Updated on 2024/09/20


Faculty of Economics Associate Professor
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Economics Course of Graduate School of Economics, Master's Program
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  • 博士(経済学) ( 東京大学 )

  • 修士(経済学) ( 東京大学 )


  • 2013.3

    The University of Tokyo   doctor course   completed

  • 2008.3

    The University of Tokyo   master course   completed

  • 2006.3

    The University of Tokyo   graduated

  • 2002.3

    私立櫻蔭高等学校   graduated

Research History

  • 2019.4 -  


  • 2014.10 - 2019.3


  • 2014.4 - 2015.3


  • 2013.4 - 2015.3


  • 2013.4 - 2014.9


  • 2008.4 - 2011.3


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Professional Memberships

  • 社会経済史学会員

  • 経営史学会員

  • 政治経済学経済史学会員

  • 史学会員

  • 社会政策学会

Research Interests

  • cooperative

  • local economy

  • "micro-credit, micro-finance"

  • postal savings bank

  • 政策金融

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic history  / Economic history


  • 日本の最低賃金制度に農家家計行動がもたらした影響の検討 : 男女間・正規非正規雇用間賃金格差における歴史的経路依存性—井村進哉教授古稀記念論文集

    田中 光

    經濟學論纂 = The journal of economics   64 ( 3・4 )   181 - 198   2024.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:八王子 : 中央大学経済学研究会 ; 1960-  

    CiNii Books

    CiNii Research


  • 近世在郷商人から近代的起業家へ-兵庫県印南郡稲岡商店による輸出向タオル製造の事例 Reviewed

    経営史学   58 ( 2 )   3 - 29   2023.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • 戦前多摩地域の郵便貯金 Invited

    多摩のあゆみ   ( 187 )   80 - 89   2022.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:たましん地域文化財団  


  • <Article>Comparative Historical Study on Cooperative Banks in Japan and Germany Reviewed

    TANAKA Yoko, TANAKA Hikaru

    12   45 - 62   2020

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Master's and Doctoral Program in International and Advanced Japanese Studies, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba  

    In the industrialization process in Germany and Japan, cooperative banks have taken a significant role to support local economy in the agricultural regions. In Germany it is Raiffeisen-kasse, born in the middle of 19th century, now Raiffeisenbank/VR Bank, and in Japan it is Sangyo-kumiai (cooperative), born in 1900, now Japan Agricultural Cooperatives (JA). These cooperative banks kept developing after the second World War and high economic growth, making their central bank competitive to the biggest private banks in both countries. In spite of many similarities in two countries, however, their social evaluation became critically divergent particularly in 21st century: in Japan claims on abolition the cooperatives have become louder, while in Germany, especially after Lehman-shock, the cooperatives got more evaluated as an important means of sustainable development. Here we focus on the similar but divergent development of cooperative banks in Germany and Japan, which have been seldom dealt in academic discussions, and examine why this kind of divergence made its appearance through historical comparative study on two countries. Particularly we focus on the significance of the community-based role of cooperative banks which responds to the diversified local financial needs through their microcredit loans. We examined the continuity and disconnection of this financial activities of cooperative banks in the local economy through their historical development before and after the War. As a result we could argue that on one hand in Japanese cooperative banks they have been exposed to the continuous political pressure that their financing would be limited only to agricultural loans, so that they could not adequately respond to the more diversified small credits. On the other hand in Germany, just as the example of GLS Bank shows, they have developed methods to respond the more diversified financial needs in local economy, where cooperative banks were evaluated as the means for sustainable development.

    DOI: 10.15068/00159583

    CiNii Books

    CiNii Research


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/030276595

  • 日本とドイツの地方経済における協同組合の発展経路とその役割 Invited

    協同組合奨励研究報告   44   45 - 69   2019.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • 地方経済における協同組合金融の発展経路とその役割-日独の事例から Invited

    国民経済雑誌   218 ( 6 )   85 - 102   2018.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  • 長期不況に対抗する協同組合の経営戦略-戦間期日本長野県和村の産業組合の事例から Reviewed


    経営史学   52 ( 2 )   3 - 28   2017.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Books


  • 個人少額貯蓄の地域経済に対する社会経済的な影響 Invited


    国民経済雑誌   215 ( 2 )   69 - 83   2017.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:神戸大学経済経営学会  

    CiNii Books


  • 戦前の長期不況と満州移民計画


    清内路 歴史と文化   ( 6 )   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:清内路歴史と文化研究会  


  • The development of the Japanese Ministry of Finance Savings Deposit Fund management system for local re-allocation during the interwar period : a case study of the 1927 Nagano Prefecture relief loans for severe frost damage Reviewed


    社会経済史学   79 ( 3 )   49 - 68   2013.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Socio-Economic History Society  

    The Japanese economy went through extreme difficulties in the interwar period. As rural areas in particular were gravely affected, the Ministry of Finance Savings Deposit Fund (MoF-SDF) and its financial network tried to aid local businesses in crisis times. The 1927 relief loan by MoF-SDF was a benchmark cases for developing the financial network's core mission. Operation of the MoF-SDF (which largely consisted of Postal Savings Deposits) was in the hands of the Ministry of Finance. Basic operation rules for local re-allocation of MoF-SDF were first determined in 1909. After that, strong bonds were developed between MoF-SDF, Japan Kangyo Bank, Agro-industrial local banks and cooperatives. This financial network was already established before the interwar period. The re-allocation system which was mainly aimed at supporting recovery from natural disasters, also promoted local economic development. In 1925, MoF-SDF was legally reformed, but the reform did not fundamentally alter the re-allocation management system. When severe and wide frost damage occurred in Nagano prefecture during the Japanese Financial Crisis in 1927, MoF-SDF tooke the lead in supplying a huge relief loan. This loan contributed to the development of the financial network, increasing its socio-economic power in rural society.

    CiNii Books


  • The redistribution of Ministry of Finance savings deposit investment funds to the local level and the formation of Japan's regional finance system : The socioeconomic influence of economic relief funds Reviewed

    TANAKA Hikaru

    SHIGAKU ZASSHI   122 ( 4 )   498 - 523   2013.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Historical Society of Japan  

    By the early 20th century, saving deposit investment funds managed by the Ministry of Finance (MoF-SDIF), which were mainly derived from postal savings deposits, had developed into a relatively large financial aggregate, as large-scale capital accumulation was now occurring outside of the "multi-layered financial structure" formed by the Bank of Japan and commercial banking system. However, the research to date on the subject seldom delves into the actual management style and specific influence of such MoF investment funds, merely assuming that during the World War interim period, there was some financial route in place for plowing MoF-SDIF (according to guidelines set in 1909) back into local economies through special financial institutions, such as the Nihon Industrial Development (Kangyo) Bank, agri-industrial banks and the central financial depositories of industrial cooperatives. This article attempts to clarify the characteristic structural features of that investment route and the process by which it was firmly put in place. To begin with, in the absence of legal provisions governing the management and use of SDIF, investment routes and practices were established by custom within the actual process of distributing the funds. As to how the system of plowing SDIF back into local economies was providing capital through the above-mentioned special financial institutions in response to the capital demands of society as a whole and regarding the influence of the system on local society and its financial structure, it functioned to reorganize existing financial institutions and their structure of transactions by providing a modernized financial assistance bridge to individual industrial cooperatives, small and medium scale businesses and existing locally based organizations. The author then turns to the institutional and regional issues involved, by citing specific cases of how the system's role in providing economic relief funds on an individual basis was perceived in determining the character of the financial system as a whole. In more concrete terms, the author focuses mainly on the case of Nagano Prefecture, describing the influence of the system after the firm institutional establishment of the MoF savings deposit department during the Meiji era in organizing the first nationwide relief funding effort following the outbreak of Word War I and providing relief finance during economic downturn which marked the war interim period.

    DOI: 10.24471/shigaku.122.4_498

    CiNii Books


  • 大恐慌期と清内路村 Invited


    清内路 歴史と文化   ( 4 )   29 - 38   2013.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:清内路歴史と文化編集委員会  


  • 大蔵省預金部資金の地方還元機能-1914年緊急救済融資と長野県 Reviewed


    社会経済史学   78 ( 1 )   119 - 141   2012.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:社会経済史学会  

    The Ministry of Finance Savings Deposit Fund (MoF-SDF), which mainly derived from Postal Savings Deposits, had developed into a relatively large fund by the early 20th century. Previous studies have shown the importance of this fund's role in the Japanese financial system, but there is a lack of concrete research based on primary sources. One of the aims of the Postal Savings Deposit system was encouragement of self-help among ordinary people, and from this we can see that from the beginning the MoF-SDF had a social security function. However, the fund gradually gained an economic development support function also. MoF-SDF's basic operation rules were first determined in 1909. In addition to the large part of the fund invested in national bonds for stability, the new operating concept called for capital re-allocation to the regions. In the early days of this program, a 'special fund' of MoF-SDF was allocated explicitly for re-construction following natural disasters. The bailout for export industries in 1914 was the first time the MoF-SDF was used for relief in an economic crisis, rather than one from a natural disaster. After this event, MoF-SDF began to allocate funds in economic bad times. This paper examines the 1914 bailout process as a way to understand the role played by the MoF-SDF loan program. As Nagano prefecture received the largest allocation from this relief program, I have taken Nagano's case as an example.

    DOI: 10.20624/sehs.78.1_119

    CiNii Books


  • 近代日本の地域経済発展と産業組合-長野県小県郡和村の事例- Reviewed


    経営史学   46 ( 4 )   3 - 22   2012.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:経営史学会  

    CiNii Books


  • 近代における救済システムと社会構造の関係性-大蔵省預金部資金制度と清内路村- Invited


    清内路 歴史と文化   ( 3 )   83 - 100   2012.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:清内路歴史と文化編集委員会  


  • 20世紀初頭における郵便貯金と大衆貯蓄行動-静岡県三島町の事例を中心に Reviewed


    歴史と経済   54 ( 214 )   16 - 31   2012.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:政治経済学・経済史学会  

    The Japanese savings rate rose to around 10 percent in the early 20th century. The growth of individual savings supported and stabilized this high savings rate. This paper examines how and why the individual savings grew in modern Japan. The Japanese Postal Savings Bank was the first nation-wide saving bank for ordinary people's small savings, and became generally popular at the beginning of 20th century as the savings rate rose. This paper therefore focuses on the spread of the Postal Saving Bank's individual deposit accounts. Previous studies have revealed that central government policy promoting individual savings affected deposits in the Postal Savings Bank. But government policy was not the only factor which induced people to save. Various local organizations and their actions also widely affected ordinary people's saving behaviors. The experience of Mishima City in Shizuoka Prefecture provides a good example of how saving behavior spread in local society. In Mishima, new modern organizations such as the local post office, elementary schools and local government, were well aware of the central government policy promoting savings, and additionally they had influence in the local community. To give one example, Mishima elementary school cooperated with Mishima post office to promote making small savings to parents through school children. As the government implemented systems to promote postal savings, local community leaders tried to utilize those systems. Additionally, these local leaders did not just accept this policy; to a certain extent they could also give advice to government about it. It was not only the modern but also the older parts of society that joined in the promotion of savings. In Mishima, local small savings organizations such as mujin (pre-modern mutual financing communities) and local residents' unions were promoted by local government and local post offices. Although there were a variety of purposes for savings, these savings movements lead the growth of small deposits in local modern banks, similar to postal savings. As the postal savings system developed in local communities, pre-modern collective savings were integrated to the modern system and the new generation was trained in the concept of saving. This happened all over Japan, not only in Mishima. In the early 20th century, Japanese local society was in many respects being reconstructed. Savings behavior and the promotion of individual saving was one typical trend in this process. This movement affected the Japanese national savings rate, and to a certain extent supported capital accumulation for Japanese modernization.

    DOI: 10.20633/rekishitokeizai.54.2_16

    CiNii Books


  • 現代から過去へ、過去から現代へ-『平成18年清内路村議会会議録綴』から- Invited


    清内路 歴史と文化   ( 2 )   102 - 108   2011.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:清内路歴史と文化編集委員会  


  • 清内路下区における青年会の展開-近世村落共同体から近代村落共同体へ Invited


    清内路 歴史と文化   ( 1 )   72 - 79   2010.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:清内路歴史と文化編集委員会  


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  • やっぱり経済学はおもしろい! : 高校の勉強ってどう役立つの?

    中央大学経済学部( Role: Contributor第六章 時代の変動を経済学から理解する)

    中央大学出版部  2023.7  ( ISBN:9784805727126

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    Total pages:v, 184p   Language:Japanese  


  • もう一つの金融システム-近代日本とマイクロクレジット

    ( Role: Sole author)

    名古屋大学出版会  2018.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 山里清内路の社会構造

    吉田伸之( Role: Contributor近世から近代初期における共同体機能の変遷-青年会と区会に注目して)

    山川出版  2018.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book



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  • 地方名望家的企業家から近代輸出産業企業家へ-兵庫県印南郡稲岡商店によるタオル製造の事例-

    社会経済史学会全国大会  2022.4  社会経済史学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • The rise of Japanese cotton industry in the modern global market; the origin of their international competitiveness International conference

    World Conference of Business History  ( 名古屋 )   2021.9  経営史学会(日本)、EBHC(欧州)

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 戦後日本農村部における家計収入の多様性が最低賃金概念に及ぼした影響に関する一試論

    社会政策学会第138回全国大会  ( 高知 )   2019.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 明治末期における輸出産業としての地域産業-兵庫県加古川市稲岡工業のタオル製造の事例から

    経営史学会全国大会  ( 京都 )   2018.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Hidden precariousness; what temporary workers from rural areas put in Japanese society during Japanese high economic growth period? International conference

    WEHC  ( Boston, USA )   2018.7 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


  • Effect of cooperative on regional economic equality during interwar period in Japan International conference


    World Economic History Conference  ( 国立京都国際会館 )   2015.8  International Economic History Association

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Information flow in bailout process for local economy: A case study of Modern Japan during 1910-20s International conference


    World Economic History Conference  ( 国立京都国際会館 )   2015.8  International Economic History Association

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 近代日本における中央卸売市場システムの変化と継続性-大蔵省預金部資金と築地市場の近代化


    社会経済史学会全国大会  ( 早稲田大学 )   2015.5  社会経済史学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 長期不況に対抗する協同組合の経営戦略 -戦間期日本長野県和村の産業組合の事例から


    経営史学会第50回全国大会  ( 文京学院大学 )   2014.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 大蔵省預金部資金運用委員会設立の具体的な役割と意義 -1925年預金部改革の政治経済的影響


    社会経済史学会第83回(2014年度)全国大会  ( 同志社大学 )   2014.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


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  • 経営史学会・出版文化社賞(奨励賞)

    2018.9   経営史学会   対象論文:田中光「長期不況に対抗する協同組合の経営戦略-戦間期日本長野県和村の産業組合の事例から」『経営史学』52巻2号(2017年9月)3-28頁

Research Projects

  • 洋式消費財産業の展開とアジア間貿易圏――「中小商工業者」の政治経済的役割

    Grant number:22K01614  2022.4 - 2026.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)  基盤研究(C)  東洋大学

    渡辺 千尋, 田中 光, 佐々木 淳, 今泉 ひとみ

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    Grant amount: \4030000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 、 Indirect Cost: \930000 )


  • 20世紀前半期日本における生業・生活金融の地域的展開に関する総合的研究

    Grant number:21H00735  2021.4 - 2025.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)  基盤研究(B)  慶應義塾大学

    中西 聡, 佐藤 政則, 今城 徹, 邉 英治, 新井 大輔, 内藤 隆夫, つる見 誠良, 金城 亜紀, 早川 大介, 岩間 剛城, 落合 功, 小島 庸平, 田中 光

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    Grant amount: \17160000 ( Direct Cost: \13200000 、 Indirect Cost: \3960000 )


  • Analysis of socio-economic function of finance by government and cooperatives in Japan

    Grant number:20K13545  2020.4 - 2024.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists  Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists  Chuo University

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    Grant amount: \3770000 ( Direct Cost: \2900000 、 Indirect Cost: \870000 )


  • Geographical Broadening of Local Financial Institutions in 19-20th century Japan

    Grant number:18H00875  2018.4 - 2023.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  The University of Tokyo

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    Grant amount: \10270000 ( Direct Cost: \7900000 、 Indirect Cost: \2370000 )


  • The development of the Western style consumer goods industry in prewar Japan: A case study of the towel weaving firm, Inaoka Shoten.

    Grant number:18K01738  2018.4 - 2022.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Ryukoku University


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    Grant amount: \4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost: \1020000 )

    In this joint research, we have examined the management development of Inaoka Shoten(Kakogawa City, Hyogo Prefecture,1891-1961), which is involved in the towel manufacturing industry, from the end of the Edo period to around the end of World War I. As a result, through a case study of Inaoka Shoten, we found that the towel manufacturing industry, which was one of the Western-style consumer goods industries, was newly established and developed in prewar Japan.


Allotted class

  • 2024   Introductory Seminar   Department

  • 2024   Japanese Economic History   Department

  • 2024   Seminar 1   Department

  • 2024   Seminar 2   Department

  • 2024   Seminar Thesis   Department

  • 2024   Interdisciplinary Lecture Ⅳ   Department

  • 2024   Introduction to Economic History   Graduate school

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Teaching Experience

  • IFEEK特別演習ⅠB


  • IFEEK特別演習ⅢA


  • Japanese Economy


  • 日本経済発展論


  • 日本経済論


  • 日本経済論(経路依存性から見る社会経済)


  • 日本経済論(経路依存性から見る社会経済)特殊講義


  • IFEEK Special Seminar ⅠB

    Institution:Kobe University

  • IFEEK Special Seminar ⅢA

    Institution:Kobe University

  • Japanese Economic Development

    Institution:Kobe University

  • Japanese Economy

    Institution:Kobe University

  • Japanese Economy (With the view point of path dependence)

    Institution:Kobe University

  • Special Lecture on Japanese Economy(With the View Point of Path Dependence)

    Institution:Kobe University

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