部支部研究発表会  2015.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 料理名が同じレシピ間の手順構造マッピングによる動作名オントロジーの導出

    山肩洋子, 今堀慎治, 前田浩邦, 森信介

    電子情報通信学会 HCGシンポジウム2014  2014.12 

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  • ギロチンカット制約付き長方形詰込み問題における配置コストの最適化について

    水野竜太郎, 胡艶楠, 橋本英樹, 今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    「都市のOR」ワークショップ2014  2014.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 重み付きプロクラステス距離を用いたエッシャー風タイリング生成

    川出静, 西澤慶亮, 宮田考史, 今堀慎治

    NICOGRAPH 2014  2014.11 

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  • Sequence-Tripleを用いた3次元配置問題に対する局所探索法

    岩澤宏紀, 今堀慎治

    数理解析研究所  2014.9 

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  • 2種類の図形によるタイリング生成における図形の選択方法

    川出静, 今堀慎治

    数理解析研究所  2014.9 

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  • 調理手順文書の自然言語解析結果からの食材・加工からなる作業ツリーの構築

    山肩洋子, 今堀慎治, 前田浩邦, 森信介

    電子情報通信学会  2014.9 

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  • Efficient Local Search Algorithms for Three-Dimensional Packing Using Sequence-Triple

    S. Imahori, H. Iwasawa

    IFORS 2014  2014.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • A Partition-based Heuristic Algorithm for the Large-scale Rectilinear Block Packing Problem

    Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, rn|M. Yagiura

    IFORS 2014  2014.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Efficient Local Search Heuristics for Rectangle Packing Using Sequence-Pair

    H. Iwasawa, S. Imahori

    11th ESICUP Meeting  2014.3 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Efficient Implementations of Construction Heuristic Algorithms for the Rectilinear Block Packing Problem

    Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, rn|M. Yagiura

    11th ESICUP Meeting  2014.3 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 食品の混合袋詰め最適化に対する動的計画法の高速化

    立石賢寿, 軽野義行, 今堀慎治

    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会2014  2014.3 

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  • Constructive Heuristics for the Soft Rectangle Strip Packing Problem

    ミラノマルコ, 今堀慎治, 佐々木美裕, 柳浦睦憲

    日本OR学会中部支部研究発表会  2014.3 

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  • 順列対を用いた長方形配置問題に対する局所探索法 -近傍探索の改良-

    岩澤宏紀, 今堀慎治

    スケジューリング シンポジウム 2013  2013.9 

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  • レシピフローグラフを介したレシピ集合の要約と特徴抽出

    山肩洋子, 今堀慎治, 杉山祐一, 田中克己

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告  2013.9 

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  • 長方形配置問題に対する局所探索法の高速化

    岩澤宏紀, 今堀慎治

    日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会秋季研究発表会  2013.9 

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  • 2種類の図形によるタイリング生成 -図形の接合を用いたアルゴリズムの構築-

    川出静, 今堀慎治

    日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会秋季研究発表会  2013.9 

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  • 将来の増設を考慮した電気自動車用充電施設の配置問題について

    柴田敬太, 今堀慎治

    数理解析研究所  2013.8 

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  • 配送計画問題に対するデータベース付きメタ戦略

    棚橋優, 今堀慎治

    数理解析研究所  2013.8 

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  • エッシャー風タイリング問題に対する局所探索法

    今堀慎治, 酒井翔平

    情報処理学会研究報告|rn|アルゴリズム研究会報告  2013.5 

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  • 3次元箱詰め問題に対する構築型解法の効率的実現法

    田中勇真, 川島大貴, 今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    情報処理学会研究報告|rn|アルゴリズム研究会報告  2013.5 

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  • Construction Heuristic Algorithms for Soft Rectangle Packing

    S. Imahori, C. Wang

    10th ESICUP Meeting  2013.4 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Construction Heuristic Algorithms for the Rectilinear Block Packing Problem

    Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    電子情報通信学会総合大会  2013.3 

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  • 可変長方形配置問題に対する高速アルゴリズム

    今堀慎治, 王超

    日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会春季研究発表会  2013.3 

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  • レクトリニア多角形配置問題に対する高速な構築型解法

    胡艶楠, 橋本英樹, 今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    情報処理学会研究報告|rn|アルゴリズム研究会報告  2012.10 

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  • レクトリニア多角形配置問題に対する構築型解法

    胡艶楠, 橋本英樹, 今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    スケジューリング・シンポジウム2012  2012.9 

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  • An Improved Method for the Escherization Problem

    S. Sakai, S. Imahori

    The 15th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation  2012.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Heuristics for the Rectilinear Block Packing Problem

    Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    日本OR学会中部支部研究発表会  2012.3 

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  • 3次元箱詰め問題に対するbest-fit法の効率的実現法

    田中勇真, 川島大貴, 今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    日本OR学会中部支部研究発表会  2012.3 

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  • Heuristics for the Rectilinear Block Packing Problem

    Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    日本OR学会中部支部研究発表会  2012.3 

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  • 頂点容量制約付き有向全域木パッキング問題に対するラグランジュ緩和に基づく列生成法

    田中勇真, 今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    情報処理学会全国大会  2012.3 

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  • Heuristic Algorithms for Rectilinear Block Packing Problem

    Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    数理解析研究所  2012.1 

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  • タイリング自動生成法

    酒井翔平, 今堀慎治

    2011年度秋季大会(大阪)学術講演  2011.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 3次元パッキング問題に対するbest-fit法の効率的実現法

    川島大貴, 田中勇真, 今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    情報科学技術フォーラム  2011.9 

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  • 複雑な個数制約の付いた一般化割当問題について

    小木曽由明, 今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    数理解析研究所  2011.7 

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  • 頂点容量付き有向全域木パッキング問題に対するラグランジュ緩和ヒューリスティック

    田中勇真, 今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    数理解析研究所  2011.7 

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  • Balanced Round-Robin Tournament with Court Shortage

    S. Imahori

    19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Society  2011.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • リーグ戦スケジュールの構成法 -移動距離の最小化を目指して-

    細江卓矢, 今堀慎治

    第40回数値解析シンポジウム  2011.6 

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  • Two Efficient Construction Algorithms for the Three-Dimensional Strip Packing Problem

    H. Kawashima, Y. Tanaka, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    8th ESICUP Meeting  2011.5 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Enumerating bottom-left stable positions for rectangles with overlap

    S. Imahori, Y. Chien, Y. Tanaka, M. Yagiura

    情報科学技術フォーラム  2010.9 

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  • 3次元箱詰め問題に対する構築型解法の効率的実現法

    川島大貴, 田中勇真, 今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    情報科学技術フォーラム  2010.9 

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  • 複選択型食品袋詰め問題に対する動的計画法

    今堀慎治, 軽野義行, 吉本 結

    JSME annual meeting  2010.9 

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  • ある在庫管理問題に対する分枝限定法の応用

    小島義弘, 山本有作, 今堀慎治, 張紹良

    JSME annual meeting  2010.9 

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  • Bottom-Left安定点の効率的な列挙法とその応用

    今堀慎治, 簡 于耀, 田中勇真, 柳浦睦憲

    数理解析研究所  2010.7 

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  • 3次元パッキングに対する効率的なbottom-left法

    川島大貴, 田中勇真, 今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    数理解析研究所  2010.7 

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  • ある在庫管理問題に対する分枝限定法の応用

    小島義弘, 山本有作, 今堀慎治, 張紹良

    数理解析研究所  2010.7 

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  • An Efficient Algorithm for Enumerating Bottom-Left Stable Positions and Its Applications

    S. Imahori, Y. Chien, Y. Tanaka, M. Yagiura

    24th European Conference on Operational Research  2010.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 3次元箱詰め問題に対する構築型解法の効率的実現法

    川島大貴, 田中勇真, 今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    日本OR学会中部支部研究発表会  2010.3 

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  • Algorithmic Folding Complexity

    J. Cardinal

    Japan Conference on Computational Geometry and Graphs  2009.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Colorful Strips

    G. Aloupis

    Japan Conference on Computational Geometry and Graphs  2009.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • An Improved Approximation Algorithm for the Traveling Tournament Problem

    D. Yamaguchi, S. Imahori, R. Miyashiro, T. Matsui

    The 12th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation  2009.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • New Implementation of the Best-Fit Heuristic for Rectangle Packing and Tight Analysis on Approximation Ratio

    S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    6th ESICUP Meeting  2009.3 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Complexity of Pleat Folding

    伊藤剛志, 清見礼, 今堀慎治, 上原隆平

    数理解析研究所  2009.2 

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  • じゃばら折りの複雑さに関する研究

    伊藤剛志, 清見礼, 今堀慎治, 上原隆平

    情報処理学会研究報告 アルゴリズム研究会報告  2009.1 

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  • 点容量付き内向木詰込問題の計算複雑度

    今堀慎治, 宮本裕一郎, 橋本英樹, 佐々木美裕, 柳浦睦憲

    情報処理学会研究報告 アルゴリズム研究会報告  2008.9 

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  • 点容量付き内向木詰込問題の計算量

    今堀慎治, 宮本裕一郎, 佐々木美裕, 柳浦睦憲

    日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会秋期研究発表会  2008.9 

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  • Improved Best-Fit Heuristics for Rectangular Strip Packing and Bin Packing Problems

    S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization  2008.3 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 資源の有効利用 -パッキング技法の貢献-

    今堀慎治, 梅谷俊治, 柳浦睦憲

    ミニシンポジウム 新世代計算限界と地球環境問題  2007.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Generation of Cutter Paths for Hard Material

    S. Imahori, M. Kushiya, T. Nakashima, K. Sugihara

    The First Hanyang-Tokyo Geometric Workshop  2007.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 大規模な長方形詰込み問題に対する実用的解法

    今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    スケジューリング・シンポジウム2007  2007.9 

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  • 長方形配置問題に対するbest-fit法の効率的な実現

    今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲

    情報処理学会研究報告 アルゴリズム研究会報告  2007.9 

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  • Theoretical and Experimental Comparisons of Heuristic Algorithms for Rectangle Packing Problems

    S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    4th ESICUP Meeting  2007.3 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Bottom Left Heuristics for Strip Packing Problem

    S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

    Dagstuhl Seminar 07112 Abstracts Collection  2007.3 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Cutter-Path Generation for Hard Material

    S. Imahori, M. Kushiya, T. Nakashima, K. Sugihara

    INFORMS International Meeting  2006.6 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • The Traveling Tournament Problem with a Constant Distance Matrix

    S. Imahori, N. Fujiwara, T. Matsui, R. Miyashiro

    INFORMS International Meeting  2006.6 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 2次元パッキング -基本から実用まで-


    日本OR学会 中部支部シンポジウム  2005.9 

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  • An Effective Local Search Algorithm for Strip Packing Problem

    S. Imahori, M. Yagiura, T. Ibaraki

    17th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Society  2005.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Rectangle Packing: How to Represent Solutions

    S. Imahori

    2nd ESICUP meeting  2005.4 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 長方形詰込み問題に対する可変近傍探索法

    今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲, 茨木俊秀

    日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会秋期研究発表会  2004.9 

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  • An Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Convex Time Penalty Functions

    T. Ibaraki

    35th Conference of the Italian Association of Operations Research  2004.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Local Search Algorithms for Two Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem with a Given Number of Patterns

    S. Imahori, M. Yagiura, S. Umetani, S. Adachi, T. Ibaraki

    1st ESICUP meeting  2004.3 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Local Search Algorithms for the Two Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem with a Given Number of Patterns

    今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲, 梅谷俊治, 足達信也, 茨木俊秀

    数理解析研究所  2003.7 

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  • 移動時間コスト関数を考慮した時間枠つき配送計画問題に対する局所探索法

    橋本 英樹, 今堀 慎治, 柳浦 睦憲, 茨木 俊秀

    数理解析研究所  2003.7 

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  • Improved Local Search Algorithms for the Rectangle Packing Problem with General Spatial Costs

    S. Imahori, M. Yagiura, T. Ibaraki

    EURO/INFORMS Joint International Meeting  2003.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Local Search Algorithms for the Two Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem with a Given Number of Patterns


    日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会アルゴリズム研究部会  2003.5 

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  • 配置コストをもつ長方形詰込み問題に対する局所探索法の高速化

    今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲, 茨木俊秀

    情報処理学会研究報告 アルゴリズム研究会報告  2002.11 

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  • 配置コストをもつ長方形詰込み問題に対する局所探索法の高速化

    今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲, 茨木俊秀

    スケジューリングシンポジウム2002  2002.10 

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  • 配置コストをもつ長方形詰込み問題に対する局所探索法の高速化

    今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲, 茨木俊秀

    日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会秋期研究発表会  2002.9 

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  • 配置コストをもつ長方形詰込み問題に対する局所探索法の高速化

    今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲, 茨木俊秀

    数理解析研究所  2002.7 

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  • 配置コストをもつ長方形詰込み問題に対する局所探索法について

    今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲, 茨木俊秀

    日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会秋期研究発表会  2001.9 

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  • 組合せ最適化問題に対する局所探索アルゴリズムの開発について

    今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲, 茨木俊秀

    電子情報通信学会総合大会  2001.3 

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  • 配置コストをもつ二次元配置問題に対する局所探索について

    今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲, 茨木俊秀

    スケジューリングシンポジウム2000  2000.10 

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  • 配置コストをもつ二次元配置問題に対する局所探索について

    今堀慎治, 柳浦睦憲, 茨木俊秀

    日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会秋期研究発表会  2000.9 

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▼display all


  • 2023年度 理工学部ベストティーチャー賞

    2024   中央大学  

    今堀 慎治

  • 2021年度 理工学部ベストティーチャー賞

    2022.5   中央大学  

    今堀 慎治

  • スケジューリング学会 学術賞

    2020.9   スケジューリング学会   統合可能な作業を含む調理スケジューリング問題に対する発見的解法

    平野敬祐, 今堀慎治

  • 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 論文賞

    2019.9   日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会   Efficient Overlap Detection and Construction Algorithms for the Bitmap Shape Packing Problem

    Y. Hu, S. Fulatsu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura

  • スケジューリング学会 技術賞

    2015.9   スケジューリング学会   Graph-Based Heuristics for Operational Planning and Scheduling Problem in Automatic Picking System

    Y. Hase, S. Imahori

  • 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 論文賞

    2015.9   日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会   Enumerating Bottom-Left Stable Positions for Rectangle Placements with Overlap

    S. Imahori, Y. Chien, Y. Tanaka, M. Yagiura

  • Best Paper Award for Scheduling Theory

    2015.7   Inter national symposium on scheduling   巡回トーナメント問題に対する1+O(1/n)近似アルゴリズム

    Shinji Imahori

  • "Third Prize,Challenge ESICUP 2015 - Container Loading, Short Runtime Competition"

    2015.3   EURO Special Interest Group on Cutting and Packing   A Heuristic Algorithm for the Container Loading Problem of Challenge Renault/ESICUP

  • スケジューリング学会 学術賞

    2014.9   スケジューリング学会   順列対を用いた長方形配置問題に対する局所探索法-近傍探索の改良-

  • Best paper award for scheduling theory

    2013.7   International symposium on scheduling   Efficient construction heuristic algorithms for the rectilinear block packing problem

  • Outstanding paper award

    2012.12   IEEE international conference on industrial engineering and engineering management   A local-search based algorithm for the Escherization problem

  • スケジューリング学会 学術賞

    2009.9   スケジューリング学会   大規模な長方形配置問題に対する実用的解法

  • "Best paper presented in the session: Mathematical, Optimization,|rn|Simulation and Modeling"

    2003.7   "World multi-conference on systemics, cybernetics and informatics"   Local search algorithms for the two dimensional cutting stock problem

  • 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 学生論文賞

    2001.9   日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会   配置コストをもつ長方形詰込み問題に対する局所探索法について

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Research Projects

  • Remote dietary advice system by nutritionists using food recording support application with image recognition

    Grant number:22H03993  2022.4 - 2026.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  The University of Tokyo

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    Grant amount: \15990000 ( Direct Cost: \12300000 、 Indirect Cost: \3690000 )


  • 変化に柔軟なスケジューリング手法の開発

    2021.4 - 2025.3

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金(日本学術振興会・文部科学省)-基盤研究(C) 


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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount: \4030000


  • 物流を支える基盤技術としての数理最適化とメタ戦略

    Grant number:20H02388  2020.4 - 2025.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)  名古屋大学

    柳浦 睦憲, 今堀 慎治, 橋本 英樹

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    Grant amount: \17550000 ( Direct Cost: \13500000 、 Indirect Cost: \4050000 )


  • Assistance of multi-media contents generation for supporting learning and teaching of craftsmanship at home

    Grant number:18K11425  2018.4 - 2023.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  The University of Tokyo

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    Grant amount: \4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost: \1020000 )


  • 配置アルゴリズムを核とした実用的最適化手法の開発

    2017.4 - 2021.3

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金(日本学術振興会・文部科学省)-基盤研究(C) 


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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount: \4550000


  • General optimization solvers based on hybrid metaheuristics

    Grant number:15H02969  2015.4 - 2020.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Nagoya University

    Yagiura Mutsunori

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    Grant amount: \17810000 ( Direct Cost: \13700000 、 Indirect Cost: \4110000 )

    With the rapid development of information technology, various types of information have been stored and become available; however, to utilize them to improve the efficiency of operation or production, or to make decisions based on them, problem-solving for large-scale data has become indispensable. Combinatorial optimization problems often appear as important problems to be solved in such situations. In this study, we devised practical optimization solvers for some of the typical combinatorial optimization problems that appear in such problem-solving situations.


  • An Analyzing Method for Diversity of Consumer Generated Recipes from the Viewpoint of Procedural and Representation

    Grant number:26280039  2014.4 - 2019.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 

    Yamakata Yoko, Carroll John

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    Grant amount: \17160000 ( Direct Cost: \13200000 、 Indirect Cost: \3960000 )

    The purpose of this research is to analyze diversity of millions of cooking recipes that are reachable on the Web. In this study, we developed a method to extract the procedural structure from the recipe procedural description by natural language processing technology and analyze the diversity of recipe collection. We annotated Japanese and English recipes for 400 each and constructed Japanese and English recipe corpora. The recognition accuracies of recipe named entity reached 92.6% of F0 in Japanese and 87.2% of F0 in English. Moreover, the estimation accuracy of dependencies between recipe named entities achieved 79.7% of F0 in Japanese and 76.2% of F0 in English. These tools are available online and are used by many research institutes.


  • 配置問題に対する高性能アルゴリズムの開発とその応用

    2013.4 - 2017.3

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金(日本学術振興会・文部科学省) 


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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount: \4940000


  • Tiling Engineering: Computation of Tiles Close to Desired Figures

    Grant number:24360039  2012.4 - 2016.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Meiji University


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    Grant amount: \17550000 ( Direct Cost: \13500000 、 Indirect Cost: \4050000 )

    Algorithms for creating tiling patterns were constructed for two types of artistic styles of tiling proposed by Dutch artist Escher. The first style is a regular subdivision of the plane. An existing algorithm for finding a tilable pattern closest to an input figure was improved so that the important features of the input figure are preserved in finding the closeset tilable pattern. The second style is a figure-ground reversal in Escher's artpiece "Sky and Water".
    The figure-ground interaction of two figures was extended to the interaction of three figures. Moreover, the figure-ground reversal was extended to the reversal depending on the view directions, while Eshcer's original style is the reversal depending on the locations. The resulting algorithms can be used by non-specialists to create artistic patterns automatically.


  • Fast solution for ultra-large scale systems as a basis of computational materials science

    Grant number:22104004  2010.4 - 2015.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)  Nagoya University

    ZHANG Shao-Liang, ABE Kuniyoshi, YAMAMOTO Yusaku, SOGABE Tomohiro, IMAHORI Shinji, MIYATA Takahumi, SUGIHARA Masaaki

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    Grant amount: \43550000 ( Direct Cost: \33500000 、 Indirect Cost: \10050000 )

    Finding novel complex correlation phenomena and clarifying the non-equilibrium dynamics are of prime importance in the field of materials design. This research group tackles the challenging problems from the viewpoints of numerical linear algebra, optimization and high-performance computing. The major purpose of the researches is to develop robust and efficient numerical algorithms for solving large linear systems and eigenvalue problems in order to shed light on a breakthrough toward the challenging problems. Some of numrical algrotihms for solving linear systems we developed are as follows: the shifted COCR method for solving shifted complex symmetric linear systems; the look back GMRES(m) method for nonsymmetric linear systems; a variand of the IDR(s) method for nonsymmetric linear systems. Some of numrical algrotihms for solving eigenvalue problems we developed are as follows: the Arnoldi(M,W,G) method; an extension of the SS method;


  • Development of high-performance parallel metaheuristic algorithms

    Grant number:22700005  2010.4 - 2014.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)  Nagoya University

    IMAHORI Shinji

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    Grant amount: \3380000 ( Direct Cost: \2600000 、 Indirect Cost: \780000 )

    The purpose of this research project is to improve metaheuristic algorithms with respect to speed and solution quality. We design hybrid metaheuristic algorithms, which are based on metaheuristic algorithms and several mathematical programming techniques including dynamic programming and branch-and-bound method. We treat many combinatorial optimization problems including cutting and packing problem, scheduling problem and network design optimization problem. For each problem, we could develop high performance metaheuristic algorithms.


  • Study of hybrid metaheuristics as fundamental algorithms in information science

    Grant number:20300004  2008 - 2012

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Nagoya University

    YAGIURA Mutsunori, NONOBE Koji, UMETANI Shunji, UMETANI Shunji, IMAHORI Shinji, HASHIMOTO Hideki

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    Grant amount: \18720000 ( Direct Cost: \14400000 、 Indirect Cost: \4320000 )

    Combinatorial optimization problems involve many real-world applications and it is very important to design efficient algorithms to solve them. Metaheuristics are known as indispensable tools to solve difficult combinatorial optimization problems. In this research project, we pursued a framework called hybrid metaheuristics to find general methodologies to design efficient algorithms by incorporating into metaheuristics various techniques such as mathematical programming, dynamic programming, algorithm design theory, enumeration algorithms and so forth.


  • Construction of robust geometric computation algorithms for time-varying spaces

    Grant number:20360044  2008 - 2011

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 

    SUGIHARA Kokichi, IMAHORI Shinji

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    Grant amount: \18070000 ( Direct Cost: \13900000 、 Indirect Cost: \4170000 )

    Robust geometric algorithms were constructed in three examples of time-varying spaces. First, algorithms for computing shortest paths for a boat in a time-varying flow field was constructed, and were applied to rescue-boat path planning and computation of rescue-boat Voronoi diagrams. Second, mathematical models of subjective depth perception was constructed and was applied to the design of new illusions named impossible motions. Third, a robust method was constructed to find a cutter path that can avoid vibration due to the change of the material shape.


  • Studies on heuristic algorithms for cutting and packing problems

    Grant number:18700005  2006 - 2008

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)  The University of Tokyo

    IMAHORI Shinji

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    Grant amount: \3770000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost: \270000 )


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